Version: 5.0.8-ice34-b60

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[ "deprecated: use omero::cmd::DeleteRsp instead" ] class DeleteReport

Status object which is returned for each DeleteCommand passed to IDelete::queueCommand.

This class is deprecated.

Used By


Data Member Index

The command object itself.
Primary feedback mechanism.
Extra feedback mechanism.
Map from type name ("Thumbnail", "Pixels", "OriginalFile") to a list of ids for any binary files which did not get dieleted.
Number of steps that this DeleteCommand requires.
Number of objects that this DeleteCommand will attempt to delete.
Number of actual deletes which took place.
Server time (in milliseconds since the epoch) at which processing of DeleteCommand began.
Server time (in milliseconds since the epoch) at which processing of this step was started.
Server time (in milliseconds since the epoch) at which processing of this step was finished.
Server time (in milliseconds since the epoch) at which processing of DeleteCommand was finished.

Data Members

DeleteCommand command;

The command object itself.

This member is deprecated.

string error;

Primary feedback mechanism. If this value is non-empty, then there was an error during processing of this command. This will cause DeleteHandle::errors to return a value higher than 0 and the entire transaction, including all DeleteCommands.

This member is deprecated.

string warning;

Extra feedback mechanism. Typically will only be non-empty if the error is empty. This implies that some situation was encountered that the user may need to be informed of (e.g. some annotation wasn't deleted), but which was non-critical.

This member is deprecated.

IdListMap undeletedFiles;

Map from type name ("Thumbnail", "Pixels", "OriginalFile") to a list of ids for any binary files which did not get dieleted. Some action may be desired by the user to guarantee that this server-space is eventually

This member is deprecated.

int steps;

Number of steps that this DeleteCommand requires.

This member is deprecated.

long scheduledDeletes;

Number of objects that this DeleteCommand will attempt to delete.

This member is deprecated.

long actualDeletes;

Number of actual deletes which took place.

This member is deprecated.

long start;

Server time (in milliseconds since the epoch) at which processing of DeleteCommand began.

This member is deprecated.

LongArray stepStarts;

Server time (in milliseconds since the epoch) at which processing of this step was started.

This member is deprecated.

LongArray stepStops;

Server time (in milliseconds since the epoch) at which processing of this step was finished.

This member is deprecated.

long stop;

Server time (in milliseconds since the epoch) at which processing of DeleteCommand was finished.

This member is deprecated.

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