Improving Imports with OMERO 5.x

Paris 2015

Colin Blackburn, Mark Carroll & Josh Moore


  • Import in OMERO 5
  • More ways to import
  • Improving import efficiency
  • A few more improvements
  • Discussion

Import in OMERO 5

A quick reminder...

  • ManagedRepository
  • Filesets
  • Basic OMERO 5 Import



OMERO 5 Import

OMERO 5 Data out

More on ManagedRepository and Filesets

More ways to import

  • Upload and copy
  • In-place
  • Import for

Import: upload

$ bin/omero import path/to/image -- --transfer=upload

Import: upload and remove

$ bin/omero import path/to/image -- --transfer=upload_rm

Import: upload and remove

$ bin/omero import path/to/image -- --transfer=upload_rm

Import: copy

$ bin/omero import path/to/image -- --transfer=cp

Import: copy and delete

$ bin/omero import path/to/image -- --transfer=cp_rm

Import: copy and delete

$ bin/omero import path/to/image -- --transfer=cp_rm

In-place import: hard link

$ bin/omero import path/to/image -- --transfer=ln

In-place import: move

$ bin/omero import path/to/image -- --transfer=ln_rm

In-place import: move

$ bin/omero import path/to/image -- --transfer=ln_rm

In-place import: soft link

$ bin/omero import path/to/image -- --transfer=ln_s

Import: CLI summary

  bin/omero import --advanced-help

    --transfer=ARG            File transfer method

        General options:
          upload            # Default
          upload_rm         # Caution! Upload followed by source deletion.
          some.class.Name   # Use a class on the CLASSPATH.

        Server-side options:
          cp                # Use local copy command.
          cp_rm             # Caution! Copy followed by source deletion.
          ln                # Use hard-link.
          ln_rm             # Caution! Hard-link followed by source deletion.
          ln_s              # Use soft-link.

  e.g. $ bin/omero import -- --transfer=ln_s foo.tiff
       $ ./importer-cli --transfer=ln bar.tiff

Use cases

  • Upload
    • data on separate system
    • remote import
  • Copy
    • data on same system, lower network overhead
  • Hard link
    • very large data on OMERO server
  • Soft link
    • DropBox on OMERO server

Import for: using Insight

Import for: using Insight

Import for: using Insight

Import for: using Insight

Import for: using the CLI

  bin/omero login -u john --sudo jane
  Password for jane:
  Created session f49d2...65250 (john@...). Current group: skyelab
  bin/omero import ~/Images/dv/IAGFP-Noc01_R3D.dv
  Using session f49d2...65250 (john@...). Current group: skyelab
  ==> Summary
  2 files uploaded, 1 fileset created, 1 image imported,
  0 errors in 0:00:21.602

More efficient imports

  • Background imports
  • Faster imports

Background imports

  --auto_close        Close completed imports immediately.

  --minutes_wait=ARG  Choose how long the importer will wait on
                      server-side processing.
                      ARG > 0 implies the number of minutes to wait.
                      ARG = 0 exits immediately.
                              Use a *_completed option to clean up.
                      ARG < 0 waits indefinitely. This is the default.

  --close_completed         Close completed imports.

  --wait_completed          Wait for all background imports to complete.

  e.g. $ bin/omero import -- --auto_close file1.tiff
       $ bin/omero import -- --minutes_wait=0 img1.tiff img2.tiff img3.tiff
       $ bin/omero import -- --wait_completed # Waits on all 3 imports.

Faster imports

  --checksum-algorithm=ARG  Choose a possibly faster algorithm
                            for detecting file corruption,
                            e.g. File-Size-64 (fastest),
                                 Adler-32 (faster), CRC-32 (faster),
                                 MD5-128, Murmur3-32, Murmur3-128,
                                 SHA1-160 (slower, default)

  e.g. $ bin/omero import -- --checksum-algorithm=CRC-32 foo.tiff
       $ ./importer-cli --checksum-algorithm=Murmur3-128 bar.tiff

  --no-stats-info   Disable calculation of minima and maxima when
                    not part of the Bio-Formats reader metadata

  --no-thumbnails   Do not perform thumbnailing after import

  --no-upgrade-check    Disable upgrade check for each import

Faster imports

  bin/omero import --help

  --skip {all,checksum,minmax,thumbnails,upgrade}
         Optional step(s) to skip during import

A few numbers

default symlink & skip all
format size files total link import total
Zeiss CZI 200GB 6 4.5h 6s 3m 3m
SPIM (OME-TIFF) ~2TB ~3600 ~days! 14m 16m 30m
SVS 90GB 465 1.5h 7m 23m 30m

A few more improvements

  • Excluding duplicates
  • Cleanse
  • bin/omero fs

Excluding duplicates

    --exclude=filename        Exclude files based on filename.

    e.g. $ bin/omero import -- --exclude=filename foo.tiff
           # First call imports
         $ bin/omero import -- --exclude=filename foo.tiff
           # Second call skips
         $ bin/omero import foo.tiff
           # This call imports again

Remove empty directories

  bin/omero admin cleanse --help
  usage: omero admin cleanse [--dry-run] data_dir

  Remove binary data files from OMERO

  Deleting an object from OMERO currently may not remove all the binary data.
  Use this command either manually or in a cron job periodically to remove
  Pixels, empty directories, and other data.

    bin/omero admin cleanse --dry-run /OMERO  # Lists files to be deleted.
    bin/omero admin cleanse /OMERO            # Actually delete them.

bin/omero fs

  bin/omero fs --help
  usage: omero fs <subcommand> ...

  Filesystem utilities

    images      List images, filtering for archives, etc.
    rename      Moves an existing fileset to a new location (admin-only)
    repos       List all repositories.
    sets        List filesets by various criteria
    usage       Shows the disk usage for various objects.

Move a fileset

  bin/omero fs rename --help
  usage: omero fs rename [--no-move] fileset

  Moves an existing fileset to a new location (admin-only)

  After the import template (omero.fs.repo.path) has been changed,
  it may be useful to rename an existing fileset to match the new
  template. By default the original files and import log are also

  Positional Arguments:
    fileset             Fileset which should be renamed: ID or Fileset:ID

  Optional Arguments:
    --no-move           do not move original files and import log

Report disk usage

  bin/omero fs usage --help
  usage: omero fs usage [obj [obj ...]]

  Shows the disk usage for various objects.


      bin/omero fs usage             # total usage for current user
      bin/omero fs usage --report    # more detailed usage for current user
      bin/omero fs usage --groups    # total usage for current user's groups
      # total usage for five images with minimal output
      bin/omero fs usage Image:1,2,3,4,5 --size_only
      # total usage for all images with in a human readable format
      bin/omero fs usage Image:* --human-readable
      # total usage for all users broken down by user and group
      bin/omero fs usage Experimenter:* --report --sum-by user group

Report disk usage

  bin/omero fs usage Experimenter:6 --report --sum-by component --human-readable

  Total disk usage: 1.7 TB bytes in 3823 files
   component    |     size | files
   Annotation   |  16.5 MB |    82
   FilesetEntry |   1.7 TB |  3638
   Job          | 396.0 KB |    14
   OriginalFile |  80.8 KB |    58
   Pixels       |  86.5 MB |    10
   Thumbnail    |  34.0 KB |    21
  (6 rows)

The future...

  • import location by path
  • importer role
  • extra performance
  • cron - later thumbnailing, etc.
  • new features presented in Insight
  • web import
  • re-import


  • the "import team"
  • the OME team
  • the user community


What else do you want
