See: Description
Class | Description |
AWTImageTools |
A utility class with convenience methods for manipulating images
BufferedImage form. |
BufferedImageReader |
A reader wrapper for reading image planes as BufferedImage objects.
BufferedImageSource |
Retrieves BufferedImages from a data source using Bio-Formats.
BufferedImageWriter |
A writer wrapper for writing image planes from BufferedImage objects.
CacheComponent |
GUI component for managing a cache.
CacheIndicator |
Indicator GUI component showing which planes are currently in the cache
for a given dimensional axis at a particular dimensional position.
ComboFileFilter |
A file filter that recognizes files from a union of other filters.
DataConverter |
A utility for reorganizing and converting QuickTime movies,
TIFF series and other 4D datasets.
ExtensionFileFilter |
A file filter based on file extensions, for use with a JFileChooser.
FormatFileFilter |
A file filter for a biological file format, for use with a JFileChooser.
GUITools |
A utility class for working with graphical user interfaces.
ImageViewer |
ImageViewer is a simple viewer/converter
for the Bio-Formats image formats.
Index16ColorModel |
ColorModel that handles 16 bits per channel lookup tables.
NoExtensionFileFilter |
A file filter that selects files with no extension,
for use with a JFileChooser.
PreviewPane |
PreviewPane is a panel for use as a JFileChooser accessory, displaying
a thumbnail for the selected image, loaded in a separate thread.
SignedByteBuffer |
DataBuffer that stores signed bytes.
SignedColorModel |
ColorModel that handles 8, 16 and 32 bits per channel signed data.
SignedShortBuffer |
DataBuffer that stores signed shorts.
TwoChannelColorSpace |
ColorSpace for 2-channel images.
UnsignedIntBuffer |
DataBuffer that stores unsigned ints.
UnsignedIntColorModel |
ColorModel that handles unsigned 32 bit data.
XMLCellRenderer |
A tree cell renderer for displaying syntax highlighted XML in a JTree.
XMLCellRenderer.XMLItem |
Cell renderer item for use as DefaultMutableTreeNode user object.
XMLWindow |
A window containing syntax highlighted XML as a tree.
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