Version: 5.0.8-ice34-b60
Returns empty columns. Leave all three of start, stop, step to 0 to disable. TODO:Test effect of returning a billion rows matching getWhereList()
Read the given rows of data. rowNumbers must contain at least one element or an ApiUsageException will be thrown.
Simple slice method which will return only the given columns and rows in the order supplied. If colNumbers or rowNumbers is empty (or None), then all values will be returned.
data = table.slice(None, None) assert len(data.rowNumbers) == table.getNumberOfRows() data = table.slice(None, 3,2,1) assert data.rowNumbers == 3,2,1
Allows the user to modify a Data instance passed back from a query method and have the values modified. It is critical that the Data::lastModification and the Data::rowNumbers fields are properly set. An exception will be thrown if the data has since been modified.
Initializes the structure based on
Adds a column and returns the position index of the new column.