public class IvisionReader extends FormatReader
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
(package private) class |
IvisionReader.IvisionHandler |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private java.lang.String |
binX |
private java.lang.String |
binY |
private boolean |
color16 |
private java.lang.String |
creationDate |
static java.lang.String |
private java.lang.String |
deltaT |
private java.lang.String |
exposureTime |
private java.lang.String |
gain |
private boolean |
hasPaddingByte |
private long |
imageOffset |
private java.lang.Double |
lensNA |
private byte[] |
lut |
private java.lang.Double |
magnification |
private java.lang.String |
offset |
private java.lang.Double |
refractiveIndex |
private boolean |
squareRoot |
private java.lang.String |
wavelength |
core, coreIndex, datasetDescription, domains, fillColor, filterMetadata, flattenedResolutions, group, hasCompanionFiles, in, indexedAsRGB, metadata, metadataStore, normalizeData, resolution, saveOriginalMetadata, series, suffixNecessary, suffixSufficient, THUMBNAIL_DIMENSION
COMPRESSION_SUFFIXES, currentId, format, LOGGER, metadataOptions, suffixes
Constructor and Description |
Constructs a new Ivision reader.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
close(boolean fileOnly)
Closes the currently open file.
protected void |
initFile(java.lang.String id)
Initializes the given file (parsing header information, etc.).
boolean |
isThisType(loci.common.RandomAccessInputStream stream)
Checks if the given stream is a valid stream for this file format.
byte[] |
openBytes(int no,
byte[] buf,
int x,
int y,
int w,
int h)
Obtains a sub-image of the specified image plane
into a pre-allocated byte array.
addGlobalMeta, addGlobalMeta, addGlobalMeta, addGlobalMeta, addGlobalMeta, addGlobalMeta, addGlobalMeta, addGlobalMeta, addGlobalMeta, addGlobalMetaList, addMeta, addMetaList, addSeriesMeta, addSeriesMeta, addSeriesMeta, addSeriesMeta, addSeriesMeta, addSeriesMeta, addSeriesMeta, addSeriesMeta, addSeriesMeta, addSeriesMetaList, close, coreIndexToSeries, fileGroupOption, flattenHashtables, get16BitLookupTable, get8BitLookupTable, getAcquisitionMode, getAdvancedSeriesUsedFiles, getAdvancedUsedFiles, getArcType, getAvailableOptions, getBinning, getBitsPerPixel, getCompression, getContrastMethod, getCoreIndex, getCoreMetadataList, getCorrection, getCurrentCore, getCurrentFile, getDatasetStructureDescription, getDetectorType, getDimensionOrder, getDimensionOrder, getDomains, getEffectiveSizeC, getExperimentType, getFilamentType, getFillColor, getFillRule, getFilterType, getFontFamily, getFontStyle, getGlobalMeta, getGlobalMetadata, getIlluminationType, getImageCount, getImmersion, getIndex, getIndex, getLaserMedium, getLaserType, getMarker, getMedium, getMetadataStore, getMetadataStoreRoot, getMetadataValue, getMicrobeamManipulationType, getMicroscopeType, getModuloC, getModuloT, getModuloZ, getNamingConvention, getOptimalTileHeight, getOptimalTileWidth, getPixelType, getPixelType, getPossibleDomains, getPulse, getRequiredDirectories, getResolution, getResolutionCount, getRGBChannelCount, getRotationTransform, getSeries, getSeriesCount, getSeriesMeta, getSeriesMetadata, getSeriesMetadataValue, getSeriesUsedFiles, getSeriesUsedFiles, getSizeC, getSizeT, getSizeX, getSizeY, getSizeZ, getThumbSizeX, getThumbSizeY, getTileColumns, getTileRows, getUnderlyingReaders, getUsedFiles, getUsedFiles, getZCTCoords, getZCTModuloCoords, hasCompanionFiles, hasFlattenedResolutions, isFalseColor, isGroupFiles, isIndexed, isInterleaved, isInterleaved, isLittleEndian, isMetadataComplete, isMetadataFiltered, isNormalized, isOrderCertain, isOriginalMetadataPopulated, isRGB, isSingleFile, isThisType, isThisType, isThisType, isThumbnailSeries, isUsedFile, makeFilterMetadata, openBytes, openBytes, openBytes, openPlane, openThumbBytes, readPlane, readPlane, readPlane, reopenFile, seriesToCoreIndex, setCoreIndex, setFillColor, setFlattenedResolutions, setGroupFiles, setId, setMetadataFiltered, setMetadataStore, setNormalized, setOriginalMetadataPopulated, setResolution, setSeries, updateMetadataLists
checkSuffix, checkSuffix, getFormat, getMetadataOptions, getNativeDataType, getSuffixes, getSupportedMetadataLevels, setMetadataOptions
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
getFormat, getNativeDataType, getSuffixes
getMetadataOptions, getSupportedMetadataLevels, setMetadataOptions
getTileCodec, getTileCodecOptions, openCompressedBytes, openCompressedBytes
public static final java.lang.String DATE_FORMAT
private boolean color16
private boolean squareRoot
private byte[] lut
private long imageOffset
private java.lang.String binX
private java.lang.String binY
private java.lang.String creationDate
private java.lang.String exposureTime
private java.lang.String gain
private java.lang.String offset
private java.lang.String deltaT
private java.lang.Double magnification
private java.lang.Double lensNA
private java.lang.Double refractiveIndex
private java.lang.String wavelength
private boolean hasPaddingByte
public boolean isThisType(loci.common.RandomAccessInputStream stream) throws
in interface IFormatReader
in class FormatReader
- A RandomAccessInputStream representing the file to check.
The first byte in the stream is assumed to be the first byte
in the
public byte[] openBytes(int no, byte[] buf, int x, int y, int w, int h) throws FormatException,
in interface IFormatReader
in class FormatReader
- the plane index within the current series.buf
- a pre-allocated buffer.x
- X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the sub-imagey
- Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the sub-imagew
- width of the sub-imageh
- height of the sub-imagebuf
for convenience.FormatException
- if there was a problem parsing the metadata of the
- if there was a problem reading the file.IFormatReader.openBytes(int, byte[], int, int, int, int)
public void close(boolean fileOnly) throws
in interface IFormatReader
in class FormatReader
protected void initFile(java.lang.String id) throws FormatException,
in class FormatReader
- if a parsing error occurs processing the
- if an I/O error occurs processing the fileCopyright © 2025 Open Microscopy Environment