Bases: object
The id and type of an event. The file’s basename is included for convenience, other stats are not included since they may be unavailable for some event types.
Bases: Ice.EnumBase
Enumeration for Monitor event types returned.
Create, event is file or directory creation. Modify, event is file or directory modification. Delete, event is file or directory deletion. System, used to flag a system notification, info in fileId.
Bases: Ice.Object
Query the existence of a file
An exception will be raised if the method fails to determine the existence.
Get atime of a file
An exception will be raised if the file no longer exists or is inaccessible.
Get base name of a file, this is the name stripped of any path, e.g. file.ext
An exception will be raised if the file no longer exists or is inaccessible.
Get an absolute directory from an OMERO.fs server.
The returned list will contain the file stats for each directory entry.
An exception will be raised if the path does not exist or is inaccessible to the OMERO.fs server. An exception will be raised if directory list cannot be returned for any other reason.
Get ctime of a file
An exception will be raised if the file no longer exists or is inaccessible.
Get an absolute directory from an OMERO.fs server.
The returned list will contain just the file names for each directory entry.
An exception will be raised if the path does not exist or is inaccessible to the OMERO.fs server. An exception will be raised if directory list cannot be returned for any other reason.
Get mtime of a file
An exception will be raised if the file no longer exists or is inaccessible.
Get owner of a file
An exception will be raised if the file no longer exists or is inaccessible.
Get SHA1 of a file
An exception will be raised if the file no longer exists or is inaccessible. An exception will be raised if the SHA1 cannot be generated for any reason.
Get size of a file in bytes
An exception will be raised if the file no longer exists or is inaccessible.
Get all FileStats of a file
An exception will be raised if the file no longer exists or is inaccessible.
Query whether file is a directory
An exception will be raised if the file no longer exists or is inaccessible.
Query whether file is a file
An exception will be raised if the file no longer exists or is inaccessible.
readBlock should open, read size bytes from offset and then close the file.
An exception will be raised if the file no longer exists or is inaccessible. An exception will be raised if the file read fails for any other reason.
Bases: IcePy.ObjectPrx
Get an absolute directory from an OMERO.fs server.
The returned list will contain just the file names for each directory entry.
An exception will be raised if the path does not exist or is inaccessible to the OMERO.fs server. An exception will be raised if directory list cannot be returned for any other reason.
Bases: object
File stats.
What stats are likely to be needed? Could this struct be trimmed down or does it need any further attributes?
Bases: Ice.EnumBase
Bases: Ice.Object
This interface must be implemented by a client that wishes to subscribe to an OMERO.fs server.
Callback, called by the monitor upon the proxy of the OMERO.fs client.
Bases: IcePy.ObjectPrx
Callback, called by the monitor upon the proxy of the OMERO.fs client.
Bases: Ice.Object
Create a monitor of events.
A exception will be raised if the event type or path mode is not supported by the Monitor implementation for a given OS. An exception will be raised if the path does not exist or is inaccessible to the monitor. An exception will be raised if a monitor cannot be created for any other reason.
Destroy an existing monitor.
Attempting to destroy a monitor that is running will try to first stop the monitor and then destroy it. An exception will be raised if the id does not correspond to an existing monitor. An exception will be raised if a monitor cannot be destroyed (or stopped and destroyed) for any other reason, in this case the monitor’s state cannot be assumed.
Get the state of an existing monitor.
An exception will be raised if the id does not correspond to an existing monitor.
Start an existing monitor.
An exception will be raised if the id does not correspond to an existing monitor. An exception will be raised if a monitor cannot be started for any other reason, in this case the monitor’s state cannot be assumed.
Stop an existing monitor.
Attempting to stop a monitor that is not running raises no exception. An exception will be raised if the id does not correspond to an existing monitor. An exception will be raised if a monitor cannot be stopped for any other reason, in this case the monitor’s state cannot be assumed.
Bases: IcePy.ObjectPrx
Create a monitor of events.
A exception will be raised if the event type or path mode is not supported by the Monitor implementation for a given OS. An exception will be raised if the path does not exist or is inaccessible to the monitor. An exception will be raised if a monitor cannot be created for any other reason.
Bases: Ice.EnumBase
Enumeration for Monitor state.
Stopped, a monitor exists but is not actively monitoring. Started, a monitor exists and is actively monitoring.
Bases: Ice.EnumBase
Bases: Ice.EnumBase
Enumeration for Monitor path modes.
Flat, monitor the specified directory but not its subdirectories. Recursive, monitor the specified directory and its subdirectories. Follow, monitor as Recursive but with new directories being added to the monitor if they are created.
Not all path modes may be implemented for a given operating system.
Bases: Ice.EnumBase
Enumeration for event types to watch.
Create, notify on file creation only. Modify, notify on file modification only. Delete, notify on file deletion only. All, notify on all vents in the enumeration that apply to a given OS.
Not all event types may be implemented for a given operating system.