Version: 5.2.4-ice35-b23

OmeroBlitz API
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[ "ami", "amd" ] interface ITimeline extends ServiceInterface

Service for the querying of OMERO metadata based on creation and modification time. Currently supported types for querying include: - "Annotation" - "Dataset" - "Image" - "Project" - "RenderingDef" Return maps: ----------- The map return values will be indexed by the short type name above: ""Project", ""Image"", ... All keys which are passed in the StringSet argument will be included in the returned map, even if they have no values. A default value of 0 or the empty list [] will be used. The only exception to this rule is that the null or empty StringSet implies all valid keys. Parameters: ---------- All methods take a omero::sys::Parameters object and will apply the filter object for paging through the data in order to prevent loading too many objects. If the parameters argument is null or no paging is activated, then the default will be: OFFSET=0, LIMIT=50. Filter.ownerId and Filter.groupId will also be AND'ed to the query if either value is present. If both are null, then the current user id will be used. To retrieve for all users, use ownerId == rlong(-1) and groupId == null. Merging: ------- The methods which take a StringSet and a Parameters object, also have a ""bool merge"" argument. This argument defines whether or not the LIMIT applies to each object independently (["a","b"] @ 100 == 200) or merges the lists together chronologically (["a","b"] @ 100 merged == 100). Time used: ========= Except for Image, IObject.details.updateEvent is used in all cases for determining most recent events. Images are compared via Image.acquisitionDate which is unlike the other properties is modifiable by the user. A typical invocation might look like (in Python): timeline = sf.getTimelineService() params = ParametersI().page(0,100) types = ["Project","Dataset"]) map = timeline.getByPeriod(types, params, False) At this point, map will not contain more than 200 objects. This service is defined only in Blitz and so no javadoc is available in the ome.api package. TODOS: binning, stateful caching, ...

Operation Index

Return the last LIMIT annotation __Links__ whose parent (IAnnotated) matches one of the parentTypes, whose child (Annotation) matches one of the childTypes (limit of one for the moment), and who namespace matches via ILIKE.
Return the last LIMIT comment annotation links attached to a share by __others__.
Returns the last LIMIT objects of TYPES as ordered by creation/modification times in the Event table.
Returns the given LIMIT objects of TYPES as ordered by creation/modification times in the Event table, but within the given time window.
Queries the same information as getByPeriod, but only returns the counts for the given objects.
Returns the EventLog table objects which are queried to produce the counts above.


IObjectList getMostRecentAnnotationLinks(StringSet parentTypes, StringSet childTypes, StringSet namespaces, sys::Parameters p) throws ServerError

Return the last LIMIT annotation __Links__ whose parent (IAnnotated) matches one of the parentTypes, whose child (Annotation) matches one of the childTypes (limit of one for the moment), and who namespace matches via ILIKE. The parents and children will be unloaded. The link will have its creation/update events loaded. If Parameters.theFilter.ownerId or groupId are set, they will be AND'ed to the query to filter results. Merges by default based on parentType.

IObjectList getMostRecentShareCommentLinks(sys::Parameters p) throws ServerError

Return the last LIMIT comment annotation links attached to a share by __others__. Note: Currently the storage of these objects is not optimal and so this method may change.

IObjectListMap getMostRecentObjects(StringSet types, sys::Parameters p, bool merge) throws ServerError

Returns the last LIMIT objects of TYPES as ordered by creation/modification times in the Event table.

IObjectListMap getByPeriod(StringSet types, RTime start, RTime end, sys::Parameters p, bool merge) throws ServerError

Returns the given LIMIT objects of TYPES as ordered by creation/modification times in the Event table, but within the given time window.

StringLongMap countByPeriod(StringSet types, RTime start, RTime end, sys::Parameters p) throws ServerError

Queries the same information as getByPeriod, but only returns the counts for the given objects.

EventLogList getEventLogsByPeriod(RTime start, RTime end, sys::Parameters p) throws ServerError

Returns the EventLog table objects which are queried to produce the counts above. Note the concept of ""period inclusion"" mentioned above. WORKAROUND WARNING: this method returns non-managed EventLogs (i.e. eventLog.getId() == null) for "Image acquisitions".

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