ome-xml  5.2.4
1 /*
2  * #%L
3  * OME-BIOFORMATS C++ library for image IO.
4  * %%
5  * Copyright © 2006 - 2016 Open Microscopy Environment:
6  * - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
7  * - National Institutes of Health
8  * - University of Dundee
9  * - Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin-Madison
10  * - Glencoe Software, Inc.
11  * %%
12  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
13  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
14  *
15  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
16  * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
17  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
18  * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
19  * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
20  *
32  *
33  * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are
34  * those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official
35  * policies, either expressed or implied, of any organization.
36  * #L%
37  */
39 /*─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
40  *
42  *
43  *─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
44  */
49 #include <ome/xml/meta/Metadata.h>
50 #include <ome/xml/meta/MetadataException.h>
52 namespace ome
53 {
54  namespace xml
55  {
56  namespace meta
57  {
68  class DummyMetadata : virtual public Metadata
69  {
70  public:
72  DummyMetadata();
75  virtual
78  // Documented in base class.
79  void
80  createRoot();
82  // Documented in base class.
83  ome::compat::shared_ptr<MetadataRoot>&
84  getRoot();
86  // Documented in base class.
87  void
88  setRoot(ome::compat::shared_ptr<MetadataRoot>& root);
90  // Documented in base class.
92  getBooleanAnnotationAnnotationCount(index_type booleanAnnotationIndex) const;
94  // Documented in base class.
96  getCommentAnnotationAnnotationCount(index_type commentAnnotationIndex) const;
98  // Documented in base class.
100  getDoubleAnnotationAnnotationCount(index_type doubleAnnotationIndex) const;
102  // Documented in base class.
103  index_type
104  getFileAnnotationAnnotationCount(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const;
106  // Documented in base class.
107  index_type
108  getListAnnotationAnnotationCount(index_type listAnnotationIndex) const;
110  // Documented in base class.
111  index_type
112  getLongAnnotationAnnotationCount(index_type longAnnotationIndex) const;
114  // Documented in base class.
115  index_type
116  getMapAnnotationAnnotationCount(index_type mapAnnotationIndex) const;
118  // Documented in base class.
119  index_type
120  getTagAnnotationAnnotationCount(index_type tagAnnotationIndex) const;
122  // Documented in base class.
123  index_type
124  getTermAnnotationAnnotationCount(index_type termAnnotationIndex) const;
126  // Documented in base class.
127  index_type
128  getTimestampAnnotationAnnotationCount(index_type timestampAnnotationIndex) const;
130  // Documented in base class.
131  index_type
132  getXMLAnnotationAnnotationCount(index_type xmlAnnotationIndex) const;
135  // Documented in base class.
136  const std::string&
137  getLightSourceType(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
139  // Documented in base class.
140  index_type
141  getLightSourceCount(index_type instrumentIndex) const;
142  // Documented in base class.
143  const std::string&
144  getShapeType(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
146  // Documented in base class.
147  index_type
148  getShapeCount(index_type ROIIndex) const;
149  // Documented in base class.
150  index_type
151  getLightSourceAnnotationRefCount(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
153  // Documented in base class.
154  index_type
155  getInstrumentAnnotationRefCount(index_type instrumentIndex) const;
157  // Documented in base class.
158  index_type
159  getObjectiveAnnotationRefCount(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const;
161  // Documented in base class.
162  index_type
163  getFolderAnnotationRefCount(index_type folderIndex) const;
165  // Documented in base class.
166  index_type
167  getDetectorAnnotationRefCount(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const;
169  // Documented in base class.
170  index_type
171  getChannelAnnotationRefCount(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
173  // Documented in base class.
174  index_type
175  getPlateAnnotationRefCount(index_type plateIndex) const;
177  // Documented in base class.
178  index_type
179  getExperimenterGroupAnnotationRefCount(index_type experimenterGroupIndex) const;
181  // Documented in base class.
182  index_type
183  getScreenAnnotationRefCount(index_type screenIndex) const;
185  // Documented in base class.
186  index_type
187  getReagentAnnotationRefCount(index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex) const;
189  // Documented in base class.
190  index_type
191  getPlaneAnnotationRefCount(index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex) const;
193  // Documented in base class.
194  index_type
195  getExperimenterAnnotationRefCount(index_type experimenterIndex) const;
197  // Documented in base class.
198  index_type
199  getDichroicAnnotationRefCount(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex) const;
201  // Documented in base class.
202  index_type
203  getWellAnnotationRefCount(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex) const;
205  // Documented in base class.
206  index_type
207  getFilterAnnotationRefCount(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const;
209  // Documented in base class.
210  index_type
211  getPlateAcquisitionAnnotationRefCount(index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex) const;
213  // Documented in base class.
214  index_type
215  getROIAnnotationRefCount(index_type ROIIndex) const;
217  // Documented in base class.
218  index_type
219  getProjectAnnotationRefCount(index_type projectIndex) const;
221  // Documented in base class.
222  index_type
223  getLightPathAnnotationRefCount(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
225  // Documented in base class.
226  index_type
227  getImageAnnotationRefCount(index_type imageIndex) const;
229  // Documented in base class.
230  index_type
231  getDatasetAnnotationRefCount(index_type datasetIndex) const;
233  // Documented in base class.
234  index_type
235  getShapeAnnotationRefCount(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
237  // Documented in base class.
238  index_type
239  getPixelsBinDataCount(index_type imageIndex) const;
241  // Documented in base class.
242  index_type
245  // Documented in base class.
246  index_type
247  getChannelCount(index_type imageIndex) const;
249  // Documented in base class.
250  index_type
253  // Documented in base class.
254  index_type
255  getDatasetCount() const;
257  // Documented in base class.
258  index_type
259  getDatasetRefCount(index_type projectIndex) const;
261  // Documented in base class.
262  index_type
263  getDetectorCount(index_type instrumentIndex) const;
265  // Documented in base class.
266  index_type
267  getDichroicCount(index_type instrumentIndex) const;
269  // Documented in base class.
270  index_type
271  getDoubleAnnotationCount() const;
273  // Documented in base class.
274  index_type
275  getLightPathEmissionFilterRefCount(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
277  // Documented in base class.
278  index_type
279  getFilterSetEmissionFilterRefCount(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex) const;
281  // Documented in base class.
282  index_type
283  getLightPathExcitationFilterRefCount(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
285  // Documented in base class.
286  index_type
287  getFilterSetExcitationFilterRefCount(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex) const;
289  // Documented in base class.
290  index_type
291  getExperimentCount() const;
293  // Documented in base class.
294  index_type
295  getExperimenterCount() const;
297  // Documented in base class.
298  index_type
301  // Documented in base class.
302  index_type
303  getExperimenterGroupExperimenterRefCount(index_type experimenterGroupIndex) const;
305  // Documented in base class.
306  index_type
307  getFileAnnotationCount() const;
309  // Documented in base class.
310  index_type
311  getFilterCount(index_type instrumentIndex) const;
313  // Documented in base class.
314  index_type
315  getFilterSetCount(index_type instrumentIndex) const;
317  // Documented in base class.
318  index_type
319  getFolderCount() const;
321  // Documented in base class.
322  index_type
323  getFolderRefCount(index_type folderIndex) const;
325  // Documented in base class.
326  index_type
327  getImageCount() const;
329  // Documented in base class.
330  index_type
331  getFolderImageRefCount(index_type folderIndex) const;
333  // Documented in base class.
334  index_type
335  getDatasetImageRefCount(index_type datasetIndex) const;
337  // Documented in base class.
338  index_type
339  getInstrumentCount() const;
341  // Documented in base class.
342  index_type
343  getLeaderCount(index_type experimenterGroupIndex) const;
345  // Documented in base class.
346  index_type
347  getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsCount(index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex) const;
349  // Documented in base class.
350  index_type
351  getListAnnotationCount() const;
353  // Documented in base class.
354  index_type
355  getLongAnnotationCount() const;
357  // Documented in base class.
358  index_type
359  getMapAnnotationCount() const;
361  // Documented in base class.
362  index_type
363  getMicrobeamManipulationCount(index_type experimentIndex) const;
365  // Documented in base class.
366  index_type
369  // Documented in base class.
370  index_type
371  getObjectiveCount(index_type instrumentIndex) const;
373  // Documented in base class.
374  index_type
375  getPlaneCount(index_type imageIndex) const;
377  // Documented in base class.
378  index_type
379  getPlateCount() const;
381  // Documented in base class.
382  index_type
383  getPlateAcquisitionCount(index_type plateIndex) const;
385  // Documented in base class.
386  index_type
387  getPlateRefCount(index_type screenIndex) const;
389  // Documented in base class.
390  index_type
391  getProjectCount() const;
393  // Documented in base class.
394  index_type
395  getROICount() const;
397  // Documented in base class.
398  index_type
399  getImageROIRefCount(index_type imageIndex) const;
401  // Documented in base class.
402  index_type
403  getFolderROIRefCount(index_type folderIndex) const;
405  // Documented in base class.
406  index_type
407  getMicrobeamManipulationROIRefCount(index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex) const;
409  // Documented in base class.
410  index_type
411  getReagentCount(index_type screenIndex) const;
413  // Documented in base class.
414  index_type
415  getScreenCount() const;
417  // Documented in base class.
418  index_type
419  getTagAnnotationCount() const;
421  // Documented in base class.
422  index_type
423  getTermAnnotationCount() const;
425  // Documented in base class.
426  index_type
427  getTiffDataCount(index_type imageIndex) const;
429  // Documented in base class.
430  index_type
433  // Documented in base class.
434  void
435  setUUIDValue(std::string value, index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex);
437  // Documented in base class.
438  std::string
439  getUUIDValue(index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex) const;
441  // Documented in base class.
442  index_type
443  getWellCount(index_type plateIndex) const;
445  // Documented in base class.
446  index_type
447  getWellSampleCount(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex) const;
449  // Documented in base class.
450  index_type
451  getWellSampleRefCount(index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex) const;
453  // Documented in base class.
454  index_type
455  getXMLAnnotationCount() const;
458  // Documented in base class.
459  const std::string&
460  getUUID() const;
462  // Documented in base class.
464  getMapAnnotationValue(index_type mapAnnotationIndex) const;
466  // Documented in base class.
469  index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
471  // Documented in base class.
473  getImagingEnvironmentMap(index_type imageIndex) const;
475  // Documented in base class.
476  const std::string&
477  getArcAnnotationRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
479  // Documented in base class.
480  const std::string&
481  getArcID(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
483  // Documented in base class.
484  const std::string&
485  getArcLotNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
487  // Documented in base class.
488  const std::string&
489  getArcManufacturer(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
491  // Documented in base class.
492  const std::string&
493  getArcModel(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
495  // Documented in base class.
497  getArcPower(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
499  // Documented in base class.
500  const std::string&
501  getArcSerialNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
503  // Documented in base class.
505  getArcType(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
507  // Documented in base class.
508  const std::vector<uint8_t>&
509  getBinaryFileBinData(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const;
511  // Documented in base class.
512  const std::vector<uint8_t>&
513  getMaskBinData(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
515  // Documented in base class.
516  const std::vector<uint8_t>&
517  getPixelsBinData(index_type imageIndex, index_type binDataIndex) const;
519  // Documented in base class.
520  bool
521  getBinaryFileBinDataBigEndian(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const;
523  // Documented in base class.
524  bool
525  getMaskBinDataBigEndian(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
527  // Documented in base class.
528  bool
529  getPixelsBinDataBigEndian(index_type imageIndex, index_type binDataIndex) const;
531  // Documented in base class.
533  getBinaryFileBinDataCompression(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const;
535  // Documented in base class.
537  getMaskBinDataCompression(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
539  // Documented in base class.
541  getPixelsBinDataCompression(index_type imageIndex, index_type binDataIndex) const;
543  // Documented in base class.
545  getBinaryFileBinDataLength(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const;
547  // Documented in base class.
549  getMaskBinDataLength(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
551  // Documented in base class.
553  getPixelsBinDataLength(index_type imageIndex, index_type binDataIndex) const;
555  // Documented in base class.
556  const std::string&
557  getBinaryFileFileName(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const;
559  // Documented in base class.
560  const std::string&
561  getBinaryFileMIMEType(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const;
563  // Documented in base class.
565  getBinaryFileSize(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const;
567  // Documented in base class.
568  const std::string&
571  // Documented in base class.
572  const std::string&
573  getBinaryOnlyUUID() const;
575  // Documented in base class.
576  const std::string&
577  getBooleanAnnotationAnnotationRef(index_type booleanAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
579  // Documented in base class.
580  const std::string&
581  getBooleanAnnotationAnnotator(index_type booleanAnnotationIndex) const;
583  // Documented in base class.
584  const std::string&
585  getBooleanAnnotationDescription(index_type booleanAnnotationIndex) const;
587  // Documented in base class.
588  const std::string&
589  getBooleanAnnotationID(index_type booleanAnnotationIndex) const;
591  // Documented in base class.
592  const std::string&
593  getBooleanAnnotationNamespace(index_type booleanAnnotationIndex) const;
595  // Documented in base class.
596  bool
597  getBooleanAnnotationValue(index_type booleanAnnotationIndex) const;
599  // Documented in base class.
601  getChannelAcquisitionMode(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
603  // Documented in base class.
604  const std::string&
605  getChannelAnnotationRef(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
607  // Documented in base class.
609  getChannelColor(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
611  // Documented in base class.
613  getChannelContrastMethod(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
615  // Documented in base class.
617  getChannelEmissionWavelength(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
619  // Documented in base class.
621  getChannelExcitationWavelength(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
623  // Documented in base class.
624  const std::string&
625  getChannelFilterSetRef(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
627  // Documented in base class.
628  const std::string&
629  getChannelFluor(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
631  // Documented in base class.
632  const std::string&
633  getChannelID(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
635  // Documented in base class.
637  getChannelIlluminationType(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
639  // Documented in base class.
640  double
641  getChannelNDFilter(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
643  // Documented in base class.
644  const std::string&
645  getChannelName(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
647  // Documented in base class.
649  getChannelPinholeSize(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
651  // Documented in base class.
652  int32_t
653  getChannelPockelCellSetting(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
655  // Documented in base class.
657  getChannelSamplesPerPixel(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
659  // Documented in base class.
660  const std::string&
661  getCommentAnnotationAnnotationRef(index_type commentAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
663  // Documented in base class.
664  const std::string&
665  getCommentAnnotationAnnotator(index_type commentAnnotationIndex) const;
667  // Documented in base class.
668  const std::string&
669  getCommentAnnotationDescription(index_type commentAnnotationIndex) const;
671  // Documented in base class.
672  const std::string&
673  getCommentAnnotationID(index_type commentAnnotationIndex) const;
675  // Documented in base class.
676  const std::string&
677  getCommentAnnotationNamespace(index_type commentAnnotationIndex) const;
679  // Documented in base class.
680  const std::string&
681  getCommentAnnotationValue(index_type commentAnnotationIndex) const;
683  // Documented in base class.
684  const std::string&
685  getDatasetAnnotationRef(index_type datasetIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
687  // Documented in base class.
688  const std::string&
689  getDatasetDescription(index_type datasetIndex) const;
691  // Documented in base class.
692  const std::string&
693  getDatasetExperimenterGroupRef(index_type datasetIndex) const;
695  // Documented in base class.
696  const std::string&
697  getDatasetExperimenterRef(index_type datasetIndex) const;
699  // Documented in base class.
700  const std::string&
701  getDatasetID(index_type datasetIndex) const;
703  // Documented in base class.
704  const std::string&
705  getDatasetImageRef(index_type datasetIndex, index_type imageRefIndex) const;
707  // Documented in base class.
708  const std::string&
709  getDatasetName(index_type datasetIndex) const;
711  // Documented in base class.
712  double
713  getDetectorAmplificationGain(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const;
715  // Documented in base class.
716  const std::string&
717  getDetectorAnnotationRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
719  // Documented in base class.
720  double
721  getDetectorGain(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const;
723  // Documented in base class.
724  const std::string&
725  getDetectorID(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const;
727  // Documented in base class.
728  const std::string&
729  getDetectorLotNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const;
731  // Documented in base class.
732  const std::string&
733  getDetectorManufacturer(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const;
735  // Documented in base class.
736  const std::string&
737  getDetectorModel(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const;
739  // Documented in base class.
740  double
741  getDetectorOffset(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const;
743  // Documented in base class.
744  const std::string&
745  getDetectorSerialNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const;
747  // Documented in base class.
749  getDetectorType(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const;
751  // Documented in base class.
753  getDetectorVoltage(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const;
755  // Documented in base class.
756  double
757  getDetectorZoom(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const;
759  // Documented in base class.
761  getDetectorSettingsBinning(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
763  // Documented in base class.
764  double
765  getDetectorSettingsGain(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
767  // Documented in base class.
768  const std::string&
769  getDetectorSettingsID(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
771  // Documented in base class.
773  getDetectorSettingsIntegration(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
775  // Documented in base class.
776  double
777  getDetectorSettingsOffset(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
779  // Documented in base class.
781  getDetectorSettingsReadOutRate(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
783  // Documented in base class.
785  getDetectorSettingsVoltage(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
787  // Documented in base class.
788  double
789  getDetectorSettingsZoom(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
791  // Documented in base class.
792  const std::string&
793  getDichroicAnnotationRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
795  // Documented in base class.
796  const std::string&
797  getDichroicID(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex) const;
799  // Documented in base class.
800  const std::string&
801  getDichroicLotNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex) const;
803  // Documented in base class.
804  const std::string&
805  getDichroicManufacturer(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex) const;
807  // Documented in base class.
808  const std::string&
809  getDichroicModel(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex) const;
811  // Documented in base class.
812  const std::string&
813  getDichroicSerialNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex) const;
815  // Documented in base class.
816  const std::string&
817  getDoubleAnnotationAnnotationRef(index_type doubleAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
819  // Documented in base class.
820  const std::string&
821  getDoubleAnnotationAnnotator(index_type doubleAnnotationIndex) const;
823  // Documented in base class.
824  const std::string&
825  getDoubleAnnotationDescription(index_type doubleAnnotationIndex) const;
827  // Documented in base class.
828  const std::string&
829  getDoubleAnnotationID(index_type doubleAnnotationIndex) const;
831  // Documented in base class.
832  const std::string&
833  getDoubleAnnotationNamespace(index_type doubleAnnotationIndex) const;
835  // Documented in base class.
836  double
837  getDoubleAnnotationValue(index_type doubleAnnotationIndex) const;
839  // Documented in base class.
840  const std::string&
841  getEllipseAnnotationRef(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
843  // Documented in base class.
845  getEllipseFillColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
847  // Documented in base class.
849  getEllipseFillRule(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
851  // Documented in base class.
853  getEllipseFontFamily(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
855  // Documented in base class.
857  getEllipseFontSize(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
859  // Documented in base class.
861  getEllipseFontStyle(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
863  // Documented in base class.
864  const std::string&
865  getEllipseID(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
867  // Documented in base class.
868  bool
869  getEllipseLocked(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
871  // Documented in base class.
872  double
873  getEllipseRadiusX(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
875  // Documented in base class.
876  double
877  getEllipseRadiusY(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
879  // Documented in base class.
881  getEllipseStrokeColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
883  // Documented in base class.
884  const std::string&
885  getEllipseStrokeDashArray(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
887  // Documented in base class.
889  getEllipseStrokeWidth(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
891  // Documented in base class.
892  const std::string&
893  getEllipseText(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
895  // Documented in base class.
897  getEllipseTheC(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
899  // Documented in base class.
901  getEllipseTheT(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
903  // Documented in base class.
905  getEllipseTheZ(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
907  // Documented in base class.
908  const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform&
909  getEllipseTransform(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
911  // Documented in base class.
912  double
913  getEllipseX(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
915  // Documented in base class.
916  double
917  getEllipseY(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
919  // Documented in base class.
920  const std::string&
921  getExperimentDescription(index_type experimentIndex) const;
923  // Documented in base class.
924  const std::string&
925  getExperimentExperimenterRef(index_type experimentIndex) const;
927  // Documented in base class.
928  const std::string&
929  getExperimentID(index_type experimentIndex) const;
931  // Documented in base class.
933  getExperimentType(index_type experimentIndex) const;
935  // Documented in base class.
936  const std::string&
937  getExperimenterAnnotationRef(index_type experimenterIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
939  // Documented in base class.
940  const std::string&
941  getExperimenterEmail(index_type experimenterIndex) const;
943  // Documented in base class.
944  const std::string&
945  getExperimenterFirstName(index_type experimenterIndex) const;
947  // Documented in base class.
948  const std::string&
949  getExperimenterID(index_type experimenterIndex) const;
951  // Documented in base class.
952  const std::string&
953  getExperimenterInstitution(index_type experimenterIndex) const;
955  // Documented in base class.
956  const std::string&
957  getExperimenterLastName(index_type experimenterIndex) const;
959  // Documented in base class.
960  const std::string&
961  getExperimenterMiddleName(index_type experimenterIndex) const;
963  // Documented in base class.
964  const std::string&
965  getExperimenterUserName(index_type experimenterIndex) const;
967  // Documented in base class.
968  const std::string&
969  getExperimenterGroupAnnotationRef(index_type experimenterGroupIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
971  // Documented in base class.
972  const std::string&
973  getExperimenterGroupDescription(index_type experimenterGroupIndex) const;
975  // Documented in base class.
976  const std::string&
977  getExperimenterGroupExperimenterRef(index_type experimenterGroupIndex, index_type experimenterRefIndex) const;
979  // Documented in base class.
980  const std::string&
981  getExperimenterGroupID(index_type experimenterGroupIndex) const;
983  // Documented in base class.
984  const std::string&
985  getExperimenterGroupLeader(index_type experimenterGroupIndex, index_type leaderIndex) const;
987  // Documented in base class.
988  const std::string&
989  getExperimenterGroupName(index_type experimenterGroupIndex) const;
991  // Documented in base class.
992  const std::string&
993  getFilamentAnnotationRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
995  // Documented in base class.
996  const std::string&
997  getFilamentID(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
999  // Documented in base class.
1000  const std::string&
1001  getFilamentLotNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1003  // Documented in base class.
1004  const std::string&
1005  getFilamentManufacturer(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1007  // Documented in base class.
1008  const std::string&
1009  getFilamentModel(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1011  // Documented in base class.
1013  getFilamentPower(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1015  // Documented in base class.
1016  const std::string&
1017  getFilamentSerialNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1019  // Documented in base class.
1021  getFilamentType(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1023  // Documented in base class.
1024  const std::string&
1025  getFileAnnotationAnnotationRef(index_type fileAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
1027  // Documented in base class.
1028  const std::string&
1029  getFileAnnotationAnnotator(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const;
1031  // Documented in base class.
1032  const std::string&
1033  getFileAnnotationDescription(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const;
1035  // Documented in base class.
1036  const std::string&
1037  getFileAnnotationID(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const;
1039  // Documented in base class.
1040  const std::string&
1041  getFileAnnotationNamespace(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const;
1043  // Documented in base class.
1044  const std::string&
1045  getFilterAnnotationRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
1047  // Documented in base class.
1048  const std::string&
1049  getFilterFilterWheel(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const;
1051  // Documented in base class.
1052  const std::string&
1053  getFilterID(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const;
1055  // Documented in base class.
1056  const std::string&
1057  getFilterLotNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const;
1059  // Documented in base class.
1060  const std::string&
1061  getFilterManufacturer(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const;
1063  // Documented in base class.
1064  const std::string&
1065  getFilterModel(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const;
1067  // Documented in base class.
1068  const std::string&
1069  getFilterSerialNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const;
1071  // Documented in base class.
1073  getFilterType(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const;
1075  // Documented in base class.
1076  const std::string&
1077  getFilterSetDichroicRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex) const;
1079  // Documented in base class.
1080  const std::string&
1081  getFilterSetEmissionFilterRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex, index_type emissionFilterRefIndex) const;
1083  // Documented in base class.
1084  const std::string&
1085  getFilterSetExcitationFilterRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex, index_type excitationFilterRefIndex) const;
1087  // Documented in base class.
1088  const std::string&
1089  getFilterSetID(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex) const;
1091  // Documented in base class.
1092  const std::string&
1093  getFilterSetLotNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex) const;
1095  // Documented in base class.
1096  const std::string&
1097  getFilterSetManufacturer(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex) const;
1099  // Documented in base class.
1100  const std::string&
1101  getFilterSetModel(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex) const;
1103  // Documented in base class.
1104  const std::string&
1105  getFilterSetSerialNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex) const;
1107  // Documented in base class.
1108  const std::string&
1109  getFolderAnnotationRef(index_type folderIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
1111  // Documented in base class.
1112  const std::string&
1113  getFolderDescription(index_type folderIndex) const;
1115  // Documented in base class.
1116  const std::string&
1117  getFolderFolderRef(index_type folderIndex, index_type folderRefIndex) const;
1119  // Documented in base class.
1120  const std::string&
1121  getFolderID(index_type folderIndex) const;
1123  // Documented in base class.
1124  const std::string&
1125  getFolderImageRef(index_type folderIndex, index_type imageRefIndex) const;
1127  // Documented in base class.
1128  const std::string&
1129  getFolderName(index_type folderIndex) const;
1131  // Documented in base class.
1132  const std::string&
1133  getFolderROIRef(index_type folderIndex, index_type ROIRefIndex) const;
1135  // Documented in base class.
1136  const std::string&
1137  getGenericExcitationSourceAnnotationRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
1139  // Documented in base class.
1140  const std::string&
1141  getGenericExcitationSourceID(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1143  // Documented in base class.
1144  const std::string&
1145  getGenericExcitationSourceLotNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1147  // Documented in base class.
1148  const std::string&
1149  getGenericExcitationSourceManufacturer(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1151  // Documented in base class.
1152  const std::string&
1153  getGenericExcitationSourceModel(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1155  // Documented in base class.
1157  getGenericExcitationSourcePower(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1159  // Documented in base class.
1160  const std::string&
1161  getGenericExcitationSourceSerialNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1163  // Documented in base class.
1165  getImageAcquisitionDate(index_type imageIndex) const;
1167  // Documented in base class.
1168  const std::string&
1169  getImageAnnotationRef(index_type imageIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
1171  // Documented in base class.
1172  const std::string&
1173  getImageDescription(index_type imageIndex) const;
1175  // Documented in base class.
1176  const std::string&
1177  getImageExperimentRef(index_type imageIndex) const;
1179  // Documented in base class.
1180  const std::string&
1181  getImageExperimenterGroupRef(index_type imageIndex) const;
1183  // Documented in base class.
1184  const std::string&
1185  getImageExperimenterRef(index_type imageIndex) const;
1187  // Documented in base class.
1188  const std::string&
1189  getImageID(index_type imageIndex) const;
1191  // Documented in base class.
1192  const std::string&
1193  getImageInstrumentRef(index_type imageIndex) const;
1195  // Documented in base class.
1196  const std::string&
1197  getImageMicrobeamManipulationRef(index_type imageIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationRefIndex) const;
1199  // Documented in base class.
1200  const std::string&
1201  getImageName(index_type imageIndex) const;
1203  // Documented in base class.
1204  const std::string&
1205  getImageROIRef(index_type imageIndex, index_type ROIRefIndex) const;
1207  // Documented in base class.
1209  getImagingEnvironmentAirPressure(index_type imageIndex) const;
1211  // Documented in base class.
1213  getImagingEnvironmentCO2Percent(index_type imageIndex) const;
1215  // Documented in base class.
1217  getImagingEnvironmentHumidity(index_type imageIndex) const;
1219  // Documented in base class.
1221  getImagingEnvironmentTemperature(index_type imageIndex) const;
1223  // Documented in base class.
1224  const std::string&
1225  getInstrumentAnnotationRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
1227  // Documented in base class.
1228  const std::string&
1229  getInstrumentID(index_type instrumentIndex) const;
1231  // Documented in base class.
1232  const std::string&
1233  getLabelAnnotationRef(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
1235  // Documented in base class.
1237  getLabelFillColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1239  // Documented in base class.
1241  getLabelFillRule(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1243  // Documented in base class.
1245  getLabelFontFamily(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1247  // Documented in base class.
1249  getLabelFontSize(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1251  // Documented in base class.
1253  getLabelFontStyle(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1255  // Documented in base class.
1256  const std::string&
1257  getLabelID(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1259  // Documented in base class.
1260  bool
1261  getLabelLocked(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1263  // Documented in base class.
1265  getLabelStrokeColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1267  // Documented in base class.
1268  const std::string&
1269  getLabelStrokeDashArray(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1271  // Documented in base class.
1273  getLabelStrokeWidth(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1275  // Documented in base class.
1276  const std::string&
1277  getLabelText(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1279  // Documented in base class.
1281  getLabelTheC(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1283  // Documented in base class.
1285  getLabelTheT(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1287  // Documented in base class.
1289  getLabelTheZ(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1291  // Documented in base class.
1292  const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform&
1293  getLabelTransform(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1295  // Documented in base class.
1296  double
1297  getLabelX(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1299  // Documented in base class.
1300  double
1301  getLabelY(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1303  // Documented in base class.
1304  const std::string&
1305  getLaserAnnotationRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
1307  // Documented in base class.
1309  getLaserFrequencyMultiplication(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1311  // Documented in base class.
1312  const std::string&
1313  getLaserID(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1315  // Documented in base class.
1317  getLaserLaserMedium(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1319  // Documented in base class.
1320  const std::string&
1321  getLaserLotNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1323  // Documented in base class.
1324  const std::string&
1325  getLaserManufacturer(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1327  // Documented in base class.
1328  const std::string&
1329  getLaserModel(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1331  // Documented in base class.
1332  bool
1333  getLaserPockelCell(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1335  // Documented in base class.
1337  getLaserPower(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1339  // Documented in base class.
1341  getLaserPulse(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1343  // Documented in base class.
1344  const std::string&
1345  getLaserPump(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1347  // Documented in base class.
1349  getLaserRepetitionRate(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1351  // Documented in base class.
1352  const std::string&
1353  getLaserSerialNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1355  // Documented in base class.
1356  bool
1357  getLaserTuneable(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1359  // Documented in base class.
1361  getLaserType(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1363  // Documented in base class.
1365  getLaserWavelength(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1367  // Documented in base class.
1368  const std::string&
1369  getLightEmittingDiodeAnnotationRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
1371  // Documented in base class.
1372  const std::string&
1373  getLightEmittingDiodeID(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1375  // Documented in base class.
1376  const std::string&
1377  getLightEmittingDiodeLotNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1379  // Documented in base class.
1380  const std::string&
1381  getLightEmittingDiodeManufacturer(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1383  // Documented in base class.
1384  const std::string&
1385  getLightEmittingDiodeModel(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1387  // Documented in base class.
1389  getLightEmittingDiodePower(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1391  // Documented in base class.
1392  const std::string&
1393  getLightEmittingDiodeSerialNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const;
1395  // Documented in base class.
1396  const std::string&
1397  getLightPathAnnotationRef(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
1399  // Documented in base class.
1400  const std::string&
1401  getLightPathDichroicRef(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
1403  // Documented in base class.
1404  const std::string&
1405  getLightPathEmissionFilterRef(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex, index_type emissionFilterRefIndex) const;
1407  // Documented in base class.
1408  const std::string&
1409  getLightPathExcitationFilterRef(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex, index_type excitationFilterRefIndex) const;
1411  // Documented in base class.
1413  getChannelLightSourceSettingsAttenuation(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
1415  // Documented in base class.
1417  getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsAttenuation(index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex, index_type lightSourceSettingsIndex) const;
1419  // Documented in base class.
1420  const std::string&
1421  getChannelLightSourceSettingsID(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
1423  // Documented in base class.
1424  const std::string&
1425  getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsID(index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex, index_type lightSourceSettingsIndex) const;
1427  // Documented in base class.
1429  getChannelLightSourceSettingsWavelength(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const;
1431  // Documented in base class.
1433  getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsWavelength(index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex, index_type lightSourceSettingsIndex) const;
1435  // Documented in base class.
1436  const std::string&
1437  getLineAnnotationRef(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
1439  // Documented in base class.
1441  getLineFillColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1443  // Documented in base class.
1445  getLineFillRule(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1447  // Documented in base class.
1449  getLineFontFamily(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1451  // Documented in base class.
1453  getLineFontSize(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1455  // Documented in base class.
1457  getLineFontStyle(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1459  // Documented in base class.
1460  const std::string&
1461  getLineID(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1463  // Documented in base class.
1464  bool
1465  getLineLocked(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1467  // Documented in base class.
1469  getLineMarkerEnd(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1471  // Documented in base class.
1473  getLineMarkerStart(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1475  // Documented in base class.
1477  getLineStrokeColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1479  // Documented in base class.
1480  const std::string&
1481  getLineStrokeDashArray(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1483  // Documented in base class.
1485  getLineStrokeWidth(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1487  // Documented in base class.
1488  const std::string&
1489  getLineText(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1491  // Documented in base class.
1493  getLineTheC(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1495  // Documented in base class.
1497  getLineTheT(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1499  // Documented in base class.
1501  getLineTheZ(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1503  // Documented in base class.
1504  const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform&
1505  getLineTransform(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1507  // Documented in base class.
1508  double
1509  getLineX1(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1511  // Documented in base class.
1512  double
1513  getLineX2(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1515  // Documented in base class.
1516  double
1517  getLineY1(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1519  // Documented in base class.
1520  double
1521  getLineY2(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1523  // Documented in base class.
1524  const std::string&
1525  getListAnnotationAnnotationRef(index_type listAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
1527  // Documented in base class.
1528  const std::string&
1529  getListAnnotationAnnotator(index_type listAnnotationIndex) const;
1531  // Documented in base class.
1532  const std::string&
1533  getListAnnotationDescription(index_type listAnnotationIndex) const;
1535  // Documented in base class.
1536  const std::string&
1537  getListAnnotationID(index_type listAnnotationIndex) const;
1539  // Documented in base class.
1540  const std::string&
1541  getListAnnotationNamespace(index_type listAnnotationIndex) const;
1543  // Documented in base class.
1544  const std::string&
1545  getLongAnnotationAnnotationRef(index_type longAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
1547  // Documented in base class.
1548  const std::string&
1549  getLongAnnotationAnnotator(index_type longAnnotationIndex) const;
1551  // Documented in base class.
1552  const std::string&
1553  getLongAnnotationDescription(index_type longAnnotationIndex) const;
1555  // Documented in base class.
1556  const std::string&
1557  getLongAnnotationID(index_type longAnnotationIndex) const;
1559  // Documented in base class.
1560  const std::string&
1561  getLongAnnotationNamespace(index_type longAnnotationIndex) const;
1563  // Documented in base class.
1564  int64_t
1565  getLongAnnotationValue(index_type longAnnotationIndex) const;
1567  // Documented in base class.
1568  const std::string&
1569  getMapAnnotationAnnotationRef(index_type mapAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
1571  // Documented in base class.
1572  const std::string&
1573  getMapAnnotationAnnotator(index_type mapAnnotationIndex) const;
1575  // Documented in base class.
1576  const std::string&
1577  getMapAnnotationDescription(index_type mapAnnotationIndex) const;
1579  // Documented in base class.
1580  const std::string&
1581  getMapAnnotationID(index_type mapAnnotationIndex) const;
1583  // Documented in base class.
1584  const std::string&
1585  getMapAnnotationNamespace(index_type mapAnnotationIndex) const;
1587  // Documented in base class.
1588  const std::string&
1589  getMaskAnnotationRef(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
1591  // Documented in base class.
1593  getMaskFillColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1595  // Documented in base class.
1597  getMaskFillRule(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1599  // Documented in base class.
1601  getMaskFontFamily(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1603  // Documented in base class.
1605  getMaskFontSize(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1607  // Documented in base class.
1609  getMaskFontStyle(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1611  // Documented in base class.
1612  double
1613  getMaskHeight(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1615  // Documented in base class.
1616  const std::string&
1617  getMaskID(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1619  // Documented in base class.
1620  bool
1621  getMaskLocked(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1623  // Documented in base class.
1625  getMaskStrokeColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1627  // Documented in base class.
1628  const std::string&
1629  getMaskStrokeDashArray(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1631  // Documented in base class.
1633  getMaskStrokeWidth(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1635  // Documented in base class.
1636  const std::string&
1637  getMaskText(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1639  // Documented in base class.
1641  getMaskTheC(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1643  // Documented in base class.
1645  getMaskTheT(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1647  // Documented in base class.
1649  getMaskTheZ(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1651  // Documented in base class.
1652  const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform&
1653  getMaskTransform(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1655  // Documented in base class.
1656  double
1657  getMaskWidth(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1659  // Documented in base class.
1660  double
1661  getMaskX(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1663  // Documented in base class.
1664  double
1665  getMaskY(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1667  // Documented in base class.
1668  const std::string&
1669  getMicrobeamManipulationDescription(index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex) const;
1671  // Documented in base class.
1672  const std::string&
1673  getMicrobeamManipulationExperimenterRef(index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex) const;
1675  // Documented in base class.
1676  const std::string&
1677  getMicrobeamManipulationID(index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex) const;
1679  // Documented in base class.
1680  const std::string&
1681  getMicrobeamManipulationROIRef(index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex, index_type ROIRefIndex) const;
1683  // Documented in base class.
1685  getMicrobeamManipulationType(index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex) const;
1687  // Documented in base class.
1688  const std::string&
1689  getMicroscopeLotNumber(index_type instrumentIndex) const;
1691  // Documented in base class.
1692  const std::string&
1693  getMicroscopeManufacturer(index_type instrumentIndex) const;
1695  // Documented in base class.
1696  const std::string&
1697  getMicroscopeModel(index_type instrumentIndex) const;
1699  // Documented in base class.
1700  const std::string&
1701  getMicroscopeSerialNumber(index_type instrumentIndex) const;
1703  // Documented in base class.
1705  getMicroscopeType(index_type instrumentIndex) const;
1707  // Documented in base class.
1708  const std::string&
1709  getObjectiveAnnotationRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
1711  // Documented in base class.
1712  double
1713  getObjectiveCalibratedMagnification(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const;
1715  // Documented in base class.
1717  getObjectiveCorrection(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const;
1719  // Documented in base class.
1720  const std::string&
1721  getObjectiveID(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const;
1723  // Documented in base class.
1725  getObjectiveImmersion(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const;
1727  // Documented in base class.
1728  bool
1729  getObjectiveIris(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const;
1731  // Documented in base class.
1732  double
1733  getObjectiveLensNA(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const;
1735  // Documented in base class.
1736  const std::string&
1737  getObjectiveLotNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const;
1739  // Documented in base class.
1740  const std::string&
1741  getObjectiveManufacturer(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const;
1743  // Documented in base class.
1744  const std::string&
1745  getObjectiveModel(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const;
1747  // Documented in base class.
1748  double
1749  getObjectiveNominalMagnification(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const;
1751  // Documented in base class.
1752  const std::string&
1753  getObjectiveSerialNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const;
1755  // Documented in base class.
1757  getObjectiveWorkingDistance(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const;
1759  // Documented in base class.
1760  double
1763  // Documented in base class.
1764  const std::string&
1765  getObjectiveSettingsID(index_type imageIndex) const;
1767  // Documented in base class.
1769  getObjectiveSettingsMedium(index_type imageIndex) const;
1771  // Documented in base class.
1772  double
1775  // Documented in base class.
1776  bool
1777  getPixelsBigEndian(index_type imageIndex) const;
1779  // Documented in base class.
1781  getPixelsDimensionOrder(index_type imageIndex) const;
1783  // Documented in base class.
1784  const std::string&
1785  getPixelsID(index_type imageIndex) const;
1787  // Documented in base class.
1788  bool
1789  getPixelsInterleaved(index_type imageIndex) const;
1791  // Documented in base class.
1793  getPixelsPhysicalSizeX(index_type imageIndex) const;
1795  // Documented in base class.
1797  getPixelsPhysicalSizeY(index_type imageIndex) const;
1799  // Documented in base class.
1801  getPixelsPhysicalSizeZ(index_type imageIndex) const;
1803  // Documented in base class.
1805  getPixelsSignificantBits(index_type imageIndex) const;
1807  // Documented in base class.
1809  getPixelsSizeC(index_type imageIndex) const;
1811  // Documented in base class.
1813  getPixelsSizeT(index_type imageIndex) const;
1815  // Documented in base class.
1817  getPixelsSizeX(index_type imageIndex) const;
1819  // Documented in base class.
1821  getPixelsSizeY(index_type imageIndex) const;
1823  // Documented in base class.
1825  getPixelsSizeZ(index_type imageIndex) const;
1827  // Documented in base class.
1829  getPixelsTimeIncrement(index_type imageIndex) const;
1831  // Documented in base class.
1833  getPixelsType(index_type imageIndex) const;
1835  // Documented in base class.
1836  const std::string&
1837  getPlaneAnnotationRef(index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
1839  // Documented in base class.
1841  getPlaneDeltaT(index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex) const;
1843  // Documented in base class.
1845  getPlaneExposureTime(index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex) const;
1847  // Documented in base class.
1848  const std::string&
1849  getPlaneHashSHA1(index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex) const;
1851  // Documented in base class.
1853  getPlanePositionX(index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex) const;
1855  // Documented in base class.
1857  getPlanePositionY(index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex) const;
1859  // Documented in base class.
1861  getPlanePositionZ(index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex) const;
1863  // Documented in base class.
1865  getPlaneTheC(index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex) const;
1867  // Documented in base class.
1869  getPlaneTheT(index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex) const;
1871  // Documented in base class.
1873  getPlaneTheZ(index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex) const;
1875  // Documented in base class.
1876  const std::string&
1877  getPlateAnnotationRef(index_type plateIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
1879  // Documented in base class.
1881  getPlateColumnNamingConvention(index_type plateIndex) const;
1883  // Documented in base class.
1885  getPlateColumns(index_type plateIndex) const;
1887  // Documented in base class.
1888  const std::string&
1889  getPlateDescription(index_type plateIndex) const;
1891  // Documented in base class.
1892  const std::string&
1893  getPlateExternalIdentifier(index_type plateIndex) const;
1895  // Documented in base class.
1897  getPlateFieldIndex(index_type plateIndex) const;
1899  // Documented in base class.
1900  const std::string&
1901  getPlateID(index_type plateIndex) const;
1903  // Documented in base class.
1904  const std::string&
1905  getPlateName(index_type plateIndex) const;
1907  // Documented in base class.
1909  getPlateRowNamingConvention(index_type plateIndex) const;
1911  // Documented in base class.
1913  getPlateRows(index_type plateIndex) const;
1915  // Documented in base class.
1916  const std::string&
1917  getPlateStatus(index_type plateIndex) const;
1919  // Documented in base class.
1921  getPlateWellOriginX(index_type plateIndex) const;
1923  // Documented in base class.
1925  getPlateWellOriginY(index_type plateIndex) const;
1927  // Documented in base class.
1928  const std::string&
1929  getPlateAcquisitionAnnotationRef(index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
1931  // Documented in base class.
1932  const std::string&
1933  getPlateAcquisitionDescription(index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex) const;
1935  // Documented in base class.
1937  getPlateAcquisitionEndTime(index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex) const;
1939  // Documented in base class.
1940  const std::string&
1941  getPlateAcquisitionID(index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex) const;
1943  // Documented in base class.
1945  getPlateAcquisitionMaximumFieldCount(index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex) const;
1947  // Documented in base class.
1948  const std::string&
1949  getPlateAcquisitionName(index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex) const;
1951  // Documented in base class.
1953  getPlateAcquisitionStartTime(index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex) const;
1955  // Documented in base class.
1956  const std::string&
1957  getPlateAcquisitionWellSampleRef(index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex, index_type wellSampleRefIndex) const;
1959  // Documented in base class.
1960  const std::string&
1961  getPointAnnotationRef(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
1963  // Documented in base class.
1965  getPointFillColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1967  // Documented in base class.
1969  getPointFillRule(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1971  // Documented in base class.
1973  getPointFontFamily(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1975  // Documented in base class.
1977  getPointFontSize(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1979  // Documented in base class.
1981  getPointFontStyle(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1983  // Documented in base class.
1984  const std::string&
1985  getPointID(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1987  // Documented in base class.
1988  bool
1989  getPointLocked(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1991  // Documented in base class.
1993  getPointStrokeColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1995  // Documented in base class.
1996  const std::string&
1997  getPointStrokeDashArray(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
1999  // Documented in base class.
2001  getPointStrokeWidth(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2003  // Documented in base class.
2004  const std::string&
2005  getPointText(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2007  // Documented in base class.
2009  getPointTheC(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2011  // Documented in base class.
2013  getPointTheT(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2015  // Documented in base class.
2017  getPointTheZ(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2019  // Documented in base class.
2020  const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform&
2021  getPointTransform(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2023  // Documented in base class.
2024  double
2025  getPointX(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2027  // Documented in base class.
2028  double
2029  getPointY(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2031  // Documented in base class.
2032  const std::string&
2033  getPolygonAnnotationRef(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
2035  // Documented in base class.
2037  getPolygonFillColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2039  // Documented in base class.
2041  getPolygonFillRule(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2043  // Documented in base class.
2045  getPolygonFontFamily(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2047  // Documented in base class.
2049  getPolygonFontSize(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2051  // Documented in base class.
2053  getPolygonFontStyle(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2055  // Documented in base class.
2056  const std::string&
2057  getPolygonID(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2059  // Documented in base class.
2060  bool
2061  getPolygonLocked(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2063  // Documented in base class.
2064  const std::string&
2065  getPolygonPoints(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2067  // Documented in base class.
2069  getPolygonStrokeColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2071  // Documented in base class.
2072  const std::string&
2073  getPolygonStrokeDashArray(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2075  // Documented in base class.
2077  getPolygonStrokeWidth(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2079  // Documented in base class.
2080  const std::string&
2081  getPolygonText(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2083  // Documented in base class.
2085  getPolygonTheC(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2087  // Documented in base class.
2089  getPolygonTheT(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2091  // Documented in base class.
2093  getPolygonTheZ(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2095  // Documented in base class.
2096  const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform&
2097  getPolygonTransform(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2099  // Documented in base class.
2100  const std::string&
2101  getPolylineAnnotationRef(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
2103  // Documented in base class.
2105  getPolylineFillColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2107  // Documented in base class.
2109  getPolylineFillRule(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2111  // Documented in base class.
2113  getPolylineFontFamily(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2115  // Documented in base class.
2117  getPolylineFontSize(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2119  // Documented in base class.
2121  getPolylineFontStyle(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2123  // Documented in base class.
2124  const std::string&
2125  getPolylineID(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2127  // Documented in base class.
2128  bool
2129  getPolylineLocked(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2131  // Documented in base class.
2133  getPolylineMarkerEnd(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2135  // Documented in base class.
2137  getPolylineMarkerStart(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2139  // Documented in base class.
2140  const std::string&
2141  getPolylinePoints(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2143  // Documented in base class.
2145  getPolylineStrokeColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2147  // Documented in base class.
2148  const std::string&
2149  getPolylineStrokeDashArray(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2151  // Documented in base class.
2153  getPolylineStrokeWidth(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2155  // Documented in base class.
2156  const std::string&
2157  getPolylineText(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2159  // Documented in base class.
2161  getPolylineTheC(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2163  // Documented in base class.
2165  getPolylineTheT(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2167  // Documented in base class.
2169  getPolylineTheZ(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2171  // Documented in base class.
2172  const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform&
2173  getPolylineTransform(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2175  // Documented in base class.
2176  const std::string&
2177  getProjectAnnotationRef(index_type projectIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
2179  // Documented in base class.
2180  const std::string&
2181  getProjectDatasetRef(index_type projectIndex, index_type datasetRefIndex) const;
2183  // Documented in base class.
2184  const std::string&
2185  getProjectDescription(index_type projectIndex) const;
2187  // Documented in base class.
2188  const std::string&
2189  getProjectExperimenterGroupRef(index_type projectIndex) const;
2191  // Documented in base class.
2192  const std::string&
2193  getProjectExperimenterRef(index_type projectIndex) const;
2195  // Documented in base class.
2196  const std::string&
2197  getProjectID(index_type projectIndex) const;
2199  // Documented in base class.
2200  const std::string&
2201  getProjectName(index_type projectIndex) const;
2203  // Documented in base class.
2204  const std::string&
2205  getROIAnnotationRef(index_type ROIIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
2207  // Documented in base class.
2208  const std::string&
2209  getROIDescription(index_type ROIIndex) const;
2211  // Documented in base class.
2212  const std::string&
2213  getROIID(index_type ROIIndex) const;
2215  // Documented in base class.
2216  const std::string&
2217  getROIName(index_type ROIIndex) const;
2219  // Documented in base class.
2220  const std::string&
2221  getReagentAnnotationRef(index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
2223  // Documented in base class.
2224  const std::string&
2225  getReagentDescription(index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex) const;
2227  // Documented in base class.
2228  const std::string&
2229  getReagentID(index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex) const;
2231  // Documented in base class.
2232  const std::string&
2233  getReagentName(index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex) const;
2235  // Documented in base class.
2236  const std::string&
2237  getReagentReagentIdentifier(index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex) const;
2239  // Documented in base class.
2240  const std::string&
2241  getRectangleAnnotationRef(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
2243  // Documented in base class.
2245  getRectangleFillColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2247  // Documented in base class.
2249  getRectangleFillRule(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2251  // Documented in base class.
2253  getRectangleFontFamily(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2255  // Documented in base class.
2257  getRectangleFontSize(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2259  // Documented in base class.
2261  getRectangleFontStyle(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2263  // Documented in base class.
2264  double
2265  getRectangleHeight(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2267  // Documented in base class.
2268  const std::string&
2269  getRectangleID(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2271  // Documented in base class.
2272  bool
2273  getRectangleLocked(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2275  // Documented in base class.
2277  getRectangleStrokeColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2279  // Documented in base class.
2280  const std::string&
2281  getRectangleStrokeDashArray(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2283  // Documented in base class.
2285  getRectangleStrokeWidth(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2287  // Documented in base class.
2288  const std::string&
2289  getRectangleText(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2291  // Documented in base class.
2293  getRectangleTheC(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2295  // Documented in base class.
2297  getRectangleTheT(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2299  // Documented in base class.
2301  getRectangleTheZ(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2303  // Documented in base class.
2304  const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform&
2305  getRectangleTransform(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2307  // Documented in base class.
2308  double
2309  getRectangleWidth(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2311  // Documented in base class.
2312  double
2313  getRectangleX(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2315  // Documented in base class.
2316  double
2317  getRectangleY(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const;
2319  // Documented in base class.
2320  const std::string&
2321  getRightsRightsHeld() const;
2323  // Documented in base class.
2324  const std::string&
2325  getRightsRightsHolder() const;
2327  // Documented in base class.
2328  const std::string&
2329  getScreenAnnotationRef(index_type screenIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
2331  // Documented in base class.
2332  const std::string&
2333  getScreenDescription(index_type screenIndex) const;
2335  // Documented in base class.
2336  const std::string&
2337  getScreenID(index_type screenIndex) const;
2339  // Documented in base class.
2340  const std::string&
2341  getScreenName(index_type screenIndex) const;
2343  // Documented in base class.
2344  const std::string&
2345  getScreenPlateRef(index_type screenIndex, index_type plateRefIndex) const;
2347  // Documented in base class.
2348  const std::string&
2349  getScreenProtocolDescription(index_type screenIndex) const;
2351  // Documented in base class.
2352  const std::string&
2353  getScreenProtocolIdentifier(index_type screenIndex) const;
2355  // Documented in base class.
2356  const std::string&
2357  getScreenReagentSetDescription(index_type screenIndex) const;
2359  // Documented in base class.
2360  const std::string&
2361  getScreenReagentSetIdentifier(index_type screenIndex) const;
2363  // Documented in base class.
2364  const std::string&
2365  getScreenType(index_type screenIndex) const;
2367  // Documented in base class.
2368  const std::string&
2369  getStageLabelName(index_type imageIndex) const;
2371  // Documented in base class.
2373  getStageLabelX(index_type imageIndex) const;
2375  // Documented in base class.
2377  getStageLabelY(index_type imageIndex) const;
2379  // Documented in base class.
2381  getStageLabelZ(index_type imageIndex) const;
2383  // Documented in base class.
2384  const std::string&
2385  getTagAnnotationAnnotationRef(index_type tagAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
2387  // Documented in base class.
2388  const std::string&
2389  getTagAnnotationAnnotator(index_type tagAnnotationIndex) const;
2391  // Documented in base class.
2392  const std::string&
2393  getTagAnnotationDescription(index_type tagAnnotationIndex) const;
2395  // Documented in base class.
2396  const std::string&
2397  getTagAnnotationID(index_type tagAnnotationIndex) const;
2399  // Documented in base class.
2400  const std::string&
2401  getTagAnnotationNamespace(index_type tagAnnotationIndex) const;
2403  // Documented in base class.
2404  const std::string&
2405  getTagAnnotationValue(index_type tagAnnotationIndex) const;
2407  // Documented in base class.
2408  const std::string&
2409  getTermAnnotationAnnotationRef(index_type termAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
2411  // Documented in base class.
2412  const std::string&
2413  getTermAnnotationAnnotator(index_type termAnnotationIndex) const;
2415  // Documented in base class.
2416  const std::string&
2417  getTermAnnotationDescription(index_type termAnnotationIndex) const;
2419  // Documented in base class.
2420  const std::string&
2421  getTermAnnotationID(index_type termAnnotationIndex) const;
2423  // Documented in base class.
2424  const std::string&
2425  getTermAnnotationNamespace(index_type termAnnotationIndex) const;
2427  // Documented in base class.
2428  const std::string&
2429  getTermAnnotationValue(index_type termAnnotationIndex) const;
2431  // Documented in base class.
2433  getTiffDataFirstC(index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex) const;
2435  // Documented in base class.
2437  getTiffDataFirstT(index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex) const;
2439  // Documented in base class.
2441  getTiffDataFirstZ(index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex) const;
2443  // Documented in base class.
2445  getTiffDataIFD(index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex) const;
2447  // Documented in base class.
2449  getTiffDataPlaneCount(index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex) const;
2451  // Documented in base class.
2452  const std::string&
2453  getTimestampAnnotationAnnotationRef(index_type timestampAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
2455  // Documented in base class.
2456  const std::string&
2457  getTimestampAnnotationAnnotator(index_type timestampAnnotationIndex) const;
2459  // Documented in base class.
2460  const std::string&
2461  getTimestampAnnotationDescription(index_type timestampAnnotationIndex) const;
2463  // Documented in base class.
2464  const std::string&
2465  getTimestampAnnotationID(index_type timestampAnnotationIndex) const;
2467  // Documented in base class.
2468  const std::string&
2469  getTimestampAnnotationNamespace(index_type timestampAnnotationIndex) const;
2471  // Documented in base class.
2473  getTimestampAnnotationValue(index_type timestampAnnotationIndex) const;
2475  // Documented in base class.
2477  getTransmittanceRangeCutIn(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const;
2479  // Documented in base class.
2481  getTransmittanceRangeCutInTolerance(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const;
2483  // Documented in base class.
2485  getTransmittanceRangeCutOut(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const;
2487  // Documented in base class.
2489  getTransmittanceRangeCutOutTolerance(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const;
2491  // Documented in base class.
2493  getTransmittanceRangeTransmittance(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const;
2495  // Documented in base class.
2496  const std::string&
2497  getUUIDFileName(index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex) const;
2499  // Documented in base class.
2500  const std::string&
2501  getWellAnnotationRef(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
2503  // Documented in base class.
2505  getWellColor(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex) const;
2507  // Documented in base class.
2509  getWellColumn(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex) const;
2511  // Documented in base class.
2512  const std::string&
2513  getWellExternalDescription(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex) const;
2515  // Documented in base class.
2516  const std::string&
2517  getWellExternalIdentifier(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex) const;
2519  // Documented in base class.
2520  const std::string&
2521  getWellID(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex) const;
2523  // Documented in base class.
2524  const std::string&
2525  getWellReagentRef(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex) const;
2527  // Documented in base class.
2529  getWellRow(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex) const;
2531  // Documented in base class.
2532  const std::string&
2533  getWellType(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex) const;
2535  // Documented in base class.
2536  const std::string&
2537  getWellSampleID(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type wellSampleIndex) const;
2539  // Documented in base class.
2540  const std::string&
2541  getWellSampleImageRef(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type wellSampleIndex) const;
2543  // Documented in base class.
2545  getWellSampleIndex(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type wellSampleIndex) const;
2547  // Documented in base class.
2549  getWellSamplePositionX(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type wellSampleIndex) const;
2551  // Documented in base class.
2553  getWellSamplePositionY(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type wellSampleIndex) const;
2555  // Documented in base class.
2557  getWellSampleTimepoint(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type wellSampleIndex) const;
2559  // Documented in base class.
2560  const std::string&
2561  getXMLAnnotationAnnotationRef(index_type XMLAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const;
2563  // Documented in base class.
2564  const std::string&
2565  getXMLAnnotationAnnotator(index_type XMLAnnotationIndex) const;
2567  // Documented in base class.
2568  const std::string&
2569  getXMLAnnotationDescription(index_type XMLAnnotationIndex) const;
2571  // Documented in base class.
2572  const std::string&
2573  getXMLAnnotationID(index_type XMLAnnotationIndex) const;
2575  // Documented in base class.
2576  const std::string&
2577  getXMLAnnotationNamespace(index_type XMLAnnotationIndex) const;
2579  // Documented in base class.
2580  const std::string&
2581  getXMLAnnotationValue(index_type XMLAnnotationIndex) const;
2584  // Documented in base class.
2585  void
2586  setUUID(const std::string& uuid);
2588  // Documented in base class.
2589  void
2591  index_type mapAnnotationIndex);
2593  // Documented in base class.
2594  void
2596  index_type instrumentIndex,
2597  index_type lightSourceIndex);
2599  // Documented in base class.
2600  void
2602  index_type imageIndex);
2606  // Documented in base class.
2607  void
2608  setArcAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
2610  // Documented in base class.
2611  void
2612  setArcID(const std::string& id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
2614  // Documented in base class.
2615  void
2616  setArcLotNumber(const std::string& lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
2618  // Documented in base class.
2619  void
2620  setArcManufacturer(const std::string& manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
2622  // Documented in base class.
2623  void
2624  setArcModel(const std::string& model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
2626  // Documented in base class.
2627  void
2630  // Documented in base class.
2631  void
2632  setArcSerialNumber(const std::string& serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
2634  // Documented in base class.
2635  void
2636  setArcType(ome::xml::model::enums::ArcType type, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
2639  // Documented in base class.
2640  void
2641  setBinaryFileBinData(const std::vector<uint8_t>& base64Binary, index_type fileAnnotationIndex);
2643  // Documented in base class.
2644  void
2645  setMaskBinData(const std::vector<uint8_t>& base64Binary, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
2647  // Documented in base class.
2648  void
2649  setPixelsBinData(const std::vector<uint8_t>& base64Binary, index_type imageIndex, index_type binDataIndex);
2651  // Documented in base class.
2652  void
2653  setBinaryFileBinDataBigEndian(bool bigEndian, index_type fileAnnotationIndex);
2655  // Documented in base class.
2656  void
2657  setMaskBinDataBigEndian(bool bigEndian, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
2659  // Documented in base class.
2660  void
2661  setPixelsBinDataBigEndian(bool bigEndian, index_type imageIndex, index_type binDataIndex);
2663  // Documented in base class.
2664  void
2667  // Documented in base class.
2668  void
2671  // Documented in base class.
2672  void
2675  // Documented in base class.
2676  void
2679  // Documented in base class.
2680  void
2683  // Documented in base class.
2684  void
2688  // Documented in base class.
2689  void
2690  setBinaryFileFileName(const std::string& fileName, index_type fileAnnotationIndex);
2692  // Documented in base class.
2693  void
2694  setBinaryFileMIMEType(const std::string& mimeType, index_type fileAnnotationIndex);
2696  // Documented in base class.
2697  void
2701  // Documented in base class.
2702  void
2703  setBinaryOnlyMetadataFile(const std::string& metadataFile);
2705  // Documented in base class.
2706  void
2707  setBinaryOnlyUUID(const std::string& uuid);
2710  // Documented in base class.
2711  void
2712  setBooleanAnnotationAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type booleanAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
2714  // Documented in base class.
2715  void
2716  setBooleanAnnotationAnnotator(const std::string& annotator, index_type booleanAnnotationIndex);
2718  // Documented in base class.
2719  void
2720  setBooleanAnnotationDescription(const std::string& description, index_type booleanAnnotationIndex);
2722  // Documented in base class.
2723  void
2724  setBooleanAnnotationID(const std::string& id, index_type booleanAnnotationIndex);
2726  // Documented in base class.
2727  void
2728  setBooleanAnnotationNamespace(const std::string& namespace_, index_type booleanAnnotationIndex);
2730  // Documented in base class.
2731  void
2732  setBooleanAnnotationValue(bool value, index_type booleanAnnotationIndex);
2735  // Documented in base class.
2736  void
2739  // Documented in base class.
2740  void
2741  setChannelAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
2743  // Documented in base class.
2744  void
2747  // Documented in base class.
2748  void
2751  // Documented in base class.
2752  void
2755  // Documented in base class.
2756  void
2759  // Documented in base class.
2760  void
2761  setChannelFilterSetRef(const std::string& filterSet, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex);
2763  // Documented in base class.
2764  void
2765  setChannelFluor(const std::string& fluor, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex);
2767  // Documented in base class.
2768  void
2769  setChannelID(const std::string& id, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex);
2771  // Documented in base class.
2772  void
2775  // Documented in base class.
2776  void
2777  setChannelNDFilter(double ndFilter, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex);
2779  // Documented in base class.
2780  void
2781  setChannelName(const std::string& name, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex);
2783  // Documented in base class.
2784  void
2787  // Documented in base class.
2788  void
2789  setChannelPockelCellSetting(int32_t pockelCellSetting, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex);
2791  // Documented in base class.
2792  void
2796  // Documented in base class.
2797  void
2798  setCommentAnnotationAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type commentAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
2800  // Documented in base class.
2801  void
2802  setCommentAnnotationAnnotator(const std::string& annotator, index_type commentAnnotationIndex);
2804  // Documented in base class.
2805  void
2806  setCommentAnnotationDescription(const std::string& description, index_type commentAnnotationIndex);
2808  // Documented in base class.
2809  void
2810  setCommentAnnotationID(const std::string& id, index_type commentAnnotationIndex);
2812  // Documented in base class.
2813  void
2814  setCommentAnnotationNamespace(const std::string& namespace_, index_type commentAnnotationIndex);
2816  // Documented in base class.
2817  void
2818  setCommentAnnotationValue(const std::string& value, index_type commentAnnotationIndex);
2821  // Documented in base class.
2822  void
2823  setDatasetAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type datasetIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
2825  // Documented in base class.
2826  void
2827  setDatasetDescription(const std::string& description, index_type datasetIndex);
2829  // Documented in base class.
2830  void
2831  setDatasetExperimenterGroupRef(const std::string& experimenterGroup, index_type datasetIndex);
2833  // Documented in base class.
2834  void
2835  setDatasetExperimenterRef(const std::string& experimenter, index_type datasetIndex);
2837  // Documented in base class.
2838  void
2839  setDatasetID(const std::string& id, index_type datasetIndex);
2841  // Documented in base class.
2842  void
2843  setDatasetImageRef(const std::string& image, index_type datasetIndex, index_type imageRefIndex);
2845  // Documented in base class.
2846  void
2847  setDatasetName(const std::string& name, index_type datasetIndex);
2851  // Documented in base class.
2852  void
2853  setDetectorAmplificationGain(double amplificationGain, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex);
2855  // Documented in base class.
2856  void
2857  setDetectorAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
2859  // Documented in base class.
2860  void
2861  setDetectorGain(double gain, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex);
2863  // Documented in base class.
2864  void
2865  setDetectorID(const std::string& id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex);
2867  // Documented in base class.
2868  void
2869  setDetectorLotNumber(const std::string& lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex);
2871  // Documented in base class.
2872  void
2873  setDetectorManufacturer(const std::string& manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex);
2875  // Documented in base class.
2876  void
2877  setDetectorModel(const std::string& model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex);
2879  // Documented in base class.
2880  void
2881  setDetectorOffset(double offset, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex);
2883  // Documented in base class.
2884  void
2885  setDetectorSerialNumber(const std::string& serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex);
2887  // Documented in base class.
2888  void
2889  setDetectorType(ome::xml::model::enums::DetectorType type, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex);
2891  // Documented in base class.
2892  void
2895  // Documented in base class.
2896  void
2897  setDetectorZoom(double zoom, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex);
2900  // Documented in base class.
2901  void
2904  // Documented in base class.
2905  void
2906  setDetectorSettingsGain(double gain, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex);
2908  // Documented in base class.
2909  void
2910  setDetectorSettingsID(const std::string& id, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex);
2912  // Documented in base class.
2913  void
2916  // Documented in base class.
2917  void
2918  setDetectorSettingsOffset(double offset, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex);
2920  // Documented in base class.
2921  void
2924  // Documented in base class.
2925  void
2928  // Documented in base class.
2929  void
2930  setDetectorSettingsZoom(double zoom, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex);
2933  // Documented in base class.
2934  void
2935  setDichroicAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
2937  // Documented in base class.
2938  void
2939  setDichroicID(const std::string& id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex);
2941  // Documented in base class.
2942  void
2943  setDichroicLotNumber(const std::string& lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex);
2945  // Documented in base class.
2946  void
2947  setDichroicManufacturer(const std::string& manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex);
2949  // Documented in base class.
2950  void
2951  setDichroicModel(const std::string& model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex);
2953  // Documented in base class.
2954  void
2955  setDichroicSerialNumber(const std::string& serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex);
2959  // Documented in base class.
2960  void
2961  setDoubleAnnotationAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type doubleAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
2963  // Documented in base class.
2964  void
2965  setDoubleAnnotationAnnotator(const std::string& annotator, index_type doubleAnnotationIndex);
2967  // Documented in base class.
2968  void
2969  setDoubleAnnotationDescription(const std::string& description, index_type doubleAnnotationIndex);
2971  // Documented in base class.
2972  void
2973  setDoubleAnnotationID(const std::string& id, index_type doubleAnnotationIndex);
2975  // Documented in base class.
2976  void
2977  setDoubleAnnotationNamespace(const std::string& namespace_, index_type doubleAnnotationIndex);
2979  // Documented in base class.
2980  void
2981  setDoubleAnnotationValue(double value, index_type doubleAnnotationIndex);
2984  // Documented in base class.
2985  void
2986  setEllipseAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
2988  // Documented in base class.
2989  void
2992  // Documented in base class.
2993  void
2996  // Documented in base class.
2997  void
3000  // Documented in base class.
3001  void
3004  // Documented in base class.
3005  void
3008  // Documented in base class.
3009  void
3010  setEllipseID(const std::string& id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3012  // Documented in base class.
3013  void
3014  setEllipseLocked(bool locked, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3016  // Documented in base class.
3017  void
3018  setEllipseRadiusX(double radiusX, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3020  // Documented in base class.
3021  void
3022  setEllipseRadiusY(double radiusY, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3024  // Documented in base class.
3025  void
3028  // Documented in base class.
3029  void
3030  setEllipseStrokeDashArray(const std::string& strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3032  // Documented in base class.
3033  void
3036  // Documented in base class.
3037  void
3038  setEllipseText(const std::string& text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3040  // Documented in base class.
3041  void
3044  // Documented in base class.
3045  void
3048  // Documented in base class.
3049  void
3052  // Documented in base class.
3053  void
3054  setEllipseTransform(const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform& transform, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3056  // Documented in base class.
3057  void
3058  setEllipseX(double x, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3060  // Documented in base class.
3061  void
3062  setEllipseY(double y, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3067  // Documented in base class.
3068  void
3069  setExperimentDescription(const std::string& description, index_type experimentIndex);
3071  // Documented in base class.
3072  void
3073  setExperimentExperimenterRef(const std::string& experimenter, index_type experimentIndex);
3075  // Documented in base class.
3076  void
3077  setExperimentID(const std::string& id, index_type experimentIndex);
3079  // Documented in base class.
3080  void
3085  // Documented in base class.
3086  void
3087  setExperimenterAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type experimenterIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
3089  // Documented in base class.
3090  void
3091  setExperimenterEmail(const std::string& email, index_type experimenterIndex);
3093  // Documented in base class.
3094  void
3095  setExperimenterFirstName(const std::string& firstName, index_type experimenterIndex);
3097  // Documented in base class.
3098  void
3099  setExperimenterID(const std::string& id, index_type experimenterIndex);
3101  // Documented in base class.
3102  void
3103  setExperimenterInstitution(const std::string& institution, index_type experimenterIndex);
3105  // Documented in base class.
3106  void
3107  setExperimenterLastName(const std::string& lastName, index_type experimenterIndex);
3109  // Documented in base class.
3110  void
3111  setExperimenterMiddleName(const std::string& middleName, index_type experimenterIndex);
3113  // Documented in base class.
3114  void
3115  setExperimenterUserName(const std::string& userName, index_type experimenterIndex);
3118  // Documented in base class.
3119  void
3120  setExperimenterGroupAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type experimenterGroupIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
3122  // Documented in base class.
3123  void
3124  setExperimenterGroupDescription(const std::string& description, index_type experimenterGroupIndex);
3126  // Documented in base class.
3127  void
3128  setExperimenterGroupExperimenterRef(const std::string& experimenter, index_type experimenterGroupIndex, index_type experimenterRefIndex);
3130  // Documented in base class.
3131  void
3132  setExperimenterGroupID(const std::string& id, index_type experimenterGroupIndex);
3134  // Documented in base class.
3135  void
3136  setExperimenterGroupLeader(const std::string& leader, index_type experimenterGroupIndex, index_type leaderIndex);
3138  // Documented in base class.
3139  void
3140  setExperimenterGroupName(const std::string& name, index_type experimenterGroupIndex);
3145  // Documented in base class.
3146  void
3147  setFilamentAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
3149  // Documented in base class.
3150  void
3151  setFilamentID(const std::string& id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3153  // Documented in base class.
3154  void
3155  setFilamentLotNumber(const std::string& lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3157  // Documented in base class.
3158  void
3159  setFilamentManufacturer(const std::string& manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3161  // Documented in base class.
3162  void
3163  setFilamentModel(const std::string& model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3165  // Documented in base class.
3166  void
3169  // Documented in base class.
3170  void
3171  setFilamentSerialNumber(const std::string& serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3173  // Documented in base class.
3174  void
3175  setFilamentType(ome::xml::model::enums::FilamentType type, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3178  // Documented in base class.
3179  void
3180  setFileAnnotationAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type fileAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
3182  // Documented in base class.
3183  void
3184  setFileAnnotationAnnotator(const std::string& annotator, index_type fileAnnotationIndex);
3186  // Documented in base class.
3187  void
3188  setFileAnnotationDescription(const std::string& description, index_type fileAnnotationIndex);
3190  // Documented in base class.
3191  void
3192  setFileAnnotationID(const std::string& id, index_type fileAnnotationIndex);
3194  // Documented in base class.
3195  void
3196  setFileAnnotationNamespace(const std::string& namespace_, index_type fileAnnotationIndex);
3199  // Documented in base class.
3200  void
3201  setFilterAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
3203  // Documented in base class.
3204  void
3205  setFilterFilterWheel(const std::string& filterWheel, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex);
3207  // Documented in base class.
3208  void
3209  setFilterID(const std::string& id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex);
3211  // Documented in base class.
3212  void
3213  setFilterLotNumber(const std::string& lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex);
3215  // Documented in base class.
3216  void
3217  setFilterManufacturer(const std::string& manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex);
3219  // Documented in base class.
3220  void
3221  setFilterModel(const std::string& model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex);
3223  // Documented in base class.
3224  void
3225  setFilterSerialNumber(const std::string& serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex);
3227  // Documented in base class.
3228  void
3229  setFilterType(ome::xml::model::enums::FilterType type, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex);
3232  // Documented in base class.
3233  void
3234  setFilterSetDichroicRef(const std::string& dichroic, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex);
3236  // Documented in base class.
3237  void
3238  setFilterSetEmissionFilterRef(const std::string& emissionFilter, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex, index_type emissionFilterRefIndex);
3240  // Documented in base class.
3241  void
3242  setFilterSetExcitationFilterRef(const std::string& excitationFilter, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex, index_type excitationFilterRefIndex);
3244  // Documented in base class.
3245  void
3246  setFilterSetID(const std::string& id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex);
3248  // Documented in base class.
3249  void
3250  setFilterSetLotNumber(const std::string& lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex);
3252  // Documented in base class.
3253  void
3254  setFilterSetManufacturer(const std::string& manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex);
3256  // Documented in base class.
3257  void
3258  setFilterSetModel(const std::string& model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex);
3260  // Documented in base class.
3261  void
3262  setFilterSetSerialNumber(const std::string& serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex);
3266  // Documented in base class.
3267  void
3268  setFolderAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type folderIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
3270  // Documented in base class.
3271  void
3272  setFolderDescription(const std::string& description, index_type folderIndex);
3274  // Documented in base class.
3275  void
3276  setFolderFolderRef(const std::string& folder, index_type folderIndex, index_type folderRefIndex);
3278  // Documented in base class.
3279  void
3280  setFolderID(const std::string& id, index_type folderIndex);
3282  // Documented in base class.
3283  void
3284  setFolderImageRef(const std::string& image, index_type folderIndex, index_type imageRefIndex);
3286  // Documented in base class.
3287  void
3288  setFolderName(const std::string& name, index_type folderIndex);
3290  // Documented in base class.
3291  void
3292  setFolderROIRef(const std::string& roi, index_type folderIndex, index_type ROIRefIndex);
3296  // Documented in base class.
3297  void
3298  setGenericExcitationSourceAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
3300  // Documented in base class.
3301  void
3302  setGenericExcitationSourceID(const std::string& id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3304  // Documented in base class.
3305  void
3306  setGenericExcitationSourceLotNumber(const std::string& lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3308  // Documented in base class.
3309  void
3310  setGenericExcitationSourceManufacturer(const std::string& manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3312  // Documented in base class.
3313  void
3314  setGenericExcitationSourceModel(const std::string& model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3316  // Documented in base class.
3317  void
3320  // Documented in base class.
3321  void
3322  setGenericExcitationSourceSerialNumber(const std::string& serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3325  // Documented in base class.
3326  void
3329  // Documented in base class.
3330  void
3331  setImageAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type imageIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
3333  // Documented in base class.
3334  void
3335  setImageDescription(const std::string& description, index_type imageIndex);
3337  // Documented in base class.
3338  void
3339  setImageExperimentRef(const std::string& experiment, index_type imageIndex);
3341  // Documented in base class.
3342  void
3343  setImageExperimenterGroupRef(const std::string& experimenterGroup, index_type imageIndex);
3345  // Documented in base class.
3346  void
3347  setImageExperimenterRef(const std::string& experimenter, index_type imageIndex);
3349  // Documented in base class.
3350  void
3351  setImageID(const std::string& id, index_type imageIndex);
3353  // Documented in base class.
3354  void
3355  setImageInstrumentRef(const std::string& instrument, index_type imageIndex);
3357  // Documented in base class.
3358  void
3359  setImageMicrobeamManipulationRef(const std::string& microbeamManipulation, index_type imageIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationRefIndex);
3361  // Documented in base class.
3362  void
3363  setImageName(const std::string& name, index_type imageIndex);
3365  // Documented in base class.
3366  void
3367  setImageROIRef(const std::string& roi, index_type imageIndex, index_type ROIRefIndex);
3371  // Documented in base class.
3372  void
3375  // Documented in base class.
3376  void
3379  // Documented in base class.
3380  void
3383  // Documented in base class.
3384  void
3388  // Documented in base class.
3389  void
3390  setInstrumentAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
3392  // Documented in base class.
3393  void
3394  setInstrumentID(const std::string& id, index_type instrumentIndex);
3398  // Documented in base class.
3399  void
3400  setLabelAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
3402  // Documented in base class.
3403  void
3406  // Documented in base class.
3407  void
3410  // Documented in base class.
3411  void
3414  // Documented in base class.
3415  void
3418  // Documented in base class.
3419  void
3422  // Documented in base class.
3423  void
3424  setLabelID(const std::string& id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3426  // Documented in base class.
3427  void
3428  setLabelLocked(bool locked, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3430  // Documented in base class.
3431  void
3434  // Documented in base class.
3435  void
3436  setLabelStrokeDashArray(const std::string& strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3438  // Documented in base class.
3439  void
3442  // Documented in base class.
3443  void
3444  setLabelText(const std::string& text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3446  // Documented in base class.
3447  void
3450  // Documented in base class.
3451  void
3454  // Documented in base class.
3455  void
3458  // Documented in base class.
3459  void
3460  setLabelTransform(const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform& transform, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3462  // Documented in base class.
3463  void
3464  setLabelX(double x, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3466  // Documented in base class.
3467  void
3468  setLabelY(double y, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3471  // Documented in base class.
3472  void
3473  setLaserAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
3475  // Documented in base class.
3476  void
3477  setLaserFrequencyMultiplication(ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger frequencyMultiplication, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3479  // Documented in base class.
3480  void
3481  setLaserID(const std::string& id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3483  // Documented in base class.
3484  void
3485  setLaserLaserMedium(ome::xml::model::enums::LaserMedium laserMedium, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3487  // Documented in base class.
3488  void
3489  setLaserLotNumber(const std::string& lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3491  // Documented in base class.
3492  void
3493  setLaserManufacturer(const std::string& manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3495  // Documented in base class.
3496  void
3497  setLaserModel(const std::string& model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3499  // Documented in base class.
3500  void
3501  setLaserPockelCell(bool pockelCell, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3503  // Documented in base class.
3504  void
3507  // Documented in base class.
3508  void
3509  setLaserPulse(ome::xml::model::enums::Pulse pulse, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3511  // Documented in base class.
3512  void
3513  setLaserPump(const std::string& pump, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3515  // Documented in base class.
3516  void
3519  // Documented in base class.
3520  void
3521  setLaserSerialNumber(const std::string& serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3523  // Documented in base class.
3524  void
3525  setLaserTuneable(bool tuneable, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3527  // Documented in base class.
3528  void
3529  setLaserType(ome::xml::model::enums::LaserType type, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3531  // Documented in base class.
3532  void
3537  // Documented in base class.
3538  void
3539  setLightEmittingDiodeAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
3541  // Documented in base class.
3542  void
3543  setLightEmittingDiodeID(const std::string& id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3545  // Documented in base class.
3546  void
3547  setLightEmittingDiodeLotNumber(const std::string& lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3549  // Documented in base class.
3550  void
3551  setLightEmittingDiodeManufacturer(const std::string& manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3553  // Documented in base class.
3554  void
3555  setLightEmittingDiodeModel(const std::string& model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3557  // Documented in base class.
3558  void
3561  // Documented in base class.
3562  void
3563  setLightEmittingDiodeSerialNumber(const std::string& serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex);
3566  // Documented in base class.
3567  void
3568  setLightPathAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
3570  // Documented in base class.
3571  void
3572  setLightPathDichroicRef(const std::string& dichroic, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex);
3574  // Documented in base class.
3575  void
3576  setLightPathEmissionFilterRef(const std::string& emissionFilter, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex, index_type emissionFilterRefIndex);
3578  // Documented in base class.
3579  void
3580  setLightPathExcitationFilterRef(const std::string& excitationFilter, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex, index_type excitationFilterRefIndex);
3583  // Documented in base class.
3584  void
3587  // Documented in base class.
3588  void
3589  setMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsAttenuation(ome::xml::model::primitives::PercentFraction attenuation, index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex, index_type lightSourceSettingsIndex);
3591  // Documented in base class.
3592  void
3593  setChannelLightSourceSettingsID(const std::string& id, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex);
3595  // Documented in base class.
3596  void
3597  setMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsID(const std::string& id, index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex, index_type lightSourceSettingsIndex);
3599  // Documented in base class.
3600  void
3603  // Documented in base class.
3604  void
3608  // Documented in base class.
3609  void
3610  setLineAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
3612  // Documented in base class.
3613  void
3616  // Documented in base class.
3617  void
3620  // Documented in base class.
3621  void
3624  // Documented in base class.
3625  void
3628  // Documented in base class.
3629  void
3632  // Documented in base class.
3633  void
3634  setLineID(const std::string& id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3636  // Documented in base class.
3637  void
3638  setLineLocked(bool locked, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3640  // Documented in base class.
3641  void
3642  setLineMarkerEnd(ome::xml::model::enums::Marker markerEnd, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3644  // Documented in base class.
3645  void
3646  setLineMarkerStart(ome::xml::model::enums::Marker markerStart, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3648  // Documented in base class.
3649  void
3652  // Documented in base class.
3653  void
3654  setLineStrokeDashArray(const std::string& strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3656  // Documented in base class.
3657  void
3660  // Documented in base class.
3661  void
3662  setLineText(const std::string& text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3664  // Documented in base class.
3665  void
3668  // Documented in base class.
3669  void
3672  // Documented in base class.
3673  void
3676  // Documented in base class.
3677  void
3678  setLineTransform(const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform& transform, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3680  // Documented in base class.
3681  void
3682  setLineX1(double x1, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3684  // Documented in base class.
3685  void
3686  setLineX2(double x2, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3688  // Documented in base class.
3689  void
3690  setLineY1(double y1, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3692  // Documented in base class.
3693  void
3694  setLineY2(double y2, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3697  // Documented in base class.
3698  void
3699  setListAnnotationAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type listAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
3701  // Documented in base class.
3702  void
3703  setListAnnotationAnnotator(const std::string& annotator, index_type listAnnotationIndex);
3705  // Documented in base class.
3706  void
3707  setListAnnotationDescription(const std::string& description, index_type listAnnotationIndex);
3709  // Documented in base class.
3710  void
3711  setListAnnotationID(const std::string& id, index_type listAnnotationIndex);
3713  // Documented in base class.
3714  void
3715  setListAnnotationNamespace(const std::string& namespace_, index_type listAnnotationIndex);
3718  // Documented in base class.
3719  void
3720  setLongAnnotationAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type longAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
3722  // Documented in base class.
3723  void
3724  setLongAnnotationAnnotator(const std::string& annotator, index_type longAnnotationIndex);
3726  // Documented in base class.
3727  void
3728  setLongAnnotationDescription(const std::string& description, index_type longAnnotationIndex);
3730  // Documented in base class.
3731  void
3732  setLongAnnotationID(const std::string& id, index_type longAnnotationIndex);
3734  // Documented in base class.
3735  void
3736  setLongAnnotationNamespace(const std::string& namespace_, index_type longAnnotationIndex);
3738  // Documented in base class.
3739  void
3740  setLongAnnotationValue(int64_t value, index_type longAnnotationIndex);
3744  // Documented in base class.
3745  void
3746  setMapAnnotationAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type mapAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
3748  // Documented in base class.
3749  void
3750  setMapAnnotationAnnotator(const std::string& annotator, index_type mapAnnotationIndex);
3752  // Documented in base class.
3753  void
3754  setMapAnnotationDescription(const std::string& description, index_type mapAnnotationIndex);
3756  // Documented in base class.
3757  void
3758  setMapAnnotationID(const std::string& id, index_type mapAnnotationIndex);
3760  // Documented in base class.
3761  void
3762  setMapAnnotationNamespace(const std::string& namespace_, index_type mapAnnotationIndex);
3765  // Documented in base class.
3766  void
3767  setMaskAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
3769  // Documented in base class.
3770  void
3773  // Documented in base class.
3774  void
3777  // Documented in base class.
3778  void
3781  // Documented in base class.
3782  void
3785  // Documented in base class.
3786  void
3789  // Documented in base class.
3790  void
3791  setMaskHeight(double height, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3793  // Documented in base class.
3794  void
3795  setMaskID(const std::string& id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3797  // Documented in base class.
3798  void
3799  setMaskLocked(bool locked, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3801  // Documented in base class.
3802  void
3805  // Documented in base class.
3806  void
3807  setMaskStrokeDashArray(const std::string& strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3809  // Documented in base class.
3810  void
3813  // Documented in base class.
3814  void
3815  setMaskText(const std::string& text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3817  // Documented in base class.
3818  void
3821  // Documented in base class.
3822  void
3825  // Documented in base class.
3826  void
3829  // Documented in base class.
3830  void
3831  setMaskTransform(const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform& transform, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3833  // Documented in base class.
3834  void
3835  setMaskWidth(double width, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3837  // Documented in base class.
3838  void
3839  setMaskX(double x, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3841  // Documented in base class.
3842  void
3843  setMaskY(double y, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
3847  // Documented in base class.
3848  void
3849  setMicrobeamManipulationDescription(const std::string& description, index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex);
3851  // Documented in base class.
3852  void
3853  setMicrobeamManipulationExperimenterRef(const std::string& experimenter, index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex);
3855  // Documented in base class.
3856  void
3857  setMicrobeamManipulationID(const std::string& id, index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex);
3859  // Documented in base class.
3860  void
3861  setMicrobeamManipulationROIRef(const std::string& roi, index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex, index_type ROIRefIndex);
3863  // Documented in base class.
3864  void
3869  // Documented in base class.
3870  void
3871  setMicroscopeLotNumber(const std::string& lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex);
3873  // Documented in base class.
3874  void
3875  setMicroscopeManufacturer(const std::string& manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex);
3877  // Documented in base class.
3878  void
3879  setMicroscopeModel(const std::string& model, index_type instrumentIndex);
3881  // Documented in base class.
3882  void
3883  setMicroscopeSerialNumber(const std::string& serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex);
3885  // Documented in base class.
3886  void
3890  // Documented in base class.
3891  void
3892  setObjectiveAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
3894  // Documented in base class.
3895  void
3896  setObjectiveCalibratedMagnification(double calibratedMagnification, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex);
3898  // Documented in base class.
3899  void
3900  setObjectiveCorrection(ome::xml::model::enums::Correction correction, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex);
3902  // Documented in base class.
3903  void
3904  setObjectiveID(const std::string& id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex);
3906  // Documented in base class.
3907  void
3908  setObjectiveImmersion(ome::xml::model::enums::Immersion immersion, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex);
3910  // Documented in base class.
3911  void
3912  setObjectiveIris(bool iris, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex);
3914  // Documented in base class.
3915  void
3916  setObjectiveLensNA(double lensNA, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex);
3918  // Documented in base class.
3919  void
3920  setObjectiveLotNumber(const std::string& lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex);
3922  // Documented in base class.
3923  void
3924  setObjectiveManufacturer(const std::string& manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex);
3926  // Documented in base class.
3927  void
3928  setObjectiveModel(const std::string& model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex);
3930  // Documented in base class.
3931  void
3932  setObjectiveNominalMagnification(double nominalMagnification, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex);
3934  // Documented in base class.
3935  void
3936  setObjectiveSerialNumber(const std::string& serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex);
3938  // Documented in base class.
3939  void
3943  // Documented in base class.
3944  void
3945  setObjectiveSettingsCorrectionCollar(double correctionCollar, index_type imageIndex);
3947  // Documented in base class.
3948  void
3949  setObjectiveSettingsID(const std::string& id, index_type imageIndex);
3951  // Documented in base class.
3952  void
3955  // Documented in base class.
3956  void
3957  setObjectiveSettingsRefractiveIndex(double refractiveIndex, index_type imageIndex);
3960  // Documented in base class.
3961  void
3962  setPixelsBigEndian(bool bigEndian, index_type imageIndex);
3964  // Documented in base class.
3965  void
3968  // Documented in base class.
3969  void
3970  setPixelsID(const std::string& id, index_type imageIndex);
3972  // Documented in base class.
3973  void
3974  setPixelsInterleaved(bool interleaved, index_type imageIndex);
3976  // Documented in base class.
3977  void
3980  // Documented in base class.
3981  void
3984  // Documented in base class.
3985  void
3988  // Documented in base class.
3989  void
3992  // Documented in base class.
3993  void
3996  // Documented in base class.
3997  void
4000  // Documented in base class.
4001  void
4004  // Documented in base class.
4005  void
4008  // Documented in base class.
4009  void
4012  // Documented in base class.
4013  void
4016  // Documented in base class.
4017  void
4021  // Documented in base class.
4022  void
4023  setPlaneAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
4025  // Documented in base class.
4026  void
4029  // Documented in base class.
4030  void
4033  // Documented in base class.
4034  void
4035  setPlaneHashSHA1(const std::string& hashSHA1, index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex);
4037  // Documented in base class.
4038  void
4041  // Documented in base class.
4042  void
4045  // Documented in base class.
4046  void
4049  // Documented in base class.
4050  void
4053  // Documented in base class.
4054  void
4057  // Documented in base class.
4058  void
4062  // Documented in base class.
4063  void
4064  setPlateAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type plateIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
4066  // Documented in base class.
4067  void
4070  // Documented in base class.
4071  void
4074  // Documented in base class.
4075  void
4076  setPlateDescription(const std::string& description, index_type plateIndex);
4078  // Documented in base class.
4079  void
4080  setPlateExternalIdentifier(const std::string& externalIdentifier, index_type plateIndex);
4082  // Documented in base class.
4083  void
4086  // Documented in base class.
4087  void
4088  setPlateID(const std::string& id, index_type plateIndex);
4090  // Documented in base class.
4091  void
4092  setPlateName(const std::string& name, index_type plateIndex);
4094  // Documented in base class.
4095  void
4098  // Documented in base class.
4099  void
4102  // Documented in base class.
4103  void
4104  setPlateStatus(const std::string& status, index_type plateIndex);
4106  // Documented in base class.
4107  void
4110  // Documented in base class.
4111  void
4115  // Documented in base class.
4116  void
4117  setPlateAcquisitionAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
4119  // Documented in base class.
4120  void
4121  setPlateAcquisitionDescription(const std::string& description, index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex);
4123  // Documented in base class.
4124  void
4125  setPlateAcquisitionEndTime(ome::xml::model::primitives::Timestamp endTime, index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex);
4127  // Documented in base class.
4128  void
4129  setPlateAcquisitionID(const std::string& id, index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex);
4131  // Documented in base class.
4132  void
4135  // Documented in base class.
4136  void
4137  setPlateAcquisitionName(const std::string& name, index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex);
4139  // Documented in base class.
4140  void
4141  setPlateAcquisitionStartTime(ome::xml::model::primitives::Timestamp startTime, index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex);
4143  // Documented in base class.
4144  void
4145  setPlateAcquisitionWellSampleRef(const std::string& wellSample, index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex, index_type wellSampleRefIndex);
4149  // Documented in base class.
4150  void
4151  setPointAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
4153  // Documented in base class.
4154  void
4157  // Documented in base class.
4158  void
4161  // Documented in base class.
4162  void
4165  // Documented in base class.
4166  void
4169  // Documented in base class.
4170  void
4173  // Documented in base class.
4174  void
4175  setPointID(const std::string& id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4177  // Documented in base class.
4178  void
4179  setPointLocked(bool locked, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4181  // Documented in base class.
4182  void
4185  // Documented in base class.
4186  void
4187  setPointStrokeDashArray(const std::string& strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4189  // Documented in base class.
4190  void
4193  // Documented in base class.
4194  void
4195  setPointText(const std::string& text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4197  // Documented in base class.
4198  void
4201  // Documented in base class.
4202  void
4205  // Documented in base class.
4206  void
4209  // Documented in base class.
4210  void
4211  setPointTransform(const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform& transform, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4213  // Documented in base class.
4214  void
4215  setPointX(double x, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4217  // Documented in base class.
4218  void
4219  setPointY(double y, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4222  // Documented in base class.
4223  void
4224  setPolygonAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
4226  // Documented in base class.
4227  void
4230  // Documented in base class.
4231  void
4234  // Documented in base class.
4235  void
4238  // Documented in base class.
4239  void
4242  // Documented in base class.
4243  void
4246  // Documented in base class.
4247  void
4248  setPolygonID(const std::string& id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4250  // Documented in base class.
4251  void
4252  setPolygonLocked(bool locked, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4254  // Documented in base class.
4255  void
4256  setPolygonPoints(const std::string& points, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4258  // Documented in base class.
4259  void
4262  // Documented in base class.
4263  void
4264  setPolygonStrokeDashArray(const std::string& strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4266  // Documented in base class.
4267  void
4270  // Documented in base class.
4271  void
4272  setPolygonText(const std::string& text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4274  // Documented in base class.
4275  void
4278  // Documented in base class.
4279  void
4282  // Documented in base class.
4283  void
4286  // Documented in base class.
4287  void
4288  setPolygonTransform(const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform& transform, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4291  // Documented in base class.
4292  void
4293  setPolylineAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
4295  // Documented in base class.
4296  void
4299  // Documented in base class.
4300  void
4303  // Documented in base class.
4304  void
4307  // Documented in base class.
4308  void
4311  // Documented in base class.
4312  void
4315  // Documented in base class.
4316  void
4317  setPolylineID(const std::string& id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4319  // Documented in base class.
4320  void
4321  setPolylineLocked(bool locked, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4323  // Documented in base class.
4324  void
4327  // Documented in base class.
4328  void
4331  // Documented in base class.
4332  void
4333  setPolylinePoints(const std::string& points, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4335  // Documented in base class.
4336  void
4339  // Documented in base class.
4340  void
4341  setPolylineStrokeDashArray(const std::string& strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4343  // Documented in base class.
4344  void
4347  // Documented in base class.
4348  void
4349  setPolylineText(const std::string& text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4351  // Documented in base class.
4352  void
4355  // Documented in base class.
4356  void
4359  // Documented in base class.
4360  void
4363  // Documented in base class.
4364  void
4365  setPolylineTransform(const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform& transform, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4368  // Documented in base class.
4369  void
4370  setProjectAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type projectIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
4372  // Documented in base class.
4373  void
4374  setProjectDatasetRef(const std::string& dataset, index_type projectIndex, index_type datasetRefIndex);
4376  // Documented in base class.
4377  void
4378  setProjectDescription(const std::string& description, index_type projectIndex);
4380  // Documented in base class.
4381  void
4382  setProjectExperimenterGroupRef(const std::string& experimenterGroup, index_type projectIndex);
4384  // Documented in base class.
4385  void
4386  setProjectExperimenterRef(const std::string& experimenter, index_type projectIndex);
4388  // Documented in base class.
4389  void
4390  setProjectID(const std::string& id, index_type projectIndex);
4392  // Documented in base class.
4393  void
4394  setProjectName(const std::string& name, index_type projectIndex);
4398  // Documented in base class.
4399  void
4400  setROIAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type ROIIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
4402  // Documented in base class.
4403  void
4404  setROIDescription(const std::string& description, index_type ROIIndex);
4406  // Documented in base class.
4407  void
4408  setROIID(const std::string& id, index_type ROIIndex);
4410  // Documented in base class.
4411  void
4412  setROIName(const std::string& name, index_type ROIIndex);
4416  // Documented in base class.
4417  void
4418  setReagentAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
4420  // Documented in base class.
4421  void
4422  setReagentDescription(const std::string& description, index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex);
4424  // Documented in base class.
4425  void
4426  setReagentID(const std::string& id, index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex);
4428  // Documented in base class.
4429  void
4430  setReagentName(const std::string& name, index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex);
4432  // Documented in base class.
4433  void
4434  setReagentReagentIdentifier(const std::string& reagentIdentifier, index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex);
4438  // Documented in base class.
4439  void
4440  setRectangleAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
4442  // Documented in base class.
4443  void
4446  // Documented in base class.
4447  void
4450  // Documented in base class.
4451  void
4454  // Documented in base class.
4455  void
4458  // Documented in base class.
4459  void
4462  // Documented in base class.
4463  void
4464  setRectangleHeight(double height, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4466  // Documented in base class.
4467  void
4468  setRectangleID(const std::string& id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4470  // Documented in base class.
4471  void
4472  setRectangleLocked(bool locked, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4474  // Documented in base class.
4475  void
4478  // Documented in base class.
4479  void
4480  setRectangleStrokeDashArray(const std::string& strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4482  // Documented in base class.
4483  void
4486  // Documented in base class.
4487  void
4488  setRectangleText(const std::string& text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4490  // Documented in base class.
4491  void
4494  // Documented in base class.
4495  void
4498  // Documented in base class.
4499  void
4502  // Documented in base class.
4503  void
4504  setRectangleTransform(const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform& transform, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4506  // Documented in base class.
4507  void
4508  setRectangleWidth(double width, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4510  // Documented in base class.
4511  void
4512  setRectangleX(double x, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4514  // Documented in base class.
4515  void
4516  setRectangleY(double y, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex);
4519  // Documented in base class.
4520  void
4521  setRightsRightsHeld(const std::string& rightsHeld);
4523  // Documented in base class.
4524  void
4525  setRightsRightsHolder(const std::string& rightsHolder);
4528  // Documented in base class.
4529  void
4530  setScreenAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type screenIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
4532  // Documented in base class.
4533  void
4534  setScreenDescription(const std::string& description, index_type screenIndex);
4536  // Documented in base class.
4537  void
4538  setScreenID(const std::string& id, index_type screenIndex);
4540  // Documented in base class.
4541  void
4542  setScreenName(const std::string& name, index_type screenIndex);
4544  // Documented in base class.
4545  void
4546  setScreenPlateRef(const std::string& plate, index_type screenIndex, index_type plateRefIndex);
4548  // Documented in base class.
4549  void
4550  setScreenProtocolDescription(const std::string& protocolDescription, index_type screenIndex);
4552  // Documented in base class.
4553  void
4554  setScreenProtocolIdentifier(const std::string& protocolIdentifier, index_type screenIndex);
4556  // Documented in base class.
4557  void
4558  setScreenReagentSetDescription(const std::string& reagentSetDescription, index_type screenIndex);
4560  // Documented in base class.
4561  void
4562  setScreenReagentSetIdentifier(const std::string& reagentSetIdentifier, index_type screenIndex);
4564  // Documented in base class.
4565  void
4566  setScreenType(const std::string& type, index_type screenIndex);
4569  // Documented in base class.
4570  void
4571  setStageLabelName(const std::string& name, index_type imageIndex);
4573  // Documented in base class.
4574  void
4577  // Documented in base class.
4578  void
4581  // Documented in base class.
4582  void
4587  // Documented in base class.
4588  void
4589  setTagAnnotationAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type tagAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
4591  // Documented in base class.
4592  void
4593  setTagAnnotationAnnotator(const std::string& annotator, index_type tagAnnotationIndex);
4595  // Documented in base class.
4596  void
4597  setTagAnnotationDescription(const std::string& description, index_type tagAnnotationIndex);
4599  // Documented in base class.
4600  void
4601  setTagAnnotationID(const std::string& id, index_type tagAnnotationIndex);
4603  // Documented in base class.
4604  void
4605  setTagAnnotationNamespace(const std::string& namespace_, index_type tagAnnotationIndex);
4607  // Documented in base class.
4608  void
4609  setTagAnnotationValue(const std::string& value, index_type tagAnnotationIndex);
4612  // Documented in base class.
4613  void
4614  setTermAnnotationAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type termAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
4616  // Documented in base class.
4617  void
4618  setTermAnnotationAnnotator(const std::string& annotator, index_type termAnnotationIndex);
4620  // Documented in base class.
4621  void
4622  setTermAnnotationDescription(const std::string& description, index_type termAnnotationIndex);
4624  // Documented in base class.
4625  void
4626  setTermAnnotationID(const std::string& id, index_type termAnnotationIndex);
4628  // Documented in base class.
4629  void
4630  setTermAnnotationNamespace(const std::string& namespace_, index_type termAnnotationIndex);
4632  // Documented in base class.
4633  void
4634  setTermAnnotationValue(const std::string& value, index_type termAnnotationIndex);
4637  // Documented in base class.
4638  void
4641  // Documented in base class.
4642  void
4645  // Documented in base class.
4646  void
4649  // Documented in base class.
4650  void
4653  // Documented in base class.
4654  void
4658  // Documented in base class.
4659  void
4660  setTimestampAnnotationAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type timestampAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
4662  // Documented in base class.
4663  void
4664  setTimestampAnnotationAnnotator(const std::string& annotator, index_type timestampAnnotationIndex);
4666  // Documented in base class.
4667  void
4668  setTimestampAnnotationDescription(const std::string& description, index_type timestampAnnotationIndex);
4670  // Documented in base class.
4671  void
4672  setTimestampAnnotationID(const std::string& id, index_type timestampAnnotationIndex);
4674  // Documented in base class.
4675  void
4676  setTimestampAnnotationNamespace(const std::string& namespace_, index_type timestampAnnotationIndex);
4678  // Documented in base class.
4679  void
4683  // Documented in base class.
4684  void
4687  // Documented in base class.
4688  void
4691  // Documented in base class.
4692  void
4695  // Documented in base class.
4696  void
4699  // Documented in base class.
4700  void
4704  // Documented in base class.
4705  void
4706  setUUIDFileName(const std::string& fileName, index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex);
4710  // Documented in base class.
4711  void
4712  setWellAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
4714  // Documented in base class.
4715  void
4718  // Documented in base class.
4719  void
4722  // Documented in base class.
4723  void
4724  setWellExternalDescription(const std::string& externalDescription, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex);
4726  // Documented in base class.
4727  void
4728  setWellExternalIdentifier(const std::string& externalIdentifier, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex);
4730  // Documented in base class.
4731  void
4732  setWellID(const std::string& id, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex);
4734  // Documented in base class.
4735  void
4736  setWellReagentRef(const std::string& reagent, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex);
4738  // Documented in base class.
4739  void
4742  // Documented in base class.
4743  void
4744  setWellType(const std::string& type, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex);
4747  // Documented in base class.
4748  void
4749  setWellSampleID(const std::string& id, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type wellSampleIndex);
4751  // Documented in base class.
4752  void
4753  setWellSampleImageRef(const std::string& image, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type wellSampleIndex);
4755  // Documented in base class.
4756  void
4759  // Documented in base class.
4760  void
4763  // Documented in base class.
4764  void
4767  // Documented in base class.
4768  void
4769  setWellSampleTimepoint(ome::xml::model::primitives::Timestamp timepoint, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type wellSampleIndex);
4773  // Documented in base class.
4774  void
4775  setXMLAnnotationAnnotationRef(const std::string& annotation, index_type XMLAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex);
4777  // Documented in base class.
4778  void
4779  setXMLAnnotationAnnotator(const std::string& annotator, index_type XMLAnnotationIndex);
4781  // Documented in base class.
4782  void
4783  setXMLAnnotationDescription(const std::string& description, index_type XMLAnnotationIndex);
4785  // Documented in base class.
4786  void
4787  setXMLAnnotationID(const std::string& id, index_type XMLAnnotationIndex);
4789  // Documented in base class.
4790  void
4791  setXMLAnnotationNamespace(const std::string& namespace_, index_type XMLAnnotationIndex);
4793  // Documented in base class.
4794  void
4795  setXMLAnnotationValue(const std::string& value, index_type XMLAnnotationIndex);
4797  };
4799  }
4800  }
4801 }
4805 /*
4806  * Local Variables:
4807  * mode:C++
4808  * End:
4809  */
ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger getPixelsSizeX(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the SizeX property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3098
const std::string & getInstrumentAnnotationRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Instrument.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2062
void setFilterSetLotNumber(const std::string &lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex)
Set the LotNumber property of FilterSet.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5265
const std::string & getGenericExcitationSourceModel(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the Model property of GenericExcitationSource.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1936
void setPlateAcquisitionID(const std::string &id, index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex)
Set the ID property of PlateAcquisition.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6356
const std::string & getArcManufacturer(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the Manufacturer property of Arc.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:774
const std::string & getPolygonText(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Text property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3560
const std::string & getDetectorSerialNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const
Get the SerialNumber property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1222
double getMaskHeight(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Height property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2741
void setMaskBinDataBigEndian(bool bigEndian, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the BigEndian property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4530
ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger getPlateColumns(index_type plateIndex) const
Get the Columns property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3217
index_type getDatasetCount() const
Get the number of Dataset elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:368
const std::string & getXMLAnnotationAnnotator(index_type XMLAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Annotator property of XMLAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4407
void setLabelID(const std::string &id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the ID property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5480
void setLaserPump(const std::string &pump, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the Pump property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5591
void setPolygonFontStyle(ome::xml::model::enums::FontStyle fontStyle, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontStyle property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6499
void setChannelLightSourceSettingsWavelength(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveFloat > wavelength, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the Wavelength property of LightSourceSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5700
void setROIDescription(const std::string &description, index_type ROIIndex)
Set the Description property of ROI.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6698
FilamentType enumeration.
Definition: FilamentType.h:72
void setEllipseTheT(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theT, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheT property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5013
double getDetectorGain(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const
Get the Gain property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1180
void setChannelIlluminationType(ome::xml::model::enums::IlluminationType illuminationType, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the IlluminationType property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4674
const std::string & getLaserModel(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the Model property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2244
void setPointTheZ(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theZ, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheZ property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6453
const std::string & getBooleanAnnotationDescription(index_type booleanAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Description property of BooleanAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:942
index_type getTermAnnotationCount() const
Get the number of TermAnnotation elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:662
ome::xml::model::enums::FontStyle getPolygonFontStyle(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontStyle property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3511
void setRectangleStrokeColor(ome::xml::model::primitives::Color strokeColor, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeColor property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6787
const std::string & getGenericExcitationSourceManufacturer(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the Manufacturer property of GenericExcitationSource.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1929
const std::string & getPlateID(index_type plateIndex) const
Get the ID property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3245
ome::xml::model::enums::ExperimentType getExperimentType(index_type experimentIndex) const
Get the Type property of Experiment.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1551
void setEllipseX(double x, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the X property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5028
ExperimentType enumeration.
Definition: ExperimentType.h:72
ome::xml::model::enums::LaserType getLaserType(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the Type property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2300
index_type getDetectorAnnotationRefCount(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:214
ArcType enumeration.
Definition: ArcType.h:72
void setLineFontFamily(ome::xml::model::enums::FontFamily fontFamily, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontFamily property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5726
const std::string & getLaserManufacturer(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the Manufacturer property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2237
void setDichroicLotNumber(const std::string &lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex)
Set the LotNumber property of Dichroic.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4885
const std::string & getEllipseAnnotationRef(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1390
void setRoot(ome::compat::shared_ptr< MetadataRoot > &root)
Set the root node of the metadata.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:77
const std::string & getDichroicModel(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex) const
Get the Model property of Dichroic.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1334
const std::string & getFolderID(index_type folderIndex) const
Get the ID property of Folder.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1880
void setFileAnnotationID(const std::string &id, index_type fileAnnotationIndex)
Set the ID property of FileAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5193
void setCommentAnnotationDescription(const std::string &description, index_type commentAnnotationIndex)
Set the Description property of CommentAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4715
void setWellID(const std::string &id, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex)
Set the ID property of Well.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7104
index_type getLightPathAnnotationRefCount(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in LightPath.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:312
bool getPolygonLocked(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Locked property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3525
void setEllipseRadiusX(double radiusX, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the RadiusX property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4978
void setPolylineFontStyle(ome::xml::model::enums::FontStyle fontStyle, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontStyle property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6585
void setTransmittanceRangeCutOutTolerance(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeFloat > cutOutTolerance, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex)
Set the CutOutTolerance property of TransmittanceRange.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7061
index_type getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsCount(index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex) const
Get the number of LightSourceSettings elements in MicrobeamManipulation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:529
ome::xml::model::enums::FillRule getLineFillRule(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FillRule property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2447
const std::string & getProjectAnnotationRef(index_type projectIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Project.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3728
const std::string & getROIAnnotationRef(index_type ROIIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of ROI.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3777
void setFolderFolderRef(const std::string &folder, index_type folderIndex, index_type folderRefIndex)
Set the FolderRef property of Folder.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5297
const std::string & getScreenProtocolDescription(index_type screenIndex) const
Get the ProtocolDescription property of Screen.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4029
void setMaskBinDataLength(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeLong length, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Length property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4560
ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType getPixelsType(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the Type property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3126
const std::string & getPlaneAnnotationRef(index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Plane.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3133
void setScreenDescription(const std::string &description, index_type screenIndex)
Set the Description property of Screen.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6859
void setPolygonStrokeDashArray(const std::string &strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeDashArray property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6524
void setPlaneHashSHA1(const std::string &hashSHA1, index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex)
Set the HashSHA1 property of Plane.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6239
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getPolylineTheC(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheC property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3700
const std::string & getExperimenterAnnotationRef(index_type experimenterIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Experimenter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1558
void setBinaryFileSize(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeLong size, index_type fileAnnotationIndex)
Set the Size property of BinaryFile.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4581
const std::string & getPolylineAnnotationRef(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3595
void setWellSampleTimepoint(ome::xml::model::primitives::Timestamp timepoint, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type wellSampleIndex)
Set the Timepoint property of WellSample.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7150
const std::string & getProjectDatasetRef(index_type projectIndex, index_type datasetRefIndex) const
Get the DatasetRef property of Project.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3735
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsPower > getGenericExcitationSourcePower(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the Power property of GenericExcitationSource.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1943
const std::string & getScreenProtocolIdentifier(index_type screenIndex) const
Get the ProtocolIdentifier property of Screen.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4036
const std::string & getReagentName(index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex) const
Get the Name property of Reagent.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3826
void setFileAnnotationAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type fileAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of FileAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5178
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getLabelTheC(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheC property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2160
void setPointStrokeWidth(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > strokeWidth, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeWidth property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6433
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > getPolylineStrokeWidth(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeWidth property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3686
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getTiffDataFirstT(index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex) const
Get the FirstT property of TiffData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4183
void setTransmittanceRangeCutInTolerance(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeFloat > cutInTolerance, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex)
Set the CutInTolerance property of TransmittanceRange.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7051
void setGenericExcitationSourceAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of GenericExcitationSource.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5324
ome::xml::model::primitives::PercentFraction getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsAttenuation(index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex, index_type lightSourceSettingsIndex) const
Get the Attenuation property of LightSourceSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2398
void setPointID(const std::string &id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the ID property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6413
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveFloat > getLaserWavelength(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the Wavelength property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2307
void setPointTransform(const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform &transform, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Transform property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6458
void setRectangleWidth(double width, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Width property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6827
void setDichroicModel(const std::string &model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex)
Set the Model property of Dichroic.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4895
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsFrequency > getDetectorSettingsReadOutRate(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the ReadOutRate property of DetectorSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1285
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > getWellSamplePositionX(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type wellSampleIndex) const
Get the PositionX property of WellSample.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4379
void setImagingEnvironmentTemperature(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsTemperature > temperature, index_type imageIndex)
Set the Temperature property of ImagingEnvironment.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5432
void setChannelExcitationWavelength(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveFloat > excitationWavelength, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the ExcitationWavelength property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4654
void setEllipseTransform(const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform &transform, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Transform property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5023
void setPlateStatus(const std::string &status, index_type plateIndex)
Set the Status property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6325
void setBinaryFileFileName(const std::string &fileName, index_type fileAnnotationIndex)
Set the FileName property of BinaryFile.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4571
const std::string & getScreenDescription(index_type screenIndex) const
Get the Description property of Screen.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4001
void setDetectorSettingsID(const std::string &id, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the ID property of DetectorSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4844
void setTagAnnotationAnnotator(const std::string &annotator, index_type tagAnnotationIndex)
Set the Annotator property of TagAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6932
void setMaskFillColor(ome::xml::model::primitives::Color fillColor, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FillColor property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5911
void setPixelsPhysicalSizeX(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveFloat > physicalSizeX, index_type imageIndex)
Set the PhysicalSizeX property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6168
bool getEllipseLocked(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Locked property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1439
void setFilamentSerialNumber(const std::string &serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the SerialNumber property of Filament.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5167
void setRectangleTransform(const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform &transform, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Transform property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6822
Correction enumeration.
Definition: Correction.h:72
void setBinaryOnlyMetadataFile(const std::string &metadataFile)
Set the MetadataFile property of BinaryOnly.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4587
const std::string & getPlateAcquisitionDescription(index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex) const
Get the Description property of PlateAcquisition.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3301
void setPlaneTheZ(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theZ, index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex)
Set the TheZ property of Plane.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6269
double getRectangleY(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Y property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3973
void setDatasetAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type datasetIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Dataset.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4736
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsTemperature > getImagingEnvironmentTemperature(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the Temperature property of ImagingEnvironment.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2055
void setXMLAnnotationAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type XMLAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of XMLAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7157
index_type getPlateAcquisitionAnnotationRefCount(index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex) const
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in PlateAcquisition.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:291
index_type getExperimenterGroupCount() const
Get the number of ExperimenterGroup elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:445
void setEllipseFontFamily(ome::xml::model::enums::FontFamily fontFamily, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontFamily property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4953
void setDoubleAnnotationAnnotator(const std::string &annotator, index_type doubleAnnotationIndex)
Set the Annotator property of DoubleAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4912
void setLineLocked(bool locked, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Locked property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5746
const ome::xml::model::primitives::OrderedMultimap & getGenericExcitationSourceMap(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the map value of GenericExcitationSource.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:738
void setRectangleX(double x, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the X property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6832
const std::string & getEllipseText(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Text property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1481
void setPolygonTheC(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theC, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheC property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6539
index_type getDichroicAnnotationRefCount(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex) const
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Dichroic.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:270
void setRightsRightsHeld(const std::string &rightsHeld)
Set the RightsHeld property of Rights.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6843
const std::string & getExperimenterFirstName(index_type experimenterIndex) const
Get the FirstName property of Experimenter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1572
const std::string & getChannelName(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the Name property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1047
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger > getPolygonFontSize(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontSize property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3504
void setArcAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Arc.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4469
ome::xml::model::enums::IlluminationType getChannelIlluminationType(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the IlluminationType property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1033
index_type getWellAnnotationRefCount(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex) const
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Well.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:277
void setPolylinePoints(const std::string &points, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Points property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6610
void setFilterLotNumber(const std::string &lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex)
Set the LotNumber property of Filter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5219
void setChannelLightSourceSettingsID(const std::string &id, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the ID property of LightSourceSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5690
An ISO-8601 timestamp.
Definition: Timestamp.h:66
const std::string & getFolderAnnotationRef(index_type folderIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Folder.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1859
void setTimestampAnnotationDescription(const std::string &description, index_type timestampAnnotationIndex)
Set the Description property of TimestampAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7025
void setExperimenterMiddleName(const std::string &middleName, index_type experimenterIndex)
Set the MiddleName property of Experimenter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5093
void setReagentName(const std::string &name, index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex)
Set the Name property of Reagent.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6730
void setMaskStrokeColor(ome::xml::model::primitives::Color strokeColor, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeColor property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5951
ome::xml::model::enums::Correction getObjectiveCorrection(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const
Get the Correction property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2923
const std::string & getListAnnotationDescription(index_type listAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Description property of ListAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2601
void setExperimenterGroupName(const std::string &name, index_type experimenterGroupIndex)
Set the Name property of ExperimenterGroup.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5129
const std::string & getTermAnnotationDescription(index_type termAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Description property of TermAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4148
const std::string & getDetectorLotNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const
Get the LotNumber property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1194
ome::xml::model::primitives::Timestamp getPlateAcquisitionEndTime(index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex) const
Get the EndTime property of PlateAcquisition.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3308
const std::string & getPixelsID(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the ID property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3042
ome::xml::model::enums::Marker getLineMarkerStart(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the MarkerStart property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2496
const std::string & getExperimenterGroupAnnotationRef(index_type experimenterGroupIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of ExperimenterGroup.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1614
void setExperimentID(const std::string &id, index_type experimentIndex)
Set the ID property of Experiment.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5051
const std::string & getLightEmittingDiodeSerialNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the SerialNumber property of LightEmittingDiode.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2356
void setChannelAcquisitionMode(ome::xml::model::enums::AcquisitionMode acquisitionMode, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the AcquisitionMode property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4629
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger > getLineFontSize(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontSize property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2461
ome::xml::model::enums::ArcType getArcType(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the Type property of Arc.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:802
double getLabelX(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the X property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2188
int64_t getLongAnnotationValue(index_type longAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Value property of LongAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2657
index_type getDichroicCount(index_type instrumentIndex) const
Get the number of Dichroic elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:389
void setPixelsSizeY(ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger sizeY, index_type imageIndex)
Set the SizeY property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6203
void setEllipseFillColor(ome::xml::model::primitives::Color fillColor, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FillColor property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4943
void setFilterModel(const std::string &model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex)
Set the Model property of Filter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5229
void setPolylineStrokeColor(ome::xml::model::primitives::Color strokeColor, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeColor property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6615
index_type getReagentCount(index_type screenIndex) const
Get the number of Reagent elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:641
void setChannelContrastMethod(ome::xml::model::enums::ContrastMethod contrastMethod, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the ContrastMethod property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4644
const std::string & getXMLAnnotationDescription(index_type XMLAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Description property of XMLAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4414
const std::string & getFilterSetManufacturer(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex) const
Get the Manufacturer property of FilterSet.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1838
const std::string & getTimestampAnnotationID(index_type timestampAnnotationIndex) const
Get the ID property of TimestampAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4232
const std::string & getXMLAnnotationAnnotationRef(index_type XMLAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of XMLAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4400
double getDetectorSettingsGain(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the Gain property of DetectorSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1257
void setPolylineTransform(const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform &transform, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Transform property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6650
void setMaskFontStyle(ome::xml::model::enums::FontStyle fontStyle, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontStyle property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5931
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getTiffDataPlaneCount(index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex) const
Get the PlaneCount property of TiffData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4204
void setLaserManufacturer(const std::string &manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the Manufacturer property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5566
const std::string & getChannelAnnotationRef(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:977
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > getRectangleStrokeWidth(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeWidth property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3917
AcquisitionMode enumeration.
Definition: AcquisitionMode.h:72
void setScreenID(const std::string &id, index_type screenIndex)
Set the ID property of Screen.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6864
ome::xml::model::primitives::Color getPointStrokeColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeColor property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3406
void setPolylineTheC(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theC, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheC property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6635
const std::string & getDatasetAnnotationRef(index_type datasetIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Dataset.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1117
index_type getMicrobeamManipulationROIRefCount(index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex) const
Get the number of ROIRef elements in MicrobeamManipulation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:634
const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform & getPolygonTransform(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Transform property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3588
void setArcType(ome::xml::model::enums::ArcType type, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the Type property of Arc.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4504
index_type getPlateCount() const
Get the number of Plate elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:585
void setEllipseTheC(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theC, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheC property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5008
const std::string & getChannelFluor(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the Fluor property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1019
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsTime > getPlaneExposureTime(index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex) const
Get the ExposureTime property of Plane.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3147
const std::string & getWellReagentRef(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex) const
Get the ReagentRef property of Well.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4337
index_type getShapeAnnotationRefCount(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Shape.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:333
index_type getFolderAnnotationRefCount(index_type folderIndex) const
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Folder.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:207
void setRectangleID(const std::string &id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the ID property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6777
void setExperimenterID(const std::string &id, index_type experimenterIndex)
Set the ID property of Experimenter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5078
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getTiffDataIFD(index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex) const
Get the IFD property of TiffData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4197
void setScreenProtocolIdentifier(const std::string &protocolIdentifier, index_type screenIndex)
Set the ProtocolIdentifier property of Screen.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6884
void setPolygonTransform(const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform &transform, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Transform property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6554
void setPlateDescription(const std::string &description, index_type plateIndex)
Set the Description property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6290
void setPolygonFontSize(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger > fontSize, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontSize property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6494
index_type getFilterSetEmissionFilterRefCount(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex) const
Get the number of EmissionFilterRef elements in FilterSet.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:410
const std::string & getLineStrokeDashArray(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeDashArray property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2510
const std::string & getExperimenterGroupDescription(index_type experimenterGroupIndex) const
Get the Description property of ExperimenterGroup.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1621
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveFloat > getChannelEmissionWavelength(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the EmissionWavelength property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:998
const std::string & getFilterFilterWheel(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const
Get the FilterWheel property of Filter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1754
const std::string & getExperimenterLastName(index_type experimenterIndex) const
Get the LastName property of Experimenter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1593
void setPointStrokeColor(ome::xml::model::primitives::Color strokeColor, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeColor property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6423
const std::string & getScreenAnnotationRef(index_type screenIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Screen.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3994
const std::string & getMicrobeamManipulationExperimenterRef(index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex) const
Get the ExperimenterRef property of MicrobeamManipulation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2846
const std::string & getFilterID(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const
Get the ID property of Filter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1761
void setPixelsID(const std::string &id, index_type imageIndex)
Set the ID property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6158
void setMicrobeamManipulationExperimenterRef(const std::string &experimenter, index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex)
Set the ExperimenterRef property of MicrobeamManipulation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6013
ome::xml::model::enums::FillRule getRectangleFillRule(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FillRule property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3854
void setLineText(const std::string &text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Text property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5776
void setFilterType(ome::xml::model::enums::FilterType type, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex)
Set the Type property of Filter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5239
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getRectangleTheT(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheT property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3938
void setObjectiveLensNA(double lensNA, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex)
Set the LensNA property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6091
void setPolylineFontFamily(ome::xml::model::enums::FontFamily fontFamily, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontFamily property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6575
void setLongAnnotationID(const std::string &id, index_type longAnnotationIndex)
Set the ID property of LongAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5863
void setFilterSetExcitationFilterRef(const std::string &excitationFilter, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex, index_type excitationFilterRefIndex)
Set the ExcitationFilterRef property of FilterSet.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5255
void setPolygonFillRule(ome::xml::model::enums::FillRule fillRule, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FillRule property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6484
index_type getWellSampleRefCount(index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex) const
Get the number of WellSampleRef elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:709
void setPointX(double x, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the X property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6463
const std::string & getDoubleAnnotationAnnotator(index_type doubleAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Annotator property of DoubleAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1355
void setProjectAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type projectIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Project.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6656
void setPointTheT(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theT, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheT property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6448
void setStageLabelX(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > x, index_type imageIndex)
Set the X property of StageLabel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6910
void setLaserType(ome::xml::model::enums::LaserType type, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the Type property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5611
index_type getFileAnnotationAnnotationCount(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const
Get the number of links to a FileAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:103
void setLineMarkerStart(ome::xml::model::enums::Marker markerStart, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the MarkerStart property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5756
void setLaserModel(const std::string &model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the Model property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5571
void setLaserPockelCell(bool pockelCell, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the PockelCell property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5576
void setLabelX(double x, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the X property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5530
const std::string & getTimestampAnnotationAnnotator(index_type timestampAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Annotator property of TimestampAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4218
void setMicrobeamManipulationType(ome::xml::model::enums::MicrobeamManipulationType type, index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex)
Set the Type property of MicrobeamManipulation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6028
void setFileAnnotationNamespace(const std::string &namespace_, index_type fileAnnotationIndex)
Set the Namespace property of FileAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5198
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger > getLabelFontSize(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontSize property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2104
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > getPlanePositionY(index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex) const
Get the PositionY property of Plane.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3168
index_type getFolderImageRefCount(index_type folderIndex) const
Get the number of ImageRef elements in Folder.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:501
const std::string & getPointText(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Text property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3427
ome::xml::model::enums::FillRule getEllipseFillRule(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FillRule property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1404
index_type getListAnnotationCount() const
Get the number of ListAnnotation elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:536
ome::xml::model::primitives::Color getRectangleFillColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FillColor property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3847
void setListAnnotationDescription(const std::string &description, index_type listAnnotationIndex)
Set the Description property of ListAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5832
void setMaskFontFamily(ome::xml::model::enums::FontFamily fontFamily, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontFamily property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5921
void setMaskBinDataCompression(ome::xml::model::enums::Compression compression, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Compression property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4545
const std::string & getTagAnnotationAnnotationRef(index_type tagAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of TagAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4092
void setUUIDValue(std::string value, index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex)
Set the text value of UUID.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:683
ome::xml::model::enums::FontStyle getPointFontStyle(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontStyle property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3385
ome::xml::model::enums::FontStyle getLabelFontStyle(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontStyle property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2111
void setObjectiveImmersion(ome::xml::model::enums::Immersion immersion, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex)
Set the Immersion property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6081
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getMaskTheZ(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheZ property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2804
void setDoubleAnnotationNamespace(const std::string &namespace_, index_type doubleAnnotationIndex)
Set the Namespace property of DoubleAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4927
void setPlateWellOriginY(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > wellOriginY, index_type plateIndex)
Set the WellOriginY property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6335
void setLightPathAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of LightPath.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5659
void setFolderAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type folderIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Folder.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5287
const std::string & getMicroscopeSerialNumber(index_type instrumentIndex) const
Get the SerialNumber property of Microscope.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2895
void setPixelsBinDataCompression(ome::xml::model::enums::Compression compression, index_type imageIndex, index_type binDataIndex)
Set the Compression property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4550
const std::string & getMicrobeamManipulationROIRef(index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex, index_type ROIRefIndex) const
Get the ROIRef property of MicrobeamManipulation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2860
const std::string & getWellSampleID(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type wellSampleIndex) const
Get the ID property of WellSample.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4358
const std::string & getPointID(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the ID property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3392
void setWellSamplePositionY(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > positionY, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type wellSampleIndex)
Set the PositionY property of WellSample.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7145
void setRightsRightsHolder(const std::string &rightsHolder)
Set the RightsHolder property of Rights.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6848
void setReagentDescription(const std::string &description, index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex)
Set the Description property of Reagent.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6720
void setWellReagentRef(const std::string &reagent, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex)
Set the ReagentRef property of Well.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7109
void setDetectorZoom(double zoom, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex)
Set the Zoom property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4828
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > getStageLabelX(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the X property of StageLabel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4071
const std::string & getEllipseStrokeDashArray(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeDashArray property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1467
void setScreenType(const std::string &type, index_type screenIndex)
Set the Type property of Screen.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6899
FillRule enumeration.
Definition: FillRule.h:72
const std::string & getImageInstrumentRef(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the InstrumentRef property of Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2006
void setObjectiveID(const std::string &id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex)
Set the ID property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6076
ome::xml::model::enums::FillRule getMaskFillRule(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FillRule property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2713
const std::string & getExperimentExperimenterRef(index_type experimentIndex) const
Get the ExperimenterRef property of Experiment.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1537
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > getPolygonStrokeWidth(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeWidth property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3553
const std::string & getCommentAnnotationNamespace(index_type commentAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Namespace property of CommentAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1103
void setLaserFrequencyMultiplication(ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger frequencyMultiplication, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the FrequencyMultiplication property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5546
void setPlaneDeltaT(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsTime > deltaT, index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex)
Set the DeltaT property of Plane.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6229
const std::string & getTermAnnotationID(index_type termAnnotationIndex) const
Get the ID property of TermAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4155
void setPolylineMarkerEnd(ome::xml::model::enums::Marker markerEnd, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the MarkerEnd property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6600
void setPolylineLocked(bool locked, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Locked property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6595
index_type getTagAnnotationAnnotationCount(index_type tagAnnotationIndex) const
Get the number of links to a TagAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:131
const std::string & getLaserPump(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the Pump property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2272
const std::string & getTagAnnotationAnnotator(index_type tagAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Annotator property of TagAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4099
void setPolygonStrokeColor(ome::xml::model::primitives::Color strokeColor, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeColor property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6519
const std::string & getLongAnnotationDescription(index_type longAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Description property of LongAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2636
void setWellAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Well.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7079
const std::string & getScreenID(index_type screenIndex) const
Get the ID property of Screen.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4008
void setPointFontFamily(ome::xml::model::enums::FontFamily fontFamily, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontFamily property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6398
const std::string & getFolderImageRef(index_type folderIndex, index_type imageRefIndex) const
Get the ImageRef property of Folder.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1887
void setLightEmittingDiodeAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of LightEmittingDiode.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5623
void setLaserRepetitionRate(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsFrequency > repetitionRate, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the RepetitionRate property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5596
index_type getExperimenterCount() const
Get the number of Experimenter elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:438
void setFilterSetID(const std::string &id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex)
Set the ID property of FilterSet.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5260
void setArcLotNumber(const std::string &lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the LotNumber property of Arc.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4479
void setDetectorGain(double gain, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex)
Set the Gain property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4783
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getLabelTheT(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheT property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2167
void setExperimenterEmail(const std::string &email, index_type experimenterIndex)
Set the Email property of Experimenter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5068
void setFolderImageRef(const std::string &image, index_type folderIndex, index_type imageRefIndex)
Set the ImageRef property of Folder.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5307
const std::string & getLightPathEmissionFilterRef(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex, index_type emissionFilterRefIndex) const
Get the EmissionFilterRef property of LightPath.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2377
const std::string & getFileAnnotationAnnotator(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Annotator property of FileAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1719
void setExperimenterFirstName(const std::string &firstName, index_type experimenterIndex)
Set the FirstName property of Experimenter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5073
ome::xml::model::primitives::Color getMaskStrokeColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeColor property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2762
Immersion enumeration.
Definition: Immersion.h:72
const std::string & getFilterSetLotNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex) const
Get the LotNumber property of FilterSet.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1831
void setDatasetExperimenterGroupRef(const std::string &experimenterGroup, index_type datasetIndex)
Set the ExperimenterGroupRef property of Dataset.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4746
void setPlateAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type plateIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6275
index_type getDatasetImageRefCount(index_type datasetIndex) const
Get the number of ImageRef elements in Dataset.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:508
index_type getScreenAnnotationRefCount(index_type screenIndex) const
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Screen.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:242
void setLineStrokeWidth(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > strokeWidth, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeWidth property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5771
Marker enumeration.
Definition: Marker.h:72
void setChannelSamplesPerPixel(ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger samplesPerPixel, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the SamplesPerPixel property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4699
void setImageInstrumentRef(const std::string &instrument, index_type imageIndex)
Set the InstrumentRef property of Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5395
ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger getPlateAcquisitionMaximumFieldCount(index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex) const
Get the MaximumFieldCount property of PlateAcquisition.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3322
ome::xml::model::primitives::Color getLineStrokeColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeColor property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2503
void setPointStrokeDashArray(const std::string &strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeDashArray property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6428
void setLabelFontStyle(ome::xml::model::enums::FontStyle fontStyle, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontStyle property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5475
ome::xml::model::enums::ContrastMethod getChannelContrastMethod(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the ContrastMethod property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:991
const std::string & getLaserSerialNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the SerialNumber property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2286
ome::xml::model::enums::FillRule getPolylineFillRule(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FillRule property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3609
const std::string & getLightPathAnnotationRef(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of LightPath.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2363
Pulse enumeration.
Definition: Pulse.h:72
const std::string & getImageMicrobeamManipulationRef(index_type imageIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationRefIndex) const
Get the MicrobeamManipulationRef property of Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2013
void setImageExperimentRef(const std::string &experiment, index_type imageIndex)
Set the ExperimentRef property of Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5375
const std::string & getLightPathDichroicRef(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the DichroicRef property of LightPath.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2370
const std::string & getPointStrokeDashArray(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeDashArray property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3413
void setPolylineTheZ(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theZ, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheZ property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6645
index_type getTimestampAnnotationCount() const
Get the number of TimestampAnnotation elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:676
index_type getChannelCount(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the number of Channel elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:354
index_type getFilterSetExcitationFilterRefCount(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex) const
Get the number of ExcitationFilterRef elements in FilterSet.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:424
void setTermAnnotationValue(const std::string &value, index_type termAnnotationIndex)
Set the Value property of TermAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6983
double getLineY1(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Y1 property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2573
std::string getUUIDValue(index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex) const
Get the text value of UUID.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:688
void setTransmittanceRangeCutOut(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveFloat > cutOut, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex)
Set the CutOut property of TransmittanceRange.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7056
void setMaskX(double x, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the X property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5996
const std::string & getFilamentModel(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the Model property of Filament.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1684
bool getLaserTuneable(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the Tuneable property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2293
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getPlaneTheC(index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex) const
Get the TheC property of Plane.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3182
void setChannelFilterSetRef(const std::string &filterSet, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the FilterSetRef property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4659
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getPointTheT(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheT property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3441
const std::string & getMicroscopeModel(index_type instrumentIndex) const
Get the Model property of Microscope.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2888
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getLineTheT(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheT property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2538
void setLaserWavelength(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveFloat > wavelength, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the Wavelength property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5616
void setFilterSetDichroicRef(const std::string &dichroic, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex)
Set the DichroicRef property of FilterSet.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5245
void setLabelTheZ(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theZ, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheZ property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5520
const std::string & getPolylineID(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the ID property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3637
const std::string & getReagentAnnotationRef(index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Reagent.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3805
void setGenericExcitationSourceModel(const std::string &model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the Model property of GenericExcitationSource.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5344
void setTimestampAnnotationNamespace(const std::string &namespace_, index_type timestampAnnotationIndex)
Set the Namespace property of TimestampAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7035
void setImagingEnvironmentCO2Percent(ome::xml::model::primitives::PercentFraction co2Percent, index_type imageIndex)
Set the CO2Percent property of ImagingEnvironment.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5422
const std::string & getLaserLotNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the LotNumber property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2230
FontFamily enumeration.
Definition: FontFamily.h:72
index_type getExperimenterAnnotationRefCount(index_type experimenterIndex) const
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Experimenter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:263
void setChannelPinholeSize(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > pinholeSize, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the PinholeSize property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4689
IlluminationType enumeration.
Definition: IlluminationType.h:72
double getMaskX(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the X property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2825
void setLightPathEmissionFilterRef(const std::string &emissionFilter, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex, index_type emissionFilterRefIndex)
Set the EmissionFilterRef property of LightPath.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5669
void setArcID(const std::string &id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the ID property of Arc.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4474
void setDichroicAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Dichroic.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4875
void setLaserTuneable(bool tuneable, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the Tuneable property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5606
void setLongAnnotationValue(int64_t value, index_type longAnnotationIndex)
Set the Value property of LongAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5873
const std::string & getFilterManufacturer(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const
Get the Manufacturer property of Filter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1775
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getLineTheC(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheC property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2531
const std::string & getBooleanAnnotationAnnotationRef(index_type booleanAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of BooleanAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:928
ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger getPixelsSizeC(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the SizeC property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3084
void setLongAnnotationNamespace(const std::string &namespace_, index_type longAnnotationIndex)
Set the Namespace property of LongAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5868
const std::string & getArcSerialNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the SerialNumber property of Arc.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:795
const std::string & getCommentAnnotationID(index_type commentAnnotationIndex) const
Get the ID property of CommentAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1096
void setMicroscopeSerialNumber(const std::string &serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex)
Set the SerialNumber property of Microscope.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6050
void setMaskAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5906
ome::xml::model::primitives::PercentFraction getImagingEnvironmentCO2Percent(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the CO2Percent property of ImagingEnvironment.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2041
void setPixelsDimensionOrder(ome::xml::model::enums::DimensionOrder dimensionOrder, index_type imageIndex)
Set the DimensionOrder property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6153
void setDetectorID(const std::string &id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex)
Set the ID property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4788
const std::string & getTagAnnotationID(index_type tagAnnotationIndex) const
Get the ID property of TagAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4113
const std::string & getMaskText(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Text property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2783
void setEllipseAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4938
void setTermAnnotationNamespace(const std::string &namespace_, index_type termAnnotationIndex)
Set the Namespace property of TermAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6978
void setFilterSerialNumber(const std::string &serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex)
Set the SerialNumber property of Filter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5234
void setDatasetImageRef(const std::string &image, index_type datasetIndex, index_type imageRefIndex)
Set the ImageRef property of Dataset.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4761
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > getPointStrokeWidth(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeWidth property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3420
const std::string & getLightEmittingDiodeAnnotationRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of LightEmittingDiode.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2314
ome::xml::model::primitives::Color getWellColor(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex) const
Get the Color property of Well.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4302
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeLong getPixelsBinDataLength(index_type imageIndex, index_type binDataIndex) const
Get the Length property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:886
void setEllipseLocked(bool locked, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Locked property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4973
index_type getTagAnnotationCount() const
Get the number of TagAnnotation elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:655
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getPolygonTheC(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheC property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3567
void setPlateAcquisitionDescription(const std::string &description, index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex)
Set the Description property of PlateAcquisition.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6346
void setMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsWavelength(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveFloat > wavelength, index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex, index_type lightSourceSettingsIndex)
Set the Wavelength property of LightSourceSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5705
void setInstrumentID(const std::string &id, index_type instrumentIndex)
Set the ID property of Instrument.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5443
index_type getFilterAnnotationRefCount(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Filter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:284
void setDatasetDescription(const std::string &description, index_type datasetIndex)
Set the Description property of Dataset.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4741
void setCommentAnnotationNamespace(const std::string &namespace_, index_type commentAnnotationIndex)
Set the Namespace property of CommentAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4725
void setLaserAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5541
void setPointFontSize(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger > fontSize, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontSize property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6403
const std::string & getDichroicManufacturer(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex) const
Get the Manufacturer property of Dichroic.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1327
const std::string & getLongAnnotationAnnotationRef(index_type longAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of LongAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2622
void setMapAnnotationAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type mapAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of MapAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5880
const std::string & getScreenReagentSetDescription(index_type screenIndex) const
Get the ReagentSetDescription property of Screen.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4043
const std::string & getMicrobeamManipulationID(index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex) const
Get the ID property of MicrobeamManipulation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2853
const std::string & getFilterSerialNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const
Get the SerialNumber property of Filter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1789
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeLong getMaskBinDataLength(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Length property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:879
void setFolderDescription(const std::string &description, index_type folderIndex)
Set the Description property of Folder.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5292
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > getMaskStrokeWidth(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeWidth property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2776
void setChannelAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4634
Binning enumeration.
Definition: Binning.h:72
void setRectangleFillColor(ome::xml::model::primitives::Color fillColor, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FillColor property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6747
void setPlaneExposureTime(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsTime > exposureTime, index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex)
Set the ExposureTime property of Plane.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6234
const std::string & getFilterSetModel(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex) const
Get the Model property of FilterSet.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1845
void setFilterSetSerialNumber(const std::string &serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex)
Set the SerialNumber property of FilterSet.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5280
void setStageLabelName(const std::string &name, index_type imageIndex)
Set the Name property of StageLabel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6905
void setMaskFontSize(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger > fontSize, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontSize property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5926
void setScreenPlateRef(const std::string &plate, index_type screenIndex, index_type plateRefIndex)
Set the PlateRef property of Screen.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6874
void setChannelColor(ome::xml::model::primitives::Color color, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the Color property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4639
const std::string & getLightEmittingDiodeID(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the ID property of LightEmittingDiode.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2321
void setFolderName(const std::string &name, index_type folderIndex)
Set the Name property of Folder.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5312
double getRectangleWidth(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Width property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3959
index_type getScreenCount() const
Get the number of Screen elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:648
void setROIName(const std::string &name, index_type ROIIndex)
Set the Name property of ROI.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6708
const std::string & getPlaneHashSHA1(index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex) const
Get the HashSHA1 property of Plane.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3154
void setProjectExperimenterGroupRef(const std::string &experimenterGroup, index_type projectIndex)
Set the ExperimenterGroupRef property of Project.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6671
void setTiffDataFirstT(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger firstT, index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex)
Set the FirstT property of TiffData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6994
const std::string & getExperimenterUserName(index_type experimenterIndex) const
Get the UserName property of Experimenter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1607
void setDetectorSettingsReadOutRate(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsFrequency > readOutRate, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the ReadOutRate property of DetectorSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4859
const std::string & getImageID(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the ID property of Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1999
index_type getBooleanAnnotationAnnotationCount(index_type booleanAnnotationIndex) const
Get the number of links to a BooleanAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:82
void setBooleanAnnotationID(const std::string &id, index_type booleanAnnotationIndex)
Set the ID property of BooleanAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4613
void setDoubleAnnotationDescription(const std::string &description, index_type doubleAnnotationIndex)
Set the Description property of DoubleAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4917
double getObjectiveSettingsRefractiveIndex(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the RefractiveIndex property of ObjectiveSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3021
const std::string & getPolylineText(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Text property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3693
ome::xml::model::enums::Binning getDetectorSettingsBinning(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the Binning property of DetectorSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1250
const std::string & getLineID(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the ID property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2475
void setMapAnnotationDescription(const std::string &description, index_type mapAnnotationIndex)
Set the Description property of MapAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5890
const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform & getEllipseTransform(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Transform property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1509
void setArcPower(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsPower > power, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the Power property of Arc.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4494
const std::string & getWellSampleImageRef(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type wellSampleIndex) const
Get the ImageRef property of WellSample.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4365
void setPointText(const std::string &text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Text property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6438
void setPixelsBinDataLength(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeLong length, index_type imageIndex, index_type binDataIndex)
Set the Length property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4565
void setDetectorLotNumber(const std::string &lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex)
Set the LotNumber property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4793
ome::xml::model::primitives::PercentFraction getTransmittanceRangeTransmittance(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const
Get the Transmittance property of TransmittanceRange.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4281
const std::string & getFolderName(index_type folderIndex) const
Get the Name property of Folder.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1894
NamingConvention enumeration.
Definition: NamingConvention.h:72
const std::string & getTagAnnotationValue(index_type tagAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Value property of TagAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4127
const std::string & getFilamentLotNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the LotNumber property of Filament.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1670
double getObjectiveNominalMagnification(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const
Get the NominalMagnification property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2979
const std::string & getDoubleAnnotationNamespace(index_type doubleAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Namespace property of DoubleAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1376
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getRectangleTheZ(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheZ property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3945
void setObjectiveSettingsCorrectionCollar(double correctionCollar, index_type imageIndex)
Set the CorrectionCollar property of ObjectiveSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6127
Compression enumeration.
Definition: Compression.h:72
const std::string & getStageLabelName(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the Name property of StageLabel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4064
ome::xml::model::primitives::Color getPolylineStrokeColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeColor property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3672
ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger getChannelSamplesPerPixel(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the SamplesPerPixel property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1068
index_type getWellSampleCount(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex) const
Get the number of WellSample elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:702
const std::string & getProjectName(index_type projectIndex) const
Get the Name property of Project.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3770
index_type getMicrobeamManipulationCount(index_type experimentIndex) const
Get the number of MicrobeamManipulation elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:557
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveFloat > getPixelsPhysicalSizeZ(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the PhysicalSizeZ property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3070
void setTransmittanceRangeCutIn(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveFloat > cutIn, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex)
Set the CutIn property of TransmittanceRange.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7046
index_type getMapAnnotationAnnotationCount(index_type mapAnnotationIndex) const
Get the number of links to a MapAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:124
const std::string & getFileAnnotationID(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const
Get the ID property of FileAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1733
void setExperimenterGroupExperimenterRef(const std::string &experimenter, index_type experimenterGroupIndex, index_type experimenterRefIndex)
Set the ExperimenterRef property of ExperimenterGroup.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5114
ome::xml::model::primitives::Color getPolylineFillColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FillColor property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3602
const std::string & getExperimenterGroupID(index_type experimenterGroupIndex) const
Get the ID property of ExperimenterGroup.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1635
void setRectangleFontFamily(ome::xml::model::enums::FontFamily fontFamily, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontFamily property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6757
void setPolygonID(const std::string &id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the ID property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6504
double getDetectorAmplificationGain(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const
Get the AmplificationGain property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1166
void setMapAnnotationID(const std::string &id, index_type mapAnnotationIndex)
Set the ID property of MapAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5895
const std::string & getDatasetDescription(index_type datasetIndex) const
Get the Description property of Dataset.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1124
void setMaskTheZ(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theZ, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheZ property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5981
void setLightEmittingDiodeID(const std::string &id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the ID property of LightEmittingDiode.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5628
void setDetectorSettingsOffset(double offset, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the Offset property of DetectorSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4854
ome::xml::model::enums::FontFamily getPolylineFontFamily(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontFamily property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3616
void setPixelsBigEndian(bool bigEndian, index_type imageIndex)
Set the BigEndian property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6148
ContrastMethod enumeration.
Definition: ContrastMethod.h:72
const std::string & getChannelID(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the ID property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1026
ome::xml::model::enums::FontStyle getLineFontStyle(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontStyle property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2468
const std::string & getMapAnnotationID(index_type mapAnnotationIndex) const
Get the ID property of MapAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2685
void setWellSamplePositionX(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > positionX, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type wellSampleIndex)
Set the PositionX property of WellSample.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7140
ome::xml::model::enums::FontStyle getEllipseFontStyle(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontStyle property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1425
const std::string & getDetectorManufacturer(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const
Get the Manufacturer property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1201
void setMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsAttenuation(ome::xml::model::primitives::PercentFraction attenuation, index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex, index_type lightSourceSettingsIndex)
Set the Attenuation property of LightSourceSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5685
void setListAnnotationAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type listAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of ListAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5822
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getWellSampleIndex(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type wellSampleIndex) const
Get the Index property of WellSample.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4372
const std::string & getReagentDescription(index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex) const
Get the Description property of Reagent.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3812
index_type getTimestampAnnotationAnnotationCount(index_type timestampAnnotationIndex) const
Get the number of links to a TimestampAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:145
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsTime > getPixelsTimeIncrement(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the TimeIncrement property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3119
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > getObjectiveWorkingDistance(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const
Get the WorkingDistance property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2993
const std::string & getTagAnnotationDescription(index_type tagAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Description property of TagAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4106
void setLaserPower(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsPower > power, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the Power property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5581
void setROIAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type ROIIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of ROI.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6693
void setWellSampleImageRef(const std::string &image, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type wellSampleIndex)
Set the ImageRef property of WellSample.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7130
const std::string & getInstrumentID(index_type instrumentIndex) const
Get the ID property of Instrument.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2069
ome::xml::model::enums::FontFamily getEllipseFontFamily(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontFamily property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1411
void setProjectDatasetRef(const std::string &dataset, index_type projectIndex, index_type datasetRefIndex)
Set the DatasetRef property of Project.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6661
index_type getExperimenterGroupAnnotationRefCount(index_type experimenterGroupIndex) const
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in ExperimenterGroup.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:235
DimensionOrder enumeration.
Definition: DimensionOrder.h:72
void setPixelsInterleaved(bool interleaved, index_type imageIndex)
Set the Interleaved property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6163
double getRectangleX(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the X property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3966
double getEllipseY(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Y property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1523
ome::xml::model::primitives::Timestamp getPlateAcquisitionStartTime(index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex) const
Get the StartTime property of PlateAcquisition.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3336
const std::string & getScreenName(index_type screenIndex) const
Get the Name property of Screen.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4015
const std::string & getBinaryOnlyUUID() const
Get the UUID property of BinaryOnly.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:921
const std::string & getTagAnnotationNamespace(index_type tagAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Namespace property of TagAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4120
const std::string & getLightEmittingDiodeManufacturer(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the Manufacturer property of LightEmittingDiode.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2335
void setProjectName(const std::string &name, index_type projectIndex)
Set the Name property of Project.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6686
const std::string & getMaskAnnotationRef(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2699
ome::xml::model::enums::FontFamily getPointFontFamily(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontFamily property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3371
ome::xml::model::primitives::Timestamp getImageAcquisitionDate(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the AcquisitionDate property of Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1957
void setPixelsSizeZ(ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger sizeZ, index_type imageIndex)
Set the SizeZ property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6208
const std::string & getLongAnnotationNamespace(index_type longAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Namespace property of LongAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2650
void setObjectiveSettingsRefractiveIndex(double refractiveIndex, index_type imageIndex)
Set the RefractiveIndex property of ObjectiveSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6142
void setEllipseFontStyle(ome::xml::model::enums::FontStyle fontStyle, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontStyle property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4963
void setRectangleLocked(bool locked, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Locked property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6782
const std::string & getCommentAnnotationAnnotator(index_type commentAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Annotator property of CommentAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1082
void setExperimentExperimenterRef(const std::string &experimenter, index_type experimentIndex)
Set the ExperimenterRef property of Experiment.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5046
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getPointTheC(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheC property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3434
void setImageROIRef(const std::string &roi, index_type imageIndex, index_type ROIRefIndex)
Set the ROIRef property of Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5410
const std::string & getTermAnnotationNamespace(index_type termAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Namespace property of TermAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4162
void setObjectiveIris(bool iris, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex)
Set the Iris property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6086
void setPolygonFontFamily(ome::xml::model::enums::FontFamily fontFamily, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontFamily property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6489
void setScreenAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type screenIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Screen.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6854
void setMapAnnotationAnnotator(const std::string &annotator, index_type mapAnnotationIndex)
Set the Annotator property of MapAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5885
void setLongAnnotationAnnotator(const std::string &annotator, index_type longAnnotationIndex)
Set the Annotator property of LongAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5853
const std::string & getExperimenterMiddleName(index_type experimenterIndex) const
Get the MiddleName property of Experimenter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1600
ome::xml::model::enums::MicrobeamManipulationType getMicrobeamManipulationType(index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex) const
Get the Type property of MicrobeamManipulation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2867
const std::string & getLabelText(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Text property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2153
const std::string & getImageAnnotationRef(index_type imageIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1964
void setDetectorOffset(double offset, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex)
Set the Offset property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4808
void setPolylineStrokeDashArray(const std::string &strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeDashArray property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6620
void setExperimenterGroupAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type experimenterGroupIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of ExperimenterGroup.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5104
const std::string & getObjectiveModel(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const
Get the Model property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2972
const std::string & getGenericExcitationSourceLotNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the LotNumber property of GenericExcitationSource.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1922
void setChannelEmissionWavelength(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveFloat > emissionWavelength, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the EmissionWavelength property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4649
ome::xml::model::enums::Compression getBinaryFileBinDataCompression(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Compression property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:851
void setLineTransform(const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform &transform, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Transform property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5796
bool getPointLocked(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Locked property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3399
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsFrequency > getLaserRepetitionRate(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the RepetitionRate property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2279
void setLabelY(double y, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Y property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5535
const std::string & getMicroscopeLotNumber(index_type instrumentIndex) const
Get the LotNumber property of Microscope.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2874
void setDetectorSerialNumber(const std::string &serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex)
Set the SerialNumber property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4813
const std::string & getRectangleAnnotationRef(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3840
const std::string & getFilterModel(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const
Get the Model property of Filter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1782
void setDatasetID(const std::string &id, index_type datasetIndex)
Set the ID property of Dataset.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4756
void setPixelsSignificantBits(ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger significantBits, index_type imageIndex)
Set the SignificantBits property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6183
const std::string & getImageROIRef(index_type imageIndex, index_type ROIRefIndex) const
Get the ROIRef property of Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2027
const std::string & getChannelFilterSetRef(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the FilterSetRef property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1012
void setEllipseY(double y, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Y property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5033
index_type getLeaderCount(index_type experimenterGroupIndex) const
Get the number of Leader elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:522
void setImageExperimenterRef(const std::string &experimenter, index_type imageIndex)
Set the ExperimenterRef property of Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5385
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveFloat > getTransmittanceRangeCutOut(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const
Get the CutOut property of TransmittanceRange.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4267
void setDetectorSettingsIntegration(ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger integration, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the Integration property of DetectorSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4849
ome::xml::model::primitives::PercentFraction getChannelLightSourceSettingsAttenuation(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the Attenuation property of LightSourceSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2391
void setXMLAnnotationDescription(const std::string &description, index_type XMLAnnotationIndex)
Set the Description property of XMLAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7167
void setMicroscopeModel(const std::string &model, index_type instrumentIndex)
Set the Model property of Microscope.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6045
const std::string & getFileAnnotationDescription(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Description property of FileAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1726
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeLong getBinaryFileBinDataLength(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Length property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:872
const std::string & getFilamentManufacturer(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the Manufacturer property of Filament.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1677
void setImageDescription(const std::string &description, index_type imageIndex)
Set the Description property of Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5370
void setLightPathDichroicRef(const std::string &dichroic, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the DichroicRef property of LightPath.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5664
void setBooleanAnnotationAnnotator(const std::string &annotator, index_type booleanAnnotationIndex)
Set the Annotator property of BooleanAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4603
index_type getPixelsBinDataCount(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the number of BinData elements in Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:340
void setProjectDescription(const std::string &description, index_type projectIndex)
Set the Description property of Project.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6666
void setExperimentDescription(const std::string &description, index_type experimentIndex)
Set the Description property of Experiment.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5041
const std::string & getMicrobeamManipulationDescription(index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex) const
Get the Description property of MicrobeamManipulation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2839
void setWellSampleIndex(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger index, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type wellSampleIndex)
Set the Index property of WellSample.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7135
void setMaskText(const std::string &text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Text property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5966
ome::xml::model::enums::FilterType getFilterType(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const
Get the Type property of Filter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1796
ome::xml::model::enums::FillRule getPolygonFillRule(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FillRule property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3490
void setTermAnnotationID(const std::string &id, index_type termAnnotationIndex)
Set the ID property of TermAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6973
void setRectangleTheZ(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theZ, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheZ property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6817
void setROIID(const std::string &id, index_type ROIIndex)
Set the ID property of ROI.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6703
void setPixelsPhysicalSizeZ(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveFloat > physicalSizeZ, index_type imageIndex)
Set the PhysicalSizeZ property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6178
const std::string & getBinaryFileMIMEType(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const
Get the MIMEType property of BinaryFile.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:900
void setLaserLaserMedium(ome::xml::model::enums::LaserMedium laserMedium, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the LaserMedium property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5556
const std::string & getDichroicAnnotationRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Dichroic.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1306
void setWellRow(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger row, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex)
Set the Row property of Well.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7114
Open Microscopy Environment C++ implementation.
const std::string & getDetectorAnnotationRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1173
index_type getCommentAnnotationCount() const
Get the number of CommentAnnotation elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:361
void setBinaryFileBinDataLength(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeLong length, index_type fileAnnotationIndex)
Set the Length property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4555
void setPolylineMarkerStart(ome::xml::model::enums::Marker markerStart, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the MarkerStart property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6605
const std::string & getFolderDescription(index_type folderIndex) const
Get the Description property of Folder.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1866
void setMaskTransform(const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform &transform, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Transform property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5986
void setMicroscopeLotNumber(const std::string &lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex)
Set the LotNumber property of Microscope.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6035
index_type getROICount() const
Get the number of ROI elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:613
const std::string & getPlateAcquisitionWellSampleRef(index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex, index_type wellSampleRefIndex) const
Get the WellSampleRef property of PlateAcquisition.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3343
void setMaskHeight(double height, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Height property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5936
void setFilterSetManufacturer(const std::string &manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex)
Set the Manufacturer property of FilterSet.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5270
double getChannelNDFilter(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the NDFilter property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1040
double getLineX1(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the X1 property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2559
index_type getImageROIRefCount(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the number of ROIRef elements in Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:620
void setObjectiveModel(const std::string &model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex)
Set the Model property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6106
bool getMaskBinDataBigEndian(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the BigEndian property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:837
void setReagentReagentIdentifier(const std::string &reagentIdentifier, index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex)
Set the ReagentIdentifier property of Reagent.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6735
index_type getCommentAnnotationAnnotationCount(index_type commentAnnotationIndex) const
Get the number of links to a CommentAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:89
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getPolygonTheZ(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheZ property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3581
const std::string & getProjectDescription(index_type projectIndex) const
Get the Description property of Project.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3742
double getObjectiveSettingsCorrectionCollar(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the CorrectionCollar property of ObjectiveSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3000
ome::xml::model::enums::DimensionOrder getPixelsDimensionOrder(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the DimensionOrder property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3035
const std::string & getWellExternalIdentifier(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex) const
Get the ExternalIdentifier property of Well.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4323
void setPointFillColor(ome::xml::model::primitives::Color fillColor, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FillColor property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6388
void setCommentAnnotationID(const std::string &id, index_type commentAnnotationIndex)
Set the ID property of CommentAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4720
const std::string & getUUID() const
Get the UUID associated with this collection of metadata.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:724
void setArcSerialNumber(const std::string &serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the SerialNumber property of Arc.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4499
const std::string & getGenericExcitationSourceAnnotationRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of GenericExcitationSource.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1908
void setPolygonStrokeWidth(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > strokeWidth, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeWidth property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6529
ome::xml::model::enums::DetectorType getDetectorType(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const
Get the Type property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1229
void setMaskBinData(const std::vector< uint8_t > &base64Binary, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Base64Binary property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4515
const ome::xml::model::primitives::OrderedMultimap & getMapAnnotationValue(index_type mapAnnotationIndex) const
Get the map value of MapAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:731
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveFloat > getTransmittanceRangeCutIn(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const
Get the CutIn property of TransmittanceRange.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4253
void setUUID(const std::string &uuid)
Set the UUID associated with this collection of metadata.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4443
const std::string & getLabelAnnotationRef(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2076
void setLabelStrokeDashArray(const std::string &strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeDashArray property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5495
void setReagentID(const std::string &id, index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex)
Set the ID property of Reagent.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6725
void setPixelsPhysicalSizeY(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveFloat > physicalSizeY, index_type imageIndex)
Set the PhysicalSizeY property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6173
const std::string & getLightPathExcitationFilterRef(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex, index_type excitationFilterRefIndex) const
Get the ExcitationFilterRef property of LightPath.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2384
index_type getPlaneCount(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the number of Plane elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:578
ome::xml::model::primitives::Color getMaskFillColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FillColor property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2706
const std::string & getObjectiveSettingsID(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the ID property of ObjectiveSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3007
const std::string & getXMLAnnotationNamespace(index_type XMLAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Namespace property of XMLAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4428
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getPlaneTheZ(index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex) const
Get the TheZ property of Plane.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3196
const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform & getRectangleTransform(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Transform property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3952
const std::string & getFilterSetDichroicRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex) const
Get the DichroicRef property of FilterSet.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1803
void setRectangleText(const std::string &text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Text property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6802
void setDetectorAmplificationGain(double amplificationGain, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex)
Set the AmplificationGain property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4773
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveFloat > getChannelLightSourceSettingsWavelength(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the Wavelength property of LightSourceSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2419
void setListAnnotationNamespace(const std::string &namespace_, index_type listAnnotationIndex)
Set the Namespace property of ListAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5842
void setChannelNDFilter(double ndFilter, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the NDFilter property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4679
bool getLabelLocked(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Locked property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2125
const std::string & getMaskID(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the ID property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2748
FontStyle enumeration.
Definition: FontStyle.h:72
const std::string & getDichroicID(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex) const
Get the ID property of Dichroic.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1313
void setPixelsBinData(const std::vector< uint8_t > &base64Binary, index_type imageIndex, index_type binDataIndex)
Set the Base64Binary property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4520
void setMicroscopeType(ome::xml::model::enums::MicroscopeType type, index_type instrumentIndex)
Set the Type property of Microscope.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6055
index_type getLongAnnotationAnnotationCount(index_type longAnnotationIndex) const
Get the number of links to a LongAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:117
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeLong getBinaryFileSize(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Size property of BinaryFile.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:907
const std::string & getMicroscopeManufacturer(index_type instrumentIndex) const
Get the Manufacturer property of Microscope.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2881
void setLabelText(const std::string &text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Text property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5505
void setBinaryFileBinDataCompression(ome::xml::model::enums::Compression compression, index_type fileAnnotationIndex)
Set the Compression property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4540
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeFloat > getTransmittanceRangeCutInTolerance(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const
Get the CutInTolerance property of TransmittanceRange.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4260
const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform & getPolylineTransform(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Transform property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3721
void setInstrumentAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Instrument.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5438
void setEllipseFontSize(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger > fontSize, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontSize property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4958
ome::xml::model::primitives::Color getPolygonStrokeColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeColor property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3539
void setPolylineText(const std::string &text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Text property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6630
void setGenericExcitationSourceManufacturer(const std::string &manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the Manufacturer property of GenericExcitationSource.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5339
double getMaskY(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Y property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2832
void setXMLAnnotationNamespace(const std::string &namespace_, index_type XMLAnnotationIndex)
Set the Namespace property of XMLAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7177
const std::string & getFilamentID(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the ID property of Filament.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1663
DetectorType enumeration.
Definition: DetectorType.h:72
void setImagingEnvironmentAirPressure(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsPressure > airPressure, index_type imageIndex)
Set the AirPressure property of ImagingEnvironment.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5417
const std::string & getReagentReagentIdentifier(index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex) const
Get the ReagentIdentifier property of Reagent.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3833
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getLabelTheZ(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheZ property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2174
void setTiffDataFirstZ(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger firstZ, index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex)
Set the FirstZ property of TiffData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6999
void setFolderID(const std::string &id, index_type folderIndex)
Set the ID property of Folder.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5302
const std::string & getArcLotNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the LotNumber property of Arc.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:767
const std::string & getObjectiveSerialNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const
Get the SerialNumber property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2986
ome::xml::model::enums::LaserMedium getLaserLaserMedium(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the LaserMedium property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2223
void setReagentAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Reagent.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6715
const std::string & getProjectExperimenterRef(index_type projectIndex) const
Get the ExperimenterRef property of Project.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3756
const std::string & getFolderFolderRef(index_type folderIndex, index_type folderRefIndex) const
Get the FolderRef property of Folder.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1873
ome::xml::model::enums::Marker getPolylineMarkerEnd(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the MarkerEnd property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3651
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > getWellSamplePositionY(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type wellSampleIndex) const
Get the PositionY property of WellSample.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4386
bool getPixelsBinDataBigEndian(index_type imageIndex, index_type binDataIndex) const
Get the BigEndian property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:844
void setPixelsType(ome::xml::model::enums::PixelType type, index_type imageIndex)
Set the Type property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6218
void setXMLAnnotationAnnotator(const std::string &annotator, index_type XMLAnnotationIndex)
Set the Annotator property of XMLAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7162
void setLineTheT(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theT, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheT property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5786
void setBooleanAnnotationAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type booleanAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of BooleanAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4598
virtual ~DummyMetadata()
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:60
ome::xml::model::enums::FontStyle getPolylineFontStyle(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontStyle property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3630
void setDetectorSettingsVoltage(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsElectricPotential > voltage, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the Voltage property of DetectorSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4864
ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger getLaserFrequencyMultiplication(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the FrequencyMultiplication property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2209
index_type getXMLAnnotationAnnotationCount(index_type xmlAnnotationIndex) const
Get the number of links to an XMLAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:152
void setRectangleTheT(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theT, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheT property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6812
bool getObjectiveIris(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const
Get the Iris property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2944
void setTagAnnotationDescription(const std::string &description, index_type tagAnnotationIndex)
Set the Description property of TagAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6937
void setChannelName(const std::string &name, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the Name property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4684
const std::string & getMapAnnotationDescription(index_type mapAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Description property of MapAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2678
ome::xml::model::enums::FillRule getPointFillRule(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FillRule property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3364
void setLabelStrokeWidth(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > strokeWidth, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeWidth property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5500
const std::string & getTermAnnotationValue(index_type termAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Value property of TermAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4169
void setGenericExcitationSourceSerialNumber(const std::string &serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the SerialNumber property of GenericExcitationSource.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5354
const std::string & getFilterSetExcitationFilterRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex, index_type excitationFilterRefIndex) const
Get the ExcitationFilterRef property of FilterSet.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1817
void setPlateAcquisitionName(const std::string &name, index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex)
Set the Name property of PlateAcquisition.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6366
void setMaskLocked(bool locked, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Locked property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5946
void setLightEmittingDiodeManufacturer(const std::string &manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the Manufacturer property of LightEmittingDiode.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5638
ome::xml::model::enums::FontFamily getLabelFontFamily(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontFamily property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2097
void setLightEmittingDiodeModel(const std::string &model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the Model property of LightEmittingDiode.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5643
const std::string & getShapeType(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the type of a Shape.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:173
const std::string & getPolygonID(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the ID property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3518
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getTiffDataFirstC(index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex) const
Get the FirstC property of TiffData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4176
void setLineID(const std::string &id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the ID property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5741
void setEllipseFillRule(ome::xml::model::enums::FillRule fillRule, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FillRule property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4948
void setLongAnnotationAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type longAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of LongAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5848
void setDetectorSettingsZoom(double zoom, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the Zoom property of DetectorSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4869
double getMaskWidth(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Width property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2818
const std::string & getROIName(index_type ROIIndex) const
Get the Name property of ROI.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3798
const std::string & getFileAnnotationNamespace(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Namespace property of FileAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1740
const std::vector< uint8_t > & getPixelsBinData(index_type imageIndex, index_type binDataIndex) const
Get the Base64Binary property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:823
index_type getObjectiveAnnotationRefCount(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:200
void setPixelsBinDataBigEndian(bool bigEndian, index_type imageIndex, index_type binDataIndex)
Set the BigEndian property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4535
const std::string & getProjectExperimenterGroupRef(index_type projectIndex) const
Get the ExperimenterGroupRef property of Project.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3749
const std::string & getTimestampAnnotationNamespace(index_type timestampAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Namespace property of TimestampAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4239
const std::string & getLabelStrokeDashArray(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeDashArray property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2139
const std::string & getPolygonStrokeDashArray(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeDashArray property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3546
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger > getMaskFontSize(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontSize property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2727
void setCommentAnnotationAnnotator(const std::string &annotator, index_type commentAnnotationIndex)
Set the Annotator property of CommentAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4710
index_type getReagentAnnotationRefCount(index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex) const
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Reagent.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:249
const std::string & getLineText(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Text property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2524
void setEllipseTheZ(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theZ, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheZ property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5018
void setMaskStrokeWidth(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > strokeWidth, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeWidth property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5961
ome::xml::model::primitives::Color getLineFillColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FillColor property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2440
void setLightEmittingDiodeSerialNumber(const std::string &serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the SerialNumber property of LightEmittingDiode.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5653
void setTiffDataFirstC(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger firstC, index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex)
Set the FirstC property of TiffData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6989
const std::string & getScreenReagentSetIdentifier(index_type screenIndex) const
Get the ReagentSetIdentifier property of Screen.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4050
bool getPixelsBigEndian(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the BigEndian property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3028
double getDetectorSettingsZoom(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the Zoom property of DetectorSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1299
index_type getLongAnnotationCount() const
Get the number of LongAnnotation elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:543
void setLineTheZ(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theZ, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheZ property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5791
ome::xml::model::enums::FontFamily getMaskFontFamily(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontFamily property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2720
void setImageName(const std::string &name, index_type imageIndex)
Set the Name property of Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5405
ome::xml::model::enums::Marker getLineMarkerEnd(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the MarkerEnd property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2489
void setChannelFluor(const std::string &fluor, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the Fluor property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4664
const std::string & getChannelLightSourceSettingsID(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the ID property of LightSourceSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2405
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getMaskTheT(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheT property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2797
const std::string & getImageExperimenterGroupRef(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the ExperimenterGroupRef property of Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1985
double getEllipseRadiusX(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the RadiusX property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1446
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getMaskTheC(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheC property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2790
ome::xml::model::primitives::Color getPolygonFillColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FillColor property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3483
void setScreenName(const std::string &name, index_type screenIndex)
Set the Name property of Screen.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6869
void setBooleanAnnotationNamespace(const std::string &namespace_, index_type booleanAnnotationIndex)
Set the Namespace property of BooleanAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4618
void setExperimenterAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type experimenterIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Experimenter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5063
void setDoubleAnnotationValue(double value, index_type doubleAnnotationIndex)
Set the Value property of DoubleAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4932
index_type getExperimentCount() const
Get the number of Experiment elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:431
index_type getDatasetRefCount(index_type projectIndex) const
Get the number of DatasetRef elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:375
const std::string & getListAnnotationID(index_type listAnnotationIndex) const
Get the ID property of ListAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2608
const std::string & getBooleanAnnotationNamespace(index_type booleanAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Namespace property of BooleanAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:956
void setLineX1(double x1, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the X1 property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5801
const std::string & getExperimentID(index_type experimentIndex) const
Get the ID property of Experiment.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1544
const std::string & getFilterSetEmissionFilterRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex, index_type emissionFilterRefIndex) const
Get the EmissionFilterRef property of FilterSet.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1810
Dummy metadata store.
Definition: DummyMetadata.h:68
void transform(const std::string &target_schema, const Input &input, Output &output, ome::common::xml::EntityResolver &entity_resolver, OMETransformResolver &transform_resolver)
Transform OME-XML to a different model schema version.
Definition: OMETransform.h:99
void setCommentAnnotationValue(const std::string &value, index_type commentAnnotationIndex)
Set the Value property of CommentAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4730
void setWellColumn(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger column, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex)
Set the Column property of Well.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7089
const std::string & getDetectorID(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const
Get the ID property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1187
void setFilterFilterWheel(const std::string &filterWheel, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex)
Set the FilterWheel property of Filter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5209
void setExperimenterUserName(const std::string &userName, index_type experimenterIndex)
Set the UserName property of Experimenter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5098
const std::string & getCommentAnnotationDescription(index_type commentAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Description property of CommentAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1089
void setBooleanAnnotationValue(bool value, index_type booleanAnnotationIndex)
Set the Value property of BooleanAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4623
index_type getImageCount() const
Get the number of Image elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:494
void setPolylineFontSize(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger > fontSize, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontSize property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6580
ome::xml::model::enums::FontStyle getMaskFontStyle(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontStyle property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2734
ome::xml::model::enums::FontStyle getRectangleFontStyle(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontStyle property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3875
void setGenericExcitationSourcePower(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsPower > power, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the Power property of GenericExcitationSource.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5349
const std::string & getGenericExcitationSourceSerialNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the SerialNumber property of GenericExcitationSource.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1950
const std::string & getLightEmittingDiodeLotNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the LotNumber property of LightEmittingDiode.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2328
ome::xml::model::primitives::Color getChannelColor(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the Color property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:984
void setTagAnnotationID(const std::string &id, index_type tagAnnotationIndex)
Set the ID property of TagAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6942
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getWellRow(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex) const
Get the Row property of Well.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4344
void setPlateRows(ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger rows, index_type plateIndex)
Set the Rows property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6320
MicrobeamManipulationType enumeration.
Definition: MicrobeamManipulationType.h:72
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveFloat > getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsWavelength(index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex, index_type lightSourceSettingsIndex) const
Get the Wavelength property of LightSourceSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2426
const std::string & getLaserAnnotationRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2202
index_type getFileAnnotationCount() const
Get the number of FileAnnotation elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:459
double getRectangleHeight(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Height property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3882
void setPixelsSizeT(ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger sizeT, index_type imageIndex)
Set the SizeT property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6193
void setLineAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5711
void setRectangleAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6742
LaserType enumeration.
Definition: LaserType.h:72
const std::string & getExperimenterInstitution(index_type experimenterIndex) const
Get the Institution property of Experimenter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1586
void setTimestampAnnotationAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type timestampAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of TimestampAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7015
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > getChannelPinholeSize(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the PinholeSize property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1054
double getLabelY(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Y property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2195
void setDetectorModel(const std::string &model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex)
Set the Model property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4803
void setPolylineFillColor(ome::xml::model::primitives::Color fillColor, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FillColor property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6565
const std::string & getMapAnnotationAnnotationRef(index_type mapAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of MapAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2664
void setWellExternalDescription(const std::string &externalDescription, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex)
Set the ExternalDescription property of Well.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7094
void setEllipseRadiusY(double radiusY, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the RadiusY property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4983
void setExperimenterGroupDescription(const std::string &description, index_type experimenterGroupIndex)
Set the Description property of ExperimenterGroup.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5109
const std::string & getWellExternalDescription(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex) const
Get the ExternalDescription property of Well.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4316
void createRoot()
Create root node.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:65
const std::string & getExperimenterID(index_type experimenterIndex) const
Get the ID property of Experimenter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1579
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getTiffDataFirstZ(index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex) const
Get the FirstZ property of TiffData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4190
void setRectangleStrokeWidth(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > strokeWidth, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeWidth property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6797
const std::string & getMapAnnotationAnnotator(index_type mapAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Annotator property of MapAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2671
const std::string & getScreenType(index_type screenIndex) const
Get the Type property of Screen.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4057
void setPixelsSizeC(ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger sizeC, index_type imageIndex)
Set the SizeC property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6188
const std::vector< uint8_t > & getMaskBinData(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Base64Binary property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:816
void setTagAnnotationValue(const std::string &value, index_type tagAnnotationIndex)
Set the Value property of TagAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6952
const std::string & getListAnnotationNamespace(index_type listAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Namespace property of ListAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2615
void setListAnnotationID(const std::string &id, index_type listAnnotationIndex)
Set the ID property of ListAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5837
index_type getLightSourceCount(index_type instrumentIndex) const
Get the number of LightSource elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:167
index_type getExperimenterGroupExperimenterRefCount(index_type experimenterGroupIndex) const
Get the number of ExperimenterRef elements in ExperimenterGroup.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:452
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > getPlanePositionX(index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex) const
Get the PositionX property of Plane.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3161
const std::string & getArcAnnotationRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Arc.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:753
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getPolylineTheT(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheT property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3707
void setChannelPockelCellSetting(int32_t pockelCellSetting, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the PockelCellSetting property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4694
void setPlateRowNamingConvention(ome::xml::model::enums::NamingConvention rowNamingConvention, index_type plateIndex)
Set the RowNamingConvention property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6315
void setMicrobeamManipulationDescription(const std::string &description, index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex)
Set the Description property of MicrobeamManipulation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6008
const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform & getLabelTransform(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Transform property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2181
index_type getROIAnnotationRefCount(index_type ROIIndex) const
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in ROI.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:298
index_type getWellCount(index_type plateIndex) const
Get the number of Well elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:695
const std::string & getWellID(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex) const
Get the ID property of Well.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4330
index_type getFolderCount() const
Get the number of Folder elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:480
void setLabelTheT(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theT, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheT property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5515
void setPointFillRule(ome::xml::model::enums::FillRule fillRule, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FillRule property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6393
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getEllipseTheZ(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheZ property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1502
void setXMLAnnotationID(const std::string &id, index_type XMLAnnotationIndex)
Set the ID property of XMLAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7172
ome::xml::model::primitives::Color getRectangleStrokeColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeColor property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3903
ome::xml::model::enums::NamingConvention getPlateColumnNamingConvention(index_type plateIndex) const
Get the ColumnNamingConvention property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3210
void setPlateColumns(ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger columns, index_type plateIndex)
Set the Columns property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6285
void setTransmittanceRangeTransmittance(ome::xml::model::primitives::PercentFraction transmittance, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex)
Set the Transmittance property of TransmittanceRange.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7066
index_type getPlateRefCount(index_type screenIndex) const
Get the number of PlateRef elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:599
void setMaskWidth(double width, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Width property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5991
const std::string & getPolygonAnnotationRef(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3476
ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger getPixelsSizeZ(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the SizeZ property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3112
const std::string & getReagentID(index_type screenIndex, index_type reagentIndex) const
Get the ID property of Reagent.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3819
void setLightEmittingDiodeLotNumber(const std::string &lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the LotNumber property of LightEmittingDiode.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5633
void setCommentAnnotationAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type commentAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of CommentAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4705
ome::xml::model::primitives::Color getEllipseFillColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FillColor property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1397
void setGenericExcitationSourceLotNumber(const std::string &lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the LotNumber property of GenericExcitationSource.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5334
void setDetectorSettingsBinning(ome::xml::model::enums::Binning binning, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the Binning property of DetectorSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4834
index_type getDatasetAnnotationRefCount(index_type datasetIndex) const
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Dataset.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:326
void setEllipseStrokeDashArray(const std::string &strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeDashArray property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4993
const std::string & getDichroicLotNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex) const
Get the LotNumber property of Dichroic.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1320
index_type getMapAnnotationCount() const
Get the number of MapAnnotation elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:550
void setDetectorVoltage(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsElectricPotential > voltage, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex)
Set the Voltage property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4823
void setDoubleAnnotationAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type doubleAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of DoubleAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4907
ome::xml::model::enums::AcquisitionMode getChannelAcquisitionMode(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the AcquisitionMode property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:970
index_type getPlateAcquisitionCount(index_type plateIndex) const
Get the number of PlateAcquisition elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:592
const std::string & getGenericExcitationSourceID(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the ID property of GenericExcitationSource.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1915
void setTimestampAnnotationValue(ome::xml::model::primitives::Timestamp value, index_type timestampAnnotationIndex)
Set the Value property of TimestampAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7040
index_type getImageAnnotationRefCount(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:319
void setImagingEnvironmentMap(const ome::xml::model::primitives::OrderedMultimap &value, index_type imageIndex)
Set the map value of ImagingEnvironment.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4461
void setDichroicID(const std::string &id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex)
Set the ID property of Dichroic.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4880
bool getPolylineLocked(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Locked property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3644
const std::string & getDatasetID(index_type datasetIndex) const
Get the ID property of Dataset.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1145
void setPlateAcquisitionStartTime(ome::xml::model::primitives::Timestamp startTime, index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex)
Set the StartTime property of PlateAcquisition.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6371
void setPointAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6383
void setPointY(double y, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Y property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6468
void setTiffDataPlaneCount(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger planeCount, index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex)
Set the PlaneCount property of TiffData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7009
const std::string & getBinaryFileFileName(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const
Get the FileName property of BinaryFile.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:893
const std::string & getPolylinePoints(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Points property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3665
void setTimestampAnnotationAnnotator(const std::string &annotator, index_type timestampAnnotationIndex)
Set the Annotator property of TimestampAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7020
const std::string & getDoubleAnnotationAnnotationRef(index_type doubleAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of DoubleAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1348
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger > getRectangleFontSize(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontSize property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3868
void setMapAnnotationValue(const ome::xml::model::primitives::OrderedMultimap &value, index_type mapAnnotationIndex)
Set the map value of MapAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4448
void setPixelsTimeIncrement(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsTime > timeIncrement, index_type imageIndex)
Set the TimeIncrement property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6213
void setScreenReagentSetDescription(const std::string &reagentSetDescription, index_type screenIndex)
Set the ReagentSetDescription property of Screen.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6889
void setPixelsSizeX(ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger sizeX, index_type imageIndex)
Set the SizeX property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6198
index_type getFolderROIRefCount(index_type folderIndex) const
Get the number of ROIRef elements in Folder.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:627
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:55
void setBinaryFileMIMEType(const std::string &mimeType, index_type fileAnnotationIndex)
Set the MIMEType property of BinaryFile.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4576
void setEllipseID(const std::string &id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the ID property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4968
void setPlanePositionY(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > positionY, index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex)
Set the PositionY property of Plane.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6249
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveFloat > getPixelsPhysicalSizeX(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the PhysicalSizeX property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3056
const std::string & getPlateName(index_type plateIndex) const
Get the Name property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3252
void setPlateAcquisitionEndTime(ome::xml::model::primitives::Timestamp endTime, index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex)
Set the EndTime property of PlateAcquisition.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6351
void setObjectiveLotNumber(const std::string &lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex)
Set the LotNumber property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6096
void setPlaneAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Plane.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6224
double getLineY2(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Y2 property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2580
void setFilamentPower(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsPower > power, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the Power property of Filament.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5162
void setLabelLocked(bool locked, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Locked property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5485
void setFilamentID(const std::string &id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the ID property of Filament.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5142
const std::string & getRectangleID(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the ID property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3889
const std::string & getPlateStatus(index_type plateIndex) const
Get the Status property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3273
void setLabelFillColor(ome::xml::model::primitives::Color fillColor, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FillColor property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5455
void setDoubleAnnotationID(const std::string &id, index_type doubleAnnotationIndex)
Set the ID property of DoubleAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4922
index_type getDoubleAnnotationAnnotationCount(index_type doubleAnnotationIndex) const
Get the number of links to a DoubleAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:96
index_type getXMLAnnotationCount() const
Get the number of XMLAnnotation elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:716
ome::xml::model::enums::FontFamily getLineFontFamily(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontFamily property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2454
const std::string & getDatasetName(index_type datasetIndex) const
Get the Name property of Dataset.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1159
void setObjectiveSettingsMedium(ome::xml::model::enums::Medium medium, index_type imageIndex)
Set the Medium property of ObjectiveSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6137
void setPolygonAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6474
bool getRectangleLocked(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Locked property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3896
const std::string & getImageExperimenterRef(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the ExperimenterRef property of Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1992
void setPlanePositionX(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > positionX, index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex)
Set the PositionX property of Plane.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6244
void setLineY1(double y1, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Y1 property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5811
void setFilamentModel(const std::string &model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the Model property of Filament.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5157
const std::string & getExperimenterEmail(index_type experimenterIndex) const
Get the Email property of Experimenter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1565
const std::string & getPolylineStrokeDashArray(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeDashArray property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3679
int32_t getChannelPockelCellSetting(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the PockelCellSetting property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1061
bool getLaserPockelCell(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the PockelCell property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2251
const std::string & getObjectiveID(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const
Get the ID property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2930
index_type getLightPathEmissionFilterRefCount(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the number of EmissionFilterRef elements in LightPath.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:403
const std::string & getExperimenterGroupLeader(index_type experimenterGroupIndex, index_type leaderIndex) const
Get the Leader property of ExperimenterGroup.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1642
void setScreenReagentSetIdentifier(const std::string &reagentSetIdentifier, index_type screenIndex)
Set the ReagentSetIdentifier property of Screen.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6894
void setExperimenterLastName(const std::string &lastName, index_type experimenterIndex)
Set the LastName property of Experimenter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5088
const std::string & getTermAnnotationAnnotationRef(index_type termAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of TermAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4134
void setPlateID(const std::string &id, index_type plateIndex)
Set the ID property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6305
PixelType enumeration.
Definition: PixelType.h:72
void setEllipseText(const std::string &text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Text property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5003
void setRectangleStrokeDashArray(const std::string &strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeDashArray property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6792
void setGenericExcitationSourceMap(const ome::xml::model::primitives::OrderedMultimap &value, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the map value of GenericExcitationSource.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4454
double getPointX(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the X property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3462
void setUUIDFileName(const std::string &fileName, index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex)
Set the FileName property of UUID.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7072
const std::string & getROIDescription(index_type ROIIndex) const
Get the Description property of ROI.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3784
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > getEllipseStrokeWidth(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeWidth property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1474
void setLineMarkerEnd(ome::xml::model::enums::Marker markerEnd, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the MarkerEnd property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5751
void setPointFontStyle(ome::xml::model::enums::FontStyle fontStyle, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontStyle property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6408
void setPlanePositionZ(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > positionZ, index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex)
Set the PositionZ property of Plane.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6254
void setFilterSetModel(const std::string &model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex)
Set the Model property of FilterSet.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5275
void setScreenProtocolDescription(const std::string &protocolDescription, index_type screenIndex)
Set the ProtocolDescription property of Screen.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6879
void setFolderROIRef(const std::string &roi, index_type folderIndex, index_type ROIRefIndex)
Set the ROIRef property of Folder.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5317
void setLineFontStyle(ome::xml::model::enums::FontStyle fontStyle, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontStyle property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5736
void setDichroicSerialNumber(const std::string &serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex)
Set the SerialNumber property of Dichroic.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4900
const std::vector< uint8_t > & getBinaryFileBinData(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Base64Binary property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:809
const std::string & getDoubleAnnotationID(index_type doubleAnnotationIndex) const
Get the ID property of DoubleAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1369
void setExperimenterGroupLeader(const std::string &leader, index_type experimenterGroupIndex, index_type leaderIndex)
Set the Leader property of ExperimenterGroup.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5124
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsPower > getLightEmittingDiodePower(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the Power property of LightEmittingDiode.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2349
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsTime > getPlaneDeltaT(index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex) const
Get the DeltaT property of Plane.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3140
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger > getEllipseFontSize(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontSize property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1418
index_type getListAnnotationAnnotationCount(index_type listAnnotationIndex) const
Get the number of links to a ListAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:110
void setLabelTransform(const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform &transform, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Transform property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5525
void setLaserPulse(ome::xml::model::enums::Pulse pulse, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the Pulse property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5586
void setPolygonText(const std::string &text, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Text property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6534
const std::string & getDetectorSettingsID(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the ID property of DetectorSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1264
index_type getInstrumentCount() const
Get the number of Instrument elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:515
void setTimestampAnnotationID(const std::string &id, index_type timestampAnnotationIndex)
Set the ID property of TimestampAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7030
void setDichroicManufacturer(const std::string &manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex)
Set the Manufacturer property of Dichroic.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4890
const std::string & getMapAnnotationNamespace(index_type mapAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Namespace property of MapAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2692
void setWellExternalIdentifier(const std::string &externalIdentifier, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex)
Set the ExternalIdentifier property of Well.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7099
const std::string & getObjectiveLotNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const
Get the LotNumber property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2958
void setRectangleFillRule(ome::xml::model::enums::FillRule fillRule, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FillRule property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6752
ome::xml::model::enums::Marker getPolylineMarkerStart(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the MarkerStart property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3658
const std::string & getExperimenterGroupName(index_type experimenterGroupIndex) const
Get the Name property of ExperimenterGroup.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1649
const std::string & getImageDescription(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the Description property of Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1971
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > getPlanePositionZ(index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex) const
Get the PositionZ property of Plane.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3175
void setPolylineFillRule(ome::xml::model::enums::FillRule fillRule, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FillRule property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6570
ome::xml::model::enums::MicroscopeType getMicroscopeType(index_type instrumentIndex) const
Get the Type property of Microscope.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2902
void setLightEmittingDiodePower(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsPower > power, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the Power property of LightEmittingDiode.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5648
void setLineY2(double y2, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Y2 property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5816
A quantity of a defined unit.
Definition: Quantity.h:57
void setLineFillRule(ome::xml::model::enums::FillRule fillRule, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FillRule property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5721
void setLabelStrokeColor(ome::xml::model::primitives::Color strokeColor, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeColor property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5490
void setImageID(const std::string &id, index_type imageIndex)
Set the ID property of Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5390
ome::xml::model::enums::FontFamily getPolygonFontFamily(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontFamily property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3497
void setLongAnnotationDescription(const std::string &description, index_type longAnnotationIndex)
Set the Description property of LongAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5858
ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger getPlateRows(index_type plateIndex) const
Get the Rows property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3266
void setObjectiveSettingsID(const std::string &id, index_type imageIndex)
Set the ID property of ObjectiveSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6132
const std::string & getEllipseID(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the ID property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1432
index_type getBooleanAnnotationCount() const
Get the number of BooleanAnnotation elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:347
ome::xml::model::enums::Compression getMaskBinDataCompression(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Compression property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:858
index_type getChannelAnnotationRefCount(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:221
double getEllipseX(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the X property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1516
void setArcManufacturer(const std::string &manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the Manufacturer property of Arc.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4484
void setPlaneTheC(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theC, index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex)
Set the TheC property of Plane.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6259
const std::string & getMaskStrokeDashArray(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeDashArray property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2769
const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform & getPointTransform(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Transform property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3455
index_type getFolderRefCount(index_type folderIndex) const
Get the number of FolderRef elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:487
const std::string & getObjectiveManufacturer(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const
Get the Manufacturer property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2965
index_type getFilterSetCount(index_type instrumentIndex) const
Get the number of FilterSet elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:473
index_type getProjectAnnotationRefCount(index_type projectIndex) const
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Project.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:305
void setBinaryFileBinData(const std::vector< uint8_t > &base64Binary, index_type fileAnnotationIndex)
Set the Base64Binary property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4510
void setDatasetExperimenterRef(const std::string &experimenter, index_type datasetIndex)
Set the ExperimenterRef property of Dataset.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4751
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveFloat > getChannelExcitationWavelength(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the ExcitationWavelength property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1005
const std::string & getDoubleAnnotationDescription(index_type doubleAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Description property of DoubleAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1362
index_type getDoubleAnnotationCount() const
Get the number of DoubleAnnotation elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:396
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > getLineStrokeWidth(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeWidth property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2517
ome::xml::model::enums::Immersion getObjectiveImmersion(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const
Get the Immersion property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2937
void setMicrobeamManipulationROIRef(const std::string &roi, index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex, index_type ROIRefIndex)
Set the ROIRef property of MicrobeamManipulation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6023
void setObjectiveSerialNumber(const std::string &serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex)
Set the SerialNumber property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6116
const std::string & getArcModel(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the Model property of Arc.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:781
void setTiffDataIFD(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger ifd, index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex)
Set the IFD property of TiffData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7004
void setObjectiveCorrection(ome::xml::model::enums::Correction correction, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex)
Set the Correction property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6071
void setLaserID(const std::string &id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the ID property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5551
void setPlateColumnNamingConvention(ome::xml::model::enums::NamingConvention columnNamingConvention, index_type plateIndex)
Set the ColumnNamingConvention property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6280
void setMaskFillRule(ome::xml::model::enums::FillRule fillRule, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FillRule property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5916
const std::string & getPlateAcquisitionAnnotationRef(index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of PlateAcquisition.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3294
void setDetectorAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4778
void setFilterSetEmissionFilterRef(const std::string &emissionFilter, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex, index_type emissionFilterRefIndex)
Set the EmissionFilterRef property of FilterSet.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5250
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > getLabelStrokeWidth(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeWidth property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2146
const std::string & getBooleanAnnotationAnnotator(index_type booleanAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Annotator property of BooleanAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:935
const std::string & getImageExperimentRef(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the ExperimentRef property of Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1978
void setImageMicrobeamManipulationRef(const std::string &microbeamManipulation, index_type imageIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationRefIndex)
Set the MicrobeamManipulationRef property of Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5400
void setLineTheC(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theC, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheC property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5781
const std::string & getListAnnotationAnnotator(index_type listAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Annotator property of ListAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2594
void setPointLocked(bool locked, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Locked property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6418
void setWellSampleID(const std::string &id, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type wellSampleIndex)
Set the ID property of WellSample.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7125
void setMapAnnotationNamespace(const std::string &namespace_, index_type mapAnnotationIndex)
Set the Namespace property of MapAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5900
const std::string & getUUIDFileName(index_type imageIndex, index_type tiffDataIndex) const
Get the FileName property of UUID.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4288
const std::string & getFilamentAnnotationRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Filament.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1656
void setDetectorSettingsGain(double gain, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the Gain property of DetectorSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4839
void setFilamentLotNumber(const std::string &lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the LotNumber property of Filament.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5147
void setFilamentType(ome::xml::model::enums::FilamentType type, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the Type property of Filament.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5172
index_type getDetectorCount(index_type instrumentIndex) const
Get the number of Detector elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:382
ome::xml::model::primitives::Color getPointFillColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FillColor property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3357
const std::string & getFolderROIRef(index_type folderIndex, index_type ROIRefIndex) const
Get the ROIRef property of Folder.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1901
const std::string & getFilterSetSerialNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex) const
Get the SerialNumber property of FilterSet.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1852
const std::string & getLongAnnotationAnnotator(index_type longAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Annotator property of LongAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2629
const std::string & getPlateAcquisitionID(index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex) const
Get the ID property of PlateAcquisition.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3315
double getDetectorOffset(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const
Get the Offset property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1215
const std::string & getFilterSetID(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterSetIndex) const
Get the ID property of FilterSet.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1824
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getPlaneTheT(index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex) const
Get the TheT property of Plane.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3189
const std::string & getDetectorModel(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const
Get the Model property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1208
const std::string & getLightSourceType(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the type of a LightSource.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:160
index_type getTiffDataCount(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the number of TiffData elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:669
void setFilamentAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Filament.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5137
void setRectangleY(double y, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Y property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6837
void setStageLabelY(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > y, index_type imageIndex)
Set the Y property of StageLabel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6915
void setMaskY(double y, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Y property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6001
void setArcModel(const std::string &model, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the Model property of Arc.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4489
index_type getShapeCount(index_type ROIIndex) const
Get the number of Shape elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:180
void setDetectorManufacturer(const std::string &manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex)
Set the Manufacturer property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4798
An RGBA color value.
Definition: Color.h:84
ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger getDetectorSettingsIntegration(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the Integration property of DetectorSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1271
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getWellColumn(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex) const
Get the Column property of Well.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4309
void setPolygonPoints(const std::string &points, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Points property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6514
void setLabelFontFamily(ome::xml::model::enums::FontFamily fontFamily, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontFamily property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5465
void setDatasetName(const std::string &name, index_type datasetIndex)
Set the Name property of Dataset.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4766
void setObjectiveCalibratedMagnification(double calibratedMagnification, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex)
Set the CalibratedMagnification property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6066
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getEllipseTheT(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheT property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1495
const std::string & getPlateDescription(index_type plateIndex) const
Get the Description property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3224
void setRectangleFontStyle(ome::xml::model::enums::FontStyle fontStyle, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontStyle property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6767
void setLightPathExcitationFilterRef(const std::string &excitationFilter, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex, index_type excitationFilterRefIndex)
Set the ExcitationFilterRef property of LightPath.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5674
void setBooleanAnnotationDescription(const std::string &description, index_type booleanAnnotationIndex)
Set the Description property of BooleanAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4608
void setTermAnnotationAnnotator(const std::string &annotator, index_type termAnnotationIndex)
Set the Annotator property of TermAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6963
ome::xml::model::primitives::Color getLabelFillColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FillColor property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2083
void setLabelTheC(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theC, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheC property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5510
ome::xml::model::enums::FontFamily getRectangleFontFamily(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontFamily property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3861
void setExperimenterInstitution(const std::string &institution, index_type experimenterIndex)
Set the Institution property of Experimenter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5083
const std::string & getXMLAnnotationID(index_type XMLAnnotationIndex) const
Get the ID property of XMLAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4421
ome::xml::model::primitives::Color getEllipseStrokeColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeColor property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1460
index_type getTermAnnotationAnnotationCount(index_type termAnnotationIndex) const
Get the number of links to a TermAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:138
const std::string & getRightsRightsHolder() const
Get the RightsHolder property of Rights.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3987
void setFileAnnotationAnnotator(const std::string &annotator, index_type fileAnnotationIndex)
Set the Annotator property of FileAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5183
double getObjectiveLensNA(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const
Get the LensNA property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2951
ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger getPixelsSizeY(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the SizeY property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3105
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveFloat > getPixelsPhysicalSizeY(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the PhysicalSizeY property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3063
const std::string & getLabelID(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the ID property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2118
ome::xml::model::primitives::PercentFraction getImagingEnvironmentHumidity(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the Humidity property of ImagingEnvironment.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2048
void setFilterAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Filter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5204
const std::string & getPlateAnnotationRef(index_type plateIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3203
index_type getFilterCount(index_type instrumentIndex) const
Get the number of Filter elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:466
index_type getLightPathExcitationFilterRefCount(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the number of ExcitationFilterRef elements in LightPath.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:417
index_type getLightSourceAnnotationRefCount(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in LightSource.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:186
void setLineFillColor(ome::xml::model::primitives::Color fillColor, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FillColor property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5716
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsPower > getFilamentPower(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the Power property of Filament.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1691
const std::string & getExperimentDescription(index_type experimentIndex) const
Get the Description property of Experiment.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1530
index_type getMicrobeamManipulationRefCount(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the number of MicrobeamManipulationRef elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:564
void setPolygonTheZ(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theZ, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheZ property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6549
void setMicrobeamManipulationID(const std::string &id, index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex)
Set the ID property of MicrobeamManipulation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6018
const std::string & getTimestampAnnotationAnnotationRef(index_type timestampAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of TimestampAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4211
void setObjectiveWorkingDistance(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > workingDistance, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex)
Set the WorkingDistance property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6121
void setMaskTheC(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theC, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheC property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5971
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > getStageLabelY(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the Y property of StageLabel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4078
void setFilterID(const std::string &id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex)
Set the ID property of Filter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5214
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsPower > getLaserPower(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the Power property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2258
const std::string & getWellType(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex) const
Get the Type property of Well.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4351
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger > getPolylineFontSize(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontSize property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3623
const std::string & getFileAnnotationAnnotationRef(index_type fileAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of FileAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1712
const std::string & getExperimenterGroupExperimenterRef(index_type experimenterGroupIndex, index_type experimenterRefIndex) const
Get the ExperimenterRef property of ExperimenterGroup.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1628
void setObjectiveAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6061
void setPlateExternalIdentifier(const std::string &externalIdentifier, index_type plateIndex)
Set the ExternalIdentifier property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6295
void setExperimentType(ome::xml::model::enums::ExperimentType type, index_type experimentIndex)
Set the Type property of Experiment.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5056
index_type getProjectCount() const
Get the number of Project elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:606
void setPolylineStrokeWidth(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > strokeWidth, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeWidth property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6625
ome::xml::model::primitives::Timestamp getTimestampAnnotationValue(index_type timestampAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Value property of TimestampAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4246
void setFilterManufacturer(const std::string &manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex)
Set the Manufacturer property of Filter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5224
const std::string & getLaserID(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the ID property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2216
void setChannelID(const std::string &id, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the ID property of Channel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4669
index_type getPlateAnnotationRefCount(index_type plateIndex) const
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:228
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getPolylineTheZ(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheZ property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3714
void setProjectExperimenterRef(const std::string &experimenter, index_type projectIndex)
Set the ExperimenterRef property of Project.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6676
void setBinaryFileBinDataBigEndian(bool bigEndian, index_type fileAnnotationIndex)
Set the BigEndian property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4525
const std::string & getPointAnnotationRef(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3350
const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform & getMaskTransform(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Transform property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2811
void setPolygonLocked(bool locked, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Locked property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6509
const std::string & getLightEmittingDiodeModel(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the Model property of LightEmittingDiode.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2342
void setChannelLightSourceSettingsAttenuation(ome::xml::model::primitives::PercentFraction attenuation, index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex)
Set the Attenuation property of LightSourceSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5680
const std::string & getListAnnotationAnnotationRef(index_type listAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of ListAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2587
double getLineX2(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the X2 property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2566
const std::string & getCommentAnnotationAnnotationRef(index_type commentAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of CommentAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1075
void setEllipseStrokeWidth(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > strokeWidth, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeWidth property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4998
const std::string & getLongAnnotationID(index_type longAnnotationIndex) const
Get the ID property of LongAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2643
LaserMedium enumeration.
Definition: LaserMedium.h:72
void setPlateAcquisitionWellSampleRef(const std::string &wellSample, index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex, index_type wellSampleRefIndex)
Set the WellSampleRef property of PlateAcquisition.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6376
void setLaserLotNumber(const std::string &lotNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the LotNumber property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5561
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsElectricPotential > getDetectorVoltage(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const
Get the Voltage property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1236
const std::string & getDatasetExperimenterRef(index_type datasetIndex) const
Get the ExperimenterRef property of Dataset.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1138
const std::string & getTimestampAnnotationDescription(index_type timestampAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Description property of TimestampAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4225
ome::xml::model::enums::FillRule getLabelFillRule(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FillRule property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2090
void setTagAnnotationNamespace(const std::string &namespace_, index_type tagAnnotationIndex)
Set the Namespace property of TagAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6947
const std::string & getFilterLotNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const
Get the LotNumber property of Filter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1768
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getPolygonTheT(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheT property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3574
void setLineFontSize(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger > fontSize, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontSize property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5731
void setPolylineTheT(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theT, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheT property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6640
const std::string & getProjectID(index_type projectIndex) const
Get the ID property of Project.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3763
const std::string & getRightsRightsHeld() const
Get the RightsHeld property of Rights.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3980
boost::multi_index_container< ordered_map_value, boost::multi_index::indexed_by< boost::multi_index::random_access< boost::multi_index::tag< order_index > >, boost::multi_index::hashed_non_unique< boost::multi_index::tag< key_index >, boost::multi_index::member< ordered_map_value, std::string, &ordered_map_value::first > > > > OrderedMultimap
Map preserving insertion order.
Definition: OrderedMultimap.h:89
void setExperimenterGroupID(const std::string &id, index_type experimenterGroupIndex)
Set the ID property of ExperimenterGroup.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5119
void setImageAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type imageIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5365
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > getStageLabelZ(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the Z property of StageLabel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4085
const ::ome::xml::model::AffineTransform & getLineTransform(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Transform property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2552
Abstract class for metadata storage and retrieval.
Definition: Metadata.h:61
void setPointTheC(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theC, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheC property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6443
void setPolylineAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6560
const std::string & getDatasetImageRef(index_type datasetIndex, index_type imageRefIndex) const
Get the ImageRef property of Dataset.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1152
Medium enumeration.
Definition: Medium.h:72
index_type getInstrumentAnnotationRefCount(index_type instrumentIndex) const
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Instrument.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:193
const std::string & getFilterAnnotationRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Filter.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1747
void setDetectorType(ome::xml::model::enums::DetectorType type, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex)
Set the Type property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4818
void setWellColor(ome::xml::model::primitives::Color color, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex)
Set the Color property of Well.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7084
void setLaserSerialNumber(const std::string &serialNumber, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the SerialNumber property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5601
const std::string & getDatasetExperimenterGroupRef(index_type datasetIndex) const
Get the ExperimenterGroupRef property of Dataset.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1131
void setPolylineID(const std::string &id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the ID property of Polyline.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6590
void setPlateAcquisitionMaximumFieldCount(ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger maximumFieldCount, index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex)
Set the MaximumFieldCount property of PlateAcquisition.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6361
index_type getPlaneAnnotationRefCount(index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex) const
Get the number of AnnotationRef elements in Plane.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:256
const std::string & getImageName(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the Name property of Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2020
void setImageExperimenterGroupRef(const std::string &experimenterGroup, index_type imageIndex)
Set the ExperimenterGroupRef property of Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5380
void setMaskID(const std::string &id, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the ID property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5941
ome::xml::model::primitives::Color getLabelStrokeColor(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeColor property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2132
ome::xml::model::enums::Medium getObjectiveSettingsMedium(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the Medium property of ObjectiveSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3014
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getPointTheZ(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheZ property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3448
void setLabelFillRule(ome::xml::model::enums::FillRule fillRule, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FillRule property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5460
void setXMLAnnotationValue(const std::string &value, index_type XMLAnnotationIndex)
Set the Value property of XMLAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7182
void setLabelAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5450
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsPower > getArcPower(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the Power property of Arc.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:788
void setPlateName(const std::string &name, index_type plateIndex)
Set the Name property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6310
void setMaskStrokeDashArray(const std::string &strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeDashArray property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5956
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getLineTheZ(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheZ property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2545
void setLineStrokeDashArray(const std::string &strokeDashArray, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeDashArray property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5766
const std::string & getArcID(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the ID property of Arc.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:760
const ome::xml::model::primitives::OrderedMultimap & getImagingEnvironmentMap(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the map value of ImagingEnvironment.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:746
const std::string & getRectangleText(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Text property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3924
void setRectangleTheC(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theC, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheC property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6807
ome::xml::model::enums::FilamentType getFilamentType(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the Type property of Filament.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1705
bool getBinaryFileBinDataBigEndian(index_type fileAnnotationIndex) const
Get the BigEndian property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:830
bool getPixelsInterleaved(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the Interleaved property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3049
void setWellType(const std::string &type, index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex)
Set the Type property of Well.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:7119
void setObjectiveNominalMagnification(double nominalMagnification, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex)
Set the NominalMagnification property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6111
void setLineX2(double x2, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the X2 property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5806
void setImagingEnvironmentHumidity(ome::xml::model::primitives::PercentFraction humidity, index_type imageIndex)
Set the Humidity property of ImagingEnvironment.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5427
void setObjectiveManufacturer(const std::string &manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex)
Set the Manufacturer property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6101
double getObjectiveCalibratedMagnification(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex) const
Get the CalibratedMagnification property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2916
void setProjectID(const std::string &id, index_type projectIndex)
Set the ID property of Project.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6681
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeFloat > getTransmittanceRangeCutOutTolerance(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type filterIndex) const
Get the CutOutTolerance property of TransmittanceRange.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4274
bool getMaskLocked(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Locked property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2755
const std::string & getMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsID(index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex, index_type lightSourceSettingsIndex) const
Get the ID property of LightSourceSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2412
ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger getPixelsSignificantBits(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the SignificantBits property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3077
double getDoubleAnnotationValue(index_type doubleAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Value property of DoubleAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1383
double getEllipseRadiusY(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the RadiusY property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1453
const std::string & getTermAnnotationAnnotator(index_type termAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Annotator property of TermAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4141
std::size_t index_type
Index into an array.
Definition: BaseMetadata.h:64
double getDetectorZoom(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type detectorIndex) const
Get the Zoom property of Detector.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1243
ome::xml::model::enums::NamingConvention getPlateRowNamingConvention(index_type plateIndex) const
Get the RowNamingConvention property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3259
ome::xml::model::enums::Compression getPixelsBinDataCompression(index_type imageIndex, index_type binDataIndex) const
Get the Compression property of BinData.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:865
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getPlateFieldIndex(index_type plateIndex) const
Get the FieldIndex property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3238
MicroscopeType enumeration.
Definition: MicroscopeType.h:72
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > getPlateWellOriginY(index_type plateIndex) const
Get the WellOriginY property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3287
void setPlateAcquisitionAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of PlateAcquisition.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6341
const std::string & getDichroicSerialNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type dichroicIndex) const
Get the SerialNumber property of Dichroic.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1341
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > getPlateWellOriginX(index_type plateIndex) const
Get the WellOriginX property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3280
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getRectangleTheC(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheC property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3931
const std::string & getPlateExternalIdentifier(index_type plateIndex) const
Get the ExternalIdentifier property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3231
const std::string & getCommentAnnotationValue(index_type commentAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Value property of CommentAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1110
void setStageLabelZ(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > z, index_type imageIndex)
Set the Z property of StageLabel.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6920
void setPlaneTheT(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theT, index_type imageIndex, index_type planeIndex)
Set the TheT property of Plane.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6264
ome::compat::shared_ptr< MetadataRoot > & getRoot()
Get the root node of the metadata.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:70
const std::string & getPlateAcquisitionName(index_type plateIndex, index_type plateAcquisitionIndex) const
Get the Name property of PlateAcquisition.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3329
FilterType enumeration.
Definition: FilterType.h:72
ome::xml::model::primitives::PositiveInteger getPixelsSizeT(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the SizeT property of Pixels.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3091
void setTermAnnotationDescription(const std::string &description, index_type termAnnotationIndex)
Set the Description property of TermAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6968
double getDetectorSettingsOffset(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the Offset property of DetectorSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1278
const std::string & getPolygonPoints(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Points property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3532
bool getBooleanAnnotationValue(index_type booleanAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Value property of BooleanAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:963
const std::string & getRectangleStrokeDashArray(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the StrokeDashArray property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3910
ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger getEllipseTheC(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the TheC property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1488
index_type getObjectiveCount(index_type instrumentIndex) const
Get the number of Objective elements.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:571
ome::xml::model::primitives::Timestamp getWellSampleTimepoint(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type wellSampleIndex) const
Get the Timepoint property of WellSample.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4393
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger > getPointFontSize(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the FontSize property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3378
void setTermAnnotationAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type termAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of TermAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6958
ome::xml::model::enums::Pulse getLaserPulse(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the Pulse property of Laser.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2265
void setMicrobeamManipulationLightSourceSettingsID(const std::string &id, index_type experimentIndex, index_type microbeamManipulationIndex, index_type lightSourceSettingsIndex)
Set the ID property of LightSourceSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5695
const std::string & getXMLAnnotationValue(index_type XMLAnnotationIndex) const
Get the Value property of XMLAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4435
const std::string & getObjectiveAnnotationRef(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type objectiveIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Objective.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2909
void setImageAcquisitionDate(ome::xml::model::primitives::Timestamp acquisitionDate, index_type imageIndex)
Set the AcquisitionDate property of Image.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5360
const std::string & getScreenPlateRef(index_type screenIndex, index_type plateRefIndex) const
Get the PlateRef property of Screen.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4022
void setPolygonFillColor(ome::xml::model::primitives::Color fillColor, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FillColor property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6479
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsElectricPotential > getDetectorSettingsVoltage(index_type imageIndex, index_type channelIndex) const
Get the Voltage property of DetectorSettings.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1292
void setBinaryOnlyUUID(const std::string &uuid)
Set the UUID property of BinaryOnly.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4592
void setMicroscopeManufacturer(const std::string &manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex)
Set the Manufacturer property of Microscope.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6040
const std::string & getROIID(index_type ROIIndex) const
Get the ID property of ROI.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3791
const std::string & getBinaryOnlyMetadataFile() const
Get the MetadataFile property of BinaryOnly.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:914
A numeric type constrained to a subrange (or subranges) of its range limits.
Definition: ConstrainedNumeric.h:119
void setEllipseStrokeColor(ome::xml::model::primitives::Color strokeColor, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeColor property of Ellipse.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4988
void setPolygonTheT(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theT, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheT property of Polygon.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6544
void setLabelFontSize(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger > fontSize, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontSize property of Label.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5470
void setLineStrokeColor(ome::xml::model::primitives::Color strokeColor, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the StrokeColor property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5761
const std::string & getBooleanAnnotationID(index_type booleanAnnotationIndex) const
Get the ID property of BooleanAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:949
void setFilamentManufacturer(const std::string &manufacturer, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the Manufacturer property of Filament.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5152
void setPlateFieldIndex(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger fieldIndex, index_type plateIndex)
Set the FieldIndex property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6300
void setTagAnnotationAnnotationRef(const std::string &annotation, index_type tagAnnotationIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex)
Set the AnnotationRef property of TagAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6927
void setRectangleFontSize(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength, ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger > fontSize, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the FontSize property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6762
void setMaskTheT(ome::xml::model::primitives::NonNegativeInteger theT, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the TheT property of Mask.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5976
const std::string & getWellAnnotationRef(index_type plateIndex, index_type wellIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Well.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:4295
void setGenericExcitationSourceID(const std::string &id, index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex)
Set the ID property of GenericExcitationSource.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5329
void setPlateWellOriginX(ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsLength > wellOriginX, index_type plateIndex)
Set the WellOriginX property of Plate.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6330
void setRectangleHeight(double height, index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex)
Set the Height property of Rectangle.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:6772
const std::string & getLineAnnotationRef(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex, index_type annotationRefIndex) const
Get the AnnotationRef property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2433
const std::string & getFilamentSerialNumber(index_type instrumentIndex, index_type lightSourceIndex) const
Get the SerialNumber property of Filament.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:1698
void setListAnnotationAnnotator(const std::string &annotator, index_type listAnnotationIndex)
Set the Annotator property of ListAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5827
double getPointY(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Y property of Point.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:3469
bool getLineLocked(index_type ROIIndex, index_type shapeIndex) const
Get the Locked property of Line.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2482
void setFileAnnotationDescription(const std::string &description, index_type fileAnnotationIndex)
Set the Description property of FileAnnotation.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:5188
ome::xml::model::primitives::Quantity< ome::xml::model::enums::UnitsPressure > getImagingEnvironmentAirPressure(index_type imageIndex) const
Get the AirPressure property of ImagingEnvironment.
Definition: DummyMetadata.cpp:2034