name: title class: center, middle # Hibernate Training .larger[[Mark T. B. Carroll](] [Open Microscopy Environment](, [University of Dundee]( November 2017 --- # Four Sections 1. [Querying OMERO with HQL](#queries) 1. [Annotating model objects](#annotations) 1. [Persisted proxy objects](#proxies) 1. [Enforcing OMERO permissions](#permissions) --- name: queries class: center, middle # Querying OMERO with HQL .larger[(section one)] --- # HQL queries - HQL naming is case-sensitive. - Use the class and property names from the [model object glossary]( - Try to use it to navigate from [`Dataset`]( to [`Image`]( - Step from class to class via properties. --- # Images in Dataset ```sql SELECT l.child FROM DatasetImageLink l WHERE = :id ``` - Specify class and property names. - Fetches model objects, instances of [`Image`]( - Plug in values of parameters. - Prefix each parameter name with a colon. - [Do not]( concatenate literal values in query string. --- # Testing from client scripts ```python query_svc = conn.getQueryService() hql = ("SELECT l.child " "FROM DatasetImageLink l " "WHERE = :id") params = omero.sys.ParametersI() params.addId(omero.rtypes.rlong(1)) images = query_svc.findAllByQuery(hql, params) for image in images: print( ``` --- # Collection problem ... ```sql SELECT d.imageLinks.child FROM Dataset d WHERE = :id ``` - Still querying a dataset's images. - `imageLinks` is a collection. - Cannot select their properties. --- # ... solve using joins ```sql SELECT l.child FROM Dataset d JOIN d.imageLinks l WHERE = :id ``` --- # Select simple values ```sql SELECT, FROM Dataset d JOIN d.imageLinks l JOIN l.child i WHERE = :name ``` - Used `name` property in both `SELECT` and `WHERE`. - The server accesses values of those properties. - Use [`projection`]( instead of [`findAllByQuery`]( - This gives us simple values, not whole model objects. - Selecting only certain properties can reduce size of query results. --- # Fetch *then* inspect ... ```sql SELECT l FROM Dataset d JOIN d.imageLinks l JOIN l.child i WHERE = :name ``` - Fetches model objects, instances of [`DatasetImageLink`]( - `l.child` has [`Image`]( with ID *only*. - From query results cannot access `` in client. - The server had no reason to read that property. --- # ... needs deeper fetching - For the [`Image`]( property do a *fetch* in the join: ```sql JOIN FETCH l.child i ``` - Fetching an object value hydrates its properties: ```python links = query_svc.findAllByQuery(hql, params) for link in links: image = link.child print("{}: {}".format(, ``` --- # Fetching `null` values ... ```python hql = ("FROM Image i " "JOIN FETCH i.instrument") images = query_svc.findAllByQuery(hql, None) for image in images: print( ``` - Fetch images with their instruments hydrated. - Image names may include `2chZT.lsm` yet not `ankle.dcm`. - `ankle.dcm` has no instrument. --- # ... *outer* joins include all ```python hql = ("FROM Image i " "LEFT OUTER JOIN FETCH i.instrument") ``` - Fetches both `2chZT.lsm` and `ankle.dcm`. - *Left outer* join includes results even when no property value to fetch. - Note that omitting `SELECT` fetches the `FROM` object. --- .nestled[ # Images in project ## using join] ```sql SELECT i FROM Project p JOIN p.datasetLinks dl JOIN dl.child d JOIN d.imageLinks il JOIN il.child i WHERE = :id ``` - Uses convenience properties of [`Project`]( and [`Dataset`]( - Each also has `annotationLinks`. --- .nestled[ # Images in project ## using object equality] ```sql SELECT dil.child FROM ProjectDatasetLink pdl, DatasetImageLink dil WHERE = :id AND pdl.child = dil.parent ``` - One may name multiple classes in the `FROM`. - Can tie the related objects together in the `WHERE`. - Object equality in `WHERE` can work like `JOIN`. --- # SQL is more ID-centric - The view of OMERO from `psql` is very ID-based. - OMERO `datasetimagelink` table includes columns: ``` id | bigint | not null parent | bigint | not null child | bigint | not null owner_id | bigint | not null group_id | bigint | not null ``` - All these columns store IDs. - Joins are based on IDs explicitly. --- # Group context - Server operations occur within a group. - See `callContext` arguments in [`Executor`]( - Blitz API calls become server operations. - Context constrains scope of queries. - Special `""` dictionary key. - Special group ID `"-1"` means "all groups". - CLI `hql` plugin `--all` [sets group of -1]( --- .nestled[ # Setting group context ## from Blitz clients] - Optional context arguments when, - getting service from factory - calling service method - includes `client.getImplicitContext()`. - `setSecurityContext` on service factory - applies server-side to session. --- # Pagination ... - Sometimes required for scalability. - Select a limited slice from a large results set. - We already used a `Parameters` object to specify an object ID: ```python params = omero.sys.ParametersI() params.addId(omero.rtypes.rlong(1)) ``` - Clients can use, - [` offset, int limit)`]( - Server-side code can similarly use, - [` offset, Integer limit)`]( --- .nestled[ # ... without query service ## (server-side)] - [`Executor`]( via [`doWork`]( provides a Hibernate [`Session`]( instance. - Pass HQL query to [`Session.createQuery(String)`]( - Server-side pagination can then be done on query, - [`Query.setFirstResult(int)`]( for offset - [`Query.setMaxResults(int)`]( for limit. - Query service also often available to server code. - A service factory is provided to [`doWork`]( --- # Using the server's `doWork` - [`doWork`]( implementation method may be preceded with annotation: ```java @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Object doWork(Session session, ServiceFactory sf) { // ... query code using session or sf ... } ``` - Safest to set a read-only transaction unless writes are required. --- # HQL is *not* PostgreSQL Examples of workarounds include, - Case-insensitive string matching: - PostgreSQL offers `ILIKE`. - In HQL use `LIKE` with `LOWER(...)`. - Mathematical operators: - PostgreSQL offers `@` for absolute value. - In HQL use `ABS(...`) instead. --- .nestled[ # Querying permissions ## for [`Image`](, take one] ```python hql = ("SELECT NEW Map(i AS i_details_permissions) " "FROM Image i") rows = query_svc.projection(hql, None) for row in rows: perms = row[0].val['i_details_permissions'].val print("{} {}".format(perms['perm'].val, perms['canAnnotate'].val)) ``` - Selecting `i.details.permissions` gives *wrong* results from client. - OMERO.web has examples of `*_details_permissions`. --- .nestled[ # Querying permissions ## for [`Image`](, take two] ```python hql = "FROM Image" images = query_svc.findAllByQuery(hql, None) for image in images: perms = image.details.permissions print("{} {}".format(perms, perms.canAnnotate())) ``` - Checking model objects' permissions works fine. - Outputs the same as previous script. --- .nestled[ # Querying map annotations ## [`MapAnnotation`](, take one] ```python hql = ("SELECT,, nv.value " "FROM MapAnnotation ma " "JOIN ma.mapValue nv") rows = query_svc.projection(hql, None) for row in rows: print("ID {} has, {}: {}".format( row[0].val, row[1].val, row[2].val)) ``` - Join list of named values as `mapValue` property. - Prints contents of every map annotation. --- .nestled[ # Querying map annotations ## [`MapAnnotation`](, take two] ```python hql = "FROM MapAnnotation" map_anns = query_svc.findAllByQuery(hql, None) for map_ann in map_anns: for nv in map_ann.mapValue: print("ID {} has, {}: {}".format(,, nv.value)) ``` - Outputs the same as previous script. --- # A more unusual query ... - Which image formats have reported that the objective lens is designed to be immersed in oil? ```sql SELECT DISTINCT i.format.value FROM Objective o, Image i WHERE o.immersion.value = 'Oil' AND o.instrument = i.instrument ``` - `2chZT.lsm` shows that `ZeissLSM` is one such format. --- # ... query explained ```sql SELECT DISTINCT i.format.value FROM Objective o, Image i WHERE o.immersion.value = 'Oil' AND o.instrument = i.instrument ``` - `DISTINCT` removes duplicates. - Enumerations like [`Format`]( and [`Immersion`]( have a `value` property. - They also have an ID. - [`Instrument`]( links [`Image`]( to [`Objective`]( - Try writing this query using `JOIN`. --- class: center, middle .larger[Any comments or questions?] --- name: annotations class: center, middle # Annotating model objects .larger[(section two)] --- # The OMERO object model [XML mapping files]( define what becomes the [model object glossary]( 1. Code generation translates the mapping files to the `ome.model.*` Java classes used in the server. 1. Hibernate uses Java reflection to understand those Java classes as defining model objects that can be persisted in the database. 1. Code generation translates those classes to Slice definitions in `components/blitz/generated/omero/model/*.ice`. 1. ZeroC's Ice developer tools translate the Slice definitions to the `omero.model.*` classes used in clients. --- .nestled[ # Kinds of object property ## simple value] - [`Objective`]( is defined in a [mapping file]( - To define the property `manufacturer`: ```xml
``` - In the generated Java class the `getManufacturer()` method has: ```java @Column(columnDefinition="", name="manufacturer", nullable=true, unique=false, updatable=true) ``` --- .nestled[ # Kinds of object property ## dimensioned value definition] - [`Objective`]( has a dimensioned property: ```xml
``` - The generated `ome.model.acquisition.Objective` method `getWorkingDistance()` has an `@Embedded` annotation. - Such values can occupy multiple columns in the database table. --- .nestled[ # Kinds of object property ## dimensioned value attributes] ```java @AttributeOverride(name="value", column = @Column(name="workingDistance")), @AttributeOverride(name="unit", column = @Column(name="workingDistanceUnit")) ``` - The `objective` database table has columns named `workingDistance` and `workingDistanceUnit`. - For HQL these annotations define `workingDistance.unit` and `workingDistance.value` properties of [`Objective`]( --- .nestled[ # Kinds of object property ## mapped object value (to)] - [`Objective`]( links to another model object: ```xml
``` - `manyone`: Many objectives can share the same instrument. - The annotations on `getInstrument()` may seem intimidating. --- .nestled[ # Kinds of object property ## mapped object value (from)] - [`Instrument`]( has a corresponding property, ```xml
``` - `zeromany`: An instrument has zero or more objectives. --- .nestled[ # Mapped object properties ## joining] Annotations define how `Objective.instrument` acts in joins: - `@ManyToOne` reflects the `manyone` XML element. - `targetEntity` and `@JoinColumn` further define the join. - `@ForeignKey` becomes the `objective` table's: ```sql FOREIGN KEY (instrument) REFERENCES instrument(id) ``` - The values of the `objective` table's `instrument` column are drawn from those of the `instrument` table's `id` column in the database. --- .nestled[ # Mapped object properties ## cascading and fetching] - `Objective.getInstrument()` has a `@Cascade` annotation and references to `CascadeType`. - When something is done to an objective, cascading defines what happens to related objects. - The `FetchType.LAZY` means that the instrument's properties are fetched only by need. - Clients may thus require `JOIN FETCH o.instrument` or similar. --- .nestled[ # Mapped object properties ## exceptions to mapping] - Hibernate expects to map Java object properties, as from `get*()` or `is*()` methods, to database columns. - It uses corresponding `set*()` in loading objects from the database. - `@Transient` tells Hibernate *not* to map the annotated property. - The [`*()` methods]( use this annotation. - This class is *not* defined in an XML mapping file. --- # Subclass discriminators - See OMERO's [annotations definition]( ```xml
``` - The database's `annotation` table has a `discriminator` column. - Its value is how Hibernate knows each annotation's subclass. --- # Subclass annotations - The generated `Annotation` class uses: ```java @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE) @DiscriminatorColumn(name="discriminator", discriminatorType=DiscriminatorType.STRING) ``` - Its `MapAnnotation` subclass has: ```java @DiscriminatorValue("/map/") ``` - Annotations are all in the `annotation` table where map annotations have a `/map/` discriminator. --- # Subclasses across tables - OMERO's [jobs definition]( has *no* mention of discriminators. - The generated `Job` class has: ```java @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED) ``` - Without a discriminator column other database tables are used to track jobs' subclasses. --- .nestled[ # Script jobs as a subclass ## defined in XML] - [`ScriptJob`]( is [defined]( by: ```xml
``` --- .nestled[ # Script jobs as a subclass ## in the database] - The `scriptjob` table in the database has columns: ``` description | character varying(255) | job_id | bigint | not null ``` - The `job_id` column links to the `job` table: ```sql FOREIGN KEY (job_id) REFERENCES job(id) ``` - Rows in such tables are how Hibernate knows each job's subclass. --- # Seeing Hibernate's SQL - To see the SQL queries adjust the server's [`logback.xml`]( to have: ```xml
``` - A running server may take a minute to notice the change. - Your `Blitz-0.log` may grow rapidly. - With newer Hibernate, query parameter values would be shown by: ```xml
``` --- class: center, middle .larger[Any comments or questions?] --- name: proxies class: center, middle # Persisted proxy objects .larger[(section three)] --- # Object-relational mapping - Hibernate maps object instances to table rows in a relational database. - Software developers work with objects in a familiar way without SQL. - Object property values can be fetched by need. - Updates to objects are propagated back to the database. - Changes to the underlying database schema may be transparent to application developers. --- # Hibernate challenges - Ambitious usage of Hibernate tends to reveal problems. - Docs often seem ambiguous or wrong, where they exist at all. - Longstanding bugs lie unaddressed. - We use Hibernate partly by stumbling upon workarounds to disappointing behaviors. - Under the hood there hides complexity. The courageous may, - review Java annotations for linking instruments to objectives - try looking at SQL logged by `org.hibernate.SQL`. --- # Online documentation - OMERO 5.4 uses Hibernate **3**.5.6. - October 2017's Hibernate release is **5**.2.12. - Be correspondingly careful in searching online for help. - Much of what you read does not yet apply to OMERO. --- # Hibernate proxy objects - Hibernate uses Java trickery to wrap `ome.model.*` instances. - For subclasses `instanceof` can be deceiving. - `GraphTraversal` [works around]( the class confusion: ```java if (object instanceof HibernateProxy) { this.className = Hibernate.getClass(object).getName(); } else { this.className = object.getClass().getName(); } ``` --- # Persistent instances - The server code that works with model object instances typically, - has an open Hibernate session to use - works within a PostgreSQL database transaction. - A Hibernate [`Session`]( instance offers useful methods. - These allow management of a model object's lifecycle. - Hibernate tracks objects that are attached to sessions. - The model objects are wrapped in [proxies]( - Changes to such objects are automagically written to the database. --- # Hibernate for Requests - [`IRequest`]( defines the lifecycle for [`Request`]( implementations. - Its `init`, `step`, `finish` methods are called with the same Hibernate session open. - These are the same requests that you [submit]( to an OMERO.blitz service factory. - Each request implementation has access to the [`Session`]( instance via [`init`]('s `helper` argument. - This is why model graph operations can provide [`GraphTraversal`]( with a Hibernate [`Session`]( --- .nestled[ # Model object states ## new instances] - Java's `new` keyword can create a *transient* model object: - with no ID - not tracked by Hibernate - not attached to a session. - Use [`persist`]( to have Hibernate track it. - By the end of the session Hibernate will, - assign an ID to the new object - write it to the database. --- .nestled[ # Model object states ## old instances] - Model objects can be loaded from a Hibernate [`Session`]( - These instances are *persistent*. - Hibernate will track your changes to them. - Changes are flushed during or at the end of the transaction. - After the session is closed then the objects become *detached*. - They are no longer tracked by Hibernate. - Use [`merge`]( to write a detached object to the database and get a persistent version of it back from the new session. --- .nestled[ # Model object states ## other session methods] - A Hibernate [`Session`]( instance offers many other methods. - Our server code uses `save`, `update`, `refresh` and more. - `persist` and `merge` should get you far. - They are specified by the Java Persistence API thus generalize beyond Hibernate. --- # Lazy loading - We have already mentioned [`Session.createQuery(String)`]( for querying model objects. - We also saw mention of `FetchType.LAZY` on an object property. - Use [`load`](, to retrieve existing objects by ID. - Loads a persistent object from the database. - Its properties may be fetched transparently as you use them. - Fetch-by-need works while the session remains open. --- # Writing data using HQL - HQL can be used for more than reading data. - [`Session.createQuery(String)`]( returns a [`Query`]( instance. - Queries offer an [`executeUpdate()`]( method. - [`GraphTraversal.Processor`]( implementations often use HQL for bulk updates. --- .nestled[ # Bulk updates in HQL ## nulling a property ] - [`BaseGraphTraversalProcessor`]( does: ```java final String update = "UPDATE " + className + " SET " + propertyName + " = NULL WHERE id IN (:ids)"; session.createQuery(update).setParameterList("ids", ids) .executeUpdate(); ``` - Updates many model objects without doing `set*(null)` on each. - Provides better performance at scale. --- .nestled[ # Bulk updates in HQL ## deleting instances ] - [`BaseGraphTraversalProcessor`]( does: ```java final String update = "DELETE FROM " + className + " WHERE id IN (:ids)"; final int count = session.createQuery(update).setParameterList("ids", ids) .executeUpdate(); ``` - Deletes many model objects' rows from the database. --- class: center, middle .larger[Any comments or questions?] --- name: permissions class: center, middle # Enforcing OMERO permissions .larger[(section four)] --- # Event context - Actions requested by clients are executed by a server thread operating within the context of the client's OMERO session. - Server threads each have [`CurrentDetails`]( tracking their [`EventContext`]( instances. - An event context notes the group memberships and other permissions associated with an OMERO session. - Much of OMERO's permissions code is based on checking the details of the currently applicable event context. --- # The ACL Voter - OMERO's [`ACLVoter`]( subclasses listen for events on Hibernate sessions. - Choice of subclass depends on the current security context. - [`BasicACLVoter`]( is the most complicated of them. - `allow*` methods determine how the user's OMERO session may read and write model objects. - Check which owner and group, memberships, etc. - [Basis for]( clients' [`can*`]( permissions methods. --- # Hibernate interceptors - We have seen useful object lifecycle methods on Hibernate [`Session`]( - Cause reads and writes. - Shift object state among: transient, persistent, detached. - Hibernate [provides hooks]( that intercept events on persistent objects. - [`OmeroInterceptor`]( intercepts lifecycle operations on model objects. - It works in concert with [`ACLVoter`]( checks. --- # The OMERO interceptor - Checks attempts to set and change model object permissions. - Detects security violations and cross-group links. - `onFlushDirty` checks [`OriginalFile`]( filepaths for violations of [2017-SV1]( and [2017-SV5]( - It also checks for changes in the value of the `repo` property. - `postFlush` populates the ` _current_admin_privileges` database table. - At the end of a transaction, database triggers may check users' attempts to set certain permissions. --- # Database triggers - OMERO interceptor does *not* intercept all data changes. - HQL bulk updates appear to bypass the interceptor. - Transaction hooks seem to be ineffective, perhaps due to Spring integration. - Some Hibernate-initiated SQL `INSERT`, `UPDATE` and `DELETE` statements trigger checks by procedural functions executed by PostgreSQL. --- # Censoring model objects - You may have noticed [`BasicACLVoter.postProcess`]( - This is called by [`ProxyCleanupFilter`]( which removes sensitive information from objects before providing them to clients. - For example, normal users may not read the `uuid` from others' OMERO [`Session`]( instances. - Would allow them to join those sessions. --- # Reading property values - OMERO's PostgreSQL triggers do not block read operations. - [`OmeroInterceptor`]( and [`BasicACLVoter`]( work with model object instances only. - [`IQuery.projection`]( reads model object property values *without* loading the object instances themselves. - Must somehow prevent [2016-SV2]( and: ```sql SELECT uuid FROM Session WHERE owner.omeName = 'root' ``` --- # Security filters - OMERO's [`SecurityFilter`]( provides conditions for the `WHERE` clause of the **S**QL for Hibernate's queries. - The conditions include parameters set from the current OMERO session's event context. - Code generation adds Hibernate's `@Filter` annotations to `ome.model.*` Java classes. - Queries for these classes have their `WHERE` clause modified. - Model object instances may fail to match their class' `WHERE` clause. - Their data is thus missing from query results. - Debug logging from `org.hibernate.SQL` includes these filter clauses. --- # Other security checks - [OMERO's services]( often include explicit permissions checks. - Many examples can be found in [the implementation]( of [IAdmin]( - Some [model graph operations]( include permissions checks in their [`IRequest.init`]( method. - [`GraphTraversal.Processor`]( offers `getRequiredPermissions` and `assertMayProcess` for [`GraphTraversal`]( to use in checking permissions. - Required permissions are represented by [`GraphPolicy.Ability`]( --- class: center, middle .nestled[ # Hibernate Training ## ... all done!] .larger[Any comments or questions?]