ome-xml  5.2.4
Todo List
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setArcID (const std::string &id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setArcLotNumber (const std::string &lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setArcManufacturer (const std::string &manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setArcModel (const std::string &model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setArcSerialNumber (const std::string &serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setBinaryFileFileName (const std::string &fileName, index_type fileAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setBinaryFileMIMEType (const std::string &mimeType, index_type fileAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setBooleanAnnotationAnnotator (const std::string &annotator, index_type booleanAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setBooleanAnnotationDescription (const std::string &description, index_type booleanAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setBooleanAnnotationID (const std::string &id, index_type booleanAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setBooleanAnnotationNamespace (const std::string &namespace_, index_type booleanAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setChannelFluor (const std::string &fluor, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setChannelID (const std::string &id, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setChannelLightSourceSettingsID (const std::string &id, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setChannelName (const std::string &name, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setCommentAnnotationAnnotator (const std::string &annotator, index_type commentAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setCommentAnnotationDescription (const std::string &description, index_type commentAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setCommentAnnotationID (const std::string &id, index_type commentAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setCommentAnnotationNamespace (const std::string &namespace_, index_type commentAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setCommentAnnotationValue (const std::string &value, index_type commentAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setDatasetDescription (const std::string &description, index_type datasetIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setDatasetID (const std::string &id, index_type datasetIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setDatasetName (const std::string &name, index_type datasetIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setDetectorID (const std::string &id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setDetectorLotNumber (const std::string &lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setDetectorManufacturer (const std::string &manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setDetectorModel (const std::string &model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setDetectorSerialNumber (const std::string &serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setDetectorSettingsID (const std::string &id, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setDichroicID (const std::string &id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setDichroicLotNumber (const std::string &lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setDichroicManufacturer (const std::string &manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setDichroicModel (const std::string &model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setDichroicSerialNumber (const std::string &serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setDoubleAnnotationAnnotator (const std::string &annotator, index_type doubleAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setDoubleAnnotationDescription (const std::string &description, index_type doubleAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setDoubleAnnotationID (const std::string &id, index_type doubleAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setDoubleAnnotationNamespace (const std::string &namespace_, index_type doubleAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setEllipseID (const std::string &id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setEllipseStrokeDashArray (const std::string &strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setEllipseText (const std::string &text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setExperimentDescription (const std::string &description, index_type experimentIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setExperimenterEmail (const std::string &email, index_type experimenterIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setExperimenterFirstName (const std::string &firstName, index_type experimenterIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setExperimenterGroupDescription (const std::string &description, index_type experimenterGroupIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setExperimenterGroupID (const std::string &id, index_type experimenterGroupIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setExperimenterGroupName (const std::string &name, index_type experimenterGroupIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setExperimenterID (const std::string &id, index_type experimenterIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setExperimenterInstitution (const std::string &institution, index_type experimenterIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setExperimenterLastName (const std::string &lastName, index_type experimenterIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setExperimenterMiddleName (const std::string &middleName, index_type experimenterIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setExperimenterUserName (const std::string &userName, index_type experimenterIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setExperimentID (const std::string &id, index_type experimentIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setFilamentID (const std::string &id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setFilamentLotNumber (const std::string &lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setFilamentManufacturer (const std::string &manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setFilamentModel (const std::string &model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setFilamentSerialNumber (const std::string &serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setFileAnnotationAnnotator (const std::string &annotator, index_type fileAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setFileAnnotationDescription (const std::string &description, index_type fileAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setFileAnnotationID (const std::string &id, index_type fileAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setFileAnnotationNamespace (const std::string &namespace_, index_type fileAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setFilterFilterWheel (const std::string &filterWheel, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setFilterID (const std::string &id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setFilterLotNumber (const std::string &lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setFilterManufacturer (const std::string &manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setFilterModel (const std::string &model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setFilterSerialNumber (const std::string &serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setFilterSetID (const std::string &id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setFilterSetLotNumber (const std::string &lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setFilterSetManufacturer (const std::string &manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setFilterSetModel (const std::string &model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setFilterSetSerialNumber (const std::string &serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setFolderDescription (const std::string &description, index_type folderIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setFolderID (const std::string &id, index_type folderIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setFolderName (const std::string &name, index_type folderIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setGenericExcitationSourceID (const std::string &id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setGenericExcitationSourceLotNumber (const std::string &lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setGenericExcitationSourceManufacturer (const std::string &manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setGenericExcitationSourceModel (const std::string &model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setGenericExcitationSourceSerialNumber (const std::string &serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setImageDescription (const std::string &description, index_type imageIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setImageID (const std::string &id, index_type imageIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setImageName (const std::string &name, index_type imageIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setInstrumentID (const std::string &id, index_type instrumentIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setLabelID (const std::string &id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setLabelStrokeDashArray (const std::string &strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setLabelText (const std::string &text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setLaserID (const std::string &id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setLaserLotNumber (const std::string &lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setLaserManufacturer (const std::string &manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setLaserModel (const std::string &model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setLaserSerialNumber (const std::string &serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setLightEmittingDiodeID (const std::string &id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setLightEmittingDiodeLotNumber (const std::string &lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setLightEmittingDiodeManufacturer (const std::string &manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setLightEmittingDiodeModel (const std::string &model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setLightEmittingDiodeSerialNumber (const std::string &serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setLineID (const std::string &id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setLineStrokeDashArray (const std::string &strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setLineText (const std::string &text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setListAnnotationAnnotator (const std::string &annotator, index_type listAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setListAnnotationDescription (const std::string &description, index_type listAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setListAnnotationID (const std::string &id, index_type listAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setListAnnotationNamespace (const std::string &namespace_, index_type listAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setLongAnnotationAnnotator (const std::string &annotator, index_type longAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setLongAnnotationDescription (const std::string &description, index_type longAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setLongAnnotationID (const std::string &id, index_type longAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setLongAnnotationNamespace (const std::string &namespace_, index_type longAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setMapAnnotationAnnotator (const std::string &annotator, index_type mapAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setMapAnnotationDescription (const std::string &description, index_type mapAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setMapAnnotationID (const std::string &id, index_type mapAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setMapAnnotationNamespace (const std::string &namespace_, index_type mapAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setMaskID (const std::string &id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setMaskStrokeDashArray (const std::string &strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setMaskText (const std::string &text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setMicrobeamManipulationDescription (const std::string &description, index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setMicrobeamManipulationID (const std::string &id, index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsID (const std::string &id, index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex, index_type lightSourceSettingsIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setMicroscopeLotNumber (const std::string &lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setMicroscopeManufacturer (const std::string &manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setMicroscopeModel (const std::string &model, index_type instrumentIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setMicroscopeSerialNumber (const std::string &serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setObjectiveID (const std::string &id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setObjectiveLotNumber (const std::string &lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setObjectiveManufacturer (const std::string &manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setObjectiveModel (const std::string &model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setObjectiveSerialNumber (const std::string &serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setObjectiveSettingsID (const std::string &id, index_type imageIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setPixelsID (const std::string &id, index_type imageIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setPlaneHashSHA1 (const std::string &hashSHA1, index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setPlateAcquisitionDescription (const std::string &description, index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setPlateAcquisitionID (const std::string &id, index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setPlateAcquisitionName (const std::string &name, index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setPlateDescription (const std::string &description, index_type plateIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setPlateExternalIdentifier (const std::string &externalIdentifier, index_type plateIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setPlateID (const std::string &id, index_type plateIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setPlateName (const std::string &name, index_type plateIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setPlateStatus (const std::string &status, index_type plateIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setPointID (const std::string &id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setPointStrokeDashArray (const std::string &strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setPointText (const std::string &text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setPolygonID (const std::string &id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setPolygonPoints (const std::string &points, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setPolygonStrokeDashArray (const std::string &strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setPolygonText (const std::string &text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setPolylineID (const std::string &id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setPolylinePoints (const std::string &points, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setPolylineStrokeDashArray (const std::string &strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setPolylineText (const std::string &text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setProjectDescription (const std::string &description, index_type projectIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setProjectID (const std::string &id, index_type projectIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setProjectName (const std::string &name, index_type projectIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setReagentDescription (const std::string &description, index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setReagentID (const std::string &id, index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setReagentName (const std::string &name, index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setReagentReagentIdentifier (const std::string &reagentIdentifier, index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setRectangleID (const std::string &id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setRectangleStrokeDashArray (const std::string &strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setRectangleText (const std::string &text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setROIDescription (const std::string &description, index_type ROIIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setROIID (const std::string &id, index_type ROIIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setROIName (const std::string &name, index_type ROIIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setScreenDescription (const std::string &description, index_type screenIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setScreenID (const std::string &id, index_type screenIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setScreenName (const std::string &name, index_type screenIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setScreenProtocolDescription (const std::string &protocolDescription, index_type screenIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setScreenProtocolIdentifier (const std::string &protocolIdentifier, index_type screenIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setScreenReagentSetDescription (const std::string &reagentSetDescription, index_type screenIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setScreenReagentSetIdentifier (const std::string &reagentSetIdentifier, index_type screenIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setScreenType (const std::string &type, index_type screenIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setStageLabelName (const std::string &name, index_type imageIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setTagAnnotationAnnotator (const std::string &annotator, index_type tagAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setTagAnnotationDescription (const std::string &description, index_type tagAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setTagAnnotationID (const std::string &id, index_type tagAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setTagAnnotationNamespace (const std::string &namespace_, index_type tagAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setTagAnnotationValue (const std::string &value, index_type tagAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setTermAnnotationAnnotator (const std::string &annotator, index_type termAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setTermAnnotationDescription (const std::string &description, index_type termAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setTermAnnotationID (const std::string &id, index_type termAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setTermAnnotationNamespace (const std::string &namespace_, index_type termAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setTermAnnotationValue (const std::string &value, index_type termAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setTimestampAnnotationAnnotator (const std::string &annotator, index_type timestampAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setTimestampAnnotationDescription (const std::string &description, index_type timestampAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setTimestampAnnotationID (const std::string &id, index_type timestampAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setTimestampAnnotationNamespace (const std::string &namespace_, index_type timestampAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setUUIDFileName (const std::string &fileName, index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setWellExternalDescription (const std::string &externalDescription, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setWellExternalIdentifier (const std::string &externalIdentifier, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setWellID (const std::string &id, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setWellSampleID (const std::string &id, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type wellSampleIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setWellType (const std::string &type, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setXMLAnnotationAnnotator (const std::string &annotator, index_type XMLAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setXMLAnnotationDescription (const std::string &description, index_type XMLAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setXMLAnnotationID (const std::string &id, index_type XMLAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setXMLAnnotationNamespace (const std::string &namespace_, index_type XMLAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::FilterMetadata::setXMLAnnotationValue (const std::string &value, index_type XMLAnnotationIndex)
: Implement DataTools.sanitize if needed for C++
Member ome::xml::meta::MetadataRetrieve::getLightSourceType (index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const =0
Can this be a const reference?
Member ome::xml::meta::MetadataRetrieve::getShapeType (index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const =0
Can this be a const reference?
Member ome::xml::meta::MetadataRetrieve::getUUID () const =0
Can this be a const reference?
Member ome::xml::meta::MetadataStore::getRoot ()=0
should this be a reference or shared_ptr?
Member ome::xml::meta::MetadataStore::setRoot (ome::compat::shared_ptr< MetadataRoot > &root)=0
should this be a reference or shared_ptr?
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getArcAnnotationRef (index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getBooleanAnnotationAnnotationRef (index_type booleanAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getChannelAnnotationRef (index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getCommentAnnotationAnnotationRef (index_type commentAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getDatasetAnnotationRef (index_type datasetIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getDatasetImageRef (index_type datasetIndex, index_type imageRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getDetectorAnnotationRef (index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getDichroicAnnotationRef (index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getDoubleAnnotationAnnotationRef (index_type doubleAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getEllipseAnnotationRef (index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getExperimenterAnnotationRef (index_type experimenterIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getExperimenterGroupAnnotationRef (index_type experimenterGroupIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getExperimenterGroupExperimenterRef (index_type experimenterGroupIndex, index_type experimenterRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getExperimenterGroupLeader (index_type experimenterGroupIndex, index_type leaderIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getFilamentAnnotationRef (index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getFileAnnotationAnnotationRef (index_type fileAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getFilterAnnotationRef (index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getFilterSetEmissionFilterRef (index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex, index_type emissionFilterRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getFilterSetExcitationFilterRef (index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex, index_type excitationFilterRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getFolderAnnotationRef (index_type folderIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getFolderFolderRef (index_type folderIndex, index_type folderRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getFolderImageRef (index_type folderIndex, index_type imageRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getFolderROIRef (index_type folderIndex, index_type ROIRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getGenericExcitationSourceAnnotationRef (index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getImageAnnotationRef (index_type imageIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getImageMicrobeamManipulationRef (index_type imageIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getImageROIRef (index_type imageIndex, index_type ROIRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getInstrumentAnnotationRef (index_type instrumentIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getLabelAnnotationRef (index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getLaserAnnotationRef (index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getLightEmittingDiodeAnnotationRef (index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getLightPathAnnotationRef (index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getLightPathEmissionFilterRef (index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex, index_type emissionFilterRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getLightPathExcitationFilterRef (index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex, index_type excitationFilterRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getLineAnnotationRef (index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getListAnnotationAnnotationRef (index_type listAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getLongAnnotationAnnotationRef (index_type longAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getMapAnnotationAnnotationRef (index_type mapAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getMaskAnnotationRef (index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getMicrobeamManipulationROIRef (index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex, index_type ROIRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getObjectiveAnnotationRef (index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getPlaneAnnotationRef (index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getPlateAcquisitionAnnotationRef (index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getPlateAcquisitionWellSampleRef (index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex, index_type wellSampleRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getPlateAnnotationRef (index_type plateIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getPointAnnotationRef (index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getPolygonAnnotationRef (index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getPolylineAnnotationRef (index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getProjectAnnotationRef (index_type projectIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getProjectDatasetRef (index_type projectIndex, index_type datasetRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getReagentAnnotationRef (index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getRectangleAnnotationRef (index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getROIAnnotationRef (index_type ROIIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getScreenAnnotationRef (index_type screenIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getScreenPlateRef (index_type screenIndex, index_type plateRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getTagAnnotationAnnotationRef (index_type tagAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getTermAnnotationAnnotationRef (index_type termAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getTimestampAnnotationAnnotationRef (index_type timestampAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getWellAnnotationRef (index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::meta::OMEXMLMetadata::getXMLAnnotationAnnotationRef (index_type XMLAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
: Need an exception for store inconsistency.
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)
This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::linkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::linkChannel (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Channel > &channel_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::linkDataset (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Dataset > &dataset_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::linkDetector (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Detector > &detector_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::linkDichroic (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Dichroic > &dichroic_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::linkExperimenter (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Experimenter > &experimenter_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::linkExperimenterGroup (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup > &experimenterGroup_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::linkFilter (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Filter > &filter_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::linkFolder (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Folder > &folder_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::linkImage (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Image > &image_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::linkInstrument (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Instrument > &instrument_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::linkLightPath (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::LightPath > &lightPath_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::linkLightSource (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::LightSource > &lightSource_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::linkObjective (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Objective > &objective_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::linkPlane (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Plane > &plane_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::linkPlate (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Plate > &plate_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::linkPlateAcquisition (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::PlateAcquisition > &plateAcquisition_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::linkProject (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Project > &project_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::linkReagent (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Reagent > &reagent_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::linkROI (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::ROI > &roi_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::linkScreen (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Screen > &screen_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::linkShape (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Shape > &shape_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::linkWell (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Well > &well_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::unlinkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::unlinkChannel (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Channel > &channel_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::unlinkDataset (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Dataset > &dataset_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::unlinkDetector (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Detector > &detector_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::unlinkDichroic (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Dichroic > &dichroic_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::unlinkExperimenter (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Experimenter > &experimenter_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::unlinkExperimenterGroup (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup > &experimenterGroup_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::unlinkFilter (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Filter > &filter_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::unlinkFolder (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Folder > &folder_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::unlinkImage (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Image > &image_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::unlinkInstrument (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Instrument > &instrument_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::unlinkLightPath (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::LightPath > &lightPath_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::unlinkLightSource (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::LightSource > &lightSource_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::unlinkObjective (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Objective > &objective_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::unlinkPlane (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Plane > &plane_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::unlinkPlate (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Plate > &plate_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::unlinkPlateAcquisition (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::PlateAcquisition > &plateAcquisition_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::unlinkProject (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Project > &project_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::unlinkReagent (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Reagent > &reagent_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::unlinkROI (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::ROI > &roi_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::unlinkScreen (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Screen > &screen_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::unlinkShape (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Shape > &shape_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Annotation::unlinkWell (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Well > &well_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Channel::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

Member ome::xml::model::Channel::linkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Channel::unlinkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Channel::unlinkFilterSet (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::FilterSet > &filterSet)
This method is fairly pointless since it's equivalent to linking a null pointer. It could call link(0) internally.
Member ome::xml::model::Dataset::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

Member ome::xml::model::Dataset::linkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Dataset::linkImage (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Image > &image)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Dataset::linkProject (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Project > &project_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Dataset::unlinkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Dataset::unlinkExperimenter (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Experimenter > &experimenter)
This method is fairly pointless since it's equivalent to linking a null pointer. It could call link(0) internally.
Member ome::xml::model::Dataset::unlinkExperimenterGroup (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup > &experimenterGroup)
This method is fairly pointless since it's equivalent to linking a null pointer. It could call link(0) internally.
Member ome::xml::model::Dataset::unlinkImage (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Image > &image)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Dataset::unlinkProject (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Project > &project_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Detector::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)
This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.
Member ome::xml::model::Detector::linkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Detector::unlinkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Dichroic::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)
This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.
Member ome::xml::model::Dichroic::linkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Dichroic::linkFilterSet (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::FilterSet > &filterSet_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Dichroic::linkLightPath (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::LightPath > &lightPath_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Dichroic::unlinkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Dichroic::unlinkFilterSet (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::FilterSet > &filterSet_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Dichroic::unlinkLightPath (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::LightPath > &lightPath_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Experiment::addMicrobeamManipulation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::MicrobeamManipulation > &microbeamManipulation)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::Experiment::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)
This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.
Member ome::xml::model::Experiment::linkImage (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Image > &image_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Experiment::removeMicrobeamManipulation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::MicrobeamManipulation > &microbeamManipulation)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Experiment::unlinkExperimenter (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Experimenter > &experimenter)
This method is fairly pointless since it's equivalent to linking a null pointer. It could call link(0) internally.
Member ome::xml::model::Experiment::unlinkImage (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Image > &image_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Experimenter::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)
This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.
Member ome::xml::model::Experimenter::linkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Experimenter::linkDataset (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Dataset > &dataset_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Experimenter::linkExperiment (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Experiment > &experiment_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Experimenter::linkExperimenterGroup (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup > &experimenterGroup_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Experimenter::linkImage (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Image > &image_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Experimenter::linkMicrobeamManipulation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::MicrobeamManipulation > &microbeamManipulation_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Experimenter::linkProject (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Project > &project_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Experimenter::unlinkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Experimenter::unlinkDataset (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Dataset > &dataset_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Experimenter::unlinkExperiment (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Experiment > &experiment_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Experimenter::unlinkExperimenterGroup (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup > &experimenterGroup_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Experimenter::unlinkImage (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Image > &image_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Experimenter::unlinkMicrobeamManipulation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::MicrobeamManipulation > &microbeamManipulation_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Experimenter::unlinkProject (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Project > &project_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

Member ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup::linkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup::linkDataset (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Dataset > &dataset_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup::linkExperimenter (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Experimenter > &experimenter)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup::linkImage (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Image > &image_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup::linkLeader (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Experimenter > &leader)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup::linkProject (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Project > &project_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup::unlinkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup::unlinkDataset (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Dataset > &dataset_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup::unlinkExperimenter (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Experimenter > &experimenter)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup::unlinkImage (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Image > &image_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup::unlinkLeader (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Experimenter > &leader)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup::unlinkProject (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Project > &project_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Filter::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)
This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.
Member ome::xml::model::Filter::linkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Filter::linkFilterSetEmissionFilter (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::FilterSet > &filterSet_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Filter::linkFilterSetExcitationFilter (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::FilterSet > &filterSet_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Filter::linkLightPathEmissionFilter (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::LightPath > &lightPath_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Filter::linkLightPathExcitationFilter (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::LightPath > &lightPath_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Filter::unlinkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Filter::unlinkFilterSetEmissionFilter (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::FilterSet > &filterSet_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Filter::unlinkFilterSetExcitationFilter (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::FilterSet > &filterSet_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Filter::unlinkLightPathEmissionFilter (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::LightPath > &lightPath_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Filter::unlinkLightPathExcitationFilter (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::LightPath > &lightPath_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::FilterSet::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

Member ome::xml::model::FilterSet::linkChannel (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Channel > &channel_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::FilterSet::linkEmissionFilter (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Filter > &emissionFilter)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::FilterSet::linkExcitationFilter (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Filter > &excitationFilter)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::FilterSet::unlinkChannel (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Channel > &channel_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::FilterSet::unlinkDichroic (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Dichroic > &dichroic)
This method is fairly pointless since it's equivalent to linking a null pointer. It could call link(0) internally.
Member ome::xml::model::FilterSet::unlinkEmissionFilter (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Filter > &emissionFilter)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::FilterSet::unlinkExcitationFilter (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Filter > &excitationFilter)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Folder::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

Member ome::xml::model::Folder::linkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Folder::linkChildFolder (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Folder > &folder_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Folder::linkFolder (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Folder > &folder)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Folder::linkImage (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Image > &image)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Folder::linkROI (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::ROI > &roi)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Folder::unlinkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Folder::unlinkChildFolder (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Folder > &folder_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Folder::unlinkFolder (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Folder > &folder)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Folder::unlinkImage (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Image > &image)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Folder::unlinkROI (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::ROI > &roi)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Image::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

Member ome::xml::model::Image::linkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Image::linkDataset (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Dataset > &dataset_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Image::linkFolder (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Folder > &folder_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Image::linkMicrobeamManipulation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::MicrobeamManipulation > &microbeamManipulation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Image::linkROI (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::ROI > &roi)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Image::linkWellSample (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::WellSample > &wellSample_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Image::unlinkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Image::unlinkDataset (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Dataset > &dataset_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Image::unlinkExperiment (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Experiment > &experiment)
This method is fairly pointless since it's equivalent to linking a null pointer. It could call link(0) internally.
Member ome::xml::model::Image::unlinkExperimenter (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Experimenter > &experimenter)
This method is fairly pointless since it's equivalent to linking a null pointer. It could call link(0) internally.
Member ome::xml::model::Image::unlinkExperimenterGroup (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup > &experimenterGroup)
This method is fairly pointless since it's equivalent to linking a null pointer. It could call link(0) internally.
Member ome::xml::model::Image::unlinkFolder (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Folder > &folder_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Image::unlinkInstrument (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Instrument > &instrument)
This method is fairly pointless since it's equivalent to linking a null pointer. It could call link(0) internally.
Member ome::xml::model::Image::unlinkMicrobeamManipulation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::MicrobeamManipulation > &microbeamManipulation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Image::unlinkROI (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::ROI > &roi)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Image::unlinkWellSample (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::WellSample > &wellSample_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Instrument::addDetector (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Detector > &detector)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::Instrument::addDichroic (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Dichroic > &dichroic)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::Instrument::addFilter (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Filter > &filter)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::Instrument::addFilterSet (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::FilterSet > &filterSet)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::Instrument::addLightSource (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::LightSource > &lightSource)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::Instrument::addObjective (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Objective > &objective)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::Instrument::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)
This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.
Member ome::xml::model::Instrument::linkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Instrument::linkImage (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Image > &image_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Instrument::removeDetector (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Detector > &detector)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Instrument::removeDichroic (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Dichroic > &dichroic)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Instrument::removeFilter (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Filter > &filter)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Instrument::removeFilterSet (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::FilterSet > &filterSet)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Instrument::removeLightSource (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::LightSource > &lightSource)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Instrument::removeObjective (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Objective > &objective)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Instrument::unlinkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Instrument::unlinkImage (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Image > &image_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Laser::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)
This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.
Member ome::xml::model::Laser::unlinkPump (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::LightSource > &pump)
This method is fairly pointless since it's equivalent to linking a null pointer. It could call link(0) internally.
Member ome::xml::model::Leader::linkExperimenterGroup (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup > &experimenterGroup_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Leader::unlinkExperimenterGroup (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup > &experimenterGroup_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::LightPath::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

Member ome::xml::model::LightPath::linkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::LightPath::linkEmissionFilter (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Filter > &emissionFilter)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::LightPath::linkExcitationFilter (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Filter > &excitationFilter)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::LightPath::unlinkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::LightPath::unlinkDichroic (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Dichroic > &dichroic)
This method is fairly pointless since it's equivalent to linking a null pointer. It could call link(0) internally.
Member ome::xml::model::LightPath::unlinkEmissionFilter (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Filter > &emissionFilter)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::LightPath::unlinkExcitationFilter (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Filter > &excitationFilter)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::LightSource::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)
This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.
Member ome::xml::model::LightSource::linkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::LightSource::unlinkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::MicrobeamManipulation::addLightSourceSettings (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::LightSourceSettings > &lightSourceSettings)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::MicrobeamManipulation::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

Member ome::xml::model::MicrobeamManipulation::linkImage (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Image > &image_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::MicrobeamManipulation::linkROI (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::ROI > &roi)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::MicrobeamManipulation::removeLightSourceSettings (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::LightSourceSettings > &lightSourceSettings)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::MicrobeamManipulation::unlinkExperimenter (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Experimenter > &experimenter)
This method is fairly pointless since it's equivalent to linking a null pointer. It could call link(0) internally.
Member ome::xml::model::MicrobeamManipulation::unlinkImage (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Image > &image_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::MicrobeamManipulation::unlinkROI (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::ROI > &roi)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Objective::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)
This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.
Member ome::xml::model::Objective::linkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Objective::unlinkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::OME::addDataset (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Dataset > &dataset)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::OME::addExperiment (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Experiment > &experiment)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::OME::addExperimenter (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Experimenter > &experimenter)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::OME::addExperimenterGroup (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup > &experimenterGroup)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::OME::addFolder (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Folder > &folder)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::OME::addImage (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Image > &image)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::OME::addInstrument (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Instrument > &instrument)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::OME::addPlate (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Plate > &plate)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::OME::addProject (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Project > &project)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::OME::addROI (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::ROI > &roi)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::OME::addScreen (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Screen > &screen)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::OME::removeDataset (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Dataset > &dataset)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::OME::removeExperiment (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Experiment > &experiment)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::OME::removeExperimenter (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Experimenter > &experimenter)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::OME::removeExperimenterGroup (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup > &experimenterGroup)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::OME::removeFolder (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Folder > &folder)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::OME::removeImage (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Image > &image)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::OME::removeInstrument (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Instrument > &instrument)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::OME::removePlate (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Plate > &plate)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::OME::removeProject (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Project > &project)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::OME::removeROI (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::ROI > &roi)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::OME::removeScreen (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Screen > &screen)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::OMEModel::addModelObject (const std::string &id, ome::compat::shared_ptr< OMEModelObject > &object)=0
What is the point of returning the object? The object is returned under all conditions, even when adding the object failed (e.g. if the object was a Reference). Should it be possible to insert null objects?
Member ome::xml::model::OMEModel::addReference (ome::compat::shared_ptr< OMEModelObject > &a, ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &b)=0
There is no validation of whether the model object was valid for this model (as for the java implementation). The return type is an artifact of the java map implementation. Consider removing the return type and throwing if the model object is not already present in the object map; or adding the object to the object map implicitly and not throwing.
Member ome::xml::model::OMEModel::getModelObject (const std::string &id) const =0
: Would a const reference be better for the return?
Member ome::xml::model::OMEModel::resolveReferences ()=0
This method is a bit of a wart in the design. The model should not allow invalid references or insertion of null model objects to begin with.
Class ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject

Check constness and reference type for params/return types.

Consider dropping redundant parts of typenames which are duplicated in the namespace. For example, OMEModelObject could just be Object, since it's really an ome::xml::model::Object.

Member ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< OMEModelObject > &object)=0
the use of reference to provide type information for the type of object is unconventional and quite possibly unnecessary–a simple string or type_info would suffice for what it's being used for, if it's needed at all. Is this true for all cases? The implementation also needs to do strict checking of the object type; it's not currently failing if it's of the wrong type. This applies to all generated model objects implementing this interface.
Member ome::xml::model::Pixels::addBinData (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::BinData > &binData)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::Pixels::addChannel (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Channel > &channel)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::Pixels::addPlane (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Plane > &plane)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::Pixels::addTiffData (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::TiffData > &tiffData)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::Pixels::removeBinData (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::BinData > &binData)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Pixels::removeChannel (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Channel > &channel)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Pixels::removePlane (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Plane > &plane)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Pixels::removeTiffData (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::TiffData > &tiffData)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Plane::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)
This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.
Member ome::xml::model::Plane::linkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Plane::unlinkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Plate::addPlateAcquisition (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::PlateAcquisition > &plateAcquisition)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::Plate::addWell (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Well > &well)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::Plate::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)
This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.
Member ome::xml::model::Plate::linkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Plate::linkScreen (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Screen > &screen_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Plate::removePlateAcquisition (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::PlateAcquisition > &plateAcquisition)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Plate::removeWell (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Well > &well)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Plate::unlinkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Plate::unlinkScreen (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Screen > &screen_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::PlateAcquisition::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

Member ome::xml::model::PlateAcquisition::linkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::PlateAcquisition::linkWellSample (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::WellSample > &wellSample)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::PlateAcquisition::unlinkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::PlateAcquisition::unlinkWellSample (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::WellSample > &wellSample)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Class ome::xml::model::primitives::Color
: The use of a signed integer is not a good design. Look at correcting the model to use an unsigned type.
Member ome::xml::model::Project::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

Member ome::xml::model::Project::linkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Project::linkDataset (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Dataset > &dataset)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Project::unlinkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Project::unlinkDataset (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Dataset > &dataset)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Project::unlinkExperimenter (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Experimenter > &experimenter)
This method is fairly pointless since it's equivalent to linking a null pointer. It could call link(0) internally.
Member ome::xml::model::Project::unlinkExperimenterGroup (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::ExperimenterGroup > &experimenterGroup)
This method is fairly pointless since it's equivalent to linking a null pointer. It could call link(0) internally.
Member ome::xml::model::Pump::linkLaser (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Laser > &laser_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Pump::unlinkLaser (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Laser > &laser_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Reagent::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)
This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.
Member ome::xml::model::Reagent::linkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Reagent::linkWell (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Well > &well_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Reagent::unlinkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Reagent::unlinkWell (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Well > &well_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::ROI::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)
This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.
Member ome::xml::model::ROI::linkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::ROI::linkFolder (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Folder > &folder_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::ROI::linkImage (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Image > &image_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::ROI::linkMicrobeamManipulation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::MicrobeamManipulation > &microbeamManipulation_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::ROI::unlinkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::ROI::unlinkFolder (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Folder > &folder_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::ROI::unlinkImage (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Image > &image_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::ROI::unlinkMicrobeamManipulation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::MicrobeamManipulation > &microbeamManipulation_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Screen::addReagent (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Reagent > &reagent)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::Screen::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

Member ome::xml::model::Screen::linkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Screen::linkPlate (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Plate > &plate)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Screen::removeReagent (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Reagent > &reagent)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Screen::unlinkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Screen::unlinkPlate (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Plate > &plate)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Shape::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)
This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.
Member ome::xml::model::Shape::linkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Shape::unlinkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::StructuredAnnotations::addBooleanAnnotation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::BooleanAnnotation > &booleanAnnotation)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::StructuredAnnotations::addCommentAnnotation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::CommentAnnotation > &commentAnnotation)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::StructuredAnnotations::addDoubleAnnotation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::DoubleAnnotation > &doubleAnnotation)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::StructuredAnnotations::addFileAnnotation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::FileAnnotation > &fileAnnotation)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::StructuredAnnotations::addListAnnotation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::ListAnnotation > &listAnnotation)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::StructuredAnnotations::addLongAnnotation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::LongAnnotation > &longAnnotation)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::StructuredAnnotations::addMapAnnotation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::MapAnnotation > &mapAnnotation)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::StructuredAnnotations::addTagAnnotation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::TagAnnotation > &tagAnnotation)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::StructuredAnnotations::addTermAnnotation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::TermAnnotation > &termAnnotation)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::StructuredAnnotations::addTimestampAnnotation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::TimestampAnnotation > &timestampAnnotation)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::StructuredAnnotations::addXMLAnnotation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::XMLAnnotation > &xmlAnnotation)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::StructuredAnnotations::removeBooleanAnnotation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::BooleanAnnotation > &booleanAnnotation)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::StructuredAnnotations::removeCommentAnnotation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::CommentAnnotation > &commentAnnotation)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::StructuredAnnotations::removeDoubleAnnotation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::DoubleAnnotation > &doubleAnnotation)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::StructuredAnnotations::removeFileAnnotation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::FileAnnotation > &fileAnnotation)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::StructuredAnnotations::removeListAnnotation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::ListAnnotation > &listAnnotation)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::StructuredAnnotations::removeLongAnnotation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::LongAnnotation > &longAnnotation)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::StructuredAnnotations::removeMapAnnotation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::MapAnnotation > &mapAnnotation)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::StructuredAnnotations::removeTagAnnotation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::TagAnnotation > &tagAnnotation)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::StructuredAnnotations::removeTermAnnotation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::TermAnnotation > &termAnnotation)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::StructuredAnnotations::removeTimestampAnnotation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::TimestampAnnotation > &timestampAnnotation)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::StructuredAnnotations::removeXMLAnnotation (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::XMLAnnotation > &xmlAnnotation)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Union::addShape (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Shape > &shape)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::Union::removeShape (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Shape > &shape)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Well::addWellSample (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::WellSample > &wellSample)

Return list position?

Detect and handle duplicates?

Member ome::xml::model::Well::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.

Member ome::xml::model::Well::linkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::Well::removeWellSample (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::WellSample > &wellSample)

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Well::unlinkAnnotation (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Annotation > &annotation)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::Well::unlinkReagent (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Reagent > &reagent)
This method is fairly pointless since it's equivalent to linking a null pointer. It could call link(0) internally.
Member ome::xml::model::WellSample::link (ome::compat::shared_ptr< Reference > &reference, ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::OMEModelObject > &object)
This bit is silly; why do we have two dynamic_casts here.
Member ome::xml::model::WellSample::linkPlateAcquisition (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::PlateAcquisition > &plateAcquisition_BackReference)
Why have a return value here; what is it used for? Is this an artifact of the Java API?
Member ome::xml::model::WellSample::unlinkImage (ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::Image > &image)
This method is fairly pointless since it's equivalent to linking a null pointer. It could call link(0) internally.
Member ome::xml::model::WellSample::unlinkPlateAcquisition (const ome::compat::shared_ptr< ome::xml::model::PlateAcquisition > &plateAcquisition_BackReference)

Does the return value serve any useful purpose? Is this also inherited Java API?

Doesn't the removal break the indexing?

Does the removal deal with multiple instances; we aren't preventing duplicates on insertion.

Member ome::xml::model::XMLAnnotation::asXMLElementInternal (common::xml::dom::Document &document, common::xml::dom::Element &element) const
Catch and/or rethrow actual xerces exceptions
Member ome::xml::transform (const std::string &target_schema, const Input &input, Output &output, ome::common::xml::EntityResolver &entity_resolver, OMETransformResolver &transform_resolver)
: Logging of transforms being applied.