ome-files  0.1.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NfilesOME-Files image reading and writing
 NdetailImplementation details
 NtiffTIFF implementation details
 CCopySubchannelVisitorCopy a single subchannel from a PixelBuffer
 CFormatReaderInterface for all biological file format readers (default behaviour)
 CFormatWriterInterface for all biological file format writers (default behaviour)
 CMergeSubchannelVisitorMerge a single subchannel into a PixelBuffer
 CMetadataMapFlattenVisitorVisitor template for flattening of MetadataMap vector values
 CMetadataMapOStreamVisitorVisitor template for output of MetadataMap values to an ostream
 CMetadataMapValueTypeOStreamVisitorVisitor template for output of MetadataMap values to an ostream
 COMETIFFPlaneMetadata for a single plane within an OME-TIFF file set
 CPixelBufferArrayVisitorFind a PixelBuffer data array of a specific pixel type
 CPixelBufferConstArrayVisitorFind a PixelBuffer data array of a specific pixel type
 CReaderPropertiesProperties specific to a particular reader
 CVariantPixelBufferAssignVisitorAssign a PixelBuffer from an input iterator
 CVariantPixelBufferConstVisitorFind a PixelBuffer data array of a specific pixel type
 CVariantPixelBufferReadVisitorRead data into a PixelBuffer
 CVariantPixelBufferVisitorFind a PixelBuffer data array of a specific pixel type
 CVariantPixelBufferWriteVisitorWrite data from a PixelBuffer
 CWriterPropertiesProperties specific to a particular writer
 NinReader implementations
 CMinimalTIFFReaderBasic TIFF reader
 COMETIFFReaderTIFF reader with support for OME-XML metadata
 CTIFFReaderTIFF reader with support for ImageJ extensions
 CMinimalTIFFWriterBasic TIFF writer
 COMETIFFWriterTIFF writer with support for OME-XML metadata
 NtiffTIFF file format (libtiff wrapper)
 CCodecA TIFF codec
 CExceptionException thrown for TIFF (libtiff) errors
 CFieldField representing a tag value
 CFieldBaseCommon functionality for fields of all types
 CIFDImage File Directory (IFD)
 CIFDIteratorIterator for IFDs contained within a TIFF
 CIFDRangeRange of IFDs for an image series
 CImageJMetadataImageJ metadata from IFD tags
 CSentrySentry for saving and restoring libtiff state
 CTIFFTagged Image File Format (TIFF)
 CTileInfoTile information for an IFD
 CValueField value
 CValueProxyProxy for getting and setting a Field value
 CCoreMetadataCore metadata values
 CFileInfoBasic metadata for a file
 CFormatExceptionException thrown for file format operation errors
 CFormatHandlerInterface for all biological file format readers and writers
 CFormatReaderInterface for all biological file format readers
 CSaveSeriesSentry for saving and restoring reader series state
 CFormatWriterInterface for all biological file format writers
 CMetadataConfigurableMetadata configuration interface
 CMetadataMapMetadata key-value map using a restricted set of value types
 CgetkeyFunctor to get a map key
 Cmake_vectorConvert T into a std::vector<T>
 CMetadataOptionsMetadata options
 CModuloA subdimension of Z, C, or T
 CPixelBufferBuffer for a specific pixel type
 CPixelBufferBaseBase class for all PixelBuffer types
 CPixelEndianPropertiesMap the given PixelPropertiesType and Endian enums to the corresponding endian-specific language type
 CPixelEndianProperties< P, ENDIAN_BIG >Properties of big endian pixels
 CPixelEndianProperties< P, ENDIAN_LITTLE >Properties of little endian pixels
 CPixelEndianProperties< P, ENDIAN_NATIVE >Properties of native endian pixels
 CPixelPropertiesMap a given PixelPropertiesType enum to the corresponding language types
 CPixelProperties< ::ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType::BIT >Properties of BIT pixels
 CPixelProperties< ::ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType::COMPLEX >Properties of COMPLEX pixels
 CPixelProperties< ::ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType::DOUBLE >Properties of DOUBLE pixels
 CPixelProperties< ::ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType::DOUBLECOMPLEX >Properties of DOUBLECOMPLEX pixels
 CPixelProperties< ::ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType::FLOAT >Properties of FLOAT pixels
 CPixelProperties< ::ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType::INT16 >Properties of INT16 pixels
 CPixelProperties< ::ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType::INT32 >Properties of INT32 pixels
 CPixelProperties< ::ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType::INT8 >Properties of INT8 pixels
 CPixelProperties< ::ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType::UINT16 >Properties of UINT16 pixels
 CPixelProperties< ::ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType::UINT32 >Properties of UINT32 pixels
 CPixelProperties< ::ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType::UINT8 >Properties of UINT8 pixels
 CPixelPropertiesBaseProperties common to all pixel types
 CPlaneRegionA rectangular region
 CTileBufferTile pixel data buffer
 CTileCacheTile cache
 CTileCoverageTile coverage cache
 CImplInternal implementation details of TileCoverage
 CUnknownFormatExceptionException thrown for unrecognized or unsupported data streams or filenames
 CUnsupportedCompressionExceptionException thrown for unsupported compression types
 CVariantPixelBufferBuffer for all pixel types
 Cmake_bufferConvert T into a buffer
 CVersionRelease version