Version: 5.0.8-ice34-b60

OmeroBlitz Api
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[ "deprecated: use omero::cmd::Delete instead" ] struct DeleteCommand

Command object which represents a single delete request. Several of these can be passed to the IDelete::queueDelete method at once. All will occur in the same transation.

This module is deprecated.

Used By


Data Member Index

Describes a type which will be deleted.
Id of the object object which is either the type or the root of the graph given by type.
Key/value pairs which represent options on how to properly walk the graph provided by type.

Data Members

string type;

Describes a type which will be deleted. Type strings may either be OMERO classes like "Image" or "Dataset", but may also represent larger graphs of objects which should be deleted, e.g. "/Image/Acquisition" which would remove all of the acquisition data associated to the image with the given id.

This member is deprecated.

long id;

Id of the object object which is either the type or the root of the graph given by type.

This member is deprecated.

StringStringMap options;

Key/value pairs which represent options on how to properly walk the graph provided by type.

deleteCommand.options = {"/Image/Tags":REAP}
would only delete the tags associated with the image if they would otherwise be orphaned.

This member is deprecated.

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