Version: 5.4.10-ice35-b105

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[ "ami", "amd" ] interface JobHandle extends StatefulServiceInterface

Allows submission of asynchronous jobs.

NOTE: The calling order for the service is as follows:

  1. submit or attach
  2. any of the other methods
  3. close

Calling close does not cancel or otherwise change the Job state. See cancelJob.

Operation Index

Submits a model::Job and returns its database id.
Returns the current model::JobStatus for the Job id.
Returns the current model::Job
Returns the current model::JobStatus.
Returns null if the model::Job is not finished, otherwise the RTime for when it completed.
Returns the current message for job.
Returns true if the model::Job is running, i.e.
Returns true if the model::Job has thrown an error.
Marks a job for cancellation.
Updates the model::JobStatus for the current job.
Sets the job's message string, and returns the previous value.
Like setStatus but also sets the message.


long submit(model::Job j) throws ServerError

Submits a model::Job and returns its database id. The only fields directly on status which are editable are message, scheduledFor and status. The latter two must be sensible.


Not null

model::JobStatus attach(long jobId) throws ServerError

Returns the current model::JobStatus for the Job id.


if the Job id does not exist.

model::Job getJob() throws ServerError

Returns the current model::Job

model::JobStatus jobStatus() throws ServerError

Returns the current model::JobStatus. Will never return null.

RTime jobFinished() throws ServerError

Returns null if the model::Job is not finished, otherwise the RTime for when it completed.

string jobMessage() throws ServerError

Returns the current message for job. May be set during processing.

bool jobRunning() throws ServerError

Returns true if the model::Job is running, i.e. has an attached process.

bool jobError() throws ServerError

Returns true if the model::Job has thrown an error.

void cancelJob() throws ServerError

Marks a job for cancellation. Not every processor will check for the cancelled flag for a running job, but no non-running job will start if it has been cancelled.

string setStatus(string status) throws ServerError

Updates the model::JobStatus for the current job. The previous status is returned as a string. If the status is CANCELLED, this method is equivalent to cancelJob.

string setMessage(string message) throws ServerError

Sets the job's message string, and returns the previous value.

Return Value

the previous message value

string setStatusAndMessage(string status, RString message) throws ServerError

Like setStatus but also sets the message.

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