Package | Description |
ome.api |
Contains the central verbs of the Omero System.
ome.logic |
The central repository of implementations which will be accessible through this server.
| | | |
ome.api.IShare support infrastructure.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CommentAnnotation |
IShare.addComment(long shareId,
java.lang.String comment)
void |
IAdmin.addGroupOwners(ExperimenterGroup group,
Experimenter... owner)
adds the given users to the owner list for this group.
void |
IAdmin.addGroupOwners(ExperimenterGroup group,
Experimenter... owner)
adds the given users to the owner list for this group.
void |
IAdmin.addGroups(Experimenter user,
ExperimenterGroup... groups)
adds a user to the given groups.
void |
IAdmin.addGroups(Experimenter user,
ExperimenterGroup... groups)
adds a user to the given groups.
<T extends IObject> |
IShare.addObject(long shareId,
T object)
<T extends IObject> |
IShare.addObjects(long shareId,
T... objects)
void |
Search.addOrderByAsc(java.lang.String path)
A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of
order statements applied to the query.
void |
Search.addOrderByDesc(java.lang.String path)
A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of
order statements applied to the query.
CommentAnnotation |
IShare.addReply(long shareId,
java.lang.String comment,
CommentAnnotation replyTo)
comment which replies to an existing
comment. |
CommentAnnotation |
IShare.addReply(long shareId,
java.lang.String comment,
CommentAnnotation replyTo)
comment which replies to an existing
comment. |
java.util.Map<java.lang.Boolean,java.util.List<java.lang.Long>> |
IRenderingSettings.applySettingsToDataset(long from,
long to)
Applies rendering settings to all images in a given
Dataset . |
java.util.Map<java.lang.Boolean,java.util.List<java.lang.Long>> |
IRenderingSettings.applySettingsToDataset(long from,
long to)
Applies rendering settings to all images in a given
Dataset . |
boolean |
IRenderingSettings.applySettingsToImage(long from,
long to)
Applies rendering settings to a given
Image . |
boolean |
IRenderingSettings.applySettingsToImage(long from,
long to)
Applies rendering settings to a given
Image . |
java.util.Map<java.lang.Boolean,java.util.List<java.lang.Long>> |
IRenderingSettings.applySettingsToImages(long from,
java.util.List<java.lang.Long> to)
Applies rendering settings to a given
Image . |
java.util.Map<java.lang.Boolean,java.util.List<java.lang.Long>> |
IRenderingSettings.applySettingsToImages(long from,
java.util.List<java.lang.Long> to)
Applies rendering settings to a given
Image . |
boolean |
IRenderingSettings.applySettingsToPixels(long from,
long to)
Applies rendering settings to a given
Pixels . |
boolean |
IRenderingSettings.applySettingsToPixels(long from,
long to)
Applies rendering settings to a given
Pixels . |
java.util.Map<java.lang.Boolean,java.util.List<java.lang.Long>> |
IRenderingSettings.applySettingsToProject(long from,
long to)
Applies rendering settings to all images in all
of a given Project . |
java.util.Map<java.lang.Boolean,java.util.List<java.lang.Long>> |
IRenderingSettings.applySettingsToProject(long from,
long to)
Applies rendering settings to all images in all
of a given Project . |
<T extends IObject> |
IRenderingSettings.applySettingsToSet(long from,
java.lang.Class<T> type,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> nodeIds)
Applies rendering settings to one or many containers.
<T extends IObject> |
IRenderingSettings.applySettingsToSet(long from,
java.lang.Class<T> type,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> nodeIds)
Applies rendering settings to one or many containers.
void |
IAdmin.changeGroup(IObject iObject,
java.lang.String groupName)
on this instance. |
void |
IAdmin.changeGroup(IObject iObject,
java.lang.String groupName)
on this instance. |
void |
IAdmin.changeOwner(IObject iObject,
java.lang.String omeName)
on this instance. |
void |
IAdmin.changeOwner(IObject iObject,
java.lang.String omeName)
on this instance. |
void |
IAdmin.changePasswordWithOldPassword(java.lang.String oldPassword,
java.lang.String newPassword)
change the password for the current user by passing the old password.
void |
IAdmin.changePermissions(IObject iObject,
Permissions perms)
on this instance. |
void |
IAdmin.changePermissions(IObject iObject,
Permissions perms)
on this instance. |
void |
IAdmin.changeUserPassword(java.lang.String omeName,
java.lang.String newPassword)
change the password for the a given user.
int |
ISession.closeSession(Session session)
Closes session and releases all resources.
java.lang.Long |
IMetadata.countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned(java.lang.Class annotationType,
long userID)
Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified
user but not owned by the user.
java.lang.Long |
IMetadata.countSpecifiedAnnotations(java.lang.Class type,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> include,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> exclude,
Parameters options)
Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
<T extends IObject> |
IContainer.createDataObject(T object,
Parameters options)
Creates the specified data object.
IObject[] |
IContainer.createDataObjects(IObject[] dataObjects,
Parameters options)
convenience method to save network calls.
long |
IAdmin.createExperimenter(Experimenter experimenter,
ExperimenterGroup defaultGroup,
ExperimenterGroup... otherGroups)
create and return a new user in the given groups.
long |
IAdmin.createExperimenter(Experimenter experimenter,
ExperimenterGroup defaultGroup,
ExperimenterGroup... otherGroups)
create and return a new user in the given groups.
long |
IAdmin.createExperimenterWithPassword(Experimenter experimenter,
java.lang.String password,
ExperimenterGroup defaultGroup,
ExperimenterGroup... otherGroups)
create and return a new user in the given groups with password.
long |
IAdmin.createExperimenterWithPassword(Experimenter experimenter,
java.lang.String password,
ExperimenterGroup defaultGroup,
ExperimenterGroup... otherGroups)
create and return a new user in the given groups with password.
RenderingDef |
IRenderingSettings.createNewRenderingDef(Pixels pixels)
Creates a new rendering definition object along with its sub-objects.
long |
IAdmin.createRestrictedSystemUser(Experimenter newSystemUser,
java.util.List<AdminPrivilege> privileges)
Create and return a new system user.
long |
IAdmin.createRestrictedSystemUser(Experimenter newSystemUser,
java.util.List<AdminPrivilege> privileges)
Create and return a new system user.
long |
IAdmin.createRestrictedSystemUserWithPassword(Experimenter newSystemUser,
java.util.List<AdminPrivilege> privileges,
java.lang.String password)
Create and return a new system user.
long |
IAdmin.createRestrictedSystemUserWithPassword(Experimenter newSystemUser,
java.util.List<AdminPrivilege> privileges,
java.lang.String password)
Create and return a new system user.
Session |
ISession.createSession(Principal principal,
java.lang.String credentials)
Creates a new session and returns it to the user.
Session |
ISession.createSessionWithTimeout(Principal principal,
long timeToLiveMilliseconds)
Session |
ISession.createSessionWithTimeouts(Principal principal,
long timeToLiveMilliseconds,
long timeToIdleMilliseconds)
<T extends IObject> |
IShare.createShare(java.lang.String description,
java.sql.Timestamp expiration,
java.util.List<T> items,
java.util.List<Experimenter> exps,
java.util.List<java.lang.String> guests,
boolean enabled)
long |
IAdmin.createSystemUser(Experimenter newSystemUser)
create and return a new system user.
void |
ThumbnailStore.createThumbnailsByLongestSideSet(java.lang.Integer size,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> pixelsIds)
Creates thumbnails for a number of pixels sets using a given set of
rendering settings (RenderingDef) in the on-disk cache.
long |
IAdmin.createUser(Experimenter newUser,
java.lang.String group)
create and return a new user.
long |
IAdmin.createUser(Experimenter newUser,
java.lang.String group)
create and return a new user.
Experimenter |
ILdap.createUser(java.lang.String username)
Creates an
Experimenter entry in the OMERO DB
based on the supplied LDAP username. |
void |
IShare.deleteComment(Annotation comment)
comment from the
database. |
<T extends IEnum> |
ITypes.deleteEnumeration(T oEnum)
deletes enumeration value specified by object
void |
IAdmin.deleteExperimenter(Experimenter user)
removes a user by removing the password information for that user as well
as all
GroupExperimenterMap instances. |
void |
IAdmin.deleteGroup(ExperimenterGroup group)
removes a group by first removing all users in the group, and then
deleting the actual
ExperimenterGroup instance. |
void |
IDelete.deleteImages(java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> ids,
boolean force)
Deletes several
Image instances within a single transaction via
the IDelete.deleteImage(long, boolean) method. |
<T extends IObject> |
IQuery.find(java.lang.Class<T> klass,
long id)
lookup an entity by class and id.
<T extends IObject> |
IQuery.findAll(java.lang.Class<T> klass,
Filter filter)
lookup all entities that belong to this class and match filter.
<T extends IObject> |
IQuery.findAllByExample(T example,
Filter filter)
search based on provided example entity.
<T extends IObject> |
IQuery.findAllByFullText(java.lang.Class<T> type,
java.lang.String query,
Parameters parameters)
executes a full text search based on Lucene.
<T extends IObject> |
IQuery.findAllByFullText(java.lang.Class<T> type,
java.lang.String query,
Parameters parameters)
executes a full text search based on Lucene.
<T extends IObject> |
IQuery.findAllByQuery(java.lang.String queryName,
Parameters parameters)
executes the stored query with the given name.
<T extends IObject> |
IQuery.findAllByString(java.lang.Class<T> klass,
java.lang.String field,
java.lang.String stringValue,
boolean caseSensitive,
Filter filter)
search a given field matching against a String.
<T extends IObject> |
IQuery.findAllByString(java.lang.Class<T> klass,
java.lang.String field,
java.lang.String stringValue,
boolean caseSensitive,
Filter filter)
search a given field matching against a String.
<T extends IObject> |
IQuery.findByExample(T example)
search based on provided example entity.
<T extends IObject> |
IQuery.findByQuery(java.lang.String queryName,
Parameters parameters)
executes the stored query with the given name.
<T extends IObject> |
IQuery.findByString(java.lang.Class<T> klass,
java.lang.String field,
java.lang.String value)
search a given field matching against a String.
<T extends IObject> |
IQuery.findByString(java.lang.Class<T> klass,
java.lang.String field,
java.lang.String value)
search a given field matching against a String.
<T extends IObject> |
IContainer.findContainerHierarchies(java.lang.Class<T> rootNodeType,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> imagesIds,
Parameters options)
Retrieves hierarchy trees in various hierarchies that contain the
specified Images.
<T extends IObject> |
IContainer.findContainerHierarchies(java.lang.Class<T> rootNodeType,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> imagesIds,
Parameters options)
Retrieves hierarchy trees in various hierarchies that contain the
specified Images.
java.lang.String |
ILdap.findDN(java.lang.String username)
Searches unique Distinguished Name -
String in LDAP for
Common Name equals username. |
Experimenter |
ILdap.findExperimenter(java.lang.String username)
Searches Experimenter by unique Distinguished Name -
String in LDAP for Common Name equals username. |
ExperimenterGroup |
ILdap.findGroup(java.lang.String groupname)
Looks up a specific
ExperimenterGroup in LDAP
using the provided group name. |
java.lang.String |
ILdap.findGroupDN(java.lang.String groupname)
Looks up the DN for a group.
<T extends IObject> |
IQuery.get(java.lang.Class<T> klass,
long id)
lookup an entity by class and id.
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Experimenter> |
IShare.getActiveConnections(long shareId)
Gets actual active connections to
share . |
java.util.List<AdminPrivilege> |
IAdmin.getAdminPrivileges(Experimenter user)
Gets the light administrator privileges for the given user.
java.util.List<Experimenter> |
IAdmin.getAdminsWithPrivileges(java.util.List<AdminPrivilege> privileges)
Gets the administrators who have all the given privileges.
java.util.Map |
IContainer.getCollectionCount(java.lang.String type,
java.lang.String property,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> ids,
Parameters options)
Counts the number of members in a collection for a given object.
java.util.Map |
IContainer.getCollectionCount(java.lang.String type,
java.lang.String property,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> ids,
Parameters options)
Counts the number of members in a collection for a given object.
java.util.Map |
IContainer.getCollectionCount(java.lang.String type,
java.lang.String property,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> ids,
Parameters options)
Counts the number of members in a collection for a given object.
java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,java.lang.Long> |
IShare.getCommentCount(java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> shareIds)
Returns a map from share id to comment count.
java.lang.String |
IConfig.getConfigValue(java.lang.String key)
retrieve a configuration value from the backend store.
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> |
IConfig.getConfigValues(java.lang.String keyRegex)
retrieves configuration values from the backend store which match the
given regex.
java.util.List<Event> |
IShare.getEvents(long shareId,
Experimenter experimenter,
java.sql.Timestamp from,
java.sql.Timestamp to)
Gets events for
share per
experimenter for period of time. |
<T extends IObject> |
IContainer.getImages(java.lang.Class<T> rootNodeType,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
Parameters options)
Retrieve a user's (or all users') images within any given container.
<T extends IObject> |
IContainer.getImages(java.lang.Class<T> rootNodeType,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
Parameters options)
Retrieve a user's (or all users') images within any given container.
java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,java.lang.Long> |
IShare.getMemberCount(java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> shareIds)
Returns a map from share id to the count of total members (including the
java.util.Set<Session> |
IShare.getMemberSharesFor(Experimenter user,
boolean onlyActive)
Gets all shares where given
Experimenter is a member. |
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Experimenter> |
IShare.getPastConnections(long shareId)
Gets previous connections to
share . |
int |
ISession.getReferenceCount(java.lang.String sessionUuid)
Retrieves the current reference count for the given uuid.
RenderingDef |
IRenderingSettings.getRenderingSettings(long pixelsId)
Returns the default rendering settings for a given pixels for the
current user.
Session |
ISession.getSession(java.lang.String sessionUuid)
Retrieves the session associated with this uuid, updating the last access
time as well.
java.util.Set<Session> |
IShare.getSharesOwnedBy(Experimenter user,
boolean onlyActive)
Gets all shares owned by the given
Experimenter . |
java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,java.lang.Long> |
IMetadata.getTaggedObjectsCount(java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> tagIds,
Parameters options)
Returns a map whose key is a tag's id and the value the number of
Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,byte[]> |
ThumbnailStore.getThumbnailByLongestSideSet(java.lang.Integer size,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> pixelsIds)
Retrieves a number of thumbnails for pixels sets using given sets of
rendering settings (RenderingDef).
java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,byte[]> |
ThumbnailStore.getThumbnailSet(java.lang.Integer sizeX,
java.lang.Integer sizeY,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> pixelsIds)
Retrieves a number of thumbnails for pixels sets using given sets of
rendering settings (RenderingDef).
void |
IShare.invalidateConnection(long shareId,
Experimenter exp)
Makes the connection invalid for
share for
specifiec user. |
ILink[] |[] dataObjectLinks,
Parameters options)
Convenience method for creating links.
<A extends Annotation> |
IMetadata.loadAnnotation(java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> annotationIds)
Loads the specified annotations.
<T extends IObject,A extends Annotation> |
IMetadata.loadAnnotations(java.lang.Class<T> nodeType,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> annotationType,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds,
Parameters options)
Loads all the annotations of given types,
that have been attached to the specified
for the specified annotatorIds . |
<T extends IObject,A extends Annotation> |
IMetadata.loadAnnotations(java.lang.Class<T> nodeType,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> annotationType,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds,
Parameters options)
Loads all the annotations of given types,
that have been attached to the specified
for the specified annotatorIds . |
<T extends IObject,A extends Annotation> |
IMetadata.loadAnnotations(java.lang.Class<T> nodeType,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> annotationType,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds,
Parameters options)
Loads all the annotations of given types,
that have been attached to the specified
for the specified annotatorIds . |
java.util.Set<IObject> |
IMetadata.loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned(java.lang.Class annotationType,
long userID)
Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified
user but not owned by the user.
java.util.Set<LogicalChannel> |
IMetadata.loadChannelAcquisitionData(java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> ids)
Loads the
logical channels and the acquisition metadata
related to them. |
<T extends IObject> |
IContainer.loadContainerHierarchy(java.lang.Class<T> rootNodeType,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
Parameters options)
Retrieves hierarchy trees rooted by a given node (unless orphan is
specified -- See below)
This method also retrieves the Experimenters linked to the objects in the
java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,java.util.Set<IObject>> |
IMetadata.loadLogFiles(java.lang.Class<? extends IObject> rootNodeType,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> ids)
Find the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
<A extends Annotation> |
IMetadata.loadSpecifiedAnnotations(java.lang.Class type,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> include,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> exclude,
Parameters options)
Loads all the annotations of a given type.
<A extends Annotation> |
IMetadata.loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo(java.lang.Class type,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> include,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> exclude,
java.lang.Class rootNodeType,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
Parameters options)
Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects.
<A extends Annotation> |
IMetadata.loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo(java.lang.Class type,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> include,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> exclude,
java.lang.Class rootNodeType,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
Parameters options)
Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects.
<A extends Annotation> |
IMetadata.loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo(java.lang.Class type,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> include,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> exclude,
java.lang.Class rootNodeType,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
Parameters options)
Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects.
java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,java.util.Set<IObject>> |
IMetadata.loadTagContent(java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> tagIds,
Parameters options)
Loads the Tag Set if the id is specified otherwise loads all the Tag
Experimenter |
IAdmin.lookupExperimenter(java.lang.String omeName)
look up an
Experimenter and all related
groups by name. |
ExperimenterGroup |
IAdmin.lookupGroup(java.lang.String groupName)
look up an
ExperimenterGroup and all contained
users by name. |
void |
IShare.notifyMembersOfShare(long shareId,
java.lang.String subject,
java.lang.String message,
boolean html)
Notify via email selected members of share.
void |
IShare.notifyMembersOfShare(long shareId,
java.lang.String subject,
java.lang.String message,
boolean html)
Notify via email selected members of share.
void |
IShare.notifyMembersOfShare(long shareId,
java.lang.String subject,
java.lang.String message,
boolean html)
Notify via email selected members of share.
java.util.List<java.lang.Object[]> |
IQuery.projection(java.lang.String query,
Parameters parameters)
Return a list of Java
Object instances (not IObject
instances). |
<T extends IObject> |
IQuery.refresh(T iObject)
refreshes an entire
IObject graph, recursive loading all data for
the managed instances in the graph from the database. |
void |
IAdmin.removeGroupOwners(ExperimenterGroup group,
Experimenter... owner)
removes the given users from the owner list for this group.
void |
IAdmin.removeGroupOwners(ExperimenterGroup group,
Experimenter... owner)
removes the given users from the owner list for this group.
void |
IAdmin.removeGroups(Experimenter user,
ExperimenterGroup... groups)
Removes an experimenter from the given groups.
void |
IAdmin.removeGroups(Experimenter user,
ExperimenterGroup... groups)
Removes an experimenter from the given groups.
<T extends IObject> |
IShare.removeObject(long shareId,
T object)
<T extends IObject> |
IShare.removeObjects(long shareId,
T... objects)
Remove existing items from the share.
void |
IRenderingSettings.resetDefaults(RenderingDef def,
Pixels pixels)
Resets the given rendering settings to those that are specified by the
rendering engine intelligent pretty good image (PG) logic for
the pixels set linked to that set of rendering settings.
void |
IRenderingSettings.resetDefaults(RenderingDef def,
Pixels pixels)
Resets the given rendering settings to those that are specified by the
rendering engine intelligent pretty good image (PG) logic for
the pixels set linked to that set of rendering settings.
<T extends IObject> |
IRenderingSettings.resetDefaultsByOwnerInSet(java.lang.Class<T> type,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> nodeIds)
Resets the rendering settings of a given group of containers based on
the owner's (essentially a copy).
void |
IRenderingSettings.resetDefaultsForPixels(long pixelsId)
Resets a Pixels' default rendering settings back to those that are
specified by the rendering engine intelligent pretty good image
(PG) logic.
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> |
IRenderingSettings.resetDefaultsInDataset(long dataSetId)
Resets a dataset's rendering settings back to those that are specified
by the rendering engine intelligent pretty good image (PG) logic.
void |
IRenderingSettings.resetDefaultsInImage(long imageId)
Resets an image's default rendering settings back to those that are
specified by the rendering engine intelligent pretty good image
(PG) logic.
<T extends IObject> |
IRenderingSettings.resetDefaultsInSet(java.lang.Class<T> type,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> nodeIds)
Resets a rendering settings back to one or many containers that are
specified by the rendering engine intelligent pretty good image
(PG) logic.
RenderingDef |
IRenderingSettings.resetDefaultsNoSave(RenderingDef def,
Pixels pixels)
Resets the given rendering settings to those that are specified by the
rendering engine intelligent pretty good image (PG) logic for
the pixels set linked to that set of rendering settings.
RenderingDef |
IRenderingSettings.resetDefaultsNoSave(RenderingDef def,
Pixels pixels)
Resets the given rendering settings to those that are specified by the
rendering engine intelligent pretty good image (PG) logic for
the pixels set linked to that set of rendering settings.
<T extends IObject> |
IRenderingSettings.resetMinMaxInSet(java.lang.Class<T> type,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> nodeIds)
Resets a the channel windows for one or many containers back to their
global minimum and global maximum for the channel.
java.util.Collection |
IContainer.retrieveCollection(IObject dataObject,
java.lang.String collectionName,
Parameters options)
Retrieves a collection with all members initialized ("loaded").
java.util.Collection |
IContainer.retrieveCollection(IObject dataObject,
java.lang.String collectionName,
Parameters options)
Retrieves a collection with all members initialized ("loaded").
java.util.List<Experimenter> |
ILdap.searchByAttribute(java.lang.String dn,
java.lang.String attribute,
java.lang.String value)
Searches all
Experimenter in LDAP for specified
attribute |
java.util.List<Experimenter> |
ILdap.searchByAttribute(java.lang.String dn,
java.lang.String attribute,
java.lang.String value)
Searches all
Experimenter in LDAP for specified
attribute |
java.util.List<Experimenter> |
ILdap.searchByAttribute(java.lang.String dn,
java.lang.String attribute,
java.lang.String value)
Searches all
Experimenter in LDAP for specified
attribute |
java.util.List<Experimenter> |
ILdap.searchByAttributes(java.lang.String dn,
java.lang.String[] attributes,
java.lang.String[] values)
Searches all
Experimenter in LDAP for specified
attributes. |
java.util.List<Experimenter> |
ILdap.searchByAttributes(java.lang.String dn,
java.lang.String[] attributes,
java.lang.String[] values)
Searches all
Experimenter in LDAP for specified
attributes. |
java.util.List<Experimenter> |
ILdap.searchByAttributes(java.lang.String dn,
java.lang.String[] attributes,
java.lang.String[] values)
Searches all
Experimenter in LDAP for specified
attributes. |
Experimenter |
ILdap.searchByDN(java.lang.String userdn)
Searches one
Experimenter in LDAP for specified
Distinguished Name - String |
java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
ILdap.searchDnInGroups(java.lang.String attr,
java.lang.String value)
Searches Distinguished Name -
String in groups |
java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
ILdap.searchDnInGroups(java.lang.String attr,
java.lang.String value)
Searches Distinguished Name -
String in groups |
void |
IAdmin.setAdminPrivileges(Experimenter user,
java.util.List<AdminPrivilege> privileges)
Sets the set of light administrator privileges for the given user.
void |
IAdmin.setAdminPrivileges(Experimenter user,
java.util.List<AdminPrivilege> privileges)
Sets the set of light administrator privileges for the given user.
void |
IConfig.setConfigValue(java.lang.String key,
java.lang.String value)
set a configuration value in the backend store.
boolean |
IConfig.setConfigValueIfEquals(java.lang.String key,
java.lang.String value,
java.lang.String test)
IConfig.setConfigValue(String, String) if and only if the
configuration property is currently equal to the test argument. |
void |
IAdmin.setDefaultGroup(Experimenter user,
ExperimenterGroup group)
sets the default group for a given user.
void |
IAdmin.setDefaultGroup(Experimenter user,
ExperimenterGroup group)
sets the default group for a given user.
void |
ILdap.setDN(java.lang.Long experimenterID,
java.lang.String dn)
As of release 5.1, relevant model objects have the "ldap"
property added to their state.
void |
ILdap.setDN(java.lang.Long experimenterID,
java.lang.String dn)
As of release 5.1, relevant model objects have the "ldap"
property added to their state.
void |
IAdmin.setGroupOwner(ExperimenterGroup group,
Experimenter owner)
adds the user to the owner list for this group.
void |
IAdmin.setGroupOwner(ExperimenterGroup group,
Experimenter owner)
adds the user to the owner list for this group.
void |
IRenderingSettings.setOriginalSettingsForPixels(long pixelsId)
Resets an Pixels' default rendering settings back to channel global
minimum and maximum.
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> |
IRenderingSettings.setOriginalSettingsInDataset(long datasetId)
Resets a dataset's rendering settings back to channel global
minimum and maximum.
void |
IRenderingSettings.setOriginalSettingsInImage(long imageId)
Resets an image's default rendering settings back to channel global
minimum and maximum.
<T extends IObject> |
IRenderingSettings.setOriginalSettingsInSet(java.lang.Class<T> type,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> nodeIds)
Resets a rendering settings back to channel global minimum and maximum
for the specified containers.
java.lang.String |
JobHandle.setStatusAndMessage(java.lang.String status,
java.lang.String message)
JobHandle.setStatus(String) but also sets the message. |
long |
JobHandle.submit(Job job)
Submits a
Job and returns its database id. |
void |
IContainer.unlink(ILink[] dataObjectLinks,
Parameters options)
Removes links between OmeroDataObjects e.g Project-Dataset, Dataset-Image
Note that the objects themselves aren't deleted, only the Link objects.
void |
IAdmin.unsetGroupOwner(ExperimenterGroup group,
Experimenter owner)
removes the user from the owner list for this group.
void |
IAdmin.unsetGroupOwner(ExperimenterGroup group,
Experimenter owner)
removes the user from the owner list for this group.
<T extends IObject> |
IContainer.updateDataObject(T dataObject,
Parameters options)
Updates a data object.
IObject[] |
IContainer.updateDataObjects(IObject[] dataObjects,
Parameters options)
convenience method to save network calls.
<T extends IEnum> |
ITypes.updateEnumeration(T oEnum)
updates enumeration value specified by object
<T extends IEnum> |
ITypes.updateEnumerations(java.util.List<T> listEnum)
updates enumeration value specified by object
void |
IAdmin.updateExperimenter(Experimenter experimenter)
Updates an experimenter if admin or owner of group.
void |
IAdmin.updateExperimenterWithPassword(Experimenter experimenter,
java.lang.String password)
Updates an experimenter if admin or owner of group.
void |
IAdmin.updateGroup(ExperimenterGroup group)
Updates an experimenter group if admin or owner of group.
void |
IAdmin.updateSelf(Experimenter experimenter)
Allows a user to update his/her own information.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
java.lang.Long |
MetadataImpl.countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned(java.lang.Class annotationType,
long userID) |
java.lang.Long |
MetadataImpl.countSpecifiedAnnotations(java.lang.Class type,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> include,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> exclude,
Parameters options) |
RenderingDef |
RenderingSettingsImpl.createNewRenderingDef(Pixels pixels)
Implemented as specified by the
IRenderingSettings I/F |
ExperimenterGroup |
AdminImpl.getDefaultGroup(long experimenterId) |
java.util.Map |
MetadataImpl.getTaggedObjectsCount(java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> tagIds,
Parameters options) |
<A extends Annotation> |
MetadataImpl.loadAnnotation(java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> annotationIds) |
java.util.Set<IObject> |
MetadataImpl.loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned(java.lang.Class annotationType,
long userID) |
java.util.Set |
MetadataImpl.loadChannelAcquisitionData(java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> ids) |
java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,java.util.Set<IObject>> |
MetadataImpl.loadLogFiles(java.lang.Class<? extends IObject> rootNodeType,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> ids) |
<A extends Annotation> |
MetadataImpl.loadSpecifiedAnnotations(java.lang.Class type,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> include,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> exclude,
Parameters options) |
<A extends Annotation> |
MetadataImpl.loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo(java.lang.Class type,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> include,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> exclude,
java.lang.Class rootNodeType,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
Parameters options) |
<A extends Annotation> |
MetadataImpl.loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo(java.lang.Class type,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> include,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> exclude,
java.lang.Class rootNodeType,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
Parameters options) |
<A extends Annotation> |
MetadataImpl.loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo(java.lang.Class type,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> include,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> exclude,
java.lang.Class rootNodeType,
java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
Parameters options) |
java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,java.util.Set<IObject>> |
MetadataImpl.loadTagContent(java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> tagIds,
Parameters options) |
void |
AdminImpl.updateExperimenter(Experimenter experimenter) |
void |
AdminImpl.updateExperimenterWithPassword(Experimenter experimenter,
java.lang.String password) |
void |
AdminImpl.updateGroup(ExperimenterGroup group) |
void |
AdminImpl.updateSelf(Experimenter e) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
SessionBean.closeSession(Session session) |
Session |
SessionBean.createSession(Principal principal,
java.lang.String credentials) |
Session |
SessionBean.createSessionWithTimeout(Principal principal,
long milliseconds) |
Session |
SessionBean.createSessionWithTimeouts(Principal principal,
long timeToLiveMilliseconds,
long timeToIdleMilliseconds) |
int |
SessionBean.getReferenceCount(java.lang.String sessionUuid) |
Session |
SessionBean.getSession(java.lang.String sessionUuid) |
Session |
SessionBean.updateSession(Session session) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CommentAnnotation |
ShareBean.addComment(long shareId,
java.lang.String commentText) |
<T extends IObject> |
ShareBean.addObject(long shareId,
T object) |
<T extends IObject> |
ShareBean.addObjects(long shareId,
T... objects) |
CommentAnnotation |
ShareBean.addReply(long shareId,
java.lang.String comment,
CommentAnnotation replyTo) |
CommentAnnotation |
ShareBean.addReply(long shareId,
java.lang.String comment,
CommentAnnotation replyTo) |
<T extends IObject> |
ShareBean.createShare(java.lang.String description,
java.sql.Timestamp expiration,
java.util.List<T> items,
java.util.List<Experimenter> exps,
java.util.List<java.lang.String> guests,
boolean enabled) |
void |
ShareBean.deleteComment(Annotation comment) |
java.util.Set<Session> |
ShareBean.getMemberSharesFor(Experimenter user,
boolean active) |
java.util.Set<Session> |
ShareBean.getSharesOwnedBy(Experimenter user,
boolean active) |
<T extends IObject> |
ShareBean.removeObject(long shareId,
T object) |
<T extends IObject> |
ShareBean.removeObjects(long shareId,
T... objects) |
Version: 5.4.6-ice35-b87
Copyright © 2018 The University of Dundee & Open Microscopy Environment. All Rights Reserved.