ome-common  5.3.2
Classes | Typedefs | Functions
ome::common::units Namespace Reference

Units of measurement. More...


struct  pixel_base_unit
 Base unit for pixel length. More...
struct  psi_base_unit
 Base unit for pound-force per square inch (psi) pressure. More...
struct  rankine_base_unit
 Base unit for temperature in Rankine. More...
struct  reference_frame_base_unit
 Base unit for reference frame. More...


typedef boost::units::angle::radian_base_unit::unit_type angle_unit
 Unit definition for angle.
typedef quantity< boost::units::angle::radian_base_unit::unit_type > angle_quantity
 Measured quantity in angle.
typedef boost::units::angle::radian_base_unit::unit_type radian_unit
 Unit definition for radian.
typedef quantity< radian_unitradian_quantity
 Measured quantity in radians.
typedef boost::units::angle::degree_base_unit::unit_type degree_unit
 Unit definition for degree.
typedef quantity< degree_unitdegree_quantity
 Measured quantity in degrees.
typedef boost::units::angle::gradian_base_unit::unit_type gradian_unit
 Unit definition for gradian.
typedef quantity< gradian_unitgradian_quantity
 Measured quantity in gradians.
typedef quantity< gradian_unitgon_quantity
 Measured quantity in gons.
typedef si::electric_potential electric_potential_unit
 Unit definition for electric potential.
typedef quantity< si::electric_potential > electric_potential_quantity
 Measured quantity (electric potential, volts).
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::electric_potential, scale< 10, static_rational<-24 > > >::type yoctovolt_unit
 Unit definition for yoctovolt electric potential.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::electric_potential, scale< 10, static_rational<-21 > > >::type zeptovolt_unit
 Unit definition for zeptovolt electric potential.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::electric_potential, scale< 10, static_rational<-18 > > >::type attovolt_unit
 Unit definition for attovolt electric potential.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::electric_potential, scale< 10, static_rational<-15 > > >::type femtovolt_unit
 Unit definition for femtovolt electric potential.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::electric_potential, scale< 10, static_rational<-12 > > >::type picovolt_unit
 Unit definition for picovolt electric potential.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::electric_potential, scale< 10, static_rational< -9 > > >::type nanovolt_unit
 Unit definition for nanovolt electric potential.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::electric_potential, scale< 10, static_rational< -6 > > >::type microvolt_unit
 Unit definition for microvolt electric potential.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::electric_potential, scale< 10, static_rational< -3 > > >::type millivolt_unit
 Unit definition for millivolt electric potential.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::electric_potential, scale< 10, static_rational< -2 > > >::type centivolt_unit
 Unit definition for centivolt electric potential.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::electric_potential, scale< 10, static_rational< -1 > > >::type decivolt_unit
 Unit definition for decivolt electric potential.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::electric_potential, scale< 10, static_rational< 0 > > >::type volt_unit
 Unit definition for volt electric potential.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::electric_potential, scale< 10, static_rational< 1 > > >::type dekavolt_unit
 Unit definition for dekavolt electric potential.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::electric_potential, scale< 10, static_rational< 1 > > >::type decavolt_unit
 Unit definition for decavolt electric potential.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::electric_potential, scale< 10, static_rational< 2 > > >::type hectovolt_unit
 Unit definition for hectovolt electric potential.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::electric_potential, scale< 10, static_rational< 3 > > >::type kilovolt_unit
 Unit definition for kilovolt electric potential.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::electric_potential, scale< 10, static_rational< 6 > > >::type megavolt_unit
 Unit definition for megavolt electric potential.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::electric_potential, scale< 10, static_rational< 9 > > >::type gigavolt_unit
 Unit definition for gigavolt electric potential.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::electric_potential, scale< 10, static_rational< 12 > > >::type teravolt_unit
 Unit definition for teravolt electric potential.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::electric_potential, scale< 10, static_rational< 15 > > >::type petavolt_unit
 Unit definition for petavolt electric potential.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::electric_potential, scale< 10, static_rational< 18 > > >::type exavolt_unit
 Unit definition for exavolt electric potential.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::electric_potential, scale< 10, static_rational< 21 > > >::type zettavolt_unit
 Unit definition for zettavolt electric potential.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::electric_potential, scale< 10, static_rational< 24 > > >::type yottavolt_unit
 Unit definition for yottavolt electric potential.
typedef quantity< yoctovolt_unityoctovolt_quantity
 Measured quantity in yoctovolts.
typedef quantity< zeptovolt_unitzeptovolt_quantity
 Measured quantity in zeptovolts.
typedef quantity< attovolt_unitattovolt_quantity
 Measured quantity in attovolts.
typedef quantity< femtovolt_unitfemtovolt_quantity
 Measured quantity in femtovolts.
typedef quantity< picovolt_unitpicovolt_quantity
 Measured quantity in picovolts.
typedef quantity< nanovolt_unitnanovolt_quantity
 Measured quantity in nanovolts.
typedef quantity< microvolt_unitmicrovolt_quantity
 Measured quantity in microvolts.
typedef quantity< millivolt_unitmillivolt_quantity
 Measured quantity in millivolts.
typedef quantity< centivolt_unitcentivolt_quantity
 Measured quantity in centivolts.
typedef quantity< decivolt_unitdecivolt_quantity
 Measured quantity in decivolts.
typedef quantity< volt_unitvolt_quantity
 Measured quantity in volts.
typedef quantity< dekavolt_unitdekavolt_quantity
 Measured quantity in dekavolts.
typedef quantity< decavolt_unitdecavolt_quantity
 Measured quantity in decavolts.
typedef quantity< hectovolt_unithectovolt_quantity
 Measured quantity in hectovolts.
typedef quantity< kilovolt_unitkilovolt_quantity
 Measured quantity in kilovolts.
typedef quantity< megavolt_unitmegavolt_quantity
 Measured quantity in megavolts.
typedef quantity< gigavolt_unitgigavolt_quantity
 Measured quantity in gigavolts.
typedef quantity< teravolt_unitteravolt_quantity
 Measured quantity in teravolts.
typedef quantity< petavolt_unitpetavolt_quantity
 Measured quantity in petavolts.
typedef quantity< exavolt_unitexavolt_quantity
 Measured quantity in exavolts.
typedef quantity< zettavolt_unitzettavolt_quantity
 Measured quantity in zettavolts.
typedef quantity< yottavolt_unityottavolt_quantity
 Measured quantity in yottavolts.
typedef si::frequency frequency_unit
 Unit definition for frequency.
typedef quantity< si::frequency > frequency_quantity
 Measured quantity (frequency, hertz).
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::frequency, scale< 10, static_rational<-24 > > >::type yoctohertz_unit
 Unit definition for yoctohertz frequency.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::frequency, scale< 10, static_rational<-21 > > >::type zeptohertz_unit
 Unit definition for zeptohertz frequency.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::frequency, scale< 10, static_rational<-18 > > >::type attohertz_unit
 Unit definition for attohertz frequency.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::frequency, scale< 10, static_rational<-15 > > >::type femtohertz_unit
 Unit definition for femtohertz frequency.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::frequency, scale< 10, static_rational<-12 > > >::type picohertz_unit
 Unit definition for picohertz frequency.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::frequency, scale< 10, static_rational< -9 > > >::type nanohertz_unit
 Unit definition for nanohertz frequency.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::frequency, scale< 10, static_rational< -6 > > >::type microhertz_unit
 Unit definition for microhertz frequency.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::frequency, scale< 10, static_rational< -3 > > >::type millihertz_unit
 Unit definition for millihertz frequency.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::frequency, scale< 10, static_rational< -2 > > >::type centihertz_unit
 Unit definition for centihertz frequency.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::frequency, scale< 10, static_rational< -1 > > >::type decihertz_unit
 Unit definition for decihertz frequency.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::frequency, scale< 10, static_rational< 0 > > >::type hertz_unit
 Unit definition for hertz frequency.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::frequency, scale< 10, static_rational< 1 > > >::type dekahertz_unit
 Unit definition for dekahertz frequency.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::frequency, scale< 10, static_rational< 1 > > >::type decahertz_unit
 Unit definition for decahertz frequency.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::frequency, scale< 10, static_rational< 2 > > >::type hectohertz_unit
 Unit definition for hectohertz frequency.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::frequency, scale< 10, static_rational< 3 > > >::type kilohertz_unit
 Unit definition for kilohertz frequency.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::frequency, scale< 10, static_rational< 6 > > >::type megahertz_unit
 Unit definition for megahertz frequency.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::frequency, scale< 10, static_rational< 9 > > >::type gigahertz_unit
 Unit definition for gigahertz frequency.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::frequency, scale< 10, static_rational< 12 > > >::type terahertz_unit
 Unit definition for terahertz frequency.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::frequency, scale< 10, static_rational< 15 > > >::type petahertz_unit
 Unit definition for petahertz frequency.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::frequency, scale< 10, static_rational< 18 > > >::type exahertz_unit
 Unit definition for exahertz frequency.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::frequency, scale< 10, static_rational< 21 > > >::type zettahertz_unit
 Unit definition for zettahertz frequency.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::frequency, scale< 10, static_rational< 24 > > >::type yottahertz_unit
 Unit definition for yottahertz frequency.
typedef quantity< yoctohertz_unityoctohertz_quantity
 Measured quantity in yoctohertz.
typedef quantity< zeptohertz_unitzeptohertz_quantity
 Measured quantity in zeptohertz.
typedef quantity< attohertz_unitattohertz_quantity
 Measured quantity in attohertz.
typedef quantity< femtohertz_unitfemtohertz_quantity
 Measured quantity in femtohertz.
typedef quantity< picohertz_unitpicohertz_quantity
 Measured quantity in picohertz.
typedef quantity< nanohertz_unitnanohertz_quantity
 Measured quantity in nanohertz.
typedef quantity< microhertz_unitmicrohertz_quantity
 Measured quantity in microhertz.
typedef quantity< millihertz_unitmillihertz_quantity
 Measured quantity in millihertz.
typedef quantity< centihertz_unitcentihertz_quantity
 Measured quantity in centihertz.
typedef quantity< decihertz_unitdecihertz_quantity
 Measured quantity in decihertz.
typedef quantity< hertz_unithertz_quantity
 Measured quantity in hertz.
typedef quantity< dekahertz_unitdekahertz_quantity
 Measured quantity in dekahertz.
typedef quantity< decahertz_unitdecahertz_quantity
 Measured quantity in decahertz.
typedef quantity< hectohertz_unithectohertz_quantity
 Measured quantity in hectohertz.
typedef quantity< kilohertz_unitkilohertz_quantity
 Measured quantity in kilohertz.
typedef quantity< megahertz_unitmegahertz_quantity
 Measured quantity in megahertz.
typedef quantity< gigahertz_unitgigahertz_quantity
 Measured quantity in gigahertz.
typedef quantity< terahertz_unitterahertz_quantity
 Measured quantity in terahertz.
typedef quantity< petahertz_unitpetahertz_quantity
 Measured quantity in petahertz.
typedef quantity< exahertz_unitexahertz_quantity
 Measured quantity in exahertz.
typedef quantity< zettahertz_unitzettahertz_quantity
 Measured quantity in zettahertz.
typedef quantity< yottahertz_unityottahertz_quantity
 Measured quantity in yottahertz.
typedef si::length length_unit
 Unit definition for length.
typedef quantity< si::length > length_quantity
 Measured quantity (length, metres).
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::length, scale< 10, static_rational<-24 > > >::type yoctometre_unit
 Unit definition for yoctometre length.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::length, scale< 10, static_rational<-21 > > >::type zeptometre_unit
 Unit definition for zeptometre length.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::length, scale< 10, static_rational<-18 > > >::type attometre_unit
 Unit definition for attometre length.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::length, scale< 10, static_rational<-15 > > >::type femtometre_unit
 Unit definition for femtometre length.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::length, scale< 10, static_rational<-12 > > >::type picometre_unit
 Unit definition for picometre length.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::length, scale< 10, static_rational< -9 > > >::type nanometre_unit
 Unit definition for nanometre length.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::length, scale< 10, static_rational< -6 > > >::type micrometre_unit
 Unit definition for micrometre length.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::length, scale< 10, static_rational< -3 > > >::type millimetre_unit
 Unit definition for millimetre length.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::length, scale< 10, static_rational< -2 > > >::type centimetre_unit
 Unit definition for centimetre length.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::length, scale< 10, static_rational< -1 > > >::type decimetre_unit
 Unit definition for decimetre length.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::length, scale< 10, static_rational< 0 > > >::type metre_unit
 Unit definition for metre length.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::length, scale< 10, static_rational< 1 > > >::type dekametre_unit
 Unit definition for dekametre length.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::length, scale< 10, static_rational< 1 > > >::type decametre_unit
 Unit definition for decametre length.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::length, scale< 10, static_rational< 2 > > >::type hectometre_unit
 Unit definition for hectometre length.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::length, scale< 10, static_rational< 3 > > >::type kilometre_unit
 Unit definition for kilometre length.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::length, scale< 10, static_rational< 6 > > >::type megametre_unit
 Unit definition for megametre length.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::length, scale< 10, static_rational< 9 > > >::type gigametre_unit
 Unit definition for gigametre length.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::length, scale< 10, static_rational< 12 > > >::type terametre_unit
 Unit definition for terametre length.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::length, scale< 10, static_rational< 15 > > >::type petametre_unit
 Unit definition for petametre length.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::length, scale< 10, static_rational< 18 > > >::type exametre_unit
 Unit definition for exametre length.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::length, scale< 10, static_rational< 21 > > >::type zettametre_unit
 Unit definition for zettametre length.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::length, scale< 10, static_rational< 24 > > >::type yottametre_unit
 Unit definition for yottametre length.
typedef yoctometre_unit yoctometer_unit
 Unit definition for yoctometer length.
typedef zeptometre_unit zeptometer_unit
 Unit definition for zeptometer length.
typedef attometre_unit attometer_unit
 Unit definition for attometer length.
typedef femtometre_unit femtometer_unit
 Unit definition for femtometer length.
typedef picometre_unit picometer_unit
 Unit definition for picometer length.
typedef nanometre_unit nanometer_unit
 Unit definition for nanometer length.
typedef micrometre_unit micrometer_unit
 Unit definition for micrometer length.
typedef millimetre_unit millimeter_unit
 Unit definition for millimeter length.
typedef centimetre_unit centimeter_unit
 Unit definition for centimeter length.
typedef decimetre_unit decimeter_unit
 Unit definition for decimeter length.
typedef metre_unit meter_unit
 Unit definition for meter length.
typedef dekametre_unit dekameter_unit
 Unit definition for dekameter length.
typedef decametre_unit decameter_unit
 Unit definition for decameter length.
typedef hectometre_unit hectometer_unit
 Unit definition for hectometer length.
typedef kilometre_unit kilometer_unit
 Unit definition for kilometer length.
typedef megametre_unit megameter_unit
 Unit definition for megameter length.
typedef gigametre_unit gigameter_unit
 Unit definition for gigameter length.
typedef terametre_unit terameter_unit
 Unit definition for terameter length.
typedef petametre_unit petameter_unit
 Unit definition for petameter length.
typedef exametre_unit exameter_unit
 Unit definition for exameter length.
typedef zettametre_unit zettameter_unit
 Unit definition for zettameter length.
typedef yottametre_unit yottameter_unit
 Unit definition for yottameter length.
typedef quantity< yoctometre_unityoctometre_quantity
 Measured quantity in yoctometres.
typedef quantity< zeptometre_unitzeptometre_quantity
 Measured quantity in zeptometres.
typedef quantity< attometre_unitattometre_quantity
 Measured quantity in attometres.
typedef quantity< femtometre_unitfemtometre_quantity
 Measured quantity in femtometres.
typedef quantity< picometre_unitpicometre_quantity
 Measured quantity in picometres.
typedef quantity< nanometre_unitnanometre_quantity
 Measured quantity in nanometres.
typedef quantity< micrometre_unitmicrometre_quantity
 Measured quantity in micrometres.
typedef quantity< millimetre_unitmillimetre_quantity
 Measured quantity in millimetres.
typedef quantity< centimetre_unitcentimetre_quantity
 Measured quantity in centimetres.
typedef quantity< decimetre_unitdecimetre_quantity
 Measured quantity in decimetres.
typedef quantity< metre_unitmetre_quantity
 Measured quantity in metres.
typedef quantity< dekametre_unitdekametre_quantity
 Measured quantity in dekametres.
typedef quantity< decametre_unitdecametre_quantity
 Measured quantity in decametres.
typedef quantity< hectometre_unithectometre_quantity
 Measured quantity in hectometres.
typedef quantity< kilometre_unitkilometre_quantity
 Measured quantity in kilometres.
typedef quantity< megametre_unitmegametre_quantity
 Measured quantity in megametres.
typedef quantity< gigametre_unitgigametre_quantity
 Measured quantity in gigametres.
typedef quantity< terametre_unitterametre_quantity
 Measured quantity in terametres.
typedef quantity< petametre_unitpetametre_quantity
 Measured quantity in petametres.
typedef quantity< exametre_unitexametre_quantity
 Measured quantity in exametres.
typedef quantity< zettametre_unitzettametre_quantity
 Measured quantity in zettametres.
typedef quantity< yottametre_unityottametre_quantity
 Measured quantity in yottametres.
typedef quantity< yoctometer_unityoctometer_quantity
 Measured quantity in yoctometers.
typedef quantity< zeptometer_unitzeptometer_quantity
 Measured quantity in zeptometers.
typedef quantity< attometer_unitattometer_quantity
 Measured quantity in attometers.
typedef quantity< femtometer_unitfemtometer_quantity
 Measured quantity in femtometers.
typedef quantity< picometer_unitpicometer_quantity
 Measured quantity in picometers.
typedef quantity< nanometer_unitnanometer_quantity
 Measured quantity in nanometers.
typedef quantity< micrometer_unitmicrometer_quantity
 Measured quantity in micrometers.
typedef quantity< millimeter_unitmillimeter_quantity
 Measured quantity in millimeters.
typedef quantity< centimeter_unitcentimeter_quantity
 Measured quantity in centimeters.
typedef quantity< decimeter_unitdecimeter_quantity
 Measured quantity in decimeters.
typedef quantity< meter_unitmeter_quantity
 Measured quantity in meters.
typedef quantity< dekameter_unitdekameter_quantity
 Measured quantity in dekameters.
typedef quantity< decameter_unitdecameter_quantity
 Measured quantity in decameters.
typedef quantity< hectometer_unithectometer_quantity
 Measured quantity in hectometers.
typedef quantity< kilometer_unitkilometer_quantity
 Measured quantity in kilometers.
typedef quantity< megameter_unitmegameter_quantity
 Measured quantity in megameters.
typedef quantity< gigameter_unitgigameter_quantity
 Measured quantity in gigameters.
typedef quantity< terameter_unitterameter_quantity
 Measured quantity in terameters.
typedef quantity< petameter_unitpetameter_quantity
 Measured quantity in petameters.
typedef quantity< exameter_unitexameter_quantity
 Measured quantity in exameters.
typedef quantity< zettameter_unitzettameter_quantity
 Measured quantity in zettameters.
typedef quantity< yottameter_unityottameter_quantity
 Measured quantity in yottameters.
typedef boost::units::metric::angstrom_base_unit::unit_type angstrom_unit
 Unit definition for angstrom length.
typedef quantity< angstrom_unitangstrom_quantity
 Measured quantity in angstroms.
typedef boost::units::imperial::thou_base_unit::unit_type thou_unit
 Unit definition for thou length.
typedef quantity< thou_unitthou_quantity
 Measured quantity in thous.
typedef scaled_base_unit< boost::units::imperial::inch_base_unit, scale< 12, static_rational<-1 > > > line_base_unit
 Base unit definition for line length (defined as 1/12 inch, used in botany).
typedef line_base_unit::unit_type line_unit
 Unit definition for line length (defined as 1/12 inch, used in botany).
typedef quantity< line_unitline_quantity
 Measured quantity in lines.
typedef boost::units::imperial::inch_base_unit::unit_type inch_unit
 Unit definition for inch length.
typedef quantity< inch_unitinch_quantity
 Measured quantity in inches.
typedef boost::units::imperial::foot_base_unit::unit_type foot_unit
 Unit definition for foot length.
typedef quantity< foot_unitfoot_quantity
 Measured quantity in feet.
typedef boost::units::imperial::yard_base_unit::unit_type yard_unit
 Unit definition for yard length.
typedef quantity< yard_unityard_quantity
 Measured quantity in yards.
typedef boost::units::imperial::mile_base_unit::unit_type mile_unit
 Unit definition for mile length.
typedef quantity< mile_unitmile_quantity
 Measured quantity in miles.
typedef boost::units::astronomical::astronomical_unit_base_unit::unit_type astronomical_unit_unit
 Unit definition for astronomical unit length.
typedef quantity< astronomical_unit_unitastronomical_unit_quantity
 Measured quantity in astronomical_unit.
typedef boost::units::astronomical::light_year_base_unit::unit_type light_year_unit
 Unit definition for light year length.
typedef quantity< light_year_unitlight_year_quantity
 Measured quantity in light years.
typedef boost::units::astronomical::parsec_base_unit::unit_type parsec_unit
 Unit definition for parsec length.
typedef quantity< parsec_unitparsec_quantity
 Measured quantity in parsecs.
typedef scaled_base_unit< boost::units::imperial::inch_base_unit, scale< 72, static_rational<-1 > > > point_base_unit
 Base unit definition for point length.
typedef point_base_unit::unit_type point_unit
 Unit definition for point length.
typedef quantity< point_unitpoint_quantity
 Measured quantity in points.
typedef boost::units::make_system< pixel_base_unit >::type pixel_system
 Unit system for pixel length.
typedef boost::units::unit< boost::units::length_dimension, pixel_systempixel_unit
 Unit definition for pixel length (undefined length, not convertible to other length units).
typedef quantity< pixel_unitpixel_quantity
 Measured quantity in pixels.
typedef boost::units::make_system< reference_frame_base_unit >::type reference_frame_system
 Unit system for reference frame length.
typedef boost::units::unit< boost::units::length_dimension, reference_frame_systemreference_frame_unit
 Unit definition for reference frame unit length (undefined unit length, not convertible to other length units).
typedef quantity< reference_frame_unitreference_frame_quantity
 Measured quantity in reference frame units.
typedef si::power power_unit
 Unit definition for power.
typedef quantity< si::power > power_quantity
 Measured quantity (power, watts).
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::power, scale< 10, static_rational<-24 > > >::type yoctowatt_unit
 Unit definition for yoctowatt power.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::power, scale< 10, static_rational<-21 > > >::type zeptowatt_unit
 Unit definition for zeptowatt power.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::power, scale< 10, static_rational<-18 > > >::type attowatt_unit
 Unit definition for attowatt power.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::power, scale< 10, static_rational<-15 > > >::type femtowatt_unit
 Unit definition for femtowatt power.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::power, scale< 10, static_rational<-12 > > >::type picowatt_unit
 Unit definition for picowatt power.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::power, scale< 10, static_rational< -9 > > >::type nanowatt_unit
 Unit definition for nanowatt power.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::power, scale< 10, static_rational< -6 > > >::type microwatt_unit
 Unit definition for microwatt power.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::power, scale< 10, static_rational< -3 > > >::type milliwatt_unit
 Unit definition for milliwatt power.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::power, scale< 10, static_rational< -2 > > >::type centiwatt_unit
 Unit definition for centiwatt power.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::power, scale< 10, static_rational< -1 > > >::type deciwatt_unit
 Unit definition for deciwatt power.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::power, scale< 10, static_rational< 0 > > >::type watt_unit
 Unit definition for watt power.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::power, scale< 10, static_rational< 1 > > >::type dekawatt_unit
 Unit definition for dekawatt power.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::power, scale< 10, static_rational< 1 > > >::type decawatt_unit
 Unit definition for decawatt power.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::power, scale< 10, static_rational< 2 > > >::type hectowatt_unit
 Unit definition for hectowatt power.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::power, scale< 10, static_rational< 3 > > >::type kilowatt_unit
 Unit definition for kilowatt power.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::power, scale< 10, static_rational< 6 > > >::type megawatt_unit
 Unit definition for megawatt power.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::power, scale< 10, static_rational< 9 > > >::type gigawatt_unit
 Unit definition for gigawatt power.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::power, scale< 10, static_rational< 12 > > >::type terawatt_unit
 Unit definition for terawatt power.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::power, scale< 10, static_rational< 15 > > >::type petawatt_unit
 Unit definition for petawatt power.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::power, scale< 10, static_rational< 18 > > >::type exawatt_unit
 Unit definition for exawatt power.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::power, scale< 10, static_rational< 21 > > >::type zettawatt_unit
 Unit definition for zettawatt power.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::power, scale< 10, static_rational< 24 > > >::type yottawatt_unit
 Unit definition for yottawatt power.
typedef quantity< yoctowatt_unityoctowatt_quantity
 Measured quantity in yoctowatts.
typedef quantity< zeptowatt_unitzeptowatt_quantity
 Measured quantity in zeptowatts.
typedef quantity< attowatt_unitattowatt_quantity
 Measured quantity in attowatts.
typedef quantity< femtowatt_unitfemtowatt_quantity
 Measured quantity in femtowatts.
typedef quantity< picowatt_unitpicowatt_quantity
 Measured quantity in picowatts.
typedef quantity< nanowatt_unitnanowatt_quantity
 Measured quantity in nanowatts.
typedef quantity< microwatt_unitmicrowatt_quantity
 Measured quantity in microwatts.
typedef quantity< milliwatt_unitmilliwatt_quantity
 Measured quantity in milliwatts.
typedef quantity< centiwatt_unitcentiwatt_quantity
 Measured quantity in centiwatts.
typedef quantity< deciwatt_unitdeciwatt_quantity
 Measured quantity in deciwatts.
typedef quantity< watt_unitwatt_quantity
 Measured quantity in watts.
typedef quantity< dekawatt_unitdekawatt_quantity
 Measured quantity in dekawatts.
typedef quantity< decawatt_unitdecawatt_quantity
 Measured quantity in decawatts.
typedef quantity< hectowatt_unithectowatt_quantity
 Measured quantity in hectowatts.
typedef quantity< kilowatt_unitkilowatt_quantity
 Measured quantity in kilowatts.
typedef quantity< megawatt_unitmegawatt_quantity
 Measured quantity in megawatts.
typedef quantity< gigawatt_unitgigawatt_quantity
 Measured quantity in gigawatts.
typedef quantity< terawatt_unitterawatt_quantity
 Measured quantity in terawatts.
typedef quantity< petawatt_unitpetawatt_quantity
 Measured quantity in petawatts.
typedef quantity< exawatt_unitexawatt_quantity
 Measured quantity in exawatts.
typedef quantity< zettawatt_unitzettawatt_quantity
 Measured quantity in zettawatts.
typedef quantity< yottawatt_unityottawatt_quantity
 Measured quantity in yottawatts.
typedef si::pressure pressure_unit
 Unit definition for pressure.
typedef quantity< si::pressure > pressure_quantity
 Measured quantity (pressure, pascals).
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::pressure, scale< 10, static_rational<-24 > > >::type yoctopascal_unit
 Unit definition for yoctopascal pressure.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::pressure, scale< 10, static_rational<-21 > > >::type zeptopascal_unit
 Unit definition for zeptopascal pressure.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::pressure, scale< 10, static_rational<-18 > > >::type attopascal_unit
 Unit definition for attopascal pressure.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::pressure, scale< 10, static_rational<-15 > > >::type femtopascal_unit
 Unit definition for femtopascal pressure.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::pressure, scale< 10, static_rational<-12 > > >::type picopascal_unit
 Unit definition for picopascal pressure.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::pressure, scale< 10, static_rational< -9 > > >::type nanopascal_unit
 Unit definition for nanopascal pressure.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::pressure, scale< 10, static_rational< -6 > > >::type micropascal_unit
 Unit definition for micropascal pressure.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::pressure, scale< 10, static_rational< -3 > > >::type millipascal_unit
 Unit definition for millipascal pressure.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::pressure, scale< 10, static_rational< -2 > > >::type centipascal_unit
 Unit definition for centipascal pressure.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::pressure, scale< 10, static_rational< -1 > > >::type decipascal_unit
 Unit definition for decipascal pressure.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::pressure, scale< 10, static_rational< 0 > > >::type pascal_unit
 Unit definition for pascal pressure.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::pressure, scale< 10, static_rational< 1 > > >::type dekapascal_unit
 Unit definition for dekapascal pressure.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::pressure, scale< 10, static_rational< 1 > > >::type decapascal_unit
 Unit definition for decapascal pressure.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::pressure, scale< 10, static_rational< 2 > > >::type hectopascal_unit
 Unit definition for hectopascal pressure.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::pressure, scale< 10, static_rational< 3 > > >::type kilopascal_unit
 Unit definition for kilopascal pressure.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::pressure, scale< 10, static_rational< 6 > > >::type megapascal_unit
 Unit definition for megapascal pressure.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::pressure, scale< 10, static_rational< 9 > > >::type gigapascal_unit
 Unit definition for gigapascal pressure.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::pressure, scale< 10, static_rational< 12 > > >::type terapascal_unit
 Unit definition for terapascal pressure.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::pressure, scale< 10, static_rational< 15 > > >::type petapascal_unit
 Unit definition for petapascal pressure.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::pressure, scale< 10, static_rational< 18 > > >::type exapascal_unit
 Unit definition for exapascal pressure.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::pressure, scale< 10, static_rational< 21 > > >::type zettapascal_unit
 Unit definition for zettapascal pressure.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::pressure, scale< 10, static_rational< 24 > > >::type yottapascal_unit
 Unit definition for yottapascal pressure.
typedef quantity< yoctopascal_unityoctopascal_quantity
 Measured quantity in yoctopascals.
typedef quantity< zeptopascal_unitzeptopascal_quantity
 Measured quantity in zeptopascals.
typedef quantity< attopascal_unitattopascal_quantity
 Measured quantity in attopascals.
typedef quantity< femtopascal_unitfemtopascal_quantity
 Measured quantity in femtopascals.
typedef quantity< picopascal_unitpicopascal_quantity
 Measured quantity in picopascals.
typedef quantity< nanopascal_unitnanopascal_quantity
 Measured quantity in nanopascals.
typedef quantity< micropascal_unitmicropascal_quantity
 Measured quantity in micropascals.
typedef quantity< millipascal_unitmillipascal_quantity
 Measured quantity in millipascals.
typedef quantity< centipascal_unitcentipascal_quantity
 Measured quantity in centipascals.
typedef quantity< decipascal_unitdecipascal_quantity
 Measured quantity in decipascals.
typedef quantity< pascal_unitpascal_quantity
 Measured quantity in pascals.
typedef quantity< dekapascal_unitdekapascal_quantity
 Measured quantity in dekapascals.
typedef quantity< decapascal_unitdecapascal_quantity
 Measured quantity in decapascals.
typedef quantity< hectopascal_unithectopascal_quantity
 Measured quantity in hectopascals.
typedef quantity< kilopascal_unitkilopascal_quantity
 Measured quantity in kilopascals.
typedef quantity< megapascal_unitmegapascal_quantity
 Measured quantity in megapascals.
typedef quantity< gigapascal_unitgigapascal_quantity
 Measured quantity in gigapascals.
typedef quantity< terapascal_unitterapascal_quantity
 Measured quantity in terapascals.
typedef quantity< petapascal_unitpetapascal_quantity
 Measured quantity in petapascals.
typedef quantity< exapascal_unitexapascal_quantity
 Measured quantity in exapascals.
typedef quantity< zettapascal_unitzettapascal_quantity
 Measured quantity in zettapascals.
typedef quantity< yottapascal_unityottapascal_quantity
 Measured quantity in yottapascals.
typedef scaled_base_unit< boost::units::metric::bar_base_unit, scale< 10, static_rational< -3 > > >::unit_type millibar_unit
 Unit definition for millibar pressure.
typedef scaled_base_unit< boost::units::metric::bar_base_unit, scale< 10, static_rational< -2 > > >::unit_type centibar_unit
 Unit definition for centibar pressure.
typedef scaled_base_unit< boost::units::metric::bar_base_unit, scale< 10, static_rational< -1 > > >::unit_type decibar_unit
 Unit definition for decibar pressure.
typedef scaled_base_unit< boost::units::metric::bar_base_unit, scale< 10, static_rational< 0 > > >::unit_type bar_unit
 Unit definition for bar pressure.
typedef scaled_base_unit< boost::units::metric::bar_base_unit, scale< 10, static_rational< 1 > > >::unit_type dekabar_unit
 Unit definition for dekabar pressure.
typedef scaled_base_unit< boost::units::metric::bar_base_unit, scale< 10, static_rational< 1 > > >::unit_type decabar_unit
 Unit definition for decabar pressure.
typedef scaled_base_unit< boost::units::metric::bar_base_unit, scale< 10, static_rational< 2 > > >::unit_type hectobar_unit
 Unit definition for hectobar pressure.
typedef scaled_base_unit< boost::units::metric::bar_base_unit, scale< 10, static_rational< 3 > > >::unit_type kilobar_unit
 Unit definition for kilobar pressure.
typedef scaled_base_unit< boost::units::metric::bar_base_unit, scale< 10, static_rational< 6 > > >::unit_type megabar_unit
 Unit definition for megabar pressure.
typedef quantity< millibar_unitmillibar_quantity
 Measured quantity in millibars.
typedef quantity< centibar_unitcentibar_quantity
 Measured quantity in centibars.
typedef quantity< decibar_unitdecibar_quantity
 Measured quantity in decibars.
typedef quantity< bar_unitbar_quantity
 Measured quantity in bars.
typedef quantity< dekabar_unitdekabar_quantity
 Measured quantity in dekabars.
typedef quantity< decabar_unitdecabar_quantity
 Measured quantity in decabars.
typedef quantity< hectobar_unithectobar_quantity
 Measured quantity in hectobars.
typedef quantity< kilobar_unitkilobar_quantity
 Measured quantity in kilobars.
typedef quantity< megabar_unitmegabar_quantity
 Measured quantity in megabars.
typedef boost::units::metric::atmosphere_base_unit::unit_type atmosphere_unit
 Unit definition for atmosphere pressure.
typedef quantity< atmosphere_unitatmosphere_quantity
 Measured quantity in atmospheres.
typedef psi_base_unit::unit_type psi_unit
 Unit definition for pound-force per square inch (psi) pressure.
typedef quantity< psi_unitpsi_quantity
 Measured quantity in pound-force per square inch (psi).
typedef boost::units::metric::torr_base_unit::unit_type torr_unit
 Unit definition for Torr pressure.
typedef quantity< torr_unittorr_quantity
 Measured quantity in Torrs.
typedef scaled_base_unit< boost::units::metric::torr_base_unit, scale< 10, static_rational< -3 > > >::unit_type millitorr_unit
 Unit definition for milliTorr pressure.
typedef quantity< millitorr_unitmillitorr_quantity
 Measured quantity in milliTorrs.
typedef boost::units::metric::mmHg_base_unit::unit_type mmHg_unit
 Unit definition for mmHg pressure.
typedef quantity< mmHg_unitmmHg_quantity
 Measured quantity in mmHg.
typedef si::temperature temperature_unit
 Unit definition for temperature.
typedef quantity< si::temperature > temperature_quantity
 Measured quantity in temperature.
typedef boost::units::si::kelvin_base_unit::unit_type kelvin_unit
 Unit definition for relative temperature in kelvin.
typedef quantity< kelvin_unitkelvin_quantity
 Measured quantity in kelvin.
typedef boost::units::temperature::celsius_base_unit::unit_type celsius_unit
 Unit definition for relative temperature in Celsius (not convertible to or from other units due to relative scale).
typedef quantity< celsius_unitcelsius_quantity
 Measured quantity in Celsius.
typedef boost::units::temperature::fahrenheit_base_unit::unit_type fahrenheit_unit
 Unit definition for relative temperature in Fahrenheit (not convertible to or from other units due to relative scale).
typedef quantity< fahrenheit_unitfahrenheit_quantity
 Measured quantity in Fahrenheit.
typedef rankine_base_unit::unit_type rankine_unit
 Unit definition for relative temperature in Rankine.
typedef quantity< rankine_unitrankine_quantity
 Measured quantity in Rankine.
typedef boost::units::absolute< kelvin_unitkelvin_absolute_unit
 Unit definition for absolute temperature in kelvin.
typedef quantity< kelvin_absolute_unitkelvin_absolute_quantity
 Measured quantity in absolute kelvin.
typedef boost::units::absolute< celsius_unitcelsius_absolute_unit
 Unit definition for absolute temperature in Celsius.
typedef quantity< celsius_absolute_unitcelsius_absolute_quantity
 Measured quantity in absolute Celsius.
typedef boost::units::absolute< fahrenheit_unitfahrenheit_absolute_unit
 Unit definition for absolute temperature in Fahrenheit.
typedef quantity< fahrenheit_absolute_unitfahrenheit_absolute_quantity
 Measured quantity in absolute Fahrenheit.
typedef boost::units::absolute< rankine_unitrankine_absolute_unit
 Unit definition for absolute temperature in Rankine.
typedef quantity< rankine_absolute_unitrankine_absolute_quantity
 Measured quantity in absolute Rankine.
typedef si::time time_unit
 Unit definition for time.
typedef quantity< si::time > time_quantity
 Measured quantity (time, seconds).
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::time, scale< 10, static_rational<-24 > > >::type yoctosecond_unit
 Unit definition for yoctosecond time.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::time, scale< 10, static_rational<-21 > > >::type zeptosecond_unit
 Unit definition for zeptosecond time.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::time, scale< 10, static_rational<-18 > > >::type attosecond_unit
 Unit definition for attosecond time.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::time, scale< 10, static_rational<-15 > > >::type femtosecond_unit
 Unit definition for femtosecond time.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::time, scale< 10, static_rational<-12 > > >::type picosecond_unit
 Unit definition for picosecond time.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::time, scale< 10, static_rational< -9 > > >::type nanosecond_unit
 Unit definition for nanosecond time.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::time, scale< 10, static_rational< -6 > > >::type microsecond_unit
 Unit definition for microsecond time.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::time, scale< 10, static_rational< -3 > > >::type millisecond_unit
 Unit definition for millisecond time.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::time, scale< 10, static_rational< -2 > > >::type centisecond_unit
 Unit definition for centisecond time.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::time, scale< 10, static_rational< -1 > > >::type decisecond_unit
 Unit definition for decisecond time.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::time, scale< 10, static_rational< 0 > > >::type second_unit
 Unit definition for second time.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::time, scale< 10, static_rational< 1 > > >::type dekasecond_unit
 Unit definition for dekasecond time.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::time, scale< 10, static_rational< 1 > > >::type decasecond_unit
 Unit definition for decasecond time.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::time, scale< 10, static_rational< 2 > > >::type hectosecond_unit
 Unit definition for hectosecond time.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::time, scale< 10, static_rational< 3 > > >::type kilosecond_unit
 Unit definition for kilosecond time.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::time, scale< 10, static_rational< 6 > > >::type megasecond_unit
 Unit definition for megasecond time.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::time, scale< 10, static_rational< 9 > > >::type gigasecond_unit
 Unit definition for gigasecond time.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::time, scale< 10, static_rational< 12 > > >::type terasecond_unit
 Unit definition for terasecond time.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::time, scale< 10, static_rational< 15 > > >::type petasecond_unit
 Unit definition for petasecond time.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::time, scale< 10, static_rational< 18 > > >::type exasecond_unit
 Unit definition for exasecond time.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::time, scale< 10, static_rational< 21 > > >::type zettasecond_unit
 Unit definition for zettasecond time.
typedef make_scaled_unit< si::time, scale< 10, static_rational< 24 > > >::type yottasecond_unit
 Unit definition for yottasecond time.
typedef quantity< yoctosecond_unityoctosecond_quantity
 Measured quantity in yoctoseconds.
typedef quantity< zeptosecond_unitzeptosecond_quantity
 Measured quantity in zeptoseconds.
typedef quantity< attosecond_unitattosecond_quantity
 Measured quantity in attoseconds.
typedef quantity< femtosecond_unitfemtosecond_quantity
 Measured quantity in femtoseconds.
typedef quantity< picosecond_unitpicosecond_quantity
 Measured quantity in picoseconds.
typedef quantity< nanosecond_unitnanosecond_quantity
 Measured quantity in nanoseconds.
typedef quantity< microsecond_unitmicrosecond_quantity
 Measured quantity in microseconds.
typedef quantity< millisecond_unitmillisecond_quantity
 Measured quantity in milliseconds.
typedef quantity< centisecond_unitcentisecond_quantity
 Measured quantity in centiseconds.
typedef quantity< decisecond_unitdecisecond_quantity
 Measured quantity in deciseconds.
typedef quantity< second_unitsecond_quantity
 Measured quantity in seconds.
typedef quantity< dekasecond_unitdekasecond_quantity
 Measured quantity in dekaseconds.
typedef quantity< decasecond_unitdecasecond_quantity
 Measured quantity in decaseconds.
typedef quantity< hectosecond_unithectosecond_quantity
 Measured quantity in hectoseconds.
typedef quantity< kilosecond_unitkilosecond_quantity
 Measured quantity in kiloseconds.
typedef quantity< megasecond_unitmegasecond_quantity
 Measured quantity in megaseconds.
typedef quantity< gigasecond_unitgigasecond_quantity
 Measured quantity in gigaseconds.
typedef quantity< terasecond_unitterasecond_quantity
 Measured quantity in teraseconds.
typedef quantity< petasecond_unitpetasecond_quantity
 Measured quantity in petaseconds.
typedef quantity< exasecond_unitexasecond_quantity
 Measured quantity in exaseconds.
typedef quantity< zettasecond_unitzettasecond_quantity
 Measured quantity in zettaseconds.
typedef quantity< yottasecond_unityottasecond_quantity
 Measured quantity in yottaseconds.
typedef boost::units::metric::minute_base_unit::unit_type minute_unit
 Unit definition for minute time.
typedef quantity< minute_unitminute_quantity
 Measured quantity in minutes.
typedef boost::units::metric::hour_base_unit::unit_type hour_unit
 Unit definition for hour time.
typedef quantity< hour_unithour_quantity
 Measured quantity in hours.
typedef boost::units::metric::day_base_unit::unit_type day_unit
 Unit definition for day time.
typedef quantity< day_unitday_quantity
 Measured quantity in days.


 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (radian, radian_unit)
 Numeric constant for radian.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (radians, radian_unit)
 Numeric constant for radian.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (degree, degree_unit)
 Numeric constant for degree.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (degrees, degree_unit)
 Numeric constant for degree.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (gradian, gradian_unit)
 Numeric constant for gradian.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (gradians, gradian_unit)
 Numeric constant for gradian.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (gon, gradian_unit)
 Numeric constant for gradian.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (gons, gradian_unit)
 Numeric constant for gradian.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yoctovolt, yoctovolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for yoctovolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zeptovolt, zeptovolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for zeptovolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (attovolt, attovolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for attovolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (femtovolt, femtovolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for femtovolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (picovolt, picovolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for picovolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (nanovolt, nanovolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for nanovolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (microvolt, microvolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for microvolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (millivolt, millivolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for millivolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (centivolt, centivolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for centivolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decivolt, decivolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for decivolt.
 Numeric constant for volt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (dekavolt, dekavolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for dekavolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decavolt, decavolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for decavolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (hectovolt, hectovolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for hectovolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (kilovolt, kilovolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for kilovolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (megavolt, megavolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for megavolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (gigavolt, gigavolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for gigavolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (teravolt, teravolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for teravolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (petavolt, petavolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for petavolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (exavolt, exavolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for exavolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zettavolt, zettavolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for zettavolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yottavolt, yottavolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for yottavolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yoctovolts, yoctovolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for yoctovolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zeptovolts, zeptovolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for zeptovolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (attovolts, attovolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for attovolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (femtovolts, femtovolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for femtovolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (picovolts, picovolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for picovolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (nanovolts, nanovolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for nanovolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (microvolts, microvolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for microvolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (millivolts, millivolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for millivolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (centivolts, centivolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for centivolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decivolts, decivolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for decivolt.
 Numeric constant for volt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (dekavolts, dekavolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for dekavolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decavolts, decavolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for decavolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (hectovolts, hectovolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for hectovolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (kilovolts, kilovolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for kilovolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (megavolts, megavolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for megavolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (gigavolts, gigavolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for gigavolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (teravolts, teravolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for teravolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (petavolts, petavolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for petavolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (exavolts, exavolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for exavolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zettavolts, zettavolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for zettavolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yottavolts, yottavolt_unit)
 Numeric constant for yottavolt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yoctohertz, yoctohertz_unit)
 Numeric constant for yoctohertz.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zeptohertz, zeptohertz_unit)
 Numeric constant for zeptohertz.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (attohertz, attohertz_unit)
 Numeric constant for attohertz.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (femtohertz, femtohertz_unit)
 Numeric constant for femtohertz.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (picohertz, picohertz_unit)
 Numeric constant for picohertz.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (nanohertz, nanohertz_unit)
 Numeric constant for nanohertz.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (microhertz, microhertz_unit)
 Numeric constant for microhertz.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (millihertz, millihertz_unit)
 Numeric constant for millihertz.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (centihertz, centihertz_unit)
 Numeric constant for centihertz.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decihertz, decihertz_unit)
 Numeric constant for decihertz.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (hertz, hertz_unit)
 Numeric constant for hertz.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (dekahertz, dekahertz_unit)
 Numeric constant for dekahertz.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decahertz, decahertz_unit)
 Numeric constant for decahertz.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (hectohertz, hectohertz_unit)
 Numeric constant for hectohertz.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (kilohertz, kilohertz_unit)
 Numeric constant for kilohertz.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (megahertz, megahertz_unit)
 Numeric constant for megahertz.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (gigahertz, gigahertz_unit)
 Numeric constant for gigahertz.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (terahertz, terahertz_unit)
 Numeric constant for terahertz.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (petahertz, petahertz_unit)
 Numeric constant for petahertz.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (exahertz, exahertz_unit)
 Numeric constant for exahertz.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zettahertz, zettahertz_unit)
 Numeric constant for zettahertz.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yottahertz, yottahertz_unit)
 Numeric constant for yottahertz.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yoctometre, yoctometre_unit)
 Numeric constant for yoctometre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zeptometre, zeptometre_unit)
 Numeric constant for zeptometre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (attometre, attometre_unit)
 Numeric constant for attometre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (femtometre, femtometre_unit)
 Numeric constant for femtometre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (picometre, picometre_unit)
 Numeric constant for picometre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (nanometre, nanometre_unit)
 Numeric constant for nanometre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (micrometre, micrometre_unit)
 Numeric constant for micrometre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (millimetre, millimetre_unit)
 Numeric constant for millimetre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (centimetre, centimetre_unit)
 Numeric constant for centimetre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decimetre, decimetre_unit)
 Numeric constant for decimetre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (metre, metre_unit)
 Numeric constant for metre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (dekametre, dekametre_unit)
 Numeric constant for dekametre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decametre, decametre_unit)
 Numeric constant for decametre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (hectometre, hectometre_unit)
 Numeric constant for hectometre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (kilometre, kilometre_unit)
 Numeric constant for kilometre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (megametre, megametre_unit)
 Numeric constant for megametre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (gigametre, gigametre_unit)
 Numeric constant for gigametre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (terametre, terametre_unit)
 Numeric constant for terametre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (petametre, petametre_unit)
 Numeric constant for petametre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (exametre, exametre_unit)
 Numeric constant for exametre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zettametre, zettametre_unit)
 Numeric constant for zettametre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yottametre, yottametre_unit)
 Numeric constant for yottametre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yoctometres, yoctometre_unit)
 Numeric constant for yoctometre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zeptometres, zeptometre_unit)
 Numeric constant for zeptometre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (attometres, attometre_unit)
 Numeric constant for attometre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (femtometres, femtometre_unit)
 Numeric constant for femtometre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (picometres, picometre_unit)
 Numeric constant for picometre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (nanometres, nanometre_unit)
 Numeric constant for nanometre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (micrometres, micrometre_unit)
 Numeric constant for micrometre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (millimetres, millimetre_unit)
 Numeric constant for millimetre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (centimetres, centimetre_unit)
 Numeric constant for centimetre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decimetres, decimetre_unit)
 Numeric constant for decimetre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (metres, metre_unit)
 Numeric constant for metre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (dekametres, dekametre_unit)
 Numeric constant for dekametre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decametres, decametre_unit)
 Numeric constant for decametre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (hectometres, hectometre_unit)
 Numeric constant for hectometre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (kilometres, kilometre_unit)
 Numeric constant for kilometre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (megametres, megametre_unit)
 Numeric constant for megametre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (gigametres, gigametre_unit)
 Numeric constant for gigametre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (terametres, terametre_unit)
 Numeric constant for terametre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (petametres, petametre_unit)
 Numeric constant for petametre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (exametres, exametre_unit)
 Numeric constant for exametre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zettametres, zettametre_unit)
 Numeric constant for zettametre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yottametres, yottametre_unit)
 Numeric constant for yottametre.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yoctometer, yoctometer_unit)
 Numeric constant for yoctometer.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zeptometer, zeptometer_unit)
 Numeric constant for zeptometer.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (attometer, attometer_unit)
 Numeric constant for attometer.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (femtometer, femtometer_unit)
 Numeric constant for femtometer.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (picometer, picometer_unit)
 Numeric constant for picometer.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (nanometer, nanometer_unit)
 Numeric constant for nanometer.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (micrometer, micrometer_unit)
 Numeric constant for micrometer.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (millimeter, millimeter_unit)
 Numeric constant for millimeter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (centimeter, centimeter_unit)
 Numeric constant for centimeter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decimeter, decimeter_unit)
 Numeric constant for decimeter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (meter, meter_unit)
 Numeric constant for meter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (dekameter, dekameter_unit)
 Numeric constant for dekameter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decameter, decameter_unit)
 Numeric constant for decameter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (hectometer, hectometer_unit)
 Numeric constant for hectometer.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (kilometer, kilometer_unit)
 Numeric constant for kilometer.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (megameter, megameter_unit)
 Numeric constant for megameter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (gigameter, gigameter_unit)
 Numeric constant for gigameter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (terameter, terameter_unit)
 Numeric constant for terameter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (petameter, petameter_unit)
 Numeric constant for petameter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (exameter, exameter_unit)
 Numeric constant for exameter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zettameter, zettameter_unit)
 Numeric constant for zettameter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yottameter, yottameter_unit)
 Numeric constant for yottameter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yoctometers, yoctometer_unit)
 Numeric constant for yoctometer.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zeptometers, zeptometer_unit)
 Numeric constant for zeptometer.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (attometers, attometer_unit)
 Numeric constant for attometer.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (femtometers, femtometer_unit)
 Numeric constant for femtometer.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (picometers, picometer_unit)
 Numeric constant for picometer.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (nanometers, nanometer_unit)
 Numeric constant for nanometer.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (micrometers, micrometer_unit)
 Numeric constant for micrometer.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (millimeters, millimeter_unit)
 Numeric constant for millimeter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (centimeters, centimeter_unit)
 Numeric constant for centimeter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decimeters, decimeter_unit)
 Numeric constant for decimeter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (meters, meter_unit)
 Numeric constant for meter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (dekameters, dekameter_unit)
 Numeric constant for dekameter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decameters, decameter_unit)
 Numeric constant for decameter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (hectometers, hectometer_unit)
 Numeric constant for hectometer.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (kilometers, kilometer_unit)
 Numeric constant for kilometer.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (megameters, megameter_unit)
 Numeric constant for megameter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (gigameters, gigameter_unit)
 Numeric constant for gigameter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (terameters, terameter_unit)
 Numeric constant for terameter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (petameters, petameter_unit)
 Numeric constant for petameter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (exameters, exameter_unit)
 Numeric constant for exameter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zettameters, zettameter_unit)
 Numeric constant for zettameter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yottameters, yottameter_unit)
 Numeric constant for yottameter.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (angstrom, angstrom_unit)
 Numeric constant for angstrom.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (angstroms, angstrom_unit)
 Numeric constant for angstrom.
 Numeric constant for thou.
 Numeric constant for thou.
 Numeric constant for line.
 Numeric constant for line.
 Numeric constant for inch.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (inches, inch_unit)
 Numeric constant for inch.
 Numeric constant for foot.
 Numeric constant for foot.
 Numeric constant for yard.
 Numeric constant for yard.
 Numeric constant for mile.
 Numeric constant for mile.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (astronomical_unit, astronomical_unit_unit)
 Numeric constant for astronomical unit.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (astronomical_units, astronomical_unit_unit)
 Numeric constant for astronomical unit.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (light_year, light_year_unit)
 Numeric constant for light year.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (light_years, light_year_unit)
 Numeric constant for light year.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (parsec, parsec_unit)
 Numeric constant for parsec.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (parsecs, parsec_unit)
 Numeric constant for parsec.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (point, point_unit)
 Numeric constant for point.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (points, point_unit)
 Numeric constant for point.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (pixel, pixel_unit)
 Numeric constant for pixel.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (pixels, pixel_unit)
 Numeric constant for pixel.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (reference_frame, reference_frame_unit)
 Numeric constant for reference frame unit.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yoctowatt, yoctowatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for yoctowatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zeptowatt, zeptowatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for zeptowatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (attowatt, attowatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for attowatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (femtowatt, femtowatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for femtowatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (picowatt, picowatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for picowatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (nanowatt, nanowatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for nanowatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (microwatt, microwatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for microwatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (milliwatt, milliwatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for milliwatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (centiwatt, centiwatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for centiwatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (deciwatt, deciwatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for deciwatt.
 Numeric constant for watt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (dekawatt, dekawatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for dekawatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decawatt, decawatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for decawatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (hectowatt, hectowatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for hectowatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (kilowatt, kilowatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for kilowatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (megawatt, megawatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for megawatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (gigawatt, gigawatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for gigawatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (terawatt, terawatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for terawatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (petawatt, petawatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for petawatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (exawatt, exawatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for exawatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zettawatt, zettawatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for zettawatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yottawatt, yottawatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for yottawatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yoctowatts, yoctowatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for yoctowatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zeptowatts, zeptowatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for zeptowatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (attowatts, attowatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for attowatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (femtowatts, femtowatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for femtowatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (picowatts, picowatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for picowatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (nanowatts, nanowatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for nanowatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (microwatts, microwatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for microwatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (milliwatts, milliwatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for milliwatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (centiwatts, centiwatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for centiwatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (deciwatts, deciwatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for deciwatt.
 Numeric constant for watt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (dekawatts, dekawatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for dekawatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decawatts, decawatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for decawatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (hectowatts, hectowatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for hectowatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (kilowatts, kilowatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for kilowatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (megawatts, megawatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for megawatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (gigawatts, gigawatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for gigawatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (terawatts, terawatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for terawatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (petawatts, petawatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for petawatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (exawatts, exawatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for exawatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zettawatts, zettawatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for zettawatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yottawatts, yottawatt_unit)
 Numeric constant for yottawatt.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yoctopascal, yoctopascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for yoctopascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zeptopascal, zeptopascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for zeptopascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (attopascal, attopascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for attopascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (femtopascal, femtopascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for femtopascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (picopascal, picopascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for picopascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (nanopascal, nanopascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for nanopascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (micropascal, micropascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for micropascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (millipascal, millipascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for millipascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (centipascal, centipascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for centipascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decipascal, decipascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for decipascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (pascal, pascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for pascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (dekapascal, dekapascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for dekapascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decapascal, decapascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for decapascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (hectopascal, hectopascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for hectopascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (kilopascal, kilopascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for kilopascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (megapascal, megapascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for megapascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (gigapascal, gigapascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for gigapascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (terapascal, terapascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for terapascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (petapascal, petapascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for petapascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (exapascal, exapascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for exapascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zettapascal, zettapascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for zettapascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yottapascal, yottapascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for yottapascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yoctopascals, yoctopascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for yoctopascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zeptopascals, zeptopascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for zeptopascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (attopascals, attopascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for attopascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (femtopascals, femtopascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for femtopascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (picopascals, picopascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for picopascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (nanopascals, nanopascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for nanopascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (micropascals, micropascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for micropascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (millipascals, millipascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for millipascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (centipascals, centipascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for centipascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decipascals, decipascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for decipascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (pascals, pascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for pascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (dekapascals, dekapascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for dekapascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decapascals, decapascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for decapascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (hectopascals, hectopascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for hectopascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (kilopascals, kilopascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for kilopascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (megapascals, megapascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for megapascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (gigapascals, gigapascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for gigapascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (terapascals, terapascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for terapascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (petapascals, petapascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for petapascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (exapascals, exapascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for exapascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zettapascals, zettapascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for zettapascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yottapascals, yottapascal_unit)
 Numeric constant for yottapascal.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (millibar, millibar_unit)
 Numeric constant for millibar.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (centibar, centibar_unit)
 Numeric constant for centibar.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decibar, decibar_unit)
 Numeric constant for decibar.
 Numeric constant for bar.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (dekabar, dekabar_unit)
 Numeric constant for dekabar.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decabar, decabar_unit)
 Numeric constant for decabar.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (hectobar, hectobar_unit)
 Numeric constant for hectobar.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (kilobar, kilobar_unit)
 Numeric constant for kilobar.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (megabar, megabar_unit)
 Numeric constant for megabar.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (millibars, millibar_unit)
 Numeric constant for millibar.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (centibars, centibar_unit)
 Numeric constant for centibar.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decibars, decibar_unit)
 Numeric constant for decibar.
 Numeric constant for bar.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (dekabars, dekabar_unit)
 Numeric constant for dekabar.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decabars, decabar_unit)
 Numeric constant for decabar.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (hectobars, hectobar_unit)
 Numeric constant for hectobar.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (kilobars, kilobar_unit)
 Numeric constant for kilobar.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (megabars, megabar_unit)
 Numeric constant for megabar.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (atmosphere, atmosphere_unit)
 Numeric constant for atmosphere.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (atmospheres, atmosphere_unit)
 Numeric constant for atmosphere.
 Numeric constant for pound-force per square inch (psi).
 Numeric constant for Torr.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (millitorr, millitorr_unit)
 Numeric constant for milliTorr.
 Numeric constant for mmHg.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (kelvin, kelvin_unit)
 Numeric constant for kelvin.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (kelvins, kelvin_unit)
 Numeric constant for kelvin.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (celsius, celsius_unit)
 Numeric constant for Celsius.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (fahrenheit, fahrenheit_unit)
 Numeric constant for Fahrenheit.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (rankine, rankine_unit)
 Numeric constant for Rankine.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (kelvin_absolute, kelvin_absolute_unit)
 Numeric constant for absolute kelvin.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (kelvins_absolute, kelvin_absolute_unit)
 Numeric constant for absolute kelvin.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (celsius_absolute, celsius_absolute_unit)
 Numeric constant for absolute Celsius.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (fahrenheit_absolute, fahrenheit_absolute_unit)
 Numeric constant for absolute Fahrenheit.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (rankine_absolute, rankine_absolute_unit)
 Numeric constant for absolute Rankine.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yoctosecond, yoctosecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for yoctosecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zeptosecond, zeptosecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for zeptosecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (attosecond, attosecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for attosecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (femtosecond, femtosecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for femtosecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (picosecond, picosecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for picosecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (nanosecond, nanosecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for nanosecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (microsecond, microsecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for microsecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (millisecond, millisecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for millisecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (centisecond, centisecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for centisecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decisecond, decisecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for decisecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (second, second_unit)
 Numeric constant for second.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (dekasecond, dekasecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for dekasecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decasecond, decasecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for decasecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (hectosecond, hectosecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for hectosecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (kilosecond, kilosecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for kilosecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (megasecond, megasecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for megasecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (gigasecond, gigasecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for gigasecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (terasecond, terasecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for terasecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (petasecond, petasecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for petasecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (exasecond, exasecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for exasecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zettasecond, zettasecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for zettasecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yottasecond, yottasecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for yottasecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yoctoseconds, yoctosecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for yoctosecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zeptoseconds, zeptosecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for zeptosecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (attoseconds, attosecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for attosecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (femtoseconds, femtosecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for femtosecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (picoseconds, picosecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for picosecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (nanoseconds, nanosecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for nanosecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (microseconds, microsecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for microsecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (milliseconds, millisecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for millisecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (centiseconds, centisecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for centisecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (deciseconds, decisecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for decisecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (seconds, second_unit)
 Numeric constant for second.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (dekaseconds, dekasecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for dekasecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (decaseconds, decasecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for decasecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (hectoseconds, hectosecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for hectosecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (kiloseconds, kilosecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for kilosecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (megaseconds, megasecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for megasecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (gigaseconds, gigasecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for gigasecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (teraseconds, terasecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for terasecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (petaseconds, petasecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for petasecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (exaseconds, exasecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for exasecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (zettaseconds, zettasecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for zettasecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (yottaseconds, yottasecond_unit)
 Numeric constant for yottasecond.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (minute, minute_unit)
 Numeric constant for minute.
 BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT (minutes, minute_unit)
 Numeric constant for minute.
 Numeric constant for hour.
 Numeric constant for hour.
 Numeric constant for day.
 Numeric constant for day.

Detailed Description

Units of measurement.