Package omero :: Package gateway :: Class _ImageWrapper
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[frames] | no frames]

Class _ImageWrapper

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omero_model_ImageI class wrapper extends BlitzObjectWrapper.

Instance Methods [hide private]
Initialisation method which is implemented by subclasses to set their class variables etc.
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__del__(self) source code
Loads the object that is wrapped by this class.
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Returns the Instrument for this image (or None) making sure the instrument is loaded.
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Checks that pixels are loaded
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Return a rendering def ID based on custom logic.
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_onResetDefaults(self, rdid)
Called whenever a reset defaults is called by the preparation of the rendering engine or the thumbnail bean.
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_prepareRE(self, rdid=None)
Prepare the rendering engine with pixels ID and existing or new rendering def.
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_prepareRenderingEngine(self, rdid=None)
Checks that the rendering engine is prepared, calling _prepareRE if needed.
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resetRDefs(self) source code
simpleMarshal(self, xtra=None, parents=False)
Creates a dict representation of the Image, including author and date info.
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Returns the stage label or None
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shortname(self, length=20, hist=5)
Provides a truncated name of the image.
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Returns 'Firstname Lastname' of image owner
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XXX: Deprecated since 4.3.2, use listParents().
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Gets the Project that image is in, or None.
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If the image is in a Plate/Well hierarchy, returns the parent Plate, otherwise None
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Gets the Ojbective Settings of the Image, or None
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Gets the Imaging Environment of the Image, or None
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Returns the Primary Pixels ID for the image.
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_prepareTB(self, _r=False)
Prepares Thumbnail Store for the image.
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loadOriginalMetadata(self, sort=True)
Gets original metadata from the file annotation.
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_getProjectedThumbnail(self, size, pos)
Returns a string holding a rendered JPEG of the projected image, sized to mimic a thumbnail.
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getThumbnail(self, size=(64,64), z=None, t=None, direct=True)
Returns a string holding a rendered JPEG of the thumbnail.
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Returns (min, max) values for the pixels type of this image.
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requiresPixelsPyramid(self) source code
Loads pixels and returns object in a PixelsWrapper
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Returns a list of Channels, each initialised with rendering engine
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Returns a dict of zoomLevels:scale (fraction) for tiled 'Big' images.
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setActiveChannels(self, channels, windows=None, colors=None)
Sets the active channels on the rendering engine.
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Returns list of available keys for projection.
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Returns the current projection option (checking it is valid).
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setProjection(self, proj)
Sets the current projection option.
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Gets the range used for Z-projection as tuple (proStart, proEnd)
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setProjectionRange(self, projStart, projEnd)
Sets the range used for Z-projection.
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Returns the inverted axis flag
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setInvertedAxis(self, inverted)
Sets the inverted axis flag
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getPixelLine(self, z, t, pos, axis, channels=None, range=None)
Grab a horizontal or vertical line from the image pixel data, for the specified channels (or 'active' if not specified) and using the specified range (or 1:1 relative to the image size).
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getRow(self, z, t, y, channels=None, range=None)
Grab a horizontal line from the image pixel data, for the specified channels (or active ones)
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getCol(self, z, t, x, channels=None, range=None)
Grab a horizontal line from the image pixel data, for the specified channels (or active ones)
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Gets a list of available rendering models.
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Get the current rendering model.
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Sets the Greyscale rendering model on this image's current renderer
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Sets the HSB rendering model on this image's current renderer
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Returns True if the current rendering model is 'greyscale'
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renderBirdsEyeView(self, size)
Returns the data from rendering the bird's eye view of the image.
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renderJpegRegion(self, z, t, x, y, width, height, level=None, compression=0.9)
Return the data from rendering a region of an image plane.
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renderJpeg(self, z=None, t=None, compression=0.9)
Return the data from rendering image, compressed (and projected).
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exportOmeTiff(self, bufsize=0)
Exports the OME-TIFF representation of this image.
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_wordwrap(self, width, text, font)
Wraps text into lines that are less than a certain width (when rendered in specified font)
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createMovie(self, outpath, zstart, zend, tstart, tend, opts=None)
Creates a movie file from this image.
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renderImage(self, z, t, compression=0.9)
Render the Image, (projected) and compressed.
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renderSplitChannel(self, z, t, compression=0.9, border=2)
Prepares a jpeg representation of a 2d grid holding a render of each channel, along with one for all channels at the set Z and T points.
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splitChannelDims(self, border=2)
Returns a dict of layout parameters for generating split channel image.
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_renderSplit_channelLabel(self, channel) source code
renderSplitChannelImage(self, z, t, compression=0.9, border=2)
Prepares a PIL Image with a 2d grid holding a render of each channel, along with one for all channels at the set Z and T points.
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Common part of horizontal and vertical line plot rendering.
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renderRowLinePlotGif(self, z, t, y, linewidth=1)
Draws the Row plot as a gif file.
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renderColLinePlotGif(self, z, t, x, linewidth=1)
Draws the Column plot as a gif file.
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Returns the last used value of Z (E.g.
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Returns the last used value of T (E.g.
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Gets the default Z index from the rendering engine
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Gets the default T index from the rendering engine
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Gets name of pixel data type.
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Gets the physical size X of pixels in microns
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Gets the physical size Y of pixels in microns
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Gets the physical size Z of pixels in microns
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Gets width (size X) of the image (in pixels)
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Gets height (size Y) of the image (in pixels)
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Gets Z count of the image
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Gets T count of the image
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Gets C count of the image (number of channels)
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Removes specific color settings from channels
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_deleteSettings(self) source code
Returns a map of rendering options not stored in rendering settings.
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Loads rendering options from an Annotation on the Image.
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Loads rendering options from an Annotation on the Image and applies them to the Image.
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Limited support for saving the current prepared image rendering defs.
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resetDefaults(self) source code
Returns the number of Original 'archived' Files linked to primary pixels.
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Counts the Original Files that are part of the FS Fileset linked to this image
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Returns a dict of 'count' and 'size' of the Fileset files (OMERO 5) or the Original Archived files (OMERO 4)
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Returns a count of the number of Imported Image files (Archived files for pre-FS images) This will only be 0 if the image was imported pre-FS and original files NOT archived
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Returns a generator of OriginalFileWrappers corresponding to the archived files linked to primary pixels ** Deprecated ** Use getImportedImageFiles.
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Returns a generator of OriginalFileWrappers corresponding to the Imported image files that created this image, if available.
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Returns the Fileset linked to this Image.
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getROICount(self, shapeType=None, filterByCurrentUser=False)
Count number of ROIs associated to an image
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Inherited from BlitzObjectWrapper: __eq__, __getattr__, __init__, __prepare__, __repr__, canAnnotate, canChgrp, canDelete, canEdit, canLink, canOwnerWrite, canWrite, countChildren, countChildren_cached, creationEventDate, findChildByName, getAncestry, getAnnotation, getChildLinks, getDate, getDescription, getDetails, getId, getName, getOwner, getOwnerFullName, getOwnerOmeName, getParent, getParentLinks, isLeaded, isOwned, isPrivate, isPublic, isShared, linkAnnotation, listAnnotations, listChildren, listOrphanedAnnotations, listParents, removeAnnotations, save, saveAs, setDescription, setName, unlinkAnnotations, updateEventDate

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
fromPixelsId(self, conn, pid)
Creates a new Image wrapper with the image specified by pixels ID
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Static Methods [hide private]

Inherited from BlitzObjectWrapper: LINK_PARENT

Class Variables [hide private]
  _re = None
  _pd = None
  _rm = {}
  _pixels = None
  _archivedFileCount = None
  _filesetFileCount = None
  _importedFilesInfo = None
  _pr = None
  _prStart = None
  _prEnd = None
  _invertedAxis = False
  PROJECTIONS = {'normal':-1, 'intmax': omero.constants.projecti...
  PLANEDEF = omero.romio.XY
  LINE_PLOT_DTYPES = {(4, True, True): 'f', (2, False, False): '...
  LP_PALLETE = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255]


Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

fromPixelsId(self, conn, pid)
Class Method

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Creates a new Image wrapper with the image specified by pixels ID

:param conn: The connection :type conn: BlitzGateway :param pid: Pixles ID :type pid: Long :return: New Image wrapper :rtype: ImageWrapper


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Initialisation method which is implemented by subclasses to set their class variables etc.

Overrides: BlitzObjectWrapper.__bstrap__
(inherited documentation)


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Loads the object that is wrapped by this class. This includes linked objects. This method can be overwritten by subclasses that want to specify how/which linked objects are loaded.

Overrides: BlitzObjectWrapper.__loadedHotSwap__
(inherited documentation)


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Returns the Instrument for this image (or None) making sure the instrument is loaded.

:return: Instrument (microscope) :rtype: InstrumentWrapper


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Checks that pixels are loaded

:return: True if loaded :rtype: Boolean


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Return a rendering def ID based on custom logic.

:return:            Rendering definition ID or None if no custom
                    logic has found a rendering definition.

_onResetDefaults(self, rdid)

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Called whenever a reset defaults is called by the preparation of the rendering engine or the thumbnail bean.

:param rdid: Current Rendering Def ID :type rdid: Long

_prepareRE(self, rdid=None)

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Prepare the rendering engine with pixels ID and existing or new rendering def.

:return: The Rendering Engine service :rtype: ProxyObjectWrapper

_prepareRenderingEngine(self, rdid=None)

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Checks that the rendering engine is prepared, calling _prepareRE if needed. Used by the assert_re method to wrap calls requiring rendering engine

:return: True if rendering engine is created :rtype: Boolean

simpleMarshal(self, xtra=None, parents=False)

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Creates a dict representation of the Image, including author and date info.

:param xtra: controls the optional parts of simpleMarshal;

  • thumbUrlPrefix - allows customizing the thumb URL by either a static string prefix or a callable function that will take a single ImgId int argument and return the customized URL string
  • tiled - if passed and value evaluates to true, add information on whether this image is tiled on this server.

:type: Dict :return: Dict :rtype: Dict

Overrides: BlitzObjectWrapper.simpleMarshal


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Returns the stage label or None

:return: Stage label :rtype: ImageStageLabelWrapper

shortname(self, length=20, hist=5)

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Provides a truncated name of the image. E.g. ...catedNameOfTheImage.tiff

:param length: The ideal length to return. If truncated, will be ...length :type length: Int :param hist: The amount of leeway allowed before trunction (avoid truncating 1 or 2 letters) :type hist: Int :return: Truncated :type: String


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Returns 'Firstname Lastname' of image owner

:return: Image owner :rtype: String


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XXX: Deprecated since 4.3.2, use listParents(). (See #6660) Gets the Dataset that image is in, or None. Returns None if Image is in more than one Dataset.

:return: Dataset :rtype: DatasetWrapper


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Gets the Project that image is in, or None. TODO: Assumes image is in only 1 Project. Why not use getAncestory()[-1] Returns None if Image is in more than one Dataset & Project.

:return: Project :rtype: ProjectWrapper


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If the image is in a Plate/Well hierarchy, returns the parent Plate, otherwise None

:return: Plate :rtype: PlateWrapper


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Gets the Ojbective Settings of the Image, or None

:return: Objective Settings :rtype: ObjectiveSettingsWrapper


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Gets the Imaging Environment of the Image, or None

:return: Imaging Environment :rtype: ImagingEnvironmentWrapper


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Returns the Primary Pixels ID for the image.

:return: Pixels ID :rtype: Long

  • @assert_pixels

_prepareTB(self, _r=False)

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Prepares Thumbnail Store for the image.

:param _r: If True, don't reset default rendering (return None if no rDef exists) :type _r: Boolean :return: Thumbnail Store or None :rtype: ProxyObjectWrapper

loadOriginalMetadata(self, sort=True)

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Gets original metadata from the file annotation. Returns the File Annotation, list of Global Metadata, list of Series Metadata in a tuple. Metadata lists are lists of (key, value) tuples.

:param sort: If True, we sort Metadata by key :return: Tuple of (file-annotation, global-metadata, series-metadata) :rtype: Tuple (FileAnnotationWrapper, [], [])

_getProjectedThumbnail(self, size, pos)

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Returns a string holding a rendered JPEG of the projected image, sized to mimic a thumbnail. This is an 'internal' method of this class, used to generate a thumbnail from a full-sized projected image (since thumbnails don't support projection). SetProjection should be called before this method is called, so that this returns a projected, scaled image.

:param size: The length of the longest size, in a list or tuple. E.g. (100,) :type size: list or tuple :param pos: The (z, t) position :type pos: Tuple (z,t)

  • @assert_re()

getThumbnail(self, size=(64,64), z=None, t=None, direct=True)

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Returns a string holding a rendered JPEG of the thumbnail.

:type size: tuple or number
:param size: A tuple with one or two ints, or an integer. If a tuple holding a single int,
             or a single int is passed as param, then that will be used as the longest size
             on the rendered thumb, and image aspect ratio is kept.
             If two ints are passed in a tuple, they set the width and height of the
             rendered thumb.
:type z: number
:param z: the Z position to use for rendering the thumbnail. If not provided default is used.
:type t: number
:param t: the T position to use for rendering the thumbnail. If not provided default is used.
:param direct:      If true, force creation of new thumbnail (don't use cached)
:rtype: string or None
:return: the rendered JPEG, or None if there was an error.


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Returns (min, max) values for the pixels type of this image. TODO: Does not handle floats correctly, though.

:return: Tuple (min, max)

  • @assert_pixels


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  • @assert_pixels


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Loads pixels and returns object in a PixelsWrapper

  • @assert_pixels


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Returns a list of Channels, each initialised with rendering engine

:return: Channels :rtype: List of ChannelWrapper

  • @assert_re(ignoreExceptions= (omero.ConcurrencyException))


source code 

Returns a dict of zoomLevels:scale (fraction) for tiled 'Big' images. E.g. {0: 1.0, 1: 0.25, 2: 0.062489446727078291, 3: 0.031237687848258006} Returns None if this image doesn't support tiles.

  • @assert_re()

setActiveChannels(self, channels, windows=None, colors=None)

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Sets the active channels on the rendering engine. Also sets rendering windows and channel colors (for channels that are active)

Examples: # Turn first channel ON, others OFF image.setActiveChannels([1]) # First OFF, second ON, windows and colors for both image.setActiveChannels([-1, 2], [[20, 300], [50, 500]], ['00FF00', 'FF0000']) # Second Channel ON with windows. All others OFF image.setActiveChannels([2], [[20, 300]])

:param channels: List of active channel indexes ** 1-based index ** :type channels: List of int :param windows: Start and stop values for active channel rendering settings :type windows: List of [start, stop]. [[20, 300], [None, None], [50, 500]]. Must be list for each channel :param colors: List of colors. ['F00', None, '00FF00']. Must be item for each channel


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Returns list of available keys for projection. E.g. ['intmax', 'intmean']

:return: Projection options :rtype: List of strings


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Returns the current projection option (checking it is valid).

:return: Projection key. E.g. 'intmax' :rtype: String

setProjection(self, proj)

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Sets the current projection option.

:param proj: Projection Option. E.g. 'intmax' or 'normal' :type proj: String

setProjectionRange(self, projStart, projEnd)

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Sets the range used for Z-projection. Will only be used if E.g. setProjection('intmax') is not 'normal'


source code 

Returns the inverted axis flag

:return: Inverted Axis :rtype: Boolean

setInvertedAxis(self, inverted)

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Sets the inverted axis flag

:param inverted: Inverted Axis :type inverted: Boolean

getPixelLine(self, z, t, pos, axis, channels=None, range=None)

source code 

Grab a horizontal or vertical line from the image pixel data, for the specified channels (or 'active' if not specified) and using the specified range (or 1:1 relative to the image size). Axis may be 'h' or 'v', for horizontal or vertical respectively.

:param z: Z index :param t: T index :param pos: X or Y position :param axis: Axis 'h' or 'v' :param channels: map of {index: ChannelWrapper } :param range: height of scale (use image height (or width) by default) :return: rv List of lists (one per channel)

getRow(self, z, t, y, channels=None, range=None)

source code 

Grab a horizontal line from the image pixel data, for the specified channels (or active ones)

:param z: Z index :param t: T index :param y: Y position of row :param channels: map of {index: ChannelWrapper } :param range: height of scale (use image height by default) :return: rv List of lists (one per channel)

getCol(self, z, t, x, channels=None, range=None)

source code 

Grab a horizontal line from the image pixel data, for the specified channels (or active ones)

:param z: Z index :param t: T index :param x: X position of column :param channels: map of {index: ChannelWrapper } :param range: height of scale (use image width by default) :return: rv List of lists (one per channel)


source code 

Gets a list of available rendering models.

:return: Rendering models :rtype: List of BlitzObjectWrapper

  • @assert_re()


source code 

Get the current rendering model.

:return: Rendering model :rtype: BlitzObjectWrapper

  • @assert_re()


source code 

Returns True if the current rendering model is 'greyscale'

:return: isGreyscale :rtype: Boolean

renderBirdsEyeView(self, size)

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Returns the data from rendering the bird's eye view of the image.

:param size: Maximum size of the longest side of the resulting bird's eye view. :return: Data containing a bird's eye view jpeg

  • @assert_re()

renderJpegRegion(self, z, t, x, y, width, height, level=None, compression=0.9)

source code 

Return the data from rendering a region of an image plane. NB. Projection not supported by the API currently.

:param z: The Z index. Ignored if projecting image. :param t: The T index. :param x: The x coordinate of region (int) :param y: The y coordinate of region (int) :param width: The width of region (int) :param height: The height of region (int) :param compression: Compression level for jpeg :type compression: Float

  • @assert_re()

renderJpeg(self, z=None, t=None, compression=0.9)

source code 

Return the data from rendering image, compressed (and projected). Projection (or not) is specified by calling setProjection before renderJpeg.

:param z: The Z index. Ignored if projecting image. If None, use defaultZ :param t: The T index. If None, use defaultT :param compression: Compression level for jpeg :type compression: Float

  • @assert_re()

exportOmeTiff(self, bufsize=0)

source code 

Exports the OME-TIFF representation of this image.

:type bufsize: int or tuple
:param bufsize: if 0 return a single string buffer with the whole OME-TIFF
                if >0 return a tuple holding total size and generator of chunks
                (string buffers) of bufsize bytes each
:return:        OME-TIFF file data
:rtype:         String or (size, data generator)

_wordwrap(self, width, text, font)

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Wraps text into lines that are less than a certain width (when rendered in specified font)

:param width: The max width to wrap text (pixels) :type width: Int :param text: The text to wrap :type text: String :param font: Font to use. :type font: E.g. PIL ImageFont :return: List of text lines :rtype: List of Strings

createMovie(self, outpath, zstart, zend, tstart, tend, opts=None)

source code 

Creates a movie file from this image. TODO: makemovie import is commented out in 4.2+

:type outpath: string :type zstart: int :type zend: int :type tstart: int :type tend: int :type opts: dict :param opts: dictionary of extra options. Currently processed options are:

  • watermark:string: path to image to use as watermark
  • slides:tuple: tuple of tuples with slides to prefix and postfix video with in format (secs:int, topline:text[, middleline:text[, bottomline:text]]) If more than 2 slides are provided they will be ignored
  • fps:int: frames per second
  • minsize: tuple of (minwidth, minheight, bgcolor)
  • format:string: one of video/mpeg or video/quicktime

:return: Tuple of (file-ext, format) :rtype: (String, String)

  • @assert_re()

renderImage(self, z, t, compression=0.9)

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Render the Image, (projected) and compressed. For projection, call setProjection before renderImage.

:param z: Z index :param t: T index

renderSplitChannel(self, z, t, compression=0.9, border=2)

source code 

Prepares a jpeg representation of a 2d grid holding a render of each channel, along with one for all channels at the set Z and T points.

:param z: Z index :param t: T index :param compression: Image compression level :param border: :return: value

splitChannelDims(self, border=2)

source code 

Returns a dict of layout parameters for generating split channel image. E.g. row count, column count etc. for greyscale and color layouts.

:param border: spacing between panels :type border: int :return: Dict of parameters :rtype: Dict

renderSplitChannelImage(self, z, t, compression=0.9, border=2)

source code 

Prepares a PIL Image with a 2d grid holding a render of each channel, along with one for all channels at the set Z and T points.

:param z: Z index :param t: T index :param compression: Compression level :param border: space around each panel (int) :return: canvas :rtype: PIL Image


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Common part of horizontal and vertical line plot rendering.

:returns: (Image, width, height).

renderRowLinePlotGif(self, z, t, y, linewidth=1)

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Draws the Row plot as a gif file. Returns gif data.

:param z: Z index :param t: T index :param y: Y position :param linewidth: Width of plot line :return: gif data as String :rtype: String

  • @assert_re()

renderColLinePlotGif(self, z, t, x, linewidth=1)

source code 

Draws the Column plot as a gif file. Returns gif data.

:param z: Z index :param t: T index :param x: X position :param linewidth: Width of plot line :return: gif data as String :rtype: String

  • @assert_re()


source code 

Returns the last used value of Z (E.g. for renderingJpeg or line plot) Returns 0 if these methods not been used yet. TODO: How to get default-Z?

:return: current Z index :rtype: int

  • @assert_re()


source code 

Returns the last used value of T (E.g. for renderingJpeg or line plot) Returns 0 if these methods not been used yet. TODO: How to get default-T?

:return: current T index :rtype: int

  • @assert_re()


source code 

Gets the default Z index from the rendering engine

  • @assert_re()


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Gets the default T index from the rendering engine

  • @assert_re()


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Gets name of pixel data type.

:return: name of the image precision, e.g., float, uint8, etc. :rtype: String

  • @assert_pixels


source code 

Gets the physical size X of pixels in microns

:return: Size of pixel in x or O :rtype: float

  • @assert_pixels


source code 

Gets the physical size Y of pixels in microns

:return: Size of pixel in y or O :rtype: float

  • @assert_pixels


source code 

Gets the physical size Z of pixels in microns

:return: Size of pixel in z or O :rtype: float

  • @assert_pixels


source code 

Gets width (size X) of the image (in pixels)

:return: width :rtype: int

  • @assert_pixels


source code 

Gets height (size Y) of the image (in pixels)

:return: height :rtype: int

  • @assert_pixels


source code 

Gets Z count of the image

:return: size Z :rtype: int

  • @assert_pixels


source code 

Gets T count of the image

:return: size T :rtype: int

  • @assert_pixels


source code 

Gets C count of the image (number of channels)

:return: size C :rtype: int

  • @assert_pixels


source code 

Removes specific color settings from channels

:return: True if allowed to do this :rtype: Boolean


source code 

Returns a map of rendering options not stored in rendering settings.

  • 'p' : projection
  • 'ia' : inverted axis (swap Z and T)

:return: Dict of render options :rtype: Dict


source code 

Loads rendering options from an Annotation on the Image.

:return: Dict of rendering options :rtype: Dict


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Loads rendering options from an Annotation on the Image and applies them to the Image.

:return: True! TODO: Always True??


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Limited support for saving the current prepared image rendering defs. Right now only channel colors are saved back.

:return: Boolean

  • @assert_re()


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  • @assert_re()


source code 

Returns the number of Original 'archived' Files linked to primary pixels. Used by self.countImportedImageFiles which also handles FS files.


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Returns a dict of 'count' and 'size' of the Fileset files (OMERO 5) or the Original Archived files (OMERO 4)

:return: A dict of 'count' and sum 'size' of the files.


source code 

Returns the Fileset linked to this Image. Fileset images, usedFiles and originalFiles are loaded.

getROICount(self, shapeType=None, filterByCurrentUser=False)

source code 

Count number of ROIs associated to an image

:param shapeType: Filter by shape type ("Rect",...). :param filterByCurrentUser: Whether or not to filter the count by the currently logged in user. :return: Number of ROIs found for the currently logged in user if filterByCurrentUser is True, otherwise the total number found.

Class Variable Details [hide private]


{'normal':-1, 'intmax': omero.constants.projection.ProjectionType.MAXI\
MUMINTENSITY, 'intmean': omero.constants.projection.ProjectionType.MEA\
NINTENSITY, 'intsum': omero.constants.projection.ProjectionType.SUMINT\


{(4, True, True): 'f', (2, False, False): 'H', (2, False, True): 'h', \
(1, False, False): 'B', (1, False, True): 'b',}