Bio-Formats 5.0.0-beta1

Please note:

After downloading the relevant files, you may want to take a look at our Bio-Formats 5.0.0-beta1 online documentation page or at the PDF documentation.

Bio-Formats trunk/daily builds

To access bug fixes between stable releases, you can download the daily LOCI Tools build (updated every night) or the trunk LOCI Tools build (updated within minutes of every Git push) for the latest bug fixes, but please be aware that these builds are not always thoroughly tested and should be considered beta quality.

Bio-Formats component builds

Developers can access builds of individual JAR libraries below.

Project 5.0.0-beta1 Trunk build Daily build
Bio-Formats library bio-formats.jar bio-formats.jar bio-formats.jar
SCIFIO scifio.jar scifio.jar scifio.jar
LOCI Common loci-common.jar loci-common.jar loci-common.jar
OME-XML Java library ome-xml.jar ome-xml.jar ome-xml.jar
LOCI Legacy loci-legacy.jar loci-legacy.jar loci-legacy.jar
SCIFIO Development library scifio-devel.jar scifio-devel.jar scifio-devel.jar
SCIFIO Test library scifio-test.jar scifio-test.jar scifio-test.jar
OME Model Specification specification.jar specification.jar specification.jar
LOCI Plugins for ImageJ loci_plugins.jar loci_plugins.jar loci_plugins.jar
Metakit metakit.jar metakit.jar metakit.jar
OME I/O ome-io.jar ome-io.jar ome-io.jar
OME Tools ome_tools.jar ome_tools.jar ome_tools.jar
OME Plugins for ImageJ ome_plugins.jar ome_plugins.jar ome_plugins.jar
LOCI testing framework loci-testing-framework.jar loci-testing-framework.jar loci-testing-framework.jar
JAI Image I/O Tools jai_imageio.jar jai_imageio.jar jai_imageio.jar
MDB Tools (Java port) mdbtools-java.jar mdbtools-java.jar mdbtools-java.jar
Apache Jakarta POI poi-loci.jar poi-loci.jar poi-loci.jar
TurboJPEG turbojpeg.jar turbojpeg.jar turbojpeg.jar
Luratech LuraWave stubs lwf-stubs.jar lwf-stubs.jar lwf-stubs.jar

Source code

Bio-Formats is an open source project. You can access the source code from the Bio-Formats GitHub repository.

Previous versions

Previous versions of Bio-Formats can be found on the Bio-Formats archive page.