ome-qtwidgets  5.3.1
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NomeOpen Microscopy Environment C++
 NqtwidgetsQt5 widgets for image display with OpenGL
 NglOpenGL rendering
 Nv33OpenGL v3.3 (core profile)
 CAxis2D2D (xy) axis renderer
 CGrid2D2D (xy) grid renderer
 CImage2D2D (xy) image renderer
 CAxis2D2D (xy) axis renderer
 CGrid2D2D (xy) grid renderer
 CImage2D2D (xy) image renderer
 NglslOpenGL Shader Language (GLSL) program wrappers
 Nv330GLSL v3.30 compatible
 CGLFlatShader2D2D flat (solid fill) shader program
 CGLImageShader2D2D image shader program (simple, up to three channels)
 CGLLineShader2D2D line shader program
 CGLContainerGL window container
 CGLView2D2D GL view of an image with axes and gridlines
 CCameraCamera (modelview projection matrix manipulation)
 CGLWindowTop level GL window
 CNavigationDock2D2D dock widget for plane nagivation
 CTexelPropertiesMap a given PixelType enum to the corresponding GL texel definitions
 CTexelProperties< ::ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType::BIT >Properties of BIT texels
 CTexelProperties< ::ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType::COMPLEXDOUBLE >Properties of DOUBLECOMPLEX texels
 CTexelProperties< ::ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType::COMPLEXFLOAT >Properties of COMPLEX texels
 CTexelProperties< ::ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType::DOUBLE >Properties of DOUBLE texels
 CTexelProperties< ::ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType::FLOAT >Properties of FLOAT texels
 CTexelProperties< ::ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType::INT16 >Properties of INT16 texels
 CTexelProperties< ::ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType::INT32 >Properties of INT32 texels
 CTexelProperties< ::ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType::INT8 >Properties of INT8 texels
 CTexelProperties< ::ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType::UINT16 >Properties of UINT16 texels
 CTexelProperties< ::ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType::UINT32 >Properties of UINT32 texels
 CTexelProperties< ::ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType::UINT8 >Properties of UINT8 texels