- G_BAND - Static variable in class omeis.providers.re.RGBBuffer
Index of the green band in the image's data buffer.
- gain - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
- GAIN - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
- gain - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
- GAIN - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
- Gateway - Class in omero.gateway
A Gateway for simplifying access to an OMERO server
- Gateway(Logger) - Constructor for class omero.gateway.Gateway
Creates a new Gateway instance
- Gateway(Logger, CacheService) - Constructor for class omero.gateway.Gateway
Creates a new Gateway instance
- Gateway(Logger, CacheService, ExecutorService, boolean) - Constructor for class omero.gateway.Gateway
Creates a new Gateway instance
- GENERAL_ERROR - Static variable in class omero.gateway.model.SearchResultCollection
Some other error
- generate(SessionImplementor, Object) - Method in class ome.util.TableIdGenerator
- generateRandomPasswd() - Method in class ome.security.auth.PasswordUtil
- generateRepoUuid() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.AbstractRepositoryI
Called when this repository is creating a new OriginalFile
repository object.
- generateRepoUuid() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.ScriptRepositoryI
- generateScriptParams(long, boolean, Current) - Method in class omero.grid.ParamsHelper
Acquires an InteractiveProcessorPrx
and runs a ParseJob
- generateThumbnails(ThumbnailGenerationJob) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.ManagedImportRequestI
- generateTiff_async(AMD_Exporter_generateTiff, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ExporterI
- generateXml(MetadataRetrieve) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ExporterI
- generateXml_async(AMD_Exporter_generateXml, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ExporterI
Generate XML and return the length
- GenericEnumType<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>> - Class in ome.model.units
- GenericEnumType() - Constructor for class ome.model.units.GenericEnumType
- GenericExcitationSource - Class in ome.model.acquisition
- GenericExcitationSource() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
- GenericExcitationSource(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
- GenericExcitationSource(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
Main constructor.
- geomTool - Variable in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RoiI
- GeomTool - Class in ome.services.roi
Strategy for handling the conversion between shapes
database-specific geometries.
- GeomTool(PixelData, SqlAction, SessionFactory) - Constructor for class ome.services.roi.GeomTool
- GeomTool(PixelData, SqlAction, SessionFactory, Executor, String) - Constructor for class ome.services.roi.GeomTool
- get(Class<T>, long) - Method in interface ome.api.IQuery
lookup an entity by class and id.
- get() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig.FileValue
- get() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig.Value
Returns the generic type contained by this holder.
- get(Class, long) - Method in class ome.logic.QueryImpl
- get(String) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
lookup a QueryParameter by name.
- get(String, DirContextAdapter) - Method in class ome.security.auth.GroupContextMapper
- get(String, DirContextAdapter) - Method in class ome.security.auth.PersonContextMapper
- get() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.util.ResultHolder
- get(Session, Class, long) - Method in class ome.services.fulltext.FullTextIndexer
- get(Object) - Method in class ome.services.query.Definitions
- get(String) - Method in class ome.services.query.Query
- get(PixelBuffer, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ome.services.roi.PixelData
- get() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionContext.Count
Return the current number of references which this session is aware of.
- get(long) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.BlobShareStore
- get(long) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareStore
- get(Future<T>) - Method in interface ome.services.util.Executor
Helper method to perform Future.get()
and properly unwrap the
- get(Future<T>) - Method in class ome.services.util.Executor.Impl
- get(int) - Method in class ome.util.mem.CopiableArray
Return the
at the specified position.
- get(int) - Method in class ome.util.mem.ReadOnlyByteArray
Reads the element at the index
position within this slice.
- get(int) - Method in class omero.util.ReadOnlyByteArray
Reads the element at the index
position within this
- get(Identity) - Method in class omero.util.ServantHolder
- get75thPercentile() - Method in class ome.system.metrics.DefaultSnapshot
- get75thPercentile() - Method in interface ome.system.metrics.Snapshot
- get95thPercentile() - Method in class ome.system.metrics.DefaultSnapshot
- get95thPercentile() - Method in interface ome.system.metrics.Snapshot
- get98thPercentile() - Method in class ome.system.metrics.DefaultSnapshot
- get98thPercentile() - Method in interface ome.system.metrics.Snapshot
- get999thPercentile() - Method in class ome.system.metrics.DefaultSnapshot
- get999thPercentile() - Method in interface ome.system.metrics.Snapshot
- get99thPercentile() - Method in class ome.system.metrics.DefaultSnapshot
- get99thPercentile() - Method in interface ome.system.metrics.Snapshot
- get_async(AMD_IQuery_get, String, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.QueryI
- getA0() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.codomain.ContrastStretchingContext
Returns the slope of the first line.
- getA00() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
Simple field ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.a00 (java.lang.Double)
- getA01() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
Simple field ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.a01 (java.lang.Double)
- getA02() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
Simple field ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.a02 (java.lang.Double)
- getA1() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.codomain.ContrastStretchingContext
Returns the slope of the second line.
- getA10() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
Simple field ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.a10 (java.lang.Double)
- getA11() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
Simple field ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.a11 (java.lang.Double)
- getA12() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
Simple field ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.a12 (java.lang.Double)
- getA2() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.codomain.ContrastStretchingContext
Returns the slope of the third line.
- getAbsolutePath() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorContainer
get path for file
- getAbsolutePath() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FileData
Returns the absolute path.
- getAbsolutePaths() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FilesetData
Returns the collections of absolute paths.
- getAcquisitionData() - Method in class omero.sys.ParametersI
- getAcquisitionDate() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Simple field ome.model.core.Image.acquisitionDate (java.sql.Timestamp)
- getAcquisitionDate() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageData
Returns the acquisition date.
- getAction() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
Simple field ome.model.meta.EventLog.action (java.lang.String)
- getAction() - Method in class ome.services.mail.ObjectMailSender
- getActionForStarting() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.Chgrp2I
- getActionForStarting() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.Chmod2I
- getActionForStarting() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.Chown2I
- getActionForStarting() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.Delete2I
- getActionForStarting() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.DuplicateI
- getActionForStarting() - Method in interface omero.cmd.graphs.WrappableRequest
- getActive() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.active (java.lang.Boolean)
- getActive() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
Simple field ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.active (java.lang.Boolean)
- getActive() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
Simple field ome.model.meta.Share.active (java.lang.Boolean)
- getActiveConnections(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
Gets actual active connections to
- getActiveConnections(long) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- getActiveConnections_async(AMD_IShare_getActiveConnections, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- getAdapter() - Method in class omero.client
- getAdapter() - Method in class omero.cmd.SessionI
- getAdminPrivileges(Experimenter) - Method in interface ome.api.IAdmin
Gets the light administrator privileges for the given user.
- getAdminPrivileges(Experimenter) - Method in class ome.logic.AdminImpl
- getAdminPrivileges() - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicEventContext
- getAdminPrivileges() - Method in class ome.security.basic.CurrentDetails
- getAdminPrivileges(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.AdminFacility
Get the logged in user's admin privileges
(see omero.model.enums)
- getAdminPrivileges(SecurityContext, ExperimenterData) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.AdminFacility
Get the admin privileges of a certain user
(see omero.model.enums)
- getAdminPrivileges_async(AMD_IAdmin_getAdminPrivileges, Experimenter, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.AdminI
- getAdminService(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
- getAdminService() - Method in class ome.system.ServiceFactory
- getAdminService(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the IAdminPrx
- getAdminService(SecurityContext, boolean) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the IAdminPrx
- getAdminSession() - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.fire.Registry
Create a new AdminSessionPrx
with the
- getAdminSession() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.fire.Registry.Impl
- getAdminsWithPrivileges(List<AdminPrivilege>) - Method in interface ome.api.IAdmin
Gets the administrators who have all the given privileges.
- getAdminsWithPrivileges(List<AdminPrivilege>) - Method in class ome.logic.AdminImpl
- getAdminsWithPrivileges_async(AMD_IAdmin_getAdminsWithPrivileges, List<AdminPrivilege>, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.AdminI
- getAgent(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.fire.SessionManagerI
- getAirPressure() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.airPressure (ome.model.units.Pressure)
- getAirPressure(UnitsPressure) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageAcquisitionData
Returns the air pressure.
- getAll(String) - Method in class ome.security.auth.AttributeSet
- getAllChecksumAlgorithms() - Static method in class ome.services.blitz.util.ChecksumAlgorithmMapper
- getAllClasses() - Method in class ome.services.graphs.GraphPathBean
Get all the classes mapped by Hibernate.
- getAllDatasets() - Method in interface ome.api.IAnalysis
- getAllEnumerations(Class<T>) - Method in interface ome.api.IPixels
Retrieves the exhaustive list of enumerations for a given enumeration
- getAllEnumerations(Class<T>) - Method in class ome.logic.PixelsImpl
- getAllEnumerations_async(AMD_IPixels_getAllEnumerations, String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.PixelsI
- getAllForImage(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IAnalysis
- getAllGuests(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
Get the email addresses for all share guests.
- getAllGuests(long) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- getAllGuests_async(AMD_IShare_getAllGuests, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- getAllMembers(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
Get all
who are a member of the share.
- getAllMembers(long) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- getAllMembers_async(AMD_IShare_getAllMembers, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- getAllPixels() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageData
Returns all the sets of pixels related to this image.
- getAllPrivileges() - Static method in class ome.security.basic.LightAdminPrivileges
- getAllSystemUsers(boolean) - Method in class ome.services.mail.MailSender
- getAllUsers(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
Get a single set containing the
login names
of the users as well email addresses for guests.
- getAllUsers(long) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- getAllUsers_async(AMD_IShare_getAllUsers, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- getAlpha() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
Simple field ome.model.core.Channel.alpha (java.lang.Integer)
- getAlpha() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.alpha (java.lang.Integer)
- getAlpha() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Simple field ome.model.screen.Well.alpha (java.lang.Integer)
- getAlpha() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.WellData
Returns the alpha component of the color associated to the well,
or -1
- getAmplificationGain() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Detector.amplificationGain (java.lang.Double)
- getAmplificationGain() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DetectorData
Returns the amplification gain of the detector.
- getAnalysisService() - Method in class ome.system.ServiceFactory
- getAndLogException(Throwable) - Method in class ome.services.util.ServiceHandler
- getAnnotatableTypes() - Method in interface ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata
Returns all the classes which implement
- getAnnotatableTypes() - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata.Impl
- getAnnotatedObject(IObject) - Static method in class omero.gateway.util.ModelMapper
Returns the annotated IObject related to the specified annotation.
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationObject(IObject) - Static method in class omero.gateway.util.ModelMapper
Returns the annotation represented by the specified link
- getAnnotations(SecurityContext, DataObject) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.MetadataFacility
- getAnnotations(SecurityContext, DataObject, List<Class<? extends AnnotationData>>, List<Long>) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.MetadataFacility
- getAnnotations(SecurityContext, List<? extends DataObject>, List<Class<? extends AnnotationData>>, List<Long>) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.MetadataFacility
- getAnnotations() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DatasetData
Returns the annotations related to this dataset.
- getAnnotations() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageData
Returns the annotations
- getAnnotationsCounts() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DatasetData
Returns the number of annotations linked to the object, key: id of the
user, value: number of annotation.
- getAnnotationsCounts() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageData
Returns the number of annotations linked to the object, key: id of the
user, value: number of annotation.
- getAnnotationsCounts() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PlateAcquisitionData
Returns the number of annotations linked to the object, key: id of the
user, value: number of annotation.
- getAnnotationsCounts() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PlateData
Returns the number of annotations linked to the object, key: id of the
user, value: number of annotation.
- getAnnotationsCounts() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ProjectData
Returns the number of annotations linked to the object, key: id of the
user, value: number of annotation.
- getAnnotationsCounts() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ScreenData
Returns the number of annotations linked to the object, key: id of the
user, value: number of annotation.
- getAnnotationsCounts() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.WellData
Returns the number of annotations linked to the object, key: id of the
user, value: number of annotation.
- getAnnotationTypes() - Method in interface ome.api.ITypes
Returns a list of classes which implement
- getAnnotationTypes() - Method in class ome.logic.TypesImpl
- getAnnotationTypes() - Method in interface ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata
- getAnnotationTypes() - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata.Impl
- getAnnotationTypes_async(AMD_ITypes_getAnnotationTypes, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.TypesI
- getApplicationName() - Method in class omero.gateway.LoginCredentials
- getAppTitle() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- getAppTitle() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.IniFileLoader
- getAppVersion() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorContainer
- getArchived() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Simple field ome.model.core.Image.archived (java.lang.Boolean)
- getArguments() - Method in class omero.gateway.LoginCredentials
Returns the arguments if set as a read-only list.
- getArray() - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.SqlArray
- getArray(long, int) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.SqlArray
- getArray(Map<String, Class<?>>) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.SqlArray
- getArray(long, int, Map<String, Class<?>>) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.SqlArray
- getAtime() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Simple field ome.model.core.OriginalFile.atime (java.sql.Timestamp)
- getAttachedFile() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FileAnnotationData
Returns the file to upload to the server.
- getAttenuation() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.attenuation (java.lang.Double)
- getAttribute(T) - Method in class ome.security.auth.OmeroModelContextMapper
- getAttributeSet(T) - Method in class ome.security.auth.OmeroModelContextMapper
- getAuthoritativeContainerCache() - Method in interface ome.formats.model.IObjectContainerStore
Returns the current authoritative LSID container cache.
- getAuthoritativeContainerCache() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getAuthority() - Method in class ome.services.db.DatabaseIdentity
- getAvailableAdminPrivileges(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.AdminFacility
Get all available admin privileges
- getAvailableFamilies() - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getAvailableFamilies() - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Returns the list of mapping families supported by the Rendering engine.
- getAvailableFamilies_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_getAvailableFamilies, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- getAvailableGroups(SecurityContext, ExperimenterData) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Retrieves the groups visible by the current experimenter.
- getAvailableModels() - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getAvailableModels() - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Returns the list of color models supported by the Rendering engine.
- getAvailableModels_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_getAvailableModels, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- getAvailableTables(SecurityContext, DataObject) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.TablesFacility
Get all available tables for a the specified object
- getAvailableTypes() - Method in interface ome.util.checksum.ChecksumProviderFactory
- getAvailableTypes() - Method in class ome.util.checksum.ChecksumProviderFactoryImpl
- getAwtTransform(AffineTransform) - Static method in class omero.model.SmartShape.Util
- getAxis() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
Many-to-one field ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.axis (ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis)
- getB0() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.codomain.ContrastStretchingContext
Returns the y-intercept of the first line.
- getB1() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.codomain.ContrastStretchingContext
Returns the y-intercept of the second line.
- getB2() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.codomain.ContrastStretchingContext
Returns the y-intercept of the third line.
- getBaseType() - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.SqlArray
- getBaseTypeName() - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.SqlArray
- getBatchSize() - Method in interface ome.api.Search
Returns the current batch size.
- getBatchSize() - Method in class ome.services.eventlogs.EventLogLoader
- getBatchSize() - Method in class ome.services.SearchBean
- getBatchSize_async(AMD_Search_getBatchSize, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.SearchI
- getBeanHelper() - Method in class ome.logic.AbstractLevel1Service
- getBeanHelper() - Method in class ome.logic.AbstractLevel2Service
- getBeanHelper() - Method in class ome.services.AbstractStatefulBean
- getBfReader(Pixels) - Method in class ome.io.nio.PixelsService
Short-cut in the FS case where we know that we are dealing with a FS-lite
file, and want to retrieve the actual file as opposed to a pyramid or anything
- getBinning() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.binning (ome.model.enums.Binning)
- getBioFormatsVersion() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- getBit(byte[], int) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.MaskData
Sets the bit value in a byte array at position bit to be the value
- getBitDepth(PixelsType) - Method in interface ome.api.IPixels
Bit depth for a given pixel type.
- getBitDepth(PixelsType) - Method in class ome.logic.PixelsImpl
- getBitDepth(String) - Static method in class ome.util.PixelData
Retrieves the bit width of a particular PixelsType
- getBitDepth_async(AMD_IPixels_getBitDepth, PixelsType, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.PixelsI
- getBitResolution() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
Simple field ome.model.display.QuantumDef.bitResolution (java.lang.Integer)
- getBitSize() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
Simple field ome.model.enums.PixelsType.bitSize (java.lang.Integer)
- getBlitzAdapter() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.util.BlitzConfiguration
- getBlitzManager() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.util.BlitzConfiguration
- getBlitzVerifier() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.util.BlitzConfiguration
- getBlue() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
Simple field ome.model.core.Channel.blue (java.lang.Integer)
- getBlue() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.blue (java.lang.Integer)
- getBlue() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Simple field ome.model.screen.Well.blue (java.lang.Integer)
- getBlue(int) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.lut.LutReader
Returns the blue value.
- getBlue() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.WellData
Returns the blue component of the color associated to the well,
or -1
- getBlueBand() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.RGBBuffer
Returns the data buffer for the blue band.
- getBlueValue(int) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.RGBAIntBuffer
Retrieves the Blue value for a particular pixel index.
- getBlueValue(int) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.RGBBuffer
Retrieves the Blue value for a particular pixel index.
- getBlueValue(int) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.RGBIntBuffer
Retrieves the Blue value for a particular pixel index.
- getBody() - Method in class ome.util.mem.Handle
Returns a reference to the Body object that is currently paired
up with this handle.
- getBooleanAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getBooleanAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getBooleanAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getBooleanAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getBooleanAnnotationValue(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getBoolValue() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
Simple field ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation.boolValue (java.lang.Boolean)
- getBoost() - Method in class ome.services.fulltext.SimpleLuceneOptions
- getBounds() - Method in class ome.util.math.geom2D.EllipseArea
Required by the Shape
- getBounds() - Method in class ome.util.math.geom2D.RectangleArea
Required by the Shape
- getBounds2D() - Method in class ome.util.math.geom2D.EllipseArea
Required by the Shape
- getBounds2D() - Method in class ome.util.math.geom2D.RectangleArea
Required by the Shape
- getBuffer() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.transfers.TransferState
(Not thread safe) Get a moderately large buffer for use in
reading/writing data.
- getBuffer(long) - Method in class ome.services.roi.PixelData
- getByGroup() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.SearchResultCollection
Get a perGroup map representation of the results
- getByGroup(Class<? extends DataObject>) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.SearchResultCollection
Get a perGroup map representation of the results, filtered by type
- getByName(String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
- getByName(String, Current, boolean) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
- getByPeriod_async(AMD_ITimeline_getByPeriod, List<String>, RTime, RTime, Parameters, boolean, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.TimelineI
- getByteOrder() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
Returns the current pixel byte order.
- getBytes() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
Simple field ome.model.roi.Mask.bytes (byte[])
- getBytesFailed() - Method in class ome.services.delete.files.AbstractFileDeletions
- getByteWidth() - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
- getByteWidth() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getByteWidth() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getByteWidth() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getByteWidth() - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getByteWidth() - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Returns the byte width for the pixel buffer.
- getByteWidth() - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getByteWidth() - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getByteWidth_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getByteWidth, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawPixelsStoreI
- getByteWidth_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getByteWidth, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getC() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ShapeData
Returns the channel. -1 if the shape applies to all channels of
the image.
- getCache() - Method in class omero.sys.ParametersI
- getCacheService() - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
- getCalibratedMagnification() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.calibratedMagnification (java.lang.Double)
- getCalibratedMagnification() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ObjectiveData
Returns the objective's calibrated magnification factor.
- getCallbackObject(String, String) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionManagerImpl
- getCallContext() - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicEventContext
- getCallContext() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.commands.SaveI
- getCallContext() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.ManagedImportRequestI
- getCallContext() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.RawAccessRequestI
- getCallContext() - Method in class omero.cmd.admin.CurrentSessionsRequestI
- getCallContext() - Method in class omero.cmd.admin.ResetPasswordRequestI
- getCallContext() - Method in class omero.cmd.admin.UpdateSessionTimeoutRequestI
- getCallContext() - Method in class omero.cmd.basic.DoAllI
- getCallContext() - Method in class omero.cmd.basic.ListRequestsI
- getCallContext() - Method in class omero.cmd.basic.TimingI
- getCallContext() - Method in class omero.cmd.fs.FindPyramidsI
- getCallContext() - Method in class omero.cmd.fs.ManageImageBinariesI
- getCallContext() - Method in class omero.cmd.fs.OriginalMetadataRequestI
- getCallContext() - Method in class omero.cmd.fs.UsedFilesRequestI
- getCallContext() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.Chgrp2I
- getCallContext() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.Chmod2I
- getCallContext() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.Chown2I
- getCallContext() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.Delete2I
- getCallContext() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.DiskUsage2I
- getCallContext() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.DiskUsageI
- getCallContext() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.DuplicateI
- getCallContext() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.FindChildrenI
- getCallContext() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.FindParentsI
- getCallContext() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.LegalGraphTargetsI
- getCallContext() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.SkipHeadI
- getCallContext() - Method in interface omero.cmd.IRequest
Returns the desired call context for this request.
- getCallContext() - Method in class omero.cmd.mail.SendEmailRequestI
- getCallContext() - Method in class omero.model.DetailsI
- getCategory() - Method in class omero.client
Returns the category which should be used for all callbacks
passed to the server.
- getCdEnd() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
Simple field ome.model.display.QuantumDef.cdEnd (java.lang.Integer)
- getCdStart() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
Simple field ome.model.display.QuantumDef.cdStart (java.lang.Integer)
- getChannel() - Method in class ome.formats.model.ChannelData
Returns the channel this channel data is for.
- getChannel(int, int) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getChannel(int) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Gets the ome.model.core.Channel at the given index.
- getChannelAcquisitionMode(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getChannelBinding() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
Many-to-one field ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext.channelBinding (ome.model.display.ChannelBinding)
- getChannelBinding(int) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Gets the ome.model.display.ChannelBinding at the given index.
- getChannelBindings() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Returns an array containing the channel bindings.
- getChannelBindingsAsList() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Returns a list containing the channel bindings.
- getChannelColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getChannelContrastMethod(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getChannelCount(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getChannelCurveCoefficient(int) - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getChannelCurveCoefficient(int) - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Returns the coefficient identifying a map in the family.
- getChannelCurveCoefficient_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_getChannelCurveCoefficient, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- getChannelData(SecurityContext, long) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.MetadataFacility
- getChannelEmissionWavelength(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getChannelExcitationWavelength(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getChannelFamily(int) - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getChannelFamily(int) - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Returns the family associated to the specified channel.
- getChannelFamily_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_getChannelFamily, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- getChannelFluor(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getChannelID(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getChannelIlluminationType(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getChannelIndex() - Method in class ome.formats.model.ChannelData
Returns the index of the channel this channel data is for.
- getChannelLabeling() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelData
Returns the label of the channel.
- getChannelLookupTable(int) - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getChannelLookupTable(int) - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
- getChannelLookupTable_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_getChannelLookupTable, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- getChannelName(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getChannelNDFilter(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getChannelNoiseReduction(int) - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getChannelNoiseReduction(int) - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Returns true
if the noise reduction algorithm used to map
the pixels intensity values is turned on, false
if the
algorithm is turned off.
- getChannelNoiseReduction_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_getChannelNoiseReduction, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- getChannelPinholeSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getChannelPockelCellSetting(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getChannels() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
returns channels .
- getChannels() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
returns channels .
- getChannelSamplesPerPixel(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getChannelStats(int) - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getChannelStats(int) - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
- getChannelStats_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_getChannelStats, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- getChannelWindowEnd(int) - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getChannelWindowEnd(int) - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Returns the upper bound of the pixels intensity interval.
- getChannelWindowEnd_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_getChannelWindowEnd, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- getChannelWindowStart(int) - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getChannelWindowStart(int) - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Returns the lower bound of the pixels intensity interval.
- getChannelWindowStart_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_getChannelWindowStart, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- getCheckDone() - Method in class ome.services.util.DBEnumCheck
- getCheckDone() - Method in class ome.services.util.DBMappedEnumCheck
- getChecks(IObject, String) - Method in class ome.security.basic.GroupChmodStrategy
- getChecks(IObject, String) - Method in interface ome.security.ChmodStrategy
Return all the checks necessary to validate the
given object if it were to have its permissions.
- getChecksum() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.transfers.TransferState
Get the digest string for the local file.
- getChecksumAlgorithm() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportContainer
- getChecksumAlgorithm(String, Current) - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDao
Retrieve the checksum algorithm of the given name.
- getChecksumAlgorithm(String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDaoImpl
- getChecksumAlgorithm(String) - Static method in class ome.services.blitz.util.ChecksumAlgorithmMapper
- getChecksumProvider() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.transfers.TransferState
- getChecksumType(ChecksumAlgorithm) - Static method in class ome.services.blitz.util.ChecksumAlgorithmMapper
- getChecksumType(ChecksumAlgorithm) - Static method in class ome.services.blitz.util.ChecksumAlgorithmMapper
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.child (ome.model.acquisition.Filter)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.child (ome.model.acquisition.Filter)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink.child (ome.model.acquisition.Filter)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink.child (ome.model.acquisition.Filter)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink.child (ome.model.core.Image)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink.child (ome.model.core.Image)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink.child (ome.model.roi.Roi)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink.child (ome.model.containers.Dataset)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap.child (ome.model.core.Pixels)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink.child (ome.model.jobs.Job)
- getChild() - Method in interface ome.model.ILink
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink.child (ome.model.core.OriginalFile)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap.child (ome.model.meta.Experimenter)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.ShareMember.child (ome.model.meta.Experimenter)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink.child (ome.model.screen.Plate)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink.child (ome.model.screen.Reagent)
- getChildFolders() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
returns childFolders .
- getChildFromLink(IObject) - Static method in class omero.gateway.util.ModelMapper
Returns the child from the passed link.
- getChildOptionsPolicy(GraphPolicy, Collection<ChildOptionI>, Set<GraphPolicy.Ability>) - Static method in class omero.cmd.graphs.ChildOptionsPolicy
Adjust an existing graph traversal policy so that child objects may be included or excluded
regardless of if they are truly orphans.
- getChildTransformer(Class) - Static method in class ome.services.query.Hierarchy
- getClasses() - Method in interface ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata
- getClasses() - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata.Impl
- getClassesFromNames(Collection<String>) - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.GraphHelper
Given class names provided by the user, find the corresponding set of actual classes.
- getClassForSimpleName(String) - Method in class ome.services.graphs.GraphPathBean
- getCleanInstance() - Method in class ome.services.graphs.GraphPolicy
Create a clone of this graph policy that has fresh state.
- getCleanInstance() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.BaseGraphPolicyAdjuster
- getClient() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ClientKeepAlive
- getClient() - Method in class omero.model.DetailsI
- getClientConfigDefaults() - Method in interface ome.api.IConfig
reads the etc/omero.properties file and returns all the key/value
pairs that are found there which match the prefix "omero.client".
- getClientConfigDefaults() - Method in class ome.logic.ConfigImpl
- getClientConfigDefaults_async(AMD_IConfig_getClientConfigDefaults, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ConfigI
- getClientConfigValues() - Method in interface ome.api.IConfig
- getClientConfigValues() - Method in class ome.logic.ConfigImpl
- getClientConfigValues_async(AMD_IConfig_getClientConfigValues, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ConfigI
- getClientContext() - Static method in class ome.system.OmeroContext
create (if necessary) and return the single default client OmeroContext.
- getClientContext(Properties) - Static method in class ome.system.OmeroContext
- getClientIds() - Method in class omero.util.ServantHolder
- getClientPath() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
Simple field ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry.clientPath (java.lang.String)
- getClosed() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Simple field ome.model.meta.Session.closed (java.sql.Timestamp)
- getCloseStatementCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getCo2percent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.co2percent (java.lang.Double)
- getCo2Percent() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageAcquisitionData
Returns the Co2 level, this is a percent value in the interval [0, 1].
- getCodomainChain(int) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Returns the object that defines the sequence of spatial transformations
to be applied to quantized data.
- getCodomainMapContext(int) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Gets the ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext at the given index.
- getCodomainMapContext(int) - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getCodomainMapContext(int) - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Returns the list of codomain contexts associated to the specified
- getCodomainMapContext_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_getCodomainMapContext, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- getCodomainMapContexts() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Returns the list of codomain map contexts.
- getCoefficient() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.coefficient (java.lang.Double)
- getCol(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
- getCol(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getCol(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getCol(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getCol(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getCol(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves a particular column from this pixel buffer.
- getCol(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getCol(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getCol_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getCol, int, int, int, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawPixelsStoreI
- getCol_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getCol, int, int, int, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getColDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getColDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getColDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getColDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves a particular column from this pixel buffer.
- getColDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getCollectionCount(String, String, Set<Long>, Parameters) - Method in interface ome.api.IContainer
Counts the number of members in a collection for a given object.
- getCollectionCount(String, String, Set, Parameters) - Method in class ome.logic.PojosImpl
- getCollectionCount_async(AMD_IContainer_getCollectionCount, String, String, List<Long>, Parameters, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ContainerI
- getCollectionFetchCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getCollectionLoadCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getCollectionRecreateCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getCollectionRemoveCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getCollectionRoleNames() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
Get the names of all collection roles
- getCollectionStatistics(String) - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
Get collection statistics per role
- getCollectionUpdateCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getColor(ChannelData) - Static method in class ome.formats.model.ColorsFactory
Determines the color usually associated to the specified
wavelength or explicitly defined for a particular channel.
- getColor(int, Channel) - Static method in class omeis.providers.re.ColorsFactory
Determines the color usually associated to the specified wavelength.
- getColor(int, Channel, LogicalChannel) - Static method in class omeis.providers.re.ColorsFactory
Determines the color usually associated to the specified wavelength.
- getColor(int) - Static method in class omero.gateway.model.ShapeSettingsData
Creates a Color
object from an RGBA integer value
- getColorArray(ChannelBinding) - Static method in class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Returns an array whose ascending indices represent the color
components Red, Green and Blue.
- getColSize() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getColSize() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getColSize() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getColSize() - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getColSize() - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the in memory size of a column of pixels in this pixel buffer.
- getColSize() - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getColumn() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Simple field ome.model.screen.Well.column (java.lang.Integer)
- getColumn() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.WellData
Returns the column used to indicate the location of the well on the grid.
- getColumnIndex(Integer) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TableResult
Returns the index of the column corresponding to the specified value.
- getColumnNamingConvention() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Simple field ome.model.screen.Plate.columnNamingConvention (java.lang.String)
- getColumns() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Simple field ome.model.screen.Plate.columns (java.lang.Integer)
- getColumns() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TableData
Get the headers
- getColumnSequenceIndex() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PlateData
Returns the index indicating how to label a column.
- getComment() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorContainer
- getCommentAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getCommentAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getCommentAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getCommentAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getCommentAnnotationValue(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getCommentCount(Set<Long>) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
Returns a map from share id to comment count.
- getCommentCount(Set<Long>) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- getCommentCount_async(AMD_IShare_getCommentCount, List<Long>, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- getComments(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
- getComments(long) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- getComments_async(AMD_IShare_getComments, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- getCommentType() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorContainer
- getCommunicationLink(String) - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.HtmlMessenger
Creates a client to communicate.
- getCommunicator() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.fire.Ring
- getCommunicator() - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.redirect.Redirector.Context
Active communicator for use by the
- getCommunicator() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.AbstractRepositoryI
- getCommunicator() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.InternalRepositoryConfig
- getCommunicator() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.util.BlitzConfiguration
- getCommunicator() - Method in class omero.client
Returns the Communicator
for this instance or throws an
exception if null.
- getComponents() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.path.FsFile
Get the path components of this instance.
- getCompression() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Simple field ome.model.display.RenderingDef.compression (java.lang.Double)
- getCompression() - Method in class omero.gateway.LoginCredentials
Returns the compression level.
- getCompression() - Method in class omero.gateway.SecurityContext
Get the compression level (A percentage compression level from 1.00
(100%) to 0.01 (1%) (the default is 85%))
- getCompressionLevel() - Method in interface ome.api.local.LocalCompress
Returns the current compression level for the service.
- getCompressionLevel() - Method in class ome.logic.CompressImpl
- getCompressionLevel() - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getCompressionLevel() - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Returns the current compression level for the service.
- getCompressionLevel_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_getCompressionLevel, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- getConfig() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.OMEROWrapper
- getConfig() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- getConfig() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
- getConfigDefaults() - Method in interface ome.api.IConfig
reads the etc/omero.properties file and returns all the key/value
pairs that are found there.
- getConfigDefaults() - Method in class ome.logic.ConfigImpl
- getConfigDefaults_async(AMD_IConfig_getConfigDefaults, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ConfigI
- getConfigNameForPrivilege(AdminPrivilege) - Method in class ome.security.basic.LightAdminPrivileges
- getConfigService(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
- getConfigService() - Method in class ome.system.ServiceFactory
- getConfigService(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the IConfigPrx
- getConfigValue(String) - Method in interface ome.api.IConfig
retrieve a configuration value from the backend store.
- getConfigValue(String) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
Retrieves a configuration value from the IConfig
- getConfigValue(String) - Method in class ome.logic.ConfigImpl
- getConfigValue_async(AMD_IConfig_getConfigValue, String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ConfigI
- getConfigValues(String) - Method in interface ome.api.IConfig
retrieves configuration values from the backend store which match the
given regex.
- getConfigValues(String) - Method in class ome.logic.ConfigImpl
- getConfigValues_async(AMD_IConfig_getConfigValues, String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ConfigI
- getConn() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
Simple field ome.model.meta.Node.conn (java.lang.String)
- getConnectCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getConnection() - Method in class ome.services.db.SelfCorrectingDataSource
- getConnection(String, String) - Method in class ome.services.db.SelfCorrectingDataSource
- getConnectionStatus() - Method in exception omero.gateway.exception.DSOutOfServiceException
- getConnector(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
- getConnector(SecurityContext, boolean, boolean) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the connector corresponding to the passed context.
- getConstant() - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
Simple field ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext.constant (java.lang.Boolean)
- getContainerCache() - Method in interface ome.formats.model.IObjectContainerStore
Returns the current container cache.
- getContainerCache() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getContainers() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportCandidates
- getContainerService(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
- getContainerService() - Method in class ome.system.ServiceFactory
- getContainerTypes() - Method in class ome.logic.TypesImpl
- getContainingEvent() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.Event.containingEvent (ome.model.meta.Event)
- getContent() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.AnnotationData
Returns the content of the annotation.
- getContent() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.BooleanAnnotationData
Returns the textual content of the annotation.
- getContent() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DoubleAnnotationData
Returns the value.
- getContent() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FileAnnotationData
Returns the original file.
- getContent() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LongAnnotationData
Returns the rating value.
- getContent() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.MapAnnotationData
- getContent() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.RatingAnnotationData
Returns the rating value.
- getContent() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TagAnnotationData
Returns the textual content of the annotation.
- getContent() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TermAnnotationData
Returns the textual content of the annotation.
- getContent() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TextualAnnotationData
Returns the textual content of the annotation.
- getContent() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TimeAnnotationData
Returns the timestamp of the annotation.
- getContent() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.XMLAnnotationData
Returns the content of the annotation.
- getContentAsString() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.AnnotationData
Returns the content of the annotation as a String
, which is
parsed on a Class
- getContentAsString() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.BooleanAnnotationData
Returns the textual content of the annotation.
- getContentAsString() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DoubleAnnotationData
Returns the value as a string.
- getContentAsString() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FileAnnotationData
Returns the absolute path to the file
- getContentAsString() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LongAnnotationData
Returns the value as a string.
- getContentAsString() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.MapAnnotationData
- getContentAsString() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.RatingAnnotationData
Returns the rating value as a string.
- getContentAsString() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TagAnnotationData
Returns the textual content of the annotation.
- getContentAsString() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TermAnnotationData
Returns the textual content of the annotation.
- getContentAsString() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TextualAnnotationData
Returns the textual content of the annotation.
- getContentAsString() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TimeAnnotationData
Returns the time as a string.
- getContentAsString() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.XMLAnnotationData
Returns the textual content of the annotation.
- getContentMap(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
Returns the contents of the share keyed by type.
- getContentMap(long) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- getContentMap_async(AMD_IShare_getContentMap, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- getContents(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
- getContents(long) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- getContents_async(AMD_IShare_getContents, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- getContentSize(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
Returns the number of items in the share.
- getContentSize(long) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- getContentSize_async(AMD_IShare_getContentSize, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- getContentSubList(long, int, int) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
Returns a range of items from the share.
- getContentSubList(long, int, int) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- getContentSubList_async(AMD_IShare_getContentSubList, long, int, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- getContext() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
reference to the entity which this Details is contained in.
- getContext() - Method in class ome.security.basic.CurrentDetails
- getContext() - Method in interface ome.services.util.Executor
Provides access to the context for Work-API consumers who need to publish
events, etc.
- getContext() - Method in class ome.services.util.Executor.Impl
- getContext(Properties, String) - Static method in class ome.system.OmeroContext
initialize a new client OmeroContext using the Properties
provided as values for property (e.g.
- getContexts() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.codomain.CodomainChain
Returns a copy of the codomain context if any.
- getContrastMethod() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.contrastMethod (ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod)
- getContrastMethod() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelAcquisitionData
Returns the contrast method.
- getContrastMethod() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelData
Returns the contrast method.
- getContrastMethodAsEnum() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelData
Returns the contrast method enumeration value.
- getControls() - Method in class ome.security.auth.GroupContextMapper
- getControls() - Method in class ome.security.auth.PersonContextMapper
- getCorrection() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.correction (ome.model.enums.Correction)
- getCorrection() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ObjectiveData
Returns the correction value of the objective.
- getCorrectionCollar() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.correctionCollar (java.lang.Double)
- getCorrectionCollar() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageAcquisitionData
Returns the correction collar of the objective.
- getCount() - Method in class ome.io.nio.SimpleBackOff
- getCount() - Method in interface ome.system.metrics.Counter
- getCount() - Method in class ome.system.metrics.DefaultCounter
- getCount() - Method in class ome.system.metrics.DefaultTimer
- getCount() - Method in interface ome.system.metrics.Timer
- getCountQuery(String) - Method in interface ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata
Returns the query for obtaining the number of collection items to a
particular instance.
- getCountQuery(String) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata.Impl
Returns the query for obtaining the number of collection items to a
particular instance.
- getCreated() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DataObject
Returns the creation time of the object.
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in interface ome.model.IDetails
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo.Details
- getCreationEvent(Current) - Method in class omero.model.DetailsI
- getCtime() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Simple field ome.model.core.OriginalFile.ctime (java.sql.Timestamp)
- getCurrent() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.util.FindServiceFactoryMessage
- getCurrent() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.util.UnregisterServantMessage
- getCurrentAdminPrivileges() - Method in interface ome.api.IAdmin
Gets the light administrator privileges for the current user.
- getCurrentAdminPrivileges() - Method in class ome.logic.AdminImpl
- getCurrentAdminPrivileges() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionContextImpl
- getCurrentAdminPrivileges() - Method in interface ome.system.EventContext
- getCurrentAdminPrivileges() - Method in class ome.system.SimpleEventContext
- getCurrentAdminPrivileges_async(AMD_IAdmin_getCurrentAdminPrivileges, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.AdminI
- getCurrentEventContext() - Method in interface ome.api.StatefulServiceInterface
- getCurrentEventContext() - Method in class ome.security.basic.CurrentDetails
- getCurrentEventContext() - Method in class ome.services.AbstractStatefulBean
- getCurrentEventContext() - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getCurrentEventContext() - Method in class ome.services.ThumbnailBean
- getCurrentEventContext_async(AMD_StatefulServiceInterface_getCurrentEventContext, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.AbstractAmdServant
- getCurrentEventContext_async(AMD_StatefulServiceInterface_getCurrentEventContext, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getCurrentEventId() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionContextImpl
- getCurrentEventId() - Method in interface ome.system.EventContext
- getCurrentEventId() - Method in class ome.system.SimpleEventContext
- getCurrentEventType() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionContextImpl
- getCurrentEventType() - Method in interface ome.system.EventContext
- getCurrentEventType() - Method in class ome.system.SimpleEventContext
- getCurrentGroupId() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionContextImpl
- getCurrentGroupId() - Method in interface ome.system.EventContext
- getCurrentGroupId() - Method in class ome.system.SimpleEventContext
- getCurrentGroupName() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionContextImpl
- getCurrentGroupName() - Method in interface ome.system.EventContext
- getCurrentGroupName() - Method in class ome.system.SimpleEventContext
- getCurrentGroupPermissions() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionContextImpl
- getCurrentGroupPermissions() - Method in interface ome.system.EventContext
- getCurrentGroupPermissions() - Method in class ome.system.SimpleEventContext
- getCurrentId() - Method in class ome.services.eventlogs.PersistentEventLogLoader
- getCurrentPatch() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
Simple field ome.model.meta.DBPatch.currentPatch (java.lang.Integer)
- getCurrentSessionId() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionContextImpl
- getCurrentSessionId() - Method in interface ome.system.EventContext
- getCurrentSessionId() - Method in class ome.system.SimpleEventContext
- getCurrentSessionUuid() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionContextImpl
- getCurrentSessionUuid() - Method in interface ome.system.EventContext
- getCurrentSessionUuid() - Method in class ome.system.SimpleEventContext
- getCurrentShareId() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionContextImpl
- getCurrentShareId() - Method in interface ome.system.EventContext
- getCurrentShareId() - Method in class ome.system.SimpleEventContext
- getCurrentSudoerId() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionContextImpl
- getCurrentSudoerId() - Method in interface ome.system.EventContext
- getCurrentSudoerId() - Method in class ome.system.SimpleEventContext
- getCurrentSudoerName() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionContextImpl
- getCurrentSudoerName() - Method in interface ome.system.EventContext
- getCurrentSudoerName() - Method in class ome.system.SimpleEventContext
- getCurrentUmask() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionContextImpl
- getCurrentUmask() - Method in class ome.system.SimpleEventContext
- getCurrentUserId() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionContextImpl
- getCurrentUserId() - Method in interface ome.system.EventContext
- getCurrentUserId() - Method in class ome.system.SimpleEventContext
- getCurrentUserName() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionContextImpl
- getCurrentUserName() - Method in interface ome.system.EventContext
- getCurrentUserName() - Method in class ome.system.SimpleEventContext
- getCurrentVersion() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
Simple field ome.model.meta.DBPatch.currentVersion (java.lang.String)
- getCurveCoefficient() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.quantum.QuantumStrategy
Returns the coefficient identifying a curve within a given family.
- getCustomAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportContainer
The list of custom, user specified, annotations to link to all images
represented by this container.
- getCustomImageNaming() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- getCustomImageNaming() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.IniFileLoader
- getCutIn() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.cutIn (ome.model.units.Length)
- getCutIn(UnitsLength) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FilterData
Returns the cut in value or null
- getCutInTolerance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.cutInTolerance (ome.model.units.Length)
- getCutInTolerance(UnitsLength) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FilterData
Returns the cut in tolerance value or null
- getCutOut() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.cutOut (ome.model.units.Length)
- getCutOut(UnitsLength) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FilterData
Returns the cut out value or null
- getCutOutTolerance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.cutOutTolerance (ome.model.units.Length)
- getCutOutTolerance(UnitsLength) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FilterData
Returns the cut out tolerance value or null
- getD() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Path
Simple field ome.model.roi.Path.d (java.lang.String)
- getData() - Method in class ome.io.nio.ReorderedPixelData
Returns the backing buffer for the pixel data.
- getData() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
Simple field ome.model.meta.Share.data (byte[])
- getData() - Method in class ome.util.PixelData
Returns the backing buffer for the pixel data.
- getData() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.data.Plane2D
Returns the pixel data that is used to back this Plane.
- getData() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TableData
Get the data in form Object['column index']['row data']
- getData() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TableResult
Returns the data.
- getDataAsArray(Connection, Object) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ListAsSQLArrayUserType.BOOLEAN
- getDataAsArray(Connection, Object) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ListAsSQLArrayUserType.DATE
- getDataAsArray(Connection, Object) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ListAsSQLArrayUserType.DOUBLE
- getDataAsArray(Connection, Object) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ListAsSQLArrayUserType.ENUM
- getDataAsArray(Connection, Object) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ListAsSQLArrayUserType.FLOAT
- getDataAsArray(Connection, Object) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ListAsSQLArrayUserType
- getDataAsArray(Connection, Object) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ListAsSQLArrayUserType.INTEGER
- getDataAsArray(Connection, Object) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ListAsSQLArrayUserType.STRING
- getDataAsArray(Connection, Object) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ListAsSQLArrayUserType.STRING2
- getDatabaseTime() - Method in interface ome.api.IConfig
checks the database for its time using a SELECT statement.
- getDatabaseTime() - Method in class ome.logic.ConfigImpl
- getDatabaseTime_async(AMD_IConfig_getDatabaseTime, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ConfigI
- getDatabaseUuid() - Method in interface ome.api.IConfig
Provides the UUID for this OMERO (database) instance.
- getDatabaseUuid() - Method in class ome.logic.ConfigImpl
- getDatabaseUuid_async(AMD_IConfig_getDatabaseUuid, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ConfigI
- getDatabaseVersion() - Method in interface ome.api.local.LocalConfig
Retrieves the newest database patch.
- getDatabaseVersion() - Method in class ome.logic.ConfigImpl
- getDataBuffer() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.RGBAIntBuffer
Retrieves the data buffer that contains the pixel values.
- getDataBuffer() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.RGBIntBuffer
Retrieves the data buffer that contains the pixel values.
- getDataFromArray(Object) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ListAsSQLArrayUserType.BOOLEAN
- getDataFromArray(Object) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ListAsSQLArrayUserType.DATE
- getDataFromArray(Object) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ListAsSQLArrayUserType.DOUBLE
- getDataFromArray(Object) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ListAsSQLArrayUserType.ENUM
- getDataFromArray(Object) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ListAsSQLArrayUserType.FLOAT
- getDataFromArray(Object) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ListAsSQLArrayUserType
- getDataFromArray(Object) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ListAsSQLArrayUserType.INTEGER
- getDataFromArray(Object) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ListAsSQLArrayUserType.STRING
- getDataFromArray(Object) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ListAsSQLArrayUserType.STRING2
- getDataObjects(int, Class<? extends DataObject>) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.SearchResultCollection
Get DataObjects filtered by scope and type
- getDataObjects() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TagAnnotationData
Returns the collection of data objects related to this tag.
- getDataset() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.TinyImportFixture
provides access to the created
- getDatasetLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
returns datasetLinks .
- getDatasetLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
returns datasetLinks .
- getDatasetLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink that a user has.
- getDatasetLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink that a user has.
- getDatasets(Project) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getDatasets(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Loads all datasets
- getDatasets(SecurityContext, Collection<Long>) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Loads the datasets with the given ids
- getDatasets(SecurityContext, long) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Loads the datasets for a particular user
- getDatasets(SecurityContext, long, Collection<Long>) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Loads the datasets with the given ids which belong to a particular user
- getDatasets() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageData
Returns the datasets containing this image.
- getDatasets() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ProjectData
Returns the datasets contained in this project.
- getDatasetsForProject(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IAnalysis
- getDatasetsWithoutProjects() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getDataValue() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DoubleAnnotationData
Returns the value.
- getDataValue() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LongAnnotationData
Returns the value.
- getDateType() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.SearchParameters
- getDebugLevel() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- getDebugLevel() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.IniFileLoader
Returns the level of debugging which should be set on
Any value lower than null will not call configureDebug.
- getDefaultBatchSize() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getDefaultBlockSize() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getDefaultBlockSize() - Method in class omero.client
Returns the user-configured setting for "omero.block_size"
if none is set.
- getDefaultBody() - Method in class ome.services.mail.MailSender
- getDefaultCondition() - Method in class ome.security.basic.AllGroupsSecurityFilter
- getDefaultCondition() - Method in class ome.security.basic.LightAdminPrivilegesSecurityFilter
- getDefaultCondition() - Method in class ome.security.basic.OneGroupSecurityFilter
- getDefaultCondition() - Method in class ome.security.basic.SharingSecurityFilter
- getDefaultCondition() - Method in interface ome.security.SecurityFilter
Return the string to be used as the condition.
- getDefaultCondition() - Method in class ome.security.SecurityFilterHolder
- getDefaultContext() - Method in class ome.system.ServiceFactory
used when no
name is provided to the
- getDefaultContext() - Method in class ome.tools.spring.InternalServiceFactory
returns null to prevent the lookup of any context, but rather wait on
injection as a ApplicationContextAware
- getDefaultContext() - Method in class ome.tools.spring.ManagedServiceFactory
returns null to prevent the lookup of any context, but rather wait on
injection as a ApplicationContextAware
- getDefaultEventType() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Simple field ome.model.meta.Session.defaultEventType (java.lang.String)
- getDefaultGroup(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IAdmin
retrieve the default
for the given user
- getDefaultGroup(long) - Method in class ome.logic.AdminImpl
- getDefaultGroup() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ExperimenterData
Returns the default Group for this Experimenter
- getDefaultGroup_async(AMD_IAdmin_getDefaultGroup, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.AdminI
- getDefaultGroupLevel() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getDefaultGroupName() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
Retrieve the default group's name
- getDefaultPixels() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageData
Returns the default set of pixels.
- getDefaultSample() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Simple field ome.model.screen.Plate.defaultSample (java.lang.Integer)
- getDefaultSample() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PlateData
Returns the currently selected field or 0
- getDefaultScriptDir() - Static method in class ome.services.scripts.ScriptRepoHelper
Directory which will be used as the root of this repository if no
directory is passed to a constructor.
- getDefaultT() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Simple field ome.model.display.RenderingDef.defaultT (java.lang.Integer)
- getDefaultT() - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getDefaultT() - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Returns the default timepoint index.
- getDefaultT_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_getDefaultT, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- getDefaultZ() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Simple field ome.model.display.RenderingDef.defaultZ (java.lang.Integer)
- getDefaultZ() - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getDefaultZ() - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Returns the index of the default focal section.
- getDefaultZ_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_getDefaultZ, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- getDeletedIds(String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
- getDeletedIds(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- getDeleteService() - Method in class ome.system.ServiceFactory
- getDeltaT() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.deltaT (ome.model.units.Time)
- getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
Simple field ome.model.annotations.Annotation.description (java.lang.String)
- getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
Simple field ome.model.containers.Dataset.description (java.lang.String)
- getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
Simple field ome.model.containers.Folder.description (java.lang.String)
- getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
Simple field ome.model.containers.Project.description (java.lang.String)
- getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Simple field ome.model.core.Image.description (java.lang.String)
- getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
Simple field ome.model.experiment.Experiment.description (java.lang.String)
- getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
Simple field ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation.description (java.lang.String)
- getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.ScriptJob
Simple field ome.model.jobs.ScriptJob.description (java.lang.String)
- getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
Simple field ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup.description (java.lang.String)
- getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
Simple field ome.model.meta.Namespace.description (java.lang.String)
- getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Simple field ome.model.roi.Roi.description (java.lang.String)
- getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Simple field ome.model.screen.Plate.description (java.lang.String)
- getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
Simple field ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.description (java.lang.String)
- getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
Simple field ome.model.screen.Reagent.description (java.lang.String)
- getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Simple field ome.model.screen.Screen.description (java.lang.String)
- getDescription(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.AbstractRepositoryI
- getDescription(long) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.AbstractRepositoryI
- getDescription() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.AnnotationData
Retrieves the description
of the
underlying Annotation
- getDescription() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DatasetData
Returns the description of the dataset.
- getDescription() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FileAnnotationData
Returns the description of the annotation.
- getDescription() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FileData
Returns the description of the file.
- getDescription() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FolderData
Get the description of the Folder
- getDescription() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.GroupData
Returns the description of the group.
- getDescription() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageData
Returns the description of the image.
- getDescription() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PlateAcquisitionData
Returns the description of the plate acquisition.
- getDescription() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PlateData
Returns the description of the plate.
- getDescription() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ProjectData
Returns the description of the project.
- getDescription() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ScreenData
Returns the description of the screen.
- getDescription() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TableDataColumn
Get the description
- getDescription() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.XMLAnnotationData
Returns the description of the annotation.
- getDescription() - Method in class omero.gateway.util.TIFFFilter
Returns the description of the filter.
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in interface ome.model.IObject
Value (i.e. not entity) which is available on all rows in the database.
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobStatus
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
The details of this object correspond to low-level system
- getDetails(Object[], String[]) - Static method in class ome.tools.hibernate.HibernateUtils
- getDetails() - Method in class ome.util.PermDetails
- getDetails() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DataObject
Returns the details of the object.
- getDetector(int, int) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getDetector() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.detector (ome.model.acquisition.Detector)
- getDetector() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns detector .
- getDetector() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelAcquisitionData
Returns the detector used for that channel.
- getDetectorBinningAsEnum() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelAcquisitionData
Returns the binning enumeration value.
- getDetectors() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.InstrumentData
Returns the collection of detectors.
- getDetectorSettings() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.detectorSettings (ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings)
- getDetectorSettingsBinning() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelAcquisitionData
Returns the Binning factor.
- getDetectorSettingsGain() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelAcquisitionData
Returns the gain set on the detector.
- getDetectorSettingsOffset() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelAcquisitionData
Returns the offset set on the detector.
- getDetectorSettingsReadOutRate(UnitsFrequency) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelAcquisitionData
Returns the Read out rate set on the detector.
- getDetectorSettingsVoltage(UnitsElectricPotential) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelAcquisitionData
Returns the voltage set on the detector.
- getDichroic() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.dichroic (ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic)
- getDichroic() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns dichroic .
- getDichroic() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.LightPath.dichroic (ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic)
- getDichroic() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FilterSetData
Returns the dichroic if any.
- getDichroic() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LightPathData
Returns the dichroic if any.
- getDichroics() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.InstrumentData
Returns the collection of dichroics.
- getDimensionOrder() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Pixels.dimensionOrder (ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder)
- getDir() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.FileMaker
- getDirectProxy() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.fire.Ring
- getDirectProxy() - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.redirect.Redirector.Context
String representation of the proxy to the local node which may be
contacted to create new sessions.
- getDirectProxy() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.util.BlitzConfiguration
Return a direct proxy to the session manager in this object adapter.
- getDirectSubclassesOf(String) - Method in class ome.services.graphs.GraphPathBean
Get the direct subclasses of the given class, if any.
- getDirectSuperclassOf(String) - Method in class ome.services.graphs.GraphPathBean
Get the direct superclass of the given class, if any.
- getDirname() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.CheckedPath
Assuming this is a directory, return relative path plus name with a final
- getDisabledSubsystems() - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicEventContext
- getDiscriminator() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.targets.TemplateImportTarget
- getDisplay() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
Simple field ome.model.meta.Namespace.display (java.lang.Boolean)
- getDisplayedFileName(String, Integer) - Static method in class omero.gateway.util.Utils
Returns the name to display for a file.
- getDisplayName() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
Simple field ome.model.meta.Namespace.displayName (java.lang.String)
- getDn(T) - Method in class ome.security.auth.OmeroModelContextMapper
- getDnById(Long) - Method in class ome.security.auth.PasswordUtil
- getDoThumbnails() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportContainer
Retrieves whether or not we are performing thumbnail creation upon
import completion.
- getDoubleAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getDoubleAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getDoubleAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getDoubleAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getDoubleAnnotationValue(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getDoubleValue() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
Simple field ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation.doubleValue (java.lang.Double)
- getDown() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
Simple field ome.model.meta.Node.down (java.sql.Timestamp)
- getEffectiveUID() - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicSecuritySystem
Returns the Id of the currently logged in user.
- getEffectiveUID() - Method in interface ome.security.SecuritySystem
Returns UID based on whether a share is active, etc.
- getEffectiveUID() - Method in class ome.security.SecuritySystemHolder
- getEffectiveUID() - Method in class ome.security.sharing.SharingSecuritySystem
- getElement(int, Object) - Method in interface omero.gateway.cache.CacheService
Adds the specified element to the selected cache.
- getEllipseAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getEllipseFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getEllipseFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getEllipseFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getEllipseFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getEllipseFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getEllipseID(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getEllipseLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getEllipseRadiusX(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getEllipseRadiusY(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getEllipseStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getEllipseStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getEllipseStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getEllipseText(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getEllipseTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getEllipseTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getEllipseTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getEllipseTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getEllipseX(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getEllipseY(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getEmail() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorContainer
- getEmail() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Simple field ome.model.meta.Experimenter.email (java.lang.String)
- getEmail() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ExperimenterData
Returns the e-mail of the experimenter.
- getEmissionFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
returns emissionFilterLink .
- getEmissionFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
returns emissionFilterLink .
- getEmissionFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
returns emissionFilterLink .
- getEmissionFilterLinkCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink that a user has.
- getEmissionFilterLinkCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink that a user has.
- getEmissionFilterLinkCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink that a user has.
- getEmissionFilters() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FilterSetData
Returns the collections of emission filters if any.
- getEmissionFilters() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LightPathData
Returns the collections of emission filters if any.
- getEmissionWave() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.emissionWave (ome.model.units.Length)
- getEmissionWavelength(UnitsLength) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelData
Returns the emission wavelength of the channel.
- getEnd() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.SearchParameters
Returns the upper bound of the time interval.
- getEndPlane() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
Simple field ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.endPlane (java.lang.Integer)
- getEndTime() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
Simple field ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.endTime (java.sql.Timestamp)
- getEndTime() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
- getEndTime() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PlateAcquisitionData
Returns the time when the last image was collected.
- getEndTime() - Method in class omero.sys.ParametersI
Returns the value of the end time
- getEntity(String, Serializable) - Method in class ome.security.basic.OmeroInterceptor
- getEntityDeleteCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getEntityFetchCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getEntityId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
Simple field ome.model.meta.EventLog.entityId (java.lang.Long)
- getEntityId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
Simple field ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.entityId (java.lang.Long)
- getEntityInsertCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getEntityLoadCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getEntityName(Object) - Method in class ome.security.basic.OmeroInterceptor
- getEntityNames() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
Get the names of all entities
- getEntityStatistics(String) - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
find entity statistics per name
- getEntityType() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
Simple field ome.model.meta.EventLog.entityType (java.lang.String)
- getEntityType() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
Simple field ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.entityType (java.lang.String)
- getEntityUpdateCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getEnumeration(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface ome.api.IPixels
Retrieves a particular enumeration for a given enumeration class.
- getEnumeration(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface ome.api.ITypes
lookup an enumeration value.
- getEnumeration(Class<T>, String, boolean) - Method in interface ome.formats.enums.EnumerationProvider
Retrieves an enumeration.
- getEnumeration(Class<T>, String, boolean) - Method in class ome.formats.enums.IQueryEnumProvider
- getEnumeration(Class<T>, String) - Method in class ome.logic.PixelsImpl
- getEnumeration(Class<T>, String) - Method in class ome.logic.TypesImpl
- getEnumeration_async(AMD_IPixels_getEnumeration, String, String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.PixelsI
- getEnumeration_async(AMD_ITypes_getEnumeration, String, String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.TypesI
- getEnumerationProvider() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
Retrieves the active enumeration provider.
- getEnumerations(Class<T>) - Method in interface ome.formats.enums.EnumerationProvider
Retrieves all enumerations of a specific type.
- getEnumerations(Class<T>) - Method in class ome.formats.enums.IQueryEnumProvider
- getEnumerationsWithEntries() - Method in interface ome.api.ITypes
Gets all metadata classes which are IEnum type with contained objects.
- getEnumerationsWithEntries() - Method in class ome.logic.TypesImpl
- getEnumerationsWithEntries_async(AMD_ITypes_getEnumerationsWithEntries, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.TypesI
- getEnumerationTypes() - Method in interface ome.api.ITypes
Gets all metadata classes which are IEnum type.
- getEnumerationTypes() - Method in class ome.logic.TypesImpl
- getEnumerationTypes_async(AMD_ITypes_getEnumerationTypes, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.TypesI
- getError() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorContainer
- getError() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.SearchResultCollection
Get the error code
- getEvent() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.EventLog.event (ome.model.meta.Event)
- getEvent() - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicEventContext
- getEvent() - Method in class ome.security.basic.CurrentDetails
- getEvent(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.fire.SessionManagerI
- getEvent() - Method in class ome.system.Login
simple getter for the event type passed into the constructor
- getEventContext() - Method in interface ome.api.IAdmin
returns an implementation of
loaded with the
security for the current user and thread.
- getEventContext() - Method in class ome.logic.AdminImpl
- getEventContext(boolean) - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicSecuritySystem
- getEventContext() - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicSecuritySystem
- getEventContext() - Method in interface ome.security.SecuritySystem
- getEventContext(boolean) - Method in interface ome.security.SecuritySystem
If refresh is false, returns the current
in the session.
- getEventContext() - Method in class ome.security.SecuritySystemHolder
- getEventContext(boolean) - Method in class ome.security.SecuritySystemHolder
- getEventContext() - Method in class ome.security.sharing.SharingSecuritySystem
- getEventContext(boolean) - Method in class ome.security.sharing.SharingSecuritySystem
- getEventContext() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
Doesn't take current into account
- getEventContext(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
Takes current into account
- getEventContext(Current) - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDao
Look up information for the current session as specified in the ctx
field of the current.
- getEventContext(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDaoImpl
- getEventContext(Principal) - Method in interface ome.services.sessions.SessionManager
- getEventContext(Principal) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionManagerImpl
- getEventContext() - Method in class omero.cmd.Helper
- getEventContext() - Method in class omero.model.DetailsI
- getEventContext_async(AMD_IAdmin_getEventContext, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.AdminI
- getEventContextQuiet() - Method in interface ome.api.local.LocalAdmin
- getEventContextQuiet() - Method in class ome.logic.AdminImpl
- getEventLogPartitions(Collection<String>, Collection<String>, long, long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Loads up to "limit" event logs using partioning so that only the
last event log of a particular (type, id) pair is returned.
- getEventLogPartitions(Collection<String>, Collection<String>, long, long) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- getEventLogPercent(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Returns the percent (e.g. 0-100%) as calculated by the number of rows
represented as completed by the configuration table row of this key
divided by the total number of rows in the event log.
- getEventLogPercent(String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- getEventLogsByPeriod_async(AMD_ITimeline_getEventLogsByPeriod, RTime, RTime, Parameters, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.TimelineI
- getEvents(long, Experimenter, Timestamp, Timestamp) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
- getEvents() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
returns events .
- getEvents(long, Experimenter, Timestamp, Timestamp) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- getEvents_async(AMD_IShare_getEvents, long, Experimenter, RTime, RTime, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- getEventType() - Method in class ome.system.Principal
- getException() - Method in exception ome.util.messages.MessageException
Get the exception which this instance wraps.
- getExceptionThrown() - Method in class ome.system.UpgradeCheck
- getExcitationFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
returns excitationFilterLink .
- getExcitationFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
returns excitationFilterLink .
- getExcitationFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
returns excitationFilterLink .
- getExcitationFilterLinkCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink that a user has.
- getExcitationFilterLinkCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink that a user has.
- getExcitationFilterLinkCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink that a user has.
- getExcitationFilters() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FilterSetData
Returns the collections of excitation filters if any.
- getExcitationFilters() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LightPathData
Returns the collections of excitation filters if any.
- getExcitationWave() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.excitationWave (ome.model.units.Length)
- getExcitationWavelength(UnitsLength) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelData
Returns the excitation wavelength of the channel.
- getExecutor() - Method in class ome.services.mail.MailSender
- getExecutor() - Method in class ome.services.scheduler.ThreadPool
- getExecutor() - Method in class omero.cmd.SessionI
- getExperiment() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Image.experiment (ome.model.experiment.Experiment)
- getExperiment() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
Many-to-one field ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation.experiment (ome.model.experiment.Experiment)
- getExperimenter(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IAdmin
- getExperimenter(long) - Method in class ome.logic.AdminImpl
- getExperimenter() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.Event.experimenter (ome.model.meta.Experimenter)
- getExperimenter() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
Fulfills the old PojoOptions requirement for returning null if no
owner set.
- getExperimenter() - Method in class omero.gateway.SecurityContext
Returns the id of the experimenter.
- getExperimenter() - Method in class omero.sys.ParametersI
Returns the value of the experimenter
- getExperimenter_async(AMD_IAdmin_getExperimenter, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.AdminI
- getExperimenterData() - Method in class omero.gateway.SecurityContext
Returns the experimenter.
- getExperimenterGroup() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.Event.experimenterGroup (ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup)
- getExperimenterID() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getExperimenters() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.GroupData
Returns the experimenters contained in this group.
- getExporterService(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the ExporterPrx
- getExposureTime() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.exposureTime (ome.model.units.Time)
- getExtendedMessage() - Method in exception omero.gateway.exception.RenderingServiceException
Prints the stack trace and returns it as a string.
- getExtendedMetadata() - Method in class ome.logic.AbstractLevel2Service
- getExtension() - Method in class omero.gateway.util.TIFFFilter
Returns the extension of the filter.
- getExternalDescription() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Simple field ome.model.screen.Well.externalDescription (java.lang.String)
- getExternalDescription() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.WellData
Returns the external description of the well.
- getExternalIdentifier() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Simple field ome.model.screen.Plate.externalIdentifier (java.lang.String)
- getExternalIdentifier() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Simple field ome.model.screen.Well.externalIdentifier (java.lang.String)
- getExternalIdentifier() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PlateData
Returns the external identifier of the plate.
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobStatus.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample.Details
- getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo.Details
- getExternalInfo(Current) - Method in class omero.model.DetailsI
- getExtra() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorContainer
- getFacility(Class<T>, Gateway) - Static method in class omero.gateway.facility.Facility
Get a reference to a certain Facility
- getFacility(Class<T>) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Get a
to perform further operations with the server
- getFactory(String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.PublicRepositoryI
- getFailedFiles() - Method in exception ome.formats.importer.transfers.CleanupFailure
- getFailedFilesCount() - Method in class ome.services.delete.files.FileDeleter
- getFailureClass() - Method in exception ome.formats.enums.EnumerationException
- getFailureClass() - Method in exception ome.formats.model.ModelException
Returns the class that was used during a failed instantiation.
- getFamily() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Many-to-one field ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.family (ome.model.enums.Family)
- getFamily(String) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.quantum.QuantumFactory
Helper method to retrieve a Family enumeration from the database.
- getFamily() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.quantum.QuantumStrategy
Returns the mapping family.
- getFeedbackUrl() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- getFilament(int, int) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getFile() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportContainer
- getFile() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.transfers.TransferState
Return the target file passed to the constructor.
- getFile() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation.file (ome.model.core.OriginalFile)
- getFile(long, Current, String) - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDao
Get an
object based on its ID.
- getFile(long, Current, String) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDaoImpl
- getFile(ServiceFactory) - Method in class ome.services.scripts.ScriptFinder
- getFileBuffer(OriginalFile, String) - Method in class ome.io.nio.OriginalFilesService
Returns FileBuffer based on OriginalFile path
- getFileBuffer(String) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.CheckedPath
- getFileFilter() - Method in class ome.services.scripts.ScriptFileType
A file-pattern (most likely of the form "*.EXT") which will be used
to determine if a file is of this type.
- getFileFormat() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorContainer
get the file format for import
- getFileFormat() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FileAnnotationData
Returns the format of the uploaded file.
- getFileId() - Method in interface ome.api.RawFileStore
Returns the current file id or null if none has been set.
- getFileId() - Method in class ome.services.messages.DeleteLogMessage
- getFileId() - Method in class ome.services.RawFileBean
- getFileID() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FileAnnotationData
Returns the id of the file.
- getFileID() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ROIResult
Returns the id of the file.
- getFileId_async(AMD_RawFileStore_getFileId, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawFileStoreI
- getFileIds() - Method in class ome.tools.RepositoryTask
This public method is used to return a list of file ids that require
deletion from the disk repository.
- getFileKind() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FileAnnotationData
Returns a user readable description of the file.
- getFileName() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FileAnnotationData
Returns the name of the file.
- getFilePath(OriginalFile, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.AbstractRepositoryI
- getFilePath(OriginalFile, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.InternalRepositoryI
- getFilePath(OriginalFile, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.LegacyRepositoryI
- getFilePath(OriginalFile, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.ScriptRepositoryI
- getFilePath(OriginalFile, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.TemporaryRepositoryI
- getFilePath() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FileAnnotationData
Returns the absolute path to the file.
- getFilePathRestrictions(String...) - Static method in enum ome.services.blitz.repo.path.FilePathRestrictionInstance
Get a set of rules by which local files may not be named on the file-system,
formed by combining the rules of the given names with rules against control characters.
- getFilePathRestrictions(FilePathRestrictionInstance...) - Static method in enum ome.services.blitz.repo.path.FilePathRestrictionInstance
Get a set of rules by which local files may not be named on the file-system,
formed by combining the given rules identifiers with rules against control characters.
- getFileRepo(OriginalFile) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.AbstractRepositoryI
- getFiles() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorContainer
- getFileset() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Image.fileset (ome.model.fs.Fileset)
- getFileset() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
Many-to-one field ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry.fileset (ome.model.fs.Fileset)
- getFileset() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.ManagedImportProcessI
- getFileset() - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.repo.ProcessContainer.Process
- getFilesetEntries() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
returns filesetEntries .
- getFilesetEntry(int) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Gets the ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry at the given index.
- getFilesetId() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageData
Returns the ID of the fileset to which this image belongs.
- getFilesetJobLink(int) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Gets the ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink at the given index.
- getFileSize() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FileAnnotationData
Returns the size of the file.
- getFilesPath(Long) - Method in class ome.io.nio.AbstractFileSystemService
Returns a numbered path relative to the root of this service, but is
ignorant of FS and similar constructs.
- getFileType() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorContainer
- getFill() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ShapeSettingsData
Returns the fill color.
- getFillColor() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Simple field ome.model.roi.Shape.fillColor (java.lang.Integer)
- getFillRule() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Simple field ome.model.roi.Shape.fillRule (java.lang.String)
- getFillRule() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ShapeSettingsData
Returns the fill rule.
- getFilter() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns filter .
- getFilters() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.InstrumentData
Returns the collection of filters.
- getFilterSet() - Method in class ome.formats.model.ChannelData
Returns the filter set for the logical channel of this channel data.
- getFilterSet(int, int) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getFilterSet() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns filterSet .
- getFilterSet() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.OTF.filterSet (ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet)
- getFilterSet() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.filterSet (ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet)
- getFilterSet() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelAcquisitionData
Returns the filter set or null
- getFilterSet() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.OTFData
Returns the associated filter set.
- getFilterSetEmissionFilter() - Method in class ome.formats.model.ChannelData
Returns the filter set's emission filter for the logical channel of
this channel data.
- getFilterSetExcitationFilter() - Method in class ome.formats.model.ChannelData
Returns the filter set's excitation filter for the logical channel of
this channel data.
- getFilterSets() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.InstrumentData
Returns the collection of filter sets.
- getFilterWheel() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Filter.filterWheel (java.lang.String)
- getFilterWheel() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FilterData
Returns the wheel.
- getFinished() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
Simple field ome.model.jobs.Job.finished (java.sql.Timestamp)
- getFinished() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
Simple field ome.model.meta.DBPatch.finished (java.sql.Timestamp)
- getFirst(String) - Method in class ome.security.auth.AttributeSet
- getFirstName() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Simple field ome.model.meta.Experimenter.firstName (java.lang.String)
- getFirstName() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ExperimenterData
Returns the first name of the experimenter.
- getFluor() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Simple field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.fluor (java.lang.String)
- getFluor() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelData
Returns the Fluorophore used.
- getFlushCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getFolderAsContainerName(File) - Static method in class omero.gateway.util.Utils
Returns the name as container if option is on.
- getFolderLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
returns folderLinks .
- getFolderLinks() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
returns folderLinks .
- getFolderLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink that a user has.
- getFolderLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink that a user has.
- getFolderPathString() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FolderData
Returns the folder path as string
- getFolderPathString(char) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FolderData
Returns the folder path as string using a custom path separator
- getFolders(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Get all folders the logged in user has access to.
- getFolders(SecurityContext, Collection<Long>) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Get the folders for the given folder ids.
- getFolders(SecurityContext, long) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Get the folders which belong to the given user.
- getFolders() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ROIData
Get the folders this ROI is part of
- getFolders() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ROIResult
Get the available folders
- getFont() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ShapeSettingsData
Get the style of the font for Shape.
- getFontFamily() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Simple field ome.model.roi.Shape.fontFamily (java.lang.String)
- getFontFamily() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ShapeSettingsData
Returns the stroke.
- getFontSize() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.roi.Shape.fontSize (ome.model.units.Length)
- getFontSize(UnitsLength) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ShapeSettingsData
Returns the stroke.
- getFontStyle() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Simple field ome.model.roi.Shape.fontStyle (java.lang.String)
- getFontStyle() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ShapeSettingsData
Returns the font style.
- getForceFileArchiveOn() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- getForceFileArchiveOn() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.IniFileLoader
- getFormat() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Image.format (ome.model.enums.Format)
- getFormat() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageData
Returns the format of the image.
- getForumUrl() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- getForumUrl() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.IniFileLoader
- getFreeSpaceInKilobytes() - Method in interface ome.api.IRepositoryInfo
This method returns the free or available space on this file system
including nested subdirectories.
- getFreeSpaceInKilobytes() - Method in class ome.logic.RepositoryInfoImpl
- getFreeSpaceInKilobytes_async(AMD_IRepositoryInfo_getFreeSpaceInKilobytes, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RepositoryInfoI
- getFrequencyMultiplication() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Laser.frequencyMultiplication (java.lang.Integer)
- getFsFileFromClientFile(File, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.path.ClientFilePathTransformer
Given a client-local File
, and a path component depth,
returns the corresponding repository path.
- getFsFileFromServerFile(File) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.path.ServerFilePathTransformer
Given a server-local File
, returns the corresponding repository path.
- getFullFsPath() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.CheckedPath
The full path of the entity to which this path corresponds.
- getGain() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Detector.gain (java.lang.Double)
- getGain() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.gain (java.lang.Double)
- getGain() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DetectorData
Returns the gain of the detector.
- getGlobalMax() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
Simple field ome.model.stats.StatsInfo.globalMax (java.lang.Double)
- getGlobalMax() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.quantum.QuantumStrategy
Returns the maximum of all maxima.
- getGlobalMax() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelData
Returns the global maximum of the channel i.e. the maximum of all maxima.
- getGlobalMin() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
Simple field ome.model.stats.StatsInfo.globalMin (java.lang.Double)
- getGlobalMin() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.quantum.QuantumStrategy
Returns the minimum of all minima.
- getGlobalMin() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelData
Returns the global minimum of the channel i.e. the minimum of all minima.
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
- getGraphHolder() - Method in interface ome.model.IObject
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobStatus
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
- getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.util.PermDetails
- getGraphPathBean() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.GraphRequestFactory
- getGraphType(Class<? extends DataObject>) - Static method in class omero.gateway.util.PojoMapper
Returns the name of the data type which has to used for Graph actions,
- getGreen() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
Simple field ome.model.core.Channel.green (java.lang.Integer)
- getGreen() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.green (java.lang.Integer)
- getGreen() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Simple field ome.model.screen.Well.green (java.lang.Integer)
- getGreen(int) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.lut.LutReader
Returns the green value.
- getGreen() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.WellData
Returns the green component of the color associated to the well,
or -1
- getGreenBand() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.RGBBuffer
Returns the data buffer for the green band.
- getGreenValue(int) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.RGBAIntBuffer
Retrieves the Green value for a particular pixel index.
- getGreenValue(int) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.RGBBuffer
Retrieves the Green value for a particular pixel index.
- getGreenValue(int) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.RGBIntBuffer
Retrieves the Green value for a particular pixel index.
- getGridColumns() - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.TablesFacilityHelper
- getGridQuery() - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.fire.Registry
Returns an active QueryPrx
or null if none is available.
- getGridQuery() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.fire.Registry.Impl
- getGroup(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IAdmin
- getGroup(long) - Method in class ome.logic.AdminImpl
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.Share.group (ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup)
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo.Details
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
Fulfills the old PojoOptions requirement for returning null if no
owner set.
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicEventContext
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.security.basic.CurrentDetails
- getGroup(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.fire.SessionManagerI
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.ManagedImportProcessI
- getGroup() - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.repo.ProcessContainer.Process
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.system.Login
simple getter for the group name passed into the constructor
- getGroup() - Method in class ome.system.Principal
- getGroup(Current) - Method in class omero.model.DetailsI
- getGroup() - Method in class omero.sys.ParametersI
Returns the value of the group
- getGroup_async(AMD_IAdmin_getGroup, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.AdminI
- getGroupAttribute(String) - Method in class ome.security.auth.LdapConfig
- getGroupExperimenterMap() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
returns groupExperimenterMap .
- getGroupExperimenterMap(int) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Gets the ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap at the given index.
- getGroupExperimenterMap() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
returns groupExperimenterMap .
- getGroupFilter() - Method in class ome.security.auth.LdapConfig
- getGroupID() - Method in class omero.gateway.LoginCredentials
Returns the OMERO group identifier.
- getGroupId() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DataObject
Returns the id of the group.
- getGroupId() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ExperimenterData
Overridden to return the id of the default group.
- getGroupId() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.GroupData
Overridden to return the id of the object.
- getGroupId() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.SearchParameters
- getGroupId() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.SearchResult
Get the group id of the object
- getGroupID() - Method in class omero.gateway.SecurityContext
Returns the identifier of the group.
- getGroupIds(Collection<String>) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- getGroupIds(Collection<String>) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- getGroupname() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
Simple field ome.model.jobs.Job.groupname (java.lang.String)
- getGroupPermissions(long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Returns the permissions for the given group id.
- getGroupPermissions(long) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- getGroups() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ExperimenterData
Returns the groups the experimenter is a member of.
- getGuestGroupId() - Method in class ome.system.Roles
- getGuestGroupName() - Method in class ome.system.Roles
- getGuestId() - Method in class ome.system.Roles
- getGuestName() - Method in class ome.system.Roles
- getHandle(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.ManagedImportProcessI
- getHandler(Class<? extends IObject>) - Method in class ome.formats.enums.handler.EnumHandlerFactory
Returns an enumeration handler for a specific enumeration type.
- getHandler(Class<? extends IObject>) - Method in class ome.formats.model.handler.ModelObjectHandlerFactory
Returns an enumeration handler for a specific enumeration type.
- getHash() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Simple field ome.model.core.OriginalFile.hash (java.lang.String)
- getHasher() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.OriginalFile.hasher (ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm)
- getHeaders() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TableResult
Returns the name of the columns.
- getHeadersDescription() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TableResult
Returns the name of the columns.
- getHeight() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
Simple field ome.model.roi.Mask.height (java.lang.Double)
- getHeight() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
Simple field ome.model.roi.Rectangle.height (java.lang.Double)
- getHeight() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.data.RegionDef
Returns the height of the region.
- getHeight() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.MaskData
Returns the height of the mask.
- getHeight() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.RectangleData
Returns the height untransformed rectangle.
- getHibernateClass(String) - Method in interface ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata
Given the name of a database table or alternatively the simple class name
(non-fully qualified) of an IObject, this method returns the class which
Hibernate will map that table to.
- getHibernateClass(String) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata.Impl
- getHierarchy(SecurityContext, Class, long) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Retrieves hierarchy trees rooted by a given node.
- getHierarchy(SecurityContext, Class, List<Long>, Parameters) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Retrieves hierarchy trees rooted by a given node i.e. the requested node
as root and all of its descendants.
- getHistogram(int[], int, boolean, PlaneDef) - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
- getHistogram(int[], int, boolean, PlaneDef) - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getHistogram(SecurityContext, PixelsData, int[], int, int) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.RawDataFacility
Get the histogram data for the given image, using default 256 bins and
the channels global min/max for the histogram range.
- getHistogram(SecurityContext, PixelsData, int[], int, boolean, PlaneDef) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.RawDataFacility
Get the histogram data for the given image.
- getHistogram(int[], int, boolean, PlaneDef) - Method in class omero.gateway.rnd.DataSink
Get the histogram data for the given image.
- getHistogram_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getHistogram, int[], int, boolean, PlaneDef, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawPixelsStoreI
- getHistogram_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getHistogram, int[], int, boolean, PlaneDef, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getHolder() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.util.UnregisterServantMessage
- getHomeUrl() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- getHomeUrl() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.IniFileLoader
- getHost() - Method in class ome.system.Server
simple getter for the server host passed into the constructor
- getHostname() - Method in class omero.gateway.ServerInformation
Return the hostname.
- getHumidity() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.humidity (java.lang.Double)
- getHumidity() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageAcquisitionData
Returns the humidity level, this is a value in the interval [0, 1].
- getHypercube(List<Integer>, List<Integer>, List<Integer>) - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
- getHypercube(List<Integer>, List<Integer>, List<Integer>) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getHypercube(List<Integer>, List<Integer>, List<Integer>, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getHypercube(List<Integer>, List<Integer>, List<Integer>) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getHypercube(List<Integer>, List<Integer>, List<Integer>) - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getHypercube(List<Integer>, List<Integer>, List<Integer>) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves a hypercube from this pixel buffer.
- getHypercube(List<Integer>, List<Integer>, List<Integer>) - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getHypercube(List<Integer>, List<Integer>, List<Integer>) - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getHypercube_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getHypercube, List<Integer>, List<Integer>, List<Integer>, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawPixelsStoreI
- getHypercube_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getHypercube, List<Integer>, List<Integer>, List<Integer>, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getHypercubeDirect(List<Integer>, List<Integer>, List<Integer>, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getHypercubeDirect(List<Integer>, List<Integer>, List<Integer>, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getHypercubeDirect(List<Integer>, List<Integer>, List<Integer>, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getHypercubeDirect(List<Integer>, List<Integer>, List<Integer>, byte[]) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves a hypercube from the given pixels directly.
- getHypercubeDirect(List<Integer>, List<Integer>, List<Integer>, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getHypercubeSize(List<Integer>, List<Integer>, List<Integer>) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getHypercubeSize(List<Integer>, List<Integer>, List<Integer>) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getHypercubeSize(List<Integer>, List<Integer>, List<Integer>) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getHypercubeSize(List<Integer>, List<Integer>, List<Integer>) - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getHypercubeSize(List<Integer>, List<Integer>, List<Integer>) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves a the size of a hypercube from this pixel buffer.
- getHypercubeSize(List<Integer>, List<Integer>, List<Integer>) - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getId() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getId() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getId() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getId() - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getId() - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the identifier of this pixel buffer
- getId() - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in interface ome.model.IObject
primary key of this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobStatus
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
The DB unique identifier for this object.
- getId() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.CheckedPath
- getId() - Method in class ome.util.PermDetails
- getId() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DataObject
Returns the database id of the IObject or -1
- getIdentifierProperty(String) - Method in class ome.services.graphs.GraphPathBean
Get the identifier property for the given class.
- getIdentity() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.util.FindServiceFactoryMessage
- getIdentity(String) - Method in class omero.cmd.SessionI
- getIdentity(String) - Method in class omero.util.ServantHolder
Constructs an Identity
from the current session
and from the given String
which for
stateful services are defined by UUIDs.
- getIds() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.state.SessionCache
Since all methods which use
will subsequently check for
the existing session, we do not block here.
- getIgnoreTypePolicy(GraphPolicy, Collection<Class<? extends IObject>>) - Static method in class omero.cmd.graphs.IgnoreTypePolicy
Adjust an existing graph traversal policy so that objects of certain types may be ignored.
- getIllumination() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.illumination (ome.model.enums.Illumination)
- getIllumination() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelAcquisitionData
Returns the illumination.
- getIllumination() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelData
Returns the illumination.
- getIlluminationAsEnum() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelData
Returns the illumination enumeration value.
- getImage() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Pixels.image (ome.model.core.Image)
- getImage() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Many-to-one field ome.model.roi.Roi.image (ome.model.core.Image)
- getImage() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
Many-to-one field ome.model.screen.WellSample.image (ome.model.core.Image)
- getImage(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getImage(SecurityContext, long) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Loads a image
- getImage(SecurityContext, long, ParametersI) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Loads a image
- getImage() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PixelsData
Returns the image linked to this pixels' set.
- getImage() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ROIData
Returns the image for the ROI.
- getImage() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.WellSampleData
Returns the image related to that sample if any.
- getImageAcquisitionData(SecurityContext, long) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.MetadataFacility
- getImageAcquisitionDate(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getImageAndCount(Image[], long, UnloadedCollector) - Method in class ome.services.delete.DeleteBean
- getImageAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getImageAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getImageCount() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getImageDescription() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.ImportJob
Simple field ome.model.jobs.ImportJob.imageDescription (java.lang.String)
- getImageDescription(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getImageID(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getImageIds() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FilesetData
Returns the collection of images related to the file set.
- getImageLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
returns imageLinks .
- getImageLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
returns imageLinks .
- getImageLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink that a user has.
- getImageLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink that a user has.
- getImageName() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.ImportJob
Simple field ome.model.jobs.ImportJob.imageName (java.lang.String)
- getImageName(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getImageNames() - Method in class ome.formats.ImageNameMetadataStore
Retrieves the current map of Image names held.
- getImageReader() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.OMEROWrapper
Return the base image reader
- getImageROIRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getImageROIRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getImages(Class<T>, Set<Long>, Parameters) - Method in interface ome.api.IContainer
Retrieve a user's (or all users') images within any given container.
- getImages(Class, Set, Parameters) - Method in class ome.logic.PojosImpl
- getImages() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
returns images .
- getImages(SecurityContext, Collection<Long>) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Loads the images with the given ids
- getImages(SecurityContext, Collection<Long>, ParametersI) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Loads the images with the given ids
- getImages(SecurityContext, long, Collection<Long>) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Loads the images for a particular user
- getImages() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DatasetData
Returns a set of images contained in the dataset.
- getImages_async(AMD_IContainer_getImages, String, List<Long>, Parameters, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ContainerI
- getImagesByOptions(Parameters) - Method in interface ome.api.IContainer
Retrieve images by options.
- getImagesByOptions(Parameters) - Method in class ome.logic.PojosImpl
- getImagesByOptions_async(AMD_IContainer_getImagesByOptions, Parameters, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ContainerI
- getImagesBySplitFilesets(Map<Class<? extends IObject>, List<Long>>, Parameters) - Method in interface ome.api.IContainer
Given a list of IDs of certain entity types, calculates which filesets are split such that
a non-empty proper subset of their images are referenced, directly or indirectly, as being
- getImagesBySplitFilesets(Map<Class<? extends IObject>, List<Long>>, Parameters) - Method in class ome.logic.PojosImpl
- getImagesBySplitFilesets_async(AMD_IContainer_getImagesBySplitFilesets, Map<String, List<Long>>, Parameters, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ContainerI
- getImagesForDataset(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IAnalysis
- getImagesForDatasets(SecurityContext, Collection<Long>) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Load all images belonging to particular datasets
- getImagesForProjects(SecurityContext, Collection<Long>) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Load all images belonging to particular projects
- getImageSize(PlaneDef) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Returns the size, in bytes, of the
that would be
rendered from the plane selected by
- getImagingEnvironment(int) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getImagingEnvironment() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Image.imagingEnvironment (ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment)
- getImagingEnvironmentId() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageAcquisitionData
Returns the id of the StageLabel
or -1
if not already linked to the image.
- getImmersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.immersion (ome.model.enums.Immersion)
- getImmersion() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ObjectiveData
Returns the immersion value of the objective.
- getImmutableFields() - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata.Immutables
- getImmutableFields(Class<? extends IObject>) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata.Impl
- getImplicitContext() - Method in class omero.client
Returns the ImplicitContext
which defines what properties
will be sent on every method invocation.
- getImportResponse() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportLibrary.ImportCallback
- getImportSettings(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.ManagedImportProcessI
- getImportStore(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Creates or recycles the import store.
- getImportStore(SecurityContext, String) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Creates or recycles the import store.
- getImportTypes() - Method in class ome.logic.TypesImpl
- getIndex() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorContainer
get the index for this error container
- getIndex() - Method in class ome.services.fulltext.SimpleLuceneOptions
- getIndex() - Method in exception omero.gateway.exception.RenderingServiceException
Returns the index.
- getIndex() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelData
Returns the channel's index.
- getIndex() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageData
Returns the index of the image within the multi-images file.
- getIndex() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TableDataColumn
Get the index
- getIndexes() - Method in class ome.util.LSID
Returns the indexes for this LSID within the OME-XML data model.
- getIniVersionNumber() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- getInput(String, String) - Method in interface ome.api.ISession
Retrieves an entry from the given
- getInput(String, String) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionBean
- getInput(String, String) - Method in interface ome.services.sessions.SessionManager
Returns the input environment Object
stored under the given key
or null if none present.
- getInput(String, String) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionManagerImpl
- getInput(String) - Method in class omero.client
Retrieves an item from the "input" shared (session) memory.
- getInput_async(AMD_ISession_getInput, String, String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.SessionI
- getInputEnd() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.inputEnd (java.lang.Double)
- getInputEnd() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.metadata.StatsFactory
Returns the input end.
- getInputKeys(String) - Method in interface ome.api.ISession
Retrieves all keys in the
input environment.
- getInputKeys(String) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionBean
- getInputKeys() - Method in class omero.client
Returns a list of keys for all items in the "input" shared (session)
- getInputKeys_async(AMD_ISession_getInputKeys, String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.SessionI
- getInputs(String) - Method in interface ome.api.ISession
Retrieves all inputs from the given
- getInputs(String) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionBean
- getInputs_async(AMD_ISession_getInputs, String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.SessionI
- getInputStart() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.inputStart (java.lang.Double)
- getInputStart() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.metadata.StatsFactory
Returns the input start.
- getInserted() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageData
Returns the insertion time of the image.
- getInstance(Class<T>) - Method in class ome.formats.model.BlitzInstanceProvider
- getInstance(Class<T>) - Method in interface ome.formats.model.InstanceProvider
Retrieves an instance.
- getInstance(String) - Static method in class ome.system.OmeroContext
create (if necessary) and return the single default OmeroContext named by
the beanFactoryName parameter.
- getInstanceProvider() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
Retrieves the active instance provider.
- getInstitution() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Simple field ome.model.meta.Experimenter.institution (java.lang.String)
- getInstitution() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ExperimenterData
Returns the institution where the experimenter works.
- getInstrument() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Detector.instrument (ome.model.acquisition.Instrument)
- getInstrument() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.instrument (ome.model.acquisition.Instrument)
- getInstrument() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Filter.instrument (ome.model.acquisition.Instrument)
- getInstrument() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.instrument (ome.model.acquisition.Instrument)
- getInstrument() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.instrument (ome.model.acquisition.Instrument)
- getInstrument() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.instrument (ome.model.acquisition.Instrument)
- getInstrument() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.OTF.instrument (ome.model.acquisition.Instrument)
- getInstrument() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Image.instrument (ome.model.acquisition.Instrument)
- getInstrumentId() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageData
Returns the id of the instrument if any.
- getIntegration() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.integration (java.lang.Integer)
- getInterfaceImplemented(String, String) - Method in class ome.services.graphs.GraphPathBean
Get the interface whose method is implemented by a specific class property, if any.
- getInternalContext() - Method in class ome.util.PermDetails
In order to properly test the permissions for this object, it must be
possible to get the internal context.
- getInternalServiceFactory(String, Long, int, int, String) - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.fire.Registry
Try to return a ServiceFactory from the grid.
- getInternalServiceFactory(String, Long, int, int, String) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.fire.Registry.Impl
- getInternalValue(String) - Method in interface ome.api.local.LocalConfig
Provides a configuration value, ignoring the visibility of the given
- getInternalValue(String) - Method in class ome.logic.ConfigImpl
- getIntervalEnd() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.codomain.CodomainChain
Returns the upper bound of the codomain interval.
- getIntervalStart() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.codomain.CodomainChain
Returns the lower bound of the codomain interval.
- getIObjectContainer(Class<? extends IObject>, LinkedHashMap<Index, Integer>) - Method in interface ome.formats.model.IObjectContainerStore
Retrieves an IObject container for a given class and location within the
OME-XML data model.
- getIObjectContainer(Class<? extends IObject>, LinkedHashMap<Index, Integer>) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getIObjectContainers(Class<? extends IObject>) - Method in interface ome.formats.model.IObjectContainerStore
Retrieves all IObject containers of a given class.
- getIObjectContainers(Class<? extends IObject>) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getIP(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.fire.SessionManagerI
- getIQuery() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getIris() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.iris (java.lang.Boolean)
- getIsSPW() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportContainer
Return true if this import container contains a Screen/Plate/Well image
- getItemCount() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
Simple field ome.model.meta.Share.itemCount (java.lang.Long)
- getIterator() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ROIData
Returns the iterator of the collection of the map.
- getJavaClass() - Method in class ome.util.LSID
Returns the Java class which qualifies the type of object this
LSID represents.
- getJavaClasspath() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorContainer
- getJavaVersion() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorContainer
- getJob() - Method in interface ome.api.JobHandle
- getJob(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ScriptProcessI
- getJob() - Method in class ome.services.JobBean
- getJob(Current) - Method in class omero.grid.InteractiveProcessorI
- getJob_async(AMD_JobHandle_getJob, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.JobHandleI
- getJobLinks() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
returns jobLinks .
- getJobLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink that a user has.
- getKeepAlive() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
Returns clientKeepAlive created in store
- getKey() - Method in class ome.services.eventlogs.PersistentEventLogLoader
- getKeySet() - Method in class ome.system.PreferenceContext
- getKeywords() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
Simple field ome.model.meta.Namespace.keywords (java.util.List)
- getKind() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LightSourceData
Returns the kind of light source.
- getLabel() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PlateAcquisitionData
Returns the label associated to the plate acquisition.
- getLabelAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLabelFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLabelFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLabelFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLabelFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLabelFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLabelID(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLabelLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLabelName() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageAcquisitionData
Returns the name of the stage label.
- getLabelStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLabelStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLabelStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLabelText(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLabelTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLabelTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLabelTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLabelTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLabelX(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLabelY(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLaser(int, int) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getLaserFrequencyMultiplication() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LightSourceData
Returns the frequency multiplication of the laser.
- getLaserMedium() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Laser.laserMedium (ome.model.enums.LaserMedium)
- getLaserMedium() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LightSourceData
Returns the laser's medium.
- getLaserPockelCell() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LightSourceData
Returns the pockel cell flag of the laser.
- getLaserPulse() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LightSourceData
Returns the pulse of the laser.
- getLaserPump() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LightSourceData
Returns the pump.
- getLaserRepetitionRate(UnitsFrequency) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LightSourceData
Returns the repetition rate (Hz) if the laser is repetitive.
- getLaserTuneable() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LightSourceData
Returns the value of the tuneable
field or null
if no value set.
- getLaserWavelength(UnitsLength) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LightSourceData
Returns the laser's wavelength.
- getLast() - Method in class ome.security.basic.CurrentDetails
- getLast() - Method in interface ome.security.basic.PrincipalHolder
Get the last, i.e. currently active, principal.
- getLastModified() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.AnnotationData
Returns the time when the annotation was last modified.
- getLastName() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Simple field ome.model.meta.Experimenter.lastName (java.lang.String)
- getLastName() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ExperimenterData
Returns the last name of the experimenter.
- getLastUpdated() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.state.SessionCache
- getLauncher() - Method in class ome.services.scripts.ScriptFileType
Return the name of the launcher (".
- getLauncher(String) - Method in class ome.services.scripts.ScriptRepoHelper
Find an "omero.launcher..." property string for the given mimetype or
return "" if none is found.
- getLdap() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Simple field ome.model.meta.Experimenter.ldap (java.lang.Boolean)
- getLdap() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
Simple field ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup.ldap (java.lang.Boolean)
- getLdapExperimenters() - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Gets the experimenters who have the ldap
attribute enabled.
- getLdapExperimenters() - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- getLdapService(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
- getLdapService() - Method in class ome.system.ServiceFactory
- getLeaderOfGroupIds(Experimenter) - Method in interface ome.api.IAdmin
Finds the ids for all groups for which the given
- getLeaderOfGroupIds(Experimenter) - Method in class ome.logic.AdminImpl
- getLeaderOfGroupIds_async(AMD_IAdmin_getLeaderOfGroupIds, Experimenter, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.AdminI
- getLeaderOfGroupsList() - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicEventContext
- getLeaderOfGroupsList() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionContextImpl
- getLeaderOfGroupsList() - Method in interface ome.system.EventContext
- getLeaderOfGroupsList() - Method in class ome.system.SimpleEventContext
- getLeaders() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.GroupData
Returns the experimenters contained in this group.
- getLeaves() - Method in class omero.sys.ParametersI
- getLegalTargets(Class<R>) - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.GraphRequestFactory
Get the legal target object classes for the given request.
- getLength() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.transfers.TransferState
- getLensNA() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.lensNA (java.lang.Double)
- getLensNA() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ObjectiveData
Returns the objective's LensNA.
- getLightEmittingDiode(int, int) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getLightPath() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.lightPath (ome.model.acquisition.LightPath)
- getLightPath() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelAcquisitionData
Returns the light path or null
- getLightPathEmissionFilters() - Method in class ome.formats.model.ChannelData
Returns the collection of emission filters in the light path.
- getLightPathExcitationFilterLink(int) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
Gets the ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink at the given index.
- getLightPathExcitationFilters() - Method in class ome.formats.model.ChannelData
Returns the collection of excitation filters in the light path.
- getLightSettingsAttenuation() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelAcquisitionData
Returns the attenuation of the light source, percent value
between 0 and 1.
- getLightSettingsWavelength(UnitsLength) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelAcquisitionData
Returns the wavelength of the light source.
- getLightSource() - Method in class ome.formats.model.ChannelData
Returns the light source for the light source settings of this channel
- getLightSource() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns lightSource .
- getLightSource() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.lightSource (ome.model.acquisition.LightSource)
- getLightSource() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelAcquisitionData
Returns the source of light.
- getLightSourceModel() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LightSourceData
Returns the model of the light source.
- getLightSources() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.InstrumentData
Returns the collection of light sources.
- getLightSourceSettings() - Method in class ome.formats.model.ChannelData
Returns the light source settings for the logical channel of this
channel data.
- getLightSourceSettings() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.lightSourceSettings (ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings)
- getLightSourceSettings() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
returns lightSourceSettings .
- getLimit() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
- getLimit() - Method in class omero.sys.ParametersI
Returns the value of the limit
- getLine(int, int) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getLine() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.FileMaker
- getLineAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLineFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLineFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLineFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLineFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLineFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLineID(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLineLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLineMarkerEnd(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLineMarkerStart(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLineStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLineStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLineStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLineText(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLineTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLineTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLineTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLineTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLineX1(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLineX2(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLineY1(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLineY2(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLinkedBy(String) - Method in class ome.services.graphs.GraphPathBean
Get the classes and properties that link to the given class.
- getLinkeds(String, String, Long) - Method in class ome.services.graphs.GraphTraversal
Get the model objects that are linked to by the given object via the given property.
- getLinkedTo(String) - Method in class ome.services.graphs.GraphPathBean
Get the classes and properties to which the given class links.
- getLinkers(String, String, Long) - Method in class ome.services.graphs.GraphTraversal
Get the model objects that link to the given object via the given property.
- getListAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getLocalLocation(OriginalFile, OriginalFile) - Method in class ome.formats.importer.transfers.AbstractExecFileTransfer
Build a path of the form "root.path/root.name/file.path/file.name".
- getLocationStats() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.metadata.StatsFactory
Returns the statistics.
- getLockCandidateChecks(Class<? extends IObject>, boolean) - Method in interface ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata
- getLockCandidateChecks(Class<? extends IObject>, boolean) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata.Impl
- getLockCandidateChecks(boolean) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata.Locks
- getLockCandidates() - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicEventContext
- getLockCandidates(IObject) - Method in interface ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata
walks the
non-recursively and gathers
instances which will be linked to by the
creation or updating of the argument.
- getLockCandidates(IObject) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata.Impl
walks the
non-recursively and gathers
instances which will be linked to by the
creation or updating of the argument.
- getLockCandidates(IObject) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata.Locks
- getLockChecks(Class<? extends IObject>) - Method in interface ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata
returns all class/field name pairs which may possibly link to an object
of type klass
- getLockChecks(Class<? extends IObject>) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata.Impl
returns all class/field name pairs which may possibly link to an object
of type klass
- getLocked() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Simple field ome.model.roi.Shape.locked (java.lang.Boolean)
- getLockingIds(Class<IObject>, long, Long) - Method in interface ome.api.local.LocalAdmin
Returns a map from
(as string) to a count for all entities
which point to the given
- getLockingIds(IObject) - Method in class ome.logic.AdminImpl
- getLockingIds(Class<IObject>, long, Long) - Method in class ome.logic.AdminImpl
- getLogFile() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- getLogFile() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.IniFileLoader
- getLogFile() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.ManagedImportLocationI
Return the server-side
instance which can be used
for writing a log file for a fileset.
- getLogFile() - Method in interface omero.log.Logger
Returns the log file.
- getLogFile() - Method in class omero.log.NullLogger
- getLogFile() - Method in class omero.log.SimpleLogger
- getLoggedInUser() - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Get the currently logged in user
- getLogger() - Method in class ome.services.util.BeanHelper
- getLogger() - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
- getLogicalChannel() - Method in class ome.formats.model.ChannelData
Returns the logical channel for this channel data.
- getLogicalChannel() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Channel.logicalChannel (ome.model.core.LogicalChannel)
- getLogs() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
returns logs .
- getLogs() - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicEventContext
- getLogs() - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicSecuritySystem
- getLogs() - Method in class ome.security.basic.CurrentDetails
- getLogString(SelfConfigurableService) - Method in class ome.services.util.BeanHelper
- getLongAnnotation(int) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getLongAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLongAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLongAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLongAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLongAnnotationValue(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getLongValue() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
Simple field ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation.longValue (java.lang.Long)
- getLookupTable() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
Simple field ome.model.core.Channel.lookupTable (java.lang.String)
- getLookupTable() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.lookupTable (java.lang.String)
- getLookupTables(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Get the available lookup tables
- getLotNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Detector.lotNumber (java.lang.String)
- getLotNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.lotNumber (java.lang.String)
- getLotNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Filter.lotNumber (java.lang.String)
- getLotNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.lotNumber (java.lang.String)
- getLotNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.lotNumber (java.lang.String)
- getLotNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.lotNumber (java.lang.String)
- getLotNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.lotNumber (java.lang.String)
- getLotNumber() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DetectorData
Returns the lot number of the detector.
- getLotNumber() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DichroicData
Returns the lot number.
- getLotNumber() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FilterData
Returns the lot number.
- getLotNumber() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FilterSetData
Returns the lot number.
- getLotNumber() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LightSourceData
Returns the lot of number the light source.
- getLotNumber() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ObjectiveData
Returns the lot number of the detector.
- getLowerLimit() - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
Simple field ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext.lowerLimit (java.lang.Integer)
- getLowerLimit() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.codomain.PlaneSlicingContext
Returns the constant level for bit-planes < planeSelected w.r.t the
higher-order bits.
- getLsid() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
Simple field ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.lsid (java.lang.String)
- getLutReaders(ChannelBinding[]) - Method in class ome.logic.LutProviderImpl
- getLutReaders(ChannelBinding[]) - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.lut.LutProvider
Returns the list of lookup table readers that can be used by a set
of channel bindings.
- getMailUtil() - Method in class ome.services.mail.MailSender
- getManagedServerContext() - Static method in class ome.system.OmeroContext
create (if necessary) and return the single default managed OmeroContext.
- getManagerByUuid(String, ServiceFactory) - Method in class ome.security.basic.NodeProviderInDb
- getManagerByUuid(String, ServiceFactory) - Method in class ome.security.basic.NodeProviderInMemory
- getManagerByUuid(String, ServiceFactory) - Method in class ome.security.basic.NodeProviderWrapper
- getManagerByUuid(String, ServiceFactory) - Method in interface ome.security.NodeProvider
Retrieves a given manager node.
- getManagerIdByUuid(String, SqlAction) - Method in class ome.security.basic.NodeProviderInDb
- getManagerIdByUuid(String, SqlAction) - Method in class ome.security.basic.NodeProviderInMemory
- getManagerIdByUuid(String, SqlAction) - Method in class ome.security.basic.NodeProviderWrapper
- getManagerIdByUuid(String, SqlAction) - Method in interface ome.security.NodeProvider
Retrieves a given manager node ID.
- getManagerList(boolean) - Method in class ome.security.basic.NodeProviderInDb
- getManagerList(boolean) - Method in class ome.security.basic.NodeProviderInMemory
- getManagerList(boolean) - Method in class ome.security.basic.NodeProviderWrapper
- getManagerList(boolean) - Method in interface ome.security.NodeProvider
- getManagerList(boolean) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.fire.Ring
- getManagerList(boolean) - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.redirect.Redirector.Context
Return all known managers in the current cluster context, possibly
filtering out the inactive ones.
- getManufacturer() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Detector.manufacturer (java.lang.String)
- getManufacturer() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.manufacturer (java.lang.String)
- getManufacturer() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Filter.manufacturer (java.lang.String)
- getManufacturer() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.manufacturer (java.lang.String)
- getManufacturer() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.manufacturer (java.lang.String)
- getManufacturer() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.manufacturer (java.lang.String)
- getManufacturer() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.manufacturer (java.lang.String)
- getManufacturer() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DetectorData
Returns the manufacturer of the detector.
- getManufacturer() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DichroicData
Returns the manufacturer.
- getManufacturer() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FilterData
Returns the manufacturer.
- getManufacturer() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FilterSetData
Returns the manufacturer.
- getManufacturer() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LightSourceData
Returns the manufacturer of the light source.
- getManufacturer() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ObjectiveData
Returns the manufacturer of the detector.
- getMap() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
- getMap() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
- getMapProperties(String) - Method in interface ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata
Get the names of any String→RString map properties this class has, otherwise an empty set if none.
- getMapProperties(String) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata.Impl
- getMapValue() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
- getMarkerEnd() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
Simple field ome.model.roi.Line.markerEnd (java.lang.String)
- getMarkerEnd() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
Simple field ome.model.roi.Polyline.markerEnd (java.lang.String)
- getMarkerEnd() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ShapeSettingsData
Returns the marker end.
- getMarkerStart() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
Simple field ome.model.roi.Line.markerStart (java.lang.String)
- getMarkerStart() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
Simple field ome.model.roi.Polyline.markerStart (java.lang.String)
- getMarkerStart() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ShapeSettingsData
Returns the marker start.
- getMask(int, int) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getMask() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.MaskData
Returns the mask as a byte array.
- getMaskAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getMaskAsBinaryArray() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.MaskData
Returns the mask image.
- getMaskAsBufferedImage() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.MaskData
Returns the mask image.
- getMaskFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getMaskFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getMaskFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getMaskFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getMaskFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getMaskID(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getMaskLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getMaskPoints() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PolygonData
Returns the points in the polygon.
- getMaskStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getMaskStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getMaskStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getMaskTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getMaskTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getMaskTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getMaskTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getMax() - Method in class ome.system.metrics.DefaultSnapshot
- getMax() - Method in interface ome.system.metrics.Snapshot
- getMaximum() - Method in class ome.util.PixelData
Returns the minimum pixel value this pixel data supports.
- getMaximumFieldCount() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
Simple field ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.maximumFieldCount (java.lang.Integer)
- getMaximumFieldCount() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PlateAcquisitionData
Returns the maximum number of fields in any well.
- getMaxPlaneHeight() - Method in class ome.io.nio.ConfiguredTileSizes
- getMaxPlaneHeight() - Method in interface ome.io.nio.TileSizes
- getMaxPlaneWidth() - Method in class ome.io.nio.ConfiguredTileSizes
- getMaxPlaneWidth() - Method in interface ome.io.nio.TileSizes
- getMean() - Method in class ome.system.metrics.DefaultSnapshot
- getMean() - Method in interface ome.system.metrics.Snapshot
- getMeasuredRois_async(AMD_IRoi_getMeasuredRois, long, long, RoiOptions, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RoiI
- getMeasuredRoisMap_async(AMD_IRoi_getMeasuredRoisMap, long, List<Long>, RoiOptions, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RoiI
- getMedian() - Method in class ome.system.metrics.DefaultSnapshot
- getMedian() - Method in interface ome.system.metrics.Snapshot
- getMedium() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.medium (ome.model.enums.Medium)
- getMedium() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageAcquisitionData
Returns the medium of the objective.
- getMediumAsEnum() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageAcquisitionData
Returns the medium enumeration value.
- getMemberCount(Set<Long>) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
Returns a map from share id to the count of total members (including the
- getMemberCount(Set<Long>) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- getMemberCount_async(AMD_IShare_getMemberCount, List<Long>, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- getMemberOfGroupIds(Experimenter) - Method in interface ome.api.IAdmin
Finds the ids for all groups for which the given
a member.
- getMemberOfGroupIds(Experimenter) - Method in class ome.logic.AdminImpl
- getMemberOfGroupIds_async(AMD_IAdmin_getMemberOfGroupIds, Experimenter, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.AdminI
- getMemberOfGroupsList() - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicEventContext
- getMemberOfGroupsList() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionContextImpl
- getMemberOfGroupsList() - Method in interface ome.system.EventContext
- getMemberOfGroupsList() - Method in class ome.system.SimpleEventContext
- getMemberShares(boolean) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
- getMemberShares(boolean) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- getMemberShares_async(AMD_IShare_getMemberShares, boolean, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- getMemberSharesFor(Experimenter, boolean) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
- getMemberSharesFor(Experimenter, boolean) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- getMemberSharesFor_async(AMD_IShare_getMemberSharesFor, Experimenter, boolean, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- getMembersOnly() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.GroupData
Returns the list of experimenters that are not owners of the group.
- getMemoizerDirectory() - Method in class ome.io.nio.PixelsService
- getMemoizerWait() - Method in class ome.io.nio.PixelsService
- getMessage() - Method in exception ome.conditions.acl.ACLViolation
- getMessage() - Method in exception ome.conditions.acl.CollectedACLViolations
- getMessage() - Method in exception ome.io.nio.PixelBufferException
- getMessage() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
Simple field ome.model.jobs.Job.message (java.lang.String)
- getMessage() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
Simple field ome.model.meta.DBPatch.message (java.lang.String)
- getMessage() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Simple field ome.model.meta.Session.message (java.lang.String)
- getMessageDigest() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getMessages() - Method in class ome.services.messages.DeleteLogsMessage
- getMetadata(long) - Method in class ome.services.ThumbnailCtx
Retrieves the Thumbnail object for a given Pixels ID.
- getMetadata() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Returns the
set the rendering engine is for.
- getMetadataOptions() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.OMEROWrapper
- getMetadataService(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
- getMetadataService() - Method in class ome.system.ServiceFactory
- getMetadataService(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the IMetadataPrx
- getMethod(String) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.util.IceMethodInvoker
For testing the cached method.
- getMethodCount() - Method in class ome.services.messages.stats.MethodStatsMessage
- getMethodology() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Simple field ome.model.core.Pixels.methodology (java.lang.String)
- getMicrobeamManipulation(int, int) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getMicrobeamManipulation() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.microbeamManipulation (ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation)
- getMicrobeamManipulation() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
returns microbeamManipulation .
- getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettings(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getMicroscope() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Instrument.microscope (ome.model.acquisition.Microscope)
- getMicroscopeLotNumber() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.InstrumentData
Returns the lot number of the microscope.
- getMicroscopeManufacturer() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.InstrumentData
Returns the model of the microscope.
- getMicroscopeModel() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.InstrumentData
Returns the model of the microscope.
- getMicroscopeSerialNumber() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.InstrumentData
Returns the serial number of the microscope.
- getMicroscopeType() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.InstrumentData
Returns the type of microscope.
- getMiddleName() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Simple field ome.model.meta.Experimenter.middleName (java.lang.String)
- getMiddleName() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ExperimenterData
Returns the middle name of the experimenter.
- getMiddleRange(double) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.quantum.QuantumStrategy
Returns the range the values belongs to.
- getMimetype() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Simple field ome.model.core.OriginalFile.mimetype (java.lang.String)
- getMimeType() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
Simple field ome.model.display.Thumbnail.mimeType (java.lang.String)
- getMimetype() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.CheckedPath
Get the mimetype for a file.
- getMimetype() - Method in class ome.services.scripts.ScriptFileType
Returns the mimetype that must be set on an original file instance
in order to be considered of this type.
- getMIMEType() - Method in class omero.gateway.util.TIFFFilter
Returns the MIME type.
- getMin() - Method in class ome.system.metrics.DefaultSnapshot
- getMin() - Method in interface ome.system.metrics.Snapshot
- getMinimum() - Method in class ome.util.PixelData
Returns the minimum pixel value this pixel data supports.
- getMinimumDepth(Collection<File>) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.path.ClientFilePathTransformer
Get the smallest path component depth that allows the given set of File
to be disambiguated.
- getMode() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.mode (ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode)
- getMode() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelAcquisitionData
Returns the mode.
- getMode() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelData
Returns the mode.
- getModeAsEnum() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelData
Returns the acquisition enumeration value.
- getModel() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Detector.model (java.lang.String)
- getModel() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.model (java.lang.String)
- getModel() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Filter.model (java.lang.String)
- getModel() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.model (java.lang.String)
- getModel() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.model (java.lang.String)
- getModel() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.model (java.lang.String)
- getModel() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.model (java.lang.String)
- getModel() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Many-to-one field ome.model.display.RenderingDef.model (ome.model.enums.RenderingModel)
- getModel() - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getModel() - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Returns the model that dictates how transformed raw data has to be mapped
onto a color space.
- getModel() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DetectorData
Returns the manufacturer of the detector.
- getModel() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DichroicData
Returns the model.
- getModel() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FilterData
Returns the model.
- getModel() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FilterSetData
Returns the model.
- getModel() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ObjectiveData
Returns the model of the objective.
- getModel_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_getModel, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- getModelProcessors() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
Retrieves the current list of model processors the metadata store is
- getModelType(String) - Static method in class omero.gateway.util.PojoMapper
- getModelType(Class<? extends DataObject>) - Static method in class omero.gateway.util.PojoMapper
Converts the specified POJO into the corresponding model class.
- getMostRecentAnnotationLinks_async(AMD_ITimeline_getMostRecentAnnotationLinks, List<String>, List<String>, List<String>, Parameters, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.TimelineI
- getMostRecentObjects_async(AMD_ITimeline_getMostRecentObjects, List<String>, Parameters, boolean, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.TimelineI
- getMostRecentShareCommentLinks_async(AMD_ITimeline_getMostRecentShareCommentLinks, Parameters, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.TimelineI
- getMtime() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Simple field ome.model.core.OriginalFile.mtime (java.sql.Timestamp)
- getMultivalued() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
Simple field ome.model.meta.Namespace.multivalued (java.lang.Boolean)
- getMyOpenAgentSessions(String) - Method in interface ome.api.ISession
- getMyOpenAgentSessions(String) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionBean
- getMyOpenAgentSessions_async(AMD_ISession_getMyOpenAgentSessions, String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.SessionI
- getMyOpenClientSessions() - Method in interface ome.api.ISession
- getMyOpenClientSessions() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionBean
- getMyOpenClientSessions_async(AMD_ISession_getMyOpenClientSessions, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.SessionI
- getMyOpenSessions() - Method in interface ome.api.ISession
Returns a list of open sessions for the current user.
- getMyOpenSessions() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionBean
- getMyOpenSessions_async(AMD_ISession_getMyOpenSessions, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.SessionI
- getMyUserPhotos() - Method in interface ome.api.IAdmin
- getMyUserPhotos() - Method in class ome.logic.AdminImpl
- getMyUserPhotos_async(AMD_IAdmin_getMyUserPhotos, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.AdminI
- getName() - Method in class ome.logic.HardWiredInterceptor
- getName() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel.name (java.lang.String)
- getName() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
Simple field ome.model.annotations.Annotation.name (java.lang.String)
- getName() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
Simple field ome.model.containers.Dataset.name (java.lang.String)
- getName() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
Simple field ome.model.containers.Folder.name (java.lang.String)
- getName() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
Simple field ome.model.containers.Project.name (java.lang.String)
- getName() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Simple field ome.model.core.Image.name (java.lang.String)
- getName() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Simple field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.name (java.lang.String)
- getName() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Simple field ome.model.core.OriginalFile.name (java.lang.String)
- getName() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Simple field ome.model.display.RenderingDef.name (java.lang.String)
- getName() - Method in class ome.model.internal.NamedValue
- getName() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
Simple field ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup.name (java.lang.String)
- getName() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
Simple field ome.model.meta.Namespace.name (java.lang.String)
- getName() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Simple field ome.model.roi.Roi.name (java.lang.String)
- getName() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Simple field ome.model.screen.Plate.name (java.lang.String)
- getName() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
Simple field ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.name (java.lang.String)
- getName() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
Simple field ome.model.screen.Reagent.name (java.lang.String)
- getName() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Simple field ome.model.screen.Screen.name (java.lang.String)
- getName() - Method in class ome.security.basic.AbstractSecurityFilter
- getName() - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicSecurityWiring
Lookup name.
- getName() - Method in class ome.security.policy.BasePolicy
- getName() - Method in class ome.security.policy.BinaryAccessPolicy
- getName() - Method in interface ome.security.policy.Policy
Unique name for a class of restrictions that this
will enforce.
- getName() - Method in interface ome.security.SecurityFilter
Name of this security filter.
- getName() - Method in class ome.security.SecurityFilterHolder
- getName() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.CheckedPath
Get the last component of this path, the entity to which the path corresponds.
- getName() - Method in interface ome.services.graphs.GraphPolicyRulePredicate
- getName() - Method in class ome.services.graphs.GroupPredicate
- getName() - Method in class ome.services.graphs.PermissionsPredicate
- getName() - Method in class ome.services.roi.PopulateRoiJob
- getName() - Method in class ome.services.scripts.ScriptFinder
Subclasses should override to return the name of the file under scripts/
which should be uploaded.
- getName() - Method in interface ome.services.sessions.SessionCallback
- getName() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionCallback.SimpleCloseCallback
- getName() - Method in class ome.system.Login
simple getter for the user name passed into the constructor
- getName() - Method in class ome.system.Preference
- getName() - Method in class ome.system.Principal
- getName() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelData
Returns the name of the channel.
- getName() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DatasetData
Returns the name of the dataset.
- getName() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FileData
Returns the name of the file.
- getName() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FolderData
Get the name of the Folder
- getName() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.GroupData
Returns the name of the group.
- getName() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageData
Returns the name of the image.
- getName() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PlateAcquisitionData
Returns the name of the plate acquisition.
- getName() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PlateData
Returns the name of the plate.
- getName() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ProjectData
Returns the name of the project.
- getName() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ScreenData
Returns the name of the screen.
- getName() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TableDataColumn
Get the header
- getNameSpace() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.AnnotationData
Retrieves the nameSpace
of the underlying
- getNdFilter() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Simple field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.ndFilter (java.lang.Double)
- getNDFilter() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelData
Returns the ND filter wavelength of the channel.
- getNewUserGroup() - Method in class ome.security.auth.LdapConfig
- getNewUserGroupOwner() - Method in class ome.security.auth.LdapConfig
- getNode() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.Session.node (ome.model.meta.Node)
- getNodeUuid(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.fire.Ring
- getNoiseReduction() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.noiseReduction (java.lang.Boolean)
- getNoiseReduction() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.quantum.QuantumStrategy
Returns true
if the noise reduction algorithm
is turned on, false
if turned off.
- getNominalMagnification() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.nominalMagnification (java.lang.Double)
- getNominalMagnification() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ObjectiveData
Returns the objective's nominal magnification factor.
- getNoStatsInfo() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportContainer
Retrieves whether or not we disabling StatsInfo
- getNs() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
Simple field ome.model.annotations.Annotation.ns (java.lang.String)
- getNumberOfRows() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TableData
- getNumOfDirectories() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- getNumOfDirectories() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.IniFileLoader
- getObject() - Method in interface ome.services.sessions.SessionCallback
- getObject() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionCallback.SimpleCloseCallback
- getObject() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.state.CacheFactory
- getObject() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.SearchResult
Get the found object
- getObjectAdapter() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.AbstractRepositoryI
- getObjectAdapter() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.InternalRepositoryConfig
- getObjectByLSID(LSID) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStore
Retrieves an object from the internal object graph by LSID.
- getObjectClass() - Method in class ome.services.mail.ObjectMailSender
- getObjectId() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.targets.ModelImportTarget
- getObjectId() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.SearchResult
Get the Id of the found object
- getObjective(int, int) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getObjective() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns objective .
- getObjective() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.objective (ome.model.acquisition.Objective)
- getObjective() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.OTF.objective (ome.model.acquisition.Objective)
- getObjective() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageAcquisitionData
Returns the objective used to capture the image.
- getObjective() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.OTFData
Returns the associated objective.
- getObjectives() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.InstrumentData
Returns the collection of objectives.
- getObjectiveSettings(int) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getObjectiveSettings() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Image.objectiveSettings (ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings)
- getObjectiveSettingsId() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageAcquisitionData
Returns the id of the Objective settings
or -1
if not already linked to the image.
- getObjectsRead() - Method in class ome.services.messages.stats.ObjectsReadStatsMessage
- getObjectsWritten() - Method in class ome.services.messages.stats.ObjectsWrittenStatsMessage
- getObjectType() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.targets.ModelImportTarget
- getObjectType() - Method in class ome.security.basic.EventListenersFactoryBean
this FactoryBean
produces a Map
instance for use in
- getObjectType() - Method in class ome.services.delete.Deletion.Builder
- getObjectVoidMethods(Class<T>) - Static method in class ome.util.Utils
primarily used in Grinder to discover what methods to call
- getOffset() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
- getOffset() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DetectorData
Returns the offset of the detector.
- getOffset() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TableData
Get the row offset (if this
represents only a subset of
the original table)
- getOffset() - Method in class omero.sys.ParametersI
Returns the value of the offset
- getOffsetValue() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Detector.offsetValue (java.lang.Double)
- getOffsetValue() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.offsetValue (java.lang.Double)
- getOmeName() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Simple field ome.model.meta.Experimenter.omeName (java.lang.String)
- getOmeroVersion() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- getOpticalAxisAveraged() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.OTF.opticalAxisAveraged (java.lang.Boolean)
- getOptimisticFailureCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getOptimizations() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Returns the optimizations that the renderer currently has enabled.
- getOrCreateParams(long, Current) - Method in class omero.grid.ParamsHelper
Get the script params for the file.
- getOrder() - Method in class ome.io.nio.ReorderedPixelData
Returns the byte order of the backing buffer.
- getOrder() - Method in class ome.util.PixelData
Returns the byte order of the backing buffer.
- getOriginalEnumerations() - Method in interface ome.api.ITypes
Gets all original values.
- getOriginalEnumerations() - Method in class ome.logic.TypesImpl
- getOriginalEnumerations_async(AMD_ITypes_getOriginalEnumerations, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.TypesI
- getOriginalFile() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.transfers.TransferState
Find original file as defined by the ID in the RawFileStorePrx
regardless of group.
- getOriginalFile() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
Many-to-one field ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry.originalFile (ome.model.core.OriginalFile)
- getOriginalFile(long, Current) - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDao
Gets the original file instance for a given file ID.
- getOriginalFile(long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDaoImpl
- getOriginalFileId() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TableData
Get the original file id
- getOriginalFileLinks() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
returns originalFileLinks .
- getOriginalFileLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink that a user has.
- getOriginalFilePath(AbstractFileSystemService, Pixels) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.FilePathResolver
Retrieves the original file path for a given set of pixels.
- getOriginalFilePath(Pixels) - Method in class ome.io.nio.PixelsService
Retrieves the original file path for a given set of pixels.
- getOriginalFilePath(AbstractFileSystemService, Pixels) - Method in class ome.services.OmeroFilePathResolver
- getOriginalFiles(String, CheckedPath, Current) - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDao
Return a non-null, possibly empty list of OriginalFile
which are accessible to the given user at the given path.
- getOriginalFiles(String, CheckedPath, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDaoImpl
- getOriginalFiles(ServiceFactory, SqlAction, String, CheckedPath) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDaoImpl
- getOriginalFileWithHasher(long, Current) - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDao
Retrieve the original file of the given ID.
- getOriginalFileWithHasher(long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDaoImpl
- getOriginalGlobalMax() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.quantum.QuantumStrategy
Returns the original maximum of all minima.
- getOriginalGlobalMin() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.quantum.QuantumStrategy
Returns the original minimum of all minima.
- getOriginalMimetype() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FileAnnotationData
Returns the format of the original file.
- getOrphan() - Method in class omero.sys.ParametersI
- getOrphanedImages(SecurityContext, long) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Get orphaned images for a certain user
- getOSArch() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorContainer
- getOSName() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorContainer
- getOSVersion() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorContainer
- getOtf() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns otf .
- getOtf() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.otf (ome.model.acquisition.OTF)
- getOTF() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelAcquisitionData
Returns the OTF used for that channel.
- getOTF() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.InstrumentData
Returns the collection of OTFs.
- getOutput(String, String) - Method in interface ome.api.ISession
Retrieves an entry from the
output environment.
- getOutput(String, String) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionBean
- getOutput(String, String) - Method in interface ome.services.sessions.SessionManager
Returns the output environment Object
stored under the given key
or null if none present.
- getOutput(String, String) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionManagerImpl
- getOutput(String) - Method in class omero.client
Retrieves an item from the "output" shared (session) memory.
- getOutput_async(AMD_ISession_getOutput, String, String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.SessionI
- getOutputKeys(String) - Method in interface ome.api.ISession
Retrieves all keys in the
output environment.
- getOutputKeys(String) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionBean
- getOutputKeys() - Method in class omero.client
Returns a list of keys for all items in the "output" shared (session)
- getOutputKeys_async(AMD_ISession_getOutputKeys, String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.SessionI
- getOutputs(String) - Method in interface ome.api.ISession
Retrieves all outputs from the given
- getOutputs(String) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionBean
- getOutputs_async(AMD_ISession_getOutputs, String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.SessionI
- getOverlays() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Returns the current set of overlays to be rendered.
- getOwnedGroups() - Method in class ome.logic.LdapImpl.GroupLoader
Return the found owned groups for the given username.
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in interface ome.model.IDetails
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
Simple field ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap.owner (java.lang.Boolean)
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.Session.owner (ome.model.meta.Experimenter)
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo.Details
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicEventContext
- getOwner() - Method in class ome.security.basic.CurrentDetails
- getOwner() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DataObject
Returns the owner of the object.
- getOwner(Current) - Method in class omero.model.DetailsI
- getOwnShares(boolean) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
- getOwnShares(boolean) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- getOwnShares_async(AMD_IShare_getOwnShares, boolean, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- getParameterTypes() - Method in class ome.security.basic.AllGroupsSecurityFilter
- getParameterTypes() - Method in class ome.security.basic.LightAdminPrivilegesSecurityFilter
- getParameterTypes() - Method in class ome.security.basic.OneGroupSecurityFilter
- getParameterTypes() - Method in class ome.security.basic.SharingSecurityFilter
- getParameterTypes() - Method in interface ome.security.SecurityFilter
Return a mapping of the hibernate types for each of the parameters
that the condition takes.
- getParameterTypes() - Method in class ome.security.SecurityFilterHolder
- getParams() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.ParseJob
Simple field ome.model.jobs.ParseJob.params (byte[])
- getParams(Long, String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.util.ParamsCache
Lookup a cached JobParams
instance for the given key.
- getParams_async(AMD_IScript_getParams, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ScriptI
Get the Parameters of the script.
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.parent (ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.parent (ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink.parent (ome.model.acquisition.LightPath)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink.parent (ome.model.acquisition.LightPath)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.core.Channel)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.containers.Dataset)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.acquisition.Detector)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.meta.Experimenter)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.fs.Fileset)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.acquisition.Filter)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.containers.Folder)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.core.Image)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.acquisition.Instrument)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.acquisition.LightPath)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.acquisition.LightSource)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.meta.Namespace)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.meta.Node)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.acquisition.Objective)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.core.OriginalFile)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.core.PlaneInfo)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.screen.Plate)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.containers.Project)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.screen.Reagent)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.roi.Roi)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.screen.Screen)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.meta.Session)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.roi.Shape)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.screen.Well)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink.parent (ome.model.containers.Dataset)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink.parent (ome.model.containers.Folder)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink.parent (ome.model.containers.Folder)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink.parent (ome.model.containers.Project)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap.parent (ome.model.core.OriginalFile)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink.parent (ome.model.fs.Fileset)
- getParent() - Method in interface ome.model.ILink
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink.parent (ome.model.jobs.Job)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap.parent (ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.ShareMember.parent (ome.model.meta.Share)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink.parent (ome.model.screen.Screen)
- getParent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink.parent (ome.model.screen.Well)
- getParentFilePath() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageData
Returns the path to the file hosting the image.
- getParentFolder() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
Many-to-one field ome.model.containers.Folder.parentFolder (ome.model.containers.Folder)
- getParentFolder() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FolderData
Get the the parent folder
- getParentFromLink(IObject) - Static method in class omero.gateway.util.ModelMapper
Returns the child from the passed link.
- getParentTransformer(Class) - Static method in class ome.services.query.Hierarchy
- getPartial() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Simple field ome.model.core.Image.partial (java.lang.Boolean)
- getPassword() - Method in class ome.system.Login
simple getter for the password passed into the constructor
- getPassword() - Method in class omero.gateway.UserCredentials
Returns the password.
- getPasswordAuthentication() - Method in class ome.security.SmtpAuthenticator
- getPasswordHash(Long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- getPasswordHash(Long) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- getPastConnections(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
Gets previous connections to
- getPastConnections(long) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- getPastConnections_async(AMD_IShare_getPastConnections, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- getPath() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getPath() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getPath() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getPath() - Method in class ome.io.nio.AbstractBuffer
- getPath() - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getPath() - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the full path to this pixel buffer on disk
- getPath() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.OTF.path (java.lang.String)
- getPath() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Simple field ome.model.core.OriginalFile.path (java.lang.String)
- getPath() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FileData
Returns the (relative) path of the file.
- getPath() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.OTFData
Returns the path.
- getPathFor(long) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.path.MakeNextDirectory
Get the subdirectories to create for the given index,
the first directories to be created corresponding to index == 0
- getPathFrom(FsFile) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.path.FsFile
Find the relative path of this path from a given parent.
- getPathIterator(AffineTransform) - Method in class ome.util.math.geom2D.EllipseArea
Required by the Shape
- getPathIterator(AffineTransform, double) - Method in class ome.util.math.geom2D.EllipseArea
Required by the Shape
- getPathIterator(AffineTransform) - Method in class ome.util.math.geom2D.RectangleArea
Required by the Shape
- getPathIterator(AffineTransform, double) - Method in class ome.util.math.geom2D.RectangleArea
Required by the Shape
- getPaths() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportCandidates
- getPathSanitizer() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.path.ServerFilePathTransformer
Get the string transformer that is used to make file-path components safe across platforms.
- getPathToFile() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageData
Returns the path to the file.
- getPerm1() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
- getPerm1(Current) - Method in class omero.model.PermissionsI
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in interface ome.model.IDetails
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
Permissions is a component embedded into the Details component.
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobStatus.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo.Details
- getPermissions() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DataObject
Returns the permission of the object.
- getPermissions(Current) - Method in class omero.model.DetailsI
- getPermissionsForGroup(Long) - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicEventContext
- getPermissionsLevel() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PermissionData
Returns the permissions level.
- getPhotometricInterpretation() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.photometricInterpretation (ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation)
- getPhysicalMemory() - Static method in class ome.services.util.JvmSettingsCheck
- getPhysicalSizeX() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.Pixels.physicalSizeX (ome.model.units.Length)
- getPhysicalSizeY() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.Pixels.physicalSizeY (ome.model.units.Length)
- getPhysicalSizeZ() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.Pixels.physicalSizeZ (ome.model.units.Length)
- getPinHoleSize() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.pinHoleSize (ome.model.units.Length)
- getPinholeSize(UnitsLength) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelData
Returns the pin hole size of the channel.
- getPixelBuffer(Pixels) - Method in class ome.io.nio.PixelsService
- getPixelBuffer(Pixels, boolean) - Method in class ome.io.nio.PixelsService
Returns a pixel buffer for a given set of pixels.
- getPixelIds() - Method in class ome.tools.RepositoryTask
This public method is used to return a list of pixel ids that require
deletion from the disk repository.
- getPixels() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.TinyImportFixture
- getPixels() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROImportFixture
Accessor for the created pixels.
- getPixels() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Channel.pixels (ome.model.core.Pixels)
- getPixels() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
returns pixels .
- getPixels(int) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Gets the ome.model.core.Pixels at the given index.
- getPixels() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.pixels (ome.model.core.Pixels)
- getPixels() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Many-to-one field ome.model.display.RenderingDef.pixels (ome.model.core.Pixels)
- getPixels() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
Many-to-one field ome.model.display.Thumbnail.pixels (ome.model.core.Pixels)
- getPixels() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
Many-to-one field ome.model.roi.Mask.pixels (ome.model.core.Pixels)
- getPixels(Long, ServiceFactory) - Method in class ome.services.pixeldata.PixelDataHandler
- getPixels() - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getPixels(long) - Method in class ome.services.ThumbnailCtx
Retrieves the Pixels object for a given Pixels ID.
- getPixels() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Returns the object that allows to access the pixels raw data.
- getPixels() - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Returns the
set the Rendering engine is for.
- getPixels() - Method in class omero.util.RPSTileLoop
After saving the binary data, the update event of the
instance will be updated and therefore
need to be reloaded.
- getPixels_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_getPixels, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- getPixelsBinDataBigEndian(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPixelsDimensionOrder(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPixelsDirectory() - Method in class ome.io.nio.AbstractFileSystemService
Returns a numbered path relative to the root of this service, but is
ignorant of FS and similar constructs.
- getPixelsFileMaps() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
returns pixelsFileMaps .
- getPixelsFileMaps() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
returns pixelsFileMaps .
- getPixelsFileMapsCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap that a user has.
- getPixelsFileMapsCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap that a user has.
- getPixelsId() - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
Returns the current Pixels set identifier.
- getPixelsId() - Method in exception ome.conditions.MissingPyramidException
- getPixelsID(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPixelsId() - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getPixelsId_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getPixelsId, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawPixelsStoreI
- getPixelsId_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getPixelsId, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getPixelSizeX(UnitsLength) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PixelsData
Returns the dimension of a pixel along the X-axis.
- getPixelSizeY(UnitsLength) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PixelsData
Returns the dimension of a pixel along the Y-axis.
- getPixelSizeZ(UnitsLength) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PixelsData
Returns the dimension of a pixel along the Z-axis
- getPixelsNamePathRepo(long) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
- getPixelsNamePathRepo(long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Retrieves the name, path and repo for the given pixels set.
- getPixelsPath() - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
Returns the current Pixels path.
- getPixelsPath(Long) - Method in class ome.io.nio.AbstractFileSystemService
Returns a numbered path relative to the root of this service, but is
ignorant of FS and similar constructs.
- getPixelsPath() - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getPixelsPath_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getPixelsPath, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawPixelsStoreI
- getPixelsPath_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getPixelsPath, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getPixelsPhysicalSizeX(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPixelsPhysicalSizeY(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPixelsPhysicalSizeZ(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPixelsService(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
- getPixelsService() - Method in class ome.system.ServiceFactory
- getPixelsService(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the IPixelsPrx
- getPixelsSizeC(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPixelsSizeT(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPixelsSizeX(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPixelsSizeY(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPixelsSizeZ(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPixelsStore(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the RawPixelsStorePrx
- getPixelsTimeIncrement(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPixelsType() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
cgb - created from the methods below?
- getPixelsType() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.OTF.pixelsType (ome.model.enums.PixelsType)
- getPixelsType() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Pixels.pixelsType (ome.model.enums.PixelsType)
- getPixelsType(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPixelsType() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Returns the pixels type.
- getPixelsType() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.OTFData
Returns the pixels type.
- getPixelsTypeLowerBound(int) - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getPixelsTypeLowerBound(int) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Returns the minimum value for that channels depending on the pixels
type and the original range (globalmax, globalmin)
- getPixelsTypeLowerBound(int) - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Returns the minimum value for that channels depending on the pixels
type and the original range (globalmax, globalmin)
- getPixelsTypeLowerBound_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_getPixelsTypeLowerBound, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- getPixelsTypeMax() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.quantum.QuantumStrategy
Returns the upper bound of the pixels range or 0
if the value couldn't be set.
- getPixelsTypeMin() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.quantum.QuantumStrategy
Returns the lower bound of the pixels range or 0
if the value couldn't be set.
- getPixelsTypeUpperBound(int) - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getPixelsTypeUpperBound(int) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Returns the maximum value for that channels depending on the pixels
type and the original range (globalmax, globalmin)
- getPixelsTypeUpperBound(int) - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Returns the maximum value for that channels depending on the pixels
type and the original range (globalmax, globalmin)
- getPixelsTypeUpperBound_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_getPixelsTypeUpperBound, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- getPixelType() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PixelsData
Returns the pixels type.
- getPixelValue(int) - Method in class ome.util.PixelData
Returns the pixel intensity value of the pixel at a given offset within
the backing buffer.
- getPixelValue(int, int) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.data.Plane2D
Returns the pixel intensity value of the pixel at (x1, x2)
- getPixelValue(int) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.data.Plane2D
Returns the pixel intensity value of the pixel at a given offset within
the backing buffer.
- getPixelValue(int, int) - Method in class omero.gateway.rnd.Plane2D
Returns the pixels value at the point specified by the x-coordinate
and y-coordinate.
- getPixelValueDirect(int) - Method in class ome.io.nio.ReorderedPixelData
Returns the pixel intensity value of the pixel at a given offset within
the backing buffer.
- getPixelValueDirect(int) - Method in class ome.util.PixelData
Returns the pixel intensity value of the pixel at a given offset within
the backing buffer.
- getPixelValues() - Method in class omero.gateway.rnd.Plane2D
Returns the pixels values
- getPlane(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
- getPlane(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getPlane(Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getPlane(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getPlane(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getPlane(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves a particular 2D image plane from this pixel buffer.
- getPlane(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getPlane(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getPlane(PixelBuffer, int, int, int) - Method in class ome.services.roi.PixelData
- getPlane(SecurityContext, PixelsData, int, int, int) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.RawDataFacility
Extracts a 2D plane from the pixels set.
- getPlane(int, int, int) - Method in class omero.gateway.rnd.DataSink
Extracts a 2D plane from the pixels set this object is working for.
- getPlane_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getPlane, int, int, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawPixelsStoreI
- getPlane_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getPlane, int, int, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getPlaneCount(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPlaneCount() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ROIData
- getPlaneDeltaT(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPlaneDimsAsString(PlaneDef) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Returns a string with the dimensions of the specified plane.
- getPlaneDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getPlaneDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getPlaneDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getPlaneDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves a particular 2D image plane from this pixel buffer.
- getPlaneDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getPlaneExposureTime(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPlaneInfo() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
returns planeInfo .
- getPlaneOffset(int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
- getPlaneOffset(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getPlaneOffset(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getPlaneOffset(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getPlaneOffset(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getPlaneOffset(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the offset for a particular 2D image plane in this pixel
- getPlaneOffset(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getPlaneOffset(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getPlaneOffset_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getPlaneOffset, int, int, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawPixelsStoreI
- getPlaneOffset_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getPlaneOffset, int, int, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getPlanePositionX(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPlanePositionY(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPlanePositionZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPlanePrevious() - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
Simple field ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext.planePrevious (java.lang.Integer)
- getPlanePrevious() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.codomain.PlaneSlicingContext
Returns the value corresponding to the index of the bit-plane ranged just
before the one selected.
- getPlaneRegion(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
- getPlaneRegion(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getPlaneRegion(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getPlaneRegion(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getPlaneRegion(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getPlaneRegion(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves a particular region of a 2D image plane from this pixel buffer.
- getPlaneRegion(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
Implemented as specified by ByteBuffer
- getPlaneRegion(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getPlaneRegion_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getPlaneRegion, int, int, int, int, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawPixelsStoreI
- getPlaneRegion_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getPlaneRegion, int, int, int, int, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getPlaneRegionDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getPlaneRegionDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getPlaneRegionDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getPlaneRegionDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves a region from a given plane directly.
- getPlaneRegionDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getPlaneSelected() - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
Simple field ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext.planeSelected (java.lang.Integer)
- getPlaneSelected() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.codomain.PlaneSlicingContext
Returns the value corresponding to the index of the selected bit-plane.
- getPlaneSize() - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
Returns the plane size
- getPlaneSize() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getPlaneSize() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getPlaneSize() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getPlaneSize() - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getPlaneSize() - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the in memory size of a 2D image plane in this pixel buffer.
- getPlaneSize() - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getPlaneSize() - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getPlaneSize_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getPlaneSize, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawPixelsStoreI
- getPlaneSize_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getPlaneSize, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getPlaneTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPlaneTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPlaneTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPlate() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
Many-to-one field ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.plate (ome.model.screen.Plate)
- getPlate() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Many-to-one field ome.model.screen.Well.plate (ome.model.screen.Plate)
- getPlate() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.WellData
Returns the plate containing this Well.
- getPlateAcquisition() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
Many-to-one field ome.model.screen.WellSample.plateAcquisition (ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition)
- getPlateAcquisitions() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
returns plateAcquisitions .
- getPlateAcquisitions() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PlateData
Returns the plate acquisitions related to this plate.
- getPlateLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
returns plateLinks .
- getPlateLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink that a user has.
- getPlates(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Loads all plates
- getPlates(SecurityContext, Collection<Long>) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Loads the plates with the given ids
- getPlates(SecurityContext, long) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Loads the plates for a particular user
- getPlates(SecurityContext, long, Collection<Long>) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Loads the plates with the given ids which belong to a particular user
- getPlates() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ScreenData
Returns the plates contained in this screen.
- getPlateType() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PlateData
Returns the type of plate e.g.
- getPockelCell() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Laser.pockelCell (java.lang.Boolean)
- getPockelCell() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ChannelData
Returns the Pockel cell settings.
- getPockelCellSetting() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Simple field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.pockelCellSetting (java.lang.Integer)
- getPoint(double) - Method in class ome.util.math.geom2D.Line
Returns the point of this line defined by k
- getPoint(double) - Method in class ome.util.math.geom2D.Segment
Returns the point of this line defined by k
- getPointAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPointFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPointFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPointFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPointFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPointFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPointID(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPointLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPoints() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
Simple field ome.model.roi.Polygon.points (java.lang.String)
- getPoints() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
Simple field ome.model.roi.Polyline.points (java.lang.String)
- getPoints(long, Session) - Method in class ome.services.roi.GeomTool
- getPoints() - Method in class ome.util.math.geom2D.EllipseArea
Implemented as specified by the
- getPoints() - Method in interface ome.util.math.geom2D.PlaneArea
Returns an array of
contained in the PlaneArea.
- getPoints() - Method in class ome.util.math.geom2D.RectangleArea
Implemented as specified by the
- getPoints() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PolygonData
Returns the points in the polygon.
- getPoints() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PolylineData
Returns the points in the Polyline.
- getPoints_async(AMD_IRoi_getPoints, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RoiI
- getPointStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPointStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPointStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPointText(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPointTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPointTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPointTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPointTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPointX(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPointY(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPojosService(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the IContainerPrx
- getPojoType(Class<? extends IObject>) - Static method in class omero.gateway.util.PojoMapper
- getPojoTypes() - Method in class ome.logic.TypesImpl
- getPolygonAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolygonFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolygonFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolygonFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolygonFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolygonFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolygonID(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolygonLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolygonPoints(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolygonStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolygonStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolygonStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolygonText(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolygonTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolygonTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolygonTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolygonTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolylineAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolylineFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolylineFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolylineFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolylineFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolylineFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolylineID(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolylineLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolylineMarkerEnd(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolylineMarkerStart(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolylinePoints(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolylineStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolylineStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolylineStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolylineText(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolylineTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolylineTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolylineTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPolylineTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getPort() - Method in class ome.system.Server
simple getter for the port passed into the constructor or the default
port if none.
- getPort() - Method in class omero.gateway.ServerInformation
Return the port
- getPositionX() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel.positionX (ome.model.units.Length)
- getPositionX() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.positionX (ome.model.units.Length)
- getPositionX(UnitsLength) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageAcquisitionData
Returns the x-coordinate in the frame microscope.
- getPositionX(UnitsLength) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.WellSampleData
Returns the position X.
- getPositionY() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel.positionY (ome.model.units.Length)
- getPositionY() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.positionY (ome.model.units.Length)
- getPositionY(UnitsLength) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageAcquisitionData
Returns the y-coordinate in the frame microscope.
- getPositionY(UnitsLength) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.WellSampleData
Returns the position Y.
- getPositionZ() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel.positionZ (ome.model.units.Length)
- getPositionZ() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.positionZ (ome.model.units.Length)
- getPositionZ(UnitsLength) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageAcquisitionData
Returns the z-coordinate in the frame microscope.
- getPosX() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.screen.WellSample.posX (ome.model.units.Length)
- getPosY() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.screen.WellSample.posY (ome.model.units.Length)
- getPower() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.power (ome.model.units.Power)
- getPower(UnitsPower) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LightSourceData
Returns the power of the light source.
- getPredicateFromClasses(Iterable<Class<? extends IObject>>) - Static method in class omero.cmd.graphs.GraphUtil
Construct a predicate to test if an object's class is of any of the given classes.
- getPrefix() - Method in class ome.system.ServiceFactory
- getPrefix() - Method in class ome.tools.spring.InternalServiceFactory
- getPrefix() - Method in class ome.tools.spring.ManagedServiceFactory
- getPrepareStatementCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getPreviousPatch() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
Simple field ome.model.meta.DBPatch.previousPatch (java.lang.Integer)
- getPreviousVersion() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
Simple field ome.model.meta.DBPatch.previousVersion (java.lang.String)
- getPrimaryChannel() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Gets the first element of channels which can be interpreted as the
primary or default element in some situations.
- getPrimaryChannelBinding() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Gets the first element of waveRendering which can be interpreted as the
primary or default element in some situations.
- getPrimaryCodomainMapContext() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Gets the first element of spatialDomainEnhancement which can be interpreted as the
primary or default element in some situations.
- getPrimaryFilesetEntry() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Gets the first element of usedFiles which can be interpreted as the
primary or default element in some situations.
- getPrimaryFilesetJobLink() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Gets the first element of jobLinks which can be interpreted as the
primary or default element in some situations.
- getPrimaryGroupExperimenterMap() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Gets the first element of groupExperimenterMap which can be interpreted as the
primary or default element in some situations.
- getPrimaryLightPathExcitationFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
Gets the first element of excitationFilterLink which can be interpreted as the
primary or default element in some situations.
- getPrimaryPixels() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Gets the first element of pixels which can be interpreted as the
primary or default element in some situations.
- getPrimaryProjectionDef() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Gets the first element of projections which can be interpreted as the
primary or default element in some situations.
- getPrimaryShape() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Gets the first element of shapes which can be interpreted as the
primary or default element in some situations.
- getPrimaryWellSample() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Gets the first element of wellSamples which can be interpreted as the
primary or default element in some situations.
- getPrincipal(MethodInvocation) - Method in class ome.logic.HardWiredInterceptor
- getPrincipal() - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicEventContext
- getPrincipal() - Method in class ome.services.util.ExecutionThread
- getPrincipal() - Method in class omero.cmd.SessionI
- getPrivilege(String) - Method in class ome.security.basic.LightAdminPrivileges
- getPrivilegeForConfigName(String) - Method in class ome.security.basic.LightAdminPrivileges
- getProcess() - Method in class ome.services.scripts.ScriptFileType
Return the import name of the process class which will be used
to invoke scripts of this type.
- getProcess(String) - Method in class ome.services.scripts.ScriptRepoHelper
Find an "omero.process..." property string for the given mimetype or
return "" if none is found.
- getProject(long) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getProjectionDef(int) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Gets the ome.model.display.ProjectionDef at the given index.
- getProjections() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
returns projections .
- getProjections(IObject) - Method in class ome.services.search.FullText
- getProjectionService(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
- getProjectionService() - Method in class ome.system.ServiceFactory
- getProjectionService(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the IProjectionPrx
- getProjectLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
returns projectLinks .
- getProjectLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink that a user has.
- getProjects() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getProjects(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Get all projects
- getProjects(SecurityContext, Collection<Long>) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Get the projects for the given project ids
- getProjects(SecurityContext, long) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Get the projects of a certain user
- getProjects(SecurityContext, long, Collection<Long>) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Get the projects for the given project ids which belong to a certain user
- getProjects() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DatasetData
Returns a set of projects containing the dataset.
- getProjectsForDataset(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IAnalysis
- getProjectsForUser(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IAnalysis
- getProperties() - Method in class ome.security.auth.FilePasswordProvider
- getProperties() - Method in class omero.client
Returns the active properties
for this instance.
- getProperty(String) - Method in class ome.system.OmeroContext
- getProperty(String) - Method in class ome.system.PreferenceContext
Lookup method for getting access to the merged
for this instance.
- getProperty(String) - Method in class omero.client
Returns the property value for this key or the empty string if none.
- getPropertyChangeListeners() - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Get the PropertyChangeListener
- getPropertyKind(String, String) - Method in class ome.services.graphs.GraphPathBean
Get what kind of property a specific class property is.
- getPropertyMap() - Method in class omero.client
Returns all properties which are prefixed with "omero." or "Ice."
- getPropertyMap(Properties) - Method in class omero.client
Returns all properties which are prefixed with "omero." or "Ice."
- getPropertyType(String, String) - Method in class ome.services.graphs.GraphPathBean
Get the Hibernate type of a specific class property.
- getProtocolDescription() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Simple field ome.model.screen.Screen.protocolDescription (java.lang.String)
- getProtocolDescription() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ScreenData
Returns the description of the protocol.
- getProtocolIdentifier() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Simple field ome.model.screen.Screen.protocolIdentifier (java.lang.String)
- getProtocolIdentifier() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ScreenData
Returns the identifier of the protocol.
- getProvider(ChecksumType) - Method in interface ome.util.checksum.ChecksumProviderFactory
- getProvider(ChecksumType) - Method in class ome.util.checksum.ChecksumProviderFactoryImpl
- getProxiedObject(T) - Static method in class ome.services.fulltext.BridgeHelper
Simpler wrapper to handle superclass proxy objects (e.g.
- getProxy() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ScriptProcessI
- getProxy(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.AbstractRepositoryI
- getProxy() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.ManagedImportProcessI
- getProxy() - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.repo.ProcessContainer.Process
- getProxy() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.util.RegisterServantMessage
- getProxyOrNull(String, SessionControlPrx, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.fire.Ring
- getProxyOrNull(Redirector.Context, String, SessionControlPrx, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.redirect.AbstractRedirector
Returns null early if the
has already once been
routed by a
implementation, returns an existing
session if it can be found, or returns a null.
- getProxyOrNull(Redirector.Context, String, SessionControlPrx, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.redirect.ConfigRedirector
Create or retrieve and returns a SessionPrx
which the current
method takes control of.
- getProxyOrNull(Redirector.Context, String, SessionControlPrx, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.redirect.NullRedirector
Always returns null
- getProxyOrNull(Redirector.Context, String, SessionControlPrx, Current) - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.redirect.Redirector
Create or retrieve and returns a SessionPrx
which the current
method takes control of.
- getProxyOrNull(Redirector.Context, String, SessionControlPrx, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.redirect.ScaleRedirector
- getPulse() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Laser.pulse (ome.model.enums.Pulse)
- getPump() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Laser.pump (ome.model.acquisition.LightSource)
- getQuantityClass() - Method in class ome.model.units.GenericEnumType
- getQuantization() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Many-to-one field ome.model.display.RenderingDef.quantization (ome.model.display.QuantumDef)
- getQuantizedLinePoints(Line2D, Set<Point2D>) - Static method in class omero.model.SmartShape.Util
- getQuantumDef() - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getQuantumDef() - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Returns the quantization object.
- getQuantumDef_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_getQuantumDef, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- getQuantumManager() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Returns the object that manages and allows to retrieve the objects that
are used to quantize wavelength data.
- getQueries() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
Get all executed query strings
- getQuery() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.SearchParameters
Returns the query terms to search for
- getQueryCacheHitCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getQueryCacheMissCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getQueryCachePutCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getQueryExecutionCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getQueryExecutionMaxTime() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getQueryExecutionMaxTimeQueryString() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getQueryFactory() - Method in class ome.logic.AbstractLevel1Service
- getQueryFactory() - Method in class ome.logic.AbstractLevel2Service
- getQueryService(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
- getQueryService() - Method in class ome.services.mail.MailSender
- getQueryService() - Method in class ome.system.ServiceFactory
- getQueryService(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the IQueryPrx
- getQueryStatistics(String) - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
Query statistics from query string (HQL or SQL)
- getQueryString() - Method in class ome.services.mail.ObjectMailSender
- getRadiusX() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
Simple field ome.model.roi.Ellipse.radiusX (java.lang.Double)
- getRadiusX() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.EllipseData
Returns the radius along the X-axis.
- getRadiusY() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
Simple field ome.model.roi.Ellipse.radiusY (java.lang.Double)
- getRadiusY() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.EllipseData
Returns the radius along the Y-axis.
- getRating() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.RatingAnnotationData
Returns the rating value.
- getRawFileService(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the RawFileStorePrx
- getRawFileStore(long, CheckedPath, String, Current) - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDao
- getRawFileStore(long, CheckedPath, String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDaoImpl
- getRawValue(int) - Method in class omero.gateway.rnd.Plane2D
Returns the raw data value at the given offset
- getRdf() - Method in class ome.util.RdfPrinter
- getReader() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportContainer
Return the reader class name used for reading the contents of this
import container.
- getReader() - Method in interface ome.formats.model.IObjectContainerStore
Returns the current Bio-Formats reader that has been used to populate
the container store.
- getReader() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getReaderClass(Fileset, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.ManagedRepositoryI
Get the suggested BioFormats Reader for the given Fileset.
- getReaderType(String) - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportCandidates
Retrieve reader type for file specified in path
- getReadOutRate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.readOutRate (ome.model.units.Frequency)
- getReagentIdentifier() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
Simple field ome.model.screen.Reagent.reagentIdentifier (java.lang.String)
- getReagentLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
returns reagentLinks .
- getReagentLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink that a user has.
- getReagents() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
returns reagents .
- getReagentsCounts() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.WellData
Returns the number of reagents linked to the object, key: id of the user,
value: number of annotation.
- getReagentSetDescripion() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ScreenData
Returns the description of the reagent set.
- getReagentSetDescription() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Simple field ome.model.screen.Screen.reagentSetDescription (java.lang.String)
- getReagentSetIdentifier() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Simple field ome.model.screen.Screen.reagentSetIdentifier (java.lang.String)
- getReagentSetIdentifier() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ScreenData
Returns the identifier of the Reagent set.
- getRectangleAnnotationRef(int, int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getRectangleFillColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getRectangleFillRule(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getRectangleFontFamily(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getRectangleFontSize(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getRectangleFontStyle(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getRectangleHeight(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getRectangleID(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getRectangleLocked(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getRectangleStrokeColor(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getRectangleStrokeDashArray(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getRectangleStrokeWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getRectangleText(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getRectangleTheC(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getRectangleTheT(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getRectangleTheZ(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getRectangleTransform(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getRectangleWidth(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getRectangleX(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getRectangleY(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getRed() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
Simple field ome.model.core.Channel.red (java.lang.Integer)
- getRed() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.red (java.lang.Integer)
- getRed() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Simple field ome.model.screen.Well.red (java.lang.Integer)
- getRed(int) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.lut.LutReader
Returns the red value.
- getRed() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.WellData
Returns the red component of the color associated to the well,
or -1
- getRedBand() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.RGBBuffer
Returns the data buffer for the red band.
- getRedirect(Redirector.Context) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.redirect.AbstractRedirector
- getRedValue(int) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.RGBAIntBuffer
Retrieves the Red value for a particular pixel index.
- getRedValue(int) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.RGBBuffer
Retrieves the Red value for a particular pixel index.
- getRedValue(int) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.RGBIntBuffer
Retrieves the Red value for a particular pixel index.
- getRef() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
Simple field ome.model.display.Thumbnail.ref (java.lang.String)
- getReference() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageData
Returns the reference to the file to register.
- getReferenceCache() - Method in interface ome.formats.model.IObjectContainerStore
Returns the current reference cache.
- getReferenceCache() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getReferenceCount(String) - Method in interface ome.api.ISession
Retrieves the current reference count for the given uuid.
- getReferenceCount(String) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionBean
- getReferenceCount(String) - Method in interface ome.services.sessions.SessionManager
Return the number of client which are presumed to be attached to this
session or throw an exception if there's no such session.
- getReferenceCount(String) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionManagerImpl
- getReferenceCount_async(AMD_ISession_getReferenceCount, String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.SessionI
- getReferenceStringCache() - Method in interface ome.formats.model.IObjectContainerStore
Returns the current string based reference cache.
- getReferenceStringCache() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getRefPlateId() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PlateAcquisitionData
Returns the id of the plate of reference.
- getRefractiveIndex() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.refractiveIndex (java.lang.Double)
- getRefractiveIndex() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageAcquisitionData
Returns the refractive index of the objective.
- getRegion(int, long) - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
- getRegion(Integer, Long) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getRegion(Integer, Long, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getRegion(Integer, Long) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getRegion(Integer, Long) - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getRegion(Integer, Long) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves a region from this pixel buffer.
- getRegion(Integer, Long) - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getRegion(int, long) - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getRegion() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.data.PlaneDef
Returns the region to render.
- getRegion_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getRegion, int, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawPixelsStoreI
- getRegion_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getRegion, int, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getRegionDirect(Integer, Long, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getRegionDirect(Integer, Long, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getRegionDirect(Integer, Long, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getRegionDirect(Integer, Long, byte[]) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves a region from this pixel buffer directly.
- getRegionDirect(Integer, Long, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getRegistry() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.InternalRepositoryConfig
- getRegistry() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.util.BlitzConfiguration
- getRelatedTo() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Pixels.relatedTo (ome.model.core.Pixels)
- getRelationship(String, String) - Method in interface ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata
Walks the data on what locks what
for "from" argument to see if there is any direct relationship to the
"to" argument.
- getRelationship(String, String) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata.Impl
Walks the data on what locks what
for "from" argument to see if there is any direct relationship to the
"to" argument.
- getRelativePath() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.CheckedPath
Get the parent path of the entity to which this path corresponds.
- getRenderingDef() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Many-to-one field ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.renderingDef (ome.model.display.RenderingDef)
- getRenderingDef() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
Many-to-one field ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.renderingDef (ome.model.display.RenderingDef)
- getRenderingDef() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Returns the settings that define the transformation context.
- getRenderingDefId() - Method in interface ome.api.ThumbnailStore
- getRenderingDefId() - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getRenderingDefId() - Method in class ome.services.ThumbnailBean
- getRenderingDefId() - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
- getRenderingDefId_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_getRenderingDefId, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- getRenderingDefId_async(AMD_ThumbnailStore_getRenderingDefId, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ThumbnailStoreI
- getRenderingEngines() - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the rendering engines to re-activate.
- getRenderingService(SecurityContext, long) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the Rendering service
- getRenderingSettings(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IRenderingSettings
Returns the default rendering settings for a given pixels for the
current user.
- getRenderingSettings(long) - Method in class ome.logic.RenderingSettingsImpl
- getRenderingSettings_async(AMD_IRenderingSettings_getRenderingSettings, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingSettingsI
- getRenderingSettingsService(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
- getRenderingSettingsService() - Method in class ome.system.ServiceFactory
- getRenderingSettingsService(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the IRenderingSettingsPrx
- getRenderShapes() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.data.PlaneDef
Returns whether or not the shapes (masks) will be rendered.
- getReorderedPixelOffset(int, int, int) - Static method in class ome.io.nio.ReorderedPixelData
Returns the re-ordered pixel offset.
- getRepetitionRate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.Laser.repetitionRate (ome.model.units.Frequency)
- getReplacement() - Method in class ome.model.internal.GraphHolder
a replacement is a managed entity instance which has the same
primary key as this instance.
- getRepo() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Simple field ome.model.core.OriginalFile.repo (java.lang.String)
- getRepositoryInfoService(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
- getRepositoryInfoService() - Method in class ome.system.ServiceFactory
- getRepositoryService(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the IRepositoryInfoPrx
- getRepositorySpace() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getRepoUuid() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.AbstractRepositoryI
- getRepoUuid() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.PublicRepositoryI
- getRequest(Class<R>) - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.GraphRequestFactory
Construct a request.
- getRequest(Current) - Method in class omero.cmd.HandleI
- getRequiredPermissions() - Method in interface ome.services.graphs.GraphTraversal.Processor
- getRequiredPermissions() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.NullGraphTraversalProcessor
- getResolutionDescriptions() - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
- getResolutionDescriptions() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getResolutionDescriptions() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getResolutionDescriptions() - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getResolutionDescriptions() - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Return a list of lists each of which has sizeX, sizeY for the resolution
level matching the index of the outer index.
- getResolutionDescriptions() - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getResolutionDescriptions() - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getResolutionDescriptions() - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getResolutionDescriptions() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Returns the image's size information per resolution level.
- getResolutionDescriptions() - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
- getResolutionDescriptions_async(AMD_PyramidService_getResolutionDescriptions, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.AbstractPyramidServant
- getResolutionDescriptions_async(AMD_PyramidService_getResolutionDescriptions, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getResolutionLevel() - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
Retrieves the active resolution level.
- getResolutionLevel() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getResolutionLevel() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getResolutionLevel() - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getResolutionLevel() - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the active resolution level.
- getResolutionLevel() - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getResolutionLevel() - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getResolutionLevel() - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getResolutionLevel() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Retrieves the active resolution level.
- getResolutionLevel() - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
- getResolutionLevel_async(AMD_PyramidService_getResolutionLevel, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.AbstractPyramidServant
- getResolutionLevel_async(AMD_PyramidService_getResolutionLevel, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getResolutionLevels() - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
Retrieves the number of resolution levels that the backing
pixels pyramid contains.
- getResolutionLevels() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getResolutionLevels() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getResolutionLevels() - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getResolutionLevels() - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the number of resolution levels that the backing
pixels pyramid contains.
- getResolutionLevels() - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getResolutionLevels() - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getResolutionLevels() - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getResolutionLevels() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Retrieves the number of resolution levels that the backing
pixels pyramid contains.
- getResolutionLevels() - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
- getResolutionLevels_async(AMD_PyramidService_getResolutionLevels, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.AbstractPyramidServant
- getResolutionLevels_async(AMD_PyramidService_getResolutionLevels, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getResponse() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.commands.SaveI
- getResponse() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.ManagedImportRequestI
- getResponse() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.RawAccessRequestI
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.admin.CurrentSessionsRequestI
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.admin.ResetPasswordRequestI
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.admin.UpdateSessionTimeoutRequestI
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.basic.DoAllI
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.basic.ListRequestsI
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.basic.TimingI
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.CmdCallbackI
Returns possibly null Response value.
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.fs.FindPyramidsI
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.fs.ManageImageBinariesI
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.fs.OriginalMetadataRequestI
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.fs.UsedFilesRequestI
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.Chgrp2I
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.Chmod2I
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.Chown2I
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.Delete2I
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.DiskUsage2I
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.DiskUsageI
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.DuplicateI
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.FindChildrenI
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.FindParentsI
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.LegalGraphTargetsI
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.SkipHeadI
- getResponse(Current) - Method in class omero.cmd.HandleI
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.Helper
- getResponse() - Method in interface omero.cmd.IRequest
Returns the current response value.
- getResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.mail.SendEmailRequestI
- getResponses() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ProcessorCallbackI
Return the number of times this instance has been called in a thread
safe manner.
- getRestrictions() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
- getResult() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ROIResult
Returns the result.
- getResults(int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ScriptProcessI
- getResults() - Method in class ome.services.delete.QueryConstraints
- getResults(int, Class<? extends DataObject>) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.SearchResultCollection
Get all results of a certain scope and/or type
- getResults(ProcessPrx, Current) - Method in class omero.grid.InteractiveProcessorI
- getResultSet() - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.SqlArray
- getResultSet(Map<String, Class<?>>) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.SqlArray
- getResultSet(long, int) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.SqlArray
- getResultSet(long, int, Map<String, Class<?>>) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.SqlArray
- getResultsString(Object, IdentityHashMap<Object, String>) - Static method in class ome.services.util.ServiceHandler
public for testing purposes.
- getResultTypes() - Method in class ome.logic.TypesImpl
- getReverse() - Method in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
Simple field ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext.reverse (java.lang.Boolean)
- getRGBA(int) - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getRGBA(int) - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Returns a 4D-array representing the color associated to the specified
- getRGBA(Color) - Static method in class omero.gateway.model.ShapeSettingsData
Returns the Color's RGBA value as integer
- getRGBA_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_getRGBA, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- getRing() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.util.BlitzConfiguration
- getRoi() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Many-to-one field ome.model.roi.Shape.roi (ome.model.roi.Roi)
- getROI() - Method in class omero.gateway.util.ROIComponent
Returns all the ROI in the component as a list.
- getROI() - Method in class omero.gateway.util.UploadMask
Returns the ROIs created from uploading the images.
- getROIAnnotationRef(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getROIAnnotationRefCount(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getROICoordinate() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ShapeData
Returns the ROICoordinate for the ShapeData.
- getROICount() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getROICount(SecurityContext, long) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.ROIFacility
Get the number of ROIs for an image (-1
in case of error)
- getROIDescription(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getROIFolders(SecurityContext, long) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.ROIFacility
Get all ROI folders for a certain image
- getROIID(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getRoiIds() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.measurements.MeasurementStore
- getRoiIds() - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.measurements.OmeroMeasurementStore
Returns the ids of all Roi instances created during the save method.
- getRoiLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
returns roiLinks .
- getRoiLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink that a user has.
- getRoiMeasurements_async(AMD_IRoi_getRoiMeasurements, long, RoiOptions, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RoiI
- getROIName(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getRois() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
returns rois .
- getROIs() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ROIResult
Returns the collection of ROIs.
- getRoiService(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
- getROIService(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the IRoiPrx
- getRoiStats_async(AMD_IRoi_getRoiStats, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RoiI
- getRoles() - Method in class ome.services.mail.MailSender
- getRoles() - Method in class ome.services.util.DBUserCheck
- getRoot() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getRoot() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getRootFile() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.transfers.TransferState
Find original file represented by the managed repository that
import is taking place to.
- getRootId() - Method in class ome.system.Roles
- getRootName() - Method in class ome.system.Roles
- getRouter(Communicator) - Static method in class omero.client
Acquires the default router
and throws an exception if it is not of type {Glacier2.RouterPrx}.
- getRow(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
- getRow(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getRow(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getRow(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getRow(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getRow(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves a particular row or scanline from this pixel buffer.
- getRow(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getRow() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Simple field ome.model.screen.Well.row (java.lang.Integer)
- getRow(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getRow() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.WellData
Returns the row used to indicate the location of the well on the grid.
- getRow_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getRow, int, int, int, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawPixelsStoreI
- getRow_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getRow, int, int, int, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getRowDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getRowDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getRowDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getRowDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves a particular row or scanline from this pixel buffer.
- getRowDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getRowNamingConvention() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Simple field ome.model.screen.Plate.rowNamingConvention (java.lang.String)
- getRowOffset(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
- getRowOffset(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getRowOffset(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getRowOffset(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getRowOffset(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getRowOffset(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the offset for a particular row or scanline in this pixel
- getRowOffset(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getRowOffset(int, int, int, int) - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getRowOffset_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getRowOffset, int, int, int, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawPixelsStoreI
- getRowOffset_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getRowOffset, int, int, int, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getRows() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Simple field ome.model.screen.Plate.rows (java.lang.Integer)
- getRowSequenceIndex() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PlateData
Returns the index indicating how to label a row.
- getRowSize() - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
- getRowSize() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getRowSize() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getRowSize() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getRowSize() - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getRowSize() - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the in memory size of a row or scanline of pixels in this
pixel buffer.
- getRowSize() - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getRowSize() - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getRowSize_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getRowSize, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawPixelsStoreI
- getRowSize_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getRowSize, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getSamplesPerPixel() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Simple field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.samplesPerPixel (java.lang.Integer)
- getScale() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
Simple field ome.model.meta.Node.scale (java.lang.Integer)
- getScalingFactor() - Method in class ome.io.nio.SimpleBackOff
- getScheduledFor() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
Simple field ome.model.jobs.Job.scheduledFor (java.sql.Timestamp)
- getScope() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.SearchParameters
Returns the scope of the search.
- getScopeId() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.SearchResult
The Id of the search scope, e.g. name, description, ...
- getScore(IObject) - Method in class ome.services.search.FullText
- getScreen() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
Many-to-one field ome.model.screen.Reagent.screen (ome.model.screen.Screen)
- getScreenLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
returns screenLinks .
- getScreenLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink that a user has.
- getScreens() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getScreens(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Loads all screens
- getScreens(SecurityContext, Collection<Long>) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Loads the screens with the given ids
- getScreens(SecurityContext, long) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Loads the screens for a particular user
- getScreens(SecurityContext, long, Collection<Long>) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Loads the screens with the given ids which belong to a particular user
- getScreens() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PlateData
Returns a set of screens containing the plate.
- getScriptDir() - Method in class ome.services.scripts.ScriptRepoHelper
Returns the actual root of this repository.
- getScriptID_async(AMD_IScript_getScriptID, String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ScriptI
Get the id of the official script with given path.
- getScriptRepository(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.SharedResourcesI
- getScripts_async(AMD_IScript_getScripts, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ScriptI
Get Scripts will return all the scripts by id and name available on the
- getScriptsByMimetype_async(AMD_IScript_getScriptsByMimetype, String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ScriptI
Get Scripts will return all the scripts by id and name available on the
- getScriptService(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
- getScriptService(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the IScriptPrx
- getScriptText_async(AMD_IScript_getScriptText, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ScriptI
Return the script with the name to the user.
- getScriptWithDetails_async(AMD_IScript_getScriptWithDetails, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ScriptI
Return the script with the name to the user.
- getSearchService(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the SearchPrx
- getSecondLevelCacheHitCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getSecondLevelCacheMissCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getSecondLevelCachePutCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getSecondLevelCacheRegionNames() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
Get all second-level cache region names
- getSecondLevelCacheStatistics(String) - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
Second level cache statistics per region
- getSecurityContexts(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
- getSecurityRoles() - Method in interface ome.api.IAdmin
returns the active
in use by the server.
- getSecurityRoles() - Method in class ome.logic.AdminImpl
- getSecurityRoles() - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicSecuritySystem
- getSecurityRoles() - Method in interface ome.security.SecuritySystem
- getSecurityRoles() - Method in class ome.security.SecuritySystemHolder
- getSecurityRoles() - Method in class ome.security.sharing.SharingSecuritySystem
- getSecurityRoles_async(AMD_IAdmin_getSecurityRoles, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.AdminI
- getSecuritySystem() - Method in class ome.logic.AbstractLevel2Service
- getSelectedFile() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorContainer
- getSender() - Method in class ome.services.mail.MailUtil
Helper method that returns value of omero.mail.from
- getSerialNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Detector.serialNumber (java.lang.String)
- getSerialNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.serialNumber (java.lang.String)
- getSerialNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Filter.serialNumber (java.lang.String)
- getSerialNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.serialNumber (java.lang.String)
- getSerialNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.serialNumber (java.lang.String)
- getSerialNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.serialNumber (java.lang.String)
- getSerialNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.serialNumber (java.lang.String)
- getSerialNumber() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DetectorData
Returns the serial number of the detector.
- getSerialNumber() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DichroicData
Returns the serial number.
- getSerialNumber() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FilterData
Returns the serial number.
- getSerialNumber() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FilterSetData
Returns the serial number.
- getSerialNumber() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LightSourceData
Returns the serial number of the light source.
- getSerialNumber() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ObjectiveData
Returns the serial number of the objective.
- getSeries() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
Retrieves the current series of the underlying Bio-Formats reader.
- getSeries(Pixels) - Method in class ome.io.nio.PixelsService
Retrieves the series for a given set of pixels.
- getSeries() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Simple field ome.model.core.Image.series (java.lang.Integer)
- getSeries() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageData
Returns the series.
- getServant(Identity) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
- getServant() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.util.RegisterServantMessage
- getServantList() - Method in class omero.util.ServantHolder
- getServer() - Method in class omero.gateway.LoginCredentials
Returns the server information.
- getServerFileFromFsFile(FsFile) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.path.ServerFilePathTransformer
Given a repository path, returns the corresponding server-local File
- getServerFileMimetype() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FileAnnotationData
Returns the file format as defined by the specification, corresponding to
the file extension.
- getServerInformation() - Method in class omero.gateway.SecurityContext
- getServerPort() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.IniFileLoader
- getServerTime() - Method in interface ome.api.IConfig
checks the current server for its time.
- getServerTime() - Method in class ome.logic.ConfigImpl
- getServerTime_async(AMD_IConfig_getServerTime, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ConfigI
- getServerVersion() - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Get the version of the server the Gateway is connected to
- getService() - Method in interface ome.services.util.Executor
Returns the ExecutorService
assigned to this instance.
- getService() - Method in class ome.services.util.Executor.Impl
- getServiceByClass(Class<T>) - Method in class ome.system.ServiceFactory
looks up services based on the current
the class name of the service type.
- getServiceCleanups() - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicEventContext
- getServiceFactory() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
Returns the currently active service factory.
- getServiceFactory(MethodInvocation) - Method in class ome.logic.HardWiredInterceptor
- getServiceFactory(String, String) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.fire.SessionManagerI
- getServiceFactory(Identity) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.fire.SessionManagerI
- getServiceFactory() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawFileStoreI
- getServiceFactory() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.util.FindServiceFactoryMessage
- getServiceFactory() - Method in class omero.cmd.Helper
- getServiceFactoryIdentity(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.fire.SessionManagerI
- getServiceInterface() - Method in class ome.logic.AdminImpl
- getServiceInterface() - Method in class ome.logic.ConfigImpl
- getServiceInterface() - Method in class ome.logic.LdapImpl
- getServiceInterface() - Method in class ome.logic.MetadataImpl
Returns the Interface implemented by this class.
- getServiceInterface() - Method in class ome.logic.PixelsImpl
Returns the interface this implementation is for.
- getServiceInterface() - Method in class ome.logic.PojosImpl
Returns the Interface implemented by this class.
- getServiceInterface() - Method in class ome.logic.QueryImpl
- getServiceInterface() - Method in class ome.logic.RenderingSettingsImpl
Returns the interface this implementation is for.
- getServiceInterface() - Method in class ome.logic.RepositoryInfoImpl
- getServiceInterface() - Method in class ome.logic.TypesImpl
- getServiceInterface() - Method in class ome.logic.UpdateImpl
- getServiceInterface() - Method in class ome.services.delete.DeleteBean
- getServiceInterface() - Method in class ome.services.JobBean
- getServiceInterface() - Method in class ome.services.projection.ProjectionBean
Returns the interface this implementation is for.
- getServiceInterface() - Method in class ome.services.RawFileBean
- getServiceInterface() - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getServiceInterface() - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
Returns the service corresponding to this class.
- getServiceInterface() - Method in class ome.services.SearchBean
- getServiceInterface() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionBean
- getServiceInterface() - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- getServiceInterface() - Method in class ome.services.ThumbnailBean
- getServiceInterface() - Method in interface ome.system.SelfConfigurableService
- getServiceKey() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.util.ExpiredServantMessage
- getSession(String) - Method in interface ome.api.ISession
Retrieves the session associated with this uuid, updating the last access
time as well.
- getSession() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.Event.session (ome.model.meta.Session)
- getSession(String) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionBean
- getSession() - Method in interface ome.services.sessions.SessionContext
- getSession() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionContextImpl
- getSession() - Method in class ome.system.ServiceFactory
- getSession() - Method in class ome.system.SessionInitializer
- getSession() - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.SessionFactory
Returns a session active for the current thread.
- getSession() - Method in class omero.client
- getSession() - Method in class omero.cmd.Helper
- getSession() - Method in class omero.model.DetailsI
- getSession() - Method in class omero.util.RPSTileLoop
- getSession() - Method in class omero.util.ServantHolder
- getSession_async(AMD_ISession_getSession, String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.SessionI
- getSessionCloseCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getSessionContext(String) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.state.SessionCache
- getSessionContext(String, boolean) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.state.SessionCache
- getSessionData() - Method in interface ome.services.sessions.SessionManager
Return all sessions that are active with associated possibly varying
session data information.
- getSessionData() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionManagerImpl
- getSessionData(String, boolean) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.state.SessionCache
Returns all the data contained in the internal implementation of
this manager.
- getSessionFactory() - Method in class ome.logic.AbstractLevel1Service
delegates to HibernateDaoSupport
to get the current
- getSessionId() - Method in class ome.services.messages.AbstractSessionMessage
- getSessionId() - Method in class omero.client
Returns the UUID for the current session without making a remote call.
- getSessionId(ExperimenterData) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Get the ID of the current session
- getSessionInitializer() - Method in class ome.system.ServiceFactory
- getSessionOpenCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getSessionPrivileges(Session) - Method in class ome.security.basic.LightAdminPrivileges
Determine the light administrator privileges associated with a session.
- getSessions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
returns sessions .
- getSessionService(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
- getSessionService() - Method in class ome.system.ServiceFactory
- getSessionStats(String) - Method in interface ome.services.sessions.SessionManager
Return the
which are being counted for the given
session or throw an exception if it has been removed.
- getSessionStats(String) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionManagerImpl
- getSetting() - Method in interface ome.api.ILdap
Gets config value from properties.
- getSetting() - Method in class ome.logic.LdapImpl
- getSetting_async(AMD_ILdap_getSetting, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.LdapI
- getSettings() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
returns settings .
- getSettings(long) - Method in class ome.services.ThumbnailCtx
Retrieves the RenderingDef object for a given Pixels ID.
- getSha1() - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getSha1() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Simple field ome.model.core.Pixels.sha1 (java.lang.String)
- getShape(int) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Gets the ome.model.roi.Shape at the given index.
- getShapeAnnotationRefCount(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getShapeCount(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getShapeCount() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ROIData
Returns the number of shapes in the ROI.
- getShapeIds(long) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
- getShapeIds(long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- getShapeIds() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.data.PlaneDef
Returns whether or not the shapes (masks) will be rendered.
- getShapes() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
returns shapes .
- getShapes(int, int) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ROIData
Returns the list of shapes on a given plane.
- getShapeSettings() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ShapeData
Returns the settings associated to the shape.
- getShapesInRange(ROICoordinate, ROICoordinate) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ROIData
- getShapeStats_async(AMD_IRoi_getShapeStats, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RoiI
- getShapeStatsList_async(AMD_IRoi_getShapeStatsList, List<Long>, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RoiI
- getShapeStatsRestricted_async(AMD_IRoi_getShapeStatsRestricted, List<Long>, int, int, int[], Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RoiI
- getShapeType(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getShare(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
- getShare(long) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- getShare_async(AMD_IShare_getShare, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- getShareData(List<Long>) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Returns a map of Share ID to Share data blob.
- getShareData(List<Long>) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- getSharedResources(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the SharedResourcesPrx
- getShareIfAccessible(long) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
Loads share and checks it's owner and member data against the current
context (owner/member/admin).
- getShareIfAccessible(long, boolean, long) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareStore
Loads share and checks its owner and member data against the current
context (owner/member/admin).
- getShares(long, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.BlobShareStore
- getShares(long, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareStore
- getShareService(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
- getShareService() - Method in class ome.system.ServiceFactory
- getSharesOwnedBy(Experimenter, boolean) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
- getSharesOwnedBy(Experimenter, boolean) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- getSharesOwnedBy_async(AMD_IShare_getSharesOwnedBy, Experimenter, boolean, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- getSignificantBits() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Simple field ome.model.core.Pixels.significantBits (java.lang.Integer)
- getSimpleProperties(String) - Method in class ome.services.graphs.GraphPathBean
- getSimpleProperties(String, boolean) - Method in class ome.services.graphs.GraphPathBean
Get the simple
properties for the given class, not linking to other mapped classes.
- getSize() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Simple field ome.model.core.OriginalFile.size (java.lang.Long)
- getSize() - Method in class ome.util.mem.CopiableArray
Returns the number of elements in the array.
- getSizeC() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getSizeC() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getSizeC() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getSizeC() - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getSizeC() - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the size in C of this pixel buffer
- getSizeC() - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getSizeC() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Simple field ome.model.core.Pixels.sizeC (java.lang.Integer)
- getSizeC() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PixelsData
Returns the number of channels.
- getSizeT() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getSizeT() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getSizeT() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getSizeT() - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getSizeT() - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the size in T of this pixel buffer
- getSizeT() - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getSizeT() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Simple field ome.model.core.Pixels.sizeT (java.lang.Integer)
- getSizeT() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PixelsData
Returns the number of time-points.
- getSizeX() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getSizeX() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getSizeX() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getSizeX() - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getSizeX() - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the size in X of this pixel buffer
- getSizeX() - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getSizeX() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.OTF.sizeX (java.lang.Integer)
- getSizeX() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Simple field ome.model.core.Pixels.sizeX (java.lang.Integer)
- getSizeX() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
Simple field ome.model.display.Thumbnail.sizeX (java.lang.Integer)
- getSizeX() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.OTFData
Returns the size along the X-axis.
- getSizeX() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PixelsData
Returns the number of pixels along the X-axis.
- getSizeX1() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.RGBBuffer
Returns the number of pixels on the X1-axis.
- getSizeX2() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.RGBBuffer
Returns the number of pixels on the X2-axis.
- getSizeY() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getSizeY() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getSizeY() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getSizeY() - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getSizeY() - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the size in Y of this pixel buffer
- getSizeY() - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getSizeY() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.OTF.sizeY (java.lang.Integer)
- getSizeY() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Simple field ome.model.core.Pixels.sizeY (java.lang.Integer)
- getSizeY() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
Simple field ome.model.display.Thumbnail.sizeY (java.lang.Integer)
- getSizeY() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.OTFData
Returns the size along the Y-axis.
- getSizeY() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PixelsData
Returns the number of pixels along the Y-axis.
- getSizeZ() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getSizeZ() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getSizeZ() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getSizeZ() - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getSizeZ() - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the size in Z of this pixel buffer
- getSizeZ() - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getSizeZ() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Simple field ome.model.core.Pixels.sizeZ (java.lang.Integer)
- getSizeZ() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PixelsData
Returns the number of pixels along the Z-axis.
- getSkipHeadPolicyPerform(GraphPolicy, SetMultimap<String, Long>) - Static method in class omero.cmd.graphs.SkipHeadPolicy
Adjust an existing graph traversal policy so that for specific model objects permissions are not checked.
- getSkipHeadPolicySkip(GraphPolicy, GraphPathBean, Collection<String>, GraphPolicy.Action, SetMultimap<String, Long>) - Static method in class omero.cmd.graphs.SkipHeadPolicy
Adjust an existing graph traversal policy so that orphaned model objects will always or never be included,
according to their type.
- getSkipTailPolicy(GraphPolicy, Predicate<Class<? extends IObject>>) - Static method in class omero.cmd.graphs.SkipTailPolicy
Adjust an existing graph traversal policy so that processing stops at certain model object classes.
- getSlice() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.data.PlaneDef
Returns an identifier to tell which kind of plane this object identifies.
- getSnapshot() - Method in class ome.system.metrics.DefaultHistogram
- getSnapshot() - Method in interface ome.system.metrics.Histogram
- getSource() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Many-to-one field ome.model.roi.Roi.source (ome.model.core.OriginalFile)
- getSourceObject(LSID) - Method in interface ome.formats.model.IObjectContainerStore
Retrieves an OMERO Blitz source object for a given LSID.
- getSourceObject(LSID) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getSourceObjects(Class<T>) - Method in interface ome.formats.model.IObjectContainerStore
Retrieves all OMERO Blitz source objects of a given class.
- getSourceObjects(Class<T>) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getSpatialDomainEnhancement() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
returns spatialDomainEnhancement .
- getSql() - Method in class omero.cmd.Helper
- getSqlAction() - Method in class ome.services.util.Executor.SimpleWork
- getSQLJoin(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata
- getSQLJoin(String, String, String, String) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata.Impl
Note: this implementation does not yet take into account the mapping
of joined subclasses like Job->UpdateJob.
- getStack(int, int) - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
- getStack(Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getStack(Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getStack(Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getStack(Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getStack(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the the entire number of optical sections for a single
wavelength or channel at a particular timepoint in this pixel buffer.
- getStack(Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getStack(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getStack_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getStack, int, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawPixelsStoreI
- getStack_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getStack, int, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getStackDirect(Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getStackDirect(Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getStackDirect(Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getStackDirect(Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the the entire number of optical sections for a single
wavelength or channel at a particular timepoint in this pixel buffer.
- getStackDirect(Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getStackOffset(int, int) - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
- getStackOffset(Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getStackOffset(Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getStackOffset(Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getStackOffset(Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getStackOffset(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the offset for the entire number of optical sections
for a single wavelength or channel at a particular timepoint in
this pixel buffer.
- getStackOffset(Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getStackOffset(int, int) - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getStackOffset_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getStackOffset, int, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawPixelsStoreI
- getStackOffset_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getStackOffset, int, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getStackSize() - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
- getStackSize() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getStackSize() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getStackSize() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getStackSize() - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getStackSize() - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the in memory size of the entire number of optical sections
for a single wavelength or channel at a particular timepoint in
this pixel buffer.
- getStackSize() - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getStackSize() - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getStackSize_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getStackSize, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawPixelsStoreI
- getStackSize_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getStackSize, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorHandler
Return the stack trace from a Throwable
- getStageLabel() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Image.stageLabel (ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel)
- getStageLabelId() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageAcquisitionData
Returns the id of the StageLabel
or -1
if not already linked to the image.
- getStart() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.SearchParameters
Returns the lower bound of the time interval.
- getStarted() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
Simple field ome.model.jobs.Job.started (java.sql.Timestamp)
- getStarted() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Simple field ome.model.meta.Session.started (java.sql.Timestamp)
- getStartFrom(Response) - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.Chgrp2I
- getStartFrom(Response) - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.Chmod2I
- getStartFrom(Response) - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.Chown2I
- getStartFrom(Response) - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.Delete2I
- getStartFrom(Response) - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.DuplicateI
- getStartFrom(Response) - Method in interface omero.cmd.graphs.WrappableRequest
From the response of the head-skipping request, determine which model objects are the targets of the operation.
- getStartPlane() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
Simple field ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.startPlane (java.lang.Integer)
- getStartTime() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
Simple field ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.startTime (java.sql.Timestamp)
- getStartTime() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
- getStartTime() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PlateAcquisitionData
Returns the time when the first image was collected.
- getStartTime() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.WellSampleData
Returns the time at which the field was acquired.
- getStartTime() - Method in class omero.sys.ParametersI
Returns the value of the start time
- getStartTime() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getStatefulServiceCount() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
NB: Much of the logic here is similar to
and should be
pushed down.
- getStatefulServiceCount() - Method in class omero.util.ServantHolder
- getStatefulServices() - Method in class omero.client
Returns all active StatefulServiceInterface
- getStaticDisableHistory() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- getStaticDisableHistory() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.IniFileLoader
- getStats() - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicEventContext
- getStats() - Method in class ome.security.basic.CurrentDetails
- getStats(List<Long>) - Method in class ome.services.roi.GeomTool
- getStats() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Returns a
object that the rendering strategy can
use to track performance.
- getStats() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.RenderingStats
Returns a stats report ready to be written to the log file.
- getStatsInfo() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Channel.statsInfo (ome.model.stats.StatsInfo)
- getStatsRestricted(List<Long>, int, int, int[]) - Method in class ome.services.roi.GeomTool
- getStatus() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorContainer
return the error status
- getStatus() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
Many-to-one field ome.model.jobs.Job.status (ome.model.jobs.JobStatus)
- getStatus() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
Simple field ome.model.meta.Event.status (java.lang.String)
- getStatus() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Simple field ome.model.screen.Plate.status (java.lang.String)
- getStatus() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Simple field ome.model.screen.Well.status (java.lang.String)
- getStatus() - Method in class omero.cmd.CmdCallbackI
Returns possibly null Status value.
- getStatus(Current) - Method in class omero.cmd.HandleI
- getStatus() - Method in class omero.cmd.Helper
- getStatus() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PlateData
Returns the status of the plate.
- getStatus() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.WellData
Returns the status of the well.
- getStatusOrThrow() - Method in class omero.cmd.CmdCallbackI
- getStdDev() - Method in class ome.system.metrics.DefaultSnapshot
- getStdDev() - Method in interface ome.system.metrics.Snapshot
- getStepping() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
Simple field ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.stepping (java.lang.Integer)
- getStepProvidingCompleteResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.Chgrp2I
- getStepProvidingCompleteResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.Chmod2I
- getStepProvidingCompleteResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.Chown2I
- getStepProvidingCompleteResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.Delete2I
- getStepProvidingCompleteResponse() - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.DuplicateI
- getStepProvidingCompleteResponse() - Method in interface omero.cmd.graphs.WrappableRequest
Get the step of this request that suffices for assembling the request's response.
- getSteps() - Method in class omero.cmd.Helper
- getStore() - Method in class ome.services.fulltext.SimpleLuceneOptions
- getStrategy(QuantumDef, Pixels) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.quantum.QuantumFactory
Returns a strategy to carry out the quantization process whose context is
defined by pd
- getStride() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.data.PlaneDef
Returns the stride.
- getString(String) - Static method in class ome.util.actions.PsqlStrings
- getStringRepresentation() - Method in enum omero.gateway.model.SearchScope
Get a String representation of this scope which can be used in a
lucene search
- getStringRepresentation(Collection<SearchScope>) - Static method in enum omero.gateway.model.SearchScope
Get a String representation of the given scopes which can be used in a
lucence search
- getStringSeparator(String) - Static method in class omero.gateway.util.Utils
Returns the separator or null
- getStroke() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ShapeSettingsData
Returns the color of the stroke.
- getStrokeColor() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Simple field ome.model.roi.Shape.strokeColor (java.lang.Integer)
- getStrokeDashArray() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Simple field ome.model.roi.Shape.strokeDashArray (java.lang.String)
- getStrokeDashArray() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ShapeSettingsData
Returns the stroke dashes.
- getStrokeWidth() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.roi.Shape.strokeWidth (ome.model.units.Length)
- getStrokeWidth(UnitsLength) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ShapeSettingsData
Returns the stroke's width (or 1 px if it's not set or <= 0)
- getSubclassesOf(String) - Method in class ome.services.graphs.GraphPathBean
Get the subclasses of the given class, if any.
- getSubclassesOfReflexive(String) - Method in class ome.services.graphs.GraphPathBean
Get the name of this class and of its mapped subclasses.
- getSubjectPrefix() - Method in class ome.services.mail.MailSender
- getSubmitted() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
Simple field ome.model.jobs.Job.submitted (java.sql.Timestamp)
- getSubtypeValue(int, int, Object) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata.Locks
- getSuccessfulTransactionCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getSudoer() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.Session.sudoer (ome.model.meta.Experimenter)
- getSudoer() - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicEventContext
- getSudoer() - Method in class ome.security.basic.CurrentDetails
- getSuperclassesOf(String) - Method in class ome.services.graphs.GraphPathBean
Get the superclasses of the given class, if any.
- getSuperclassesOfReflexive(String) - Method in class ome.services.graphs.GraphPathBean
Get the name of this class and of its mapped superclasses.
- getSupportedMetadataLevels() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.OMEROWrapper
- getSymbol() - Method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsElectricPotential
- getSymbol() - Method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsFrequency
- getSymbol() - Method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsLength
- getSymbol() - Method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsPower
- getSymbol() - Method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsPressure
- getSymbol() - Method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsTemperature
- getSymbol() - Method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsTime
- getSymbol() - Method in interface ome.model.units.UnitEnum
- getSymbol(Current) - Method in class omero.model.ElectricPotentialI
- getSymbol(Current) - Method in class omero.model.FrequencyI
- getSymbol(Current) - Method in class omero.model.LengthI
- getSymbol(Current) - Method in class omero.model.PowerI
- getSymbol(Current) - Method in class omero.model.PressureI
- getSymbol(Current) - Method in class omero.model.TemperatureI
- getSymbol(Current) - Method in class omero.model.TimeI
- getSystemGroupId() - Method in class ome.system.Roles
- getSystemGroupName() - Method in class ome.system.Roles
- getT() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.data.PlaneDef
Returns the timepoint.
- getT() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ShapeData
Returns the time-point. -1 if the shape applies to all time-points of
the image.
- getTable() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.measurements.MeasurementStore
- getTable() - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.measurements.OmeroMeasurementStore
Returns the Table proxy which is in use by this service.
- getTable(SecurityContext, long) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.TablesFacility
- getTable(SecurityContext, long, long, long, int...) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.TablesFacility
Load data from a table
- getTable(SecurityContext, long, List<Long>) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.TablesFacility
Load data from a table
- getTable(SecurityContext, long, long...) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.TablesFacility
Load data from a table
- getTable(SecurityContext, long, long, long, long...) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.TablesFacility
Load data from a table
- getTable_async(AMD_IRoi_getTable, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RoiI
- getTableID() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TableResult
Returns the id of the table.
- getTableInfo(SecurityContext, long) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.TablesFacility
Get basic information about a table.
- getTagAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getTagAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getTagAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getTagAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getTagAnnotationValue(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getTagDescription() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TagAnnotationData
Returns the description of the tag.
- getTagDescriptions() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TagAnnotationData
Returns the descriptions linked to that tag.
- getTaggedObjectsCount(Set<Long>, Parameters) - Method in interface ome.api.IMetadata
Returns a map whose key is a tag's id and the value the number of
Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
- getTaggedObjectsCount(Set<Long>, Parameters) - Method in class ome.logic.MetadataImpl
- getTaggedObjectsCount_async(AMD_IMetadata_getTaggedObjectsCount, List<Long>, Parameters, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.MetadataI
- getTags() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TagAnnotationData
Returns the collection of tags related to this tag.
- getTagValue() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TagAnnotationData
Returns the text of the tag.
- getTarget() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- getTarget() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportContainer
- getTarget(Class<T>, long) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
Helper method to retrieve an object from iQuery
- getTarget() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.ManagedImportLocationI
Return the server-side
instance which can be passed to
a Bio-Formats reader.
- getTargetMultimap(Set<Class<? extends IObject>>, Map<String, List<Long>>) - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.GraphHelper
Converts the Ice StringLongListMap
to a multimap.
- getTargetSet(Set<Class<? extends IObject>>, Collection<String>) - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.GraphHelper
Converts the Ice StringSet
to a set.
- getTargetType(String) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ExtendedMetadata.Impl
Returns the
type which a given field points to.
- getTempDir() - Method in class omero.util.TempFileManager
Returns the directory under which all temporary files and folders will be
- gettempdir() - Static method in class omero.util.TempFileManager
- getTemperature() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.temperature (ome.model.units.Temperature)
- getTemperature(UnitsTemperature) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ImageAcquisitionData
Returns the temperature.
- getTemplate() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.targets.TemplateImportTarget
- getTemplatePrefix() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Simple field ome.model.fs.Fileset.templatePrefix (java.lang.String)
- getTerm() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TermAnnotationData
Returns the term
- getTermAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getTermAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getTermAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getTermAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getTermAnnotationValue(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getTermDescription() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TermAnnotationData
Returns the description of the term.
- getTermValue() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
Simple field ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation.termValue (java.lang.String)
- getTermVector() - Method in class ome.services.fulltext.SimpleLuceneOptions
- getText() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.EllipseData
Returns the text of the shape.
- getText() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LineData
Returns the text of the shape.
- getText() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.MaskData
Returns the text of the shape.
- getText() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PointData
Returns the text of the shape.
- getText() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PolygonData
Returns the text of the shape.
- getText() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PolylineData
Returns the text of the shape.
- getText() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.RectangleData
Returns the text of the shape.
- getText() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TextData
Returns the text of the shape.
- getText() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TextualAnnotationData
Returns the text of this annotation.
- getText() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.XMLAnnotationData
Returns the text of this annotation.
- getTextValue() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
Simple field ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation.textValue (java.lang.String)
- getTextValue() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
Simple field ome.model.roi.Ellipse.textValue (java.lang.String)
- getTextValue() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Label
Simple field ome.model.roi.Label.textValue (java.lang.String)
- getTextValue() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
Simple field ome.model.roi.Line.textValue (java.lang.String)
- getTextValue() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
Simple field ome.model.roi.Mask.textValue (java.lang.String)
- getTextValue() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Path
Simple field ome.model.roi.Path.textValue (java.lang.String)
- getTextValue() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Point
Simple field ome.model.roi.Point.textValue (java.lang.String)
- getTextValue() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
Simple field ome.model.roi.Polygon.textValue (java.lang.String)
- getTextValue() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
Simple field ome.model.roi.Polyline.textValue (java.lang.String)
- getTextValue() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
Simple field ome.model.roi.Rectangle.textValue (java.lang.String)
- getTheC() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Simple field ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.theC (java.lang.Integer)
- getTheC() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Simple field ome.model.roi.Shape.theC (java.lang.Integer)
- getTheT() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Simple field ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.theT (java.lang.Integer)
- getTheT() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Simple field ome.model.roi.Shape.theT (java.lang.Integer)
- getTheZ() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Simple field ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.theZ (java.lang.Integer)
- getTheZ() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Simple field ome.model.roi.Shape.theZ (java.lang.Integer)
- getThis() - Method in interface ome.services.util.Executor.StatefulWork
- getThis(MethodInvocation) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.SessionHandler
- getThreadIdentifier() - Static method in class ome.util.Utils
Returns a String
which can be used to correlate log messages.
- getThumbnail(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface ome.api.ThumbnailStore
Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of rendering
settings (RenderingDef).
- getThumbnail(Thumbnail) - Method in class ome.io.nio.ThumbnailService
Return byte array of Thumbnail
- getThumbnail(Thumbnail, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.nio.ThumbnailService
Return byte array of Thumbnail, providing byte array
- getThumbnail(Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.services.ThumbnailBean
- getThumbnail(Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.services.ThumbnailBeanReadOnly
- getThumbnail_async(AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnail, RInt, RInt, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ThumbnailStoreI
- getThumbnailByLongestSide(Integer) - Method in interface ome.api.ThumbnailStore
Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of rendering
settings (RenderingDef).
- getThumbnailByLongestSide(Integer) - Method in class ome.services.ThumbnailBean
- getThumbnailByLongestSide(Integer) - Method in class ome.services.ThumbnailBeanReadOnly
- getThumbnailByLongestSide_async(AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailByLongestSide, RInt, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ThumbnailStoreI
- getThumbnailByLongestSideDirect(Integer) - Method in interface ome.api.ThumbnailStore
Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of rendering
settings (RenderingDef).
- getThumbnailByLongestSideDirect(Integer) - Method in class ome.services.ThumbnailBean
- getThumbnailByLongestSideDirect_async(AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailByLongestSideDirect, RInt, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ThumbnailStoreI
- getThumbnailByLongestSideSet(Integer, Set<Long>) - Method in interface ome.api.ThumbnailStore
Retrieves a number of thumbnails for pixels sets using given sets of
rendering settings (RenderingDef).
- getThumbnailByLongestSideSet(Integer, Set<Long>) - Method in class ome.services.ThumbnailBean
- getThumbnailByLongestSideSet(Integer, Set<Long>) - Method in class ome.services.ThumbnailBeanReadOnly
- getThumbnailByLongestSideSet_async(AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailByLongestSideSet, RInt, List<Long>, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ThumbnailStoreI
- getThumbnailDirect(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface ome.api.ThumbnailStore
Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of rendering
settings (RenderingDef).
- getThumbnailDirect(Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.services.ThumbnailBean
- getThumbnailDirect_async(AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailDirect, RInt, RInt, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ThumbnailStoreI
- getThumbnailExists(Thumbnail) - Method in class ome.io.nio.ThumbnailService
Returns whether or not a thumbnail exists on disk.
- getThumbnailForSectionByLongestSideDirect(int, int, Integer) - Method in interface ome.api.ThumbnailStore
Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of rendering
settings (RenderingDef) for a particular section.
- getThumbnailForSectionByLongestSideDirect(int, int, Integer) - Method in class ome.services.ThumbnailBean
- getThumbnailForSectionByLongestSideDirect_async(AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailForSectionByLongestSideDirect, int, int, RInt, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ThumbnailStoreI
- getThumbnailForSectionDirect(int, int, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface ome.api.ThumbnailStore
Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of rendering
settings (RenderingDef) for a particular section.
- getThumbnailForSectionDirect(int, int, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.services.ThumbnailBean
- getThumbnailForSectionDirect_async(AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailForSectionDirect, int, int, RInt, RInt, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ThumbnailStoreI
- getThumbnailIds() - Method in class ome.tools.RepositoryTask
This public method is used to return a list of thumbnail ids that require
deletion from the disk repository.
- getThumbnailLength(Thumbnail) - Method in class ome.io.nio.ThumbnailService
Returns length of Thumbnail on disk
- getThumbnailOutputStream(Thumbnail) - Method in class ome.io.nio.ThumbnailService
Return FileOutputStream of Thumbnail
- getThumbnailPath(Long) - Method in class ome.io.nio.AbstractFileSystemService
Returns a numbered path relative to the root of this service, but is
ignorant of FS and similar constructs.
- getThumbnails() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
returns thumbnails .
- getThumbnailService(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the ThumbnailStorePrx
- getThumbnailSet(Integer, Integer, Set<Long>) - Method in interface ome.api.ThumbnailStore
Retrieves a number of thumbnails for pixels sets using given sets of
rendering settings (RenderingDef).
- getThumbnailSet(Integer, Integer, Set<Long>) - Method in class ome.services.ThumbnailBean
- getThumbnailSet_async(AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailSet, RInt, RInt, List<Long>, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ThumbnailStoreI
- getTie(Identity) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
- getTile(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
- getTile(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getTile(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getTile(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getTile(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getTile(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves a tile from this pixel buffer.
- getTile(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getTile(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getTile(SecurityContext, PixelsData, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.RawDataFacility
Extracts a 2D tile from the pixels set
- getTile(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class omero.gateway.rnd.DataSink
Extracts a 2D tile from the pixels set this object is working for.
- getTile(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class omero.util.RPSTileData
- getTile(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface omero.util.TileData
- getTile_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getTile, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawPixelsStoreI
- getTile_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getTile, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getTileCount() - Method in exception ome.io.nio.Utils.FailedTileLoopException
- getTileDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getTileDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getTileDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getTileDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves a tile from this pixel buffer.
- getTileDirect(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getTileHeight() - Method in class ome.io.nio.ConfiguredTileSizes
- getTileHeight() - Method in interface ome.io.nio.TileSizes
- getTileSize() - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
- getTileSize(Long) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
Retrieves the suggested tile size for a pixels set.
- getTileSize() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getTileSize() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getTileSize() - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getTileSize() - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the tile size for the pixel store.
- getTileSize() - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getTileSize() - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getTileSize() - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- getTileSize() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Retrieves the tile size for the pixel store.
- getTileSize() - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
- getTileSize_async(AMD_PyramidService_getTileSize, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.AbstractPyramidServant
- getTileSize_async(AMD_PyramidService_getTileSize, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getTileWidth() - Method in class ome.io.nio.ConfiguredTileSizes
- getTileWidth() - Method in interface ome.io.nio.TileSizes
- getTime() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
Simple field ome.model.meta.Event.time (java.sql.Timestamp)
- getTime() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TimeAnnotationData
Returns the time value.
- getTimeIncrement() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.Pixels.timeIncrement (ome.model.units.Time)
- getTimelineService(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
- getTimepoint(int) - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
- getTimepoint(Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getTimepoint(Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getTimepoint(Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getTimepoint(Integer) - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getTimepoint(Integer) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the entire number of optical sections for all
wavelengths or channels at a particular timepoint in this pixel buffer.
- getTimepoint(Integer) - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getTimepoint() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
Simple field ome.model.screen.WellSample.timepoint (java.sql.Timestamp)
- getTimepoint(int) - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getTimePoint() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ROICoordinate
Returns the timepoint.
(-1 == all timepoints)
- getTimepoint_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getTimepoint, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawPixelsStoreI
- getTimepoint_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getTimepoint, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getTimepointDirect(Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getTimepointDirect(Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getTimepointDirect(Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getTimepointDirect(Integer, byte[]) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the entire number of optical sections for all
wavelengths or channels at a particular timepoint in this pixel buffer.
- getTimepointDirect(Integer, byte[]) - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getTimepointOffset(int) - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
- getTimepointOffset(Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getTimepointOffset(Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getTimepointOffset(Integer) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getTimepointOffset(Integer) - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getTimepointOffset(Integer) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the in memory size of the entire number of optical sections for
all wavelengths or channels at a particular timepoint in this
pixel buffer.
- getTimepointOffset(Integer) - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getTimepointOffset(int) - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getTimepointOffset_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getTimepointOffset, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawPixelsStoreI
- getTimepointOffset_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getTimepointOffset, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getTimepointSize() - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
- getTimepointSize() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getTimepointSize() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getTimepointSize() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getTimepointSize() - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getTimepointSize() - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the in memory size of the entire number of optical sections for
all wavelengths or channels at a particular timepoint in this
pixel buffer.
- getTimepointSize() - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getTimepointSize() - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getTimepointSize_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getTimepointSize, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawPixelsStoreI
- getTimepointSize_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getTimepointSize, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getTimestampAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getTimestampAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getTimestampAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getTimestampAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getTimestampAnnotationValue(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getTimeToIdle() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Simple field ome.model.meta.Session.timeToIdle (java.lang.Long)
- getTimeToLive() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Simple field ome.model.meta.Session.timeToLive (java.lang.Long)
- getTimeValue() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
Simple field ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation.timeValue (java.sql.Timestamp)
- getToken() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorContainer
- getTokenUrl() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- getTooSimilarFiles(Set<File>) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.path.ClientFilePathTransformer
Get the files that are too similarly named.
- getTopicManager() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.util.BlitzConfiguration
- getTopLevelNames(Iterable<Class<? extends IObject>>) - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.GraphHelper
Get the simple names of the top-level superclasses of the given classes.
- getTotalSize() - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
- getTotalSize() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- getTotalSize() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelsWrapper
- getTotalSize() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
- getTotalSize() - Method in class ome.io.nio.InMemoryPlanarPixelBuffer
- getTotalSize() - Method in interface ome.io.nio.PixelBuffer
Retrieves the in memory size of the entire pixel buffer.
- getTotalSize() - Method in class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- getTotalSize() - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- getTotalSize(IObject) - Method in class ome.services.search.FullText
- getTotalSize_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getTotalSize, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawPixelsStoreI
- getTotalSize_async(AMD_RawPixelsStore_getTotalSize, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- getTransactionAttribute(Method, Class) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareRestrictionTransactionAttributeSource
- getTransactionAttribute(Method, Class) - Method in class ome.tools.spring.ForceTransactionAttributeSource
- getTransactionCount() - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- getTransform() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Many-to-one field ome.model.roi.Shape.transform (ome.model.roi.AffineTransform)
- getTransform() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ShapeData
Returns the transformation.
- getTransmittance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.transmittance (java.lang.Double)
- getTransmittance() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FilterData
Returns the cut out tolerance value or -1
- getTransmittanceRange() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Filter.transmittanceRange (ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange)
- getTuneable() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Laser.tuneable (java.lang.Boolean)
- getType() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Arc.type (ome.model.enums.ArcType)
- getType() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Detector.type (ome.model.enums.DetectorType)
- getType() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Filament.type (ome.model.enums.FilamentType)
- getType() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Filter.type (ome.model.enums.FilterType)
- getType() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Laser.type (ome.model.enums.LaserType)
- getType() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.type (ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType)
- getType() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
Many-to-one field ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.type (ome.model.enums.ProjectionType)
- getType() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
Many-to-one field ome.model.experiment.Experiment.type (ome.model.enums.ExperimentType)
- getType() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
Many-to-one field ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation.type (ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType)
- getType() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
Simple field ome.model.jobs.Job.type (java.lang.String)
- getType() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.Event.type (ome.model.enums.EventType)
- getType() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Simple field ome.model.screen.Screen.type (java.lang.String)
- getType() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Simple field ome.model.screen.Well.type (java.lang.String)
- getType(MethodInvocation) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.EventMethodInterceptor.DisableAction
- getType() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DetectorData
Returns the type of the detector.
- getType() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FilterData
Returns the type.
- getType() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LightSourceData
Returns the type of light.
- getType() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.SearchResult
Get the type (class) of objects to search for see
- getType() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TableDataColumn
Get the data type
- getTypes() - Method in class ome.security.policy.BasePolicy
- getTypes() - Method in interface ome.security.policy.Policy
- getTypes() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.SearchParameters
Returns the types to search on.
- getTypesService(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
- getTypesService() - Method in class ome.system.ServiceFactory
- getTypesService(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the ITypesPrx
- getUIBounds() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- getUIBounds() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.IniFileLoader
- getUndeletedFiles() - Method in class ome.services.delete.files.AbstractFileDeletions
- getUndeletedFiles() - Method in class ome.services.delete.files.FileDeleter
- getUnique() - Method in class omero.sys.ParametersI
- getUnit() - Method in class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
Many-to-one field ome.model.units.ElectricPotential.unit (ome.model.enums.UnitsElectricPotential).
- getUnit() - Method in class ome.model.units.Frequency
Many-to-one field ome.model.units.Frequency.unit (ome.model.enums.UnitsFrequency).
- getUnit() - Method in class ome.model.units.Length
Many-to-one field ome.model.units.Length.unit (ome.model.enums.UnitsLength).
- getUnit() - Method in class ome.model.units.Power
Many-to-one field ome.model.units.Power.unit (ome.model.enums.UnitsPower).
- getUnit() - Method in class ome.model.units.Pressure
Many-to-one field ome.model.units.Pressure.unit (ome.model.enums.UnitsPressure).
- getUnit() - Method in class ome.model.units.Temperature
Many-to-one field ome.model.units.Temperature.unit (ome.model.enums.UnitsTemperature).
- getUnit() - Method in class ome.model.units.Time
Many-to-one field ome.model.units.Time.unit (ome.model.enums.UnitsTime).
- getUnit() - Method in interface ome.model.units.Unit
- getUnit(Current) - Method in class omero.model.ElectricPotentialI
- getUnit(Current) - Method in class omero.model.FrequencyI
- getUnit(Current) - Method in class omero.model.LengthI
- getUnit(Current) - Method in class omero.model.PowerI
- getUnit(Current) - Method in class omero.model.PressureI
- getUnit(Current) - Method in class omero.model.TemperatureI
- getUnit(Current) - Method in class omero.model.TimeI
- getUntied(Identity) - Method in class omero.util.ServantHolder
- getUp() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
Simple field ome.model.meta.Node.up (java.sql.Timestamp)
- getUpdated() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DataObject
Returns the updated time of the object.
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample.Details
- getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo.Details
- getUpdateEvent(Current) - Method in class omero.model.DetailsI
- getUpdateService(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ServiceFactoryI
- getUpdateService() - Method in class ome.system.ServiceFactory
- getUpdateService(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the IUpdatePrx
- getUpdateService(SecurityContext, String) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Returns the IUpdatePrx
- getUpgradeUrl() - Method in class ome.system.UpgradeCheck
- getUploader() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.transfers.TransferState
- getUploader(String) - Method in class ome.formats.importer.transfers.TransferState
Return the RawFileStorePrx
instance for this index setting
the mode if not null.
- getUploader(int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.ManagedImportProcessI
- getUploaderUrl() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- getUploadOffset(int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.ManagedImportProcessI
- getUploadTimeLeft() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.transfers.TransferState
- getUploadTimeLeft() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ProportionalTimeEstimatorImpl
- getUploadTimeLeft() - Method in interface ome.formats.importer.util.TimeEstimator
Return the estimated time left in milliseconds based on the calls to
- getUploadUrl() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorContainer
- getUpperLimit() - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
Simple field ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext.upperLimit (java.lang.Integer)
- getUpperLimit() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.codomain.PlaneSlicingContext
Returns the constant level for bit-planes > planeSelected w.r.t the
higher-order bits.
- getUsageFraction() - Method in interface ome.api.IRepositoryInfo
This method returns a double of the used space divided by the free space.
- getUsageFraction() - Method in class ome.logic.RepositoryInfoImpl
- getUsageFraction_async(AMD_IRepositoryInfo_getUsageFraction, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RepositoryInfoI
- getUsedFilePaths() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FilesetData
Returns the collection of file paths used for importing the files
(in case of in-place imports these are the targets of the (sym)links)
- getUsedFiles(String) - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportCandidates
Return string of files used by container item at path
- getUsedFiles() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportContainer
Return a list of file names that belong to this import container.
- getUsedFiles() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
returns usedFiles .
- getUsedFilesTotalSize() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportContainer
Returns the total size in bytes (based on File.length()
of all files in this import container.
- getUsedSpaceInKilobytes() - Method in interface ome.api.IRepositoryInfo
This method returns the total space in bytes for this file system
including nested subdirectories.
- getUsedSpaceInKilobytes() - Method in class ome.logic.RepositoryInfoImpl
- getUsedSpaceInKilobytes_async(AMD_IRepositoryInfo_getUsedSpaceInKilobytes, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RepositoryInfoI
- getUseQuaqua() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- getUseQuaqua() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.IniFileLoader
- getUser() - Method in class omero.gateway.LoginCredentials
Returns the credentials.
- getUserAgent() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Simple field ome.model.meta.Session.userAgent (java.lang.String)
- getUserAttribute(String) - Method in class ome.security.auth.LdapConfig
- getUserDetails(SecurityContext, String) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Get the user details of a certain user
- getUserDisableHistory() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- getUserDisableHistory() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.IniFileLoader
- getUserEmail(String) - Method in class ome.services.mail.MailSender
- getUserEmailsByGroup(long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Load all the non-empty email addresses for users in a given group.
- getUserEmailsByGroup(long) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- getUserFilter() - Method in class ome.security.auth.LdapConfig
- getUserFullPath() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- getUserFullPath() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.IniFileLoader
- getUserGroupId() - Method in class ome.system.Roles
- getUserGroupName() - Method in class ome.system.Roles
- getUserGroups(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- getUserGroups(String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- getUserId() - Method in class ome.services.ThumbnailCtx
Retrieves the current user ID to use for queries.
- getUserId(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Get the user's ID
- getUserId(String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- getUserId() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.SearchParameters
- getUserImages(Parameters) - Method in interface ome.api.IContainer
Retrieve a user's images.
- getUserImages(Parameters) - Method in class ome.logic.PojosImpl
- getUserImages(SecurityContext) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Loads all images of the logged in user
- getUserImages_async(AMD_IContainer_getUserImages, Parameters, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ContainerI
- getUserInstitution(long, Current) - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDao
Get the current user's institution.
- getUserInstitution(long, ServiceFactory) - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDao
Get the current user's institution.
- getUserInstitution(long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDaoImpl
- getUserInstitution(long, ServiceFactory) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDaoImpl
- getUserIP() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Simple field ome.model.meta.Session.userIP (java.lang.String)
- getUsername() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
Simple field ome.model.jobs.Job.username (java.lang.String)
- getUsername(long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Get the user's name
- getUsername(long) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- getUserName() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ExperimenterData
Returns the last name of the experimenter.
- getUsername() - Method in class omero.gateway.UserCredentials
Returns the user name (or session ID, if it was set before instead of an
- getUserPasswordHash(Long) - Method in class ome.security.auth.PasswordUtil
- getUserPixels() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportContainer
- getUserRoles(Experimenter) - Method in interface ome.api.local.LocalAdmin
Finds the group names for all groups for which the given
a member.
- getUserRoles(Experimenter) - Method in class ome.logic.AdminImpl
- getUserRoles() - Method in interface ome.services.sessions.SessionContext
- getUserRoles() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionContextImpl
- getUserRoles(String) - Method in interface ome.services.sessions.SessionManager
- getUserRoles(String) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionManagerImpl
- getUserScripts_async(AMD_IScript_getUserScripts, List<IObject>, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ScriptI
- getUserSettingsDirectory() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- getUserSettingsDirectory() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.IniFileLoader
- getUserSpecifiedAnnotations() - Method in interface ome.formats.model.IObjectContainerStore
Returns the user specified annotations.
- getUserSpecifiedAnnotations() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getUserSpecifiedDescription() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportContainer
Retrieves the current custom image/plate description string.
- getUserSpecifiedDescription() - Method in interface ome.formats.model.IObjectContainerStore
Returns the user specified image/plate description.
- getUserSpecifiedDescription() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getUserSpecifiedImageName() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getUserSpecifiedName() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportContainer
Retrieves the current custom image/plate name string.
- getUserSpecifiedName() - Method in interface ome.formats.model.IObjectContainerStore
Returns the user specified image/plate name.
- getUserSpecifiedName() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getUserSpecifiedPhysicalPixelSizes() - Method in interface ome.formats.model.IObjectContainerStore
Returns the user specified physical pixel sizes.
- getUserSpecifiedPhysicalPixelSizes() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getUserSpecifiedTarget() - Method in interface ome.formats.model.IObjectContainerStore
Returns the user-specified linkage target (usually a Dataset for Images)
and a Screen for Plates).
- getUserSpecifiedTarget() - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- getUuid() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
Simple field ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.uuid (java.lang.String)
- getUuid() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
Simple field ome.model.meta.Node.uuid (java.lang.String)
- getUuid() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Simple field ome.model.meta.Session.uuid (java.lang.String)
- getUuid() - Method in class ome.services.db.DatabaseIdentity
- getUuid() - Method in class ome.services.scripts.ScriptRepoHelper
Uuid of this repository.
- getUuid() - Method in class ome.services.sessions.events.ChangeSecurityContextEvent
- getUuid() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ROIData
Get the UUID
- getValue() - Method in exception ome.formats.enums.EnumerationException
- getValue() - Method in enum ome.formats.Index
- getValue(Class<? extends IObject>, int) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEXMLModelComparator
Assigns a value to a particular class based on its location in the
OME-XML hierarchy.
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
Simple field ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
Simple field ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
Simple field ome.model.enums.ArcType.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
Simple field ome.model.enums.Binning.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
Simple field ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
Simple field ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
Simple field ome.model.enums.Correction.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
Simple field ome.model.enums.DetectorType.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
Simple field ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
Simple field ome.model.enums.EventType.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
Simple field ome.model.enums.ExperimentType.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
Simple field ome.model.enums.Family.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
Simple field ome.model.enums.FilamentType.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
Simple field ome.model.enums.FilterType.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
Simple field ome.model.enums.Format.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
Simple field ome.model.enums.Illumination.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
Simple field ome.model.enums.Immersion.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
Simple field ome.model.enums.LaserMedium.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
Simple field ome.model.enums.LaserType.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
Simple field ome.model.enums.Medium.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
Simple field ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
Simple field ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
Simple field ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
Simple field ome.model.enums.PixelsType.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
Simple field ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
Simple field ome.model.enums.ProjectionType.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
Simple field ome.model.enums.Pulse.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
Simple field ome.model.enums.RenderingModel.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in interface ome.model.IEnum
the single String value associated with this instance.
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.internal.NamedValue
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobStatus
Simple field ome.model.jobs.JobStatus.value (java.lang.String)
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
value of this unit-field.
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.units.Frequency
value of this unit-field.
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.units.Length
value of this unit-field.
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.units.Power
value of this unit-field.
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.units.Pressure
value of this unit-field.
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.units.Temperature
value of this unit-field.
- getValue() - Method in class ome.model.units.Time
value of this unit-field.
- getValue() - Method in interface ome.model.units.Unit
- getValue(double) - Method in class ome.system.metrics.DefaultSnapshot
- getValue(double) - Method in interface ome.system.metrics.Snapshot
- getValue() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.BooleanAnnotationData
Returns the text of this annotation.
- getValue(Current) - Method in class omero.model.ElectricPotentialI
- getValue(Current) - Method in class omero.model.FrequencyI
- getValue(Current) - Method in class omero.model.LengthI
- getValue(Current) - Method in class omero.model.PowerI
- getValue(Current) - Method in class omero.model.PressureI
- getValue(Current) - Method in class omero.model.TemperatureI
- getValue(Current) - Method in class omero.model.TimeI
- getValues() - Method in class ome.system.metrics.DefaultSnapshot
- getValues() - Method in interface ome.system.metrics.Snapshot
- getVersion() - Method in interface ome.api.IConfig
Provides the release version.
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.logic.ConfigImpl
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in interface ome.model.IMutable
optimistic-lock version.
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic
- getVersion() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DataObject
Returns the version of the object if the object is immutable,
- getVersion_async(AMD_IConfig_getVersion, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ConfigI
- getVersionInfo() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.MetadataImportJob
- getVersionInfo() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.UploadJob
- getVersionNote() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.IniFileLoader
- getVersionNumber() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- getVersionNumber() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.IniFileLoader
- getVisibility() - Method in class ome.system.Preference
- getVoltage() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.Detector.voltage (ome.model.units.ElectricPotential)
- getVoltage() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.voltage (ome.model.units.ElectricPotential)
- getVoltage(UnitsElectricPotential) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DetectorData
Returns the voltage of the detector.
- getWarmUpFactor() - Method in class ome.io.nio.SimpleBackOff
- getWarning() - Method in class ome.services.delete.files.FileDeleter
- getWaveIncrement() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Simple field ome.model.core.Pixels.waveIncrement (java.lang.Integer)
- getWavelength() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.Laser.wavelength (ome.model.units.Length)
- getWavelength() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.wavelength (ome.model.units.Length)
- getWavelength() - Method in exception omeis.providers.re.quantum.QuantizationException
Returns the index of the wavelength that couldn't be rendered.
- getWaveRendering() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
returns waveRendering .
- getWaveStart() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Simple field ome.model.core.Pixels.waveStart (java.lang.Integer)
- getWell() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
Many-to-one field ome.model.screen.WellSample.well (ome.model.screen.Well)
- getWellLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
returns wellLinks .
- getWellLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink that a user has.
- getWellOriginX() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.screen.Plate.wellOriginX (ome.model.units.Length)
- getWellOriginX(UnitsLength) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PlateData
Returns the x-coordinate in 2D-space of the well.
- getWellOriginY() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.screen.Plate.wellOriginY (ome.model.units.Length)
- getWellOriginY(UnitsLength) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PlateData
Returns the y-coordinate in 2D-space of the well.
- getWells() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
returns wells .
- getWells(SecurityContext, Collection<Long>) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Loads the wells
- getWells(SecurityContext, long) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.BrowseFacility
Loads the wells for a given plate
- getWellSample() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
returns wellSample .
- getWellSample(int) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Gets the ome.model.screen.WellSample at the given index.
- getWellSamples() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
returns wellSamples .
- getWellSamples() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
returns wellSamples .
- getWellSamples() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.WellData
Returns the well samples linked to the well.
- getWellType() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.WellData
Returns a human readable identifier for the screening status e.g. empty,
positive control, etc.
- getWidth() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
Simple field ome.model.roi.Mask.width (java.lang.Double)
- getWidth() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
Simple field ome.model.roi.Rectangle.width (java.lang.Double)
- getWidth() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.data.RegionDef
Returns the width of the region.
- getWidth() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.MaskData
Returns the width of the mask.
- getWidth() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.RectangleData
Returns the width untransformed rectangle.
- getWindowEnd() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.quantum.QuantumStrategy
Returns the upper bound of the input interval.
- getWindowStart() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.quantum.QuantumStrategy
Returns the lower bound of the input interval.
- getWorkingDistance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.workingDistance (ome.model.units.Length)
- getWorkingDistance(UnitsLength) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ObjectiveData
Returns the working distance.
- getX() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
Simple field ome.model.roi.Ellipse.x (java.lang.Double)
- getX() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Label
Simple field ome.model.roi.Label.x (java.lang.Double)
- getX() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
Simple field ome.model.roi.Mask.x (java.lang.Double)
- getX() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Point
Simple field ome.model.roi.Point.x (java.lang.Double)
- getX() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
Simple field ome.model.roi.Rectangle.x (java.lang.Double)
- getX() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.data.PlaneDef
Returns the index of the plane in the set identified by this object.
- getX() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.data.RegionDef
Returns the x-coordinate of the top-left corner.
- getX() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.EllipseData
Returns the x-coordinate of the center of the ellipse.
- getX() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.MaskData
Returns the x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the mask.
- getX() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PointData
Returns the x-coordinate of the shape.
- getX() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.RectangleData
Returns the x-coordinate of the top-left corner of an untransformed
- getX() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TextData
Returns the x-coordinate text field.
- getX1() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
Simple field ome.model.roi.Line.x1 (java.lang.Double)
- getX1() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LineData
Returns the x-coordinate of the starting point of an untransformed line.
- getX2() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
Simple field ome.model.roi.Line.x2 (java.lang.Double)
- getX2() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LineData
Returns the x-coordinate of the end point of an untransformed line.
- getXend() - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
Simple field ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext.xend (java.lang.Integer)
- getXEnd() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.codomain.ContrastStretchingContext
Returns the x-coordinate of the pEnd
- getXMLAnnotationCount() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getXMLAnnotationDescription(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getXMLAnnotationID(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getXMLAnnotationNamespace(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getXMLAnnotationValue(int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.OmeroMetadata
- getXstart() - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
Simple field ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext.xstart (java.lang.Integer)
- getXStart() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.codomain.ContrastStretchingContext
Returns the x-coordinate of the pStart
- getY() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
Simple field ome.model.roi.Ellipse.y (java.lang.Double)
- getY() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Label
Simple field ome.model.roi.Label.y (java.lang.Double)
- getY() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
Simple field ome.model.roi.Mask.y (java.lang.Double)
- getY() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Point
Simple field ome.model.roi.Point.y (java.lang.Double)
- getY() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
Simple field ome.model.roi.Rectangle.y (java.lang.Double)
- getY() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.data.PlaneDef
Returns the index of the plane in the set identified by this object.
- getY() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.data.RegionDef
Returns the y-coordinate of the top-left corner.
- getY() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.EllipseData
Returns the y-coordinate of the center of the ellipse.
- getY() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.MaskData
Returns the y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the mask.
- getY() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.PointData
Returns the y coordinate of the shape.
- getY() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.RectangleData
Returns the y-coordinate of the top-left corner of an
untransformed rectangle.
- getY() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.TextData
Returns the y-coordinate text field.
- getY1() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
Simple field ome.model.roi.Line.y1 (java.lang.Double)
- getY1() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LineData
Returns the y-coordinate of the starting point of an untransformed line.
- getY2() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
Simple field ome.model.roi.Line.y2 (java.lang.Double)
- getY2() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.LineData
Returns the y-coordinate of the end point of an untransformed line.
- getYend() - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
Simple field ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext.yend (java.lang.Integer)
- getYEnd() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.codomain.ContrastStretchingContext
Returns the y-coordinate of the pEnd
- getYstart() - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
Simple field ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext.ystart (java.lang.Integer)
- getYStart() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.codomain.ContrastStretchingContext
Returns the y-coordinate of the pStart
- getZ() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.data.PlaneDef
Returns the index of the plane in the set identified by this object.
- getZ() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ShapeData
Returns the z-section. -1 if the shape applies to all z-sections of
the image.
- getZoom() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Detector.zoom (java.lang.Double)
- getZoom() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.zoom (java.lang.Double)
- getZoom() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.DetectorData
Returns the offset of the detector.
- getZSection() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ROICoordinate
Returns the z-section.
(-1 == all z-sections)
- globalMax - Variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
- GLOBALMAX - Static variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
- globalMin - Variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
- GLOBALMIN - Static variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
- GlobalMulticaster - Class in ome.services.messages
which can be used to integrate
parent and child
- GlobalMulticaster() - Constructor for class ome.services.messages.GlobalMulticaster
Keeps track of which instance this is.
- grant(Permissions.Role, Permissions.Right...) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
- grantAll(Permissions) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
takes a permissions instance and ORs it with the current instance.
- granted(int, int) - Method in class omero.model.PermissionsI
- GraphException - Exception in ome.services.graphs
Exception which will be thrown by traversing the graph if an error occurred.
- GraphException(String) - Constructor for exception ome.services.graphs.GraphException
- GraphHelper - Class in omero.cmd.graphs
Factors common code out of GraphQuery
implementations for reuse.
- GraphHelper(Helper, GraphPathBean) - Constructor for class omero.cmd.graphs.GraphHelper
Construct a helper for a graph request instance.
- GraphHolder - Class in ome.model.internal
holds information regarding the graph to which an
- GraphHolder() - Constructor for class ome.model.internal.GraphHolder
- GraphPathBean - Class in ome.services.graphs
The graph path bean holds the Hibernate object mapping and assists navigation thereof.
- GraphPathBean() - Constructor for class ome.services.graphs.GraphPathBean
- GraphPathReport - Class in ome.services.graphs
A standalone tool for producing a summary of the Hibernate object mapping for our Sphinx documentation.
- GraphPathReport() - Constructor for class ome.services.graphs.GraphPathReport
- GraphPolicy - Class in ome.services.graphs
A policy guides how to traverse the graph.
- GraphPolicy() - Constructor for class ome.services.graphs.GraphPolicy
- GraphPolicy.Ability - Enum in ome.services.graphs
Abilities that the user may have to operate upon model objects.
- GraphPolicy.Action - Enum in ome.services.graphs
The action to take on an object instance.
- GraphPolicy.Details - Class in ome.services.graphs
A tuple noting the state of a mapped object instance in the current graph traversal.
- GraphPolicy.Orphan - Enum in ome.services.graphs
- GraphPolicyRule - Class in ome.services.graphs
A graph policy rule specifies a component of a
- GraphPolicyRule() - Constructor for class ome.services.graphs.GraphPolicyRule
- GraphPolicyRulePredicate - Interface in ome.services.graphs
A plug-in for graph policy rule matches whereby an object may be matched against named values.
- GraphRequestFactory - Class in omero.cmd.graphs
Create request objects that are executed using the
- GraphRequestFactory(ACLVoter, Roles, GraphPathBean, LightAdminPrivileges, Deletion, Map<Class<? extends Request>, List<String>>, Map<Class<? extends Request>, List<GraphPolicyRule>>, List<String>, Set<String>) - Constructor for class omero.cmd.graphs.GraphRequestFactory
Construct a new graph request factory.
- GraphTraversal - Class in ome.services.graphs
An alternative implementation of model object graph traversal, relying on SELECTing in advance for making decisions,
instead of rolling back to savepoints to recover from failed attempts to act.
- GraphTraversal(Session, EventContext, ACLVoter, GraphPathBean, SetMultimap<String, String>, GraphPolicy, GraphTraversal.Processor) - Constructor for class ome.services.graphs.GraphTraversal
Construct a new instance of a graph traversal manager.
- GraphTraversal.PlanExecutor - Interface in ome.services.graphs
Executor that allows callers to actually perform the planned action.
- GraphTraversal.Processor - Interface in ome.services.graphs
Executes the planned operation.
- GraphUtil - Class in omero.cmd.graphs
Static utility methods for model graph operations.
- GraphUtil() - Constructor for class omero.cmd.graphs.GraphUtil
- green - Variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
- GREEN - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
- green - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- GREEN - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- green - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- GREEN - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- GREEN_INDEX - Static variable in class ome.formats.model.ColorsFactory
Index of the red component of a color.
- GREEN_INDEX - Static variable in class omeis.providers.re.ColorsFactory
Index of the red component of a color.
- GREEN_TEXT - Static variable in class ome.formats.model.ChannelProcessor
Name of the green
component when it is a graphics image.
- greens - Variable in class omeis.providers.re.lut.LutReader
Holds the green values.
- group - Variable in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- GROUP - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Details
- group - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Share
- GROUP - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Share
- group(long) - Method in class ome.parameters.Filter
- group() - Method in class ome.parameters.Filter
- group() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
- group - Variable in class ome.system.Principal
- GROUP_COLLAB_READ - Static variable in class ome.formats.importer.ImportEvent
- GROUP_COLLAB_READ_LINK - Static variable in class ome.formats.importer.ImportEvent
- GROUP_EXPERIMENTER_MAP - Static variable in class omero.gateway.model.ExperimenterData
Identifies the ExperimenterI.GROUPEXPERIMENTERMAP
- GROUP_EXPERIMENTER_MAP - Static variable in class omero.gateway.model.GroupData
Identifies the ExperimenterGroupI.GROUPEXPERIMENTERMAP
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.BasicAnnotation
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NumericAnnotation
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TypeAnnotation
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Link
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.ImportJob
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.IndexingJob
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.IntegrityCheckJob
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.Job
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.MetadataImportJob
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.ParseJob
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.PixelDataJob
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.ScriptJob
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.ThumbnailGenerationJob
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.UploadJob
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Label
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Line
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Mask
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Path
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Point
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
- GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
- GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- GROUP_FILTER_CHANNELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
- GROUP_FILTER_CHANNELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
- GROUP_FILTER_CHILDFOLDERS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- GROUP_FILTER_DATASETLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
- GROUP_FILTER_DATASETLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- GROUP_FILTER_DETECTOR - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- GROUP_FILTER_DICHROIC - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- GROUP_FILTER_EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- GROUP_FILTER_EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
- GROUP_FILTER_EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
- GROUP_FILTER_EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- GROUP_FILTER_EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
- GROUP_FILTER_EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
- GROUP_FILTER_FILESETENTRIES - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- GROUP_FILTER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- GROUP_FILTER_FILTERSET - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- GROUP_FILTER_FOLDERLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- GROUP_FILTER_FOLDERLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
- GROUP_FILTER_IMAGELINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
- GROUP_FILTER_IMAGELINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- GROUP_FILTER_IMAGES - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
- GROUP_FILTER_JOBLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
- GROUP_FILTER_LIGHTSOURCE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- GROUP_FILTER_LIGHTSOURCESETTINGS - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
- GROUP_FILTER_MICROBEAMMANIPULATION - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
- GROUP_FILTER_OBJECTIVE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- GROUP_FILTER_ORIGINALFILELINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.Job
- GROUP_FILTER_OTF - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- GROUP_FILTER_PIXELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- GROUP_FILTER_PIXELSFILEMAPS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- GROUP_FILTER_PIXELSFILEMAPS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
- GROUP_FILTER_PLANEINFO - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
- GROUP_FILTER_PLATEACQUISITIONS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- GROUP_FILTER_PLATELINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
- GROUP_FILTER_PROJECTIONS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
- GROUP_FILTER_PROJECTLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
- GROUP_FILTER_REAGENTLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- GROUP_FILTER_REAGENTS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
- GROUP_FILTER_ROILINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- GROUP_FILTER_ROIS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- GROUP_FILTER_SCREENLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- GROUP_FILTER_SETTINGS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
- GROUP_FILTER_SHAPES - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
- GROUP_FILTER_SPATIALDOMAINENHANCEMENT - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- GROUP_FILTER_THUMBNAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
- GROUP_FILTER_USEDFILES - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
- GROUP_FILTER_WAVERENDERING - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
- GROUP_FILTER_WELLLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
- GROUP_FILTER_WELLS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- GROUP_FILTER_WELLSAMPLE - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
- GROUP_FILTER_WELLSAMPLES - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- GROUP_FILTER_WELLSAMPLES - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- GROUP_ID - Static variable in class ome.parameters.Parameters
named parameter "groupId".
- GROUP_IMMUTABLE - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
R_R___ : user and group can only read
- GROUP_PRIVATE - Static variable in class ome.formats.importer.ImportEvent
- GROUP_PRIVATE - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
RWRW__ : user and group can read and write
- GROUP_PUBLIC - Static variable in class ome.formats.importer.ImportEvent
- GROUP_READABLE - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
RWR___ : user can read and write, group can read
- GROUP_SUDO_NS - Static variable in class ome.services.sessions.SessionManagerImpl
- GROUP_SYSTEM - Static variable in class ome.formats.importer.ImportEvent
- GROUP_WRITEABLE - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
RWRWR_ : user and group can read and write, world can read
- GroupAttributeMapper - Class in ome.security.auth
- GroupAttributeMapper(LdapConfig) - Constructor for class ome.security.auth.GroupAttributeMapper
- GroupChmodStrategy - Class in ome.security.basic
which only permits modifying
the permissions on groups.
- GroupChmodStrategy(BasicACLVoter, SessionFactory, SqlAction, ExtendedMetadata) - Constructor for class ome.security.basic.GroupChmodStrategy
- groupContext(Long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDaoImpl
Creates a copy of the Current.ctx
map and if groupId is
not null, sets the "omero.group" key to be a string version of the
- GroupContextMapper - Class in ome.security.auth
Specialized OME ExperimenterGroup context mapper.
- GroupContextMapper(LdapConfig, String) - Constructor for class ome.security.auth.GroupContextMapper
- GroupContextMapper(LdapConfig, String, String) - Constructor for class ome.security.auth.GroupContextMapper
- GroupData - Class in omero.gateway.model
The data that makes up an OME Group along with the various members of
the Group
- GroupData() - Constructor for class omero.gateway.model.GroupData
Creates a new instance.
- GroupData(ExperimenterGroup) - Constructor for class omero.gateway.model.GroupData
Creates a new instance.
- groupExperimenterMap - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- GROUPEXPERIMENTERMAP - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- groupExperimenterMap - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
- GROUPEXPERIMENTERMAP - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
- GroupExperimenterMap - Class in ome.model.meta
- GroupExperimenterMap() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
- GroupExperimenterMap(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
- GroupExperimenterMap(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
Main constructor.
- GroupExperimenterMap(IObject, IObject, Boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
- GroupExperimenterMap.Details - Class in ome.model.meta
- groupId - Variable in class ome.services.graphs.GraphPolicy.Details
the ID of the object's
if the object does not have a group
- groupId - Variable in class ome.util.SqlAction.DeleteLog
- groupInfoFor(String, long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Return a mostly unloaded
object containing
only the id, name, and permissions.
- groupInfoFor(String, long) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- groupname - Variable in class ome.model.jobs.Job
- GROUPNAME - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.Job
- groupnameFilter(String) - Method in class ome.security.auth.LdapConfig
- GroupPredicate - Class in ome.services.graphs
A predicate that allows group=system
and similar to be used in graph policy rule matches.
- GroupPredicate(Roles) - Constructor for class ome.services.graphs.GroupPredicate
Construct a new group predicate.
- groupProxy(Long) - Method in interface ome.api.local.LocalAdmin
returns a possibly uninitialized proxy for the given
group id
- groupProxy(String) - Method in interface ome.api.local.LocalAdmin
returns a possibly uninitialized proxy for the given
group name
- groupProxy(Long) - Method in class ome.logic.AdminImpl
- groupProxy(String) - Method in class ome.logic.AdminImpl
- groupRestrictions(IObject) - Method in class ome.security.policy.BinaryAccessPolicy
- groups(String, LdapConfig, LdapOperations, RoleProvider, AttributeSet) - Method in class ome.security.auth.AttributeNewUserGroupBean
- groups(String, LdapConfig, LdapOperations, RoleProvider, AttributeSet) - Method in interface ome.security.auth.NewUserGroupBean
- groups(String, LdapConfig, LdapOperations, RoleProvider, AttributeSet) - Method in class ome.security.auth.OrgUnitNewUserGroupBean
- groups(String, LdapConfig, LdapOperations, RoleProvider, AttributeSet) - Method in class ome.security.auth.QueryNewUserGroupBean
- GroupSecurityViolation - Exception in ome.conditions
Extension of
which signifies that the violation
in question goes against the group-based permissions introduced in 4.2.
- GroupSecurityViolation(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.GroupSecurityViolation
- groupsLed - Variable in class ome.services.sessions.SessionManager.CreationRequest
- grp(long) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
- grp(RLong) - Method in class omero.sys.ParametersI
Sets the value of the group
- GUEST - Static variable in class ome.system.Login
constant which has username and password values set
to null and other values set to their default.
- GUEST - Static variable in class omero.gateway.model.GroupData
Identifies the Guest
- R_BAND - Static variable in class omeis.providers.re.RGBBuffer
Index of the red band in the image's data buffer.
- radiusX - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
- RADIUSX - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
- radiusY - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
- RADIUSY - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
- random(int) - Method in class ome.services.roi.GeomTool
- randomize(Random) - Method in class omero.model.SmartEllipseI
- randomize(Random) - Method in class omero.model.SmartLineI
- randomize(Random) - Method in class omero.model.SmartMaskI
- randomize(Random) - Method in class omero.model.SmartPathI
- randomize(Random) - Method in class omero.model.SmartPointI
- randomize(Random) - Method in class omero.model.SmartPolygonI
- randomize(Random) - Method in class omero.model.SmartPolylineI
- randomize(Random) - Method in class omero.model.SmartRectI
- randomize(Random) - Method in interface omero.model.SmartShape
Initializes this shape with completely random data.
- randomize(Random) - Method in class omero.model.SmartTextI
- rarray(RType...) - Static method in class omero.rtypes
- rarray(Collection<RType>) - Static method in class omero.rtypes
- Rasterizer() - Constructor for class ome.services.SVGRasterizer.Rasterizer
- Rat(long, long) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Conversion
- Rat(Conversion...) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Conversion
- Rat(long, long) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Conversion.Rat
- Rat(Conversion...) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Conversion.Rat
- RatingAnnotationData - Class in omero.gateway.model
Annotation used to rate an object.
- RatingAnnotationData() - Constructor for class omero.gateway.model.RatingAnnotationData
Creates a new instance of value LEVEL_ZERO
- RatingAnnotationData(int) - Constructor for class omero.gateway.model.RatingAnnotationData
Creates a new instance.
- RatingAnnotationData(LongAnnotation) - Constructor for class omero.gateway.model.RatingAnnotationData
Creates a new instance.
- raw - Variable in class omeis.providers.re.lut.LutReader
Flag indicating to read 32 byte NIH Image LUT header.
- rawAccess(RawAccessRequest, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.AbstractRepositoryI
- rawAccess() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.RawAccessRequestI
- RawAccessRequestI - Class in ome.services.blitz.repo
Command request for accessing a repository directly.
- RawAccessRequestI(Registry) - Constructor for class ome.services.blitz.repo.RawAccessRequestI
- RawDataFacility - Class in omero.gateway.facility
- RawFileBean - Class in ome.services
Raw file gateway which provides access to the OMERO file repository.
- RawFileBean() - Constructor for class ome.services.RawFileBean
default constructor
- RawFileBean(boolean) - Constructor for class ome.services.RawFileBean
overridden to allow Spring to set boolean
- RawFileBeanReadOnly - Class in ome.services
Raw file gateway which provides access to the OMERO file repository.
- RawFileBeanReadOnly() - Constructor for class ome.services.RawFileBeanReadOnly
default constructor
- RawFileBeanReadOnly(boolean) - Constructor for class ome.services.RawFileBeanReadOnly
overridden to allow Spring to set boolean
- RawFileStore - Interface in ome.api
Raw file gateway which provides access to the OMERO file repository.
- RawFileStoreI - Class in ome.services.blitz.impl
Implementation of the RawFileStore service.
- RawFileStoreI(RawFileStore, BlitzExecutor) - Constructor for class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawFileStoreI
- RawPixelsBean - Class in ome.services
Implementation of the RawPixelsStore stateful service.
- RawPixelsBean() - Constructor for class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
default constructor
- RawPixelsBean(boolean, String) - Constructor for class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
overridden to allow Spring to set boolean
- RawPixelsBeanReadOnly - Class in ome.services
Implementation of the RawPixelsStore stateful service.
- RawPixelsBeanReadOnly() - Constructor for class ome.services.RawPixelsBeanReadOnly
default constructor
- RawPixelsBeanReadOnly(boolean, String) - Constructor for class ome.services.RawPixelsBeanReadOnly
overridden to allow Spring to set boolean
- RawPixelsStore - Interface in ome.api
Binary data provider.
- RawPixelsStoreI - Class in ome.services.blitz.impl
Implementation of the RawPixelsStore service.
- RawPixelsStoreI(RawPixelsStore, BlitzExecutor) - Constructor for class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawPixelsStoreI
- rbool(boolean) - Static method in class omero.rtypes
- rclass(String) - Static method in class omero.rtypes
- RdfPrinter - Class in ome.util
walks an object graph producing RDF-like output.
- RdfPrinter() - Constructor for class ome.util.RdfPrinter
- rdouble(double) - Static method in class omero.rtypes
- read(long, int) - Method in interface ome.api.RawFileStore
Reads length
bytes of data at the position
from the raw
file into an array of bytes
- read(ByteBuffer) - Method in class ome.io.nio.FileBuffer
Delegates to FileChannel
- read(ByteBuffer, long) - Method in class ome.io.nio.FileBuffer
Delegates to FileChannel
- read(long, int) - Method in class ome.services.RawFileBean
- read(String) - Method in class ome.services.scripts.ScriptRepoHelper
- read(String, String) - Static method in class omeis.providers.re.lut.LutReaderFactory
Reads the specified file.
- read(File) - Static method in class omeis.providers.re.lut.LutReaderFactory
Reads the specified file.
- read_async(AMD_Exporter_read, long, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ExporterI
- read_async(AMD_RawFileStore_read, long, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RawFileStoreI
- read_async(AMD_RawFileStore_read, long, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.RepoRawFileStoreI
- READ_ONLY - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
- readBytes(int) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.stats.DelegatingStats
- readBytes(int) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.stats.NullSessionStats
- readBytes(int) - Method in interface ome.services.sessions.stats.SessionStats
- readBytes(int) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.stats.SimpleSessionStats
- reader - Variable in class ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorHandler.FILE_EXCEPTION
- reader - Variable in class ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorHandler.INTERNAL_EXCEPTION
- reader - Variable in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
- reader() - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPixelBuffer
Do not call this method when looking to close the reader.
- reader - Variable in class ome.io.bioformats.BfPyramidPixelBuffer
Bio-Formats implementation the delegate uses to read the backing TIFF.
- READERS_KEY - Static variable in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
Lookup key for System.getProperty(String)
- readersPath - Variable in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
- readOnly - Variable in class ome.security.basic.EventHandler
- readOnly - Variable in class ome.services.sessions.SessionManagerImpl
- READONLY_FLAG - Static variable in class omero.gateway.model.ShapeData
Flag stating that the ROI is read only.
- ReadOnlyByteArray - Class in ome.util.mem
A read-only slice of a given array.
- ReadOnlyByteArray(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class ome.util.mem.ReadOnlyByteArray
Creates a read-only slice of base
- ReadOnlyByteArray - Class in omero.util
A read-only slice of a given array.
- ReadOnlyByteArray(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class omero.util.ReadOnlyByteArray
Creates a read-only slice of base
- ReadOnlyConfigInit - Class in ome.services.util
Propagate the server's read-only status into corresponding keys in the configuration service.
- ReadOnlyConfigInit(IConfig, ReadOnlyStatus) - Constructor for class ome.services.util.ReadOnlyConfigInit
Set read-only status in the current configuration.
- ReadOnlyGroupSecurityViolation - Exception in ome.conditions
Extension of
signalling that an admin or
group owner has tried to make a modification in a private group OR that
the member of a read-only group has tried to do the same.
- ReadOnlyGroupSecurityViolation(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.ReadOnlyGroupSecurityViolation
- readOnlyStatus - Variable in class ome.logic.AbstractLevel2Service
- ReadOnlyStatus - Class in ome.services.util
Hook run by the context as early as possible to detect if the DB
connection is read-only.
- ReadOnlyStatus(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.services.util.ReadOnlyStatus
- ReadOnlyStatus(boolean, boolean, boolean, SqlAction, String, String) - Constructor for class ome.services.util.ReadOnlyStatus
- ReadOnlyStatus.IsAware - Interface in ome.services.util
Implemented by classes that can report if a given read-only status would cause them to be in read-only mode.
- readOutRate - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
- READOUTRATE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
- Reagent - Class in ome.model.screen
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- Reagent() - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Reagent
- Reagent(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Reagent
- Reagent(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Reagent
Main constructor.
- Reagent(Screen) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Reagent
- Reagent.Details - Class in ome.model.screen
- ReagentAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- ReagentAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
- ReagentAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
- ReagentAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
- ReagentAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
- ReagentAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
- reagentIdentifier - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
- REAGENTIDENTIFIER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
- reagentLinks - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- REAGENTLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- REAGENTLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- reagents - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
- REAGENTS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
- reagentSetDescription - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
- REAGENTSETDESCRIPTION - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
- reagentSetIdentifier - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
- REAGENTSETIDENTIFIER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
- reapSession(String) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.fire.SessionManagerI
- recompressSeries(TiffReader, int) - Method in class ome.io.bioformats.OmeroPixelsPyramidWriter
Re-compresses a source series, that is JPEG 2000 compressed, via its
resolution level.
- recreateCollection(String) - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- rect(double, double, double, double) - Method in class ome.services.roi.GeomTool
- Rectangle - Class in ome.model.roi
- Rectangle() - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
- Rectangle(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
- Rectangle(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
Main constructor.
- RectangleArea - Class in ome.util.math.geom2D
Represents a rectangle in the Euclidean space R2.
- RectangleArea() - Constructor for class ome.util.math.geom2D.RectangleArea
Constructs a new RectangleAreaAdapter
whose top-left corner is
(0, 0) and whose width and height are both zero.
- RectangleArea(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ome.util.math.geom2D.RectangleArea
Constructs a new RectangleAreaAdapter
whose top-left corner is
specified as (x, y) and whose width and height are specified by the
arguments of the same name.
- RectangleData - Class in omero.gateway.model
Represents a rectangle in the Euclidean space R2.
- RectangleData(Shape) - Constructor for class omero.gateway.model.RectangleData
Creates a new instance.
- RectangleData() - Constructor for class omero.gateway.model.RectangleData
Creates a new instance with a default rectangle.
- RectangleData(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class omero.gateway.model.RectangleData
Creates a new instance of the RectangleData.
- red - Variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
- RED - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
- red - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- RED - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- red - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- RED - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- RED_INDEX - Static variable in class ome.formats.model.ColorsFactory
Index of the red component of a color.
- RED_INDEX - Static variable in class omeis.providers.re.ColorsFactory
Index of the red component of a color.
- RED_TEXT - Static variable in class ome.formats.model.ChannelProcessor
Name of the red
component when it is a graphics image.
- Redirector - Interface in ome.services.blitz.redirect
Strategy interface for helping a
instance decide whether to
creation to another
- Redirector.Context - Interface in ome.services.blitz.redirect
Interface implemented by Ring instances to allow passing in the context
necessary for making strategy decisions.
- reds - Variable in class omeis.providers.re.lut.LutReader
Holds the red values.
- ref - Variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
- REF - Static variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
- ReferenceProcessor - Class in ome.formats.model
Processes the references of an IObjectContainerStore and ensures
that container references are consistent with the LSID stored in the
IObjectContainer itself.
- ReferenceProcessor() - Constructor for class ome.formats.model.ReferenceProcessor
- referenceType(Iterable<String>) - Method in class omero.gateway.util.Requests.DuplicateBuilder
- referenceType(Class<? extends IObject>...) - Method in class omero.gateway.util.Requests.DuplicateBuilder
- referenceType(String...) - Method in class omero.gateway.util.Requests.DuplicateBuilder
- reflectiveNewInstance(T) - Static method in class ome.util.ShallowCopy
- refractiveIndex - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
- REFRACTIVEINDEX - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
- refresh(T) - Method in interface ome.api.IQuery
refreshes an entire
graph, recursive loading all data for
the managed instances in the graph from the database.
- refresh(T) - Method in class ome.logic.QueryImpl
- refresh(String, SessionContext) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.state.SessionCache
Used externally to refresh the
associated with the session uuid
- refresh_async(AMD_IQuery_refresh, IObject, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.QueryI
- refreshAll() - Method in class ome.system.OmeroContext
refreshes all the nested OmeroContexts within this instance.
- refreshAllIfNecessary() - Method in class ome.system.OmeroContext
- refreshEventLogFromUpdatedAnnotations() - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- refreshEventLogFromUpdatedAnnotations() - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Convert the _reindexing_required table to REINDEX entries in the event log.
- RegionDef - Class in omeis.providers.re.data
Identifies a rectangular region.
- RegionDef() - Constructor for class omeis.providers.re.data.RegionDef
Creates a default instance.
- RegionDef(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class omeis.providers.re.data.RegionDef
Creates a rectangular region.
- register(String, ObjectPrx, boolean) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.fire.TopicManager.Impl
- register(String, ObjectPrx, boolean) - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.fire.TopicManager
Enforces no security constraints.
- register(String, RString, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.PublicRepositoryI
Register an OriginalFile using its path
- register(String, CheckedPath, String, Current) - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDao
Register an OriginalFile object
- register(String, CheckedPath, String, ServiceFactory, SqlAction, Session) - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDao
- register(String, CheckedPath, String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDaoImpl
- register(String, CheckedPath, String, ServiceFactory, SqlAction, Session) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDaoImpl
Returns original file object is "live" within the Hibernate session.
- register(Logger, Communicator, boolean) - Method in class omero.util.ObjectFactoryRegistry.ObjectFactory
- registerAll(Ehcache, CacheEventListener...) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.state.CacheFactory
- registerCallback(ProcessCallbackPrx, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ScriptProcessI
- registerCallback(RawFileStorePrx, int) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.ManagedImportProcessI
- registerCallback(ProcessCallback) - Method in interface ome.services.procs.Process
- registerCallback(ProcessCallback) - Method in class ome.services.procs.ProcessSkeleton
- registerKeepAlive() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.ManagedImportRequestI
- registerPredicate(GraphPolicyRulePredicate) - Method in class ome.services.graphs.GraphPolicy
Use the given predicate in executing this graph policy.
- registerPredicate(GraphPolicyRulePredicate) - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.BaseGraphPolicyAdjuster
- registerProxy(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.ManagedImportProcessI
Adds this instance to the current session so that clients can communicate
with it.
- registerServant(Identity, Object) - Method in class omero.cmd.SessionI
Registers the servant with the adapter (or throws an exception if one is
already registered) as well as configures the servant in any post-Spring
way necessary, based on the type of the servant.
- RegisterServantMessage - Class in ome.services.blitz.util
- RegisterServantMessage(Object, Object, Current) - Constructor for class ome.services.blitz.util.RegisterServantMessage
- RegisterServantMessage(Object, Object, String, Current) - Constructor for class ome.services.blitz.util.RegisterServantMessage
- RegisterServiceCleanupMessage - Class in ome.services.messages
Published when some resource must be cleaned up after method execution.
- RegisterServiceCleanupMessage(Object, Object) - Constructor for class ome.services.messages.RegisterServiceCleanupMessage
- registerTrigger(String, Trigger) - Method in class ome.services.scheduler.SchedulerFactoryBean
Registers a JobDetailAwareTrigger
- Registry - Interface in ome.services.blitz.fire
Helper class which makes the RegistryPrx
available within
- registry - Variable in class ome.services.blitz.fire.SessionManagerI
- Registry.Impl - Class in ome.services.blitz.fire
- REIMPORT() - Constructor for class ome.formats.importer.ImportEvent.REIMPORT
- reindex(T) - Method in class ome.services.fulltext.BridgeHelper
- reindexAll(List<T>) - Method in class ome.services.fulltext.BridgeHelper
- ReindexMessage<T extends IObject> - Class in ome.services.messages
Published when one or more
instances must be re-indexed.
- ReindexMessage(Object, List<T>) - Constructor for class ome.services.messages.ReindexMessage
- relatedTo - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
- RELATEDTO - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
- relativeComplement(Collection<T>, Collection<T>) - Static method in class omero.gateway.util.Pojos
Get the relative complement of coll1 in coll2
- relativeDN(String) - Method in class ome.security.auth.LdapConfig
Calculate the relative DN based on the current base.
- releaseDate - Static variable in class ome.formats.importer.Version
The data of the last release date.
- releaseLock(String) - Method in class omero.util.ServantHolder
- releaseSavepoint(String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
- releaseSavepoint(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- reload(String) - Method in interface ome.services.sessions.SessionManager
- reload(String) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionManagerImpl
- reload(SessionContext) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.SessionManagerImpl
Will be called in a synchronized block by
in order
to allow for an update.
- reload(String) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.state.SessionCache
- reload(SessionContext) - Method in interface ome.services.sessions.state.SessionCache.StaleCacheListener
Method called for every active session in the cache.
- ReloadFilter - Class in ome.tools.hibernate
subclass specialized for use with the
(as opposed to
- ReloadFilter(Session) - Constructor for class ome.tools.hibernate.ReloadFilter
- ReloadingRefreshEventListener - Class in ome.tools.hibernate
responsible for responding to
. in particular in
reloading the
- ReloadingRefreshEventListener() - Constructor for class ome.tools.hibernate.ReloadingRefreshEventListener
- remove() - Method in interface ome.api.Search
Unsupported operation.
- remove() - Method in class ome.services.eventlogs.EventBacklog
Removes and returns the next
instance or null if none is
- remove() - Method in class ome.services.eventlogs.EventLogLoader
- remove() - Method in class ome.services.SearchBean
- remove(Serializable, SessionImplementor) - Method in class ome.util.CountCollectionPersister
- remove() - Method in class ome.util.EmptyIterator
- remove() - Method in class omeis.providers.re.codomain.CodomainChain
- remove(CodomainMapContext) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.codomain.CodomainChain
Removes a map context from the chain.
- remove(Resources.Entry) - Method in class omero.util.Resources
- remove(Identity) - Method in class omero.util.ServantHolder
- remove_async(AMD_Search_remove, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.SearchI
- remove_path(File) - Static method in class omero.util.TempFileManager
- removeAdminPrivileges(SecurityContext, ExperimenterData, Collection<String>) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.AdminFacility
Revoke admin privileges for a user
- removeAllDisabled(String...) - Method in class ome.security.basic.CurrentDetails
- removeAllListeners() - Method in class ome.services.messages.GlobalMulticaster
- removeAnnotationAnnotationLink(AnnotationAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
- removeAnnotationAnnotationLink(AnnotationAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
removes the given AnnotationAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkAnnotation again if loaded.
- removeAnnotationAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<AnnotationAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
use like removeAnnotationAnnotationLink
- removeApplicationListener(ApplicationListener) - Method in class ome.services.messages.GlobalMulticaster
- removeApplicationListenerBean(String) - Method in class ome.services.messages.GlobalMulticaster
- removeCache(int) - Method in interface omero.gateway.cache.CacheService
Removes the cache corresponding to the passed id.
- removeCallback(CmdCallbackPrx, Current) - Method in class omero.cmd.HandleI
- removeChannel(Channel) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.core.Channel
- removeChannel(Channel) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.core.Channel
- removeChannelAnnotationLink(ChannelAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
- removeChannelAnnotationLink(ChannelAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
removes the given ChannelAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkChannel again if loaded.
- removeChannelAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ChannelAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
use like removeChannelAnnotationLink
- removeChannelBinding(ChannelBinding) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- removeChannelBindingSet(Collection<ChannelBinding>) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
use like removeChannelBinding
- removeChannelSet(Collection<Channel>) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
use like removeChannel
- removeChannelSet(Collection<Channel>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use like removeChannel
- removeChildFolders(Folder) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.containers.Folder
- removeChildFoldersSet(Collection<Folder>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use like removeFolder
- removeClientId(String) - Method in class omero.util.ServantHolder
- removeCodomainMap(CodomainMapContext) - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- removeCodomainMap(CodomainMapContext) - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
- removeCodomainMap_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_removeCodomainMap, CodomainMapContext, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- removeCodomainMapContext(CodomainMapContext) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
- removeCodomainMapContextSet(Collection<CodomainMapContext>) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
use like removeCodomainMapContext
- removeCodomainMapFromChannel(CodomainMapContext, int) - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- removeCodomainMapFromChannel(CodomainMapContext, int) - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Removes the specified context from the chain.
- removeCodomainMapFromChannel_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_removeCodomainMapFromChannel, CodomainMapContext, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- removeCollection(String) - Method in class org.hibernate.stat.ConcurrentStatisticsImpl
- removeDatasetAnnotationLink(DatasetAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
- removeDatasetAnnotationLink(DatasetAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
removes the given DatasetAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkDataset again if loaded.
- removeDatasetAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<DatasetAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
use like removeDatasetAnnotationLink
- removeDatasetImageLink(DatasetImageLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
- removeDatasetImageLink(DatasetImageLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
removes the given DatasetImageLink from imageLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkDataset again if loaded.
- removeDatasetImageLink(DatasetImageLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
- removeDatasetImageLink(DatasetImageLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
removes the given DatasetImageLink from datasetLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkImage again if loaded.
- removeDatasetImageLinkSet(Collection<DatasetImageLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
use like removeDatasetImageLink
- removeDatasetImageLinkSet(Collection<DatasetImageLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like removeDatasetImageLink
- removeDetector(Detector) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.Detector
- removeDetectorAnnotationLink(DetectorAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
- removeDetectorAnnotationLink(DetectorAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
removes the given DetectorAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkDetector again if loaded.
- removeDetectorAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<DetectorAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
use like removeDetectorAnnotationLink
- removeDetectorSet(Collection<Detector>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like removeDetector
- removeDichroic(Dichroic) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
- removeDichroicAnnotationLink(DichroicAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
- removeDichroicAnnotationLink(DichroicAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
removes the given DichroicAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkDichroic again if loaded.
- removeDichroicAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<DichroicAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
use like removeDichroicAnnotationLink
- removeDichroicSet(Collection<Dichroic>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like removeDichroic
- removeDisabled(String) - Method in class ome.security.basic.CurrentDetails
- RemovedSessionException - Exception in ome.conditions
Client attempted to access a session which has either
or been closed manually.
- RemovedSessionException(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.RemovedSessionException
- removeEvent(Event) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.meta.Event
- removeEventLog(EventLog) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.meta.EventLog
- removeEventLogSet(Collection<EventLog>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
use like removeEventLog
- removeEventSet(Collection<Event>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
use like removeEvent
- removeExperimenterAnnotationLink(ExperimenterAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
- removeExperimenterAnnotationLink(ExperimenterAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
removes the given ExperimenterAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkExperimenter again if loaded.
- removeExperimenterAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ExperimenterAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
use like removeExperimenterAnnotationLink
- removeExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink(ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
- removeExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink(ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
removes the given ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkExperimenterGroup again if loaded.
- removeExperimenterGroupAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
use like removeExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
- removeFiles(List<Long>) - Method in class ome.io.nio.OriginalFilesService
Removes files from data repository based on a parameterized List of
Long file ids
- removeFilesetAnnotationLink(FilesetAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
- removeFilesetAnnotationLink(FilesetAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
removes the given FilesetAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkFileset again if loaded.
- removeFilesetAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<FilesetAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use like removeFilesetAnnotationLink
- removeFilesetEntry(FilesetEntry) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
- removeFilesetEntry(FilesetEntry) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
- removeFilesetEntrySet(Collection<FilesetEntry>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
use like removeFilesetEntry
- removeFilesetEntrySet(Collection<FilesetEntry>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use like removeFilesetEntry
- removeFilesetJobLink(FilesetJobLink) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
- removeFilesetJobLink(FilesetJobLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
removes the given FilesetJobLink from jobLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkFileset again if loaded.
- removeFilesetJobLinkSet(Collection<FilesetJobLink>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use like removeFilesetJobLink
- removeFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- removeFilterAnnotationLink(FilterAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
- removeFilterAnnotationLink(FilterAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
removes the given FilterAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkFilter again if loaded.
- removeFilterAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<FilterAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
use like removeFilterAnnotationLink
- removeFilterSet(Collection<Filter>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like removeFilter
- removeFilterSet(FilterSet) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
- removeFilterSetEmissionFilterLink(FilterSetEmissionFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
- removeFilterSetEmissionFilterLink(FilterSetEmissionFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
removes the given FilterSetEmissionFilterLink from emissionFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkFilter again if loaded.
- removeFilterSetEmissionFilterLink(FilterSetEmissionFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
- removeFilterSetEmissionFilterLink(FilterSetEmissionFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
removes the given FilterSetEmissionFilterLink from emissionFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkFilterSet again if loaded.
- removeFilterSetEmissionFilterLinkSet(Collection<FilterSetEmissionFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
use like removeFilterSetEmissionFilterLink
- removeFilterSetEmissionFilterLinkSet(Collection<FilterSetEmissionFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
use like removeFilterSetEmissionFilterLink
- removeFilterSetExcitationFilterLink(FilterSetExcitationFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
- removeFilterSetExcitationFilterLink(FilterSetExcitationFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
removes the given FilterSetExcitationFilterLink from excitationFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkFilter again if loaded.
- removeFilterSetExcitationFilterLink(FilterSetExcitationFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
- removeFilterSetExcitationFilterLink(FilterSetExcitationFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
removes the given FilterSetExcitationFilterLink from excitationFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkFilterSet again if loaded.
- removeFilterSetExcitationFilterLinkSet(Collection<FilterSetExcitationFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
use like removeFilterSetExcitationFilterLink
- removeFilterSetExcitationFilterLinkSet(Collection<FilterSetExcitationFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
use like removeFilterSetExcitationFilterLink
- removeFilterSetSet(Collection<FilterSet>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like removeFilterSet
- removeFolderAnnotationLink(FolderAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
- removeFolderAnnotationLink(FolderAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
removes the given FolderAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkFolder again if loaded.
- removeFolderAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<FolderAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use like removeFolderAnnotationLink
- removeFolderImageLink(FolderImageLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
- removeFolderImageLink(FolderImageLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
removes the given FolderImageLink from imageLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkFolder again if loaded.
- removeFolderImageLink(FolderImageLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
- removeFolderImageLink(FolderImageLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
removes the given FolderImageLink from folderLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkImage again if loaded.
- removeFolderImageLinkSet(Collection<FolderImageLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use like removeFolderImageLink
- removeFolderImageLinkSet(Collection<FolderImageLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like removeFolderImageLink
- removeFolderRoiLink(FolderRoiLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
- removeFolderRoiLink(FolderRoiLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
removes the given FolderRoiLink from roiLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkFolder again if loaded.
- removeFolderRoiLink(FolderRoiLink) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
- removeFolderRoiLink(FolderRoiLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
removes the given FolderRoiLink from folderLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkRoi again if loaded.
- removeFolderRoiLinkSet(Collection<FolderRoiLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use like removeFolderRoiLink
- removeFolderRoiLinkSet(Collection<FolderRoiLink>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
use like removeFolderRoiLink
- removeGroupExperimenterMap(GroupExperimenterMap) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
- removeGroupExperimenterMap(GroupExperimenterMap, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
removes the given GroupExperimenterMap from groupExperimenterMap, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkExperimenter again if loaded.
- removeGroupExperimenterMap(GroupExperimenterMap) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
- removeGroupExperimenterMap(GroupExperimenterMap, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
removes the given GroupExperimenterMap from groupExperimenterMap, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkExperimenterGroup again if loaded.
- removeGroupExperimenterMapSet(Collection<GroupExperimenterMap>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
use like removeGroupExperimenterMap
- removeGroupExperimenterMapSet(Collection<GroupExperimenterMap>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
use like removeGroupExperimenterMap
- removeGroupOwners(ExperimenterGroup, Experimenter...) - Method in interface ome.api.IAdmin
removes the given users from the owner list for this group.
- removeGroupOwners(ExperimenterGroup, Experimenter...) - Method in class ome.logic.AdminImpl
- removeGroupOwners_async(AMD_IAdmin_removeGroupOwners, ExperimenterGroup, List<Experimenter>, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.AdminI
- removeGroups(Experimenter, ExperimenterGroup...) - Method in interface ome.api.IAdmin
Removes an experimenter from the given groups.
- removeGroups(Experimenter, ExperimenterGroup...) - Method in class ome.logic.AdminImpl
- removeGroups(Experimenter, ExperimenterGroup...) - Method in interface ome.security.auth.RoleProvider
- removeGroups(Experimenter, ExperimenterGroup...) - Method in class ome.security.auth.SimpleRoleProvider
- removeGroups_async(AMD_IAdmin_removeGroups, Experimenter, List<ExperimenterGroup>, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.AdminI
- removeGuest(long, String) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
Removes guest email address from share.
- removeGuest(long, String) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- removeGuest_async(AMD_IShare_removeGuest, long, String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- removeGuests(long, String...) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
Removes guest email addresses from the share.
- removeGuests(long, String...) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- removeGuests_async(AMD_IShare_removeGuests, long, List<String>, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- removeImage(Image) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.core.Image
- removeImageAnnotationLink(ImageAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
- removeImageAnnotationLink(ImageAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
removes the given ImageAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkImage again if loaded.
- removeImageAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ImageAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like removeImageAnnotationLink
- removeImageSet(Collection<Image>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use like removeImage
- removeInstrumentAnnotationLink(InstrumentAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
- removeInstrumentAnnotationLink(InstrumentAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
removes the given InstrumentAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkInstrument again if loaded.
- removeInstrumentAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<InstrumentAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like removeInstrumentAnnotationLink
- removeIObject(IObject, IObject) - Static method in class omero.gateway.util.ModelMapper
Unlinks the specified child and the parent and returns the
updated child IObject
- removeIObjectContainer(LSID) - Method in interface ome.formats.model.IObjectContainerStore
Removes an IObject container from within the OME-XML data model store.
- removeIObjectContainer(LSID) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
- removeJobOriginalFileLink(JobOriginalFileLink) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink
- removeJobOriginalFileLink(JobOriginalFileLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
removes the given JobOriginalFileLink from originalFileLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkJob again if loaded.
- removeJobOriginalFileLinkSet(Collection<JobOriginalFileLink>) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
use like removeJobOriginalFileLink
- removeLightPathAnnotationLink(LightPathAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
- removeLightPathAnnotationLink(LightPathAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
removes the given LightPathAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkLightPath again if loaded.
- removeLightPathAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<LightPathAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
use like removeLightPathAnnotationLink
- removeLightPathEmissionFilterLink(LightPathEmissionFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
- removeLightPathEmissionFilterLink(LightPathEmissionFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
removes the given LightPathEmissionFilterLink from emissionFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkLightPath again if loaded.
- removeLightPathEmissionFilterLinkSet(Collection<LightPathEmissionFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
use like removeLightPathEmissionFilterLink
- removeLightPathExcitationFilterLink(LightPathExcitationFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
- removeLightPathExcitationFilterLink(LightPathExcitationFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
removes the given LightPathExcitationFilterLink from excitationFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkLightPath again if loaded.
- removeLightPathExcitationFilterLinkSet(Collection<LightPathExcitationFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
use like removeLightPathExcitationFilterLink
- removeLightSettings(LightSettings) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
- removeLightSettingsSet(Collection<LightSettings>) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
use like removeLightSettings
- removeLightSource(LightSource) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
- removeLightSourceAnnotationLink(LightSourceAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
- removeLightSourceAnnotationLink(LightSourceAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
removes the given LightSourceAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkLightSource again if loaded.
- removeLightSourceAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<LightSourceAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
use like removeLightSourceAnnotationLink
- removeLightSourceSet(Collection<LightSource>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like removeLightSource
- removeMicrobeamManipulation(MicrobeamManipulation) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
- removeMicrobeamManipulationSet(Collection<MicrobeamManipulation>) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
use like removeMicrobeamManipulation
- removeMissingFilesFromDb(SqlAction, Session, List<OriginalFile>) - Method in class ome.services.scripts.ScriptRepoHelper
- removeModelProcessor(ModelProcessor) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
Removes a model processor from use.
- removeNamespaceAnnotationLink(NamespaceAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
- removeNamespaceAnnotationLink(NamespaceAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
removes the given NamespaceAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkNamespace again if loaded.
- removeNamespaceAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<NamespaceAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
use like removeNamespaceAnnotationLink
- removeNodeAnnotationLink(NodeAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
- removeNodeAnnotationLink(NodeAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
removes the given NodeAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkNode again if loaded.
- removeNodeAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<NodeAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
use like removeNodeAnnotationLink
- removeObject(long, T) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
- removeObject(Identity) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.fire.Registry.Impl
- removeObject(Identity) - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.fire.Registry
- removeObject(long, T) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- removeObject_async(AMD_IShare_removeObject, long, IObject, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- removeObjective(Objective) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.Objective
- removeObjectiveAnnotationLink(ObjectiveAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
- removeObjectiveAnnotationLink(ObjectiveAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
removes the given ObjectiveAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkObjective again if loaded.
- removeObjectiveAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ObjectiveAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
use like removeObjectiveAnnotationLink
- removeObjectiveSet(Collection<Objective>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like removeObjective
- removeObjects(long, T...) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
Remove existing items from the share.
- removeObjects(long, T...) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- removeObjects_async(AMD_IShare_removeObjects, long, List<IObject>, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- removeObjectSafely(Identity) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.fire.Registry.Impl
- removeObjectSafely(Identity) - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.fire.Registry
- removeOriginalFileAnnotationLink(OriginalFileAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
- removeOriginalFileAnnotationLink(OriginalFileAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
removes the given OriginalFileAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkOriginalFile again if loaded.
- removeOriginalFileAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<OriginalFileAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
use like removeOriginalFileAnnotationLink
- removeOTF(OTF) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.OTF
- removeOTFSet(Collection<OTF>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like removeOTF
- removeParams(Long) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.util.ParamsCache
Remove a cached JobParams
- removePassword(Long) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
- removePassword(Long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- removePath(File) - Method in class omero.util.TempFileManager
If the given file is under the top-level temporary directory
then it is deleted whether file or folder.
- removePixels(List<Long>) - Method in class ome.io.nio.PixelsService
Removes files from data repository based on a parameterized List of Long
pixels ids
- removePixels(Pixels) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.core.Pixels
- removePixelsOriginalFileMap(PixelsOriginalFileMap) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
- removePixelsOriginalFileMap(PixelsOriginalFileMap, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
removes the given PixelsOriginalFileMap from pixelsFileMaps, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkOriginalFile again if loaded.
- removePixelsOriginalFileMap(PixelsOriginalFileMap) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
- removePixelsOriginalFileMap(PixelsOriginalFileMap, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
removes the given PixelsOriginalFileMap from pixelsFileMaps, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkPixels again if loaded.
- removePixelsOriginalFileMapSet(Collection<PixelsOriginalFileMap>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
use like removePixelsOriginalFileMap
- removePixelsOriginalFileMapSet(Collection<PixelsOriginalFileMap>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use like removePixelsOriginalFileMap
- removePixelsSet(Collection<Pixels>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like removePixels
- removePlaneInfo(PlaneInfo) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
- removePlaneInfoAnnotationLink(PlaneInfoAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
- removePlaneInfoAnnotationLink(PlaneInfoAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
removes the given PlaneInfoAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkPlaneInfo again if loaded.
- removePlaneInfoAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<PlaneInfoAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
use like removePlaneInfoAnnotationLink
- removePlaneInfoSet(Collection<PlaneInfo>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use like removePlaneInfo
- removePlateAcquisition(PlateAcquisition) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
- removePlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink(PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
- removePlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink(PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
removes the given PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkPlateAcquisition again if loaded.
- removePlateAcquisitionAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
use like removePlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
- removePlateAcquisitionSet(Collection<PlateAcquisition>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use like removePlateAcquisition
- removePlateAnnotationLink(PlateAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
- removePlateAnnotationLink(PlateAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
removes the given PlateAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkPlate again if loaded.
- removePlateAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<PlateAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use like removePlateAnnotationLink
- removeProcess(ProcessContainer.Process) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.ProcessContainer
Removes the process.
- removeProcessor(ProcessorPrx, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.SharedResourcesI
- removeProjectAnnotationLink(ProjectAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
- removeProjectAnnotationLink(ProjectAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
removes the given ProjectAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkProject again if loaded.
- removeProjectAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ProjectAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
use like removeProjectAnnotationLink
- removeProjectDatasetLink(ProjectDatasetLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
- removeProjectDatasetLink(ProjectDatasetLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
removes the given ProjectDatasetLink from projectLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkDataset again if loaded.
- removeProjectDatasetLink(ProjectDatasetLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
- removeProjectDatasetLink(ProjectDatasetLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
removes the given ProjectDatasetLink from datasetLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkProject again if loaded.
- removeProjectDatasetLinkSet(Collection<ProjectDatasetLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
use like removeProjectDatasetLink
- removeProjectDatasetLinkSet(Collection<ProjectDatasetLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
use like removeProjectDatasetLink
- removeProjectionDef(ProjectionDef) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
- removeProjectionDefSet(Collection<ProjectionDef>) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
use like removeProjectionDef
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.Facility
Removes a PropertyChangeListener
(Pass null
to remove all PropertyChangeListener
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Removes a PropertyChangeListener
- removeReagent(Reagent) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.screen.Reagent
- removeReagentAnnotationLink(ReagentAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
- removeReagentAnnotationLink(ReagentAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
removes the given ReagentAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkReagent again if loaded.
- removeReagentAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ReagentAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
use like removeReagentAnnotationLink
- removeReagentSet(Collection<Reagent>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
use like removeReagent
- removeRenderingDef(RenderingDef) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.display.RenderingDef
- removeRenderingDefSet(Collection<RenderingDef>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use like removeRenderingDef
- removeRoi(Roi) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.roi.Roi
- removeRoiAnnotationLink(RoiAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
- removeRoiAnnotationLink(RoiAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
removes the given RoiAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkRoi again if loaded.
- removeRoiAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<RoiAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
use like removeRoiAnnotationLink
- removeRoiSet(Collection<Roi>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like removeRoi
- removeRoisFromFolders(SecurityContext, long, Collection<ROIData>, Collection<FolderData>) - Method in class omero.gateway.facility.ROIFacility
Remove the ROIs from the folders
- removeScreenAnnotationLink(ScreenAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
- removeScreenAnnotationLink(ScreenAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
removes the given ScreenAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkScreen again if loaded.
- removeScreenAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ScreenAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
use like removeScreenAnnotationLink
- removeScreenPlateLink(ScreenPlateLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
- removeScreenPlateLink(ScreenPlateLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
removes the given ScreenPlateLink from screenLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkPlate again if loaded.
- removeScreenPlateLink(ScreenPlateLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
- removeScreenPlateLink(ScreenPlateLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
removes the given ScreenPlateLink from plateLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkScreen again if loaded.
- removeScreenPlateLinkSet(Collection<ScreenPlateLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use like removeScreenPlateLink
- removeScreenPlateLinkSet(Collection<ScreenPlateLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
use like removeScreenPlateLink
- removeSession(Session) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.meta.Session
- removeSession(String) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.state.SessionCache
- removeSessionAnnotationLink(SessionAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
- removeSessionAnnotationLink(SessionAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
removes the given SessionAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkSession again if loaded.
- removeSessionAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<SessionAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
use like removeSessionAnnotationLink
- removeSessionCallback(String, SessionCallback) - Method in class ome.services.sessions.state.SessionCache
- removeSessionSet(Collection<Session>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
use like removeSession
- removeShape(Shape) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.roi.Shape
- removeShapeAnnotationLink(ShapeAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
- removeShapeAnnotationLink(ShapeAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
removes the given ShapeAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkShape again if loaded.
- removeShapeAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ShapeAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
use like removeShapeAnnotationLink
- removeShapeData(ShapeData) - Method in class omero.gateway.model.ROIData
Removes the ShapeData object from ROIData.
- removeShapeSet(Collection<Shape>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
use like removeShape
- removeStatus(MethodInvocation) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.SessionHandler
- removeThumbnail(Thumbnail) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.display.Thumbnail
- removeThumbnails(List<Long>) - Method in class ome.io.nio.ThumbnailService
Removes files from data repository based on a parameterized List of Long
thumbnail ids
- removeThumbnailSet(Collection<Thumbnail>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use like removeThumbnail
- removeUnusedFiles() - Method in interface ome.api.IRepositoryInfo
Removes all files from the server that do not have an OriginalFile
complement in the database, all the Pixels that do not have a complement
in the database and all the Thumbnail's that do not have a complement in
the database.
- removeUnusedFiles() - Method in class ome.logic.RepositoryInfoImpl
- removeUnusedFiles_async(AMD_IRepositoryInfo_removeUnusedFiles, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RepositoryInfoI
- removeUser(long, Experimenter) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
- removeUser(long, Experimenter) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- removeUser_async(AMD_IShare_removeUser, long, Experimenter, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- removeUsers(long, List<Experimenter>) - Method in interface ome.api.IShare
- removeUsers(long, List<Experimenter>) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- removeUsers_async(AMD_IShare_removeUsers, long, List<Experimenter>, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ShareI
- removeWell(Well) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.screen.Well
- removeWellAnnotationLink(WellAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
- removeWellAnnotationLink(WellAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
removes the given WellAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkWell again if loaded.
- removeWellAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<WellAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
use like removeWellAnnotationLink
- removeWellReagentLink(WellReagentLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
- removeWellReagentLink(WellReagentLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
removes the given WellReagentLink from wellLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkReagent again if loaded.
- removeWellReagentLink(WellReagentLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
- removeWellReagentLink(WellReagentLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
removes the given WellReagentLink from reagentLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not the removal will call unlinkWell again if loaded.
- removeWellReagentLinkSet(Collection<WellReagentLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
use like removeWellReagentLink
- removeWellReagentLinkSet(Collection<WellReagentLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
use like removeWellReagentLink
- removeWellSample(WellSample) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.screen.WellSample
- removeWellSample(WellSample) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.screen.WellSample
- removeWellSample(WellSample) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.screen.WellSample
- removeWellSampleSet(Collection<WellSample>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like removeWellSample
- removeWellSampleSet(Collection<WellSample>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
use like removeWellSample
- removeWellSampleSet(Collection<WellSample>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
use like removeWellSample
- removeWellSet(Collection<Well>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use like removeWell
- removingOnly() - Method in class ome.services.eventlogs.EventBacklog
- render(PlaneDef) - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- render(PlaneDef) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Renders the data selected by pd
according to the current
rendering settings.
- render(PlaneDef) - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Renders the data selected by pd
according to the current
rendering settings.
- render_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_render, PlaneDef, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- renderAsPackedInt(PlaneDef) - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- renderAsPackedInt(PlaneDef, PixelBuffer) - Method in class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Renders the data selected by pd
according to the current
rendering settings.
- renderAsPackedInt(PlaneDef) - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Renders the data selected by pd
according to the current
rendering settings.
- renderAsPackedInt_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_renderAsPackedInt, PlaneDef, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- renderCompressed(PlaneDef) - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- renderCompressed(PlaneDef) - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Renders the data selected by pd
according to the current
rendering settings and compresses the resulting RGBA composite image.
- renderCompressed_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_renderCompressed, PlaneDef, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- Renderer - Class in omeis.providers.re
Transforms raw image data into an RGB image that can be displayed on
- Renderer(QuantumFactory, List<RenderingModel>, Pixels, RenderingDef, PixelBuffer, LutProvider) - Constructor for class omeis.providers.re.Renderer
Creates a new instance to render the specified pixels set and get this
new instance ready for rendering.
- RENDERING_DEF_QUERY_PREFIX - Static variable in class ome.logic.PixelsImpl
Standard rendering definition HQL query prefix
- RenderingBean - Class in ome.services
- RenderingBean(PixelsService, LocalCompress, Executor, SecuritySystem, LutProvider) - Constructor for class ome.services.RenderingBean
Compression service Bean injector.
- renderingDef - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- RENDERINGDEF - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- renderingDef - Variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
- RENDERINGDEF - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
- RenderingDef - Class in ome.model.display
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- RenderingDef() - Constructor for class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
- RenderingDef(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
- RenderingDef(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Main constructor.
- RenderingDef(Pixels, Integer, Integer, RenderingModel, QuantumDef) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
- RenderingDef.Details - Class in ome.model.display
- RenderingEngine - Interface in omeis.providers.re
Defines a service to render a given pixels set.
- RenderingEngineI - Class in ome.services.blitz.impl
Implementation of the RenderingEngine service.
- RenderingEngineI(RenderingEngine, BlitzExecutor) - Constructor for class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- RenderingModel - Class in ome.model.enums
- RenderingModel() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
- RenderingModel(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
- RenderingModel(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
Main constructor.
- RenderingModel(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
- RenderingModel.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
- RenderingServiceException - Exception in omero.gateway.exception
Reports an error occurred while trying to render a plane.
- RenderingServiceException() - Constructor for exception omero.gateway.exception.RenderingServiceException
Creates a new exception.
- RenderingServiceException(String) - Constructor for exception omero.gateway.exception.RenderingServiceException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
- RenderingServiceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception omero.gateway.exception.RenderingServiceException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause.
- RenderingServiceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception omero.gateway.exception.RenderingServiceException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
- RenderingSettingsI - Class in ome.services.blitz.impl
Implementation of the IRenderingSettings service.
- RenderingSettingsI(IRenderingSettings, BlitzExecutor) - Constructor for class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingSettingsI
- RenderingSettingsImpl - Class in ome.logic
- RenderingSettingsImpl() - Constructor for class ome.logic.RenderingSettingsImpl
- RenderingStats - Class in omeis.providers.re
Exposes methods to time the various steps in the rendering process and
provides a stats report.
- RenderingStats(Renderer, PlaneDef) - Constructor for class omeis.providers.re.RenderingStats
Creates a new instance.
- RenderingTask - Interface in omeis.providers.re
This interface represents a rendering operation task.
- renderProjectedAsPackedInt(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- renderProjectedAsPackedInt(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Performs a projection through selected optical sections of a particular
timepoint with the currently active channels and renders the data for
- renderProjectedAsPackedInt_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_renderProjectedAsPackedInt, ProjectionType, int, int, int, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- renderProjectedCompressed(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- renderProjectedCompressed(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Performs a projection through selected optical sections of a particular
timepoint with the currently active channels, renders the data for
display and compresses the resulting RGBA composite image.
- renderProjectedCompressed_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_renderProjectedCompressed, ProjectionType, int, int, int, int, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- ReorderedPixelData - Class in ome.io.nio
Represents a block of pixel data that needs to be re-ordered in accordance
with a DeltaVision file.
- ReorderedPixelData(String, ByteBuffer, int) - Constructor for class ome.io.nio.ReorderedPixelData
Default constructor.
- repetitionRate - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
- REPETITIONRATE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
- replace(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.GenericEnumType
- replace(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ListAsSQLArrayUserType
- repo - Variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- REPO - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- repo - Variable in class ome.services.blitz.repo.RawAccessRequestI
- repo - Variable in class ome.services.pixeldata.PersistentEventLogLoader
- repo - Variable in class ome.util.SqlAction.DeleteLog
- RepoFile - Class in ome.services.scripts
File type wrapper for paths which are intended for being stored in the
database as a part of this repository.
- RepoFile(File, String) - Constructor for class ome.services.scripts.RepoFile
- RepoFile(File, File) - Constructor for class ome.services.scripts.RepoFile
Both root and file are absolute paths to files.
- repoFile(long) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
- repoFile(long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- RepoFile.FsFile - Class in ome.services.scripts
File type wrapper for actual OS files.
- RepoRawFileStoreI - Class in ome.services.blitz.repo
An implementation of the RepoRawFileStore interface
- RepoRawFileStoreI(BlitzExecutor, RawFileStore, Current) - Constructor for class ome.services.blitz.repo.RepoRawFileStoreI
- reportForgottenPassword(String, String) - Method in interface ome.api.IAdmin
- reportForgottenPassword(String, String) - Method in class ome.logic.AdminImpl
- reportForgottenPassword_async(AMD_IAdmin_reportForgottenPassword, String, String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.AdminI
- reportingLoops - Variable in class ome.services.fulltext.FullTextIndexer
Frequency with which the percentage done should be calculated.
- repoScriptCount(String, Set<String>) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- repoScriptCount(String, Set<String>) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- repositories(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.SharedResourcesI
- repositoryDao - Variable in class ome.services.blitz.repo.PublicRepositoryI
- RepositoryDao - Interface in ome.services.blitz.repo
- RepositoryDaoImpl - Class in ome.services.blitz.repo
DAO class for encapsulating operations related to resource access inside the
- RepositoryDaoImpl(Principal, Roles, Executor, Executor, OmeroInterceptor, String) - Constructor for class ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDaoImpl
Primary constructor which takes all final fields.
- RepositoryDaoImpl(Principal, Executor) - Constructor for class ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDaoImpl
Previous constructor which should no longer be used.
- RepositoryInfoI - Class in ome.services.blitz.impl
Implementation of the IRepositoryInfo service.
- RepositoryInfoI(IRepositoryInfo, BlitzExecutor) - Constructor for class ome.services.blitz.impl.RepositoryInfoI
- RepositoryInfoImpl - Class in ome.logic
Class implementation of the IRepositoryInfo service interface.
- RepositoryInfoImpl() - Constructor for class ome.logic.RepositoryInfoImpl
- RepositoryTask - Class in ome.tools
Class implementation of various mechanized tasks, database queries, file I/O,
- RepositoryTask(SqlAction) - Constructor for class ome.tools.RepositoryTask
- reps - Variable in class ome.services.fulltext.FullTextIndexer
- reps - Variable in class ome.services.pixeldata.PixelDataHandler
- request(GraphModify2) - Method in class omero.gateway.util.Requests.SkipHeadBuilder
- request(Class<? extends GraphModify2>) - Method in class omero.gateway.util.Requests.SkipHeadBuilder
- requestFromUser() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig
if can't log in request needed information
- requestHeartBeats() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.fire.SessionManagerI
- RequestObjectFactoryRegistry - Class in ome.services.blitz.impl.commands
Types which rely on the omero.model and omero.api objects rather than just
the omero.cmd types.
- RequestObjectFactoryRegistry() - Constructor for class ome.services.blitz.impl.commands.RequestObjectFactoryRegistry
- RequestObjectFactoryRegistry - Class in ome.services.blitz.repo
Requests which are handled by the repository servants.
- RequestObjectFactoryRegistry(Registry, TileSizes, RepositoryDao, Ring, PixelsService) - Constructor for class ome.services.blitz.repo.RequestObjectFactoryRegistry
- RequestObjectFactoryRegistry(Registry, TileSizes, RepositoryDao, Ring, PixelsService, Resources) - Constructor for class ome.services.blitz.repo.RequestObjectFactoryRegistry
- RequestObjectFactoryRegistry - Class in omero.cmd
SPI type picked up from the Spring configuration and given a chance to
register all its ObjectFactory
instances with the
- RequestObjectFactoryRegistry(ExtendedMetadata, ACLVoter, Roles, PixelsService, ThumbnailService, MailUtil, PasswordUtil, SecuritySystem, PasswordProvider, GraphRequestFactory) - Constructor for class omero.cmd.RequestObjectFactoryRegistry
- Requests - Class in omero.gateway.util
A utility class of factory methods with various signatures for clients to use in generating requests for graph operations.
- Requests() - Constructor for class omero.gateway.util.Requests
- Requests.Chgrp2Builder - Class in omero.gateway.util
A builder for Chgrp2
- Requests.ChildOptionBuilder - Class in omero.gateway.util
A builder for ChildOption
- Requests.Chmod2Builder - Class in omero.gateway.util
A builder for Chmod2
- Requests.Chown2Builder - Class in omero.gateway.util
A builder for Chown2
- Requests.Delete2Builder - Class in omero.gateway.util
A builder for Delete2
- Requests.DiskUsageBuilder - Class in omero.gateway.util
A builder for DiskUsage2
- Requests.DuplicateBuilder - Class in omero.gateway.util
A builder for Duplicate
- Requests.FindChildrenBuilder - Class in omero.gateway.util
A builder for FindChildren
- Requests.FindParentsBuilder - Class in omero.gateway.util
A builder for FindParents
- Requests.SkipHeadBuilder - Class in omero.gateway.util
A builder for SkipHead
- REQUEUED - Static variable in interface ome.api.JobHandle
- requiresPixelsPyramid() - Method in interface ome.api.RawPixelsStore
- requiresPixelsPyramid(Pixels) - Method in class ome.io.nio.PixelsService
Returns whether a pyramid should be used for the given
- requiresPixelsPyramid() - Method in class ome.services.RawPixelsBean
- requiresPixelsPyramid() - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- requiresPixelsPyramid(Pixels) - Method in class ome.services.roi.PixelData
Returns whether a pyramid should be used for the given
- requiresPixelsPyramid() - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
- requiresPixelsPyramid_async(AMD_PyramidService_requiresPixelsPyramid, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.AbstractPyramidServant
- requiresPixelsPyramid_async(AMD_PyramidService_requiresPixelsPyramid, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.BfPixelsStoreI
- reset(String[]) - Static method in class ome.services.fulltext.Main
- reset() - Method in class ome.util.Counter
Reset this counter to zero.
- resetDefaults(RenderingDef, Pixels) - Method in interface ome.api.IRenderingSettings
Resets the given rendering settings to those that are specified by the
rendering engine intelligent pretty good image (PG) logic for
the pixels set linked to that set of rendering settings.
- resetDefaults() - Method in interface ome.api.Search
Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as
if the instance had just be created.
- resetDefaults() - Method in interface ome.api.ThumbnailStore
Resets the rendering definition for the active pixels set to its
default settings.
- resetDefaults(RenderingDef, Pixels) - Method in class ome.logic.RenderingSettingsImpl
- resetDefaults() - Method in class ome.services.SearchBean
- resetDefaults() - Method in class ome.services.ThumbnailBean
- resetDefaults_async(AMD_IRenderingSettings_resetDefaults, RenderingDef, Pixels, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingSettingsI
- resetDefaults_async(AMD_Search_resetDefaults, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.SearchI
- resetDefaults_async(AMD_ThumbnailStore_resetDefaults, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ThumbnailStoreI
- resetDefaultsAndGenerateThumbnails(List<Long>, List<Long>) - Method in class ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient
Resets the defaults and generates thumbnails for a given set of Pixels
- resetDefaultsByOwnerInSet(Class<T>, Set<Long>) - Method in interface ome.api.IRenderingSettings
Resets the rendering settings of a given group of containers based on
the owner's (essentially a copy).
- resetDefaultsByOwnerInSet(Class<T>, Set<Long>) - Method in class ome.logic.RenderingSettingsImpl
- resetDefaultsByOwnerInSet_async(AMD_IRenderingSettings_resetDefaultsByOwnerInSet, String, List<Long>, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingSettingsI
- resetDefaultSettings(boolean) - Method in class ome.services.RenderingBean
- resetDefaultSettings(boolean) - Method in interface omeis.providers.re.RenderingEngine
Resets the default settings i.e. the default values internal to the
Rendering engine.
- resetDefaultSettings_async(AMD_RenderingEngine_resetDefaultSettings, boolean, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingEngineI
- resetDefaultsForPixels(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IRenderingSettings
Resets a Pixels' default rendering settings back to those that are
specified by the rendering engine intelligent pretty good image
(PG) logic.
- resetDefaultsForPixels(long) - Method in class ome.logic.RenderingSettingsImpl
- resetDefaultsForPixels_async(AMD_IRenderingSettings_resetDefaultsForPixels, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingSettingsI
- resetDefaultsInDataset(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IRenderingSettings
Resets a dataset's rendering settings back to those that are specified
by the rendering engine intelligent pretty good image (PG) logic.
- resetDefaultsInDataset(long) - Method in class ome.logic.RenderingSettingsImpl
- resetDefaultsInDataset_async(AMD_IRenderingSettings_resetDefaultsInDataset, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingSettingsI
- resetDefaultsInImage(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IRenderingSettings
Resets an image's default rendering settings back to those that are
specified by the rendering engine intelligent pretty good image
(PG) logic.
- resetDefaultsInImage(long) - Method in class ome.logic.RenderingSettingsImpl
- resetDefaultsInImage_async(AMD_IRenderingSettings_resetDefaultsInImage, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingSettingsI
- resetDefaultsInSet(Class<T>, Set<Long>) - Method in interface ome.api.IRenderingSettings
Resets a rendering settings back to one or many containers that are
specified by the rendering engine intelligent pretty good image
(PG) logic.
- resetDefaultsInSet(Class<T>, Set<Long>) - Method in class ome.logic.RenderingSettingsImpl
- resetDefaultsInSet_async(AMD_IRenderingSettings_resetDefaultsInSet, String, List<Long>, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingSettingsI
- resetDefaultsNoSave(RenderingDef, Pixels) - Method in interface ome.api.IRenderingSettings
Resets the given rendering settings to those that are specified by the
rendering engine intelligent pretty good image (PG) logic for
the pixels set linked to that set of rendering settings.
- resetDefaultsNoSave(RenderingDef, Pixels) - Method in class ome.logic.RenderingSettingsImpl
- resetDefaultsNoSave_async(AMD_IRenderingSettings_resetDefaultsNoSave, RenderingDef, Pixels, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingSettingsI
- resetDetails(IObject, Object[], Object[], int, Details) - Method in class ome.security.basic.OmeroInterceptor
- resetEnumerations(Class<T>) - Method in interface ome.api.ITypes
- resetEnumerations(Class<T>) - Method in class ome.logic.TypesImpl
- resetEnumerations_async(AMD_ITypes_resetEnumerations, String, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.TypesI
- resetMinMaxInSet(Class<T>, Set<Long>) - Method in interface ome.api.IRenderingSettings
Resets a the channel windows for one or many containers back to their
global minimum and global maximum for the channel.
- resetMinMaxInSet(Class<T>, Set<Long>) - Method in class ome.logic.RenderingSettingsImpl
- resetMinMaxInSet_async(AMD_IRenderingSettings_resetMinMaxInSet, String, List<Long>, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.RenderingSettingsI
- ResetPasswordRequestI - Class in omero.cmd.admin
Callback interface allowing to reset password for the given user.
- ResetPasswordRequestI(MailUtil, PasswordUtil, SecuritySystem, PasswordProvider) - Constructor for class omero.cmd.admin.ResetPasswordRequestI
- resetReadFilter(Session) - Method in interface ome.api.local.LocalShare
- resetReadFilter(Session) - Method in class ome.services.sharing.ShareBean
- RESOLUTION_DESCRIPTIONS - Static variable in class ome.services.blitz.impl.AbstractPyramidServant
This is a fairly brittle mapping from the List> created by
the PixelBuffers to the List which is remotely
provided by Blitz.
- resolveAlias(String) - Method in class ome.system.PreferenceContext
- resolveConfigFile(String) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.util.BlitzConfiguration
Resolve the given config file to a concrete location, possibly throwing
an exception if stored in a jar.
- resolver - Variable in class ome.io.nio.PixelsService
Resolver of archived original file paths for pixels sets.
- resource - Variable in class ome.services.messages.ParserOpenFileMessage
- resource - Variable in class ome.services.messages.RegisterServiceCleanupMessage
- ResourceError - Exception in ome.conditions
Represents a incorrectible/unforseeable event within the server that lead to
a failure of a process.
- ResourceError(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.ResourceError
- Resources - Class in omero.util
Container class for storing resources which should be cleaned up on close and
periodically checked.
- Resources() - Constructor for class omero.util.Resources
- Resources(int) - Constructor for class omero.util.Resources
- Resources(int, ScheduledExecutorService) - Constructor for class omero.util.Resources
- Resources.Entry - Interface in omero.util
Interface to be implemented by any object which wants to be managed by
- response - Variable in class ome.services.throttling.Task
- response(Object, OmeroContext) - Method in class ome.services.throttling.Task
Calls the response method
- responseRunning(List<Long>, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ProcessorCallbackI
Callback method which should not be called for this instance.
- restartIfNeeded() - Method in class ome.services.scheduler.SchedulerFactoryBean
Similar to the SchedulerFactoryBean.isRunning()
method, but properly handles the
situation where the Scheduler
has been completely shutdown and
therefore must be replaced.
- restrictions(IObject) - Method in interface ome.security.ACLVoter
Provide the active restrictions for this
- restrictions(IObject) - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicACLVoter
- restrictions(IObject) - Method in class ome.security.CompositeACLVoter
- restrictions(IObject) - Method in class ome.security.sharing.SharingACLVoter
- RESUBMITTED - Static variable in interface ome.api.JobHandle
- result - Variable in exception ome.model.units.BigResult
- ResultHolder<U> - Class in ome.services.blitz.util
- ResultHolder(long) - Constructor for class ome.services.blitz.util.ResultHolder
- results() - Method in interface ome.api.Search
Returns up to
batch size
number of results along
with the related query metadata.
- results() - Method in class ome.services.SearchBean
- results_async(AMD_Search_results, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.SearchI
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BasicAnnotation
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NumericAnnotation
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TypeAnnotation
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
- retrieve(String) - Method in interface ome.model.IObject
retrieves a value from this instance.
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.ImportJob
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.IndexingJob
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.IntegrityCheckJob
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobStatus
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.MetadataImportJob
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.ParseJob
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.PixelDataJob
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.ScriptJob
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.ThumbnailGenerationJob
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.UploadJob
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Label
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Path
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Point
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
- retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.util.PermDetails
- retrieveAllRndSettings(long, long) - Method in interface ome.api.IPixels
Retrieves all the rendering settings for a given pixels set and the
passed user with the following objects pre-linked:
- retrieveAllRndSettings(long, long) - Method in class ome.logic.PixelsImpl
- retrieveAllRndSettings_async(AMD_IPixels_retrieveAllRndSettings, long, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.PixelsI
- retrieveCollection(IObject, String, Parameters) - Method in interface ome.api.IContainer
Retrieves a collection with all members initialized ("loaded").
- retrieveCollection(IObject, String, Parameters) - Method in class ome.logic.PojosImpl
- retrieveCollection_async(AMD_IContainer_retrieveCollection, IObject, String, Parameters, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ContainerI
- retrievePixDescription(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IPixels
Retrieves the pixels metadata with the following objects pre-linked:
- retrievePixDescription(long) - Method in class ome.logic.PixelsImpl
- retrievePixDescription_async(AMD_IPixels_retrievePixDescription, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.PixelsI
- retrieveRndSettings(long) - Method in interface ome.api.IPixels
Retrieves the rendering settings for a given pixels set and the currently
logged in user.
- retrieveRndSettings(long) - Method in class ome.logic.PixelsImpl
- retrieveRndSettings_async(AMD_IPixels_retrieveRndSettings, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.PixelsI
- retrieveRndSettingsFor(long, long) - Method in interface ome.api.IPixels
Retrieves the rendering settings for a given pixels set and the passed
user with the following objects pre-linked:
- retrieveRndSettingsFor(long, long) - Method in class ome.logic.PixelsImpl
- retrieveRndSettingsFor_async(AMD_IPixels_retrieveRndSettingsFor, long, long, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.PixelsI
- returnedClass() - Method in class ome.model.units.GenericEnumType
- returnedClass() - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.ListAsSQLArrayUserType
- returnSeen(Object) - Method in class ome.tools.hibernate.UpdateFilter
- returnUnloaded - Variable in class ome.services.search.SearchValues
- reusedSession - Variable in class omero.cmd.SessionI
- reverse - Variable in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
- REVERSE - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
- reverse(ModelBased) - Method in interface ome.util.ReverseModelMapper
- reverse(Collection) - Method in interface ome.util.ReverseModelMapper
- reverse(Object) - Method in class omero.util.IceMapper
- reverse(Collection) - Method in class omero.util.IceMapper
Copied from
This could be
unified in that a method findCollection(Collection, Map) was added with
findCollection(source, model2target)
- reverse(Collection, Class) - Method in class omero.util.IceMapper
Creates a collection assignable to the given type.
- reverse(Map) - Method in class omero.util.IceMapper
- reverse(ModelBased) - Method in class omero.util.IceMapper
- reverseArray(List, Class) - Method in class omero.util.IceMapper
Supports the separate case of reversing for arrays.
- ReverseIntensityContext - Class in ome.model.display
- ReverseIntensityContext() - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
- ReverseIntensityContext(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
- ReverseIntensityContext(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
Main constructor.
- ReverseIntensityContext(Boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
- ReverseIntensityContext - Class in omeis.providers.re.codomain
- ReverseIntensityContext() - Constructor for class omeis.providers.re.codomain.ReverseIntensityContext
- ReverseModelMapper - Interface in ome.util
- reverseNamedList(List<NamedValue>) - Static method in class omero.util.IceMapper
- reverseStringStringMap(Map<String, RString>) - Static method in class omero.util.IceMapper
Reverse a String→String map's values from RString
- review(Map<String, Set<GraphPolicy.Details>>, GraphPolicy.Details, Map<String, Set<GraphPolicy.Details>>, Set<String>, boolean) - Method in class ome.services.graphs.GraphPolicy
The action to take about the link between the mapped objects.
- review(Map<String, Set<GraphPolicy.Details>>, GraphPolicy.Details, Map<String, Set<GraphPolicy.Details>>, Set<String>, boolean) - Method in class omero.cmd.graphs.BaseGraphPolicyAdjuster
- revision - Static variable in class ome.formats.importer.Version
The repository revision.
- revisionDate - Static variable in class ome.formats.importer.Version
The data of the last repository revision.
- revoke(Permissions.Role, Permissions.Right...) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
- revokeAll(Permissions) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
takes a permissions instance and ANDs it with the current instance.
- rewriteHql(String, String, Object) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
The temp_ids infrastructure was never properly put
in place for the "psql" profile.
- rewriteHql(String, String, Object) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- rewriteHql(String, String, Object) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Allows the specific database implementations a chance to modify
- rfloat(float) - Static method in class omero.rtypes
- RGBAIntBuffer - Class in omeis.providers.re
Holds the data of an RGBA image.
- RGBAIntBuffer(int, int) - Constructor for class omeis.providers.re.RGBAIntBuffer
Creates a new 4-band packed integer buffer.
- RGBBuffer - Class in omeis.providers.re
Holds the data of an RGB image.
- RGBBuffer() - Constructor for class omeis.providers.re.RGBBuffer
Simple constructor to avoid memory allocations.
- RGBBuffer(int, int) - Constructor for class omeis.providers.re.RGBBuffer
Creates a new 3-band buffer.
- RGBIntBuffer - Class in omeis.providers.re
Holds the data of an RGB image.
- RGBIntBuffer(int, int) - Constructor for class omeis.providers.re.RGBIntBuffer
Creates a new 3-band packed integer buffer.
- Ring - Class in ome.services.blitz.fire
Distributed ring of
objects which manages lookups
of sessions and other resources from all the blitzes which take part in the
- Ring(String, Executor) - Constructor for class ome.services.blitz.fire.Ring
- Ring(String, Executor, Redirector, ScriptRepoHelper, NodeProvider) - Constructor for class ome.services.blitz.fire.Ring
- ring - Variable in class ome.services.blitz.fire.SessionManagerI
- rint(int) - Static method in class omero.rtypes
- rinternal(Internal) - Static method in class omero.rtypes
- rlist(RType...) - Static method in class omero.rtypes
- rlist(Collection<RType>) - Static method in class omero.rtypes
- rlong(long) - Static method in class omero.rtypes
- rmap() - Static method in class omero.rtypes
- rmap(Map<String, RType>) - Static method in class omero.rtypes
- rmap(String, RType) - Static method in class omero.rtypes
- robject(IObject) - Static method in class omero.rtypes
- Roi - Class in ome.model.roi
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- Roi() - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Roi
- Roi(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Roi
- Roi(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Roi
Main constructor.
- roi - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- ROI - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- Roi.Details - Class in ome.model.roi
- ROI_COLUMN_INDEX - Static variable in class omero.gateway.model.TableResult
Identifies the index of the ROI
- RoiAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- RoiAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
- RoiAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
- RoiAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
- RoiAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
- RoiAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
- roiByImage(long) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
- roiByImage(long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- ROIComponent - Class in omero.gateway.util
Component hosting the ROI.
- ROIComponent(long) - Constructor for class omero.gateway.util.ROIComponent
Instantiate the ROIComponent.
- ROICoordinate - Class in omero.gateway.model
Defines a plane.
- ROICoordinate() - Constructor for class omero.gateway.model.ROICoordinate
Creates a default instance.
- ROICoordinate(int, int) - Constructor for class omero.gateway.model.ROICoordinate
Creates a new instance.
- roiCount() - Method in class omero.gateway.model.FolderData
Get the number of ROIs linked to this folder
- ROIData - Class in omero.gateway.model
Converts the ROI object.
- ROIData(Roi) - Constructor for class omero.gateway.model.ROIData
Creates a new instance.
- ROIData() - Constructor for class omero.gateway.model.ROIData
Create a new instance of an ROIData object.
- ROIFacility - Class in omero.gateway.facility
- RoiI - Class in ome.services.blitz.impl
implementation of the IRoi service interface.
- RoiI(BlitzExecutor, GeomTool, SqlAction) - Constructor for class ome.services.blitz.impl.RoiI
- RoiI.RoiResultMapper - Class in ome.services.blitz.impl
- RoiI.RoiResultMapReturnMapper - Class in ome.services.blitz.impl
- RoiI.RoiResultReturnMapper - Class in ome.services.blitz.impl
- roiLinks - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- ROILINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- ROILINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- ROIResult - Class in omero.gateway.model
Hosts the results of a call loading the ROI.
- ROIResult(Collection<ROIData>) - Constructor for class omero.gateway.model.ROIResult
Creates a new instance.
- ROIResult(Collection<ROIData>, long) - Constructor for class omero.gateway.model.ROIResult
Creates a new instance.
- ROIResult(Collection<ROIData>, long, Object) - Constructor for class omero.gateway.model.ROIResult
Creates a new instance.
- RoiResultMapper(RoiOptions) - Constructor for class ome.services.blitz.impl.RoiI.RoiResultMapper
- RoiResultMapReturnMapper(RoiOptions) - Constructor for class ome.services.blitz.impl.RoiI.RoiResultMapReturnMapper
- RoiResultReturnMapper(RoiOptions) - Constructor for class ome.services.blitz.impl.RoiI.RoiResultReturnMapper
- rois - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- ROIS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- RoiTypes - Class in ome.services.roi
Intelligent server-side representations of the Roi
and Shape
- RoiTypes() - Constructor for class ome.services.roi.RoiTypes
- RoiTypes.RoiTypesObjectFactoryRegistry - Class in ome.services.roi
- RoiTypesObjectFactoryRegistry() - Constructor for class ome.services.roi.RoiTypes.RoiTypesObjectFactoryRegistry
- roleProvider - Variable in class ome.logic.AdminImpl
- RoleProvider - Interface in ome.security.auth
creation, deletion, and modification for use by services.
- roles - Variable in class ome.security.basic.AbstractSecurityFilter
- roles - Variable in class ome.security.basic.BasicACLVoter
- roles - Variable in class ome.security.basic.BasicSecuritySystem
- roles - Variable in class ome.services.blitz.repo.RepositoryDaoImpl
- roles - Variable in class ome.services.sessions.SessionManagerImpl
- Roles - Class in ome.system
encapsulates the naming scheme for critical system groups and accounts.
- Roles() - Constructor for class ome.system.Roles
default constructor which assigns hard-coded values to all roles
- Roles(long, String, long, String, long, String, long, String, long, String) - Constructor for class ome.system.Roles
constructor which allows full specification of all roles
- RolesAllowed - Annotation Type in ome.annotations
Security annotation which specifies a list of user roles which will
be permitted to execute this method.
- rollback(EventLog) - Method in class ome.services.eventlogs.EventLogLoader
- rollbackSavepoint(String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
- rollbackSavepoint(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- RomioPixelBuffer - Class in ome.io.nio
Class implementation of the PixelBuffer interface for standard "proprietary"
ROMIO/OMEIS data format.
- RomioPixelBuffer(String, Pixels) - Constructor for class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
Creates a new instance.
- RomioPixelBuffer(String, Pixels, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.io.nio.RomioPixelBuffer
- root(Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.repo.PublicRepositoryI
- ROOT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class ome.io.nio.AbstractFileSystemService
- RootException - Exception in ome.conditions
abstract superclass of all Omero exceptions.
- RootException(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.RootException
- ROUTED_FROM - Static variable in class ome.services.blitz.redirect.AbstractRedirector
- Router - Class in ome.services.blitz
Wrapper around a call to 'glacier2router' to permit Java control over the
- Router() - Constructor for class ome.services.blitz.Router
- row - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- ROW - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- rowNamingConvention - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- ROWNAMINGCONVENTION - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- rows - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- ROWS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- rps - Variable in class omero.util.RPSTileData
- RPSTileData - Class in omero.util
Access strategy which can be implemented by diverse resources
- RPSTileData(RPSTileLoop, RawPixelsStorePrx) - Constructor for class omero.util.RPSTileData
- RPSTileLoop - Class in omero.util
Helper subclass of
which handles
instances and manages the
creation of the
- RPSTileLoop(ServiceFactoryPrx, Pixels) - Constructor for class omero.util.RPSTileLoop
- rset(RType...) - Static method in class omero.rtypes
- rset(Collection<RType>) - Static method in class omero.rtypes
- rstring(String) - Static method in class omero.rtypes
- RTF - Static variable in class omero.gateway.model.FileAnnotationData
Identifies the RTF
file formats.
- rtime(long) - Static method in class omero.rtypes
- rtime(Date) - Static method in class omero.rtypes
- rtime_max() - Static method in class omero.rtypes
- rtime_min() - Static method in class omero.rtypes
- rtime_str(String) - Static method in class omero.rtypes
- rtype(Object) - Static method in class omero.rtypes
Attempts to dispatch to the other omero.rtypes.* static methods
to create a proper RType
subclass by checking the type
of the input.
- RTYPEDICT - Static variable in class omero.util.IceMapper
- RTypeMapper - Class in omero.util
Extension of
which guarantees that
instances are properly created.
- RTypeMapper(IceMapper.ReturnMapping) - Constructor for class omero.util.RTypeMapper
- RTypeObjectFactoryRegistry() - Constructor for class omero.rtypes.RTypeObjectFactoryRegistry
- rtypes - Class in omero
Abstract class similar to Arrays
which is responsible for creating RTypes from
static factory methods.
- rtypes() - Constructor for class omero.rtypes
- rtypes.Conversion - Interface in omero
SPI-style interface which helps the omero server to properly convert
omero.RType objects into Java-native objects for use in Hibernate.
- rtypes.RTypeObjectFactoryRegistry - Class in omero
- rules - Variable in class ome.services.blitz.repo.path.FilePathNamingValidator
- rules - Variable in class ome.services.blitz.repo.path.MakePathComponentSafe
- run() - Method in class ome.formats.importer.util.ClientKeepAlive
- run(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface ome.io.nio.TileLoopIteration
Invoke a single loop iteration.
- run() - Method in class ome.security.basic.LightAdminPrivilegesCleanup
- run() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.Status
- run() - Method in class ome.services.blitz.util.CheckAllJobs
- run() - Method in class ome.services.delete.files.FileDeleter
- run() - Method in interface ome.services.procs.IProcessManager
Runs the processing phase as root.
- run(OmeroContext) - Method in class ome.services.throttling.Adapter
- run(OmeroContext) - Method in class ome.services.throttling.Callback
- run(OmeroContext) - Method in class ome.services.throttling.Callback2
- run() - Method in class ome.services.throttling.Slot
- run(OmeroContext) - Method in class ome.services.throttling.Task
- run() - Method in class ome.services.util.ExecutionThread
- run() - Method in class ome.services.util.ServerDirectoryCheck
Ensures that directories exist corresponding to,
- run() - Method in class ome.system.UpgradeCheck
If the
has been set to null or the empty string, then no
upgrade check will be performed (silently).
- run() - Method in class omero.cmd.HandleI
NB: Executes only if at CREATED
in the state diagram.
- run(TileData, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface omero.util.TileLoopIteration
Invoke a single loop iteration.
- runAsAdmin() - Method in interface ome.security.AdminAction
- runAsAdmin(AdminAction) - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicSecuritySystem
- runAsAdmin(ExperimenterGroup, AdminAction) - Method in class ome.security.basic.BasicSecuritySystem
- runAsAdmin(ExperimenterGroup, AdminAction) - Method in interface ome.security.SecuritySystem
- runAsAdmin(AdminAction) - Method in interface ome.security.SecuritySystem
- runAsAdmin(AdminAction) - Method in class ome.security.SecuritySystemHolder
- runAsAdmin(ExperimenterGroup, AdminAction) - Method in class ome.security.SecuritySystemHolder
- runAsAdmin(ExperimenterGroup, AdminAction) - Method in class ome.security.sharing.SharingSecuritySystem
- runAsAdmin(AdminAction) - Method in class ome.security.sharing.SharingSecuritySystem
- runAsAdmin() - Method in class ome.services.delete.QueryConstraints
- runnableCall(Current, Task) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.AbstractAmdServant
- runnableCall(Current, Task) - Method in interface ome.services.blitz.util.BlitzExecutor
- runnableCall(Current, Task) - Method in class ome.services.throttling.InThreadThrottlingStrategy
- runnableCall(Current, Task) - Method in class ome.services.throttling.SerialThrottlingStrategy
- RUNNING - Static variable in interface ome.api.JobHandle
- runningProcess(long) - Method in interface ome.services.procs.IProcessManager
Returns a running
for the
or null.
- runningProcess(long) - Method in class ome.services.procs.ProcessManager
- runScript(SecurityContext, long, Map<String, RType>) - Method in class omero.gateway.Gateway
Run a script on the server
- runScript_async(AMD_IScript_runScript, long, Map<String, RType>, RInt, Current) - Method in class ome.services.blitz.impl.ScriptI