A Sequence is basically a 5 dimension (XYCZT) image where :
XY dimension = planar image ; C dimension = channel
Z dimension = depth ; T dimension = time
The XYC dimensions are bounded into the IcyBufferedImage object so Sequence define a list of IcyBufferedImage where each image is associated to a Z and T information.
ICY and ImageJ
Native ImageJ Integration
ICY Plugins and Blocks
OMERO and ICY Prototypes
OMERO Login and Import Image
OMERO Export
OMERO Data Tree (In Progress)
Current Issues
ICY uses Bio-Formats 5.0.8 and the upgrade is not straight-forward
Running the OMERO-IJ Plugin under ICY-ImageJ did not work!!!
ICY Blocks are not meant to be used with Event-listeners
OMERO To ICY Prototype : depends on BioFormats Importer(via ImageJ)-Not Ideal for big images
Future Plans
ICY omero Importer independent of ImageJ?
Move the prototypes to the OMERO code base and use the Gateway classes?