Version: 5.3.5-ice35-b73
Access to server configuration. These methods provide access to the state and configuration of the server and its components (e.g. the database). However, it should not be assumed that two subsequent calls to a proxy for this service will go to the same server due to clustering. Not all possible server configuration is available through this API. Some values (such as DB connection info, ports, etc.) must naturally be set before this service is accessible. Manages synchronization of the various configuration sources internally. It is therefore important that as far as possible all configuration changes take place via this interface and not, for example, directly via java.util.prefs.Preferences. Also used as the main developer example for developing (stateless) ome.api interfaces. See source code documentation for more.
Provides the release version. OMERO-internal values will be in the form Major.minor.patch, starting with the value 4.0.0 for the 4.0 release, Spring 2009. Customized values should begin with a alphabetic sequence followed by a hyphen: ACME-0.0.1 and any build information should follow the patch number also with a hyphen: 4.0.0-RC1. These values will be removed by getVersion
Retrieves a configuration value from the backend store. Permissions applied to the configuration value may cause a SecurityViolation to be thrown.
The string value linked to this key, possibly null if not set.
Retrieves configuration values from the backend store which match the given regex. Any configuration value which would throw an exception on being loaded is omitted.
a map from the found keys to the linked values.
Reads the etc/ file and returns all the key/value pairs that are found there. Since this file is not to be edited its assumed that these values are in the public domain and so there's no need to protect them.
a map from the found keys to the linked values.
Retrieves configuration values like getConfigValues but only those with the prefix omero.client.
a map from the found keys to the linked values.
Reads the etc/ file and returns all the key/value pairs that are found there which match the prefix omero.client.
a map from the found keys to the linked values.
Sets a configuration value in the backend store. Permissions applied to the configuration value may cause a SecurityViolation to be thrown. If the value is null or empty, then the configuration will be removed in all writable configuration sources. If the configuration is set in a non-modifiable source (e.g. in a property file on the classpath), then a subsequent call to getConfigValue will return that value.
Calls setConfigValue if and only if the configuration property is currently equal to the test argument. If the test is null or empty, then the configuration property will be set only if missing.
Provides the UUID for this OMERO (database) instance. To make imports and exports function properly, only one physical database should be active with a given instance UUID. All other copies of the database with that UUID are invalid as soon as one modification is made. This value is stored in the configuration table under the key omero.db.uuid.
String not null.
Checks the database for its time using a SELECT statement.
Non-null RTime representation of the database time.
Checks the current server for its time. This value may be variant depending on whether the service is clustered or not.
Non-null RTime representation of the server's own time.