Version: 5.0.8-ice34-b60

OmeroBlitz Api
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[ "ami", "amd" ] interface IRoi extends ServiceInterface

Interface for working with regions of interest.

Operation Index

Returns a RoiResult with a single Roi member.
Returns all the Rois in an Image, indexed via Shape.
Returns all the Rois on the given plane, indexed via Shape.
Calculate the points contained within a given shape
Calculate stats for all the shapes within the given Roi.
Calculate the stats for the points within the given Shape.
Calculate the stats for the points within the given Shapes.
Returns a list of model::FileAnnotation instances with the namespace "" which are attached to the model::Plate containing the given image AND which are attached to at least one model::Roi @param opts, userId and groupId are respected based on the ownership of the annotation.
Loads the ROIs which are linked to by the given model::FileAnnotation id for the given image.
Returns a map from model::FileAnnotation ids to RoiResult instances.
Returns the OMERO.tables service via the model::FileAnnotation id returned by getImageMeasurements.


RoiResult findByRoi(long roiId, RoiOptions opts) throws ServerError

Returns a RoiResult with a single Roi member. Shape linkages are properly created. All Shapes are loaded, as is the Pixels and Image object. TODO: Annotations?

RoiResult findByImage(long imageId, RoiOptions opts) throws ServerError

Returns all the Rois in an Image, indexed via Shape. Loads Rois as findByRoi.

RoiResult findByPlane(long imageId, int z, int t, RoiOptions opts) throws ServerError

Returns all the Rois on the given plane, indexed via Shape. Loads Rois as findByRoi.

ShapePoints getPoints(long shapeId) throws ServerError

Calculate the points contained within a given shape

RoiStats getRoiStats(long roiId) throws ServerError

Calculate stats for all the shapes within the given Roi.

ShapeStats getShapeStats(long shapeId) throws ServerError

Calculate the stats for the points within the given Shape.

ShapeStatsList getShapeStatsList(LongList shapeIdList) throws ServerError

Calculate the stats for the points within the given Shapes.

AnnotationList getRoiMeasurements(long imageId, RoiOptions opts) throws ServerError

Returns a list of model::FileAnnotation instances with the namespace "" which are attached to the model::Plate containing the given image AND which are attached to at least one model::Roi


userId and groupId are respected based on the ownership of the annotation.

RoiResult getMeasuredRois(long imageId, long annotationId, RoiOptions opts) throws ServerError

Loads the ROIs which are linked to by the given model::FileAnnotation id for the given image.


if -1, logic is identical to findByImage(imageId, opts)

LongRoiResultMap getMeasuredRoisMap(long imageId, LongList annotationIds, RoiOptions opts) throws ServerError

Returns a map from model::FileAnnotation ids to RoiResult instances. Logic is identical to getMeasuredRois, but Roi data will not be duplicated. (i.e. the objects are referentially identical)

grid::Table* getTable(long annotationId) throws ServerError

Returns the OMERO.tables service via the model::FileAnnotation id returned by getImageMeasurements.

void uploadMask(long roiId, int z, int t, ::Ice::ByteSeq bytes) throws ServerError

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