Simplified API that is intended for passing
Bases: omero.cmd.GraphModify
Bases: omero.cmd.GraphModify2
Move model objects into a different experimenter group. The user must be either an administrator, or the owner of the objects and a member of the target group.
Bases: omero.cmd.GraphModify2Prx
Bases: omero.cmd.OK
Result of moving model objects into a different experimenter group.
Bases: omero.cmd.OKPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.GraphModifyPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Response
Bases: omero.cmd.ResponsePrx
Bases: omero.cmd.GraphModify
Modifies the permissions settings for the given object. Most permission modifications will be quite fast and will specify this as returning a small number of steps in the status object. When lowering a READ setting, however, all existing data will need to be checked and there will be a minimum of one step per table in the database.
At the moment, the only supported type is “”/ExperimenterGroup””.
Bases: omero.cmd.GraphModify2
Change the permissions on model objects. The user must be an administrator, the owner of the objects, or an owner of the objects’ group. The only permitted target object type is ExperimenterGroup.
Bases: omero.cmd.GraphModify2Prx
Bases: omero.cmd.OK
Result of changing the permissions on model objects.
Bases: omero.cmd.OKPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.GraphModifyPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Response
Bases: omero.cmd.ResponsePrx
Bases: omero.cmd.GraphModify
Bases: omero.cmd.GraphModify2
Change the ownership of model objects. The user must be an administrator, or they must be an owner of the objects’ group, with the target user a member of the objects’ group.
Bases: omero.cmd.GraphModify2Prx
Bases: omero.cmd.OK
Result of changing the ownership of model objects.
Bases: omero.cmd.OKPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.GraphModifyPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Response
Bases: omero.cmd.ResponsePrx
Bases: Ice.Object
Called when the command has completed in any fashion including cancellation. The Status#flags list will contain information about whether or not the process was cancelled.
Notifies clients that the given number of steps from the total is complete. This method will not necessarily be called for every step.
Bases: IcePy.ObjectPrx
Notifies clients that the given number of steps from the total is complete. This method will not necessarily be called for every step.
Bases: omero.cmd.Request
Argument-less request that will produce a CurrentSessionsResponse if no omero.cmd.ERR occurs.
Bases: omero.cmd.RequestPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Response
Return value from omero.cmd.CurrentSessionsRequest consisting of two ordered lists of matching length. The sessions field contains a list of the OMERO omero.model.Session objects that are currently active after all timeouts have been applied. This is the value that would be returned by omero.api.ISession#getSession when joined to that session. Similarly, the contexts field contains the value that would be returned by a call to omero.api.IAdmin#getEventContext. For non-administrators, most values for all sessions other than those belonging to that user will be nulled.
Bases: omero.cmd.ResponsePrx
Bases: omero.cmd.GraphModify
Delete requests will return a omero.cmd.DeleteRsp unless an error has occurred in which case a standard omero.cmd.ERR may be returned.
Bases: omero.cmd.GraphModify2
Delete model objects.
Bases: omero.cmd.GraphModify2Prx
Bases: omero.cmd.OK
Result of deleting model objects.
Bases: omero.cmd.OKPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.GraphModifyPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.OK
Mirrors and replaces DeleteReport. There is no “”error”” field because if there was an error than an ERR object will be returned.
Bases: omero.cmd.OKPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Request
Request to determine the disk usage of the given objects and their contents. File-system paths used by multiple objects are de-duplicated in the total count. Specifying a class is equivalent to specifying all its instances as objects.
Permissible classes include: ExperimenterGroup, Experimenter, Project, Dataset, Screen, Plate, Well, WellSample, Image, Pixels, Annotation, Job, Fileset, OriginalFile.
Bases: omero.cmd.RequestPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Response
Disk usage report: bytes used and non-empty file counts on the repository file-system for specific objects. The counts from the maps may sum to more than the total if different types of object refer to the same file. Common referers include: Annotation for file annotations FilesetEntry for OMERO 5 image files (OMERO.fs) Job for import logs Pixels for pyramids and OMERO 4 images and archived files Thumbnail for the image thumbnails The above map values are broken down by owner-group keys.
Bases: omero.cmd.ResponsePrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Request
Bases: omero.cmd.RequestPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.OK
Bases: omero.cmd.OKPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.GraphModify2
Duplicate model objects with some selection of their subgraph. All target model objects must be in the current group context. The extra three data members allow adjustment of the related subgraph. The same type must not be listed in more than one of those data members. Use of a more specific sub-type in a data member always overrides the more general type in another.
Bases: omero.cmd.GraphModify2Prx
Bases: omero.cmd.OK
Result of duplicating model objects.
Bases: omero.cmd.OKPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Response
Bases: omero.cmd.ResponsePrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Request
Bases: omero.cmd.RequestPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.OK
Bases: omero.cmd.OKPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.ERR
Returned when specifically a is thrown. The contents of that internal exception are passed in this instance.
Bases: omero.cmd.ERRPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.ERR
Returned when specifically a is thrown. The contents of that internal exception are passed in this instance.
Bases: omero.cmd.ERRPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Request
Bases: omero.cmd.Request
Base class for new requests for operating upon the model object graph.
Bases: omero.cmd.RequestPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.RequestPrx
Bases: Ice.Object
Add a callback for notifications.
Attempts to cancel execution of this Request. Returns true if cancellation was successful. Returns false if not, in which case likely this request will run to completion.
Closes this handle. If the request is running, then a cancellation will be attempted first. All uses of a handle should be surrounded by a try/finally close block.
Returns the request object that was used to initialize this handle. Never null.
Returns a response if this handle has finished execution, otherwise returns null.
Returns a status object for the current execution.
This will likely be the same object that would be returned as a component of the Response value.
Never null.
Remove callback for notifications.
Bases: IcePy.ObjectPrx
Add a callback for notifications.
Bases: omero.cmd.Request
Graph requests typically allow only specific model object classes to be targeted. This request lists the legal targets for a given request. The request’s fields are ignored, only its class matters.
Bases: omero.cmd.RequestPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.OK
A list of the legal targets for a graph request.
Bases: omero.cmd.OKPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Request
Bases: omero.cmd.RequestPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.OK
Bases: omero.cmd.OKPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Request
Queries and modifies the various binary artifacts which may be linked to an omero.model.Image.
This can be useful, e.g., after converting pre-OMERO-5 archived original files into omero.model.Fileset.
The command works in several stages:
1. loads an omero.model.Image by id, failing if none present. 2. renames Pixels file to ‘*_bak’ 3. deletes existing Pyramidfiles if present;
This command can be run multiple times with different settings to iteratively test if the migration is working.
Bases: omero.cmd.RequestPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Response
Response from a ManageImageBinaries Request. If no action is requested, then the fields of this instance can be examined to see what would be done if requested.
Bases: omero.cmd.ResponsePrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Response
Bases: omero.cmd.ResponsePrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Request
Requests the file metadata to be loaded for a given image. This should handle both the pre-FS metadata in file annotations as well as loading the metadata directly from the FS files. A OriginalMetadataResponse will be returned under normal conditions, otherwise a ERR will be returned.
Bases: omero.cmd.RequestPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Response
Successful response for OriginalMetadataRequest. Contains both the global and the series metadata as maps. Only one of filesetId or filesetAnnotationId will be set. Pre-FS images will have filesetAnnotationId set; otherwise filesetId will be set.
Bases: omero.cmd.ResponsePrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Request
Bases: omero.cmd.RequestPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.OK
Bases: omero.cmd.OKPrx
Bases: Ice.Object
Bases: IcePy.ObjectPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Request
Requests a reset password for the given user.
examples: - omero.cmd.ResetPasswordRequest(omename, email) sends new password to the given user
Bases: omero.cmd.RequestPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Response
Successful response for ResetPasswordRequest. If no valid user with matching email is found, an ERR will be returned.
Bases: omero.cmd.ResponsePrx
Bases: Ice.Object
Bases: IcePy.ObjectPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Request
Requests an email to be send to all users of the omero determines inactive users, an active members of given groups and/or specific users.
examples: - omero.cmd.SendEmailRequest(subject, body, everyone=True) sends message to everyone who has email set and is an active user - omero.cmd.SendEmailRequest(subject, body, everyone=True, inactive=True) sends message to everyone who has email set, even inactive users - omero.cmd.SendEmailRequest(subject, body, groupIds=[...], userIds=[...] ) sends email to active members of given groups and selected users - extra=[...] allows to set extra email address if not in DB
Bases: omero.cmd.RequestPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Response
Successful response for SendEmailRequest. Contains a list of invalid users that has no email address set. If no recipients or invalid users found, an ERR will be returned.
such as was empty or less then 5 characters - invalidemails is a list of email addresses that send email failed - total is a total number of email in the pull to be sent. - success is a number of emails that were sent successfully.
Bases: omero.cmd.ResponsePrx
Bases: Glacier2.Session
Starting point for all command-based OMERO.blitz interaction.
Bases: Glacier2.SessionPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.GraphModify2
Perform a request skipping the top-most model objects in the graph. This permits operating upon the (possibly indirect) children of given objects. The arguments of this SkipHead request override those of the given request only until the targeted children are reached, except that if this SkipHead request’s dryRun is set to true then the dryRun override persists throughout the operation. The response from SkipHead is as from the given request.
Bases: omero.cmd.GraphModify2Prx
Bases: Ice.EnumBase
Bases: Ice.Object
Bases: IcePy.ObjectPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Request
Diagnostic command which can be used to see the overhead of callbacks. The number of steps and the simulated workload can be specified.
Bases: omero.cmd.RequestPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.ERR
Bases: omero.cmd.ERRPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Request
Proposes a change to one or both of the timeToLive and timeToIdle properties of a live session. The session uuid cannot be null. If either other argument is null, it will be ignored. Otherwise, the long value will be interpreted as the the millisecond value which should be set. Non-administrators will not be able to reduce current values. No special response is returned, but an omero.cmd.OK counts as success.
Bases: omero.cmd.RequestPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Request
Request to determine the original files associated with the given image. The image must have an associated Pixels object. Different response objects are returned depending on if the image is FS or pre-FS.
Bases: omero.cmd.RequestPrx
Bases: omero.cmd.Response
The used files associated with an FS image.
Bases: omero.cmd.Response
The used files associated with a pre-FS image.
Bases: omero.cmd.ResponsePrx
Bases: omero.cmd.ResponsePrx