Bases: webclient.controller.BaseController
Since the container is often used to wrap a single Project, Dataset etc, several methods need access to the underlying object. E.g. obj_type(), obj_id(), canAnnotate(), canEdit(). This removes many if statements from the metadata_general.html template for places that are displaying data for a single Object. E.g. Edit Name etc.
Returns False if any of selected object cannot be downloaded
Can’t export as Jpg, Png, Tiff if bigger than approx 12k * 12k. Limit set by OOM error in
Test to see whether other user’s Tags, Files etc should be provided for annotating. Used to ensure that E.g. Group Admins / Owners don’t try to link other user’s Annotations when in a private group (even though they could retrieve those annotations)
Links existing annotations to 1 or more objects
@param atype: Annotation type E.g. “tag”, “file” @param tids: Annotation IDs @param oids: Dict of Objects and IDs. E.g. {“Image”: [1,2,3],
“Dataset”, [6]}
Creates a new tag (with description) OR uses existing tag with the specified name if found. Links the tag to the specified objects. @param tag: Tag text/name @param desc: Tag description @param oids: Dict of Objects and IDs. E.g. {“Image”: [1,2,3],
“Dataset”, [6]}
Groups ratings in preparation for display. Picks out the user’s rating and groups the remaining ones by value. NB: This should be called after annotationList() has loaded annotations.
Applies to Plates (all fields) or PlateAcquisitions
Shortcut to get permissions flags, E.g. for css
Used by templates that display Plates or PlateAcquisitions
This configures all the Figure Scripts, setting their enabled status given the currently selected object (self.image etc) or batch objects (uses objDict).
Look up the Tags, Files, Comments, Ratings etc that are on one or more of the objects in objDect.
Removes the current object (file, tag, comment, dataset, plate, image) from its parents by manually deleting the link. For Comments, we check whether it becomes an orphan & delete if true If self.tag and owner_id is specified, only remove the tag if it is owned by that owner
@param parents: List of parent IDs, E.g. [‘image-123’]
Bases: webclient.controller.BaseController
Bases: webclient.controller.BaseController
Bases: webclient.controller.BaseController
Bases: webclient.controller.BaseController