Interacting with your data in OMERO


The Paris of the North

June 2016

Colin Blackburn, Mark Carroll & Josh Moore

@openmicroscopy     #OME2016


  • Overview of the CLI
  • Working with data from the CLI
    • Creating stuff
    • Finding stuff
    • Getting stuff out
    • Deleting stuff
    • Moving stuff


The CLI is an OMERO client driven by the command line. It is a set of Python-based system-administration, deployment and advanced user tools. Most of commands work remotely so that the CLI can be used as a client against a remote OMERO server. It offers tools for users, facility managers, system administrators and developers.

CLI help

  $ bin/omero help
  usage: omero <command> [options] args
  See 'help <command>' or '<command> -h' for more information on syntax
  Type 'quit' to exit

  Available commands:
    admin, cecog, chgrp, chown, config, db, delete, download, export,
    fs, group, help, hql, import, ldap, load, node, obj, perf, quit,
    script, search, server, sessions, shell, tag, testengine, upload,
    user, version, web

  Other help topics:
    debug, env

  For additional information, see:

The CLI ecosystem

Working with data: Creating stuff

  • import
  • upload
  • tag
  • obj

Creating stuff: import

  • The CLI import command allows you to import images to an OMERO server from the command line.
  • It is ideally suited for anyone wanting to use a shell-scripted or web-based front-end interface for importing.
  • The command line version supports the same file formats and functions in much the same way.

Creating stuff: import

  • The CLI import command returns details of Pixels, Filesets and Images or Screens.
  $ bin/omero import ~/Work/images/dv/IAGFP-Noc01_R3D.dv
  Imported pixels:
  Other imported objects:
  • Currently mixed between stdout and stderr, but we looking at other ways of providing this data.

Creating stuff: upload

  • Upload local files to the OMERO server
  • Can handle pytables files
  $ bin/omero upload tox.ini
  Uploaded tox.ini as 275
  $ bin/omero obj get OriginalFile:275 name

Creating stuff: tag

  • Create, manage and view tags
  $ bin/omero tag -h
    list                            List all the tags, grouped by tagset
    listsets                        List tag sets
    create                          Create a new tag
    createset                       Create a new tag set
    load                            Import new tag(s) and tagset(s) from JSON file
    link                            Link annotation to an object

Creating stuff: tag

  • Create, manage and view tags
  $ bin/omero tag create --name Tag1
  $ bin/omero tag create --name Tag2
  $ bin/omero tag createset --name Set1 --tag 1 2
  $ bin/omero tag list
  +- 3:'Set1'
  | +- 2:'Tag2'
  | +- 1:'Tag1'
  $ bin/omero tag link Image:51 1

Creating stuff: obj

  • Create, update and query various objects
  $ bin/omero obj -h
  usage: bin/omero obj
         [{new,update,null,map-get,map-set,get,list-get}] [Class]
         [fields [fields ...]]
  Positional Arguments:
                                          operation to be performed
    Class                                 OMERO model object name, e.g. Project
    fields                                fields to be set, e.g. name=foo

Creating stuff: obj

  • Create, update and query objects
  $ bin/omero obj new Dataset name="Dataset One"
  $ bin/omero obj update Dataset:1 description="The primary dataset"
  $ bin/omero obj get Dataset:1 name
  Dataset One
  $ bin/omero obj get Dataset:1
  description=The primary dataset
  name=Dataset One

Creating stuff: obj

  • Create and link containers
  $ bin/omero obj new Project name="P-1" description="New project"
  $ bin/omero obj new ProjectDatasetLink parent=Project:1 child=Dataset:1
  $ bin/omero obj new DatasetImageLink parent=Dataset:1 child=Image:51
  $ bin/omero obj get DatasetImageLink:1 child
  $ bin/omero obj get DatasetImageLink:1 parent

Creating stuff: obj

  • Managing annotations
  $ bin/omero obj new FileAnnotation file=OriginalFile:275
  $ bin/omero obj new ImageAnnotationLink parent=Image:51 child=FileAnnotation:5

  $ bin/omero obj new MapAnnotation name=domain
  $ bin/omero obj map-set MapAnnotation:6 mapValue 1 ""
  $ bin/omero obj map-get MapAnnotation:6 mapValue 1
  $ bin/omero obj new ImageAnnotationLink parent=Image:51 child=MapAnnotation:6

Creating stuff: obj

  • Using bash to automate workflows
  $ project=$(omero obj new Project name='my Project')
  $ dataset=$(omero obj new Dataset name='my Dataset')
  $ bin/omero obj new ProjectDatasetLink parent=$project child=$dataset
  $ bin/omero import -T $dataset ~/Work/images/dv/CFPNEAT01_R3D.dv
  Imported pixels:
  Other imported objects:
  ==> Summary
  2 files uploaded, 1 fileset created, 1 image imported, 0 errors in 0:00:03.866

The created objects

Working with data: Finding stuff

  • search
  • hql

Finding stuff: search

  • Search for object ids by string
  usage: bin/omero search
         [-h] [--index] [--no-parse] [--field [FIELD [FIELD ...]]]
         [--from YYYY-MM-DD] [--to YYYY-MM-DD]
         [--date-type {acquisitionDate,import}] [--admin] [--all] [--ids-only]
         [--limit LIMIT] [--offset OFFSET] [--style {plain,csv,sql}]
         type [query]

  Positional Arguments:
    type                          Object type to search for, e.g. 'Image' or 'Well'
    query                         Single query to run

  Optional Arguments:
    --from YYYY-MM-DD             Start date for limiting searches (YYYY-MM-DD)
    --to YYYY-MM-DD               End date for limiting searches (YYYY-MM-DD)
    --ids-only                    Show only the ids of returned objects
    --style {plain,csv,sql}       use alternative output style (default=sql)

Finding stuff: search

  $ bin/omero search Image "dv"
   # | Class  | Id  | name               | acquisitionDate          | ...
   0 | ImageI | 101 | IAGFP-Noc01_R3D.dv | Tue Aug 23 11:54:53 2005 | ...
   1 | ImageI | 52  | CFPNEAT01_R3D.dv   | Fri Feb 27 10:25:32 2009 | ...
  (2 rows)

  $ bin/omero search Image "dv" --ids-only --style csv

Finding stuff: hql

  • Executes an HQL query
  • If no query is given, then a shell is opened
  usage: bin/omero hql
         [-h] [--admin] [--all] [--ids-only] [--limit LIMIT] [--offset OFFSET]
         [--style {plain,csv,sql}] [-C] [-s SERVER] [-p PORT] [-g GROUP]
         [-u USER] [-w PASSWORD] [-k KEY] [--sudo ADMINUSER] [-q]

  Positional Arguments:
    query                         Single query to run

  Optional Arguments
    --all                         Perform query on all groups
    --ids-only                    Show only the ids of returned objects
    --limit LIMIT                 maximum number of return values (default=25)
    --offset OFFSET               number of entries to skip (default=0)
    --style {plain,csv,sql}       use alternative output style (default=sql)

Finding stuff: hql

  $ bin/omero hql "select id, name, from Image where id > 50"
   # | Col1 | Col2               | Col3
   0 | 52   | CFPNEAT01_R3D.dv   | 52
   1 | 101  | IAGFP-Noc01_R3D.dv | 101
   2 | 102  | new.tiff           | 102
  (3 rows)

  $ bin/omero hql
  Enter query:select id, name, from Image order by id desc
   # | Col1 | Col2               | Col3
   0 | 102  | new.tiff           | 102
   1 | 101  | IAGFP-Noc01_R3D.dv | 101
   2 | 52   | CFPNEAT01_R3D.dv   | 52
  (3 rows)

  To see details for object, enter line number.
  To move ahead one page, enter 'p'
  To re-display list, enter 'r'.
  To quit, enter 'q' or just enter.
  To run another query, press enter

Getting stuff out: export

  $ bin/omero export --file new.tiff Image:52
  $ bin/omero export --file new.xml --type XML Image:52
  $ ls
  new.tiff  new.xml

Getting stuff out: download

  $ bin/omero download FileAnnotation:5 new.tmp
  $ bin/omero download Image:102 original.tiff
  $ ls
  new.tiff  new.tmp   new.xml   original.tiff

Working with data: Deleting stuff

  • Delete data
  • Remove entire graphs of data based on the ID of the top-node
  usage: bin/omero delete
         [-h] [--wait WAIT] [--include INCLUDE] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--ordered]
         [--list] [--report] [--dry-run]
         [obj [obj ...]]

  Positional Arguments:
    obj                 Objects to be processed in the form <Class>:<Id>

  Optional Arguments:
    --include INCLUDE   Modifies the given option by including a list of objects
    --exclude EXCLUDE   Modifies the given option by excluding a list of objects
    --report            Print more detailed report of each action
    --dry-run           Do a dry run of the command,
                        providing a report of what would have been done

Working with data: Deleting stuff

  $ bin/omero delete Image:52 --report --dry-run
  Deleted objects
  $ bin/omero delete Image:52 --include TagAnnotation,FileAnnotation --report --dry-run
  Deleted objects

Working with data: Deleting stuff

  • Delete using SkipHead
  $ bin/omero delete Project/Image:2 --report --dry-run
  Deleted objects

Working with data: Moving stuff

  • chgrp
  • chown

Moving stuff: chgrp

  • Move data between groups
  • Entire graphs of data, based on the ID of the top-node
  usage: bin/omero chgrp
         [-h] [--wait WAIT] [--include INCLUDE] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--ordered]
         [--list] [--report] [--dry-run]
         [grp] [obj [obj ...]]
  Positional Arguments:
    grp                 Group to move objects to
    obj                 Objects to be processed in the form <Class>:<Id>

  Optional Arguments:
    --include INCLUDE   Modifies the given option by including a list of objects
    --exclude EXCLUDE   Modifies the given option by excluding a list of objects
    --report            Print more detailed report of each action
    --dry-run           Do a dry run of the command,
                        providing a report of what would have been done

Moving stuff: chgrp

  $ bin/omero chgrp 5 OriginalFile:275 --report --dry-run
  omero.cmd.Chgrp2 OriginalFile:275 failed: 'graph-fail'
  failed: may not move OriginalFile[275] while used by FileAnnotation[5]
  Steps: 4
  Elapsed time: 0.129 secs.

  $ bin/omero chgrp Group:5 FileAnnotation:5 --report
  omero.cmd.Chgrp2 FileAnnotation:5 ok
  Steps: 6
  Elapsed time: 0.121 secs.
  Flags: []
  Included objects
  Deleted objects

Moving stuff: chgrp

  • Move data using SkipHead
  $ bin/omero chgrp 5 Dataset/Image:1 --report --dry-run
  Included objects
  Deleted objects

Moving stuff: chown

  • Transfer ownership of data between users.
  • Entire graphs of data, based on the ID of the top-node
  usage: bin/omero chown
         [-h] [--wait WAIT] [--include INCLUDE] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--ordered]
         [--list] [--report] [--dry-run]
         [usr] [obj [obj ...]]

  Positional Arguments:
    usr                 user to transfer ownership of objects to
    obj                 Objects to be processed in the form <Class>:<Id>

  Optional Arguments:
    --include INCLUDE   Modifies the given option by including a list of objects
    --exclude EXCLUDE   Modifies the given option by excluding a list of objects
    --report            Print more detailed report of each action
    --dry-run           Do a dry run of the command,
                        providing a report of what would have been done

Moving stuff: chown

  $ bin/omero chown user-1  Project/Image:1
  omero.cmd.Chown2 Project/Image:1 ok

  $ bin/omero chown 101 Image:1
  $ bin/omero chown User:101 Image:2
  $ bin/omero chown Experimenter:101 Image:3
  $ bin/omero chown jane Image:51,52,53

More on the CLI...


  • the "CLI team"
  • the OME team
  • the user community


Anymore questions
