Version: 5.2.8-ice35-b57

OmeroBlitz API
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interface SharedResources

Resource manager provided by each Blitz session for acquiring shared resources in the OmeroGrid. Unlike the other services provided by ServiceFactory instances, it is not guaranteed that a service instance returned from this interface will be returned if that resource happens to be busy. In that case, a null will be returned.

Operation Index

Waits up to seconds to acquire a slot in a processor which can handle the given job.
Registers a Processor for Storm notifications so that other sessions can query whether or not a given processor would accept a given task.
Unregisters a Processor from Storm notifications.
Returns a map between Repository descriptions (omero::model::OriginalFile instances) and RepositoryPrx instances (possibly null).
Returns the single (possibly mirrored) script repository which makes all official scripts available.
Returns true if a Tables service is active in the grid.
Creates a new Format(""OMERO.tables"") file at the given path on the given repository.
Returns a Table instance or null.


InteractiveProcessor* acquireProcessor(model::Job job, int seconds) throws ServerError

Waits up to seconds to acquire a slot in a processor which can handle the given job.

void addProcessor(Processor* proc) throws ServerError

Registers a Processor for Storm notifications so that other sessions can query whether or not a given processor would accept a given task.

void removeProcessor(Processor* proc) throws ServerError

Unregisters a Processor from Storm notifications. If the processor was not already registered via addProcessor this is a no-op.

RepositoryMap repositories() throws ServerError

Returns a map between Repository descriptions (omero::model::OriginalFile instances) and RepositoryPrx instances (possibly null).

Repository* getScriptRepository() throws ServerError

Returns the single (possibly mirrored) script repository which makes all official scripts available.

bool areTablesEnabled() throws ServerError

Returns true if a Tables service is active in the grid. If this value is false, then all calls to newTable or openTable will either fail or return null (possibly blocking while waiting for a service to startup)

Table* newTable(long repoId, string path) throws ServerError

Creates a new Format(""OMERO.tables"") file at the given path on the given repository. The returned Table proxy follows the same semantics as the openTable method.

Table* openTable(model::OriginalFile file) throws ServerError

Returns a Table instance or null. Table instances are not exclusively owned by the client and may throw an OptimisticLockException if background modifications take place. The file instance must be managed (i.e. have a non-null id) and be of the format ""OMERO.tables"". Use newTable() to create a new instance.

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