Package omero :: Package gateway :: Class _PlateWrapper
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Class _PlateWrapper

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omero_model_PlateI class wrapper extends BlitzObjectWrapper.

Instance Methods [hide private]
Initialisation method which is implemented by subclasses to set their class variables etc.
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Initialisation method which is implemented by subclasses to handle various init tasks
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Clears child cache, so next _listChildren will query the server
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_loadPlateAcquisitions(self) source code
countPlateAcquisitions(self) source code
listPlateAcquisitions(self) source code
getNumberOfFields(self, pid=None)
Returns tuple of min and max of indexed collection of well samples per plate acquisition if exists
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_listChildren(self, **kwargs)
Lists Wells in this plate, not sorted.
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Counts available number of child objects.
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setGridSizeConstraints(self, row, col)
Makes sure the grid side count is the exact power of two of row and col arguments, keeping their ratio, that fits the existing well count.
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Iterates all wells on plate to retrieve grid size as {'rows': rSize, 'columns':cSize} dict.
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getWellGrid(self, index=0)
Returns a grid of WellWrapper objects, indexed by [row][col].
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Returns a list of labels for the columns on this plate.
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Returns a list of labels for the rows on this plate.
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Make sure full project export doesn't pick up wellsample images TODO: do we want to support this at all?
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Returns a query string for constructing custom queries, loading the screen for each plate.
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Inherited from BlitzObjectWrapper: __eq__, __getattr__, __init__, __loadedHotSwap__, __repr__, canAnnotate, canChgrp, canDelete, canEdit, canLink, canOwnerWrite, canWrite, countChildren_cached, creationEventDate, findChildByName, getAncestry, getAnnotation, getChildLinks, getDate, getDescription, getDetails, getId, getName, getOwner, getOwnerFullName, getOwnerOmeName, getParent, getParentLinks, isLeaded, isOwned, isPrivate, isPublic, isShared, linkAnnotation, listAnnotations, listChildren, listOrphanedAnnotations, listParents, removeAnnotations, save, saveAs, setDescription, setName, simpleMarshal, unlinkAnnotations, updateEventDate

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods [hide private]

Inherited from BlitzObjectWrapper: LINK_PARENT

Class Variables [hide private]


Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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Initialisation method which is implemented by subclasses to set their class variables etc.

Overrides: BlitzObjectWrapper.__bstrap__
(inherited documentation)


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Initialisation method which is implemented by subclasses to handle various init tasks

Overrides: BlitzObjectWrapper.__prepare__
(inherited documentation)

getNumberOfFields(self, pid=None)

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Returns tuple of min and max of indexed collection of well samples per plate acquisition if exists

  • @timeit

_listChildren(self, **kwargs)

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        Lists Wells in this plate, not sorted. Saves wells to _childcache map, where key is (row, column).
        :rtype: list of omero.model.WellI objects
        :return: child objects.

Overrides: BlitzObjectWrapper._listChildren


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Counts available number of child objects.

:return: The number of child objects available :rtype: Long

Overrides: BlitzObjectWrapper.countChildren
(inherited documentation)


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Iterates all wells on plate to retrieve grid size as {'rows': rSize, 'columns':cSize} dict.

:rtype: dict of {'rows': rSize, 'columns':cSize}

getWellGrid(self, index=0)

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Returns a grid of WellWrapper objects, indexed by [row][col].

:rtype: 2D array of WellWrappers. Empty well positions are None


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Returns a list of labels for the columns on this plate. E.g. [1, 2, 3...] or ['A', 'B', 'C'...] etc


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Returns a list of labels for the rows on this plate. E.g. [1, 2, 3...] or ['A', 'B', 'C'...] etc


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Returns a query string for constructing custom queries, loading the screen for each plate.

Overrides: BlitzObjectWrapper._getQueryString