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omero.plugins package


omero.plugins.admin module

author:Josh Moore, josh at

OMERO Grid admin controller

This is a python wrapper around icegridregistry/icegridnode for master and various other tools needed for administration.

Copyright 2008-14 Glencoe Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

class omero.plugins.admin.AdminControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.plugins.prefs.WriteableConfigControl, omero.cli.UserGroupControl


Used to generate an icegridadmin command line argument list

_complete(text, line, begidx, endidx)

Returns a file after “deploy”, “start”, or “startasync” and otherwise delegates to the BaseControl


Return path to directory containing configuration files


Return path to directory containing Gridconfiguration files


Return path to directory containing templates


Overrides the regular node() logic to return the value of OMERO_MASTER or “master”

_start_service(config, descript, svc_name, pasw, user)
can_access(filepath, mask=6)

Check that the given path belongs to or is accessible by the current user on Linux systems.

check_access(mask=6, config=None)

Check that ‘var’ is accessible by the current user.


Issue a warning if any of the top ”.omero” directories contain a lock file. This isn’t a conclusive test this we don’t have access to the DB to get the UUID for this instance. Usually there should only be one though.


If the args argparse.Namespace argument has no “node” attribute, then assign one.


Checks for Ice version compatibility.

See ticket:2514, ticket:1260

checkupgrade(*args, **kwargs)

Checks whether a server upgrade is available, exits with return code 0: this is the latest version 1: an upgrade is available 2: an error occurred whilst checking


Checks that the templates file as defined in etcWindows.cfg can be found.

deploy(*args, **kwargs)
diagnostics(*args, **kwargs)
fixpyramids(*args, **kwargs)
jvmcfg(*args, **kwargs)

Display JVM settings from the current configuration


If present, get the wait time from the args argument and calculate the number of loops and the wait time needed. If not present in args, use a default value.


Callers are responsible for closing the returned ConfigXml object.

ports(*args, **kwargs)
reindex(*args, **kwargs)
restart(*args, **kwargs)
restartasync(*args, **kwargs)
rewrite(*args, **kwargs)

Regenerate all the template files under the configuration directory

start(*args, **kwargs)
startasync(*args, **kwargs)

First checks for a valid installation, then checks the grid, then registers the action: “node HOST start”

status(args, node_only=False, can_force_rewrite=False)
stop(*args, **kwargs)
stopasync(*args, **kwargs)

Returns true if the server was already stopped

wait_for_icedb(args, config)

Since the stop and start are separately protected by the lock on config.xml, we need to wait for some time to hopefully let the icegridnode process release the file locks.


Returns true if the server went down


Loops 30 times with 10 second pauses waiting for status() to return 0. If it does not, then ctx.die() is called.

omero.plugins.basics module

load, quit, version, help plugins

Plugin read by omero.cli.Cli during initialization. The method(s) defined here will be added to the Cli class for later use.

The load plugin is used to read in files with omero cli commands (omitting the omero). For example,

./omero load some/file.osh

The help, quit, and version plugins are self-explanatory.

Copyright 2008 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

class omero.plugins.basics.HelpControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.BaseControl

Defined here since the background loading might be too slow to have all help available

_complete(text, line, begidx, endidx)

This is something of a hack. This should either be a part of the context interface, or we should put it somewhere in a utility. FIXME.

format_title(command, sep='-')

Create heading for command or topic help


Print the help for all commands and topics

print_command_help(control, args)

Print help for a single command and optionally its subcommand


Print a list of all commands


Print the help for a command or a topic

class omero.plugins.basics.LoadControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.BaseControl

class omero.plugins.basics.QuitControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.BaseControl

class omero.plugins.basics.ShellControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.BaseControl

class omero.plugins.basics.VersionControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.BaseControl


omero.plugins.cecog module

Methods for working with cecog

Copyright 2010 University of Dundee, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

class omero.plugins.cecog.CecogControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.BaseControl

CeCog integration plugin.

Provides actions for prepairing data and otherwise integrating with Cecog. See the script.


Uses PIL to read multiple planes from a local folder.

Planes are combined and uploaded to OMERO as new images with additional T, C, Z dimensions.

It should be run as a local script (not via scripting service) in order that it has access to the local users file system. Therefore need EMAN2 or PIL installed locally.

Example usage:

$ bin/omero cecog merge /Applications/CecogPackage/Data/Demo_data/0037/

Since this dir does not contain folders, this will upload images in ‘0037’ into a Dataset called Demo_data in a Project called ‘Data’.

$ bin/omero cecog merge /Applications/CecogPackage/Data/Demo_data/

Since this dir does contain folders, this will look for images in all subdirectories of ‘Demo_data’ and upload images into a Dataset called Demo_data in a Project called ‘Data’.

Images will be combined in Z, C and T according to the MetaMorph_PlateScanPackage naming convention. E.g. tubulin_P0037_T00005_Cgfp_Z1_S1.tiff is Point 37, Timepoint 5, Channel gfp, Z 1. S? see /Applications/CecogPackage/

regex_channel = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x42ea6b30>
regex_time = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x42e8bf30>
regex_token = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x42dcc2b0>
regex_zslice = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x3ac46b90>

Parses an object_details text file, as generated by CeCog Analyzer and saves the data as ROIs on an Image in OMERO.

Text file is of the form:

frame objID classLabel className centerX centerY mean sd 1 10 6 lateana 1119 41 76.8253796095 54.9305640673

Example usage: bin/omero cecog rois -f Data/Demo_output/analyzed/0037/statistics/P0037__object_details.txt -i 502

omero.plugins.chgrp module

chgrp plugin

Plugin read by omero.cli.Cli during initialization. The method(s) defined here will be added to the Cli class for later use.

class omero.plugins.chgrp.ChgrpControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.GraphControl

_process_request(req, args, client)
print_detailed_report(req, rsp, status)

omero.plugins.chown module

chown plugin

Plugin read by omero.cli.Cli during initialization. The method(s) defined here will be added to the Cli class for later use.

class omero.plugins.chown.ChownControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.GraphControl

_process_request(req, args, client)
print_detailed_report(req, rsp, status)

omero.plugins.db module

Plugin for our managing the OMERO database.

Plugin read by omero.cli.Cli during initialization. The method(s) defined here will be added to the Cli class for later use.

class omero.plugins.db.DatabaseControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.BaseControl

_copy(input_path, output, func, cfg=None)
_create(sql_directory, db_vers, db_patch, password_hash, args, location=None)
_get_password_hash(args, root_pass=None, old_prompt=False)
_lookup(key, defaults, args)

Get a value from a flag arg, positional arg, or default properties

_make_replace(root_pass, db_vers, db_patch)
_sql_directory(db_vers, db_patch)

See #2689


omero.plugins.delete module

Startup plugin for command-line deletes

Copyright 2009-2015 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

class omero.plugins.delete.DeleteControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.GraphControl


Don’t delete these three types of Annotation by default

print_detailed_report(req, rsp, status) module

download plugin

Plugin read by omero.cli.Cli during initialization. The method(s) defined here will be added to the Cli class for later use.

Copyright 2007 - 2014 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

class, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.BaseControl

get_file(session, value)
parse_object_id(object_type, value)

omero.plugins.export module

Startup plugin for command-line exporter

Copyright 2009 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

class omero.plugins.export.ExportControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.BaseControl

handleDatasets(args, datasets)
handleImages(args, images)

omero.plugins.fs module

fs plugin for querying repositories, filesets, and the like.

class omero.plugins.fs.Entry

Bases: tuple

Entry(level, id, path, mimetype)


Return a new dict which maps field names to their values

_fields = ('level', 'id', 'path', 'mimetype')
classmethod _make(iterable, new=<built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x3cc8b77b00>, len=<built-in function len>)

Make a new Entry object from a sequence or iterable

_replace(_self, **kwds)

Return a new Entry object replacing specified fields with new values


itemgetter(item, ...) –> itemgetter object

Return a callable object that fetches the given item(s) from its operand. After, f=itemgetter(2), the call f(r) returns r[2]. After, g=itemgetter(2,5,3), the call g(r) returns (r[2], r[5], r[3])


itemgetter(item, ...) –> itemgetter object

Return a callable object that fetches the given item(s) from its operand. After, f=itemgetter(2), the call f(r) returns r[2]. After, g=itemgetter(2,5,3), the call g(r) returns (r[2], r[5], r[3])


itemgetter(item, ...) –> itemgetter object

Return a callable object that fetches the given item(s) from its operand. After, f=itemgetter(2), the call f(r) returns r[2]. After, g=itemgetter(2,5,3), the call g(r) returns (r[2], r[5], r[3])


itemgetter(item, ...) –> itemgetter object

Return a callable object that fetches the given item(s) from its operand. After, f=itemgetter(2), the call f(r) returns r[2]. After, g=itemgetter(2,5,3), the call g(r) returns (r[2], r[5], r[3])

class omero.plugins.fs.FsControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.CmdControl

_detailed_usage_report(req, rsp, status, args)

Print a breakdown of disk usage in table form, including user, group and component information according to the args.

_extended_info(client, row, values)
_to_units(size, units)

Convert from bytes to KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB or PiB.


Take the positional arguments and marshal them into a dictionary and a list for the command argument.

_usage_report(req, rsp, status, args)

Output the total bytes used or the error, optionally provide more details.


For the moment this assumes there’s only one.


List images, filtering for archives, etc.

This command is useful for showing pre-FS (i.e. OMERO 4.4 and before) images which have original data archived with them. It may be possible to convert these to OMERO 5 filesets.


bin/omero fs images –archived # List only OMERO4 images bin/omero fs images –order=newest # Default bin/omero fs images –order=largest # Most used space bin/omero fs images –limit=500 # Longer listings bin/omero fs images –extended # More details

List all the original files contained in a fileset

rename(*args, **kwargs)

Moves an existing fileset to a new location (admin-only)

After the import template (omero.fs.repo.path) has been changed, it may be useful to rename an existing fileset to match the new template. By default the original files and import log are also moved.


List all repositories.

These repositories are where OMERO stores all binary data for your system. Most useful is likely the “ManagedRepository” where OMERO 5 imports to.


bin/omero fs repos # Show all bin/omero fs repos –managed # Show only the managed repo

# Or to print only the directory # under Unix:

bin/omero fs repos –managed –style=plain | cut -d, -f5

set_repo(*args, **kwargs)

Change configuration properties for single repositories


List filesets by various criteria

Filesets are bundles of original data imported into OMERO 5 and above which represent 1 or more images.


bin/omero fs sets –order=newest # Default bin/omero fs sets –order=oldest bin/omero fs sets –order=largest bin/omero fs sets –without-images # Corrupt filesets bin/omero fs sets –with-transfer=ln_s # Symlinked filesets bin/omero fs sets –check # Proof the checksums

Shows the disk usage for various objects.

This command shows the total disk usage of various objects including: ExperimenterGroup, Experimenter, Project, Dataset, Screen, Plate, Well, WellSample, Image, Pixels, Annotation, Job, Fileset, OriginalFile. The total size returned will comprise the disk usage by all related files. Thus an image’s size would typically include the files uploaded to a fileset, import log (Job), thumbnails, and, possibly, associated pixels or original files. These details can be displayed using the –report option.


bin/omero fs usage # total usage for current user bin/omero fs usage –report # more detailed usage for current user bin/omero fs usage –groups # total usage for current user’s groups # total usage for five images with minimal output bin/omero fs usage Image:1,2,3,4,5 –size_only # total usage for all images with in a human readable format bin/omero fs usage Image:* –human-readable # total usage for all users broken down by user and group bin/omero fs usage Experimenter:* –report –sum-by user group # total usage for two projects and one dataset Megabytes bin/omero fs usage Project:1,2 Dataset:5 –units M # in this last case if the dataset was within project 1 or 2 # then the size returned would be identical to: bin/omero fs usage Project:1,2 –units M
omero.plugins.fs.contents(mrepo, path, ctx=None)

Yield Entry namedtuples for each return value from treeList for the given path.

omero.plugins.fs.prep_directory(client, mrepo)

Create an empty FS directory by performing an import and then deleting the created fileset.

omero.plugins.fs.rename_fileset(client, mrepo, fileset, new_dir, ctx=None)

Loads each OriginalFile found under orig_dir and updates its path field to point at new_dir. Files are not yet moved. module

Group administration plugin

Copyright 2009-2015 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

class, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.UserGroupControl

add(*args, **kwargs)
filter_users(uids, group, owner=False, join=True)
parse_groupid(a, args)

omero.plugins.hql module

HQL plugin

Plugin read by omero.cli.Cli during initialization. The method(s) defined here will be added to the Cli class for later use.

Copyright 2008 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

class omero.plugins.hql.HqlControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.BaseControl

display(rv, cols=None, style=None, idsonly=False)
hql(args, loop=False)
project(querySvc, queryStr, params, ice_map)
unwrap(object, cache=None)

omero.plugins.import module

Startup plugin for command-line importer.

class omero.plugins.import.ImportControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.BaseControl

COMMAND = ['ome.formats.importer.cli.CommandLineImporter']

Set the arguments passed to Java


Set the connection arguments


Set the arguments to skip steps during import

class omero.plugins.import.TestEngine(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.plugins.import.ImportControl

COMMAND = ['ome.formats.test.util.TestEngine']

omero.plugins.ldap module

User administration plugin (LDAP extension)

Copyright 2011 - 2014 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

class omero.plugins.ldap.LdapControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.UserGroupControl

active(*args, **kwargs)
create(*args, **kwargs)
discover(*args, **kwargs)
getdn(*args, **kwargs)
list(*args, **kwargs)
setdn(*args, **kwargs)

omero.plugins.metadata module

Metadata plugin

Copyright 2015 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

class omero.plugins.metadata.Metadata(obj_wrapper)

Bases: object

A general helper object which providers higher-level accessors and mutators for a particular object.

get_allanns(ns=None, anntype=None)
class omero.plugins.metadata.MetadataControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.BaseControl

POPULATE_CONTEXTS = (('csv', <class 'omero.util.populate_metadata.ParsingContext'>), ('bulkmap', <class 'omero.util.populate_metadata.BulkToMapAnnotationContext'>), ('deletemap', <class 'omero.util.populate_metadata.DeleteMapAnnotationContext'>))
_format_ann(md, obj, indent=None)

Format an annotation as a string, optionally pretty-printed

_load(args, die_on_failure=True)
_output_ann(mdobj, func, parents, indent)

Provide a list of all annotations linked to the given object


Provide a list of the NSBULKANNOTATION tables linked to the given object


Provide a list of all MapAnnotations linked to the given object


Provide a list of the NSMEASUREMENT tables linked to the given object


Print the original metadata in ini format


Add metadata (bulk-annotations) to an object


Add ROIs to an object


Manage ROIs


Provide a general summary of available metadata

exception omero.plugins.metadata.ObjectLoadException(klass, oid)

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised when a requested object could not be loaded


omero.plugins.node module

author:Josh Moore, josh at

OMERO Grid node controller

This is a python wrapper around icegridnode.

Copyright 2008 Glencoe Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

class omero.plugins.node.NodeControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.BaseControl


Set the return value from nzrc on the context, and print out the last two lines of any error messages if present.


omero.plugins.obj module

Plugin for performing OMERO transactional changes (DML) from a simple script. This macro like language is intended to be used simply from the command-line as well as in scripts and tests.

class omero.plugins.obj.MapGetTxAction(tx_state, tx_cmd)

Bases: omero.plugins.obj.NonFieldTxAction

on_go(ctx, args)
class omero.plugins.obj.MapSetTxAction(tx_state, tx_cmd)

Bases: omero.plugins.obj.NonFieldTxAction

on_go(ctx, args)
class omero.plugins.obj.NewObjectTxAction(tx_state, tx_cmd)

Bases: omero.plugins.obj.TxAction

check_requirements(ctx, obj, completed)
go(ctx, args)
class omero.plugins.obj.NonFieldTxAction(tx_state, tx_cmd)

Bases: omero.plugins.obj.TxAction

Base class for use with command actions which don’t take the standard a=b c=d fields.

go(ctx, args)
class omero.plugins.obj.NullTxAction(tx_state, tx_cmd)

Bases: omero.plugins.obj.NonFieldTxAction

on_go(ctx, args)
class omero.plugins.obj.ObjControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.BaseControl

Create and Update OMERO objects

The obj command allows inserting any objects into the OMERO database as well as updating and querying existing ones. This is likely useful for preparing datasets for import and similar.


$ bin/omero obj new Dataset name=foo Dataset:123

$ bin/omero obj update Dataset:123 description=bar Dataset:123

$ bin/omero obj null Dataset:123 description Dataset:123

$ bin/omero obj get Dataset:123 description A dataset

$ bin/omero obj new MapAnnotation MapAnnotation:456 $ bin/omero obj map-set MapAnnotation mapValue foo bar MapAnnotation:456 $ bin/omero obj map-get MapAnnotation mapValue foo bar

Bash examples:

$ project=$(bin/omero obj new Project name=’my Project’) $ dataset=$(bin/omero obj new Dataset name=’my Dataset’) $ bin/omero obj new ProjectDatasetLink parent=$project child=$dataset ProjectDatasetLink:456 $ bin/omero import -d $dataset ...
parse(tx_state, arg_list=None, line=None)

Takes a single command list and turns it into a TxAction object

class omero.plugins.obj.ObjGetTxAction(tx_state, tx_cmd)

Bases: omero.plugins.obj.NonFieldTxAction

on_go(ctx, args)
class omero.plugins.obj.TxAction(tx_state, tx_cmd)

Bases: object

Parsed operation provided by the user chosen based on the first non-variable field of the command. Implementations can choose how they will handle the fields parsed by TxCmd.

go(ctx, args)
class omero.plugins.obj.TxCmd(tx_state, arg_list=None, line=None)

Bases: object

VAR_NAME = '(?P<DEST>[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)'
VAR_RE = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x19d66300>
class omero.plugins.obj.TxField(tx_state, arg)

Bases: object

ARG_RE = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x13d9d790>
class omero.plugins.obj.TxState(ctx)

Bases: object

set_value(proxy, dest=None)
class omero.plugins.obj.UpdateObjectTxAction(tx_state, tx_cmd)

Bases: omero.plugins.obj.TxAction

go(ctx, args)

omero.plugins.perf module

Plugin for measuring the performance of an OMERO installation.

Plugin read by omero.cli.Cli during initialization. The method(s) defined here will be added to the Cli class for later use.

Copyright 2008 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

class omero.plugins.perf.PerfControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.BaseControl


omero.plugins.prefs module

prefs plugin

Plugin read by omero.cli.Cli during initialization. The method(s) defined here will be added to the Cli class for later use.

The pref plugin makes use of prefs.class from the common component.

Copyright 2007-2013 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

class omero.plugins.prefs.PrefsControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.plugins.prefs.WriteableConfigControl

all(*args, **kwargs)
append(*args, **kwargs)
default(*args, **kwargs)
drop(*args, **kwargs)
edit(*args, **kwargs)
get(*args, **kwargs)
get_list_value(args, config)
handle_line(line, config, keys)
keys(*args, **kwargs)
list(*args, **kwargs)
load(*args, **kwargs)
lock(*args, **kwargs)
path(*args, **kwargs)
remove(*args, **kwargs)
set(*args, **kwargs)
upgrade(*args, **kwargs)
version(*args, **kwargs)
class omero.plugins.prefs.WriteableConfigControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.BaseControl

Base class for controls which need write access to the OMERO configuration using the @with_rw_config decorator

Note BaseControl should be used for read-only access using @with_config

run_upgrade_check(config, agent)
omero.plugins.prefs._make_open_and_close_config(func, allow_readonly)
omero.plugins.prefs.getprefs(args, dir)

Kept around temporarily for upgrading users from pre-4.2 configurations.


opens a config and passes it as the second argument.


opens a config and passes it as the second argument. Requires that the returned config be writeable

omero.plugins.script module

script plugin

Plugin read by omero.cli.Cli during initialization. The method(s) defined here will be added to the Cli class for later use.

The script plugin is used to run arbitrary blitz scripts which take as their sole input Ice configuration arguments, including –Ice.Config=file1,file2.

The first parameter, the script itself, should be natively executable on a given platform. I.e. invokable by[file,...])

Copyright 2008 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

class omero.plugins.script.ScriptControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.BaseControl

_complete(text, line, begidx, endidx)

Returns a file after “upload” and otherwise delegates to the BaseControl

_file(args, client)
_parse_inputs(args, params)
_parse_scripts(scripts, msg)

Parses a list of scripts to self.ctx.out


Parses who items of the form: “user”, “group”, “user=1”, “group=6”

foreground_nix(impl, timeout)

Use signal.SIGALRM to wait for the timeout to signal

foreground_win(impl, timeout)

Note: currently simply fails. An implementation might be possible using msvcrt. See:

upload(args) module

Simple command-line searching. Similar to the hql plugin.

class, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.plugins.hql.HqlControl


omero.plugins.server module

Startup plugin for our various server components, called typically by icegridnode after parsing etc/grid/templates.xml.

Plugin read by omero.cli.Cli during initialization. The method(s) defined here will be added to the Cli class for later use.

Copyright 2008 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

class omero.plugins.server.ServerControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.BaseControl

_prop(data, key)
_xargsAndDebug(component, xargs_default)

omero.plugins.sessions module

Plugin for viewing and controlling active sessions for a local user.

Plugin read by omero.cli.Cli during initialization. The method(s) defined here will be added to the Cli class for later use.

class omero.plugins.sessions.SessionsControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.BaseControl


alias of SessionsStore

_get_server(store, name, port)
static _parse_conn(server, default_name)

Parse a connection string of form (user@)server(:port)

_parse_timeout(timeout, msg='')
attach(store, server, name, uuid, props, exists, set_current=True)
check_and_attach(store, server, name, uuid, props, check_group=False)

Checks for conflicts in the settings for this session, and if there are none, then attempts an “attach()”. If that fails, the session is removed.

conn(properties=None, profile=None, args=None)

Either creates or returns the exiting omero.client instance. Uses the comm() method with the same signature.


Return the file associated with the current active session

handle(rv, action)

Handles a new connection


Return the key associated with the current active session


Login to a given server, and store session key locally.

USER, HOST, and PORT are set as args or in a ssh-style connection string. PASSWORD can be entered interactively, or passed via -w (insecure!). Alternatively, a session KEY can be passed with ‘-k’. Admin users can use –sudo=ADMINUSER to login for others.

bin/omero login bin/omero login bin/omero login bin/omero login -k SESSIONKEY bin/omero login –sudo=root user@example

omero.plugins.submit module

submit plugin

Plugin read by omero.cli.Cli during initialization. The method(s) defined here will be added to the Cli class for later use.

Copyright 2007 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

exception omero.plugins.submit.Cancel

Bases: exceptions.Exception

exception omero.plugins.submit.Save

Bases: exceptions.Exception

class omero.plugins.submit.SubmitCLI

Bases: omero.cli.CLI

postcmd(stop, line)
class omero.plugins.submit.SubmitControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.BaseControl


omero.plugins.tag module

Tag plugin for command-line tag manipulation

author:Sam Hart <>

Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

class omero.plugins.tag.Tag(tag_id=None, name=None, description=None, owner=None, children=None)

Bases: object

class omero.plugins.tag.TagCollection

Bases: object

class omero.plugins.tag.TagControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.BaseControl


create a tag command.

create_tag(name, description, text='tag')

Creates a new tag object. Returns the new tag object.

If name parameter is None, the user will be prompted to input it.

The “text” parameter should be the text description to use upon user input. For example, if we were creating a tag, this would be “tag” (the default). If we were creating a tagset, this could be “tag set”.


Create a tag set command.


Will attempt to determine console size based upon the current platform.

Returns tuple of width and length.

generate_empties(empties, args)

Given a list of empty tagsets, return a list of lines representing the empty tagset output.

generate_orphans(orphans, args)

Given a list of orphaned tags, return a list of lines representing the orphan output.

generate_tagset(tags, mapping, args)

Given a dict of tags and mappings for parent/child relationships return a list of lines representing the tagset output.

Links an object to a tag annotation.


List tags command.

list_tags(args, tagset=None)

Returns a TagCollection object

list_tags_recursive(args, tagset=None)

Returns a TagCollection object

list_tagsets(args, tag)

Returns a TagCollection of just the tagsets.

If tag is provided, will return the tagsets with those tags.


List tag sets command.


Import new tag(s) from json.

pagetext_format(format, elements)
print_line(line, index)
omero.plugins.tag.clip(s, width)

Given a string, s, and a width, will clip the string to that width or fill it with spaces up to that width.

Returns modified string


given a command, will execute it in the parent environment Returns a list containing the output

omero.plugins.upload module

upload plugin

Plugin read by omero.cli.Cli during initialization. The method(s) defined here will be added to the Cli class for later use.

Copyright 2007 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

class omero.plugins.upload.UploadControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.BaseControl

_complete(text, line, begidx, endidx)

Returns a file after “upload” and otherwise delegates to the BaseControl


omero.plugins.user module

User administration plugin

Copyright 2009-2014 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

class omero.plugins.user.UserControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.UserGroupControl

add(*args, **kwargs)
filter_groups(groups, uid, owner=False, join=True)
parse_userid(a, args)

omero.plugins.web module

Plugin for our configuring the OMERO.web installation

Copyright 2009-2014 University of Dundee. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt

class omero.plugins.web.WebControl(ctx=None, dir=path(u'/opt/hudson/workspace/OMERO-DEV-release/src/dist'))

Bases: omero.cli.BaseControl

_check_pid(pid, pid_path)
_deprecated_args(args, settings)

Get Django Process ID

_set_apache_wsgi(d, settings)
clearsessions(*args, **kwargs)

Clean out expired sessions.

collectstatic(*args, **kwargs)

Ensure that static media is copied to the correct location

config(*args, **kwargs)

Generate a configuration file from a template

config_choices = ('nginx', 'nginx-development', 'apache22', 'apache24', 'apache')
enableapp(*args, **kwargs)
help(*args, **kwargs)

Return extended help

iis(*args, **kwargs)
start(*args, **kwargs)
status(*args, **kwargs)
stop(*args, **kwargs)

Decorator validating OMERO.web deployment dependencies


Decorator validating Django dependencies and omeroweb/

Module contents