Version: 5.3.5-ice35-b73

OmeroBlitz API
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[ "ami" ] interface ClientCallback

Primary callback interface for interaction between client and server session (""ServiceFactory""). Where possible these methods will be called one-way to prevent clients from hanging the server.

Operation Index

Heartbeat-request made by the server to guarantee that the client is alive.
The session to which this ServiceFactory is connected has been closed.
Message that the server will be shutting down in the given number of milliseconds, after which all new and running method invocations will receive a CancelledException.


void requestHeartbeat()

Heartbeat-request made by the server to guarantee that the client is alive. If the client is still active, then some method should be made on the server to update the last idle time.

void sessionClosed()

The session to which this ServiceFactory is connected has been closed. Almost no further method calls (if any) are possible. Create a new session via omero.client.createSession()

void shutdownIn(long milliseconds)

Message that the server will be shutting down in the given number of milliseconds, after which all new and running method invocations will receive a CancelledException.

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