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omeroweb.webclient package


omeroweb.webclient.custom_forms module

class omeroweb.webclient.custom_forms.AnnotationModelChoiceField(queryset, empty_label=u'---------', cache_choices=False, required=True, widget=None, label=None, initial=None, help_text=u'', to_field_name=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.forms.models.ModelChoiceField

class omeroweb.webclient.custom_forms.AnnotationModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset, cache_choices=False, required=True, widget=<class 'django.forms.widgets.SelectMultiple'>, label=None, initial=None, help_text=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.webclient.custom_forms.AnnotationModelChoiceField

A MultipleChoiceField whose choices are a model QuerySet.

default_error_messages = {'invalid_choice': <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x2e696910>, 'list': <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x2e696890>}

alias of MultipleHiddenInput

class omeroweb.webclient.custom_forms.AnnotationQuerySetIterator(queryset, empty_label, cache_choices)

Bases: object

class omeroweb.webclient.custom_forms.MetadataModelChoiceField(queryset, empty_label=u'---------', cache_choices=False, required=True, widget=None, label=None, initial=None, help_text=u'', to_field_name=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.forms.models.ModelChoiceField

class omeroweb.webclient.custom_forms.MetadataQuerySetIterator(queryset, empty_label, cache_choices)

Bases: object

class omeroweb.webclient.custom_forms.MultiEmailField(required=True, widget=None, label=None, initial=None, help_text=u'', error_messages=None, show_hidden_initial=False, validators=[], localize=False)

Bases: django.forms.fields.Field

class omeroweb.webclient.custom_forms.ObjectModelChoiceField(queryset, empty_label=u'---------', cache_choices=False, required=True, widget=None, label=None, initial=None, help_text=u'', to_field_name=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.forms.models.ModelChoiceField

class omeroweb.webclient.custom_forms.ObjectModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset, cache_choices=False, required=True, widget=<class 'django.forms.widgets.SelectMultiple'>, label=None, initial=None, help_text=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.webclient.custom_forms.ObjectModelChoiceField

A MultipleChoiceField whose choices are a model QuerySet.

default_error_messages = {'invalid_choice': <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x2e696b10>, 'list': <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x2e696a90>}

alias of MultipleHiddenInput

class omeroweb.webclient.custom_forms.ObjectQuerySetIterator(queryset, empty_label, cache_choices)

Bases: object

class omeroweb.webclient.custom_forms.UrlField(required=True, widget=None, label=None, initial=None, help_text=u'', error_messages=None, show_hidden_initial=False, validators=[], localize=False)

Bases: django.forms.fields.Field


omeroweb.webclient.decorators module

Decorators for use with the webclient application.

class omeroweb.webclient.decorators.login_required(ignore_login_fail=False, setGroupContext=False, login_redirect=None, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.decorators.login_required

webclient specific extension of the OMERO.web login_required() decorator.

on_logged_in(request, conn)

Called whenever the users is successfully logged in.

on_not_logged_in(request, url, error=None)

This can be used to fail silently (not return 403, 500 etc. E.g. keepalive ping)


Prepares various session variables.

class omeroweb.webclient.decorators.render_response

Bases: omeroweb.decorators.render_response

Subclass for adding additional data to the ‘context’ dict passed to templates

load_settings(request, context, conn)
prepare_context(request, context, *args, **kwargs)

This allows templates to access the current eventContext and user from the L{omero.gateway.BlitzGateway}. E.g. <h1>{{ ome.user.getFullName }}</h1> If these are not required by the template, then they will not need to be loaded by the Blitz Gateway. The results are cached by Blitz Gateway, so repeated calls have no additional cost. We also process some values from settings and add these to the context.

omeroweb.webclient.forms module

class omeroweb.webclient.forms.ActiveGroupForm(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.forms.forms.Form

base_fields = {}
class omeroweb.webclient.forms.BaseAnnotationForm(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.custom_forms.NonASCIIForm

This is the superclass of the various forms used for annotating single or multiple objects. All these forms use hidden fields to specify the object(s) currently being annotated.

base_fields = {}
class omeroweb.webclient.forms.BasketShareForm(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.webclient.forms.ShareForm

base_fields = {'message': <django.forms.fields.CharField object at 0x2b4810d0>, 'expiration': <django.forms.fields.CharField object at 0x2b4811d0>, 'enable': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object at 0x2b481250>, 'ssl': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object at 0x2b481250>}
class omeroweb.webclient.forms.CommentAnnotationForm(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.webclient.forms.BaseAnnotationForm

base_fields = {'comment': <django.forms.fields.CharField object at 0x2b481c90>}
class omeroweb.webclient.forms.ContainerDescriptionForm(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.custom_forms.NonASCIIForm

base_fields = {'description': <django.forms.fields.CharField object at 0x2b481690>}
class omeroweb.webclient.forms.ContainerForm(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.custom_forms.NonASCIIForm

base_fields = {'name': <django.forms.fields.CharField object at 0x2b481350>, 'description': <django.forms.fields.CharField object at 0x2b4814d0>}
class omeroweb.webclient.forms.ContainerNameForm(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.custom_forms.NonASCIIForm

base_fields = {'name': <django.forms.fields.CharField object at 0x2b481550>}
class omeroweb.webclient.forms.FilesAnnotationForm(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.webclient.forms.BaseAnnotationForm

base_fields = {'annotation_file': <django.forms.fields.FileField object at 0x2b481b10>}
class omeroweb.webclient.forms.GlobalSearchForm(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.custom_forms.NonASCIIForm

base_fields = {'search_query': <django.forms.fields.CharField object at 0x2d3b6fd0>}
class omeroweb.webclient.forms.MetadataChannelForm(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.forms.forms.Form

base_fields = {}
class omeroweb.webclient.forms.MetadataDetectorForm(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.forms.forms.Form

base_fields = {}
class omeroweb.webclient.forms.MetadataDichroicForm(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.forms.forms.Form

base_fields = {}
class omeroweb.webclient.forms.MetadataEnvironmentForm(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.forms.forms.Form

base_fields = {}
class omeroweb.webclient.forms.MetadataFilterForm(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.forms.forms.Form

base_fields = {}
class omeroweb.webclient.forms.MetadataLightSourceForm(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.forms.forms.Form

BOOLEAN_CHOICES = (('', '---------'), ('True', 'True'), ('False', 'False'))
base_fields = {}
class omeroweb.webclient.forms.MetadataMicroscopeForm(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.forms.forms.Form

base_fields = {}
class omeroweb.webclient.forms.MetadataObjectiveForm(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.forms.forms.Form

base_fields = {}
class omeroweb.webclient.forms.MetadataObjectiveSettingsForm(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.webclient.forms.MetadataObjectiveForm

BOOLEAN_CHOICES = (('', '---------'), ('True', 'True'), ('False', 'False'))
base_fields = {}
class omeroweb.webclient.forms.MetadataStageLabelForm(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.forms.forms.Form

base_fields = {}
class omeroweb.webclient.forms.NewTagsAnnotationForm(data=None, files=None, auto_id=u'id_%s', prefix=None, initial=None, error_class=<class 'django.forms.util.ErrorList'>, label_suffix=None, empty_permitted=False)

Bases: django.forms.forms.Form

Helper form for new tags

base_fields = {'tag': <django.forms.fields.CharField object at 0x2b4818d0>, 'description': <django.forms.fields.CharField object at 0x2b4819d0>, 'tagset': <django.forms.fields.IntegerField object at 0x2b481a50>}
class omeroweb.webclient.forms.ShareForm(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.custom_forms.NonASCIIForm

base_fields = {'message': <django.forms.fields.CharField object at 0x2b4810d0>, 'expiration': <django.forms.fields.CharField object at 0x2b4811d0>, 'enable': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object at 0x2b481250>, 'ssl': <django.forms.fields.BooleanField object at 0x2b481250>}
class omeroweb.webclient.forms.TagsAnnotationForm(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.webclient.forms.BaseAnnotationForm

Form for annotating one or more objects with existing Tags or New tags

base_fields = {'tags': <django.forms.fields.CharField object at 0x2b481750>}
class omeroweb.webclient.forms.UsersForm(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.forms.forms.Form

base_fields = {}
class omeroweb.webclient.forms.WellIndexForm(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.forms.forms.Form

base_fields = {}
omeroweb.webclient.forms.save_metadata(obj, name, options=False)
omeroweb.webclient.forms.set_widget_attrs(field, set_class=True) module

Generic functionality for handling particular links and “showing” objects in the OMERO.web tree view.


Bases: exceptions.Exception

Exception to signal that we are on the wrong menu.

class, request, menu)

Bases: object

This object is used by most of the top-level pages. The “show” and “path” query strings are used by this object to both direct OMERO.web to the correct locations in the hierarchy and select the correct objects in that hierarchy.

PATH_REGEX = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x142dc6d0>
SUPPORTED_OBJECT_TYPES = ('project', 'dataset', 'image', 'screen', 'plate', 'tag', 'acquisition', 'run', 'well')
TOP_LEVEL_PREFIXES = ('project', 'screen')
WELL_REGEX = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x18ef78d0>

Adds a path to the initially selected list if it is supported.


Finds the first selected object.

_load_first_selected(first_obj, attributes)

Loads the first selected object from the server. Will raise L{IncorrectMenuError} if the initialized menu was incorrect for the loaded objects.

@param first_obj Type of the first selected object. @type first_obj String @param attributes Set of attributes to filter on. @type attributes L{dict}


Loads a Tag based on a certain set of attributes from the server.

@param attributes Set of attributes to filter on. @type attributes L{dict}


Loads a Well based on a certain set of attributes from the server.

@param attributes Set of attributes to filter on. @type attributes L{dict}


Retrieves the first selected object. The first time this method is invoked on the instance the actual retrieval is performed. All other invocations retrieve the same instance without server interaction. Will raise L{IncorrectMenuError} if the initialized menu was incorrect for the loaded objects.


Retrieves a tuple of row and column as L{int} for a given Well name (“A1” or “1A”) string.

@param well Well name string to retrieve the row and column tuple for. @type well L{str}


Retrieves the nodes of the tree that will be initially open based on the nodes that are initially selected. Should not be invoked until after first retrieval of the L{Show.first_selected} property.


Retrieves the owner of the node closest to the root of the tree from the list of initially open nodes. Should not be invoked until after first retrieval of the L{Show.first_selected} property.


Retrieves the list of “paths” (“type-id”) we have been requested to show/select in the user interface. May be different than we were first initialised with due to certain nodes of the Screen-Plate-Well hierachy not being present in the tree. Should not be invoked until after first retrieval of the L{Show.first_selected} property.

omeroweb.webclient.tree module

Helper functions for views that handle object trees

omeroweb.webclient.tree.get_perms(conn, object_type, object_id, object_owner_id, object_group_id, cache)
omeroweb.webclient.tree.marshal_dataset(conn, row)

Given a Dataset row (list) marshals it into a dictionary. Order and type of columns in row is:

  • id (rlong)
  • name (rstring)
  • (rlong)
  • details.permissions (dict)
  • child_count (rlong)

@param conn OMERO gateway. @type conn L{omero.gateway.BlitzGateway} @param row The Dataset row to marshal @type row L{list}

omeroweb.webclient.tree.marshal_datasets(conn, experimenter_id)

Marshal datasets for a given user.

@param conn OMERO gateway. @type conn L{omero.gateway.BlitzGateway} @param experimenter_id The Experimenter (user) ID to marshal Datasets for or None if we are not to filter by a specific user. @type experimenter_id L{long}

omeroweb.webclient.tree.marshal_plate(conn, row)

Given a Plate row (list) marshals it into a dictionary. Order and type of columns in row is:

  • id (rlong)
  • name (rstring)
  • (rlong)
  • details.permissions (dict)

@param conn OMERO gateway. @type conn L{omero.gateway.BlitzGateway} @param row The Plate row to marshal @type row L{list}

omeroweb.webclient.tree.marshal_plate_acquisition(conn, row)

Given a PlateAcquisition row (list) marshals it into a dictionary. Order and type of columns in row is:

  • id (rlong)
  • name (rstring)
  • (rlong)
  • details.permissions (dict)
  • startTime (rtime)
  • endTime (rtime)

@param conn OMERO gateway. @type conn L{omero.gateway.BlitzGateway} @param row The PlateAcquisition row to marshal @type row L{list}

omeroweb.webclient.tree.marshal_plates(conn, experimenter_id)

Marshal plates for a given user.

@param conn OMERO gateway. @type conn L{omero.gateway.BlitzGateway} @param experimenter_id The Experimenter (user) ID to marshal Plates for or None if we are not to filter by a specific user. @type experimenter_id L{long}

omeroweb.webclient.tree.marshal_projects(conn, experimenter_id)

Marshals projects and contained datasets for a given user.

@param conn OMERO gateway. @type conn L{omero.gateway.BlitzGateway} @param experimenter_id The Experimenter (user) ID to marshal Projects for or None if we are not to filter by a specific user. @type experimenter_id L{long}

omeroweb.webclient.tree.marshal_screens(conn, experimenter_id=None)

Marshals screens and contained plates and aquisitions for a given user.

@param conn OMERO gateway. @type conn L{omero.gateway.BlitzGateway} @param experimenter_id The Experimenter (user) ID to marshal Screens for or None if we are not to filter by a specific user. @type experimenter_id L{long}

omeroweb.webclient.tree.parse_permissions_css(permissions, ownerid, conn)

Parse numeric permissions into a string of space separated CSS classes.

@param permissions Permissions to parse @type permissions L{omero.rtypes.rmap} @param ownerid Owner Id for the object having Permissions @type ownerId Integer @param conn OMERO gateway. @type conn L{omero.gateway.BlitzGateway}

omeroweb.webclient.urls module

omeroweb.webclient.views module

A view functions is simply a Python function that takes a Web request and returns a Web response. This response can be the HTML contents of a Web page, or a redirect, or the 404 and 500 error, or an XML document, or an image... or anything.

omeroweb.webclient.views.activities(request, *args, **kwargs)

This refreshes callback handles (delete, scripts, chgrp etc) and provides html to update Activities window & Progressbar. The returned html contains details for ALL callbacks in web session, regardless of their status. We also add counts of jobs, failures and ‘in progress’ to update status bar.

omeroweb.webclient.views.activities_update(request, *args, **kwargs)

If the above ‘action’ == ‘clean’ then we clear jobs from request.session[‘callback’] either a single job (if ‘jobKey’ is specified in POST) or all jobs (apart from those in progress)

omeroweb.webclient.views.annotate_comment(request, *args, **kwargs)

Handle adding Comments to one or more objects Unbound instance of Comment form not available. If the form has been submitted, a bound instance of the form is created using request.POST

omeroweb.webclient.views.annotate_file(request, *args, **kwargs)

On ‘POST’, This handles attaching an existing file-annotation(s) and/or upload of a new file to one or more objects Otherwise it generates the form for choosing file-annotations & local files.

omeroweb.webclient.views.annotate_map(request, *args, **kwargs)

Handle adding Map Annotations to one or more objects POST data “mapAnnotation” should be list of [‘key’:’value’] pairs.

omeroweb.webclient.views.annotate_rating(request, *args, **kwargs)

Handle adding Rating to one or more objects

omeroweb.webclient.views.annotate_tags(request, *args, **kwargs)

This handles creation AND submission of Tags form, adding new AND/OR existing tags to one or more objects

omeroweb.webclient.views.avatar(request, *args, **kwargs)

Returns the experimenter’s photo

omeroweb.webclient.views.batch_annotate(request, *args, **kwargs)

This page gives a form for batch annotation. Local File form and Comment form are loaded. Other forms are loaded via AJAX

omeroweb.webclient.views.change_active_group(request, *args, **kwargs)

Simply changes the request.session[‘active_group’] which is then used by the @login_required decorator to configure conn for any group-based queries. Finally this redirects to the ‘url’.

omeroweb.webclient.views.chgrp(request, *args, **kwargs)

Moves data to a new group, using the chgrp queue. Handles submission of chgrp form: all data in POST. Adds the callback handle to the request.session[‘callback’][‘jobId’]

omeroweb.webclient.views.download_annotation(request, *args, **kwargs)

Returns the file annotation as an http response for download

omeroweb.webclient.views.download_orig_metadata(request, *args, **kwargs)

Downloads the ‘Original Metadata’ as a text file

omeroweb.webclient.views.download_placeholder(request, *args, **kwargs)

Page displays a simple “Preparing download...” message and redirects to the ‘url’. We construct the url and query string from request: ‘url’ and ‘ids’.

omeroweb.webclient.views.edit_channel_names(request, *args, **kwargs)

Edit and save channel names

omeroweb.webclient.views.feed(request, *args, **kwargs)

Viewing this page doesn’t perform any action. All we do here is assemble various data for display. Last imports, tag cloud etc are retrived via separate AJAX calls.

omeroweb.webclient.views.figure_script(request, *args, **kwargs)

Show a UI for running figure scripts

omeroweb.webclient.views.fileset_check(request, *args, **kwargs)

Check whether Images / Datasets etc contain partial Multi-image filesets. Used by chgrp or delete dialogs to test whether we can perform this ‘action’.


Used by forms to indicate the currently selected objects prepared above

omeroweb.webclient.views.getObjectUrl(conn, obj)

This provides a url to browse to the specified omero.model.ObjectI P/D/I, S/P, FileAnnotation etc. used to display results from the scripting service E.g webclient/userdata/?path=image-12601 If the object is a file annotation, try to browse to the parent P/D/I

omeroweb.webclient.views.getObjects(request, conn=None)

Prepare objects for use in the annotation forms. These objects are required by the form superclass to populate hidden fields, so we know what we’re annotating on submission

omeroweb.webclient.views.get_original_file(request, *args, **kwargs)

Returns the specified original file as an http response. Used for displaying text or png/jpeg etc files in browser

omeroweb.webclient.views.group_user_content(request, *args, **kwargs)

Loads html content of the Groups/Users drop-down menu on main webclient pages. Url should be supplied in request, as target for redirect after switching group.

omeroweb.webclient.views.image_as_map(request, *args, **kwargs)

Converts OMERO image into file (using tiltpicker utils) and returns the file

omeroweb.webclient.views.image_viewer(request, *args, **kwargs)

Delegates to webgateway, using share connection if appropriate

omeroweb.webclient.views.index_last_imports(request, *args, **kwargs)

Gets the most recent imports - Used in an AJAX call by home page.

omeroweb.webclient.views.index_most_recent(request, *args, **kwargs)

Gets the most recent ‘shares’ and ‘share’ comments. Used by the homepage via AJAX call

omeroweb.webclient.views.index_tag_cloud(request, *args, **kwargs)

Gets the most used Tags. Used by the homepage via AJAX call

omeroweb.webclient.views.keepalive_ping(request, *args, **kwargs)

Keeps the OMERO session alive by pinging the server

omeroweb.webclient.views.list_scripts(request, *args, **kwargs)

List the available scripts - Just officical scripts for now

omeroweb.webclient.views.load_calendar(request, *args, **kwargs)

Loads the calendar which is displayed in the left panel of the history page. Shows current month by default. Filter by experimenter

omeroweb.webclient.views.load_chgrp_groups(request, *args, **kwargs)

Get the potential groups we can move selected data to. These will be groups that the owner(s) of selected objects is a member of. Objects are specified by query string like: ?Image=1,2&Dataset=3 If no selected objects are specified, simply list the groups that the current user is a member of. Groups list will exclude the ‘current’ group context.

omeroweb.webclient.views.load_chgrp_target(request, *args, **kwargs)

Loads a tree for user to pick target Project, Dataset or Screen

omeroweb.webclient.views.load_data(request, *args, **kwargs)

This loads data for the tree, via AJAX calls. The template is specified by query string. E.g. icon, table, tree. By default this loads Projects and Datasets. E.g. /load_data?view=tree provides data for the tree as <li>.

omeroweb.webclient.views.load_data_by_tag(request, *args, **kwargs)

Loads data for the tag tree and center panel. Either get the P/D/I etc under tags, or the images etc under a tagged Dataset or Project. @param o_type ‘tag’ or ‘project’, ‘dataset’.

omeroweb.webclient.views.load_history(request, *args, **kwargs)

The data for a particular date that is loaded into the center panel

omeroweb.webclient.views.load_metadata_acquisition(request, *args, **kwargs)

The acquisition tab of the right-hand panel. Only loaded for images. TODO: urls regex should make sure that c_type is only ‘image’ OR ‘well’

omeroweb.webclient.views.load_metadata_details(request, *args, **kwargs)

This page is the right-hand panel ‘general metadata’, first tab only. Shown for Projects, Datasets, Images, Screens, Plates, Wells, Tags etc. The data and annotations are loaded by the manager. Display of appropriate data is handled by the template.

omeroweb.webclient.views.load_metadata_hierarchy(request, *args, **kwargs)

This loads the ancestors of the specified object and displays them in a static tree. Used by an AJAX call from the metadata_general panel.

omeroweb.webclient.views.load_metadata_preview(request, *args, **kwargs)

This is the image ‘Preview’ tab for the right-hand panel. Currently this doesn’t do much except launch the view-port plugin using the image Id (and share Id if necessary)

omeroweb.webclient.views.load_original_metadata(request, *args, **kwargs)
omeroweb.webclient.views.load_public(request, *args, **kwargs)

Loads data for the tree in the ‘public’ main page.

omeroweb.webclient.views.load_searching(request, *args, **kwargs)

Handles AJAX calls to search

omeroweb.webclient.views.load_template(request, *args, **kwargs)

This view handles most of the top-level pages, as specified by ‘menu’ E.g. userdata, usertags, history, search etc. Query string ‘path’ that specifies an object to display in the data tree is parsed. We also prepare the list of users in the current group, for the switch-user form. Change-group form is also prepared.


Webclient Login - Also can be used by other Apps to log in to OMERO. Uses the ‘server’ id from request to lookup the server-id (index), host and port from settings. E.g. “localhost”, 4064. Stores these details, along with username, password etc in the request.session. Resets other data parameters in the request.session. Tries to get connection to OMERO and if this works, then we are redirected to the ‘index’ page or url specified in REQUEST. If we can’t connect, the login page is returned with appropriate error messages.

omeroweb.webclient.views.logout(request, *args, **kwargs)

Logout of the session and redirects to the homepage (will redirect to login first)

omeroweb.webclient.views.manage_action_containers(request, *args, **kwargs)

Handles many different actions on various objects.

@param action: “addnewcontainer”, (creates a new Project, Dataset,
Screen), “editname”, “savename”, “editdescription”, “savedescription”, (used as GET and POST for in-line editing), “paste”, “move”, “remove”, “removefromshare”, (tree P/D/I moving etc) “delete”, “deletemany” (delete objects)
@param o_type: “dataset”, “project”, “image”, “screen”, “plate”,
“acquisition”, “well”,”comment”, “file”, “tag”, “tagset”,”share”, “sharecomment”
omeroweb.webclient.views.ome_tiff_info(request, *args, **kwargs)

Query to see if we have an OME-TIFF attached to the image (assume only 1, since Batch Image Export will delete old ones)

omeroweb.webclient.views.ome_tiff_script(request, *args, **kwargs)

Uses the scripting service (Batch Image Export script) to generate OME-TIFF for an image and attach this as a file annotation to the image. Script will show up in the ‘Activities’ for users to monitor and download result etc.

omeroweb.webclient.views.open_astex_viewer(request, *args, **kwargs)

Opens the Open Astex Viewer applet, to display volume masks in a couple of formats: - files that are attached to images. obj_type = ‘file’ - Convert OMERO image to mrc on the fly. obj_type = ‘image_8bit’ or

In this case, we may use ‘scipy’ to scale the image volume.
omeroweb.webclient.views.run_script(request, conn, sId, inputMap, scriptName='Script')

Starts running a script, adding details to the request.session so that it shows up in the webclient Activities panel and results are available there etc.

omeroweb.webclient.views.script_run(request, *args, **kwargs)

Runs a script using values in a POST

omeroweb.webclient.views.script_ui(request, *args, **kwargs)

Generates an html form for the parameters of a defined script.

omeroweb.webclient.views.switch_active_group(request, active_group=None)

Simply changes the request.session[‘active_group’] which is then used by the @login_required decorator to configure conn for any group-based queries.

omeroweb.webclient.views.update_callback(request, cbString, **kwargs)

Update a callback handle with key/value pairs

omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway module

class omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.DatasetWrapper(conn=None, obj=None, cache=None, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.OmeroWebObjectWrapper, omero.gateway._DatasetWrapper

omero_model_DatasetI class wrapper overwrite omero.gateway.DatasetWrapper and extends OmeroWebObjectWrapper.

annotation_counter = None
class omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.EventLogWrapper(conn=None, obj=None, cache=None, **kwargs)

Bases: omero.gateway.BlitzObjectWrapper

omero_model_EventLogI class wrapper extends omero.gateway.BlitzObjectWrapper.

class omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.ExperimenterGroupWrapper(conn=None, obj=None, cache=None, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.OmeroWebObjectWrapper, omero.gateway._ExperimenterGroupWrapper

omero_model_ExperimenterGroupI class wrapper overwrite omero.gateway.ExperimenterGroupWrapper and extend OmeroWebObjectWrapper.

getMembers(excluded_omename=[], excluded_ids=[])

Returns True if current user is Owner of this group


Returns lists of ‘leaders’ and ‘members’ of the specified group (default is current group) as a dict with those keys.

@return: {‘leaders’: list L{ExperimenterWrapper},
‘colleagues’: list L{ExperimenterWrapper}}

@rtype: dict

class omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.ExperimenterWrapper(conn=None, obj=None, cache=None, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.OmeroWebObjectWrapper, omero.gateway._ExperimenterWrapper

omero_model_ExperimenterI class wrapper overwrite omero.gateway.ExperimenterWrapper and extend OmeroWebObjectWrapper.

getOtherGroups(excluded_names=('user', 'guest'), excluded_ids=[])

Return DN of the specific experimenter if uses LDAP authentication (has set dn on password table) or None. @param eid: experimenter ID @type eid: L{Long} @return: Distinguished Name @rtype: String

ldapUser = None
class omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.ImageWrapper(conn=None, obj=None, cache=None, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.OmeroWebObjectWrapper, omero.gateway._ImageWrapper

omero_model_ImageI class wrapper overwrite omero.gateway.ImageWrapper and extends OmeroWebObjectWrapper.

annotation_counter = None
getChannels(*args, **kwargs)

This override standard omero.gateway.ImageWrapper.getChannels and catch exceptions.


Returns a list of the ‘sibling’ images (including this one) that belong to this image’s Fileset. Sorted by name. If Image has no Fileset, return an empty list.

@rtype: List of {ImageWrapper}


Returns the command used to do import transfer for this image, E.g. ‘ln’, or empty string if not in-place imported.


We use the pixelSizeX to find the appropriate units. By default, we get the actual size in Microns, then use the lengthunit filter to pick the most suitable size (same logic is used for doing the length conversions). However, if unit can’t be converted, then we just return the current unit’s symbol.


Helper for calling getPixelSizeX(units=”MICROMETER”) in templates


Helper for calling getPixelSizeX(units=”MICROMETER”) in templates


Helper for calling getPixelSizeX(units=”MICROMETER”) in templates


This determines whether we want to show the paths of Original Imported Files.

class omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.OmeroWebGateway(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: omero.gateway._BlitzGateway

addComment(host, share_id, comment)

Every time session is created default group becomes active group and is loaded with the security for the current user and thread. Public data has to be created in the context of the group where user, who would like to look at these data, is a member of. Public data can be only visible by the member of group and owners.

@param gid: New active group ID @type gid: Long

@return: Boolean

changeMyPassword(password, old_password)

Change the password for the current user by passing the old password.

@param password Must pass validation in the security

@type password String @param old_password Old password @type old_password String @return None or error message if password could not be


@rtype String

changeUserPassword(omeName, password, my_password)

Change the password for the a given user.

@param omeName Experimetner omename @type omeName String @param password Must pass validation in the security sub-system. @type password String @param my_password Must pass validation in the security sub-system. @type my_password String

checkEmail(email, old_email=None)
checkGroupName(name, old_name=None)
checkOmeName(ome_name, old_omeName=None)
countDataByPeriod(start, end, eid, otype=None)

Counts given data objects by the given period of time controlled by the security system.

@param start Starting data @type start Long @param end Finishing data @type end Long @param otype Data type: Project, Dataset, Image @type otype String @return: Counter @rtype: Long

countOrphans(obj_type, eid=None)
createContainer(dtype, name, description=None)

Creates new Project, Dataset or Screen and returns ID

createDataset(name, description=None, img_ids=None)

Creates a Dataset and adds images if img_ids is specified. Returns the new Dataset ID.

createExperimenter(omeName, firstName, lastName, email, isAdmin, isActive, defaultGroup, otherGroups, password, middleName=None, institution=None)

Create and return a new user in the given groups with password. @param omeName A new username. @type omeName String @param firstName A new first name. @type firstName String @param lastName A new last name. @type lastName String @param email A new email. @type email String @param isAdmin An Admin permission. @type isAdmin Boolean @param isActive Active user (user can log in). @type isActive Boolean @param defaultGroup Instance of ExperimenterGroup selected as a first

active group.

@type defaultGroup ExperimenterGroupI @param otherGroups List of ExperimenterGroup instances. Can be empty. @type otherGroups L{ExperimenterGroupI} @param password Must pass validation in the security sub-system. @type password String @param middleName A middle name. @type middleName String @param institution An institution. @type institution String @return ID of the newly created Experimenter Not null. @rtype Long

createGroup(name, permissions, owners=[], description=None)

Create and return a new group with the given owners.

@param group A new ExperimenterGroup instance. @type group ExperimenterGroupI @param owners List of Experimenter instances. Can be empty. @type owners L{ExperimenterI} @param permissions Permissions instances. @type permissions L{PermissionsI} @return ID of the newly created ExperimenterGroup Not


@rtype Long

createProject(name, description=None)

Creates new Project and returns ID

createScreen(name, description=None)

Creates new Screen and returns ID

createShare(host, images, message, members, enable, expiration=None)
cropExperimenterPhoto(box, oid=None)

Crop File annotation with the namespace: “” (NSEXPERIMENTERPHOTO) linked to the given user ID. If user id not set, owned by the current user. New dimensions are defined by squer positions box = (x1,y1,x2,y2)

@param box tuple of new square positions @type box Tuple @param oid experimenter ID @type oid Long

findTag(name, desc=None)

Retrieves Tag by given Name and description

@param name name of tag @type name String @param desc description of tag @type desc String @return: TagAnnotation @rtype: AnnotationWrapper

findWellInPlate(plate_name, row, column)

Get the email addresses for all share guests.

@param share_id: share ID @type share_id: Long @return: List of e-mail addresses @rtype: List of Strings


Get all {@link Experimenter users} who are a member of the share.

@param share_id: share ID @type share_id: Long @return: Members of share @rtype: L{ExperimenterWrapper} generator


Get a single set containing the login names of the users as well email addresses for guests.

@param share_id: share ID @type share_id: Long @return: List of usernames and e-mail addresses @rtype: List of Strings

getCollectionCount(parent, child, ids)

Counts the number of members in a collection for a given object.

@param parent The fully-qualified classname of the object to be

@type parent String @param child Name of the property on that class, omitting

getters and setters.

@type child String @param ids Set of Longs, the ids of the objects to test @type ids L{Long} @return A map from id integer to count integer @rtype L{(Long, Long)}


Returns a map from share id to comment count.

@param share_ids: List of IDs @type share_ids: List of Longs @return: Dict of shareId: comment-count @rtype: Dict of long: long


Looks up all comments which belong to the share, wrapped in object wrapper

@param share_id: share ID @type share_id: Long @return: Share comments @rtype: L{AnnotationWrapper} generator


Looks up all items belonging to the share, wrapped in object wrapper

@param share_id: share ID @type share_id: Long @return: Share contents @rtype: L{omero.gateway.BlitzObjectWrapper} generator

getDataByPeriod(start, end, eid, otype=None, page=None)

Retrieve given data objects by the given period of time controlled by the security system.

@param start Starting data @type start Long @param end Finishing data @type end Long @param otype Data type: Project, Dataset, Image @type otype String @return: Map of project, dataset and image lists @rtype: Map


Retrieves a configuration value “omero.mail.config” from the backend store.

@return: String

getEventsByPeriod(start, end, eid)

Retrieve event log objects by the given period of time controlled by the security system.

@param start Starting data @type start Long @param end Finishing data @type end Long @return: List of event logs @rtype: List


If file annotation with the namespace: “” (NSEXPERIMENTERPHOTO) is not linked to experimenter this method generate default picture of the person.

@return Data from the image. @rtype String


Get File annotation with the namespace: “” (NSEXPERIMENTERPHOTO) linked to the given user ID. If user id not set, owned by the current user.

@param oid experimenter ID @type oid Long @return Data from the image. @rtype String


Get size of File annotation with the namespace: “” (NSEXPERIMENTERPHOTO) linked to the given user ID. If user id not set, owned by the current user.

@param oid experimenter ID @type oid Long @return Tuple including dimention and size of the file @rtype Tuple


Return all experimenters apart from current user.

@return: Generator yielding experimetners list @rtype: L{ExperimenterWrapper} generator


Get file annotation format for the given value.

@return Omero File format @rtype String


Return DN of the specific experimenter if uses LDAP authentication (has set dn on password table) or None.

@param eid: experimenter ID @type eid: L{Long} @return: Distinguished Name @rtype: String


Returns a map from share id to the count of total members (including the owner). This is represented by ome.model.meta.ShareMember links.

@param share_ids: List of IDs @type share_ids: List of Longs @return: Dict of shareId: member-count @rtype: Dict of long: long


Gets all shares where current user is a member.

@return: Shares that user is a member of @rtype: L{ShareWrapper} generator


Gets all owned shares for the current user.

@return: Shares that user owns @rtype: L{ShareWrapper} generator


Retrieves a configuration value “omero.version” from the backend store.

@return: String


Gets share for the given share id.

@param oid: Share ID. @type oid: Long @return: ShareWrapper or None @rtype: L{ShareWrapper}


Returns active share id .

@return: Share ID @rtype: Long


Retrieves a configuration value “omero.upgrades.url” from the backend store.

@return: String


Check if File annotation with the namespace: “” (NSEXPERIMENTERPHOTO) is linked to the given user ID. If user id not set, owned by the current user.

@param oid experimenter ID @type oid Long @return True or False @rtype Boolean


Checks if any of the experimenter was created before

@return: Boolean

listImagesInDataset(oid, eid=None, page=None, load_pixels=False)

List Images in the given Dataset. Optinally filter by experimenter ‘eid’

@param eid: experimenter id @type eid: Long @param page: page number @type page: Long @return: Generator yielding Images @rtype: L{ImageWrapper} generator


Retrieve most recent imported images controlled by the security system.

@return: Generator yielding Images @rtype: L{ImageWrapper} generator


Lists all IDs of experimenters who are authenticated by LDAP (has set dn on password table).

@return: List of experimetner IDs @rtype: L{Dict of String: Long}


Retrieve most recent comment annotations controlled by the security system.

@return: Generator yielding BlitzObjectWrapper @rtype: L{BlitzObjectWrapper} generator


Retrieve most recent share comments controlled by the security system.

@return: Generator yielding SessionAnnotationLink @rtype: L{SessionCommentWrapper} generator


Retrieve most recent shares controlled by the security system.

@return: Generator yielding SessionAnnotationLink @rtype: L{ShareWrapper} generator


Retrieve most recent tag annotations controlled by the security system.

@return: Generator yielding BlitzObjectWrapper @rtype: L{BlitzObjectWrapper} generator

listTagsRecursive(eid=None, offset=None, limit=1000)

Returns a two-element tuple: * A list of tags, where each tag is a list with the following

elements: 0: id 1: description 2: text 3: owner id 4: list of child tag ids (possibly empty), or 0 if this is not a tag

  • A dictionary of user ids mapped to user names
regroupFilesets(dsIds, fsIds)

For each Fileset, make sure all the Images are in the same Dataset as each other. We choose a ‘target’ Dataset that already has one of the Fileset Images in it, and is in the dsIds list. This method is used when preparing to chgrp the specified datasets

removeImage(share_id, image_id)
saveAndReturnFile(binary, oFile_id)

Provide method for directly updating a file object and return binary. Assumes that the checksum algorithm used for file integrity verification is SHA-1.

@param binary Binary. Not null. @type binary String @param oFile_id File Id in order to manage the state of the

service. Not null.

@type oFile_id Long @return Shallow copy of file.


Provide method for directly updating object graphs and return ID. Act recursively on the entire object graph, replacing placeholders and details where necessary, and then “merging” the final graph. This means that the objects that are passed into methods are copied over to new instances which are then returned. The original objects should be discarded.

@param obj An entity or an unloaded reference to an entity. Not

@type obj ObjectI @return ID of saved object @rtype Long


Provide method for directly updating object graphs and return it. Act recursively on the entire object graph, replacing placeholders and details where necessary, and then “merging” the final graph. This means that the objects that are passed into methods are copied over to new instances which are then returned. The original objects should be discarded.

@param obj An entity or an unloaded reference to an entity. Not

@type obj ObjectI @return Saved object @rtype ObjectI


Provide method for directly updating list of object graphs. Act recursively on the entire object graph, replacing placeholders and details where necessary, and then “merging” the final graph. This means that the objects that are passed into methods are copied over to new instances which are then returned. The original objects should be discarded.

@param obj List of entities or an unloaded references to an
entity. Not null.

@type obj L{ObjectI}


Provide method for directly updating object graphs. Act recursively on the entire object graph, replacing placeholders and details where necessary, and then “merging” the final graph. This means that the objects that are passed into methods are copied over to new instances which are then returned. The original objects should be discarded.

@param obj An entity or an unloaded reference to an entity. Not

@type obj ObjectI

setDefaultGroup(group_id, exp_id=None)

Sets the default group for the specified experimenter, or current user if not specified.

setMembersOfGroup(group, new_members)

Change members of the group. Returns a list of existing group members that could not be removed from the group because it is their only group.

@param group An existing ExperimenterGroup instance. @type group ExperimenterGroupI @param new_members List of new new Experimenter Ids. @type new_members L{Long} @return List of Experimenters not removed from group @rtype List of L{ExperimenterWrapper}

setOwnersOfGroup(group, new_owners)

Change members of the group.

@param group An existing ExperimenterGroup instance. @type group ExperimenterGroupI @param new_members List of new new Experimenter Ids. @type new_members L{Long}

updateExperimenter(experimenter, omeName, firstName, lastName, email, isAdmin, isActive, defaultGroup, otherGroups, middleName=None, institution=None)

Update an existing user including groups user is a member of. Password cannot be changed by calling that method. @param experimenter An existing Experimenter instance. @type experimenter ExperimenterWrapper @param omeName A new username. @type omeName String @param firstName A new first name. @type firstName String @param lastName A new last name. @type lastName String @param email A new email. @type email String @param isAdmin An Admin permission. @type isAdmin Boolean @param isActive Active user (user can log in). @type isActive Boolean @param defaultGroup Instance of ExperimenterGroup selected as a first

active group.

@type defaultGroup ExperimenterGroupI @param otherGroups List of ExperimenterGroup instances. Can be empty. @type otherGroups L{ExperimenterGroupI} @param middleName A middle name. @type middleName String @param institution An institution. @type institution String

updateGroup(group, name, permissions, owners=[], description=None)

Update an existing user including groups user is a member of. Password cannot be changed by calling that method.

@param group A new ExperimenterGroup instance. @type group ExperimenterGroupI @param name A new group name. @type name String @param permissions Permissions instances. @type permissions L{PermissionsI} @param owners List of Experimenter instances. Can be empty. @type owners L{ExperimenterI} @param description A description. @type description String

updateMyAccount(experimenter, firstName, lastName, email, defaultGroupId, middleName=None, institution=None)

Allows a user to update his/her own information and set the default group for a given user. @param experimenter A data transfer object. Only the fields:

firstName, middleName, lastName, email, and institution are checked. Not null.

@type experimenter ExperimenterWrapper @param firstName A new first name. @type firstName String @param lastName A new last name. @type lastName String @param email A new email. @type email String @param defaultGroup Instance of ExperimenterGroup selected as a

first active group.

@type defaultGroup ExperimenterGroupI @param middleName A middle name. @type middleName String @param institution An institution. @type institution String

updatePermissions(group, permissions)

Allow to change the permission of the group.

@param group A wrapped entity or an unloaded reference to an
entity. Not null.

@type group BlitzObjectWrapper @param perm The permissions value for this entity. Not null. @type perm PermissionsI

updateShareOrDiscussion(host, share_id, message, add_members, rm_members, enable, expiration=None)
uploadMyUserPhoto(filename, format, data)

Uploads a photo for the user which will be displayed on his/her profile. This photo will be saved as an OriginalFile object with the given format, and attached to the user’s Experimenter object via an File Annotation with the namespace: “” (NSEXPERIMENTERPHOTO). If such an OriginalFile instance already exists, it will be overwritten. If more than one photo is present, the oldest version will be modified (i.e. the highest updateEvent id).

Note: as outlined in ticket:1794, this photo will be placed in the “user” group and therefore will be visible to everyone on the system.

@param filename name which will be used. @type filename String @param format Format.value string. ‘image/jpeg’ and ‘image/png’

are common values.

@type format String @param data Data from the image. This will be written to disk. @type data String

@return ID of the overwritten or newly created user photo
OriginalFile object.

@rtype Long

class omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.OmeroWebObjectWrapper

Bases: object

annotation_counter = None

Count on annotations linked to the object and set the value on the custom fiels ‘annotation_counter’.

@return Counter


Returns a string that can be used as classes on an html element to indicate the permissions flags of the object. E.g. “canEdit canLink” Flags/classes are canEdit, canAnnotate, canLink, canDelete


Add a rating (long) annotation to the object, or update an existing rating. If rating is zero, we remove any existing rating annotation.


Warp name of the object if names is longer then 30 characters.

@return Warped string.

class omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.OmeroWebSafeCallWrapper(proxyObjectWrapper, attr, f)

Bases: omero.gateway.OmeroGatewaySafeCallWrapper

Function or method wrapper that handles L{Ice.ObjectNotExistException} by re-creating the server side proxy.

handle_exception(e, *args, **kwargs)
class omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.PlateAcquisitionWrapper(conn=None, obj=None, cache=None, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.OmeroWebObjectWrapper, omero.gateway._PlateAcquisitionWrapper

omero_model_PlateI class wrapper overwrite omero.gateway.PlateWrapper and extends OmeroWebObjectWrapper.

annotation_counter = None
class omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.PlateWrapper(conn=None, obj=None, cache=None, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.OmeroWebObjectWrapper, omero.gateway._PlateWrapper

omero_model_PlateI class wrapper overwrite omero.gateway.PlateWrapper and extends OmeroWebObjectWrapper.

annotation_counter = None
class omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.ProjectWrapper(conn=None, obj=None, cache=None, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.OmeroWebObjectWrapper, omero.gateway._ProjectWrapper

omero_model_ProjectI class wrapper overwrite omero.gateway.ProjectWrapper and extend OmeroWebObjectWrapper.

annotation_counter = None
class omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.ScreenWrapper(conn=None, obj=None, cache=None, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.OmeroWebObjectWrapper, omero.gateway._ScreenWrapper

omero_model_ScreenI class wrapper overwrite omero.gateway.ScreenWrapper and extends OmeroWebObjectWrapper.

annotation_counter = None
class omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.ShareWrapper(conn=None, obj=None, cache=None, **kwargs)

Bases: omero.gateway.BlitzObjectWrapper

omero_model_ShareI class wrapper extends BlitzObjectWrapper.


Gets the end date for the share

@return: End Date-time @rtype: datetime object


The owner of this share

@return: Owner @rtype: L{ExperimenterWrapper}


Gets the start date of the share

@return: Start Date-time @rtype: datetime object


Returns True if we are past the end date of the share

@return: True if share expired @rtype: Boolean


Returns True if share is owned by the current user

@return: True if owned @rtype: Boolean

class omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.TagWrapper(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.OmeroWebObjectWrapper, omero.gateway.TagAnnotationWrapper

omero_model_TagAnnotationI class wrapper overwrite omero.gateway.TagAnnotationWrapper and extends OmeroWebObjectWrapper.

class omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.WellWrapper(conn=None, obj=None, cache=None, **kwargs)

Bases: omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.OmeroWebObjectWrapper, omero.gateway._WellWrapper

omero_model_ImageI class wrapper overwrite omero.gateway.ImageWrapper and extends OmeroWebObjectWrapper.

annotation_counter = None
omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.defaultThumbnail(size=(120, 120))

omeroweb.webclient.webclient_utils module


Added as workaround to the changes made in #3006.


Formats a fraction as a percentage for display

Module contents